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S08.E05: Gina's Story LIVE CHAT

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Let's see... I say she has lost 40 pounds and Dr. Now accepts her so we end the show with her getting surgery and then barely losing anything the first month post-surgery as she decides she doesn't have to try anymore?

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3 minutes ago, JJ1 said:

Is it me or has My 600 Lb Life  become just a big ole snooze fest this season??

Depends on why you watch the show. Feel good inspirational stories? The season sucks. Snarkfest of epic proportions? We're on track for a gold standard season.

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1 minute ago, DC Gal in VA said:

Fat free sour cream, fat free mayo........ BLECCH! I know that Dr. Now wants his patients to do both low carb and low fat but some "foods" are just a taste-free wastes of money.

With added starches and sugar in place of the fat taken out.

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Why didn’t the nutritionist talk about portion size?   That’s as important as just throwing out the cheese.   And I hate that she recommended fat free.   That stuff is loaded with additives.  

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2 minutes ago, Donut Bear said:

These people just sit.  I see no books, magazines.  I suppose there is a television somewhere but I don’t see it or a computer or tablet.  Just sitting and staring.

No one ever has a damn book. Here's a tip--take a walk to the library. Two for one! Even if you don't like to read or have a reading disability, you can get audibles. Sheesh. Crosswords. Board games. Fucking Tetris or Sudoku. There are endless things to do to amuse yourself. 

1 minute ago, ShortyMac said:

Sorry, fat's not evil. There's more added ingredients in 'light' and 'fat free.' I understand that they will help decrease calories, though.

"Light" and "fat free" are usually full of sugar or other additives. I'd rather have a little good honest olive oil or Greek yogurt than any "light" product. 

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3 minutes ago, Hellga said:

It never ceases to amaze me that in the age of ubiquitous internet people can be that clueless about food...

I think it's that it's so easy to order fast food, and never leave your chair.


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1 minute ago, Twopper said:

I just got home.   My eating habit was stopping at Newk's and eating a spicy shrimp pizza. Haven't seen any of this episode  

 Consider yourself fortunate, and enjoy your delicious pizza

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4 minutes ago, Dianaofthehunt said:

I only now tuned into this freak show.
This country has a pernicious snack culture. Brats at their after-school games can't go half an hour without a "snack." Their goddamn unemployed mohhhhmmmms pack up their wasteful SUVs with "snacks" for their bratty contraceptive failures. Feeling hungry is the American cholera.
Well, I may have gone off the rails there a bit, but you get what I mean.

DianaOfTheHunt, I agree with everything except the contraceptive failures. The snack-needers were plaaanned because responsible unemployed mohhhhmmmms plaaan everything...including tons of individually packaged, super expensive, unnecessary snacks. 

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1 minute ago, Twopper said:

I just got home.   My eating habit was stopping at Newk's and eating a spicy shrimp pizza. Haven't seen any of this episode.

Do we have a success tonight?  

Only if you consider someone steadfastly refusing to follow the diet a "success"....

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5 minutes ago, ShortyMac said:

Sorry, fat's not evil. There's more added ingredients in 'light' and 'fat free.' I understand that they will help decrease calories, though.

Fat free and light usually aren't that healthy, either.

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2 minutes ago, LookABird said:

Why can't they make the connection that if they were able to meet Dr. Now's weight loss goal, they could continue losing weight without surgery?

I think they can; but they don't want to do it for the length of time it would take because surgery is magic and losing weight the old fashioned way by eating less is just TOO HARD!

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You know you've crossed the line when an entire love seat is your chair.  

Started at 606, went up to 614, down to 609, then 586.    

Month 9-543, total loss 63 pounds (from her month 1 weight).  

So she's approved for 3 months from now, but has to lose 50 more lbs?  If she does it, I'll faint.  

That poor taxi minivan jumped up a foot when she got out.   

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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1 minute ago, Dianaofthehunt said:

I only now tuned into this freak show.
This country has a pernicious snack culture. Brats at their after-school games can't go half an hour without a "snack." Their goddamn unemployed mohhhhmmmms pack up their wasteful SUVs with "snacks" for their bratty contraceptive failures. Feeling hungry is the American cholera.
Well, I may have gone off the rails there a bit, but you get what I mean.

I agree 100%. The parental units are stuffing their kids.  Can't have a moment to ever experience a hunger pang.  Remember no snacking or you'll spoil your dinner? Not now.  Eat, eat, eat.  Vans across America are littered with fast-food containers and to-go items.  

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Oh, FUCK. She's gonna have the surgery and now, next year, we're gonna have to watch her all over again in the WATN. 


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From the commercial that just played I didn't catch the sponsor, but I know Nat King Cole when I hear him: Let's Face the Music.  I hate to sound like an old lady, and normally I say this about the Smashing Pumpkins, but this is real music, kids. 

That said, Fred Astaire's version is good, too.  Anything is better than listening to Gina talk.

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