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S11.E13: The Heat is On

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10 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I was thinking thyroid.  I've read about a couple of people who had enlarged thyroids spotted by viewers watching tv and they got it checked out and it was cancer.  One of them  is the guy from Flip or Flop real estate show and another is a woman  on an entertainment show.  Also, I think something happened on an animal show too. 

Both Robyn and now Christine seem to have issues in the throat area.  In Christine's case, it may be caused by swallowing her fillin's and keeping sweet.

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21 minutes ago, Sandy W said:

That spot on Christine's neck may have occurred when Meri throat punched her in a show of gratitude for Christine dropping everything and racing over with her girls to help Meri out.  I am more concerned with the growths on Janelle's upper lip, which seem to be multiplying.

The birthing center Maddie used looked like a 2 star motel room to me.  Give me a bed elevated high enough so that those assisting can get the job done effectively.  Also give me bleached and sanitized bedding, not a 1970s looking bedspread that may or may not have been cleaned between uses.  IMO, Maddie acted irresponsibly in her choice of birth center vs hospital when she knew from the ultrasound that this situation would be unique.

When Maddie had her checkup they showed a sign on the wall stating that the room had been cleaned and sanitized and prepared for childbirth. Then later when the family was all there, Caleb sat right on the bed. I dunno, it seemed cheesy to me also.

So Christine was going to watch Axel during Maddie’s stay at the birthing center and THAT’S the polygamy perk (for Janelle, I assume)? To have a sister wife fly halfway across the country to watch your grandkid? Maddie has no friends in NC to do that for her? Or did I totally miss Christine’s point?

i want to know which one of them has Kody at her place during this Current Unpleasantness. 

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3 minutes ago, Sandy W said:

Both Robyn and now Christine seem to have issues in the throat area.  In Christine's case, it may be caused by swallowing her fillin's and keeping sweet.

You are kind.  It is most likely caused by all of them sharing oral herpes over and over and over and over and over with each other - via Kody's lips.

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As I watched this I kept thinking, "How doe these people even survive?"  They are all idiots.  Fortunately, for the most part the idiocy seems to have skipped a generation.


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Thinking about Kody adopting Robyn’s kids: I just read “Stolen Innocence” by Elissa Wall. She was one the of the underage FLDS girls that Warren Jeffs forced into marriage. She gives lots of examples of Jeffs punishing men in the cult by declaring them unworthy and reassigning their wives and kids to other men. And when this happens, she explains, these weirdos believe that God literally changes the DNA of the children to match that of the new “dad.”

I know the Browns are not FLDS and surely they don’t believe that. But it made me think of Robyn’s revisionist family pitcher. 

Edited by Tabbygirl521
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16 minutes ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

When Maddie had her checkup they showed a sign on the wall stating that the room had been cleaned and sanitized and prepared for childbirth. Then later when the family was all there, Caleb sat right on the bed. I dunno, it seemed cheesy to me also.

So Christine was going to watch Axel during Maddie’s stay at the birthing center and THAT’S the polygamy perk (for Janelle, I assume)? To have a sister wife fly halfway across the country to watch your grandkid? Maddie has no friends in NC to do that for her? Or did I totally miss Christine’s point?

i want to know which one of them has Kody at her place during this Current Unpleasantness. 

I saw the sign on the wall but the all-over pattern on the bedspread may be disguising a multitude of stains.  It gave me the same heeby-jeeby vibes as patterned rugs on the floor of some "family restaurants".

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3 minutes ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

The women seem to handle life pretty well without his assistance. He seems to be the architect of all their chaos and I can’t imagine why they would ever call on him for anything significant. 

They probably don't call on him.  Unless the camera crew was there, he wouldn't be bothered to show up anyhow.

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Kody parked them nose to nose.

"Butt to butt" actually - which made sense - it would make it much harder to steal anything from them. It's one of the few things that Kody has ever said or done that was logical.

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5 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Some tweets from last night, and screenshots of Janelle and Christine promoting the show:







Notice Robyn can only care about herself while Kody is away for the birth. Honesty, I wouldn't have been in that big of a hurry to sign anything for her just to spite her for her rental nonsense. Sure, it cost more money, but they throw money away hand over fist anyway, what's a bit more when you can piss of Robyn? 

1 hour ago, laurakaye said:

What was even up with that?  For one-sixteenth of a second, I was on Kody's side because he was like - "If we rent that far away, it would be even harder for me to see my other kids."  Now - please understand - I don't for a hot second think that Kody actually cares that much about his other kids.  The interesting part was that Robyn was perfectly fine with dragging Kody "halfway to Sedona," meaning that she either didn't think about the other kids, or didn't care.  She just might be the most narcissitic person in a family that includes Kody and Meri.  That's saying something, my friends.


BUT - Kody parked them nose to nose.  To, you know, keep the riff-raff out of their unattended vans full of their possesions.  Never mind he parked over a gas line, for that matter.  Just when I think these people cannot POSSIBLY get any dumber, they manage to rise to the occasion.

And come on - who guffawed out loud when Meri cried so hard, she was afraid she'd wiped off her DRAWN-ON EYEBROWS??  Because when a fire is heading for your house, and you have 12,586 Rubbermaid totes to load onto a truck (the other trailer being full of Robyn's crap, which Kody had to unload onto Janelle's RV pad so he could drive back and load it up with MORE of Meri's crap).....the most important thing to remember is that your Sharpie-lined eyebrows must stay intact.

I mean........??????????


Robyn's crying about the land and not building on the land and to be with family on the land pretty much flew out the door when she bought up Sedona. She knew damn well how far the rental would be from the rest and she just did not care. 

I'll cut Meri some slight slack about the eyebrows. Random things pop in your mind while you are in a panic. My dad died very unexpectedly when I was 26. I found out and went to my grandma's house, she sent me next door to my aunt's. While there, in between bouts of crying, I noticed one of my cousins was there.... when she should have been way at college. I asked her sister why she wasn't at school and that led to us whispering about how she had dropped out, until I started crying again. 

Edited by Fostersmom
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It cracks me up that they (probably production) feel the need to tape over the words “u-haul” on the trucks. The colors and design are so iconic. Are we supposed to not know who the trucks belong too?!?

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Meri loosing her shit on Christine gave me life! I can't stand Christine. She is always "on" and I rilly wish she would get her anti depressant prescription corrected. Lower the dosage or something because she grates on every last one of my nerves.  

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Regarding Robyn's tweets about Kody being able to sign papers while at Maddie's, and saying that Kody can only entertain one thought at a time in his pea-brain...what is up with her throwing him so hard under the bus lately?  Is this a scheme cooked up by Robyn AND Kody?  Or did Kody say something to her like, "okay, love...in the end, you are going to get everything you want and more, but in the meantime I need you to make it seem like we're disagreeing about everything in order to appease the others," and Robyn took that idea and turned it up to 11 and Kody can't say "boo" about it because it was his idea in the first place?

Robyn wears Kody's man-parts in a locket around her neck, she seems to get her jollies by slandering him on social media at every turn, and yet she is getting everything she wants.  I know Kody isn't smart by any stretch of the imagination, but there's something sinister at play here and it bugs me that I can't figure out what it is.  I think they think that they're playing us, the viewers, by pretending to argue.  But their arguing has become a parody of itself, and yet they're still going at it.  

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Why was Janelle so exhausted that she couldn’t take care of her Grandson? Kinda funny she was looking for excuses to not spend the night with Kody. 

No more babies for Kody. Robyn is clearly in the midst of menopause! 

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2 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

Janelle is growing a chicken mcnugget over her lip

I have chuckled over this all morning long.   LOL

In this time of chaos and stress - my heartfelt thanks for your sense of humor!

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She was wearing different clothes for the talking head segments. So, that means that in the middle of her labor, she took the time and effort to go and change her clothes and show up at the set where they film the talking heads. Why?

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8 minutes ago, mrs ra said:


She was wearing different clothes for the talking head segments. So, that means that in the middle of her labor, she took the time and effort to go and change her clothes and show up at the set where they film the talking heads. Why?

What I also noticed is that when she was doing a couch session and talking about her contractions with Evagalavalina, she still looked very pregnant.  How does that work?  I kept trying to figure out if she had a pillow under her shirt or something.

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6 hours ago, winsomeone said:

If you buy and rent million dollar homes, surely you can afford to hire professional movers? I thought Maddie said her doctor had told them the baby would have some small deformities? If so, where was that doctor during the birth?

There were professional movers at both Meri and Robyn's house.  This having to move themselves is just more manufactured drama.  And Kody doesn't care that none of us care.




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3 hours ago, camom said:

As I watched this I kept thinking, "How doe these people even survive?"  They are all idiots.  Fortunately, for the most part the idiocy seems to have skipped a generation.


Them surviving is a mystery.  I don't know how it all adds up.  I still suspect that Kody has a wealthy benefactor.  Only, the benefactor provides the money to the Browns, because, they are in need. THEREFORE, Kody has to make sure they always are in need.  They have the money, but, they always appear to be in dire straights. That's all I can figure out.  

Or it could be similar to a family friend that we had once. Ever know someone who always lands on their feet?  She was one of those people, who lacked education or training in any skill, but, she had the gift of gab.  She could figure her way out of anything. No job, no problem.  She always had cash.  No car, no problem.  She'd convince someone to give or loan her one.  No apt. No problem, she'd get a place rent free.  No matter how dire the situation, she'd leave home and come back with a solution.  She didn't do illegal stuff either, like drugs, or sex sales  and nothing criminal.  Never any involvent in anything illegal.  In fact, she never really worked at all.  lol  May, she RIP.  

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15 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

I can’t believe Robyn is pretending she wants a rental “halfway to Sedona.”  How many times does she want to move her kids?  And she can’t understand God’s reasoning on not giving them a six-bedroom rental?  Girl friend, He let Moses wander the desert for 40 years!

So funny!

But, this rental must have been the only one worthy enough for Queen Robyn.  Had to actually leave the city limits to find one big/fancy enough for her.  

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15 hours ago, NotinKansasanymore said:

Um Robyn wouldn’t you’re children have to go to a different school if you took the rental halfway to Sedona? 

For a woman so adamant that she wants the entire family together again like they had in Vegas, she’s awfully quick to move 30 minutes away from flagstaff and everyone else to get what she wants.

With Robyn, it's all about appearances:  She has to have the biggest house, have the man with her family, appear to put the family and school first without actually doing it.  If she wanted the kids to stay in the same schools, why would she contemplate homes 30 miles away?  Nothing within the school district was good enough for her!

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4 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I really get the feeling that there is no more love in the Kody/Robyn relationship than there is in the Kody/Meri relationship.  I wonder what Kody plans to do about it.  Who knows if we'll ever find out.  I wonder how they will figure to film reality shows in the near future or even over the next couple of years, unless, the family can do it for themselves. 

I think all the fussing and fighting is for the cameras and storyline.  Robyn continues to be the #1 wife, despite Christine's efforts.  Robyn complained endlessly about buying a house and ended up with a million dollar home- PU-LEASE!

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12 hours ago, Chalby said:

I thought Christine chirped "Polygamy perk", lol, because Kody was saying how he should be staying with Janelle but because she needs sleep, he will stay with Christine and help with Axel. So I thought she was happy he was staying with her. 

I think you are right, but she wanted viewers to think that Maddie or Janelle were the recipients of the perk.  But anyone with family or friends can enjoy the perk of someone caring for their kid while they give birth without having to share a penis and have a fraction of a marriage (though not having Kootie around all the time would be an improvement over being Kootie's monogamist wife).

Edited by deirdra
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So. My husband and I were just "sittin there" this morning over our tea and coffee watching the show. He all of a sudden grabs my arm and says...."HEY where did her boobs go? Is that the same person?"

And like so many mentioned on Reddit. WHAT is that red thing draped over her?

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1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Them surviving is a mystery.  I don't know how it all adds up.  I still suspect that Kody has a wealthy benefactor.  Only, the benefactor provides the money to the Browns, because, they are in need. THEREFORE, Kody has to make sure they always are in need.  They have the money, but, they always appear to be in dire straights. That's all I can figure out.  

Or it could be similar to a family friend that we had once. Ever know someone who always lands on their feet?  She was one of those people, who lacked education or training in any skill, but, she had the gift of gab.  She could figure her way out of anything. No job, no problem.  She always had cash.  No car, no problem.  She'd convince someone to give or loan her one.  No apt. No problem, she'd get a place rent free.  No matter how dire the situation, she'd leave home and come back with a solution.  She didn't do illegal stuff either, like drugs, or sex sales  and nothing criminal.  Never any involvent in anything illegal.  In fact, she never really worked at all.  lol  May, she RIP.  

OK, I’m going to hell because I laughed at RIP. I mean it just caught me by surprise after her Litany of good luck. 

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Any other NC peeps here?  WTH...

Maddie lives in Greenville. 

She clearly picked up Janelle at a bigger airport (my guess is RDU (in Raleigh) which is 90 or so miles away....

Then the birthing center was in Chapel Hill which is only about 20 miles on the other side of Raleigh but in traffic times can be an hour.  Her birthing center could be 2 1/2-3 hours driving away from her home.  That seems crazy just to have a non hospital birth. 

There are plenty of good hospitals (there is a teaching hospital in Greenville).  Ft. Bragg (the country's largest military base) is a few hours away and they have TONS of midwives/dulas/etc due to the huge military presence there.  Lots of them work with the hospitals so there are doctors and nurses nearby who can step in if necessary. 

Edited by Soaper410
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Just looking at those selfies posted above and shaking my head thinking how did those people become reality stars???

Maybe it's us  and we're the crazies for watching them!  🐺

Edited by Jeanne222
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2 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

What kind of work does Maddie's husband do?  I thought he was a security guard.  If he's gone that much move close to family!

I believe it’s with an elevator repair/installation company.

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This episode: 

Meri: I don't even know what a pre-evacuation means....but there is ONE WHOLE helicopter flying over head...PANIC!!!!!!!!!  NO JOKES ALLOWED.

Christine: I should punch a bitch. 

Kody: Nobody ever could have predicted this would be a bad financial plan.   

Robyn: We have to be moved in 3 hours. Pray for a rental. 

Kody: I cannot believe you 4 womens talked me into moving from Las Vegas.  

Meri: OMGZ I cannot leave my house during this VERY SCARY PRE-EVACUATION PANIC!!!I have to sell LulaRoe!

Robyn:  We are so good with money that we have paid for UHauls for days on end to park in the middle of our field because no other wife will let us put our crap at their house. 

Maddie: For whatever reason I am glad I was in 86 hours of labor. 

Christine: I don't like any of these people so that's why I didn't pick up Kody until the last second. 

Janelle:  I don't want my night with Kody. 

Christine:  For realz?  Okay I'll pretend to be excited about this. 

Kody:  Maddie is having a baby so naturally I'm making it all about me. 






Edited by Soaper410
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45 minutes ago, Soaper410 said:

Any other NC peeps here?  WTH...

Maddie lives in Greenville. 

She clearly picked up Janelle at a bigger airport (my guess is RDU (in Raleigh) which is 90 or so miles away....

Then the birthing center was in Chapel Hill which is only about 20 miles on the other side of Raleigh but in traffic times can be an hour.  Her birthing center could be 2 1/2-3 hours driving away from her home.  That seems crazy just to have a non hospital birth. 

There are plenty of good hospitals (there is a teaching hospital in Greenville).  Ft. Bragg (the country's largest military base) is a few hours away and they have TONS of midwives/dulas/etc due to the huge military presence there.  Lots of them work with the hospitals so there are doctors and nurses nearby who can step in if necessary. 

Me.  I'm in Raleigh.  I didn't realize the birthing center was in Chapel Hill.  Really?  And they are in Greenville......makes no sense.  Very strange indeed. However,  do you think they did that to accommodate family flying into RDU?  That makes sense.

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1 hour ago, Soaper410 said:

Then the birthing center was in Chapel Hill which is only about 20 miles on the other side of Raleigh but in traffic times can be an hour.  Her birthing center could be 2 1/2-3 hours driving away from her home.  That seems crazy just to have a non hospital birth.

The first thing that pops into my head is that they needed to use a birthing center that allows filming.

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what are/were the birth defects spoken about? and wasn't it dangerous to leave it up to some tied rags to change the baby's position?

thank you to the 3(?) of you that brought up Meri's eye brow(s). The angles the camera got from her making sure her face was not in view made her look 10 times fatter. So maybe there is something to be said for using an eye brow pencil to make one look fitter or less fat.

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19 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

And she can’t understand God’s reasoning on not giving them a six-bedroom rental?  Girl friend, He let Moses wander the desert for 40 years!

That is the best comment I have seen about anything in a long time!!!!!😂😂😂😂

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When I saw Janelle walking with Maddie, I thought they were trying to pull off the Polygamy Double Header and have their babies on the same day.  Then whoops!!  My bad!!  Just Maddie was having a baby!!  Boy was my face red when I realized my mistake.  Those crazy Brownies sure fooled me

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Ah, what a wonderful plyg perk!  To be called by a generic name, so dear dickface Kootie can never be called out for using the wrong name.

It is now the Kootie & Robo show.  Not that it was ever a great show, but it has gotten exponentially worse with every season.  It's only worth watching for the snark.  Phony bullshit.

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21 hours ago, Meowwww said:

I’m sorry, not sorry, but who TF parks UHaul vans on their bare land?  Epitome of class, these people.  

IKR? Why couldn’t they get one of those PODS?

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41 minutes ago, zenme said:

IKR? Why couldn’t they get one of those PODS?


41 minutes ago, zenme said:

IKR? Why couldn’t they get one of those PODS?

Well, I don’t think the pods would be that practical...probably less than the uhaul, but, idk. What I learned when I rented one recently is that they are really pricy. They can leave the pod in your yard or take it and store it on their property, but there is additional storage fee. They also charge to deliver and pick up. Each trip another charge, PLUS, it’s billed by the month and if you finish early, no prorated refund or credit.  I don’t know about their uhaul prices, but at least it gives you more flexibility. I compared several companies and still felt overcharged. Pods require a lot of planning and advance notices. That’s not very Brown like. Lol

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1 minute ago, Texasmom1970 said:

Is this entire season going to be them playing musical houses and fake crying about packing!?

I think that’s all they got....lol. 
Actually, I’m trying to immerse myself into shows like this and other mindless shows on TLC and Bravo to escape realty right now.  I’m trying not to think too much, so this sort of works. Lol

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8 minutes ago, Texasmom1970 said:

Is this entire season going to be them playing musical houses and fake crying about packing!?

Description for next Sunday:  Maddie thinks she's in labor, but it's a false alarm, so Kody heads back to Flagstaff; Kody and Robyn are at wits' end over their struggle to close on her house; Kody and Meri head to their therapist in Vegas, where the brutal truth comes out.

So the answer is yes;  houses, crying, with some baby crap thrown in.  Apparently they are going to stretch out the delivery for another episode or twenty.

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