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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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I was so happy to see Taggert!  I loved him back in the day.  And Real is still looking hot!  I don’t think pairing Jordan in scenes with so many dynamic actors is really doing her any favors.  She always seems half asleep.  Yawn.

I’m so very over BrookeLynn.  She is nothing like Tracy she’s annoying and entitled with a very bad wardrobe.  Next.

Loved the interaction between Ava and Spencer.  I’m still on the fence about this new Nikolas though.


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3 hours ago, ulkis said:

Canadians, someone said CityTV has put Wednesday's episode on their site.

Wednesday is on the CityTV ap. I'm hoping that they will put up Thursdays soon. I don't know why they didn't air it on TV.

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22 minutes ago, xfuse said:


Wednesday is on the CityTV ap. I'm hoping that they will put up Thursdays soon. I don't know why they didn't air it on TV.

They don't want to get ahead of the U.S.

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13 minutes ago, ulkis said:

They don't want to get ahead of the U.S.

I've already seem two days more than the US. I actually watched all of Wednesday's show without ff it. I can't remember the last time I actually did that. 

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6 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

There may be. Cable subscriptions have been falling here; a lot of people are cutting the cord. Of course, most of them would have some other way of keeping up with impeachment hearings, like streaming video.

But whatever the case, daytime programming has always gotten no respect. The standard for preempting prime time is higher. If there's something "newsworthy" going on during the day, like a trial with high public interest, presidential matters, military business, an attack on or by the United States, a natural disaster, etc., the news division bursts in with alacrity. The trial of OJ Simpson in 1995 is often cited as one of the blows from which soaps never recovered. 

Historically, this type of newsworthy event would have been broadcast by the networks without a second thought. But now that the networks are less profitable, their mandate to operate in the public interest is often overshadowed by their need to make money.  That’s why a network will choose to air a high-rated prime time program rather than, say, a State of the Union address, something that would have been unheard of back in the day.  Bottom line: If soaps were bringing in more advertiser dollars, we wouldn’t be seeing the hearings.  

I was just thinking about the OJ trial, too. If that was the crippling blow, the hearings could be the final euthanasia.

29 minutes ago, xfuse said:

I've already seem two days more than the US. I actually watched all of Wednesday's show without ff it. I can't remember the last time I actually did that. 

Good! So at least we have something to look forward to.

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34 minutes ago, xfuse said:

I've already seem two days more than the US. I actually watched all of Wednesday's show without ff it. I can't remember the last time I actually did that. 

I know but I meant on the network. When the U.S. starts airing them Canada will repeat them.

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2 hours ago, xfuse said:

Wednesday is on the CityTV ap. I'm hoping that they will put up Thursdays soon. I don't know why they didn't air it on TV.

Canadian, CTV has Wednesday's, but also says there will be a new episode on Monday January 27.

Which means we'll still be an episode ahead of US viewers.  Which is weird.

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On 1/21/2020 at 4:30 PM, perkie1968 said:

Willow delivers baby Wylie.  Brucas adopt him.  Alexis drops him off with Brad.  Lucas is in all night surgery and never sees the original baby.  Brad takes him home, The baby dies (presumebly of SIDS).  Brad panicks and heads out, presumably to take the dead baby to the hospital.

Nelle and Michael driving along get into a car accident.  She leaves Michael to die, heads into the woods and promptly goes into labor.  Liesl, who escaped the prison van that caused the accident is also wondering around in the woods and helps Nelle deliver her live baby before running off.  

Brad's driving down the road as Nelle staggers out of the woods.  He explains dead baby.  She says she's going to jail and wants to stick it to the Corinti.  Offers her live baby in exchange for his dead baby.  Brad agrees.  

The only ones who know the whole truth are Nelle, Brad, Liesl, Britt (because Brad told her) and Julian (who figured it out recently).  

Willow and everyone else believes Brucas have her original Wylie.  

So, for shits and giggles I went to a lawyers message board, posted the facts of the Wiley crapfest story, and asked them:  Who would get charged IRL in this scenario, and for what?  (The first answer was, "Whoever wrote this shit, for criminally bad writing", LOL!).  But the consensus answer was (I'm paraphrasing):

"The person who would get charged with the most serious crimes:

Michael: Whole bunch of shit, honestly. Kidnapping (he refused to let Nelle out of the car when she said she wanted to leave) on up (threatened her life, nearly got her killed, etc. etc).

Wiley's Status: This is actually fairly vague and technical and is going to be very dependent on the state it happens in. I'm not sure if Nelle can actually be charged with any custody-related offense, it's going to depend on how the statute is written. Ditto with Brad, he had permission from one of the baby's bio-parents to take custody.  What she and Brad are probably going to end up eating charges for FOR SURE though is actually fraud/perjury, weirdly enough. At some point they'll end up signing something related to their kid that is false, as to the kid's name or identity. That's a relatively slam-dunk case."

I just had to laugh at how inept the GH writers are, setting up the person who would in real time be doing hard time in prison for his actions as the poor, put-upon victim.

On 1/21/2020 at 5:43 PM, dubbel zout said:

Stop whining about Valentin messing with Charlotte's custody when that's what you're doing, you hypocrite.

Typical Lulu.

On 1/22/2020 at 3:38 PM, ffwbe said:

I feel like Carly’s only a lead these days in terms of episode count. It doesn’t seem like the writers really want to write for her. Among the 40 to 50-something actresses, Ava, Nina, and Sam are the ones getting the storylines. All she’s had for the past year is the pointless pregnancy, talking about Morgan, and random scenes discussing other people’s lives.

The writers are severely constrained when it comes to Carly, since they can't write any story that removes her from her permanent residency up Sonny's ass. Ava and Nina are much more free to be moved around the canvas.  I expect Sam's storylines will die off also since she's become a braindead Jason appendage.

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15 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Bottom line: If soaps were bringing in more advertiser dollars, we wouldn’t be seeing the hearings.  

Not true.  Soaps were huge in the '80s and they were off for a couple of months for the Iran-Contra Hearings.

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13 hours ago, yowsah1 said:

So, for shits and giggles I went to a lawyers message board, posted the facts of the Wiley crapfest story, and asked them:  Who would get charged IRL in this scenario, and for what?  (The first answer was, "Whoever wrote this shit, for criminally bad writing", LOL!).  But the consensus answer was (I'm paraphrasing):

"The person who would get charged with the most serious crimes:

Michael: Whole bunch of shit, honestly. Kidnapping (he refused to let Nelle out of the car when she said she wanted to leave) on up (threatened her life, nearly got her killed, etc. etc).


13 hours ago, yowsah1 said:

I just had to laugh at how inept the GH writers are, setting up the person who would in real time be doing hard time in prison for his actions as the poor, put-upon victim.

Of course, he's a Corinthos.  A milquetoast Corinthos, for sure, but a Corinthos nonetheless (let's blame his blandness on the fact he's biologically a Q, because reasons/can't have a Corinthii being inept/more reasons).  They're always the victims even when they are LITERALLY the criminals.  

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This is going to be one long turf war. At this rate, we won't see the turf war till late February. I think we are preempted today and several days next week. They might start banking their episodes like DOOL. LOL!!!!

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4 minutes ago, Sake614 said:

they really should just put the episodes up on abc.com and let us watch there. They still get their ad revenue and a captive audience since we can't FF. 

I just don't understand why they don't do that. Like I mentioned up thread, it's not as if these shows are LIVE. They've already been taped. I guess I just don't understand how these things are decided.

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14 hours ago, yowsah1 said:

I just had to laugh at how inept the GH writers are, setting up the person who would in real time be doing hard time in prison for his actions as the poor, put-upon victim.

There's no way Michael would be anything BUT a victim in this dumb case. 

I just want to say I am tickled beyond joy that you put this on a lawyers' forum, @yowsah1!

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So I've been behind on the show... I've kind of fallen off since the baby switch story has been dragging so long. I honestly thought Spencer had been recast! I absolutely love that kid!! I'm so glad he's still playing this role.. Just thought I'd share my excitement at seeing him 😊

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4 hours ago, Sake614 said:

they really should just put the episodes up on abc.com and let us watch there. They still get their ad revenue and a captive audience since we can't FF. 


us Canadians probably wouldn'r be able to watch them

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On 1/23/2020 at 8:54 AM, GHScorpiosRule said:

the episodes are only airing in Canada;

We only got Tuesday's episode.  The rest of the week has been repeats and will likely continue to be until the hearings stop airing.  

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I bought a soap magazine today that gives away a lot of what happened this week.  This is really going to mess up their publishing since they never know at this point if those episodes will air when they're supposed to.  Bummer.

Edited by AuxArx
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2 hours ago, Sheggy50G said:

I'm going to post this and then duck. Why all the Lulu hate? I like the character and I like the actress. What am I missing?

I don't think I'm hating on the character much myself right now, but I think the actress is not great and comes across as very corny.

Edited by ulkis
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5 hours ago, Sheggy50G said:

I'm going to post this and then duck. Why all the Lulu hate? I like the character and I like the actress. What am I missing?

The fact she acts like she’s 13 might be my issue with Emme Rylan. She always curls her lips when saying her lines like some cupie doll. It’s like I’m watching a kid. I liked her on GL back in the day but she never matured as an actress on either Y&R or GH. I much preferred Julie Marie Berman. She was a much stronger actress and I really bought her as Luke and (especially) Laura’s daughter. 

1 hour ago, tvfanatic13 said:

Great to see Taggert but something about RA’s appearance seemed off, maybe stiff. Just me? 

Yeah, there was something going on. He seemed slower and could barely move in the office. I don’t know if it was acting rust or the fast pace of daytime rust. Time will tell with the next few episodes. 

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Apparently the lack of episodes this week is impacting me in my sleep, as last night I had a GH dream. Most bafflingly it was about Peter and Maxie, two characters who barely register with me most days. Peter was telling Maxie that he had been a teenage father and had a son (to which I responded SINCE WHEN? are they DRUNK? after claiming Maxie and James are the only love he's known?). Finn walked in too and he and Maxie both acted like what Peter was saying was commonplace knowledge. I was so confused as to why Peter's history was being rewritten, and I never got any answers, as the dream abruptly shifted into something else entirely. (What are you doing, brain, giving me a snippet of a GH episode and then nothing else? Get it together.)

All of this is to say that I really, really miss my show. I understand ABC's decision to take over GH's timeslot with the news, but still, I miss my show and want it back.

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Well, I finally broke down (got bored) and watched one of the two aired episodes in low resolution! I shant spoil anything, but it was so good I HAVE to watch the other one. I understand why they are holding out to air it properly. PM me if you want the link. It's choppy but viewable. 

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As the mob war apparently heats up, is the show going to ever address the giant elephant in the living room, the fact that a mobster is not a good guy and his choices are dangerous for people around him? I didn't watch The Sopranos but I don't think that they were treated as the good guys.

Sasha seems to be so dazzled by White Knight Michael that she's blind to the fact that it's dangerous to be around him. Jax especially should go Tiger Dad about Joss possibly being hurt.

Kevin to Nikolas: How is it a man with a reputation for good manners and a devotion to family can lie so heartlessly to people he loves?"  (Awesome)

I liked the triple location shootout idea. I hate that the people who needed to be taken out weren't, and that Jason saved the day and Brando saved Carly. I will never forgive Brando for that.

Sasha: "We're doing everything we can."  Honey, how about actually pressing down on the wound instead of daintily holding something over it. Also I really wanted to slap Sasha when she went off on Chase.  Even if you're traumatized, STFU.

With Lucas in a coma, apparently there are no trauma doctors at GH so the infectious disease guy has to do it.





Edited by statsgirl
taking comments out from spoiler bars now that the episode has aired
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2 hours ago, statsgirl said:

I don't know if the Jan 22 episode has aired in the US yet so I'm putting my comments under spoiler bars just in case.

Did you get that ep in Canada? I am in western Canada and the last ep we have is Jan 21.  And the next ep, according to On Demand, is not airing till Tuesday.  This is on City TV.

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On 1/24/2020 at 4:18 PM, Sheggy50G said:

I'm going to post this and then duck. Why all the Lulu hate? I like the character and I like the actress. What am I missing?

Speaking only for myself, it’s her acting ability. She’s fine, and even sometimes likeable, in the lighter scenes, like when she’s bonding with Maxie.  But given something serious or emotional to play, and she drags the whole scene down.  Her introduction was as Stavros’ prisoner, and the scene called for her to play terrified/confused/angry. My impression was, “Good God, she’s terrible”, and it hasn’t really changed.

And while I wasn’t totally enamored of Julie Berman, she really had the plucky/vulnerable thing down. Emme just doesn’t. 

It also doesn’t help that they’ve written Lulu Spencer, Girl Reporter as an idiot.

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10 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Yes. I got it On Demand from City TV.

It may be that this is being aired on Monday in the US and that's why there is no new episode till Tuesday.

Thanks!  I cannot figure out why  it is not on my On Demand on City TV.  😕

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4 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

It also doesn’t help that they’ve written Lulu Spencer, Girl Reporter as an idiot.

Lulu was always headstrong and impulsive, but the writers have really leaned into that, and yeah, it makes her so dumb.

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5 hours ago, jsbt said:

MEK is really the Colonel Sanders recast, huh

I just wanted to add that the sight of your avatar in addition to the content of your post made me laugh... 😄

I like MEK and would like for him to have a steady gig. I just wish his character didn't remind everyone of  Colonel Sanders in a way that's unflattering. I wish Y&R had brought him back as his Dr. character over there.

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14 hours ago, statsgirl said:

But they still won't tell us what "the merchandise" is.

Gummi Bear Mafia for life!!

Sigh I am going through serious withdrawals here.  I  don’t remember being pre-empted for so long since 9/11 - but that was understandable due to the magnitude of what happened that day.  But the impeachment trial?  Meh the live coverage is dry as hell and most everyone I know just get the highlights online or from the evening news.    Can we please have our show back?

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14 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Julie Berman, she really had the plucky/vulnerable thing down. Emme just doesn’t. 

I will never get over JB leaving the show.    She was LuLu Spencer, daughter of Luke and Laura, in both looks and personality.   She strongly resembled Laura and she was headstrong and stubborn like Luke.   I miss her every single day that the waif ER tries to portray a Spencer.  

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I'll spoiler bar this for those who haven't seen Jan 22 episode


It made me laugh when Jason threaten the guy holding the waitress that he would shoot him if he didn't free her.  None of the "good guys" or "bad guys" were hitting anyone except those that ran out from cover...* Laura and one of Sonny's guys*.  I don't think I would trust Jason to pick someone off that still had a hold on me.  In fact the woman freed herself and Jason ran up and shot him at point blank range.

It bugs me that Laura is called Laura Collins for some reason.  Has Ava ran out and changed her name to Cassidine already?  Can't anyone keep their name we have, for years, known them by?


22 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Yes. I got it On Demand from City TV.

It seemed short though, or maybe that is just because it didn't have all the commercials.

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1 hour ago, Bringonthedrama said:

I realized from you all that a new episode of GH aired on MLK Day/Jan. 20 last week. Is that the last day of GH that the audience in the United States saw, due to the televised trial? I was on vacation so I'm not sure how many days the show was actually on.

Yeah. The last new show the U.S. aired was on Monday. Canada is two episodes ahead, I think.

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8 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Yeah. The last new show the U.S. aired was on Monday. Canada is two episodes ahead, I think.

Not where I am, for some reason.

It's interesting, because Days is being preempted but I can get the eps On Demand.  For some reason, and not elsewhere in Canada, I cannot get new GH eps On Demand.  So I am stuck in in impeachment hell with the rest of you! 😁

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On 1/26/2020 at 11:40 AM, statsgirl said:

As the mob war apparently heats up, is the show going to ever address the giant elephant in the living room, the fact that a mobster is not a good guy and his choices are dangerous for people around him? I didn't watch The Sopranos but I don't think that they were treated as the good guys.

Sasha seems to be so dazzled by White Knight Michael that she's blind to the fact that it's dangerous to be around him. Jax especially should go Tiger Dad about Joss possibly being hurt.

I don't know if the Jan 22 episode has aired in the US yet so I'm putting my comments under spoiler bars just in case.

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I liked the triple location shootout idea. I hate that the people who needed to be taken out weren't, and that Jason saved the day and Brando saved Carly. I will never forgive Brando for that.




@statsgirl, I am praying that this FINALLY marks a turn around in the writing regarding Sonny, the good mobster. I mean... 



Sonny's wife, son, step-daughter, the mayor and incidental people like Sasha and the waitress were almost killed, not to mention his alz stricken father was severely traumatized  --all because Sonny is a mobster. I don't care if he has some fucked up mobster ethics about guns and drugs. I really want to the people around him wake the fuck up!!! ...but it will not suprise me if they blame the whole thing on Gladys or whomever is behind it. 

I was also shouting "How can these hired guns be such bad fricken shots!!!"



Again, if anyone wants a link to the episodes, PM me. They are lower resolution but very watchable. 

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ABC: We decided to show the episode originally scheduled for today, but you can catch up on ABC On Demand or on Hulu.

Me (watching): Boy, they must have had a backlog. When did Spencer and Emma decide to get married, and when did Rocco become the Commissioner?

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