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S08.E08: Ex-Best Man, Ex-Best Friend

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13 minutes ago, Mr. Miner said:

Is someone going knock out toolbag Tom? Thatโ€™s the only reason I tuned in tonight. It sure wasnโ€™t because I want to see any of these new characters.

I wish someone would punch Brittany!

Randall is a douchebag.ย 

Edited by nytonc
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This is some seriously stoopid shit!!!ย  ย Jax really sucks hind wind and Brittney is just a douchebag!

Girl, get with it

And what WAS that convo Scheana had on the phone exactly??ย  She sounded like a pimp! Was she pimping HERSELF out?ย  I'm confused. Might be because I've been drinking wine to celebrate mardi gras!

Edited by goofygirl
I forgot some stuff!
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Tom is such an annoying douche. How he talks and his whole act just seems like heโ€™s trying so hard. Pretty sure I saw pics of him at the wedding tho.

Jax and his whole itโ€™s my day omg worship me stuff isย ridiculous. Calm down guy itโ€™s a wedding.

FF thru all the new ppl stuff. Lame and do not care.

Randall asks to go to the bathroom and then he goes with Jax? I doubt he ate much of that chicken lol. Skiing the slopes for sure lol.

Im kind of liking Schwartz this season.


Edited by Marley
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14 minutes ago, Thumper said:

Yeah, Scheana was so transparent in knocking Charliย who was going to meet that other guy. ย ย ย (Sorry, donโ€™t know his name.). ย 

Nobody remembers his name including Scheana and Charlie.

8 minutes ago, Marley said:

FF thru all the new ppl stuff. Lame and do not care.

Copy that! I do not like these new (BORING) douchebags. They seem so fake. Nothing interesting about them. Just go fuck each other to death New Kids on the Block.

And my condolences to LVP on the loss of her mother.ย 

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With all the nasty gossiping and backstabbing shit Jaxass has done, he has a shit tonย of nerve being allย self righteous with Sandoval. Iโ€™m eagerly anticipatingย this marriage falling apart. Maybe hisย new best friend Randall can teach him how to cheat and not get caught.ย 

Edited by nytonc
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On โ€Ž2โ€Ž/โ€Ž22โ€Ž/โ€Ž2020 at 11:12 PM, OnceSane said:

"Ex-Best Man, Ex-Best Friend". Jax kicks Sandoval out of his wedding party and may disinvite him from Kentucky altogether.

I think I'm going to have to watch this one again b/c I am having trouble remembering much, other than the dramatics over whether FI Tom will be a groomsmaid and everyone prattling on about who should apologize to whom.


That girl claiming she never ate pasta before sounded familiar, for some reason.

Edited by Ubiquitous
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I was on Ariana and Flat Ironโ€™s side that Brittney is a terrible assholeย for advocating for Jax to kick Sandovalโ€™s ass for wanting to ask a question...until Ariana called it โ€œaggravated assault.โ€ ย Like, you had to go all Captain Oliviaย Benson and call simple assault aggravated assault? ย You were winning until you had to be the smartest person in the room.

Rand has no discernible jawline. ย Jax putting Randall in his wedding (Iโ€™m starting to think of this as Jaxโ€™s wedding, not Jax and Brittneyโ€™s wedding) was the most overt favor-mongering and ass kissing that Iโ€™ve ever seen, and Iโ€™ve seen Patrick when he met LVP. ย 

Lisa is so full of shit that her legs would have to be broken not to wear heels. ย Does she think that just because she has a bazillion dollars, she can re-write history? ย She wore not just flats, but big puffy comfortable looking off-white sneakers (with jeans and a button-down shirt)ย all last seasonย on RHBH. ย To the point where it was distracting. ย 

Max is so rat-faced. ย โ€œExclusiveโ€ does not mean โ€œyouโ€™re a priority now.โ€ ย Thatโ€™s not what the word means in any dictionary. ย Heโ€™s trying to retreat from the word, because he wants the storyline with Dayna, but he doesnโ€™t want exclusivity. ย Dayna, the girl who is Too Cool to define things, is now feeling needy. ย Who didnโ€™t see that coming.

Jax is saying that his wedding is the only day of his life where itโ€™s his week. ย Iโ€™m not even going to parse that one. ย Itโ€™s just gross. ย Where I come from, the groom usually doesnโ€™t give that much of a shit. ย Also, no one gets a week, not even the bride. ย You get a fucking day. ย 

I am underwhelmed by how homely Charli is (the brunette waitress that Lisaโ€™s trainer is pretending to try to date). ย The four original woman who were cast on this showโ€”Kristen, Scheana, Katie and Stassiโ€”may range in beauty, but they are all so much more attractive than her). ย She looks and acts like sheโ€™s eleven. ย Big question, of course, is whether she has genuinity.ย 

Why were the Toms crying? ย Iโ€™m sure theyโ€™ll all be at Jaxโ€™s second, third, fourth and fifth weddings...

Scheana keeps trying to litigate guys out of liking other women. ย Sheโ€™ll be all, โ€œwell, itโ€™s interesting that you like Charli/Dayna, because you said, during the spring equinox of 2018, that you might want to be with someone older someday, so how can you possibly be hanging out with her tonight? ย Sheโ€™s younger.โ€ ย Like they can be reasoned with, and theyโ€™ll smack their heads and say, โ€œoh, right, we forgot. ย We really want you.โ€ ย Very few stories of true love begin with, โ€œI fell in love with your mother/father because I had previously made statements that would have been consistent with us falling in love.โ€ ย 

Ariana is still considering going to the wedding? ย Holy shit. ย The bride physically called for the groom to take her partner down. ย Um...you should be out of that wedding and hopping mad, sweetie. ย She was saying she was depressed because she couldnโ€™t handle her fall from grace. ย She started out as the smug cool girl who didnโ€™t let anything affect her. ย Now she has fallen out of favor with much of this cast for whatever reason and she canโ€™t handle the ego blow. ย I canโ€™t believe Tom apologized. ย I think Ariana realized she isnโ€™t coming up favorable with the group and she just had a low-gradeย temper tantrum instead of being willing to stand alone stoically with the knowledge that she made the right choice for herself. ย 

Sheโ€™s still blaming depression? ย Has she been to the doctor yet? ย Ariana doesnโ€™t have to be on this show, or around these people. ย She can have any life she wants. ย Why doesnโ€™t she try equine therapy? ย She was so into horses. ย Maybe sheโ€™s not happy in the West Hollywood atmosphere. ย Maybe sheโ€™s not happy with Tom. ย Maybe she should abstain from alcohol for awhile. ย A professional can help her get that all sorted out, even if it takes years of trial and error. ย But sheโ€™s not helping herself at all. ย I do think it would be totally ill-advised for her to go to the wedding, not just because of the social statement, but because she will be isolated at a wedding, and people frequently lose their shit at weddings for some reason. ย Hell, Scheana alreadyย lost her shit at Jaxโ€™s engagement party and she suffers from high self-esteem!

Lisaโ€™s message to Brittney and Jax is not to care about what other people say, unless itโ€™s her, and then what she has to say is of the utmost of importance. ย Lisa is just one of those people who seems to think sheโ€™s more equal than others. ย ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ–๐Ÿ“๐Ÿฃ

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As much that I can't stand Jax, Tom should have apologized.ย  Why is Tom bringing this all up 'after'ย  Brit and Jax got rid of the pastor.ย  Tom has 'questions'?ย  Dude, you should have asked those 'questions' six months ago.ย  This was one of the questions that Tom was asked tonight on WWHL.ย  He tap danced all over the place with his answer.

Note to Tom S - you should be more concerned about your wife than getting answers to your 'questions' regarding Jax and Brit.

Not really feeling the new people.ย  And the guys just scream skeevy to me.


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If I could ask Ariana and Sandavol questions it would be:

Why?ย  Do you go through this for every wedding you attend?ย  Do you not attend weddings officiated by a Catholic priest for example?ย  Is it because the guy was on social media making his opinion public (please see:ย  Do you attend weddings officiated by the Catholic faith?).

I just think that unless the guy was going to give a sermon on anything but marriage, can't you just sit there and judge other people's outfits and ignore the homophobe officiating the wedding instead of turning it into all this drama?

Are you going to have problems with the bride's family since some of them share the same views as the pastor?ย ย 

Why are you even friends with Jax and Brittany?ย  And if you're still friends with Jax, after the crap things he said about Ariana, who I don't even like, and were homophobic, then how can you have a problem with the pastor?

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If Scheana were a character on a sitcom going for humor in the over the top embarrassing aspects of her character I would think that she was too much but I legit canโ€™t handle that this is how she chooses to present herself! Itโ€™s so crazy overย the top embarrassing.ย 

Edited by biakbiak
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Andy, machine-gun firing questions atย Adam Paley with regard toย his opinion on variousย VPR/Bravo showsย conflicts/issues,ย asks: Where do you landย in the debate that Scheana is boy-crazy?

Adam Paley: โ€œDebateโ€?

Edited by hoodooznoodooz
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I donโ€™t think most viewers would have an issue with Tom bringing up Jax and Brittanyโ€™s decision to have a homophobic pastor officiate their wedding had he done itย beforeย they replaced him instead of after. It seemed very (poorly) calculated to either a) create drama to secure his place on the show, b) emphasize thatย he and Ariana strongly opposed this pastor making themย look good (backfired, obviously), c) make Jax ย look bad (worse) by pointing out that he didnโ€™t replace the pastor because of his homophobic views but because Lisa told him to, or d) all of the above. There was no point otherwise because they had already gotten rid of him ย 

Ariana should not go to the wedding without Tom. If my significant other was disinvited from an event I would immediately decline to go myself. Even Raquel got that one right, though Jamesโ€™ response to her telling him about Peterโ€™s partyย was creepy. Brittany was being an asshole again this week by trying to pressure Ariana into going to the weddingย and making her feel bad about not going. If someone wasย disinvitedย from my wedding I wouldnโ€™t expect their partner to go without them, and would be completely understanding if they decided not to come. Her self absorption is really shining through.ย 

Jax asking Randall to be in his wedding was the most cringeworthy thing I have seen on this show and I include all the things Scheana has done to embarrass herself. Seriously, I had to skip ahead because I couldnโ€™t watch, something Iโ€™ve never had to do before. Heโ€™sย so transparent. His remarks about Arianaโ€™s sexuality were disgusting and showsย exactly why he was fine having a homophobic pastor officiate his wedding.ย 

Lalaโ€™s shit talkingย Ariana was also vile. I donโ€™t even like Ariana, but she and Tom were the only ones to stick by Lala when everyone else hated her. Where is her loyalty? I would understand if Ariana had done something to Lala to make her turn on her but itโ€™s clear sheโ€™s just adopting the views of the โ€œcool girlsโ€, who have finally accepted her into their fold because her partner is wealthy and connected. I suspect her Kristen hate also stems from them because I donโ€™t think she and Kristen are close enough for her to share the same grievances that Stassi and Katie have.ย 

Arianaโ€™s depression seems so inauthentic just like all the other storylines she and Tom cooked up for previous seasons. She may suffer from depression but she isnโ€™t authentically talking about it on the show, and Tomโ€™s responses to her sounded just as inauthentic and rehearsed. First of all, the conversation they had made it seem like that was the first time they had talked about her emotional state, which, if she is truly depressed, they would have talked about previously.ย Every season they seem to have some issue that is solved by the middle or end of the season with a good heart to heart like a sitcom episode ending and I donโ€™t doubt this will be the same. They are terrible actors and creatorsย for that matter since they canโ€™t come up with a believable storyline to save their lives. Again, Ariana might truly be depressed but sheโ€™s not presenting it authentically on the show if she is.ย 

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6 hours ago, Emmeline said:

How, in the name of god, could Ariana go to the wedding without Tom?

He's more into her, than she is about him.ย  I'm not talking about the bisexuality.ย  Tom was always going to be more invested in the relationship than Ariana.ย  Stop wasting even more time on this relationship where the two people involved have totally different goals and life views.


5 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Like, you had to go all Captain Oliviaย Benson and call simple assault aggravated assault? ย You were winning until you had to be the smartest person in the room.

^^^^^^ So. Much. This. ^^^^^^

Don't forget the Benson-Whispering.


5 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Lisa is so full of shit that her legs would have to be broken not to wear heels.ย 

Something she's passed onto her daughter.ย  Pandora said that Lisa considered any pairs of heels less than 3 inches to be a disease.


5 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

ย Max is so rat-faced. ย โ€œExclusiveโ€ does not mean โ€œyouโ€™re a priority now.โ€ย 

Okay, so I've been out of the dating life for 20 years and I'm a dinosaur, but I didn't know about dating multiple people at the same time and having sex with all the people you're dating and that, that was acceptable until you had 'The Talk' with the one you liked the most, about being exclusive.ย  Isn't that just plain exhausting???ย  Again, I'm thinking with my old, dinosaur brain, so I'm tired already.


5 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Jax is saying that his wedding is the only day of his life where itโ€™s his week. ย Iโ€™m not even going to parse that one. ย Itโ€™s just gross. ย Where I come from, the groom usually doesnโ€™t give that much of a shit. ย Also, no one gets a week, not even the bride. ย You get a fucking day. ย 

Like in Sex and the City where Charlotte says "It's supposed to be MY week." and Miranda shuts her down with "A DAY. You get a DAY, not a week." - and that was a woman talking.

But then again, wouldn't expect anything less from a raging narcissistic sociopath like Jax.


5 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Ariana is still considering going to the wedding? ย Holy shit. ย The bride physically called for the groom to take her partner down. ย Um...you should be out of that wedding and hopping mad, sweetie. ย She was saying she was depressed because she couldnโ€™t handle her fall from grace. ย She started out as the smug cool girl who didnโ€™t let anything affect her. ย 

If the situation were reversed, Ariana would chuck the biggest bullshit passive-aggressive hissyfit.


5 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Maybe she should abstain from alcohol for awhile. ย A professional can help her get that all sorted out, even if it takes years of trial and error. ย 

Most definitely about the alcohol.ย  Depression and alcohol don't mix, even though it may seem like alcohol would help relax you. No. No. Just No.


What if it's chemical and taking SSRI is needed?ย  What if taking them makes her so much better?ย  Why keep wasting your time doing nothing and just whining about it?ย  At least see a doctor once.ย  Given the depression storyline, I'm sure Lisa can find and pay for one of the 10000000000000000000000 psychiatrists in Los Angeles.


I do understand being skeptical about seeing someone (if that's the case).ย  Of course I had to be the 1% of the people who don't respond to therapy and the depression wasn't chemical-related, so no meds ever did anything.ย  But if they came out with a new medication tomorrow which sounded like it could help me, I would take it in a heartbeat.ย 


5 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Lisa is just one of those people who seems to think sheโ€™s more equal than others. ย ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ–๐Ÿ“๐Ÿฃ


"More equal than others" - omg, that's brilliant!ย  May I use that? ๐Ÿ™‚

And I agree with everything you've said in your post.



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Only those of us who've suffered from severe depression can understand how Ariana feels.ย  I hope that she continues to get all of the love and support she needs.ย  Sandoval can be a pain to watch at times but heย seems like a genuinely nice and caring person.

Jax is an asshole.ย  He could have at least made Schwartz his best man but instead chose Randall who's a "great friend" because he's flown him on a private jet to exotic vacation destinations?ย  Pul-lease. Lala must feel like shit talking about Ariana to later understand where those mixed emotions stemmed from.ย 

Can't help but think that Jax is on some chemical substance at times such as at that dinner.ย  His eyes seem to bug out and he goes off for no reason.ย  And Brittany is just plain annoying. Getting too big for her britches, I think.ย 

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43 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

How do you present depression "authentically"? What makes Ariana's flavour of depression "inauthentic"?ย Is it because she's not weeping in bed with unwashed hair surrounded by Burger King wrappers? Because the cameras don't follow her to any doctor or therapist appointments if she has them? There's no Yolanda Hadid Drug Closet of Doom to be shown? My depression isn't the same as (hypothetically) your depression isn't the same as that person's depression isn't the same as the other person's depression.ย 

That conversation between her and Tom, to me, seemed totally staged, planned, and rehearsed,ย and her reaction seemed rehearsed as well. She sounds as if sheโ€™s reading lines (poorly) when she talks about her depression. I know not everyoneโ€™s depression presents the same way. Iย donโ€™t know what about my above post would give you the impression that I think depression can only present one way or that I am looking for specific behaviors or words. I specifically said the conversation between them sounded rehearsed and didnโ€™t really make sense given they live together and sheโ€™s had these feelings for a while.ย Again, itย doesnโ€™t mean she doesnโ€™t have depression but she and Tom have definitely staged/rehearsed things, and it feels very forced to me.ย 

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1 hour ago, Iris987 said:

So..... That's Randall.

I've seen pictures of him, obviously, but I was hoping he'd have some sort of charisma. Or a unique sense of humor or anything that would make Lala less craven. It's not the gold standard of trophy wifery (thank you Anna Nicole Smith) but still. He's just a schluby guy who has bought his way onto the "cool" kids table through his fiancรฉe. Also, he's best mates with Jax. Which leads me to Jax. What a fucking asshole. I know this fight is bullshit and it's just a storyline but the way he is attacking Ariana as a part of it is vile. I think the problem is that Ariana has never liked him and never changed her opinion. She has always seen him for exactly what he is and someone like Jax can't handle that. I'm also getting really tired of the sexuality jabs. Dude, you were a bottom rung Florida Rent Boy for years. At least Ariana isn't using her attraction to women to finance chunky sweater purchases. Pipe down.

Oh wow. Honey, this is the post of the season so far!

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Can someone refresh my recollection here? ย Wasnโ€™tย there an incidence of Brittany and another of the girls on the show having oral sex? ย Maybe it was Kristen...or Ariana? ย Everyone was drunk, of course. ย But my impression is that all these girls make out with one another from time to time.


so, big deal that all are suddenly bisexual


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3 hours ago, Callaphera said:

How do you present depression "authentically"? What makes Ariana's flavour of depression "inauthentic"?ย Is it because she's not weeping in bed with unwashed hair surrounded by Burger King wrappers? Because the cameras don't follow her to any doctor or therapist appointments if she has them? There's no Yolanda Hadid Drug Closet of Doom to be shown? My depression isn't the same as (hypothetically) your depression isn't the same as that person's depression isn't the same as the other person's depression.ย 

Thank you. I have never been a huge Ariana fan, but I don't question the authenticity of her depression problems. And going to a doctor and getting a pill is not a magic cure-all for all depression. Therapy also helps, and it takes a lot of work often along with finding the right medication to deal with depression, and even THEN it's deliberate, daily work. I see nothing inauthentic about her depression claims. She's doing something very familiar to me โ€” every time she mentions it to anyone, on camera, she's really shouting and screaming for help. She'll get there one day. It's hard to admit "defeat" to depression and finally take the healthy steps you need. Took me two decades. I'm not judging Ariana. I'm actually relating to her for the first time.

Speaking of Ariana...the comment Jax made about her sexuality was all we needed to know about how and why those two fuckwits chose a homophobic pastor. On no planet do I believe that they didn't know. Also, is Marriage Bootcamp still on? Because Jax and Brit need to reserve their spot for the next iteration.ย 

Sheana...I just...can't.ย 

The new people are sooooooooo boring. So. Boring.ย 

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1 hour ago, SFoster21 said:

Can someone refresh my recollection here? ย Wasnโ€™tย there an incidence of Brittany and another of the girls on the show having oral sex? ย Maybe it was Kristen...or Ariana? ย Everyone was drunk, of course. ย But my impression is that all these girls make out with one another from time to time.

I think it was "What went down" episode, where Kristen went down on Brittany.


3 hours ago, Jets4274 said:

Can't help but think that Jax is on some chemical substance at times such as at that dinner.ย  His eyes seem to bug out and he goes off for no reason.ย 

Most likely cocaine.ย  He's never given up nose candy.ย  That shithead has zero impulse control and will do whatever he wants to.

Just now, hoodooznoodooz said:

Well, I guess the double order of fried chicken explains theย no discernible jawline.

Lala: โ€œHeโ€™s kind. Heโ€™s generous.โ€

I don't care what the person looks like if he/she's kind and generous, because kindness shows up on the person's face and instantly make them beautiful, but I really don't believe that Randall's that way.

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I wasย on Ariana and Flat Ironโ€™s side that Brittney is a terrible assholeย for advocating for Jax to kick Sandovalโ€™sย ass for wanting to ask a question...until Ariana called it โ€œaggravated assault.โ€ ย Like, you had to go all Captain Oliviaย Benson and call simple assault aggravated assault? ย You were winning until you had to be the smartest person in the room.

I don't think one even has to physically touch someoneย for it to be labeled assault. If I understand the differentiation, Jax actually clocking Tom would be (assault and?) battery anyway.ย 

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10 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Also shoutout to Lala and her sexy, unique brand of feminism and acceptance with her remaining quiet at the dinner table while Jax tried to shade Ariana over being confused about her sexuality. Ariana's not confused, Jax, she's bisexual. You seem to be the one unable to understand what that means.ย 

I agree when Lalaย said Ariana is a wet blanket. Also, that Tom and Ariana do not like to see people doing well in life.

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This is an odd situation where I think all parties are equally right and wrong. Or to put it another way, theyโ€™re all assholes!

Jax and Brittany only care about themselves and would have Hitler marry them if they thought it would get them moreย camera time and then scream about why everyone keeps bringing up stuff that happened in Germany 80 years ago! And the way Jax uses Arianna sexuality as a pejorative is disgusting. Iโ€™m basically ok with anyone saying they donโ€™t want to associate with Jax and Brittany.

That, however, is not what Tom and Arianna are doing. It may be what they want, but itโ€™s nit what theyโ€™re doing. Just like Jax and Brittany, Tom and Arianna will do anything for camera time. Their schtik is just โ€œBeing Rightโ€. I donโ€™t believe for one moment that Tom wanted to talk to Jax about anything at Peterโ€™s party. He wanted to lecture Jax on camera. And Brittany is right, Arianna doesnโ€™t give a shit about her. She wants camera time. And Tom and Arianna ARE incapable of ever apologizing or even admitting their part in anything and they ARE deeply envious people that resent the success of others.

They are all assholes.

Edited by FozzyBear
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The most authentic relationship on this show is between Tom and Tom.ย 

Ariana really bugs me, but I can totally understand how she can be depressed and not โ€œlook like it.โ€ She needs to take some time for herself. Stepping away from these people for a while could only help.

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Random observation: Why was Beau sitting in the restaurant with Brittney and Lala when Stassi was nowhere in sight or in the scene? It's just weird. Let's just insert Beau anywhere we can so we can give the guy a paycheck.ย 

I never liked Lala but now I like her even less for sitting there with her mouth shut while Jax went off onย Ariana's sexuality. She makes me sick. Would she be so quiet if he was talking about her like that? She talks big but has no backbone.ย 

Why is everybody so scared of Brittney and Jax?

I can't help but think that the group of chucklefucks pretend to like Rand because they want to get in his good graces so that when this gig is finally over,ย  maybe if they kiss his ass enough he will cast them in his movies.ย 

I thought Schwartzie and Sandoval crying together were kind of cute. Schwartzie does love his bro's.ย 


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2 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Well, I guess the double order of fried chicken explains theย no discernible jawline.

Lala: โ€œHeโ€™s kind. Heโ€™s generous.โ€

Thatโ€™s hysterical because last night on Watch What Happens, Andy Cohen let the guest give the Jackhole of the day and he said โ€œRandallโ€™s neck.โ€ ย When Andy asked him why he said because who the hell knows whatโ€™s in there. ย 

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1 hour ago, FozzyBear said:

They are all assholes.

Those four simple words that describe everyone on this show.

I'm going to give LVP a pass on this because her mother died recently.ย  But I still think she's an a$$hole too.ย 

I don't recall who the poster was that stated up thread that Jax still snorts cocaine, but I'm believing it. I hopeย his babies aren't born addicted.

Did those two get married yet? I'm pretty sure Jax will be at a strip club while Brittany is in labor. It will, however, make for good "reality" TV!

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7 hours ago, glowbug said:

Brittany was being an asshole again this week by trying to pressure Ariana into going to the weddingย and making her feel bad about not going. If someone wasย disinvitedย from my wedding I wouldnโ€™t expect their partner to go without them, and would be completely understanding if they decided not to come. Her self absorption is really shining through.ย 

I guess they needed the filler and/or camera time, but no, Ariana does not need to go to this wedding, even if she is a bridesmaid.ย  Her significant other has just been banned from the wedding.ย  This isn't even a debate.ย  No.

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4 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

I don't think one even has to physically touch someoneย for it to be labeled assault. If I understand the differentiation, Jax actually clocking Tom would be (assault and?) battery anyway.ย 

Simple assault, according to the California Penal Code, is โ€œan unlawful attempt, coupled with present ability, to commit a violent injury upon another person.โ€ ย That would have fit the bill for Jax punching Sandoval or kicking his ass.

Aggravated assault is when there is disregard for the victimโ€™s life or a deadly weapon. ย 

This is my problem with Ariana in a nutshell: ย she and Flat Iron always have to be so dramatic about everything. ย Just say Jax was going to assault Tom, and I will join you. ย When she says itโ€™sย conspiracy to commit murder and that Jax was ready to send ninjas in to take out Tom,ย Iโ€™m going to roll my eyes (unless Ariana has a trademarked the ironic eye roll already and I just havenโ€™t been paying attention).

On a somewhat related note, I donโ€™t understand why they keep applying the word โ€œhomophobicโ€ to the pastor. ย A phobia is an irrational fear. ย I donโ€™t see any evidence that the pastorย is afraid of, let alone irrationally afraid of, gay people. ย If they think heโ€™s anti-gay, why donโ€™t they just say โ€œanti-gayโ€? ย Again, sometimes ratcheting down the rhetoric is more effective to get people on oneโ€™s side.

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