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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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Tyler’s a wimp in my opinion.  He wanted to leave because he was homesick but he wanted everyone to think he was this great guy, so he pretends that the reason was BLM and he’s such a caring guy.  I’m sure he does care about it in real life but he shouldn’t have used it as the reason he wanted to leave and he shouldn’t have raised Bay and Day’s hopes like that.  I still hate Arbor Day more than him though.

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I desperately want Da’Vonne to stay and win HOH next week. But I hate so many of these HGs that I don’t know who I want on the block first. Definitely Cody since he’s in pretty much every alliance. But who to put next to him? Tyler? Dani? Christmas? Nicole? Enzo? Memphis? Who is the best person to put beside Cody to make sure he goes out?

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I don’t believe that Tyler ever really wanted to quit. I think that he wanted Bay, Day and the audience to believe that he wanted to quit in order to make him look like some sort of hero...but I think he's on track to win the game and I think that he knows it. I don't believe that he would walk away from that. If he genuinely had wanted to quit, he wouldn't have been misleading Bay about believing that Xmas might actually backdoor him when he knew for a fact that she wouldn't. He would have told Bay, "I'm trying to convince her to backdoor me, but she won't go for it"...instead he straight up lied to her face. So this whole thing has been an act as far as I'm concerned.

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1 minute ago, Summerday said:

What quit? If so, I agree. 

That Tyler would offer to go on the block for one of them. Kevin was under the belief that Tyler had told Bayleigh and Da'Vonne that he was an ally, as in the game. They're correcting him that Tyler talked about being an ally in the terms of Black Lives Matter and that's why Tyler was offering to go on the block for them. 

Kevin, of course, still doesn't believe it. 

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20 hours ago, Michichick said:

Tyler has sunglasses on, I think to hide his lying eyes. I think he knows Christmas won’t put him up and he just wants to look good.

It is lame to quote myself but I still feel this way. Tyler is full of shit. He knew Christmas wouldn’t put him up and when she confirmed it this morning, he would have told that to Day and Bay if he REALLY was interested in helping them.

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I think Grodner has some kind of mental defect. She knows what the world is like right now. There is no reason to not let Tyler fall on his sword and take his tired ass home to Mama Angela. Bayleigh makes for better, more entertaining TV, and having both her and Day in the house over Tyler seems like a no-brainer. I don't get her fascination with that man. At all.

And Christmas is going to get drug to the end again, because no one will vote for her because she's an awful human being. Anyone who purposely hits someone with their vehicle has serious rage issues (at the very least) and does not need to be on reality television. Point blank, and the period.

Edited by Victim Noises
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How is it that nobody has figured out that Tyler and Christmas are aligned? No real game player would miss a chance to take out a big threat like Tyler when it’s handed to her on a silver platter, UNLESS she doesn’t find him to be a threat because of their alliance. Can’t wait for him to fuck her over later.

Edited by Michichick
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Just now, Michichick said:

How is it that nobody has figured out that Tyler and Christmas are aligned? No real game player would miss a chance to talk out a big threat like Tyler when it’s handed to her on a silver platter, UNLESS she doesn’t find him to be a threat because of their alliance. Can’t wait for him to fuck her over later.

Dani did last night. She told Cody. I don't know if either of them still believe it, though.

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1 hour ago, mooses said:

If I were Christmas, I'd be pretty pissed at Tyler, too. He put her in a terrible position. She could BD her #1 ally and keep two HGs who would be gunning for her (and look shady to the alliance they're both in together). Or, she could keep the nominations the same and look awful for not taking one of them down. All of this after Tyler agreeing at the beginning of the week that putting them up would be a good move. 

He basically wanted everyone else to do this for him so he could come out looking like a peach. It was scummy.

But undeniably good strategy - and I’m not even that big of a Tyler fan.  😆

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14 minutes ago, Nashville said:

But undeniably good strategy - and I’m not even that big of a Tyler fan.  😆

The only thing is, I don't think it was a strategic "she'll get the blame" decision. It was just so he'd look good to the "outside world," while asking her to destroy her game and putting her in a sticky position in terms of how she'd look instead.

ETA: Basically, it wasn't a strategic game tactic. It was a strategic PR tactic, that screwed over everyone else that is supposed to be his ally. And then totally backfired anyway.

Edited by mooses
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Kevin thinks it is all BS and that Tyler or “they” are privy to “some gross ass shit” and they want to put some distance between them and those gross conversations so they go “oh I wanna self-evict!” as a way of washing his hands as not being part of it. Kevin says that Tyler can now use this to bond with Kevin and “that shit will work on him!” Kevin is right. I’m surprised how much Bay and Day don’t understand what is happening. They don’t want to believe that they are actually, as Kevin states it, “disposable” to Tyler, Christmas, Dani, Nicole, Cody, and Enzo. “We are interchangeable cannon fodder to them” says Kevin. Well, yes Kevin, that is Big Brother. Everyone else has to go. Are you in an alliance with Tyler? Then he is trying to get you out. Didn’t Kaysar give this exact speech to try to save Nicole A. 3 weeks ago? Yes, you will all be knocked down if you still believe you are working with them with no discussed strategy, targets, alliance name in a game for $500 K. 

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16 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

OMG the way Bay snapped at Kevin because he dared to laugh. Listen, the "angry black female" is an unfortunately ugly stereotype that is pervasive in this country but Bay does herself no favors with her stank attitude. The best way I can think to describe her is 'a simmering pot ready to boil over.' Whereas Da'vonne is able to keep he composure and keep a pretty good poker face, Bay will let you know when she's upset either by her facial expressions or her tone. Her problem is she has no emotional regulation. I remember early on she was having a convo with Nicole A. about how she hates being around Tyler because he is intimidated of her "authentic abrasiveness," resulting in her having to feel like she has to walk on eggshells. Like whAAAAAAt?! Someone needs to tell her one should not strive to be abrasive as it is not a virtue and it does not make her any less authentic to try and comport herself with civility during times she's upset.

Yes, Tyler sucks but I think Bay sucks, too, which is why I liiiiiived for that blow-up scene in season 20; I had no skin in the game because I think they both suck lol.

ETA: Just to be clear, I hope no one thinks I'm excusing the way Christmas and the other girls were acting like Bay was going to kill them in their sleep. They were truly being ridiculous but I can see why others could be put off or even intimidated by her, especially when you got some weak ass bitches like Nicole in the house!

Edited by UniqBlue69
  • Love 15
29 minutes ago, UniqBlue69 said:

Someone needs to tell her one should not strive to be abrasive as it is not a virtue and it does not make her any less authentic to try and comport herself with civility during times she's upset.

Well, that's certainly true! But that said, Bay has overall been very calm and reasonable so far in BB. After her way more emotional and touchy persona last time, I was expecting nonstop drama, but she seems to have matured a lot.

And on another, shallower note, was she this beautiful the last time she played? I don't recall noticing her looks then particularly, but this season she's really stunning, even without makeup. 

  • Love 4
12 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

And on another, shallower note, was she this beautiful the last time she played? I don't recall noticing her looks then particularly, but this season she's really stunning, even without makeup. 

Yes! She's a pageant queen after all.

Edited by Victim Noises
  • Love 3
4 minutes ago, keke23 said:

Wouldn't it make more sense for Tyler to swear on Angela, or did I miss that Ovi is Tyler's firstborn.

I just don't get these new Big Brother dtnamics.

Nicole A’s podcast mentioned some kind of pregame alliance Ovi facilitated between Tyler and David. I’m guessing the swearing on Ovi has something to do with that. 

  • Love 3
44 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

Well, that's certainly true! But that said, Bay has overall been very calm and reasonable so far in BB.


I don't know.. look at the way she snapped at Kaysar when he merely suggested that she needs to open her eyes because she and Day were the next targets (which, of course, she now sees he was correct!) Bayleigh hasn't had a blow up this season like in season 20, or even on The Challenge, but she she's very short-tempered and easily agitated. I agree that she is a beautiful girl so I hope she works on that part of herself, but I doubt she will since, in her own words, she is authentically abrasive.

Edited by UniqBlue69
  • Love 13
9 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

You guys could be right. We'll find out. 

Nah, I don't think she'll have a blow-up because I think she has been very cautious about not having that repeat BB20 moment because she doesn't want to reinforce the stereotype of the angry black woman. Listen, I don't think Bayleigh is a bad person. We are all entitled to our emotions but I wish she would channel them in a healthier way. However, I can also acknowledge that it is sad that she can't fully express her range of emotions because of the burden she implicitly carries for her own race . Let's be real, if Rachel Reilly were in her position, she'd be causing a ruckus and would never have to consider how her explosive actions could reflect on a whole group of people, because it would never happen! It's just sad all around.

  • Love 22
2 hours ago, MKL122788 said:

While I am fairly certain this is true, I am not sure intentions matter so much right now.

The only thing that actually happened, regardless of who is at fault or involved in all of the shenanigans, is that Bay and Day got their hopes lifted up only to be crushed. Tyler and Christmas may feel like victims of circumstance or potentially poor communication, but these two ladies have the right to be livid with how things played out. And for Tyler to burn Bay again feels even worse.

I think, at some point, we will find out what really happened. Probably after the season is over.

For now, I am thankful that Bay gets to avoid having to go to jury and I hope Day comes back and claps Christmas(in particular) quite hard. You just know that Day might forgive, but she definitely does not forget.

Tyler can make it up to me by torpedoing Nicole and Dani.

CODY needs to go. People need to stop playing to benefit Cody the douche needs to be in trouble 

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7 minutes ago, Josh371982 said:

CODY needs to go. People need to stop playing to benefit Cody the douche needs to be in trouble 

I would live for that.  I agree.  In an old school season, he’d be gone right now.  

If Tyler was committed to his convictions, he would have DOR’d, tell Allison to screw off and leave with no money. 

Yet, he’s still there ..... 🤔

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, Tuxcat said:

"I'm not going to take out a big player when it's given to me like that." -Xmas

Where was this attitude when she "won" the HOH?  Too bad she didn't say "I'm not going to take HOH when it's given to me like this. I need to earn it on my own."

Apologies to @zorak who posted this first.  Once again I posted in the moment without reading to the end first.  

Edited by leocadia
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Just now, DakotaLavender said:

Tyler wanted to leave so they both could stay and Bay and Day are saying he was lowdown to use the cause in that way? Yikes, no good deed goes unpunished. 

The thing is that they are rightly questioning whrther he was sincere about leaving as Christmas didn't use the veto and told them afterwards that she had no intention of backdooring him.

  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, DakotaLavender said:

Tyler wanted to leave so they both could stay and Bay and Day are saying he was lowdown to use the cause in that way? Yikes, no good deed goes unpunished. 

They should be grateful that he exploited the plight of black people in order to gain their trust and advance his game?! Please tell me I'm reading you wrong.. PLEASE!!!!!!

  • Love 7
1 minute ago, UniqBlue69 said:

They should be grateful that he exploited the plight of black people in order to gain their trust and advance his game?! Please tell me I'm reading you wrong.. PLEASE!!!!!!

Yeah, it's not like white men don't have a history of pledging to support the cause of black people and then rescinding it when it becomes inconvenient...

Tyler, at the very least, could have told Bay the truth, that it wasn't happening. He chose not to, so as not to be held accountable. He deserves to have his stated values questioned.

Words without deeds are meaningless.


  • Love 15

I'm of two minds about this. I get why Day and Bay are hurt. However, they should have given him the side eye the minute he said he was quitting because of BLM. I probably would have busted out laughing. They aren't aligned -- why would he just quit to help BLM when they're on a trashy summer reality tv show? 

This is exhibit A of how new school players take the game way too serious and lose perspective. If Chilltown had heard Tyler's speech they would have been laughing their asses off.

  • Love 10

Kaysar's tweet:

As another example of old school vs. new school remember when Xmas was droning on and on about replacing Julie Chen? The new school players all encouraged her, while Kaysar actually just laughed at her and said "you said this three conversations ago." He wasn't even trying to be rude, he just has enough perspective to realize that being on BB isn't really a gateway to any career.

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