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"The View": Week of 12/09/2019

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Ugh. What a time for the site to go down. 

Man, Meg is being so rude to Steyer!  She wasn’t even looking at him but was looking in the camera with her dismissive remarks. Stop rolling those eyes, Missy!  (Didn’t she just say earlier that people should strive to be nicer during the holidays?)

Thanks for the spelling correction, General!

Edited by Haleth
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Is Darlene Love on today (and/or will she be on the last new episode before Christmas)?

I take it McCant is winning friends and influencing people as ever. She's such a chore.

I haven't watched in a couple of weeks. Decided to tune in today, but Boston pre-empted for local coverage of the funeral mass for Peter Frates (Ice Bucket Challenge guy, who is a local). 

(FYI All Y'All: It's Tom Steyer)

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6 minutes ago, Medicine Crow said:

Hissy little Missy was SO rude to Tom Steier ... particularly disgusting after her crying foul about Joy teasing Chris Christie about his sex life.  Missy was trying to "take him down" but only looked STUPID!!!

The cheek to rudely attack Steyer on using his own money as a billionaire in the political arena, the nerve! I was surprised that she didn't use Tulsi Gabbard  instead of Corey Booker for her outrage at his ability to get on stage.  I don't know who was guiding her as a child but I never saw her father behave that ugly on camera.  

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30 minutes ago, Haleth said:

Ugh. What a time for the site to go down. 

Man, Meg is being so rude to Steier!  She wasn’t even looking at him but was looking in the camera with her dismissive remarks. Stop rolling those eyes, Missy!  (Didn’t she just say earlier that people should strive to be nicer during the holidays?)

Yeah, I think she meant people need to be nicer TO HER during the holidays.  (her father died, you know)

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Why in the world did Meghan start off her part of the conversation about Gaetz by saying, "It's the holidays", as if that's why he brought up Hunter's drug problems?  And of course "both sides". 

I wonder if Joy knows that Joe Biden also still has a daughter as well - Ashley, that he had with.  She's mentioned so infrequently, though, I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people are unaware of her.

"Herself included".  Always included.

Did Meghan say that Boris Johnson is a traditional politician so he shouldn't be compared to Trump?  Just from what I've gathered about him, while he's very well educated and much more intelligent than Trump, he doesn't behave like a typical politician.

Meghan scoffing, and just disdainfully dismissing Tom Steyer, because he hasn't convinced her of anything, and that's what's important, after all, so let's move on!

And then just downright insulting him when comparing him to Bloomberg.  But she didn't have the nerve to look him in the eye when she said it.  

No, Meghan, you're the only one with an obsession about Steyer's tie.

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So who is worse, MM screeching about not having kids all the time or Whoppi who dangles limply in her chair And rolls her eyes whenever a topic comes up that she finds vapid? Do they not understand that the premise of the show is to have them all be engaged in a certain topic regardless If they agree or disagree? Temper tantrums are unbecoming in adults!

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11 minutes ago, OpalNightstream said:

So who is worse, MM screeching about not having kids all the time or Whoppi who dangles limply in her chair

Both behaviors are unprofessional, but at least Whoopie's is quieter.

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7 minutes ago, lusinia said:

Both behaviors are unprofessional, but at least Whoopie's is quieter.

That's close to what I was going to say. ...Megaphone's screeching hurts my ears. 

I can't imagine how poor Sunny puts up with it sitting right next to her.  

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9 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

She acts like a dumb donkey when Donald Trump Jr. is on after all the shit he said about her family

She knew the DT Jr. interview would get a lot of right wing press, so she acted all prim and proper and played the quivering-voiced victim.

On another topic, I did agree with Ana that Boris Johnson's Love Actually takeoff was very well done, and he did a good job in it.

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1 hour ago, General Days said:

Is Darlene Love on today (and/or will she be on the last new episode before Christmas)?

I take it McCant is winning friends and influencing people as ever. She's such a chore.

I haven't watched in a couple of weeks. Decided to tune in today, but Boston pre-empted for local coverage of the funeral mass for Peter Frates (Ice Bucket Challenge guy, who is a local). 

(FYI All Y'All: It's Tom Steyer)

I said out loud to myself  "oh boy, we're one letter away".....

Edited by TV Diva Queen
more typos
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Man, even when I agree with her, I can't agree with her!  I heard on the news this morning that Tom Steyer had made the debate stage and was somewhat appalled.  Talk about buying your way into an election!  But she was so. damn. rude. to him.  And I wasn't even watching, just listening.  I can't believe she wasn't looking at him while asking him questions.  Oh wait.  Sadly, yes I can 😞

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11 minutes ago, jalady said:

Man, even when I agree with her, I can't agree with her!  I heard on the news this morning that Tom Steyer had made the debate stage and was somewhat appalled.  Talk about buying your way into an election!  But she was so. damn. rude. to him.  And I wasn't even watching, just listening.  I can't believe she wasn't looking at him while asking him questions.  Oh wait.  Sadly, yes I can 😞

Missed lots of shows while watching all the hearings, but am watching today. Mistake. Meghan is so unbelievably rude and childish. I can't think of any other talk show, no matter how heated the discussions are, when someone reacts in the immature, pouty way she does. She could never be on a debate team of any kind. On second thought, maybe it would help her to take a debate course and learn how to disagree in a civil, even if it's heated, manner. 

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1 hour ago, tinkerbell said:

Yeah, I think she meant people need to be nicer TO HER during the holidays.  (her father died, you know)

Yikes!  Her father died?  Recently?  Who was he again?

Edited by HaaCHOO
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When Megan crosses her arms, it's not a simple/relaxed arm-cross.  It's a bit comforting, but it's more, "I'm PISSED!" She's telegraphing to EVERYONE that she's pissed and SOMEONE had better do something about it RIGHT NOW !!!!

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48 minutes ago, blondiec0332 said:

While I agree with Meghan (and the rest of the table) that it was wrong for Gaetz to bring up Hunter Biden's substance abuse problem the other Congressman had every right to bring Gaetz's own past issues.   The Congressman wasn't shaming Gaetz. He was saying those who live in glass houses and all that.

And he did it in the best possible way! 

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14 minutes ago, PradaKitty said:

Looking at Abby’s dress I just knew she would be trying to keep it from flying up over her head in the giveaway sequence!

I didn't look at that segment but I think she looks great in that colour! She pulls off bright colours really well, in my opinion.

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16 hours ago, maggiemae said:

It really is Meghan's Great Pity Party on MM's twitter today. She wishes "for more compassion and responsibility...."

To my knowledge, and I watch daily live or on demand - she has never mentioned miscarrying on the show. Actually, never heard her say she wants to be a mother. 

No mention of her Greta comments on her twitter. I think Greta deserved the cover and would have appoved of a photo of a whistle as well if she wasn't. But her's is a global issue.....but whistle blowers is as well to deal with democracy world wide.

MM was like a tween going on and on about Brian today and she completely messed up the show, imo.

When she gives it maybe she will get it.  She WISHES she were as important and on the mark as Greta.  And Joy was completely right about Melania and Barron.  She only gives a shit about her own kid.  #BeBest my ass.  The breastfeeding topic was a good time for her to keep her yap shut, not screech over everyone else about her lack of children.  Like a lot of you, I think she could be helped by mood stabilizers.  Or a ball gag.  I am beginning to see Abby as Matenopoulos without the excuse of youth.

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1 hour ago, RJA2 said:

I’ve been reading posts here for a long time, but this is my first time posting a comment.

I would like to weigh in on the discussion about Time’s Person of the Year.  With all due respect, there seems to be a fairly common misunderstanding with regard to Time’s annual pick, and what it means.

Time has described its picks in terms of influence and importance, recognizing an individual or group of individuals for better or for worse, who have had the biggest impact on news headlines over the past 12 months.  It is therefore, not necessarily an honour or award.

When Donald Trump made “Person of the Year” in 2016, Time explained that it was “For reminding America that demagoguery feeds on despair and that truth is only as powerful as the trust in those who speak it, for empowering a hidden electorate by mainstreaming its furies and live-streaming its fears, and for framing tomorrow’s political culture by demolishing yesterday’s.”

While there have been many great people (including past US presidents, scientists, protesters, etc.) who have made the annual cover, there have also been many controversial people as well:  Adolf Hitler in1938, Joseph Stalin in 1939 & 1942, Nikita Khrushhev in 1957, Ayatullah Khomeini in 1979, and Vladimir Putin in 2007.

So whether you think that Greta Thunberg is “deserving” or not, Time obviously felt that she has been the most influential newsmaker in 2019.  I happen to think that she’s a remarkable young teenager, and if she is the voice of her generation, then I do have hope for the future!

I'm glad you mentioned the criteria.  That's what I've always understood as well in terms of global influence--good or bad.

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2 hours ago, lusinia said:

Why in the world did Meghan start off her part of the conversation about Gaetz by saying, "It's the holidays", as if that's why he brought up Hunter's drug problems?  And of course "both sides". 

I wonder if Joy knows that Joe Biden also still has a daughter as well - Ashley, that he had with.  She's mentioned so infrequently, though, I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people are unaware of her.

"Herself included".  Always included.

Did Meghan say that Boris Johnson is a traditional politician so he shouldn't be compared to Trump?  Just from what I've gathered about him, while he's very well educated and much more intelligent than Trump, he doesn't behave like a typical politician.

Meghan scoffing, and just disdainfully dismissing Tom Steyer, because he hasn't convinced her of anything, and that's what's important, after all, so let's move on!

And then just downright insulting him when comparing him to Bloomberg.  But she didn't have the nerve to look him in the eye when she said it.  

No, Meghan, you're the only one with an obsession about Steyer's tie.

Her obsession bugs me.  He has said it is for his Scottish heritage and wears tartan but not his own.  Perhaps she should be a bit more respectful.  The way I see it, she is making fun of Scottish heritage.  NO heritage should be disrespected.  

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1 hour ago, blondiec0332 said:

While I agree with Meghan (and the rest of the table) that it was wrong for Gaetz to bring up Hunter Biden's substance abuse problem the other Congressman had every right to bring Gaetz's own past issues.   The Congressman wasn't shaming Gaetz. He was saying those who live in glass houses and all that.

I mean, I think what Meghan would’ve said if she didn’t suck is that there’s a difference between getting a DUI and having a long-term drug problem. I’m not a fan of pulling receipts like that either, but apples and oranges. And really, they were there debating impeachment. That’s not the time to get people together who said something slick. Both sides indulge in a fair amount of moralizing.

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On 12/12/2019 at 9:13 PM, blondiec0332 said:

She really does. And when she can't she belittles and ridicules the topic like she did today regarding breast feeding. 

 Meghan really went out of her way to cut off and stop Abby from telling her story. She definitely belittled Abby's story negotiating with her child. She literally waved her hand and yeah, yeah she negotiated with candy or whatever. Joy was so frustrated,  she even said let Abby finish. 

Did any one else catch Meghan say #childlesshost  🙄 she loves to play the victim 

Edited by Coffeewinewater
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8 hours ago, Haleth said:

I've noticed lately that they often only discuss politics in the first segment, then go on to some non political controversy in the second.  I don't know if it has anything to do (directly) with Meg, but maybe there has been push back from viewers that there is too much political talk?  Frankly that's the only reason why I watch.  I couldn't care less about celebrity news.

I must say (tm Meg) that I can see where she's coming from with her moodyness wrt baby talk.  My daughter is having fertility issues and let me tell you, Thanksgiving was torture with all the cousins and their new babies.  My daughter may have seemed aloof and dismissive of the babies, but she was dying inside.  Rough day.  Not saying Meg is behaving well about it, certainly screeching that she doesn't care isn't a good look, but I can see that she's hurting.

ha.  me too!  I only hang out if the guest is someone I REALLY care about.  I don't care about the fluff topics one tiny bit.  

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54 minutes ago, Pearson80 said:

Megan is a terrible human being and it is a shame that ABC allows her to get away with so much. You can disagree with somebody vehemently without being disrespectful.  

I haven't watched today's show yet. Meghan makes it a chore to watch. I have found myself not having the energy to sit through Meghan's show some days. It is definitely her show.

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6 minutes ago, TV Diva Queen said:

ha.  me too!  I only hang out if the guest is someone I REALLY care about.  I don't care about the fluff topics one tiny bit.  

I don't care about the fluff topics because the ladies are not believable as friends because it has gotten so toxic over the years. In the early years when Meredith and Star were there, they really did sell the show as girlfriends talking about life over coffee. Meredith even had a paper with her and she would pick an article for the ladies to discuss..

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1 hour ago, lusinia said:

I feel like it's even worse when she's horrible towards some of the guests, like Tom Steyer today.  They are a guest in your proverbial home, and unless, like someone mentioned above, they are an extreme, hateful bigot, there is no excuse to treat someone with that kind of vitriol.  The other women at the table looked a bit mortified, but did what they could by carrying on the conversation and ignoring her.  

I think someone spoke to Missy during the commercial break because her tone was different when they came back. She asked about his tie instead of browbeating him about buying his way onto the debate stage. 

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Holy Crap, MeAgain was prickly today!

  • Ana says she followed the British election closely and talks about it; MeAgain snarls that she also followed it closely because her husband forces her to watch Brexit podcasts every morning!
  • Abby tries to say that Boris is a more traditional politician in that he doesn't bully a sixteen year old girl online, and MeAgain screeches over top of her that he is not a traditional politician and she knows because she is the expert!
  • Joy says Biden is the right one to beat Trump but that he has to play offended father of disparaged son card against Trump; MeAgain twice admonishes Joy for suggesting that he play the grief card, but also says he should use that strategy against Trump!
  • They discuss the hypocrisy of Gaetz calling out Hunter Biden's substance abuse problems and how he got nailed for it by the other Congressman, and MeAgain admonishes the hosts, the Show and the world for using substance abuse and DUIs against people, completely  missing the point.  Then she talks about the tragic opioid crisis and how her family suffered.  Is she talking about her mother stealing from charity to fund her habit? 😮
  • Tom Steyer responded to her question using her first name, and she snarled in response: okay, Mr. Steyer.  🙄
  • MeAgain mocks Steyer for his "Christmas ties"; he acknowledges he has worn plaid ties for 20 years.  She screeches wanting to know if it is the same one or does he have multiples of the same tie.  Right after the clip that showed many different tartan ties that he wears.
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