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S02.E10: Where Do We Go From Here

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1 hour ago, Chaos Theory said:

The only thing really missing is a scene between Katey Sagal and Christina Applegate.  

Oh fer cryin' out loud! I wasn't a big MwC watcher but I have seen it - and I didn't even make that connection! Duh!

1 hour ago, Chaos Theory said:

Stupid stop sign.

Stopping is only step one, Jen! Looking both ways is step two!

1 hour ago, Chaos Theory said:

I actually thought the idea to just melt him in the bathtub was a good idea but Jen didn’t have the stomach for it.

I wouldn't have the stomach to pick up a rat, not even with tongs! I also cringed because that bathtub is so pretty! Surely the chemicals ruined it. Not to mention I could never take a bath in a tub that had a melted rat in it once.

This show is an easy hang. Humor, dark humor, twists. I liked both seasons. It's not the best show I've ever seen, and I'm not texting people that they have to watch it, but I liked it. It's just easy and fun.

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4 hours ago, preeya said:

Was the twins mother, the same actress from Six Feet Under?  If so, she's had some major work done on her face as she looks so much younger.

That's interesting.  Honestly, I thought they kind of aged her on Six Feet Under with the way she was dressed and the character's general demeanor.  Here, I think she looks her age, but good make up, hair and clothing may make her appear younger.  I had read she was in a car accident and she had to have surgery on her eye, but otherwise, it didn't appear to me she's had work done. 

On 5/9/2020 at 4:11 PM, Chaos Theory said:

Jen’s eldest son was an asshole.  I mean even if you find a secret birthday gift that your mother gets you you don’t take it out from the closet, under the bed,  in the secret storage facility.  Did he even have his drivers license at that point?  

He did not.  I think a normal kid his age would probably not be as in his mother's business as he seems to be.          

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This season felt a little forced to me. The novelty and general wittiness of the first season wore off. I’m okay with a little suspension of disbelief but too much and it becomes a typical predictable bland drama, between the identical twin, Judy’s girlfriend’s roomie being the detective and the chief of police conveniently being involved with Steve’s deal with the Greek mafia and the detective seemingly letting Jen completely off the hook. The teenage son was really unbelievable, taking the car out for a drive to impress a snooty girl despite barely knowing how to drive and knowing he would be in a lot of trouble if caught, then later just happening upon the letters whilst snooping through Judy’s weed box. The irony of the stop sign and hit and run was too much though, I was not expecting that twist! Overall I think it’s something to watch but easily forgettable.

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On 5/9/2020 at 4:11 PM, Chaos Theory said:

Plus Katey Sagal.  Loved her in this and we get some background into why Judy is the way she is.    The only thing really missing is a scene between Katey Sagal and Christina Applegate.   

IKR??? What a missed opportunity. Maybe next season?

1 hour ago, overtherainbow said:

This season felt a little forced to me. The novelty and general wittiness of the first season wore off. I’m okay with a little suspension of disbelief but too much and it becomes a typical predictable bland drama, between the identical twin, Judy’s girlfriend’s roomie being the detective and the chief of police conveniently being involved with Steve’s deal with the Greek mafia and the detective seemingly letting Jen completely off the hook. The teenage son was really unbelievable, taking the car out for a drive to impress a snooty girl despite barely knowing how to drive and knowing he would be in a lot of trouble if caught, then later just happening upon the letters whilst snooping through Judy’s weed box. The irony of the stop sign and hit and run was too much though, I was not expecting that twist! Overall I think it’s something to watch but easily forgettable.

I agree. I looooved season 1, and I actually did tell people that they should watch it. This season, while still enjoyable enough, was just sort of Okay IMO. 

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Maybe this season just had too much to live up to...the word that comes to mind is snoozefest. I was on the edge of my seat with season 1 but I kept checking my watch during this one. I thought the last episode was more of what I expected from last season. Last season that would have been just a regular episode and not even the season finale. 🤷‍♀️

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12 hours ago, txhorns79 said:

Was the twins mother, the same actress from Six Feet Under?  If so, she's had some major work done on her face as she looks so much younger.

I think they did age her or at least make her look plain for Six Feet Under. She played a sister or sister in law of Meg Ryan's in Sleepless in Seattle and looked really pretty.   It was 8 years earlier, of course but in SFU she looked 20 years older.  She looked really good in this. 

When Jen was pouring the acid in the tub I kept thinking "HAVE YOU NOT SEEN BREAKING BAD???" That doesn't work.  What's the odds her bathtub are the exact right material that doesn't melt?  Also, extra power Draino pretty much dissolves anything.  You wouldn't need 5 gallons of hydrochloric acid to get rid of hair. 

The stuff with the girlfriend being the ex of the cop (forgot the names) was way too forced. That was straight up soap opera stuff. 

 I could accept the Steve/Ben twin situation much easier. But then I could watch James Marsden in anything. I keep hoping they bring his character back in Westworld.  He is just adorable. 


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I thought this season was hilarious and Applegate was wonderful. Cardinelli had less to work with this time around and, cute as he is, I didn't need that much Marsden -- nor time spent on the son, for that matter. I liked the humanization of the cop, even if I found it far fetched that she'd reached some lawless breaking point. The first season definitely had more colors interwoven, but this was a solid offering.

The only thing that really rubbed me the wrong way was how the Sagal cameo was used just for the payoff of Judy finally saying 'no' to someone; the mother was written as a one note caricature, whose obvious pathologies were almost used as exposition to Explain Judy. Oddly, all of the mothers on this show, aside from Jen, are kind of written with a similar lack of dimension.

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3 hours ago, Elbow said:

Oddly, all of the mothers on this show, aside from Jen, are kind of written with a similar lack of dimension.

I was thinking the same thing! 

The older son Charlie is a brat.   The younger one is a little old to think the bird is his dad. Why did that awful neighbor girl kill the bird?  I was thinking that bowl with the nest in it was just a disaster waiting to happen. Just leave the garage window open a little for Dad Bird to come and go. Don't f with bird nests. 


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I wish they hadn't gone quite so far over the top. The cop just blowing off a murder was too far ...or, too fucking far, as this show would say. 

The son almost finding out every episode was reminding me of The Americans with Paige.  

So, the body was found. Based on the flashbacks of the murder and burial, there is zero chance Jen's DNA is not all over that body. But I'm sure she'll get out of it again.

I enjoyed the more realistic plotting and character development of season 1 and really savored those episodes. This season, I blew through the episodes like I would a batch of General Hospitals I had saved up on the DVR. It's like a high quality soap opera to me now, but certainly good enough to keep watching.  

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1 hour ago, marshmallows said:

I think it was deeper than the cop just blowing it off. The police chief was involved with the Greek Mafia. I think it was more important to her take down this dangerous man than Jen. I don't think she was just being nice. She knows once she arrests Jen it would hurt their case against the police chief. He was the bigger fish to fry in this scenario.

Was the "WE GOT HIM" text in relation to the Chief then? I assumed it was about nailing Steve (after Judy gave them the phones and USBs), but perhaps I was wrong in that?

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17 hours ago, marshmallows said:

Does anyone on this forum ever like the shows they comment on? Just a general theme I have observed in the multiple shows I go in to read about.

Primetimer is the corporate reboot of a site called Television Without Pity. The aim was in the title and the tagline: "Spare the snark, spoil the network." No show was spared the snark, even shows we loved. Many of us followed when the site transitioned to PTV. And...we brought our snark with us.

14 hours ago, SadieT said:

I really think what makes this show work so well is the two leads and their chemistry. On paper, the characters shouldn't be likable (Judy is a flake prone to rash decisions that create a ton of trouble and Jen is angry and abrasive and murdered someone in a fit of rage), and you shouldn't be rooting for their friendship so hard considering they killed each other significant other's, but there seems to be such a deep connection between the characters where you really can't see them not being in each other's orbits, and Christina Applegate and Linda Cardellini just make the whole thing work. 

This^^^. I knew I was sucked into their relationship when I was worried about what would happen when Jen finally told Judy the truth about killing Steve. I mean I was legit scared they were going to break up. All emotional and whatnot.

2 hours ago, RunningMarket said:

Was the "WE GOT HIM" text in relation to the Chief then? I assumed it was about nailing Steve (after Judy gave them the phones and USBs), but perhaps I was wrong in that?

Yes. It was about the Chief. Though I think Perez(?) letting Jen go was more about her believing Jen was covering for Charlie or Judy AND not wanting to deprive another child of their mother. Especially for a flimsy case against a person with no evidence to back her confession.

  • Love 22

The last couple episodes were marginally less boring than the first several so I was happy about that lol.

Judy is basically unwatchable to me and I really liked her in the first season. LC just makes the same faces over and over and they're really annoying faces so it's doubly frustrating. I can only stand her with Jen or Jen's kids. Oh, and the 'hey girl' girl lol. Her with Michelle was cringe as hell to me. No chemistry whatsoever.

As I've said in other threads, the cussing barely ever registered to me because I cuss a lot, but the young son saying 'fucking' so nonchalantly and Jen not even mentioning it seemed stupid to me.

I love James Marsden usually and I thought he was fantastic as Steve but Ben didn't work at all for me. Him and Jen were almost as cringe as Judy/Michelle. 

I still enjoyed enough though that I didn't feel like watching this season was a complete waste of my time.

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I think I like how they tried to wrap things up, especially with Jen going back to the grief counseling group. But I hate that it ended with one of my most annoying tropes, the brand new car that apparently doesn't have any airbags.

I also thought it a bit of a stretch that the dog could dig up Steve that quickly when they made a point that the women were digging his hole for 6 hours.

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Season two might not have been quite as electric as season one, but I still really liked it, the friendship between Judy and Jen is just so fascinating and they just really sell how these two women who so outwardly different (and who killed their respective partners!) can be so close. They have such great chemistry, Christina Applegate and Linda Cardellini just play off each other so well, I especially loved a lot of their parenting team ups this season with Judy playing good cop to Jens bad cop. Even without all the murders and cover ups, I would totally just watch Judy and Jen hanging out by the pool drinking wine. 

I generally liked most of the supporting characters this season as well, even if most of them were pretty broadly drawn. I liked Judys new girlfriend a lot, and neighbor Karen and her next door saga was good comic relief, even of her schick did run thin sometimes. I actually thought that Charlie showed growth this season, and while he can still be a dumb teenage boy with no impulse control, he did seem to realize how much his mom loved him and how hard she worked for them. Just please, stop rummaging in stuff! Well, then maybe Jen should also stop killing people...

 One thing that I didnt like, and its an issue I had with last season as well, is that I feel like they sometimes try to hard to let Judy and Jen off too easily when it comes to their bad deeds, and not just within the show, like the cop telling Jen that killing Steve was cool because he sucked anyway, but from a narrative perspective, they are always giving them these moral get out of jail free cards with regards to the the people that they hurt. Last year it was "Judy killed Ted, but he was cheating on Jen anyway" and then it was "Jen killed Steve, but still was an asshole anyways" and while I dont think the show exactly treated it like what they did was alright, it does seem to all exist to make them more sympathetic to the audience, especially Ted having an affair, which didnt seem to have much more narrative point than making him look bad retroactively. I thought that they were playing with that more this season, with Steve. Yeah he was a pretty terrible person, but he still had a family that loved him and mourn his disappearance and passing, especially his brother Ben, who was ware that his brother was a bad person, but still loved him and was desperate to find out what happened to him, and it added more moral ambiguity to what Jen did and them covering his death up. Then at the end, I guess Ben was more like Steve than we thought, so we can go back to not feeling bad about Ben missing his dead brother, and the ambiguity goes away. Its all just seems morally cheap to me, like they need to remind us over and over that Judy and Jen are in the right here and that anyone they hurt was/is a jerk anyway. 

That all being said, I am really interested to see what happens next, and I am excited for season three!

Edited by tennisgurl
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8 hours ago, talktoomuch said:


This^^^. I knew I was sucked into their relationship when I was worried about what would happen when Jen finally told Judy the truth about killing Steve. I mean I was legit scared they were going to break up. All emotional and whatnot.

I've felt that way since the end of the pilot when it was revealed Judy was driving the car, that's how strong their connection comes across to me. It was almost instantaneous how invested I felt in these two characters as friends. I was worried Judy's secret would ruin their relationship and couldn't really see how two people could come back from that... but somehow they did and did so in a way that felt believable despite the extreme circumstances and I think that's largely due to chemistry.

But this season, even after we find out that Jen is lying to Judy about killing Steve in self-defense, I never felt their friendship was at risk because of it, at least not on Judy's end. Even with Jen still angrily pushing her away in the first couple of episodes of the season, it's obvious Judy just wants to remain in Jen's life pretty much at any cost. And sadly, it's in Judy's nature to accept being mistreated and blame herself, so I never expected her to walk away from Jen even after finding out she lied to her and murdered her ex-fiance. Judy was still telling Jen it was ok after learning the truth and blaming herself up until Jen lashed out at her for loving anyone who shows her attention... it's only then after Jen continues to push her buttons does Judy crack and finally say it's not okay.   

3 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

Season two might not have been quite as electric as season one, but I still really liked it, the friendship between Judy and Jen is just so fascinating and they just really sell how these two women who so outwardly different (and who killed their respective partners!) can be so close. They have such great chemistry, Christina Applegate and Linda Cardellini just play off each other so well, I especially loved a lot of their parenting team ups this season with Judy playing good cop to Jens bad cop. Even without all the murders and cover ups, I would totally just watch Judy and Jen hanging out by the pool drinking wine. 

I generally liked most of the supporting characters this season as well, even if most of them were pretty broadly drawn. I liked Judys new girlfriend a lot, and neighbor Karen and her next door saga was good comic relief, even of her schick did run thin sometimes. I actually thought that Charlie showed growth this season, and while he can still be a dumb teenage boy with no impulse control, he did seem to realize how much his mom loved him and how hard she worked for them. Just please, stop rummaging in stuff! Well, them maybe Jen should also stop killing people...

I love they always seemed to contradicting each other at first with the boys but would quickly get on the same page. The simultaneous "you're not in trouble"/"you're in so much fucking trouble scene" with Charlie cracked me up. As did the scene in the first episode where Henry asks why the pool cover is on and Jen says a dog died and Judy quickly adds that it was an old dog that probably killed itself. 

I also read that one their little "eat my fucking butthole, Judy" / "I would but I'm seeing someone now" exchange from this season was completely improvised, which just goes to show how in sync they are with each other and their characters. 

Overall, I thought Charle was less annoying this season and he had some nice moments where he seemed to realize his mother loves him and is trying her best. But yes, the snooping needs to stop. Assuming he goes ahead and reads the letter he found under Judy's bed, he's going to get all angsty and annoying again when he learns that Judy was involved in his father's death and I'm not really looking forward to the fallout from that. 

Edited by SadieT
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20 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

As I've said in other threads, the cussing barely ever registered to me because I cuss a lot, but the young son saying 'fucking' so nonchalantly and Jen not even mentioning it seemed stupid to me.

I threw around many f-bombs as a teenager. It's just a word in the house I grew up in. It never phased my mom. She threw them around too. I just grew up in a household where cuss words were just words and it really depended on how those words or any other words were used that mattered. Pretty sure Jen could give a flying fuck if Charlie drops the f-bomb as long as he turns out to be a good person, who cares if he cusses?

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On 5/11/2020 at 1:55 PM, teddysmom said:

Why did that awful neighbor girl kill the bird? 

Budding serial killer.

On 5/12/2020 at 1:55 PM, marshmallows said:

I think it was deeper than the cop just blowing it off. The police chief was involved with the Greek Mafia. I think it was more important to her take down this dangerous man than Jen. I don't think she was just being nice. She knows once she arrests Jen it would hurt their case against the police chief. He was the bigger fish to fry in this scenario.

Perez also had a personal grudge against the chief, as did the other cop, so it was probably a lot more satisfying to take him down. 

I hope Jen can get her money back from Parker. I wonder if we'll see her again.

On 5/12/2020 at 8:25 PM, Kel Varnsen said:

I also thought it a bit of a stretch that the dog could dig up Steve that quickly when they made a point that the women were digging his hole for 6 hours.

I don't think the dog had found Steve yet; it was just shorthand for the inevitable discovery. 

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I know some people haven’t liked this season as much as the first because there wasn’t as much forward momentum but the show has never been about forward momentum.   At least for me it has been about the emotional stakes of a single act often times done in the heat of the moment.   Last season it was not stopping during a hit and run.  This season it was the murder / manslaughter of the man who killed one of the characters husband after an emotional confrontation.     Was it always logical?   Of course not.   These shows never are.   They always need the idiot son to find the car in the garage and take it for a test drive and the nosy neighbor to have secret cameras.   And the show really does need to find more to do with the younger son other  then “hey cute kid...which annoys me frankly”.   But I thought the season was mostly fun.   

Edited by Chaos Theory
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Well like most we loved the first season and was disappointed this second season. The second half of this season Mr Readalot predicted most of it so that was not fun. He was so checked out he decided he’s not wasting time on the third season. I will watch the third. I enjoyed it enough to do so. Plus I love all the actors, James Marsden especially. And the house porn is great too. 

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On 5/13/2020 at 8:00 AM, Laurie4H said:

Was it mentioned that Judy was bisexual in the first season?  I can’t remember.  


I think Judy will cling to anyone who shows even a tiny bit of kindness toward her...Jen hit the nail on the head when she tore into her. Judy even whispered "I love you" the morning after her first night with what's-her-name. That character trait even taints her relationship with Jen & the kids for me.  She's pathologically needy & loves everyone, so what's real? 

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Interesting, I couldn’t make it through S1, really didn’t like how flaky and cloying Judy was, but I checked out S2 because Netflix kept throwing it in my face and the mini trailer worked for me. I loved it! I loved the dialogue, especially Jen’s/Christina Applegate’s delivery. She’s so over everyone. 

Didn’t mind the soapy elements (surprise twins ... yay). Mostly just ignored them.

Liked both child actors, which is rare for me. 

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I did not enjoy season two as much as season one.  Really not a whole lot happened this season, not like last season.  They tried to add drama.  He has a twin!  The girlfriend lives with the policewoman!  Romance for the two of them!  But in the end those things just weren't that compelling.  And they did try to get too cute with all the serendipity and coincidences in these people's lives. 

Also I don't really understand the ending.  So she confessed and the police woman is just not telling anyone?  except now they have the body, so that is the next season cliffhanger. 

I will still tune in next season, but agree with the general sentiment, though not consensus it seems, that season two was not as good. 

And maybe I just don't recall from season one, do we know what the police chief was doing that was illegal? 

"There is always money in the frozen banana stand" is what I was thinking as she took at the money from those painting

So I suspect next season will be all about the Greek mafia that we heard about all season but never actually saw getting involved. 

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I kinda liked the humanising of the cop. I quite liked her. Judy and Michelle’s relationship I wasn’t into at all. I didn’t care for Michelle at all.

There was SO MUCH CRYiNG this season. Like every second scene it was full on wailing. It kind of felt like Emmy baiting a lot of the time. 

Was their a point to Peggy Bundys appearance other than to be a scumbag. She ultimately added nothing except to remind us Judy gets bullied by everyone. The storyline could taken place offscreen and it would have had the same effect.

Loved the ending with the paintings  and the money. 

Edited by Avabelle
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On ‎5‎/‎21‎/‎2020 at 6:45 PM, Avabelle said:

Was their a point to Peggy Bundys appearance other than to be a scumbag. She ultimately added nothing except to remind us Judy gets bullied by everyone. The storyline could taken place offscreen and it would have had the same effect

No there really was not.  It was far to0 abrupt and felt squeezed in at the end of the season to do much for the overall story.  That is something that really should have been spread out over the whole season

I loved this season, even more than the first. And I didn't think that would be possible. There really wasn't any story line or character than bugged me to the extent that I could be bothered writing about it/him/her. I love the relationship between Jenn and Judy, and would watch them even without the dead bodies, twists and turns. I can't wait for Season 3! 

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At the end of Season 1 they really had me wanting Season 2.  At the end of Season 2...  meh.  If there is a Season 3 I may tune in, maybe not.  If they time it to another outbreak of COVID 27, or whatever we'll be up to by then, then yeah, probably will need something to get me through another shutdown. 

I love both CA and LC, and love them together on screen.  This season should have been just as good as Season 1.  I'm just going to blame the writers for a plot that was all over the place, yet went nowhere at all. 

I loved the scenes between Jen and Perez, especially walking in circles in the woods.  I got the impression that Lopez decided to let Jen off not just because of the the text from Nick re: the chief, but that she knew with Jen's story that a conviction would be unlikely.  So it would be a lot of work for nothing.

Jen & Judy buying out Lorna's share of the house with a pile of cash was stupid.  Also, Jen's supposedly in big debt, can't pay the mortgage, etc.  And yet she gives up almost a million $ commission, just because?

I felt like there's a whole plot on the editing room floor about the chief.  The only way the "we got him" text makes sense is if Nick and Perez were investigating him on their own, but we never even saw a hint of that.  Same with Nick's reaction when Judy told him to listen to the tape somewhere the chief couldn't hear.  He should have been all "what the what?", but instead he was more "ooohhhh, yeah, I get it".  So he knew prior to listening to the tape that the chief was dirty, or at least had strong suspicions.  Bottom line - that plot line had no bearing on anything else.  If you took it out it wouldn't have mattered.  So my guess is there was more that tied in more directly, and it got edited out for time.  Just a guess.   If that's not the case, then I just have to go back to sloppy writing. 


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