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  1. Just speaking theoretically, could the blow poke not have been scrubbed totally clean by a perp?
  2. So, why did they include the office part? It wasn’t important or interesting. It appears that it wasn’t even accurate. Puzzled.
  3. From the point that yevgeny asked Carrie for the asset name in exchange for the black box, what went exactly as Carrie planned or hoped and what didn’t at all?What did she have to improvise on the spot? I’m not as smart as most of you.
  4. Too much yapping by judges. Yawn. Heidi’s final outfit. Hideous Why in the world does it matter if Esther wants to do all black? There are billions of people in the world. They’re not all going to buy her collection. A teeny tiny weeny smidgey bitty bit of the world Is going to buy (probably just one outfit) so who cares if she’s all black. She’ll get the people that like that to buy that. Stupidest, weirdest decision in the history of competitive reality to eliminate one of the three before runway show. Why? Because, none of the viewers are interested in the fashion we’ve been plodding through? None of us are the least bit curious about Sanders’ collection? It’s already made! Show it.
  5. Geoffrey is such a copy cat, so derivative with all that latex. Latex has so been done before.
  6. This happened: My favorites won-Sergio, Victoria, and Nancy. Sergio absolutely cracks me up with his never ending calmly delivered statements about how he’s better than everyone at everything. I love to watch him. He’s hilarious. Victoria entertains me also. I adored her complaints about nobody being booted last week. Because, it’s a competition. If one of last week’s winners had been booted this week because there were two boots, I would have been so grumpy. I just like Nancy as a person a lot. Most disliked aspect this week: Nina complaining to Sergio about an Asian look. Hideous! Derivative! Looking Asian! We must have, instead, that very rare thing, a Caucasian looking model. No one’s ever done that before. Boo on Asian looks. All Asian looks come from whoever that designer was.
  7. Two things that have bugged me for the 10000 years that I’ve been watching this show have cropped up in this episode: 1) Why do people help their competition? Ever? Do I run down a football field and hand the defense the ball? Do I interrupt a debater to give her an argument point that she should make, for her side? Do I hit a tennis ball out of bounds and say, “Just didn’t think you were doing well enough. Let me help you beat me.” I’m not even competitive by nature. This, for me, just falls into that old thing called “common sense.” I’d actually prefer that people get eliminated if caught helping a competitor. 2) What is the obsession with finding fault with a garment looking like ONE other famous garment? In contrast, most of the garments look like a million other garments.
  8. My favorite outfit today was the one Marquise was wearing when he entered and my favorite moment was his entrance. Victoria, Victoria. I think I could figure out what (Moldavian) sheer meant if I were in Moldavia, without knowing a word of Moldavian. Context. Eyes. Pointing. Thinking. She’s a fibber or severely challenged. I’m going with fibber.
  9. Victoria’s was my favorite except for not meeting the challenge criteria.
  10. Who says? Who says which is the “real” Elliot? I did not like this at all.
  11. I’ve been troubled by something for several episodes. Dom is always having to do something bad or her mom and nieces will get hideously dark-armied. But, Dom blames Darlene for this. The dark army could pick any FBI agent to threaten. Perhaps, in fact, they are threatening 90 percent of them at this point. The fact that Darlene was fake with Dom doesn’t enable the Dark Army to make and carry out threats to Dom’s family.
  12. It doesn’t have to be a “conspiracy” to be murder. Even a few seconds for one of them to decide to push him would qualify as premeditated. The others would then lie to protect the pusher, which actually happened, of course.
  13. It appears that I’m in disagreement with many posters here. 1) A dead guy. Five women above him. Why in the world wouldn’t cops or mothers assume or seriously consider that he was deliberately pushed? We keep talking about the fact that he was abusive but that was never reported to anyone. And, even if he was, would most people believe that there was a need to violently protect against serious harm to one of them during that scene when he had no weapon and was outnumbered 5 to 1? And, I’ve read enough detective fiction to be able to grant the detective having spidey sense that the 5 were lying. And, if lying, why not be lying about a murder? It makes complete sense to me that this would be vigorously pursued by the law. The alternative-that he stood in front of the stairs and then slipped? Weird. It was believable that they lied, in my opinion. Bonnie pushed him down the stairs. A crime. 2) I thought the scene with Renata and Grandma felt very believable. 3) The twins and Ziggy were the bullies in the scene. The “bully” was mean talking, smart alec talking. The others beat him up. Sort of like Perry beating up Celeste when he didn’t like something she said... 4) I think Nicole Kidman looks stunning. I don’t get the fake face thing. Other thoughts The theme now is “women be bad, not just men” and/or role flipping. 1) Maddy has the affair-the woman not the man, going against stats/probabilities. 2) Celeste is whacking people and pushing people and having sex with strangers. Is a point being made that she always was physically abusive or that it’s a new thing? I’m thinking of the several times that she stated earlier that she and Perry were both violent. 3) Bonnie’s mom was the physically abusive one and the Dad stood by. 4) Madeline’s the driver (grin)
  14. I hardly understand anything. Normal humans get infected by the bad whatever who is in the form of a human (like Billy)? Then, if they are killed again, they turn into the gross bloody mess that congeals into a monster ? Is there a main monster? Are people inhabited by monsters both by being attacked by pure monsters and by attacks from inhabited people? I never understand the links to the human bad guys as in the first two seasons. Where are the plants that were taking over everything? Is this stuff all still from backwards land?
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