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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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Props to whomever edited/directed today's episode.  Could it be heading up to corporate?  Cue the bluebirds.

ETA:  I was thinking about how Maurice seemed to be putting an effort into today's performance and it makes sense as to why in this episode he wasn't butchering his lines left and right.

Edited by sunnyface
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I was moved by Vernee Watson-Johnson's acting in the scenes with both Mike and TJ - I feel she's  MVP of the Monday episode.  I also realized I only find Carly tolerable/likable in her scenes with Mike.  Out of Stella, Carly and Sonny in the Mike scenes, I found Sonny the least compelling in showing quiet/restrained grief at Mike's decline. 

Monica's response to Elizabeth's question is such an insult to Drew's memory. UGH. I was more than a little shocked that FrancoDrew has awareness of Scout. Hey Monica, you do realize that his offer to let you have stuff from Drew's locker for "Drew's daughter" means he's not actually Drew, right?

Hey Julian, FrancoDrew didn't make promises to Kim and she is the wrecking ball. You need to get over the thoughtless, selfish, nasty b. pronto dude.

I'm seriously grossed out that Josslyn put her hair on that nasty classroom floor. Also, stop trying to make Dev happen, Show.

Edited by Bringonthedrama
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13 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

I'm seriously grossed out that Josslyn put her hair on that nasty classroom floor. Also, stop trying to make Dev happen, Show.

They all did, but the product placement was stupid. 

So they seem to be reviving that DNA storyline. Stella and Trina are related. I could do without that whole teenage scene when all four are together. Dev is as boring as Oscar was. Cam and Trina need to find better friends. 

I thought Stella's scenes were really good. She hit a note with me today with her sadness over Mike that came as extremely genuine and the talk with TJ about race.


These bozos were quick to start calling the real Drew by his real name when Jason reappeared, even though he had Jason's memory.

But the writers keep treating the real Drew like something they stepped in and need to scrape off the bottom of their shoes, so there's nothing shocking there.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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I liked TJ’s scenes with Alexis and Stella. Curious how they plan to handle this engagement since TJ and Molly have barely been on the show the last few years. I thought Julian wanted Franco to stay away from Kim so I don’t get where his anger is coming from. Dev continues to be the weak link. I’m hoping Cam and Trina get their own storyline once the inevitable relationship with Joss happens because they’re going to be just as boring as Joss and Oscar

Edited by ffwbe
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1 hour ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Hey Julian, FrancoDrew didn't make promises to Kim and she is the wrecking ball. You need to get over the thoughtless, selfish, nasty b. pronto dude.

22 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

 I thought Julian wanted Franco to stay away from Kim so I don’t get where his anger is coming from. 

I can see Julian's side: FrankenDrew spent a fair amount of time enabling Kim's delusions before his sudden change of heart. And Kim had planned to break up with Julian by letter to run off with FrankenDrew, so I can understand Julian lashing out at the character who  previously preferred to identify as Drew. Julian may know she's a wrecking ball, but he can still be ticked at the guy who did nothing to stop her.

Edited by rur
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1 hour ago, YaddaYadda said:


*shudders* I guess Monica is so traumatized by the deaths of her children (some of whom have died multiple times) that she is clinging to literally any part of them, but wow.

This whole FrankenDrew thing is beyond ludicrous. It's gone into plaid.

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Vernee Watson was definitely the star of today's episode, both with Mike and truth-telling to TJ. Both scenes seemed so far above what this show usually delivers.

I also had fun with Alexis telling TJ why he should not tell Molly he asked permission of her mother.  I'm past tired of the Kendra storyline. Let Neil solve it now, pretty please.

Why does Danny have a haircut that showed up in my feed as "Hairstyles for women over 60"?

11 hours ago, nilyank said:

 He really can't fix anything for her because for the most part Carly doesn't see that anything is broken with her life.

And therein lies many of the problems with this show.

I feel sorry for Monica, having lost so many of her children and clinging desperately to this fake version of Drew that she's about to lose again.

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I agree with everyone who’s praised Vernee Watson’s acting today. She’s head and shoulders above anyone else on this show! I also enjoyed Alexis and TJ conversing about Molly, proposal, etc. I always enjoy Alexis interacting with Neil but for heaven’s sake, will someone do something, anything with his HAIR? It distracts from their good acting together. Please get this Kendra thing over with - we are not interested. I rarely have anything good to say about Carly but she’s in her element with Mike. She’s really sweet with him and he reacts so warmly to her. 

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Typical Sonny that he has absolutely no interaction with Mike. He leaves it all to Carly and Stella. And of course he never told Carly about Mike's decline because it didn't suit him. Ugh. He's such a jerk.

I feel like the meat of Stella's talk to TJ was something he should have heard years ago, not today, as a grown man. But it gave Vernee Watson-Johnson a great showcase.

Ugh, Monica. Her pointed "Drew believes it's the best thing to do" after Elizabeth told her Franco was going through with the procedure drove me batty. And then she says she thinks it's fine he lives Drew's life? WTF, Monica? 

I enjoyed Cam and Trina putting Dev on the spot. He really is a terrible liar. Nice to see the smug wiped off his face for once. Now can he please get hit by a stray bullet and die?

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Taking care of a sick person, even if he is your father, is wimminz work. No wonder Sonny leaves it to Stella and Carly.

58 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I feel like the meat of Stella's talk to TJ was something he should have heard years ago, not today, as a grown man. But it gave Vernee Watson-Johnson a great showcase.

He may have heard it years ago but it was theoretical to a young teenager. It has new significance now that he's going to marry a white woman.

Is Stella going to be around just long enough to bring Trina into the family?

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OMG, you know what NO ONE asked for?  A mash-up of Disney promo with a weak-ass Breakfast Club redux.  Go home, show, you're drunk.

Really enjoyed the TJ scenes with both Stella and Alexis.  I don't know if the women just did all the heavy lifting and I'm just blinded because the actor is very handsome, but they were definitely a high point today.

In today's episode of "All Sonny's Manpain..."  Yeah, that's all I'll say about his scenes at Resting Forest or whatever the hell terrible name they gave that care facility.

Edited by Cheyanne11
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I watched a clip with Brook and I think she's actually a blend of Lois and Tracy, more Lois honestly IMO from that little bit. 

I hated Lois. And while I like the looks of Adrienne Leon better (I think she favored JE, WK, and RS all in one form or another), I would be willing to give this actress a chance since 


JE is coming back (I am assuming) briefly. No harshness intended, for those still watching and enjoying the show. I just haven't had any reason to bother. I will watch JE's return, but I am hoping it's just a temporary stay unless they are going to use her. Looking forward to seeing some Finn and Tracy. GOSH I miss them !)

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I'm stunned the writers remembered about TJ being racially profiled a few years ago, although I was also reminded of how not good that short-lived story was.

Also, the teens today.  I don't want to say I like them because I don't, really, but I do appreciate that the show is putting an effort into a young adult set like this versus giving all the soapy stuff to the old end of the canvas, and this current Starr/Cole/Langston/Markko quad is a step up from its Oscar incarnation.  They do need someone to come in and stir things up a little (a teenaged Lila Rae perhaps?).

Also also, oh Monica, everything the writers had you say and do today made me so sad.

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I may not enjoy all things teen on this show, but at least they exist, where on other soaps they don't.  

I want the FranknDrew crap to be over, I don't care if they do it overnight, just have it be done already.

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While I thought the Breakfast Club was dumb I did admire the camera work. I doubt school detention is that 80's like it was well done by the young cast members. The Disney Plus hat was a bit to much. I know it's a corporate synergy thing but it was a little OTT. That said, I ordered Disney Plus. It's great seeing all the Disney classics. I'm such a sucker.

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OMG you guys. I didn’t think it was remotely possible for this show to get me in the feelz ever again. but damn if I didn’t cry like a baby when Stella was with Mike. Her poignant goodbye to him and telling Scummy and Carly that it was an honor to get to know him? WOW! Just give Vernee the Emmy right now. And kudos to whatever awesome writer snuck out of the closet to write that scene. Can we keep him/her?

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29 minutes ago, Sake614 said:

OMG you guys. I didn’t think it was remotely possible for this show to get me in the feelz ever again. but damn if I didn’t cry like a baby when Stella was with Mike. Her poignant goodbye to him and telling Scummy and Carly that it was an honor to get to know him? WOW! Just give Vernee the Emmy right now. And kudos to whatever awesome writer snuck out of the closet to write that scene. Can we keep him/her?

I guess they are writing Mike out and were able to get Vernee for a day or two. It's was nice she was able finish out the storyline.

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11 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Typical Sonny that he has absolutely no interaction with Mike. He leaves it all to Carly and Stella. And of course he never told Carly about Mike's decline because it didn't suit him. Ugh. He's such a jerk.

I feel like the meat of Stella's talk to TJ was something he should have heard years ago, not today, as a grown man. But it gave Vernee Watson-Johnson a great showcase.

Ugh, Monica. Her pointed "Drew believes it's the best thing to do" after Elizabeth told her Franco was going through with the procedure drove me batty. And then she says she thinks it's fine he lives Drew's life? WTF, Monica? 

I enjoyed Cam and Trina putting Dev on the spot. He really is a terrible liar. Nice to see the smug wiped off his face for once. Now can he please get hit by a stray bullet and die?

All of this. And I didn't see any great "attempt" by Maurice Bernard to actually make an effort to act. He just stood and sat there, with a pouty face. And that both Mooby and SheBeast are still in denial that Mike will come back to have good days? I guess they really do live in their own bubble and aren't aware of what this disease does to a person.

Just SHUT UP, MONICA! This is NOT DREW! She's a FUCKING DOCTOR! God, I HATE FRANK and whoever is writing these lines for Leslie.  And I've watched this show for many, many years and I guess sending your sons to boarding school is a sign of being a good mother? This stupid "Drew" thinks Alan and Monica would have kept him at home to raise him? HAH! He would have also been sent to boarding school.

10 hours ago, statsgirl said:

He may have heard it years ago but it was theoretical to a young teenager. It has new significance now that he's going to marry a white woman.

Well, we don't know that TJ and Molly are going to get married. All we've heard and seen so far is TJ going around telling his mom and Curtis he wants to marry her; asked Alexis' permission, etc. But he hasn't actually proposed to Molly herself.

And I loved what Alexis said to him. And I find it hilarious, in a mocking way toward Jordan, that EVERYONE is happy that TJ wants to marry Molly and is wishing him luck, except for Debbie Downer Jordan.

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How close are TJ and Jordan supposed to be? When she first came to town, they made it sound like they didn’t have much of a relationship and she was deep enough undercover that he didn’t know that she was DEA. 

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I find Jordan pretty awful.  For a week I wanted to tell her to go back to fucking bed because she just had some organ failure/transplant (so tedious that I couldn't be bothered to find out which organ.)  She's awful.  Also, miscast for a Police Commissioner or whatever she is supposed to be -- like that "random appearance on Jax's doorstep".  What the hell was that supposed to do other than make her look like an idiot?  Honestly, this fakakta show.

TJ and Molly are ADORBS and I hope his proposal is so awkward and screwed up and cute that it's worth this buildup.

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11 minutes ago, Captanne said:

TJ and Molly are ADORBS and I hope his proposal is so awkward and screwed up and cute that it's worth this buildup.

After his talk with Alexis, I kind of want after TJ telling everyone that he wants to propose and planning on asking her, Molly surprises him and then proposes to him first.

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1 hour ago, ffwbe said:

How close are TJ and Jordan supposed to be? When she first came to town, they made it sound like they didn’t have much of a relationship and she was deep enough undercover that he didn’t know that she was DEA. 

They've long since made up since then. Back when VA was playing Jordan, she apologized and he accepted her back. They have a very good relationship, although this newer Jordan is not the best at conveying those sorts of feelings. She doesn't have good chemistry with Curtis either.

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2 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

 And I've watched this show for many, many years and I guess sending your sons to boarding school is a sign of being a good mother? This stupid "Drew" thinks Alan and Monica would have kept him at home to raise him? HAH! He would have also been sent to boarding school.

That scene is from the perspective of FrancoDrew and Elizabeth, both of whom did not AJ and Jason when they were in boarding school and did not know Monica back then either. "Drew" only had the experience of his childhood 'mother' sending him away to an orphanage and had a certain perception of Monica based on what he'd read. So after having conversations with her, he now has an impression that she is a loving mother and would have been good to him. Elizabeth only knew Monica as a mother in the context of raising Emily when the boys were young adults. In her experience of seeing adult AJ with Monica and adult Jason at least around Monica from time to time, she believes Monica has been a good mother. 

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So, the all day detention was just basically a commercial for Disney+ and Ruffles potato chips? Because that's what I got out of that. Also, Dev is not anywhere near as smooth as he seems to think he is-- he can't even keep his own backstory straight. 

You had ONE. JOB. Chachi!

I really hope the whole Kendra/Keifer revenge plot is wrapped up quickly now that Julian and Neil figured it out based on one conversation. 

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21 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:


I get that Monica has lost so many children that she's clinging to this Drew fantasy, but it is not a good look for her to argue that Franco shouldn't have the procedure.  This "Drew" doesn't have the memories of actually spending time with Monica, that real Drew had, for the past few years.  Why does she need to know what his favorite snack was as a child or if he was good in science?  Take a seat, Monica.

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1 hour ago, Cheyanne11 said:

I get that Monica has lost so many children that she's clinging to this Drew fantasy, but it is not a good look for her to argue that Franco shouldn't have the procedure.  This "Drew" doesn't have the memories of actually spending time with Monica, that real Drew had, for the past few years.  Why does she need to know what his favorite snack was as a child or if he was good in science?  Take a seat, Monica.

I'm fine with Monica wanting to know about Drew's upbringing and childhood, but she lives in a fantasy world. It's actually quite disappointing. This whole, we would have loved you that she keeps telling Franco is so stupid. the real Drew knew that Monica loved him. She embraced him wholly. She loved him and he loved her and he called her mom. 

This writing has tainted everything that was sweet about Monica's relationship with Drew and his relationship with her and the way the he loved her. It was accepting and mutual and now it feels like Monica is just trying to replace the real Drew with this poor copy.

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Oh my the scenes with Mike and Stella saying good bye were so heartbreaking.  Stella is so superb I absolutely love this actress.  I even liked Carly and even Sonny in these scenes.  Really sad but so very well done.  Definitely shed some tears.

Once again Stella was the MVP in her talk with TJ.  He and Molly are so adorable and I hope with them getting married that they will be featured more.  Probably wishful thinking on my part but still.

Monica I can't even comment on it.....total opposite of everything I said above.  HATE.

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Laura, I figured out right away that sleazy Col. Tad Martin left that ipad there to record your conversation with Jax. (Don't be stupid #1)  Since Nikolas willed Helena's painting to Spencer, isn't it stolen property if anyone has it?  So whoever has it can't sell it. 

Why is this show trying to make me hate Nik?  I guess this is how RB leaves(because of Valentin) but I still don't get how Nik could force her to go.

Every time they talk about Dev deserving to jump the cue or seek political asylum, I see red. There are people far more deserving.

(Don't be stupid #2)  Why is Alexis telling Kendra that she was poisoned?  Kendra's going to be warned.  At least Alexis didn't swallow the pill, but since this is a soap, there's a good chance that there is nothing in it.

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20 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Why is this show trying to make me hate Nik?  I guess this is how RB leaves(because of Valentin) but I still don't get how Nik could force her to go.

So Valentin doesn't seem so terrible.

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Gee, if i were a port charles taxpayer, I'd be seriously pissed off that random adults are allowed to freely roam the elementary and high schools to harass (nina and valentin) or flirt with (dopey lulu)  the staff there.  That is just lazy and lousy writing.

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17 hours ago, statsgirl said:
18 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

I feel like the meat of Stella's talk to TJ was something he should have heard years ago, not today, as a grown man. But it gave Vernee Watson-Johnson a great showcase.

He may have heard it years ago but it was theoretical to a young teenager. It has new significance now that he's going to marry a white woman.

I am sure both Jordan and Curtis have had this talk with TJ.  As his aunt, Stella may have had a need to discuss it with TJ for her own piece of mind.  I have nieces and nephews who have been given the drugs, alcohol and not driving or riding in a car when the driver is impaired.  During my career, I have worked with teens and adults struggling with addiction.  I have seen too many teens die from overdoses and DUI accidents.  Because of this I have a need to share my experience with them.  I want them to know that they can talk to me about anything.  

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Hayden, if you're cold, you should have worn a coat. FFS. It's not rocket science. 

I'm genuinely surprised Lulu and Charlotte didn't think they saw Nik and Hayden on the pier. It's about time Nik had some near-misses.

Is Dev a minor? Can he be deported even if he entered the country on a false passport? I'd think Sonny would be in bigger trouble for the false documents he had made. 

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5 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Is Dev a minor? Can he be deported even if he entered the country on a false passport? I'd think Sonny would be in bigger trouble for the false documents he had made. 

Dev is the same age as the other teens, at least 15-16. The actor will turn 17 next February.

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1 hour ago, nilyank said:

Dev is the same age as the other teens, at least 15-16. The actor will turn 17 next February.

The teens must be older than that because how else could Cam have gotten Oscar's  car when he died.. I assume they are all seniors so 17 18

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8 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

That scene is from the perspective of FrancoDrew and Elizabeth, both of whom did not AJ and Jason when they were in boarding school and did not know Monica back then either. "Drew" only had the experience of his childhood 'mother' sending him away to an orphanage and had a certain perception of Monica based on what he'd read. So after having conversations with her, he now has an impression that she is a loving mother and would have been good to him. Elizabeth only knew Monica as a mother in the context of raising Emily when the boys were young adults. In her experience of seeing adult AJ with Monica and adult Jason at least around Monica from time to time, she believes Monica has been a good mother. 

Add to this the fact that Elizabeth hasn't seen her own mother in 25 years. By those standards, yes, Monica is an amazing mother. 

Why is Dev still on this show? His scenes make me miss Oscar. And Rafe. 

Edited by BlueberryJane23
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So now they are making Jax and Laura idiots, too?! Not having a clue about the ipad was ridiculous. But also why would they believe Ava hastily sold the painting to some random person when they know she knows how valuable it is. 

Glad Hayden was kidnapped while trying to do the right thing, instead of taking the money and running. Hope she can come back. She adds some spice and Liz needs a sister. I guess this means we get to keep Violet. 

So Chachi tells the gang he came here cuz he thought he would have more opportunity. I thought it was cuz that dude's people were out to get him? I forget, was he an orphan in Turkey? 

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Based on tomorrow's previews, Hayden talks to Nik again. So maybe she's able to escape that guy or Nik comes back to help her. I hope so, that way she won't be killed and he can really keep her hidden from Valentin. 

Yeah Laura and Jax were stupid with that lawyer. I would have thought he was listening at the door at first. Then when he said he left the iPad, I would have taken it from him and looked through it. I mean come on! It was so obvious! 

I was reading the info on today's episode, and since they are behind it has the info for the next episode, not today's. And it said that Neil's theory is incorrect. So I'm guessing that that was just a normal pill that Kendra gave Alexis. I hope they don't just give up after that and think okay she didn't do it. Let's get that over with! 

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2 hours ago, hcs said:

The teens must be older than that because how else could Cam have gotten Oscar's  car when he died.. I assume they are all seniors so 17 18

Do kids not get their licenses at 16 in most states anymore?

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