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S01.E10: The Winner: The Next Global Brand

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I couldn't stop guffawing when Heidi's cleavage was so hyper-visible/practically bursting out of that tacky dress she was wearing on the runway,  I wish we got to see Sanders' collection, it looked interesting (colors!), and it's such a sad waste to not show us what he worked on.  Of course Johnny won, he had the most established brand coming in, unlike when he was 24 I'm sure and he doesn't only design in black, so it's disappointingly predictable; I just don't like him very much, and I think he should have gone home in EP8.  Esther's collection was dull to me, and that white plaid was probably the worst part; the jackets she made out of it looked awful.  I didn't like the visors/sleep masks she put on all her models either.  Johnny's collection was well made but not particularly memorable.

Edited by Glade
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Bye, Sander! As fun as his pop up shop was, it looked very different from the brand he presented all season. His second sin was making that colorful t-shirt dress that all the girls were trying on because it looked too fast fashion.

I wasn't surprised that the best selling item in the pop up shops was Jonny's boring black dress. It was nothing innovative but so many women would love it because you can dress it up or dress it down.

I know Heidi loves showing off the boobies (as she is so fond of calling them) but good lord, her tits looked like two shiny brown globes made of rock hard marble in that dress she wore for the final runway show.

The first half of Jonny's collection was cohesive and polished (and styled well, as Nicole pointed out) and then things took a turn at the male model wearing a see through sweater with murder gloves. I like that even when Joseph doesn't personally like a look, he can see that a customer would like it.

Esther's collection was a bunch of black clothes against a black night sky so it was hard to see what they really looked like. I hated the gold visors which reminded me of those visors that people used to wear in the 80s. I did not like the big tulle skirt. I don't know what she use for thee structure underneath but all I could think is that the model couldn't sit down. I liked the back of one of the long dresses near the end, but the front was too plain.

There was one point when all of the judges were talking at the same time and I wanted to yell STFU! Overtalking is a huge pet peeve of mine but five people talking at once - UGH.

Wow, if not for Naomi changing her mind, Jonny would have won 4-1, which is not what I expected based on the judges' comments right after the runway shows. They all had some issues with Jonny's show but loved all of Esther's pieces. Considering that she had a more specific business plan, I assumed she was going to win.

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I think Jonny having sweatshops workshops already set up in Bali tipped the decision.  But I'll say I thought his woven black mesh fringed dress (over the white dress) and I think his 3rd look, the multi-striped floaty dress were stunners.  I could have done without the Playtex gloves.

I agree, he's jumping into the whole "Lifestyle Brand", with all the random, overpriced, logo trinkets to go with the clothes. 

Until episode 9, I would have sworn Esther was going to take it, but I think she still has that color inflexibility, despite her mouthing the platitudes that she could incorporate them.  We know she won't. 

If they manage a season 2, I'm going to bypass.  I was pretty much hate-watching the entire season, but I enjoyed the snarking here.   

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I came here to get spoiled, I haven't watched since episode 7.  But I think I'd watch another season.  I sincerely hope they would make some changes and no more cartoon guests or social influencer judges.  

Also, if they want to keep doing this they should maybe have more structured rules for the accessible look because to me it just kinda was a free for all. 

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After watching so many seasons of Project Runway, it was weird not to hear a budget for the final collection. I was also curious about how they were made. Were they given a budget for seamstresses or offered the services of specific seamstresses? I’d imagine since they were all in different cities, Amazon paid for their seamstresses but was there an upper dollar limit or a set number of people they could hire?

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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Way too much talking.  I wanted to ff so bad but stuck it out because hey..what do I have to do anyway.

I'm shocked he won but now I agree with the other poster who said he had everything in place with his factory in Bali.

There's no way Esther will ever make anything in a different color..no matter what she says.

I can't believe they cut Sander after he made his collection.  Every damn show never cuts someone and always make the finale 3 people.  This stupid show couldn't?

Tim wears the same suit every episode.

Next year I'd definitely like less music and less talking.

I loved Naomi Campbell.

  • Love 17

That dress, that dress, that was the worst dress ever.  Heidi didn’t look good sitting down or standing up.  I literally did a double take when I saw her boobs.
Johnny, meh.  I was rooting for Esther but I figured she wouldn’t win, mostly because of the colour issue.  She looked like she needed to throw up whenever she talked about introducing even a little colour.

Next season, they need to use Tim better.  He’s not a natural host, but there’s not as much need for him as a mentor.  I did enjoy the packing segment for Tim and Heidi.  That felt authentic.

And yeah, ditch the overpowering music.  More close up shots of the clothes please.

  • Love 16

Heidi really has bad taste, that dress, woof! 
Congrats to Jonny, I guess his designs were the best, I couldn’t really see them too well with the dark background, dark floor and the show was at night in the dark. 
Same with Esther’s all black except for the black white thrown in to prove to the judges she doesn’t always do all black. 
I don’t know if I’d watch a season 2. They need to show the clothes better up close, lose the loud music, stop talking while judging and replace Naomi Campbell. 

  • Love 6

Lower the fucking music next season or else.

Hi, I already have a pipeline and a business that I’m happy to grow with your million dollars. Plus look how I incorporated all your feedback to evolve my brand from just leather jackets. (Thanks, Nicole, for coming back to remind us of that and “cast” the “winning” vote.)

Guessing Amazon isn’t going to move forward with the Dexter look. WTF, Jonny?

And, as I’ve been saying all season, top of the hat to Heidi’s stylist, who clearly hates her so.

Edited by buttersister
Roaming “ mark
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4 hours ago, TexasGal said:

Heidi really has bad taste, or a stylist who hates her.


2 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

Heidi really has bad taste, that dress, woof! 


4 hours ago, chitowngirl said:

Thought process for designing Heidi’s dress, “She likes tight, shiny, short and her boobies out. Hold my beer”

Heidi is known for having truly horrible taste in clothes, just Google any of her red carpet looks.

I'm a little surprised about the winner, I thought Esther had it on lock. 

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When the very person who holds the purse strings says "Our customers love color," it's not the greatest idea to respond with "My universe is black. Always black. Color would be a desecration of my brand." I was mildly surprised that Jonny won, given how much Esther seemed to be getting the fawning edit all season, and then the first part of Jonny's business plan pitch was "Uh, uhm, what's your name? I, uhm, well..." but he certainly knew how to sell to customers, and the pitch got better over time as he found his confidence. Not sure I'd watch another season, but it was a nice diversion in the time of stay-at-home and something I couldn't binge all at once.

  • Love 12
22 hours ago, NYGirl said:

Way too much talking.  I wanted to ff so bad but stuck it out because hey..what do I have to do anyway.

I'm shocked he won but now I agree with the other poster who said he had everything in place with his factory in Bali.

There's no way Esther will ever make anything in a different color..no matter what she says.

I can't believe they cut Sander after he made his collection.  Every damn show never cuts someone and always make the finale 3 people.  This stupid show couldn't?

Tim wears the same suit every episode.

Next year I'd definitely like less music and less talking.

I loved Naomi Campbell.

Yes to this all! My takeaway from this show was:

less talk , more fashion

Very disappointed that we didn't see Sanders collection. What a waste

Loved Naomi

Take that fucking hat off Esther


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I was also disappointed.  I only kept watching because I did enjoy the designers.  I'm so glad that Jonny won. I thought Esther's collection was way too literal with the forks and spoons and that hoop skirt was just ridiculous.  I did enjoy that they focused more on the business side of things, but they took it too far and didn't focus enough on showing the clothes themselves.

Heidi has lost all credibility, she has absolutely no taste.

  • Love 5
16 hours ago, TexasGal said:

Anyone surprised that Sander was the one who was out?  Anyone?  Bueller?

Heidi really has bad taste, or a stylist who hates her.

Also, I was distracted every time they showed the Amazon woman in profile by her duck lips.  Not cute.


Heidi's reputation for bad style precedes her.  'Her taste is all in her mouth', as my father would ineloquently say.

5 hours ago, dleighg said:

At both the pop-up shop and the brand-pitch, the Amazon Fashion chief was wearing wild, colorful, prints. Ester was DOA 🙂

Exactly what I said to the dh.

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This show was a 10-part Amazon infomercial, hosted by Joe and Jane Stickfigure.  Tim, who I used to enjoy and respect, has sold his soul to the teevee gods.  His slobbering and chin wobble affected me the same as did Geoffrey, this season's PR winner.  It's a turnoff.  Get thee to a doctor for an anxiety med. 

The production values sucked, the music/musical editing sucked, the cinematography 90% sucked, the fayshun sucked.

Bezos has enough money to A) Toss it away and write it off to a bad investment, or B) Do it again just because.

I was actually more interested in these last two episodes than the first 8 combined, which doesn't mean a hulluva lot.  Johnny had the best faux shop, and the best ass kissing technique.  Neither he nor Esther will be the Next.Global.Brand.

God I'm bitchy.  Quarantina at your service.


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Well, I liked it for several reasons, even though there were problems, such as the loud music, the inability to review the runway items, and the poor visuals on the runway shows.  But then again I was very impressed with the designers and their ability to do what was required of them.  I loved Paris and Tokyo.  I am glad that budget never seemed to be an issue and that professional sewers were provided.  I also noticed the high level of professionalism of the people who put together the pop-up shops.  It seemed that the designers could get anything they wanted.  I had Esther and Jonny pegged as finalists pretty early on.  I liked them both very much, but in the end I'm very happy with Jonny's win.  As long as there are PR-type shows available, I'll be watching.

  • Love 11

Too much yapping by judges. Yawn. 

Heidi’s final outfit. Hideous

Why in the world does it matter if Esther wants to do all black? There are billions of people in the world. They’re not all going to buy her collection. A teeny tiny weeny smidgey bitty bit of the world Is going to buy (probably just one outfit) so who cares if she’s all black. She’ll get the people that like that to buy that.

Stupidest, weirdest decision in the history of competitive reality to eliminate one of the three before runway show. Why? Because, none of the viewers are interested in the fashion we’ve been plodding through? None of us are the least bit curious about Sanders’ collection?


It’s already made! Show it. 

  • Love 16
4 hours ago, qtpye said:


Tlo start talking about the show at 19:33. It is a pretty spot on analysis that agrees with most of what we have been saying on the boards.

Thanks for this!  And fun to know that what so many here have been saying is just what they thought.  They really clarified for me what was so jarring about this show: it just couldn’t conceal that it was not about fashion, it was about money for Amazon. The original has been around a long time, but its heart is in fashion, even if sometimes somewhat bafflingly (Gretchen, gag).  This show had no heart. The designers did, but not the show. I wouldn’t watch another season. 

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The season was worth it for Sander.

I don't get Jonny.  I get Esther more than Jonny, but I would never want to wear utensils.  Something creeped me out about all of that.

Every time Tim started to cry I was weirded out.  It felt really fake.  And if it wasn't fake?  Well that's weird too.  It seemed really over the top and manipulative.

On 4/24/2020 at 12:50 PM, NYGirl said:

I loved Naomi Campbell.

Me too!!!!!!!!

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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I'm super disappointed we didn't get to see Sander's collection.  He has so much creativity, his runway show would have been innovative and colorful. At least Jonny decided to add some yellow and white into his collection or we would have seen only black clothing.  I thought Esther had several really beautiful pieces, but she really overdid it with the use of the tulle/netting.  I thought Jonny's collection was more interesting than Esther's and had a lot more detail in it.  

Heidi, get a stylist!

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On 4/24/2020 at 4:19 AM, Glade said:

I couldn't stop guffawing when Heidi's cleavage was so hyper-visible/practically bursting out of that tacky dress she was wearing on the runway,

I think she's gained weight and she no longer has a waist so she's showing off her bolt-ons?  Everything they've had her in has been tacky AF and some of the dresses made her look like she has saddlebags.  

18 hours ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

Jonny Cora (aka Skingraft WTF?) being the next. global. brand is like just about every couple that becomes engaged in the last episode of The Bachelor. Not gonna happen.

It's akin to America's Next Top Model!

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What a crime against humanity to have a tacky Instagram girl and a retired socialite to judge really talented people, they have no talent themselves, and couldn't design s**t if their lives depend on it. And to no one's surprise, they couldn't see true talent even if it hit them on the face! The real winner is Esther, I hope she lands some private deals of her own after the show. She deserves it. 

Edited by showme
  • Love 10
18 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Every time Tim started to cry I was weirded out.  It felt really fake.  And if it wasn't fake?  Well that's weird too.  It seemed really over the top and manipulative.

Interesting you should say that, since in the podcast @qtpye posted, one of the guys said that based on behind-the-scenes things he'd heard about Tim, Tim's quivering chin and waterworks were totally fake. I want to hear more about that!

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2 minutes ago, Ashforth said:

Interesting you should say that, since in the podcast @qtpye posted, one of the guys said that based on behind-the-scenes things he'd heard about Tim, Tim's quivering chin and waterworks were totally fake. I want to hear more about that!

I mean he even did it in the FIRST EPISODE!  Utterly ridiculous.

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This show is real lucky it was released during the quarantine. I don't think half of us (including me) would have stuck it out to the end otherwise. 

I was happy Jonny won. I think he deserved it. He found a way to keep his esthetic while incorporating the judges critiques and suggestions. Esther didn't really evolve and doesn't want to.  

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I'm glad Esther didn't win.  I feel her one color designs weren't mocked nearly enough.  Imagine if Martha only designed with nest egg blue?  There's nothing interesting about a designer who refuses to design with anything other than black and is so thrown off by color that adding white throws her off.  

I mean, I was bored just looking at her always in black, always with that black hat.  The pale face with dark eyeliner.  She's the embodiment of a blandness no matter how much she fools herself into thinking she's edgy.

  • Love 8
On 4/24/2020 at 4:19 AM, Glade said:

 I didn't like the visors/sleep masks she put on all her models either.  Johnny's collection was well made but not particularly memorable.

The visors were really stupid. I want to see a model's face and well, lack of expression.  I feel like Esther considered the visors adding "color."

  • Love 3
53 minutes ago, jabRI said:

I didn't like her or her design, but it was sad she had no one to visit with at home, and no one to come to her popup.  

Maybe her family just didn't want to be on reality TV.   *Edit* I just heard that her parents have been dead for a while!  So yes, that is sad.

Edited by sasha206
  • Love 1
On 4/25/2020 at 4:42 PM, qtpye said:


Tlo start talking about the show at 19:33. It is a pretty spot on analysis that agrees with most of what we have been saying on the boards.

So hilarious -- with them talking about the hand holding, Heidi not knowing words, and the doubt of Tim crying!  So fantastic!

  • Love 3

My finger was cramping from hitting the fast forward 10 sec.button so much the last two episodes. Good grief, how many times can they have E and J say the same things over and over and over? I think I’ll reserve judgement on whether or not Jonny’s employees were really slaves in sweatshops, because without details it seems unjust. By the way, it looks like Sander posted some of his finale looks on his Instagram:


  • Love 7
2 hours ago, sasha206 said:

I'm glad Esther didn't win.  I feel her one color designs weren't mocked nearly enough.  Imagine if Martha only designed with nest egg blue?  There's nothing interesting about a designer who refuses to design with anything other than black and is so thrown off by color that adding white throws her off.  

I mean, I was bored just looking at her always in black, always with that black hat.  The pale face with dark eyeliner.  She's the embodiment of a blandness no matter how much she fools herself into thinking she's edgy.

Esther was almost an SNL skit of a bad Berlin stereotype come to life.


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1 hour ago, StrictTime said:

My finger was cramping from hitting the fast forward 10 sec.button so much the last two episodes. Good grief, how many times can they have E and J say the same things over and over and over? I think I’ll reserve judgement on whether or not Jonny’s employees were really slaves in sweatshops, because without details it seems unjust. By the way, it looks like Sander posted some of his finale looks on his Instagram:


Ahhhhhh so maybe not so tragic that he didn't get a runway show after all.

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