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S01.E11: Room 320

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...okay, so that was incredibly trippy as hell. Like the Twilight Zone on acid-I kept expecting that nurse to tell David there was "room for one more". 

Ben taking on the game persona of a kid was amusing, though I fear his mentioning Lynn and Lila will backfire on them. And the idea that Judy was the "Kristen" of the team before Kristen arrived is interesting, too. Hm. 

Yeah. I'm gonna need to watch this one a few more times to fully grasp all of this, if that's even possible. 

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Damn episode!   I groaned when I realized in the first five minutes that this episode would feature loopy dreamy sequences and give us lots of new clues, questions and characters and little resolution or explanation....

...but enjoyed every minute nonetheless. Damn show, really. Not sure what it’s about, or if it’s actually going anywhere but I really enjoy it every week.    Evil!

Edited by VanillaBeanne
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This one was a little too weird for my tastes.

So, presumably there were other nurses and doctors who would have checked on David at some point (I assume Nurse Death wasn't working 24 hr shifts).  None of them noticed that something was off with the meds?  That's Chastain levels of malpractice right there.  And what hospital wouldn't have immediately had someone in there cleaning up the huge blood stain off the floor?   

Noticed the squeeze ball was red.

David seemed much happier to see Judy than Judy did to see David.  Clearly there is a history there with her comment to Kristen about "David's type."

Why didn't David just ask woman in the wheelchair to get his phone?  

No screeching Banshee children or flaky mother.  So, yeah! 

Edited by Bulldog
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The whole hospital sequence was gruelingly Hitchcockian- David's long bloody crawl to his phone was very suspenseful, imo. Of course it didn't make any logical sense; if the 'Evil' crew wants to get rid of David, why not just shoot him instead of all this nonsense with the nurse (who I gather was an 'angel of death' type serial killer). 

I really enjoy this show, warts and all.

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7 minutes ago, rhys said:

Honestly I did not know if the roommate died or not (I am thinking he did).

Somebody elsewhere suggested he might've been a ghost the whole time-one of the many men who died at that nurse's hands (that locker...*Shudders*). 


The whole hospital sequence was gruelingly Hitchcockian- David's long bloody crawl to his phone was very suspenseful, imo.

Yes! When the IV stand started to tip I was flailing my arms and cringing like, "Noooooo!" 

Edited by Annber03
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That was creepy and kind of odd.  Which is this show.  It's fun and I say WTF after every episode.

Solving the mystery of the girl in the game was nice.  Is Leland going to be dealt with this season or is he going to be on indefinitely. 

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So Judy was the original Kristen. Wonder what caused her to leave. 

The real Rose390 is revealed. I didn’t expect him to be the one who stabbed David. I’m sure that’s not the end of it though. 

Nurse Plague was creepy as hell, but David and Kristen are too smart for her. Maybe she’s one of Leland’s demon friends. And those weird monster things are involved somehow. Sadly, I think she really did kill Harlan, because his name was on one of the bracelets in her locker. 

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I felt like I was the one who was somehow on all of the drugs, thats how trippy this episode was. Considering how the show is, its hard to tell what was the drugs and the serial killer nurse, or how much was David seeing visions of real demons, or some combination of both, I would buy any of those. I was pretty creeped out by this one, especially the demon doctors. There is also just something really creepy about being so close to help, but being unable to actually get it, especially in a place like a hospital that is supposed to be safe. Good thing Kristin figured things out pretty quickly, poor David. 

What are the odds that racist Nurse Ratchet is another pal of Lelands? Either a demon, or one of the humans that he pointed down the dark path? 

It all felt very Twilight Zone-esc, with the main character being increasingly isolated, possibly going insane, ambiguity as to what is actually happening and if supernatural goings on are happening, lots of weird hospital imadgry, it was super weird and I am not sure if this will lead to anything, but I enjoyed it. 

Interesting to meet the OG Kristen, there is obviously a story there. We even get more hints to the evil computer game!

Loved Kristen's doctor friend showing up and threatening lawsuits everywhere. Sue these assholes David, get a nicer apartment! 

Edited by tennisgurl
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This one felt off to me. One nurse would not be working 24 hours, there would be nursing assistants and doctors, hospital visiting hours don’t start at 5pm and all medications are logged in computers with the patients name attached. There are killer nurses but they have to be much more sneaky than this nurse. My niece was recently in the hospital and pretty much every 20 minutes someone new came in her room ( dietary, blood draw, cleaners etc). 

I don’t expect the creepy stuff to make sense but if we are supposed to believe the nurse was real, I just don’t buy it. 

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Oh, and yeah, David's treatment and the staffing at the hospital and basically everything medical had pretty much nothing to do with reality. I stopped counting all the things that were wrong; i guess they needed a crap ton of dramatic license to do... whatever this was.

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I love this show so much. The nurse was terrifying in her cheerful menace. This really reminded me of the X Files episode One Breath where Scully has an imaginary nurse/angel. I actually thought both the nurse AND the priest were part of his dreams, but I think the point of this episode and the show, much like the X files again is to always give you evidence of the supernatural and then offer a "rational" explanation for why it isn't, but to leave it ambiguous as to which it really is. 



One nurse would not be working 24 hours, there would be nursing assistants and doctors, hospital visiting hours don’t start at 5pm and all medications are logged in computers with the patients name attached. There are killer nurses but they have to be much more sneaky than this nurse. My niece was recently in the hospital and pretty much every 20 minutes someone new came in her room ( dietary, blood draw, cleaners etc). 

For most of the episode we are in David's drug and pain addled perspective, so I'm willing to leave that aside, as to how much of what we saw was really happening v. delusion, but I think essentially we are meant to believe y'know like Leeland, this nurse was aided by supernatural evil forces. So yes other nurses and doctors should have noticed but for SOME REASON they didn't. Now why they let that bitch leave the room to begin with when Kristen knew SHE specifically was the issue is harder to justify.

And as for the blood on the floor I work in hospital and I can tell you, you'd be surprised  how long it can take to clean up. 

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I hope they link Ghana to Leland or something because otherwise this was just too all over the place. 

I have spent a lot of time in hospitals with family members and none of this made sense. And I have dealt with bitchy nurses.

No one nurse takes care of a patient 24-7.  And seeing as how the dark haired nurse had just come on duty, why would she agree to leave because evil nurse said "i'll take over you haven't had a break". Yeah because SHE JUST GOT THERE!!

There are way too many safeguards that would stop that nurse from over medicating, etc. Those IV drips lock so that only so much pain med can be given.   We couldn't even get the hospital to make sure my father was strapped into his bed so he wouldn't get up and fall.  And leaving blood all over the floor? RU Kidding me? 

The hallucination stuff got old after a while for me. But I had a headache so maybe it was just me. 

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This was one fucked up episode.  Yeah, kind of Twilight Zone-y, but the Twilight Zone was never incoherent like this episode was.  Things might have been weird, but with this, it was hard to make heads or tales of what was real, what was a hallucination or what.   

There was no doubt that the nurse was evil, but there have been "Angel of Death" nurses AND doctors in hospitals but yeah, they're usually more subtle in how they kill people.   A massive drug overdose would be a little too obvious.  And where was the rest of the staff in the hospital?   Having elderly relatives who were in and out of hospitals ALOT, there was always somebody or other coming into a room, though I'll be the first to say that you really need to have somebody with you in a hospital to advocate about your care.  

Good thing Kristen and her doctor friend showed up when they did or David was gonna be a goner.   Poor Harlan - I was really hoping that he had escaped the nurse and had just been released from the hospital, but from the nametag in the locker, that didn't seem to be the case.   

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Now we know that Harbor Hospital is the medical equipment to (L&O's) Hudson University: you don't go there unless you want to be murdered.

But wow...very trippy, including all the weird shows on the TV. I'm assuming that everything we saw from David's POV was him plus massive painkillers. So he might have seen things and interpreted them one way when they were actual real actions. (Like he thought he was speaking to Kristen, but all that was coming out was a slur/mumble.)

I liked the callback to Kristen's detective friend, who also knows how to wield her authority. And that she called again on her therapist to outrank the evil nurse, and threaten the attending physician as a fellow doctor. Kristin has good friends and knows how to use them.

And was the Chinese prophet really speaking to David in his dream? Or was she manifested by his subconscious/survival instinct. It could be either...he has shown that he's got some kind of beyond-the-body visualization capabilities. (Though only under extreme pain/hallucinogents.)

Reminded me of the part of that Sandra Bullock movie where George Clooney came in from outer space and advised her when she knew he was dead. Or when Harry Potter was temporarily killed and met Dumbledore who told him: Of course it's in y our head, Harry. But that doesn't mean it's not real.

And I do think it will be revealed that Leland is behind both Ghana and Evil Nurse (otherwise, why the Ghana plotline?) Also, evil nurse looked kind of like a blonde Mayim Bialek, and it creeped me out.

And Ben had the right idea in trying to track down Ghana through the game (good questions, Ben & Judy!) But he should not have mentioned Kristen's kids' names...it will somehow come back.

And Judy seemed to have had some kind of collapse/epiphany after working with David & Ben. The cameras everywhere, her "Fridays are for the universe," and immediately going with them when she heard David was hurt. He also has a way of inspiring people. I wonder if Judy was a non-believer before she worked with David.

Enjoying the hell (so to speak) out of this show!


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14 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

It lost all credibility for me when David was lying so close to the edge of his bed and the railing wasn't up. I would have fallen out and there is nothing wrong with me.

During my last two extended hospital stays, I couldn't even swing my legs over the side of the bed to sit up or touch the floor with a toe without the damn bed alarm going off! Nothing on par with what hallucinations David had but there were two middle of the night periods where I thought I was in a lab and not a hospital, and that the nurses were actually research students so I felt bad for them having to attend to me in the bathroom. I wasn't sure why I was there but I had this idea that I wasn't supposed to know it wasn't a hospital, and if they found out that I knew, things could suddenly go very, very badly for me...

I missed seeing Michael Emerson in this episode but was thankful that we got a break from the grandmother.

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18 hours ago, meatball77 said:

Is Leland going to be dealt with this season or is he going to be on indefinitely. 

I hope this is his only season, so I can stop watching this show. To walk away while ME's still on it feels disloyal lol.

Edited by Starchild
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I know he was drugged up and all, but it seems like David could have crawled out of his room and told someone that the crazy nurse was trying to kill him.  He was pretty lucid when the other nurse was in there.  Honestly, even if your nurse isn't trying to kill you, or they don't believe she it, I would think for your mental well-being if you think she is, they would assign you a new nurse.

My grandmother was in a nursing home the last 2 years of her life.  They were horribly understaffed.  They did not have the nurse/patient ratio required by law, and even then there were more nurses going in and out of my grandmother's room than in David's.

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I was given morphine for pain about 3 years ago& even that affected me weirdly. It was somewhat hallucinating for me which I did not expect. It was sorta fun cuz I was lucid enough to know that what was in my head wasn't truly happening. I remember clearly starting to edge into freaktown & starting to get scared but just somehow deciding (knowing?) I was safe & nothing was going to hurt me. So I just rolled with it & went a bit loop de loop on morphine for a short stint.

but after watching D, I understand why patients need advocates for them while they are in the hospital.

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On 1/10/2020 at 6:21 PM, Starchild said:

I hope this is his only season, so I can stop watching this show.

I hope this is his only season but he's not a terribly interesting character and I prefer this type of show not have a main antagonist.  I think the show would be better served with stand alone episodes with the occasional mulit ep arc.

I liked this one with its horror movie vibe.   Since I have to hand wave the whole "Leland not arrested for theft that was witnessed and used in court" I've just decided to go with the inconsistencies.  For this ep, some of it could be blamed on David's drug hallucinated brain misinterpreting things.   The last shot of the wrist bands in the nurse's locker was disturbing though. 

I liked Kristen confronting the nurse with knowing she was off not because of the note but because the nurse followed her.

Not sure why we had to introduce the previous team member; so Ben could have someone to talk to while he was in the game?  I did notice the couple of remarks that Ben made about her leaving her house on a Friday - did that mean she doesn't leave her house on a Friday?  Maybe something more will be made of that.

On 1/10/2020 at 12:48 AM, LittleIggy said:

I laughed when one of the monsters used hand sanitizer! 

I did too!  That reminded me the aliens in the X-Files "Jose Chung" episode (yes, I know they were people) who were smoking and talking.  So I figured the "monsters" were other hospital workers doing dastardly things.  Maybe.

Even though I knew he wasn't in real danger, David trying to get to his phone was tense and painful looking, LOL. 

Fun episode.

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20 hours ago, raven said:

I hope this is his only season but he's not a terribly interesting character and I prefer this type of show not have a main antagonist.

Agreed, Emerson is much more compelling when his character is nuanced. Ben Linus was a masterclass in that kind of acting. 

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On 1/10/2020 at 9:15 AM, blixie said:

I love this show so much. The nurse was terrifying in her cheerful menace. This really reminded me of the X Files episode One Breath where Scully has an imaginary nurse/angel. I actually thought both the nurse AND the priest were part of his dreams, but I think the point of this episode and the show, much like the X files again is to always give you evidence of the supernatural and then offer a "rational" explanation for why it isn't, but to leave it ambiguous as to which it really is. 


For most of the episode we are in David's drug and pain addled perspective, so I'm willing to leave that aside, as to how much of what we saw was really happening v. delusion, but I think essentially we are meant to believe y'know like Leeland, this nurse was aided by supernatural evil forces. So yes other nurses and doctors should have noticed but for SOME REASON they didn't. Now why they let that bitch leave the room to begin with when Kristen knew SHE specifically was the issue is harder to justify.

And as for the blood on the floor I work in hospital and I can tell you, you'd be surprised  how long it can take to clean up. 

I really enjoyed it. I get your X Files references, they definitely apply. I was thinking of Buffy's hospital episode, with the Kinder monster. I don't have a problem with any inconsistencies here, unlike many. 

I can only take so much of Michael Emerson myself, I am hoping that we get some better evil demons a la Supernatural. They've had some terrific demons/bad angels on that show. If we're going to get Lost veterans, I'd suggest Mark Pellegrino. Can be evil and amusing at the same time and still pretty damn hot. I stopped watching Lost during the second season, maybe that's why Emerson does nothing for me. He comes along as creepy and unattractive, and I just can't see him as being seductive in any kind of way.

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On 1/9/2020 at 11:04 PM, Annber03 said:

...okay, so that was incredibly trippy as hell. Like the Twilight Zone on acid-I kept expecting that nurse to tell David there was "room for one more". 

Ben taking on the game persona of a kid was amusing, though I fear his mentioning Lynn and Lila will backfire on them. And the idea that Judy was the "Kristen" of the team before Kristen arrived is interesting, too. Hm. 

Yeah. I'm gonna need to watch this one a few more times to fully grasp all of this, if that's even possible. 

This episode, I noticed Rockne S. O'Bannon was an executive producer. He worked on many of the 1980's Twilight Zone episodes.

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2 hours ago, ketose said:

This episode, I noticed Rockne S. O'Bannon was an executive producer. He worked on many of the 1980's Twilight Zone episodes.

Ahhhh I didn't know that.  I really enjoyed those, and actually preferred some of the remade episodes to the original (i.e. Time Enough at Last) - the last person living on earth.

I know of Rockne as the creator of Farscape. I was a big obsessed fan, back in the day.

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4 hours ago, ketose said:

This episode, I noticed Rockne S. O'Bannon was an executive producer. He worked on many of the 1980's Twilight Zone episodes.

I thought that name sounded familiar! Well, there we go, then, that sure explains a hell of a lot 😄. I like the '80s "Twilight Zone", too, they had some good episodes. 

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If you're going to do a trippy episode at least show us what was real and what wasn't. I've watched episodes on true crime shows that were about killer CNA's in nursing homes but I don't buy it in a big hospital.

Since I started this series I'll finish it but I'm out after this. I don't like the fact that a married woman and a man studying to be a Priest is lusting after each other the way David and Kristen are especially since they've only known each other a short time. I know he's a sex addict and will lust after anything but she's a married women with 4 kids so she's making it's really hard for me to like her.

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