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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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After seeing them all get mad that Enzo wasn’t being a team player I’m rooting for Meow Meow to win.

4 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

They're desperate. A bit about Nicole putting on sunscreen. The houseguests play with old bananas. Riveting stuff. 

(To be fair, Cody and I are on the same page about bananas.) 

Don’t forget the Enzo/Moolan segment.

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On 10/19/2020 at 8:31 PM, Melina22 said:

I'm such an entitled viewer at this point but I can't help it. 

If wanting to be entertained by a show where the sole purpose is to be entertaining, yet has failed at that one task for ages now (sans BB17 & 20) is entitled, then dammit, I'm entitled too.

Let's be entitled bitches, everyone!

Edited by Alice Mudgarden
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1 hour ago, Melina22 said:

So they brought Kayser in for a 15 second bit? Why? 

To try and create excitement and ratings during a stagnant season. 

I bet if this wasn't in the time of 'Rona, we would have had a bunch more throwback comps with hosts from those seasons to make it feel more like an All Star season. But because we are in the time of 'Rona, we got Kaysar introducing an HoH comp because he lives in the same state and is used to having Q-Tips tickle his brain. 

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1 minute ago, Melina22 said:

I get that, but it was so flat and dull. At least he could have interacted virtually with them, or made some jokes or something. It had so little impact it hardly seemed worth the effort. 

See also: the super mega twist that will definitely change the game starring Dr. Ken Doll Will.

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1 hour ago, Melina22 said:

You'd think they would have learned from every "twist" this show has attempted in the past six seasons, at least, how underwhelming that was. 

FTFY. (Bolding mine)

Like, remember the BB Takeover twist? When Gronk's pre-recorded voice over the speakers made them all get in the shower and dance and then turn the water on? Or fan favourite Battle of the Block? Or the Tree of Temptation? Or that time that we were stuck with Victor coming back again

Yeah. My favourite side game every year is predicting just how and when the twists are going to fail like a balloon farting around the room as it deflates. Even that wasn't fun this season. 

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Cody really didn’t like Enzo having a win. Jeez! You won everything else. Give it a rest. Also, how the heck are they going to stretch everything out next week? I don’t even think they’ll start the HOH after Thursday’s show, right? I guess another visit to jury will be needed to fill the uneventful eviction of Christmas. 

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7 hours ago, Melina22 said:

Yes! I almost mentioned him. So anticlimactic. You'd think they would have learned from how underwhelming that was. 

Just like the stupid build up to triple eviction, even after they blew it by having Dr Will say "Plan THREE steps ahead".. DUH!!! I wonder what that means??...then they further ruin it when the hg's saw it on the screen behind Julie and she continued to act all coy like it was a secret, this production team is absolutely useless when it comes to twists or secret powers... You can count on it being 100% LAME & A FLOP!!   🙄

Edited by Joan of Argh
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3 hours ago, ByaNose said:

Cody really didn’t like Enzo having a win. Jeez! You won everything else. Give it a rest. Also, how the heck are they going to stretch everything out next week? I don’t even think they’ll start the HOH after Thursday’s show, right? I guess another visit to jury will be needed to fill the uneventful eviction of Christmas. 

Cody should be ashamed of himself... he's a great big baby!

His ass hasn't touched the block, he's won hoh's etc yet he begrudges Enzo trying to win an hoh and see pics of his kids... I was embarrassed listening to Cody pout and throw a tantrum... He's such a pompous asshole.

I'm also pissed at Enzo for taking Cody's shit. 💩 

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I didn’t see much on feeds tonight, because almost every time I looked in it was on stars. But what I saw was: Enzo and Cody continuing to strategize their way to a F2 and justifying their moves so far. There was also some mutual quizzing (Enzo is really slow at the recall) and coaching from Cody on how to study and the importance of having all the facts down. Enzo is still hoping for a slip-n-slide for final endurance comp. I don’t know why he is so focused on that. He really really wants to play slip-n-slide. They are both considering going vegetarian. I think Moolan is making Enzo feel guilty.

Oh, and it seems Nicole peed her pants sometime tonight. For real. I’m guessing that was the cause of one of the extended stars breaks, since it went back to stars when they were talking about it.

Enzo is listening to his CD and I can hear the music coming through the headphones. It’s only slightly muffled. The first song was some rap version of “It’s a Hard Knock Life”, from Annie, and now there’s another rap song I don’t know. I see a big fat royalty invoice coming. 

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18 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Enzo is listening to his CD and I can hear the music coming through the headphones. It’s only slightly muffled. The first song was some rap version of “It’s a Hard Knock Life”, from Annie, and now there’s another rap song I don’t know. I see a big fat royalty invoice coming. 

It's Jay-Z.

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8 hours ago, ByaNose said:

Cody really didn’t like Enzo having a win. Jeez! You won everything else. Give it a rest. Also, how the heck are they going to stretch everything out next week? I don’t even think they’ll start the HOH after Thursday’s show, right? I guess another visit to jury will be needed to fill the uneventful eviction of Christmas. 

Hell, they have a whole extra ep they need to fill! I still don't understand what the fuck that's gonna be. 

3 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Oh, and it seems Nicole peed her pants sometime tonight.  For real. I’m guessing that was the cause of one of the extended stars breaks, since it went back to stars when they were talking about it.

So now they're protecting Nicole from the feeders finding out she peed herself? Fucking hell.

3 minutes ago, methodwriter85 said:

They were pretty solid. I'm sure an D-list celebrity is probably willing to give up a month of their life given how much work has dried up.

Yea, I feel like they could easily find 'celebrities' to do it.

3 hours ago, Pixiebomb said:

Just off the top of anyone’s head- Is this the shortest “live feed discussion” thread of any season?  I’m too apathetic to go look. 

I have nothing to do so I checked: Last season had 339 pages, 20 had over 500 (a good chunk of which is just me bitching about how boring it was and how much Tyler sucked), 19 had 412, 18 had 306, 17 had 214, and 16 had 242.

So somehow BB17 had the least amount in spite of it being the best season out of all these lol.

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5 hours ago, Pixiebomb said:

Just off the top of anyone’s head- Is this the shortest “live feed discussion” thread of any season?  I’m too apathetic to go look. 

I looked at the Season 20 and 21 Live Feed threads. S21 thread had about 330 pages and S20 had over 500 pages (can't remember exactly because it was more than 10 minutes ago and my brain is old).

Activity on this thread dropped off precipitously after Janelle/Kaysar.

So my completely scientific analysis is that YES this is the shortest LF thread ever. 🙂

ETA: Peach beat me to the details. I should remember to refresh the page before offering my $0.02

Edited by zibnchy
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14 hours ago, Melina22 said:

Yes! I almost mentioned him. So anticlimactic. You'd think they would have learned from how underwhelming that was. 

Ha, “learned.” That’s where you went too far afield—TPTB never learn anything.

3 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Hell, they have a whole extra ep they need to fill! I still don't understand what the fuck that's gonna be. 

An hour of mea culpas from Allison Grodner will do. Maybe throw in a little Arthur Dimmesdale-style self-flagellation...

Maybe it’ll be a catch-up session with the pre-jury boots. An hourlong Zoom with Janey and Kaysar would be more entertaining than anything the F3 can offer.

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I didn’t even watch last nights show. I did watch RHAP afterwards for a wrap up. I couldn’t even muster a desire to watch Enzo, Cody & Christmas “play” chess. This is the earliest I have mentally checked out of BB. Even Thursday seems uneventful but I’ll watch hoping to see the jury. I won’t watch whatever Friday show is and then will watch the final week. This really was a season of one side taking over the house and the other side almost winning a comp to change the direction of the game which never happened. It’s a nice easy $500,000 for Cody but very boring for the viewer. Hopefully, next season will be better with all newbies. 

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Out of curiosity, is there no AFP this year or is this shit going to drag on for another week and I'm just early? 

I don't really care but I also care juuust enough to vote my List of Pettiness (And Making Franzel Cry) and to vote in order to counter some dumbass Franzel fan or Christmas fan. I assume there has to be one of those out there somewhere. 

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3 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

There doesn’t appear to be any official way to vote yet. Maybe they know the most votes will go to “none of the above”, so they’re skipping it this year. Given a chance, I’ll choose Da’vonne. Unless they allow write-in votes— in which case, it’s Moolan all the way.

Congrats to Mr. Pectacular, AFP for Season 22!

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6 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Out of curiosity, is there no AFP this year or is this shit going to drag on for another week and I'm just early? 

I assumed they would announce the AFP vote on this week's live ep. Don't they usually announce it on the last eviction ep? I would roll if they don't do AFP this season though. Production is so incompetent lol. Also, it might be a good thing since I feel like Tyler would win it and that is just nasty.

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On 10/20/2020 at 7:19 AM, peachmangosteen said:

So now they're protecting Nicole from the feeders finding out she peed herself? Fucking hell.

Does she have some sort of medical problem? If not, I'm sorry, that is gross. And ew, Enzo and the TP? Is this what this season is reduced too? I mean, I will laugh at a well-timed fart joke, but that is just nasty.

I'm hoping for a Janelle or Day AFP, just because, but I could see Tyler taking it. I liked him last year, but that's an Overwhelming No after his appearance this year. 

This season was so disappointing that I'm not super excited about another BB soon, celeb or otherwise. BB needs to take a timeout and think about what they've done, then come back with new producers and casting. Riiight.

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A Nyquil induced dream had me smudging the BB House, while wearing some ridiculous outfit, and wondering why they don't do it every season to clear up all the negative energies. In my dream, I realized that it's because they like the negative energies adding to the paranoia. Then, my asshole neighbor decided to fire his machine gun (seriously, he has a machine gun on a stand that he likes to fire into the woods when he is drunk) and woke me up. At that time, I thought why in the hell would they smudge the place when they won't even deep clean or hire an exterminator? 

One of my less scary Nyquil induced nightmares. I mean, I was still in the BB House and could smell the funk, but no one was hurt. I hate Nyquil but it works. 

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2 hours ago, watch2much said:

so we've had Enzo's feet featured, then Cody's nose....wonder what anatomical part of someone's body will be featured tonight?

maybe we can finally get the scoop on Nicole's weird nostrils?  

1 hour ago, Christina said:

I hate Nyquil but it works. 

Yes - Nyquil will knock out a cold, but it gives me crazy, disturbing dreams.  And I've heard that from others as well.  

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2 hours ago, watch2much said:

so we've had Enzo's feet featured, then Cody's nose....wonder what anatomical part of someone's body will be featured tonight?

Well, last night Cody was telling the others that his family called him “Pud Puller” when he was a little boy... and how one day he was caught watering the flowers, which were actually printed on the wallpaper... Think that will make it on air?  (Hey, you asked. 😉)

Come to think of it, they could combine Nicole’s accident with Cody’s wallpaper story, and make it a theme! Yeah, I’m bored.

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1 hour ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

I love Day, but Janelle would cut Nicole and Daniele much, much deeper so I want AFP to be her.

It’s tough because I’d much rather see Day get it since I’d like to see a WOC get it, she needs it more, and she made the only real game move of the season, but yea Janelle winning would really disturb Dani and Nicole which is obviously very fun. I won’t actually vote and I’m not watching the finale though so I guess ultimately I don’t care lol.

40 minutes ago, Jillibean said:

I don’t think she has a medical problem, but apparently she does this with some degree of regularity. 

She has peed herself in all 3 seasons she was on. I mean, I get peeing yourself if you’re laughing a lot but it’s Nicole so it’s annoying.

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