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"The View": Week of 10/14/2019


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4 minutes ago, blondiec0332 said:

Depends on who you ask.  For me a redneck is what people who don't live in a red state think people living in a red state are. Meghan believes that stereotype. She calls herself a redneck because to her that is someone who loves to shoot guns while chugging beer or whiskey while wearing a flag somewhere on your body. For the record I live in a red state and could not be any less redneck if I tried.

Thank you.  I was wondering because I thought it was interesting that MM usually uses that phrase when she tries to explain why she misspoke or does something not bright. So telling. 

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13 minutes ago, blondiec0332 said:

When they were going to break after talking about momentum concerning the candidates did Meghan say this is what I'm good at?  Meaning forecasting primary races?

She's delusional 😄. She was put on a bus to tour Ohio during her (my)father's campaign and admitted she got hysterical when the wouldn't tell her his VP pick. She was a bratty daughter that they had to work around because daddy wanted her to feel smart and important.  So now we all have the political genius that is Meghan McCain 🙄

Meghan is ridiculous to look at Sunny and try to school her about politics, also insane.  Sunny's father might not have been  a politican but I'm sure Sunny knows plenty.

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7 minutes ago, Coffeewinewater said:

Isn't the word redneck offensive? I'm seriously asking.

I think it might be one of those "if you are one and use it, it isn't".  For instance, Jeff Foxworthy built a career on "If....you might be a redneck".

So, while I'm sure Meghan wears calling herself a redneck as a badge of honor, saying it doesn't make it so, which makes it an example of cultural appropriation, I guess.  

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It's funny.  Right after Meghan said "take a shot" there was a several second audio blip with my cable so I didn't hear what she said about being a redneck.  I thought she was being censored.  Perhaps my ABC affiliate thought we folks in IN would be offended by the term "redneck."  We're such snowflakes.  😂

(FTR I grew up in CT so I'm not a redneck.)

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14 minutes ago, lusinia said:

So, while I'm sure Meghan wears calling herself a redneck as a badge of honor, saying it doesn't make it so, which makes it an example of cultural appropriation, I guess.  

Yes Meghan wants to play dress up as a redneck.  She is equivalent of the 90s high school boys who thought they were rappers simply because they played that music real loud while driving around the neighborhood.

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I disagree with Meghan about Hunter Biden coming up tonight.  Sure Kamala and Julian have taken some shots at Biden, but those are regarding policy and vote record.  I would like to think that every Democratic candidate standing up there tonight would be smarter than to use Trump's technique.  I will be sorely disappointed if it does come up, unless it's from the moderators.   I think Meghan is so into the Republican mindset of attack everyone viciously and personally.  And who would be stupid enough to give Joe another chance to talk about the trauma of losing his wife, daughter, and son?

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But she talks with her mouth full of food.  Yuck!

And yet --  there are actual real people buying this.  Paying for her advice.  Actual people.  Wonders never cease.  And people continue to amaze me with their stupid.  I bet Chapter 7 is called, "Screw table manners."


Edited by Cementhead
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22 minutes ago, Cementhead said:

And yet --  there are actual real people buying this.  Paying for her advice.  Actual people.  Wonders never cease.  And people continue to amaze me with their stupid.  I bet Chapter 7 is called, "Screw table manners."


That’s the table covered with 7-11  “ mature” flower pedals. You say people are actually buying this is it a best seller yet? 

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19 minutes ago, Cementhead said:


Remember, y'all.  She's a 'Blonde badass' and a 'Ride or Die Chick' and Bonnie- to- her- loser- husband's- Clyde.  🙄

Aw, man. I started watching about 15 minutes in, and it looks like I missed an appearance by Rootin' Tootin' Meghan, my third-favorite Meghan (after Producer Confusion Meghan and Squint o' Death Meghan).

Less entertaining was Whoopi's food issues and judgmental Starbucks lady antics. I agreed that the Starbucks Crush Lady was making terrible decisions, but I kind of love Abby's trolling. Actually, I'd like Abby more if she was more mischievous. Alas, she remains the Queen of Inane Observations ("this is something that affects everyone" or "I don't think we're going to get a quick answer here").

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11 minutes ago, athousandclowns said:

You say people are actually buying this is it a best seller yet? 

As per Amazon, it's #7 in Garnishing Meals, #6 in Christmas Cooking and #5 in Tablesetting & Cooking.  Which all sounds pretty damn impressive.  But then in the grand scheme of things, it's  #4,297 in Books under the category of Amazon Best Sellers.  So, no, it's not really flying off the shelves, is it.  It might be enough to buy Alex a couple of new cars or pay for her mortgage for a few months or something. 

Edited by Cementhead
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3 hours ago, Cementhead said:

I tuned in just as Whoopi was explaining that if she looked grumpy or angry or whatever she said, it was because she could smell the food cooking in the back.  No worries, Whoopi.  You always look like that so we couldn't tell.

The rest of that 'segment' if that's what we are calling it was an all out total time filler.  A complete waste of time and money.  Ooooh, so some rando off the internet is flirting with the cute guy at Starbucks!  Que:  Sunny's "cute" face.  Didn't get enough of an audience response?  Show it again, Camera Man.  Keep posing "cute" Sunny and keep showing it, Camera Guy, until the audience clues in that they are supposed to laugh and find it cute. 

Abby shares that she is the first brunette her husband has ever been with.  His crush is Heidi Klum.  My, how riveting.  Thanks for sharing, Abby.  I will file this under Who gives a shit.

Whoopi, of course, hates the idea of crushing on someone, she thinks the whole thing is just wrong and stupid and the woman is just wrong and stupid and the cute guy is wrong and stupid and even Starbucks is wrong and stupid. "NOT WHEN YOU'RE IN THERAPY!!"  Yell it a few more times, Whoopi.  Because you are such an expert on relationships and therapy and everything in general.

Nothing much to add from the redneck on the right other than some random inaudible words being yelled out while the others were trying to talk and some muttering.  Oh, and the helpful information about not bothering to try and DM Whoopi or contact her on Social Media.  Yeah, no worries there.  So thanks for telling us something we already know.

Lol..Now THAT👆🏼 was funny..you made my day, 😄

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I saw Whoopi, I think it was last week, on one of the talk shows - the one with Sara Haines  and with Michael Strahan.  Whoopi was talking about her book, and being a good hostess, having people over at your house and making them comfortable. Her usual thing about buying old flowers cheap and strewing the petals on the table.   Then suddenly she was talking about the importance of having a toilet with a built-in bidet.  But she worded it  strangely, and talked about women and girls, from the age of 10 on, needed this feature to keep clean.  It was odd and uncomfortable, it seemed like the jump from table settings to toilets took the hosts by surprise, and they weren't exactly sure how the conversation went there. 

So, I have no reason to buy her book.  The secrets of entertaining -  put all kinds of toys and random items on a table,  tear up  cheap flowers, and make sure you have a fancy expensive toilet.  

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foo eating GIF

Whoopi was hangry and MeAgain was  skating close to pissing her off because she kept insisting she was the expert about the primaries.  MeAgain even realized she was in the danger territory because she told Whoopi she respected her opinion and her upper lip got all twitchy.  Whoopi decided to let her live another day, and I think threw in a Thank you, Babe.

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It occurred to me - Meghan said today that she would have had Hunter Biden wear a suit to his interview, that he would have then made a better impression.

Last week someone here or on Meghan's thread wondered why she never dresses casually.  Meghan saying that about Hunter really makes me think that's why she dresses up, and so conservatively.  She thinks people will then take her more seriously.  She must think that being well dressed is more important than being well mannered.  It's easier to do, too, than being up on the facts, with the ability to distinguish between them and talking points, or learning how to speak at a normal pace, in a moderate tone, using clear, concise sentences, and not become distracted by the time clock/producer's instructions and letting everybody know it throws you off. 

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4 hours ago, lusinia said:

I can't argue with Rachael's celebrity crush of Curtis Stone (I don't think she said his last name, but I assume that's who she meant).  Also - if you know the person, can it still be considered a celebrity crush?

If I heard correctly, Rachael was talking about Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson not Curtis Stone.

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All - we are getting way too into the weeds on the politics here. Talk about Politics ONLY to discuss how it was discussed on the show. If your personal opinion is clear, if you've moved off of the subject at hand onto related political subjects, or if you are laying out detailed rebuttals to host arguments,  you're on the wrong side of the line. Please follow the Politics Policy.

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2 hours ago, lusinia said:

Last week someone here or on Meghan's thread wondered why she never dresses casually.  Meghan saying that about Hunter really makes me think that's why she dresses up, and so conservatively. 

And especially when someone here posted that she said she brings her own clothes because they cannot properly fit her.  I think you are on to something.  She wants to look like a 1950s prude.

I also thought it was odd that she said he should have worn a suit and been in a business setting.  I think they were trying to make him relatable!

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5 hours ago, lusinia said:

In ice hockey,  taking a shot, means shooting the puck-- with a hockey stick --towards the net, hoping to score.

I always thought "taking a shot"meant putting forth an idea or an effort towards a goal you wanted.  

I guess it cd also mean actual shooting with a gun to hit/kill whatever game or animalyou are hunting.

MM is trying ssoooo hard to relate to the base/tribe or whatever the fuck she is calling Trump voters this week. I mean whatever the fuck her hubbie is calling his voters this week. 

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Whops was full on Sam Kinison today yelling she was hungry and can smell food. Guess who else was prob hungry and also smelling the food? The audience you idiot! I hate when these shows have food segments where they gush over the food while the audience just sits there watching them all chow down and being told how delicious everything they are watching other people eat is. It’s obnoxious.

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16 hours ago, General Days said:

The experiences of his own sister make highly unlikely your claim that he lacks either empathy or perspective. 

I think that might make him an biased journalist or gatherer of evidence. 

12 hours ago, 27bored said:

Watching his interview, it seemed like he was begging the question to a big extent, and given the nature and severity of sexual misconduct, Ronan’s disposition didn’t sit well with me. It didn’t sit well because I felt he was looking at this as an allegory of powerful men vs helpless women who have found their courage. He even said as much.

Without getting into a lengthy explanation that would veer far off topic, and for the sake of brevity, Ronan just seems like someone who judges people who have what he doesn’t and/or doesn’t want. He said the woman who accused Lauer of rape doesn’t characterize her subsequent encounters with him as an affair. Uh, she was having sex with a married man. I’m not saying she is, but it would be very easy to spin a consensual encounter into a rape if you’re pretty sure the person you’re telling isn’t going to question it. People who have had sex understand this. People who have had bad dates and bad fights and bad break-ups understand that sometimes people can be spiteful and petty and vindictive when they’re hurt; the last thing they need a self-righteous enabler felling them that what they’re doing is some kind of public service. And, people who haven’t been sheltered most of their lives know that being an adult is hard sometimes, but that’s no excuse not to be one. Women who prioritize their careers over their self-respect make a choice to do so even if it’s not done gladly, and women who would rather gossip around the office or gab under the promise of anonymity to a reporter make a choice not to treat serious allegations seriously and it’s nobody’s fault but their own.

I think as long as it’s a famous man being accused, he doesn’t care how credible the accusers are. He just likes that they’re “brave” enough to come forward.

I agree. I think Ronan is too willing to accept anyone's story of abuse. He's enjoying the accolades, the money, and the fame. He likes being The Hero.

I still think Lauer is guilty of harrassing/abusing other women, but this woman....??....the fact that the affair continued makes me doubt her story bigtime.

Edited by Blissfool
I meant "biased"
6 hours ago, Tosia said:
12 hours ago, lusinia said:

In ice hockey,  taking a shot, means shooting the puck-- with a hockey stick --towards the net, hoping to score.

I always thought "taking a shot"meant putting forth an idea or an effort towards a goal you wanted.  

I guess it cd also mean actual shooting with a gun to hit/kill whatever game or animal you are hunting.

And often it involves a shot glass!    Sometimes there are balls and baskets involved.  It's term for many, many things.

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If you read Catch and Kill you will see the stringent standards that were imposed on him in addition to the stringent standards he imposed on himself. 

"Hey, your boy Ronan is doing a story on me. About the nineties and stuff."

[Lack suggested Weinstein try (Phil) Griffin].

"Andy, it was the nineties. You know? Did I go out with an assistant or two that I shouldn't have, did I sleep with one or two of them, sure."

[Lack said nothing].

"It was the nineties, Andy," Weinstein repeated. This seemed, for Weinstein, an important point of exculpation. And then, with a note of menace: "We all did that."

There was a pause before Andy Lack said, "Harvey, say no more. We'll look into it."

(kindle version, location 1065)

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LOL @ the way Chelsea Clinton was looking at Meghan as she ranted and raved about the debate last night, her neck practically turning red and all. That's how most of us feel too, Chelsea.

And Elizabeth Warren did terrible? I'm sure Meghan can't specifically explain to us why she did terrible.

2 minutes ago, MeThinkMeNot said:

I wish there was an actual progressive on the panel.

Even when Joy tries to explain progressive points of views to Meghan, she doesn't listen. Awhile ago, when Joy said most people screaming about socialism don't understand what it is, Meghan got super offended. As the saying goes, a hit dog will holler. 

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1 minute ago, Axie said:

Whut?  Whoopie's daughter couldn't send her grandchildren to camp because she was sitting by the mailbox waiting for a tax refund that never came?  I'm so confused.  And, don't you have to make some money to file taxes?  Do you have to file taxes on money your mother gives you?  I'm lost.

Not only that, tax filing is not a guessing game.  When you file you know whether you're getting a refund or how much you owe.  There is no guess work involved. 

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4 minutes ago, Axie said:

Whut?  Whoopie's daughter couldn't send her grandchildren to camp because she was sitting by the mailbox waiting for a tax refund that never came?  I'm so confused.  And, don't you have to make some money to file taxes?  Do you have to file taxes on money your mother gives you?  I'm lost.

Whoopi probably has her family members listed as employees.  

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11 minutes ago, Vanderboom said:

Oh, and church-going, pearl-clutching, abortion-hating Sunny is a "far-left progressive"? *snort* yeah, okay Meghan.

6 minutes ago, GoldenGirl90 said:

Meghan "I've been in politics all my life" McCain doesn't understand anything. Sunny is not a "far-left progressive." My God she's an idiot. 🤣

The "middle" has been moving further right for several years. So what used to be moderate is now far left. Or Meghan is an idiot.  Either explanation works.

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11 minutes ago, Vanderboom said:

Holy crap. Whoopi's acting like it's her first day: confused by the teleprompter, awkward reading of scripted segue, can't  keep track of commercial time . . . .

Maybe she's jealous of the attention Meghan gets from producrs for all those things...and, "We didn't talk about that in our meeting today," etc.  And it ain't negative attention.

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