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S28.E10: Semi-Finals

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1 minute ago, Sarah Heart said:

I can't stand seeing her whiny self Lordy, everybody gets critiqued!!! only she moaned about it!!!

Yep and now that James is out I wouldnt be surprised if the Production Pet is being pushed to win. That's why Ally made the finale cause the biggest obstacle to ABC Production pet winning is Out. God I hope ANYONE but Hannah wins this 

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4 minutes ago, PBGamer89 said:

Why are people "scared" of Hannah winning?

She's a good dancer thats often underscored and clearly the audience loves her to never hit the bottom 2.

When Bobby Bones wins a season and Sean Spicer was 2 weeks away from making the finale, Hannah, a good dancer with a pro who's never won, winning is not awful for the show.

Don't blame the other contestants for James going home. Blame the judges if you're unhappy. Hannah, Lauren, and Kel earned their spots from votes. Ally is a great dancer and from that perspective deserves to make the finale, but if you're in the bottom 3 times maybe its time.

Clearly she's getting 4th place next week.

Cause shes already won a show. It's obvious to me shes a Production pet. Sorry I dont  want someone who's been on 2 other reality shows to win. 

Edited by Josh371982
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First, I have pants like Kel wore in his first dance. I love them.

Hannah's crying again. WTH. She almost fell off her shoes in the beginning of her first dance, and while Alan had hip action she still did not. Stiff as a board. And boo hoo, "I've had such a hard day." Suck it, Hannah.

Then Hannah starts blah blah blah and takes up all of the time judges had to talk about her dance. I guess that was the point since no one anywhere is suppose to criticize The Great And Awesome Hannah. Anyone who watched The B-ette knows that, Carrie Ann.

Jenna did a crap job on choreography so James gets penalized for it. Nice.

Then Hannah cries some more about what a terrible life she has because she doesn't have a boyfriend. Then we learn James' wife has had a miscarriage and he's having a rather tough time. There's a lesson in what is really important in life, Hannah. You are not a nice person, that's why you don't have a boyfriend. James is sweet, kind, well spoken, nice and a GREAT DANCER.

So he gets sent home. Well, show, that's the end of this season for me. There are Andy Griffith reruns on the other channel. That's where I'll be next week and every week after that. Maybe I'll see some of you guys around other threads.

James is gone. So am I. Toodles.

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Just now, Josh371982 said:

Cause shes already won a show. It's obvious to me shes a Production pet. Sorry I want someone who's been on 2 other reality shows to win. 

Question, did Hannah like kill your pet or something. You use the term pet often i've seen.

She "Won" a show. Like are you mad? What did she do to piss you off in such a way?

She's a good dancer, and she might win, making her already infinitely better than last season's winner

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2 minutes ago, Sarah Heart said:

I can't stand seeing her whiny self Lordy, everybody gets critiqued!!! only she moaned about it!!!

To be fair, they've been unnecessarily harsh on Hannah a couple of those weeks, similar to James. Hannah and James have been underscored and the judges haven't been particularly nice to Hannah. 

Plus, they did her dirty with that Carrie Ann package, with part of it being released earlier today where she looked like a total diva. In reality, that clip they posted earlier today wasn't as bad when you saw the entirety of the segment. So I think people online were harassing Hannah for her "don't touch me" comment, and she shouldn't have been. She was upset and not everyone wants a hug in a moment of weakness. I am glad the Carrie Ann/Hannah segment went better than I expected, as well. 

Hannah is a much better dancer than the judges have made it seem. The last few weeks, it seemed like Len struggled to come up with a positive comment before bitching about their dance (their hold was off, for example; he's said that twice). Yet Ally can completely trip during her jazz dance, has poor footwork, or stands in front of a microphone for 20 seconds and it's suddenly all 10s. 

So at least judge everyone fairly, for goodness' sakes. Thank goodness for Len's 9 in Ally's first dance. It's a shame her Charleston got all 10s because I didn't think it deserved all 10s.

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4 minutes ago, Uuuugghh said:

Also at least Hannah can muster up real tears. Stupid Lauren can’t. She’s awful

Hannah's had a lot more practice. She was on two shows where there's constant crying. shes bascially an actress cry on cue get sympathy etc

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Grassy knoll theory...Ally is willing to go on the tour.  I would bet Hannah is too.  James was never going on tour with all those kids at home.  Lauren is off in her own tour in the spring and I would guess Kel would not be going either.

Ever since they started heavily promoting the tour Ally’s had ridiculously high scores and been saved 3 times? from the bottom 2.

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I think I'm done for the season!

I had really hoped after last week they'd stop overscoring Ally but I could really tell they were lowballing both Hannah and James with those scores. Usually if you have an emotional dance like James' second dance and if you even just lumber during a contemporary you get straight 10s so when James and Hannah got all 9s I felt like something was up And, again with the nitpicky criticism. Carrie Ann tells James to work on his posture, because just like last week, everything counts. And, yet once, again not a word of criticism to Ally, except for Len with the first dance. 

I don't think I've ever cried watching a contestant's rehearsal package and dance like I did with James. That was truly moving.

I'm so over Hannah and her constant tears. That drama in the first package - good gravy. This is part of the reason I don't watch stuff like <i>The Bachelorette</i>. Such histrionics and melodrama.

Ally, just by way of this being her freaking third time in the bottom, should not have been saved. Clearly, the audience is not with her even with them lowballing James' score just to get her there and she still ended up in the bottom two. Unless the judges' also get a save next week (or they give All all 10s and everyone else 7s or something) she's not winning this and that's the only consolation I have. Yeah, it was sweet she wanted to save James but I don't care. I'm tired of the judges and their fascination with her.

This is part of the reason I've been hesitant this season to say that the judges' opinions should carry more weight than the audience's. This isn't the first time I've seen the judges have a favorite and push them on the audience come hell or high water. I remember when Chelsea Kane was on the show and the judges' were determined to keep her around and they were ridiculously harsh on Ralph Macchio and then the judges' were given an opportunity to give a dancer 15 extra points and Chelsea got it and Ralph got booted off that night. The only thing I'll give the judges over the audience is that they don't champion truly shitty dancers like Sean or Bobby Bones or Grocery Store Joe, but them having too much power, as exhibited tonight, is not a good thing. 

After all the wailing I did over Sean, he might has well have stayed on. I really do love Kel, but I don't think I can sit through a finale with fucking Ally the teachers' pet taking a dump on the dance floor and still getting tens, and watching Hannah crying in her package and then smiling inappropriately in one of her dance. Oh, I forgot about Lauren - that's about right. Her dances are unmemorable to me.

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I can see him wanting to just pull out but then the producers saying they needed an elimination. So, he went to the judges and asked to be cut and they put him in the bottom two.  For it to be all three to kick him out? That is way harsh...

I am sad I won't see him dance next week but I am glad he can grieve in private now. From his FB post, there seemed to be some serious complications with his wife so I'm guessing he's really worried for her.

I liked a lot of the dances tonight but only Kel's contemporary wowed me. Hannah is too whiny and Ally seems just there...Tom looked devasted by the result...and I will say this again..If there is no more DWTS, at least give Tom something to do to be on my TV week in and week out..

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12 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

In regards to Ally- 3 times she's on the bottom and 3 times saved- it's clear that America isn't connecting to her and that's fine. It's not like the other 4 dancers were bad that you needed to keep her. 

If the judges are able to save someone who the viewers didn't vote for THREE SEPARATE times, then why not eliminate the audience vote and give it all to the judges? After all, isn't that what they just did?

7 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

So he gets sent home. Well, show, that's the end of this season for me. There are Andy Griffith reruns on the other channel. That's where I'll be next week and every week after that. Maybe I'll see some of you guys around other threads.

I love Andy Griffith reruns! Watch them every night!

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I watched hannah when she was the bachelorette. 

her comments tonight about how she took carrie ann's comments "personally" - seems like she takes a LOT of things personally. People like that are exhausting to the rest of us.

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23 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

Honestly. It's time to switch out the Judges. I'm sure they could find 3 New Fresh Judges to come in and take over. 

The judges have nothing to do with who goes or stays.  They are just mouthpieces for the producers.  

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Wow that’s was a bummer. Can’t believe they made the poor guy talk about the miscarriage then unanimously vote him off. I’ve been a fan of James’s for year and enjoyed watching him this season. Don’t think he should have been the bottom two regardless. Lauren probably instead. I’m rooting for Kel now. 

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I think James was the biggest obstacle to Hannah's Production Pet ass winning and that's why they cut him instead of Ally. They know Ally isnt gonna win cause of Being Bottom 2 3 times. When People who arent tired of Hannah's whining crying on cue ass was declared safe which I bet is what Production wanted. They cut James to make it easier for the Pet on her 3rd show to win. Praying Kel Ally or Lauren take this. 

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Poor James. That he managed to compete at all is incredible, to say the least. If there's another all-star season, he should be on it. Condolences to him & his family.

Ally's been hit-or-miss for me most of the time, but she was good tonight, plus her willingness to give her spot to James was very classy of her.

Lauren's dances were nothing special. They didn't make me laugh like Ally's Charleston nor make me cry like Kel's Contemporary or James' Foxtrot. They, like Lauren, were just there.

Hannah's dances meant nothing to me, either. Then again, neither does The Bachelor/Bachelorette.

Kel was amazing tonight. His Tango was strong, powerful & sexy. His Contemporary was beautiful, heartbreaking & all too relevant because it was about something that matters, not being dumped on a so-called "reality" show.

Kel for the win!

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I love Emma but I'm a little mad at her right now. Len made it clear in the rehearsal package that he didn't like all the gimmicks the first time they did the cha cha and he wanted to see more real dancing. So then Emma goes ahead and puts all sorts of disco moves into their dance this week. I don't know if it would have changed the scores and allowed James to stay. And I know he may be happier going home anyway. But I still think as a seasoned pro, Emma should have known better.

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I wonder if James asked to be let go. He was never in the bottom two before.  I think Lauren is technically the weakest dancer. I want Aly to win because I like her and  because of Sasha, but I think Hannah will win. I don't like the Bachelor franchise, and she whines too much over petty things, but it wouldn't be a Bobby Bones situation. 

Edited by babyhouseman
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58 minutes ago, Josh371982 said:

Blame the people wanting the reality TV show whore to win another goddamm show. Ally wanted to Replace James in going home 

I'm no Hannah stan, but are we really going to call her a whore for taking an opportunity that A. majority Bachelorettes weren't even offered and B. Almost all bachelors (and Joe the Grocer) have done and none have made it to the finals?

Again, not a fan, but I'm not going to blame her for capitalizing on her 15 minutes...

Edited by PTVjones
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This is the end of the season. I'm out! James was the frontrunner.  I blame the judges for constantly underscoring James. I was anyway expecting Ally in the finals (since she has been the judges favourite) and Kel, but Lauren and Hannah over James? Speaking of  Ally, she is not that great and lacks the finish and fluidity in her movements. But the judges have been blindly overlooking her flaws and giving her 10s for really mediocre dances. Very disappointing to not have James win the mirror ball, let alone be in the finals!

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57 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Points to Ally for wanting to save James. I really applaud her for that. She didn't look happy to be saved over James.

But noone is going to care, she getting dragged on every board so we speak. I hope Sasha encourages her stay off sm tonight, as being a victim of cyberbullying, she doesnt need see what people r saying about her. I personally felt Lauren should have went home but it is what it is but Ally shouldnt be attacked for something that clearly was out of her control.

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37 minutes ago, Josh371982 said:

Yep same. Hannah's the only one that's never touched Bottom 2. Scared shes winning now 

I truly could see it happening. I feared it last week (don't care anymore) when I heard she won a People's Choice award. I don't know how many people vote on those things but clearly she's popular enough to win an award voted on by the fans. Plus, if Bachelor Nation took Grocery Store Joe to the semi-finals(?) then they can get her a win.

Her whining and constant crying has put me off. I know i've read people here say that the judges have been harsh with her and I can see tonight that they were lowballing her, especially in comparison to Ally, but I don't think they've been that mean for her to break down the way she did.

31 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

Then Hannah cries some more about what a terrible life she has because she doesn't have a boyfriend. Then we learn James' wife has had a miscarriage and he's having a rather tough time. There's a lesson in what is really important in life, Hannah. You are not a nice person, that's why you don't have a boyfriend. James is sweet, kind, well spoken, nice and a GREAT DANCER.

The person I thought truly looked lame in comparison to people crying about real tragedies was Ally. She's weeping because she's been in the bottom two and almost got booted off this show and she REALLY wants to stay. I know she probably didn't know what happened with the others but it looked really silly in comparison.

I just can't stop thinking about this - for the last few weeks when Sean was on, I think the judges struggled to say nice things to him so they kept saying variations on he deserves to be there because people liked him. I think last week Carrie-Ann said that he deserved to be there because the people voted for him. Well, guess what, Carrie-Ann the people are NOT VOTING FOR ALLY. They don't want her there. Look, in theory, I get the judges wanting the save to stop a Bobby Bones situation or to rectify it when people they like almost get voted off, but when it happens THREE times it's time to cut bait. Even All knew it. In her package, she said she feared they would't save her this time. Unfortunately, they're enamored with her for some reason and did it anyway.

I get the theories about maybe James wanted out, but there were easier ways to do it than basically rigging the competition. And, I know James is a good actor, but the way he said he was really going to need the votes after their second scores, didn't seem like someone who wanted out.

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54 minutes ago, UGAmp said:

Good for Hannah rejecting CA’s hug. And that was gross for CA to then get upset for making her upset. It seemed manipulative and I didn’t like it. 

Im not the biggest Hannah fan but I get her frustration with Carrieanne. Carrieanne does every season, she picks  a female esp. a young attractive and fit female and will tear them apart.  It just brought me back on how she did Simone her season until Simone finally broke and told her about herself.

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I've read all the posts tonight and I am sorta' surprised that no one mentioned the judges were as "cruel" to James after his first dance. They already knew about the tragedy but poured on the "you were behind the beat, your posture wasn't good, etc". Then when Tom came on and said to wait to hear what perhaps happened with James, it was too late. The judges had done their damage. And then to top it off, they gave Ally 10's for her Charleston that had obvious flaws! She and Sasha were not in sync most of the dance. If I even watch the show next week, I will be for Kel! He deserves the win hands down.

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I agree with everyone who is sating Ally should not have been saved a third time. My personal opinion of her aside (I don’t particularly care for her personality or her dancing) the judges just should recognize when someone isn’t clicking with the voters. 

I generally like Hannah, but her package tonight... ugh... I just can’t muster up that much sympathy for her on the Bachelorette front. You can’t go on a show like that and be shocked that the contestants aren’t all sincere.  There were a million red flags with the dude she picked. 

I will miss watching James dance. He was my hands down favorite.

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26 minutes ago, Jsage said:

I love Emma but I'm a little mad at her right now. Len made it clear in the rehearsal package that he didn't like all the gimmicks the first time they did the cha cha and he wanted to see more real dancing. So then Emma goes ahead and puts all sorts of disco moves into their dance this week. I don't know if it would have changed the scores and allowed James to stay. And I know he may be happier going home anyway. But I still think as a seasoned pro, Emma should have known better.

I did notice this. I thought it was odd/funny how Len said he didn't like the gimmicks yet she put them in, but I still think the scores were RIDICULOUS. I'm not usually one for conspiracy theories, but one of the reasons I'm not sure I buy that James asked to be sent home because of his wife's miscarriage is I almost feel like they were sabotaged by the dance choices for them, the song, and finally, the scores. Foxtrot is not really an exciting dance especially for the semi-finals. And, I think they had a point to the disco feel of the song lending itself to those kinds of moves. And, even with that, giving him all 8s seemed odd. If you're a good dancer in the semi-finals you usually have to fall flat out on your face to get those kinds of scores.

20 minutes ago, vdw84 said:

But noone is going to care, she getting dragged on every board so we speak. I hope Sasha encourages her stay off sm tonight, as being a victim of cyberbullying, she doesnt need see what people r saying about her. I personally felt Lauren should have went home but it is what it is but Ally shouldnt be attacked for something that clearly was out of her control.

As sick and tired as I am of the judges' bullshit regarding Ally, I'm not going to badmouth her personally. Well, I mean, I don't like her personality and she grates on my nerves but I'll say that here not somewhere she'll see it. If people are attacking her personally that's not cool and would be cyberbullying. If a lot of people (like a lot of people here) are merely expressing frustration at the judges' behavior regarding her and her lack of critique and how she shouldn't be there after being in the bottom 3 times, etc. I wouldn't call that cyberbullying. If she can't take that kind of criticism then, yes, she should definitely stay off SM.

I can't believe how upset I still am about this. I've had dancers I've liked voted off somewhat early. Dancers I've liked lose in the semi-finals/finals but I don't think I've ever been this livid over a result, not even when Bones won.

Edited by FilmTVGeek80
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56 minutes ago, PBGamer89 said:

Question, did Hannah like kill your pet or something. You use the term pet often i've seen.

She "Won" a show. Like are you mad? What did she do to piss you off in such a way?

She's a good dancer, and she might win, making her already infinitely better than last season's winner

I also resent her being called a whore. Demeaning to women and completely unnecessary. I’m starting to believe someone is Jed using a different name. 

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4 minutes ago, suebee12 said:

I've read all the posts tonight and I am sorta' surprised that no one mentioned the judges were as "cruel" to James after his first dance. They already knew about the tragedy but poured on the "you were behind the beat, your posture wasn't good, etc". Then when Tom came on and said to wait to hear what perhaps happened with James, it was too late. The judges had done their damage. And then to top it off, they gave Ally 10's for her Charleston that had obvious flaws! She and Sasha were not in sync most of the dance. If I even watch the show next week, I will be for Kel! He deserves the win hands down.

I was really taken aback by the critiques after that cha cha, and not with the fact that there was critique -- that's fair given Emma's failure to deliver on what Len asked for and given some of James's performance issues -- but that they delivered NOTHING positive. How frequently do they fail to add some little "This was really nice though" to soften the blow? Sean more or less got consistently kinder feedback than what that was.

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1 minute ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

I did notice this. I thought it was odd/funny how Len said he didn't like the gimmicks yet she put them in, but I still think the scores were RIDICULOUS. I'm not usually one for conspiracy theories, but one of the reasons I'm not sure I buy that James asked to be sent home because of his wife's miscarriage is I almost feel like they were sabotaged by the dance choices for them, the song, and finally, the scores. Foxtrot is not really an exciting dance especially for the semi-finals. And, I think they had a point to the disco feel of the song lending itself to those kinds of moves. And, even with that, giving him all 8s seemed odd. If you're a good dancer in the semi-finals you usually have to fall flat out on your face to get those kinds of scores.

As sick and tired as I am of the judges' bullshit regarding Ally, I'm not going to badmouth her personally. Well, I mean, I don't like her personality and she grates on my nerves but I'll say that here not somewhere she'll see it. If people are attacking her personally that's not cool and would be cyberbullying. If a lot of people (like a lot of people here) are merely expressing frustration at the judges' behavior regarding her and her lack of critique and how she shouldn't be there after being in the bottom 3 times, etc. I wouldn't call that cyberbullying. If she can't take that kind of criticism then, yes, she should definitely stay off SM.

Its a little bit of both. Its people attacking her on a personal note and frustration with her on the show, so its alot and just hope she stays off sm.

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1 minute ago, lavenderblue said:

I was really taken aback by the critiques after that cha cha, and not with the fact that there was critique -- that's fair given Emma's failure to deliver on what Len asked for and given some of James's performance issues -- but that they delivered NOTHING positive. How frequently do they fail to add some little "This was really nice though" to soften the blow? Sean more or less got consistently kinder feedback than what that was.

I remember a few times that Derek openly went against the judge's wishes or the "rules" of a dance but back in those days, the judges didn't have the final say and he was going for the "wow factor" with the voters. It usually worked.

The more I think about it, the angrier I become. The judges keeping someone who, despite her overly inflated scores that put her at the top of the leaderboard STILL falling to the bottom 2, negates the viewers votes for the overall season and gives the judges ALL the power. What is the point of having fans vote if the judges are going to have the final decision despite what the fan voting is telling them? 

It's all been said already -- they've overinflated Ally's scores for weeks and haven't given her one bit of critique. I was texting with a friend during the show and after the Charleston I said to her that if that dance got a perfect score, then we knew the fix was in to get Ally into the finals. Bam. Perfect score. It couldn't be more obvious. Or more blatant. I don't think I've ever seen a season where the judge's favoritism and manipulation was so blatant.

If the show comes back after this season, and I still don't think it will,, they need to kick this new show runner as far away as they can. In 10 weeks, he's managed to totally ruin the show.

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How many times are they going to over-score Ally?

How many times are they going to save her?! Clearly viewers aren't responding to her - what a sickeningly stupid move they made.

I am all in on Hannah now. I hope she and Alan take it. 

James deserves better in life. ❤️Dawson girl forever❤️

Edited by thesupremediva1
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20 minutes ago, Toonces464 said:

The more I think about it, the angrier I become. The judges keeping someone who, despite her overly inflated scores that put her at the top of the leaderboard STILL falling to the bottom 2, negates the viewers votes for the overall season and gives the judges ALL the power. What is the point of having fans vote if the judges are going to have the final decision despite what the fan voting is telling them? 

Funny how now everyone's all like, "but we need more fan input" because the judges keep propping Ally, when the reason that Sean was on for so long was because of too much fan input. The judges likely overscored him but they also didn't tongue-bathe him either.

I'm sad about James being eliminated, and I wouldn't be surprised if they are gearing up for a male pro to take his first win. With that said, I'd prefer Sasha over Gleb or Alan to win at this point. He's been on longer, and although Alan is likable, he's not as experienced and Gleb is just a tool. 

Edited by madpsych78
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11 minutes ago, Toonces464 said:

The more I think about it, the angrier I become. The judges keeping someone who, despite her overly inflated scores that put her at the top of the leaderboard STILL falling to the bottom 2, negates the viewers votes for the overall season and gives the judges ALL the power. What is the point of having fans vote if the judges are going to have the final decision despite what the fan voting is telling them? 

It's all been said already -- they've overinflated Ally's scores for weeks and haven't given her one bit of critique. I was texting with a friend during the show and after the Charleston I said to her that if that dance got a perfect score, then we knew the fix was in to get Ally into the finals. Bam. Perfect score. It couldn't be more obvious. Or more blatant. I don't think I've ever seen a season where the judge's favoritism and manipulation was so blatant.

Yeah, I don't want to beat a dead horse here, but it's this! I didn't even mention it before but it's not just that she's been in the bottom two so many times, but she's been at the top of the leader board each time (once with a perfect score) and she still ended up there. So, it's blatantly clear she's not pulling in the viewer votes.

It's been so long ago that I can't remember, but I think one of the reason I disliked Bindi Irwin so much was the judges kept acting like she was perfect with no criticisms for her, but I don't think even with her it was this bad. It helped that Bindi was actually popular. I know the judges have always been inconsistent, but this season it feels even worse. Like I just said to someone on Twitter, it's not that Ally sucks. It's just the blatant favoritism towards her and the refusal to see, or point out, any flaws. On Twitter, I saw someone show how out of sync at times Ally and Sasha were in the Charleston, and yet, it's tongue bath city. With any other contestant this season, they would picked that dance apart all in the name of being "helpful" of course.

And I'm honestly at a loss at to why they are so enthralled by her. Yes, she's sweet (in a cloying sort of way IMO) and she had the sob story early in the season about being cyber bullied, but there have been other contestants who talked about bullying who didn't get this much love from the judges. She's not a sucky dancer, but she's not leagues above anyone else, even Lauren. 

Like I said, I probably won't be watching at all next week but I hope they don't do another judges' save. It served its purpose with Sean, but really at the semi-final/finals level that should be over with. 

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1 hour ago, PBGamer89 said:

Why are people "scared" of Hannah winning?

She's a good dancer thats often underscored and clearly the audience loves her to never hit the bottom 2.

When Bobby Bones wins a season and Sean Spicer was 2 weeks away from making the finale, Hannah, a good dancer with a pro who's never won, winning is not awful for the show.

Don't blame the other contestants for James going home. Blame the judges if you're unhappy. Hannah, Lauren, and Kel earned their spots from votes. Ally is a great dancer and from that perspective deserves to make the finale, but if you're in the bottom 3 times maybe its time.

Clearly she's getting 4th place next week.

The amount of hate Hannah receives is baffling. She's been critiqued more than any celeb this season and she's right - it's been more about her personality than her dancing.

Something tells me Ally would be far worse, had she ever been critiqued during the season at all. 

Ally isn't winning, and Hannah would be a worthy victor. I've suffered through enough of having contestants shoved down my throat (cough Bindi cough) and now I'm throwing every vote I can at Hannah. Whitney and Kel have a blah partnership and the less I say about Lauren and Gleb the better.

Edited by thesupremediva1
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Well guys, I'll probably read this board till the end of this season, but after 26 seasons (not the 1st season and not the junior season), I'm done with this crap and have erased the last 4 shows from my dvr without watching.  I have really enjoyed being part of this community throughout all its evolutions, but having read what went down tonight now that the horrible person is gone, it's just not tenable to keep watching.

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James sure got Juan Pabloed tonight, didn’t he?  Ally seems like a sweet girl but  if the judges were looking at the entire season the way they claimed there’s no way she should have been saved again.

I want to believe that James was a mercy elimination but if he was no one let Emma in on it.  She looked destroyed when they were picking apart his first dance.

I’m ok with Kel and Whitney winning, he’s shown huge improvement and I wanted her and Milo to take it last season anyway.  

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Guys, what the fuck just happened here? I'm stunned. No way should Ally be there over James. And I in no way, shape, or form am laying any blame at Ally's feet. She did exactly what she was supposed to do, dance the very best that she could and leave it all out there. My ire is aimed squarely at the judges. To sit there and say that you're looking at the totality of the season and then say you're choosing Ally instead of James? That is the epitome of horseshit. James has consistently outperformed Ally (and frankly pretty much all of them) this entire season. I'm absolutely gobsmacked.

I'm fine with the rest of them making the finals, barring perhaps Lauren and that's only because she really hasn't resonated with me at all the entire season. But I can honestly say I don't really give a shit who wins now because as far as I'm concerned they stole it from the person who should have gone all the way.

I have to say though, I really appreciated that Ally tried to give her spot to James. That was incredibly sweet of her, and I do believe she was genuinely regretful that the judges picked her over him.

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Len's little chacha with James didn't look very good. Not sure why he bothered.

I'm sorry for James and his family but I doubt he asked to go. If so, he should have just said so--and I think he would have--rather than staging a vote off that would have negative repercussions for others. He doesn't seem like the type to do that. Also, Tom's reaction about his low scores seemed that they were unexpected.

I think Ally's really good, too, and deserves to be there, even to win.

Hannah's a good dancer, but she's so annoying.  Her emotions every week about being criticized seem excessively self-centered and as if she resents not being praised. You're learning something. It's not a personal attack. I find her so unpleasant and whiny--the pageant mannerisms don't help.

Kel may not be the best dancer but he's had the greatest improvement.   Not one of the best seasons.  And, unlike Len, I miss the more imaginative choreography.

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Well, that played out in unfortunate ways....🥴 But I gotta say, this is the fault of TBTB and the show in how they set up this nonsense. I'm fine with all the five contestants and none of that is their fault. IMO these results also show that there's probably not that much voting going on...barring Hannah, everyone has landed in the bottom two at least once.

And it's a pity that the outcome has marred a pretty solid night of dancing. I would also agree that James was (understandably) not at his best tonight...but the way to deal with that is say: All right, it's the semi-finals now, viewers decide we stop with the judges meddling in the outcome.

Because what might happen now is this: Despite having the highest scores, it's entirely possible that Ally ends up in fourth anyway. And is that truly something they want? Dragging a contestant through the show even though she's not resonating with voters? Idk.

Hannah's contemporary was the best dance of the night IMO. And she's absolutely right to say that the judges' critique of her has been weirdly unpleasant and personal. As if they somehow know her and judge her deficient as a human being. So yeah...I don't blame her for resenting that. Shades of Nastia Liukin, the way they treat her.

Kel is most improved. And kudos to Witney for producing such a good dance to "I will always love you". That had the potential to be massive cringe, but wasn't. And IMO Lauren had her two strongest dances this week. She's not the most talented, but that paso was very interesting, if perhaps too busy.... massive improvement over week two. The VW was very nice and well danced, but the costume department decided to sabotage them with the atrocity Gleb had to wear. Not that Lauren's pink monstrosity was much better.... So yeah, the producers exerting so much control isn't always for the best. I thought Hannah was really hampered with music and costume for the rumba as well...again. Same thing happend with her first rumba...

Edited by katha
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I don't believe at all James wanted out. What makes me angry is these judges knew what he was dealing with this week and they didn't cut him any slack, but others continue to get handled with kid gloves. If it was a mercy elimination they could have been a little nicer.  

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This is the first week all season (well, since the very first episode) where I was able to relax and watch all the performances without wanting to yell, "WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?! YOU ARE TERRIBLE!"

Despite that, this episode ended with me yelling, "OMG THIS IS SOME BULL SHIT!"

Lauren's paso doble was stronger than I expected (ha, no pun intended). I wish her skirt had been read because the black boots + black skirt really obscured her footwork and from the little I was able to see, it actually looked pretty good. Studio singers, please don't ever sing a Kelly Clarkson song again.

Kel's tango was good. His carriage seemed better this week so I guess someone finally told him to push his shoulders down and back. Bonus points for those flowered pants!

Ally's Viennese waltz was decent. I don't know if it was just this particular dance or if I noticed more this week because her shoulders were bare, but she was really scrunching her shoulders, especially during the whole beginning segment.

Hannah's rumba was good but not great. I didn't love the choreography and I started to get annoyed that she was swaying rather than moving her hips.

James' cha cha was not my favorite performance of his this season (partly because I didn't like the 70s/disco theme/choreography). And really, no dance to Canned Heat will ever compare to the big finale number of Center Stage, so Emma was really stacking the deck against me liking this at all.

I couldn't pay attention to Lauren's Viennese waltz because I kept wondering why she was wearing a cross between Rachel Green's maid of honor dress and one of Blanche Devereaux's negligees. And then I saw what Gleb was wearing and wanted to know if he fell into a mud pit backstage or if there was some sort of tie dye accident or if someone set fire to his white suit.

Kel's contemporary was not good. I was annoyed that there was so much faffing about at the beginning and then I saw why. He is not what I would call a graceful dancer. Witney turned it into a liftapalooza to try to hide that.

Ally's Charleston was her best of the entire season because it was almost entirely walking and posing. The actual dancing was okay but not great. She just had to keep doing the same Charleston step over and over. Bravo to Sasha for choreographing a dance that made her look relatively good despite her average dancing ability.

James' foxtrot was okay from what I saw of it, but gaws the camerawork SUCKED.

James, Hannah, and Kel were my picks for the finale. They are the three best dancers left. For me, Ally and Lauren were at about the same level. But I could not with Carrie Ann asking if she had to choose between James and Ally. IT IS YOUR ACTUAL JOB SO YES. I can't believe that all three judges voted to save Ally. She is not a good dancer and James has been the best dancer all season by far. At least now I don't need to watch next week.

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8 hours ago, vdw84 said:

Im not the biggest Hannah fan but I get her frustration with Carrieanne. Carrieanne does every season, she picks  a female esp. a young attractive and fit female and will tear them apart.  It just brought me back on how she did Simone her season until Simone finally broke and told her about herself.

I agree.  She has been harsh on Hannah in a weird way--not just this is how you can do better, but she does make it a personal critique every time.  And you could feel in that rehearsal footage when Carrie was pushing at her Hannah just wanted to say--you make me so damn uncomfortable.  

As for this season, it really has been quite lackluster, esp since my favorite is gone and now I am left with Kel, who I hardly notice for some reason, Ally, who has always gotten on my nerves, the country singer, who bores me, and well, that leaves me actually liking Hannah.  (she doesn't bother me as she does others here)

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There is no way James asked to be kicked off. No producer in their right mind would go with the narrative of ripping apart someone's dances, announcing his family suffered a tragic loss, putting him in the bottom two, and then having the judges decide that after having an off night because his wife is literally still in a hospital bed, a dancer who has been close to elimination THREE TIMES deserves to stay over him. That is NOT a good look on them. If James wanted to leave he would have graciously announced it before they even got to the elimination. That way Ally wouldn't feel the backlash of ousting him, which was a really shitty position to be put in.

I'm just shocked that James didn't have the votes to overcome the point deficit. I'm guessing burying the announcement in the second to last dance of the night cut back on the chances of sympathy votes. I also wonder if their first dance sort of fell apart because he had no time to rehearse this weekend, so Emma thew in a bunch of padding. I just don't understand what the producers were thinking last night. The way they played things out really optimized backlash, but not in a way that would get the media talking. In a way that would just turn off fans and chase away viewers.

That said, Ally is a capable dancer. She's a good performer who makes dance moves look good even if she doesn't do them perfectly. The new format of the show has made it hard to root for her though. I don't dislike her, but the over scoring and constant judges saves is making me actively root against her. Lauren and Hannah are bland and forgettable dancers though, so Team Kel!

Edited by absnow54
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I wanted to add that I could not remember how far along James wife was, but it sounds like the baby was due in April so pretty far along.  When I heard she was in the hospital, I guessed that something must have happened, and news articles do say that her life was at risk.  That is a lot for them to go through, so in the end I can see how leaving the show will be best for him, but it is a sad end to the show.

I saw a family picture, and wow their kids are adorable.

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