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S01.E20: Never Let Me Go

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11 hours ago, alegtostandon said:

Keep forgetting to say:   Evilyn is the spittin' image of her dad!  Is this the first time we've seen him?   Have we seen her mom? 

OMG!  I have a theory: maybe Evelyn wasn’t with all those guys. Maybe Evelyn‘s dad is the town bicycle! GASP!

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7 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

I would seriously watch a series based on Jihoon and Deaven and their family. Show her learning Korean, and the job search etc.  Plus that baby. All those smiles put me in a good mood!

And the dog!

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16 minutes ago, Gobi said:

And the dog!

The dog!!!! OMG that puppy is adorable!

Funny thought, the show would star The Puppy, Jihoon, Parents Jihoon and then Devean,, baby Devean and Drusilla (but her name is spelled differently in every opening credit), in that order.  I picture it like the opening credits from The Love Boat.

Also, do we know the puppy's name?

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On 10/8/2019 at 6:41 PM, gingerella said:

Thank you! I think those commenting that he could have done something, anything, are viewing this from a very Western perspective. If you haven't lived in that type of setting, you cannot say someone could do this or that. Should he have told Jenny BEFORE she sold her shit, quit her job, and flew over? Absofuckinglutely! Could he have gotten a job outside the country and/or told a little lie and/or gone to the US on a K1 visa and married Jenny and just stayed there? Maybe he couldn't get a job outside of the US, we have no clue of his actual credentials, skills or education. Jenny could have helped him unbeknownst to his family IF he hadn't yet been married, that scenario would have worked. But he didn't, and she didn't offer to apply for the K1. Yes he's a scumbag for what he did to his wife, but we also don't know that story either. All we have is a photo from the internet which may or may not be his actual wife and that tells us nothing other than if she IS his wife, she's pretty. Colleagues and friends have told me that in a pinch a wedding can be thrown together quickly and if his family was desperate to marry him off, they could have ambushed him, we don't really know. But to say he could have gotten out of it is looking at it through Western norms.

Lastly, but not least, I'm not even buying 100% that he IS married because we haven't seen the family in question at all. Given that there are texts from Jenny online saying that the show would be 'great for her and Sumit', it is entirely possible that this whole scorned marriage thing is cooked up and we'll get another installment of their juvenile Romeo & Juliet bullshit next season and surprise! He's not married or he got a 'divorce' to be with the love of his life...! TLC fucks with all, these stories so I still don't completely believe this one.

Okay, you're correct so let me re-frame what I said...It may not be the norm, or it may be permissible to say 'No' to the parental options if you are from a family that either is fairly upper class or that has a certain level of education and/or perhaps has had exposure to other ways of being. Example: the drivers and tea boys in the office I worked in heard plenty about child marriages and if they had access to a different way of thinking through the work place, perhaps it changed some of their family norms.  But I was/am talking about the vast majority of Indians who would never be participating in an online forum about American reality TV shows, so by virtue of being here as a poster, you are definitely not who I was referring to regardless of your personal/family status. And while I did wonder about Sumit's family's status because of the location, just because TLC puts his location as "Gurgaon/Gurugram", doesn't mean his family isn't one of the poorer ones or doesn't live on the fringe there,  or perhaps his parents are extremely traditional in their mindset. Delhi is a very cosmopolitan city, but as you know, there is abject poverty all over the place, and those people I highly doubt would be in a position to refuse an arranged marriage.

The tea boys in my Delhi office were English speakers, and while they had a job, they were definitely what I would consider 'poor' by urban Indian standards. A lot of people learn English to get by because they can get piecemeal jobs with tourists or make a buck showing a tourist the way to their destination. From what we've been told, Sumit worked in a call center, so he supposedly had a job, whether it was steady or paid well, who knows, but it doesn't imply his family isn't poor.

There is plenty of evidence that summit is not from an Indian poor level family. They would call him on cell phones, they had a home for him to go back to, he seemed to have a group of friends that were all fluent in English and looked like school chums who went out for drinks. I’ve had 32 years of being part of a New Delhi family and all that goes with it.  I’m not guessing based on a tv show how the  culture there works. The rickshaw drivers, laundry ladies, people in the small neighborhood shops...they rarely speak English. And that’s in the city. You were dealing with people in an office setting, of course they needed to be able to communicate with those they worked for. There is no shortage of people for every job. They could easily hire applicants with English skills to serve tea or teach them to speak enough to get the job done. 

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I have 0 interest in Tiffany and Ronald's story. Every episode they leave one or two couples out, I always hope it's them.. but it never is. 

I love watching Jihoon and Deavan. Jihoon cracks me up just by being on the screen.

Jenny is the most annoying human. She is ALWAYS whining.. and sure, she has good reason to whine, but enough already. Go home and find someone who doesn't lie about anything and everything. And she always looks so greasy. Does anyone else who watches teen mom 2 think she looks exactly like Chelsea's mom?

Corey is so innocent but oh so stupid. Why would you propose to someone who has told you on numerous occasions that they do not want to marry you? She took a good few minutes to finally say yes, and I'm sure the only reasons she did was 1) she's on a tv show called 90 day fiance so she knew she had to say yes... and 2) she kept staring at the ring and knew she could ultimately sell it. $$$

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I spent more time reading and replying in Live Chat Monday instead of watching these idiots.  I even deleted the recording because I am NOT watching any of it again even if I missed a lot (Lucky me!)  The lying spineless cat-fishing adulterous pond scum and his blonde white granny make me want to throw things at the television.  I’m older than Jenny and really can not imagine being so clueless as to whine and cry that “it’s not his fault”.  

Cabbage Patch Corey is just sad, Evil-one told him often enough that she had no interest in marriage and children.  Why doesn’t he believe her?  I have to agree the ring was her reason for agreeing to the engagement.

Tiffany is a complete idiot.  I think Ronald is really horrible too, they deserve each other as long as poor Daniel and the new child can grow up with decent parents which these two certainly are not.

Deaven and Jihoon were the only bits I enjoyed.  The ceremony was so cute, the relatives all seemed so happy, Deaven looked lovely, and while I agree that Jihoon is far from being a responsible adult they are now the ONLY people on this show that I can stand watching.  (Well unless Pole runs, especially to dog houses.  That will ALWAYS be funny). Even Drascilla compares favorably to many of these so-called adults, she’s a young child and with some guidance will outgrow the tantrums.

I’ll be here for the next two weeks and the Tell-Nothings.  I am very glad I was only sucked into the Other Way and none of the other iterations as I’m sure I’d have a broken television by now!

Sympathies to AZChristian and family on your loss.

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On 10/8/2019 at 6:52 PM, OrchidThief said:

Totally confused. The boy, Daniel, was very unhappy, so his mother is taking him home to the US, which is what he wanted. Now he's throwing a class-A whiny meltdown. Why? I thought he wanted to go home.

Because he’s a kid. That is what kids do.  He shouldn’t have been involved in the first place.

Edited by ethalfrida
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1 hour ago, Jaclyn88 said:

Corey is so innocent but oh so stupid. Why would you propose to someone who has told you on numerous occasions that they do not want to marry you?

My theory is still...that she is the town thot, and Corey in his travellings as a virgin Mormon lost his vcard with her.  He is wrapped up in this special event in his life, smitten and now determined to make her his wife.

The town knows all this, and also that she has 100's of exes, and even an American-ex,, so they call Corey the American-ex's name as part of the big joke.

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5 hours ago, Wanda said:

There is plenty of evidence that summit is not from an Indian poor level family. They would call him on cell phones, they had a home for him to go back to, he seemed to have a group of friends that were all fluent in English and looked like school chums who went out for drinks. I’ve had 32 years of being part of a New Delhi family and all that goes with it.  I’m not guessing based on a tv show how the  culture there works. The rickshaw drivers, laundry ladies, people in the small neighborhood shops...they rarely speak English. And that’s in the city. You were dealing with people in an office setting, of course they needed to be able to communicate with those they worked for. There is no shortage of people for every job. They could easily hire applicants with English skills to serve tea or teach them to speak enough to get the job done. 

I worked in NGO offices for development programming so I'm not talking about a high powered office for a tech company or something like that. Most of my work time was spent in the slums, semi-urban, and rural areas. Most people living in an urban sprawl area have cell phones nowadays, it's not uncommon no matter how poor one is. You get a cheap phone and top if off as you have rupees. So I am not basing my comments off a TV show. Different people, different experiences, with some definite similarities...And yes, you are absolutely correct, people who serve others - rickshaw drivers, laundry ladies, small shopkeepers -  they mostly do not speak English as a rule so we're saying the same thing. To me, Sumit could have gotten a job with a call center and those were his call center friends that we saw, I've never assumed he had a secondary school education to be honest. It's funny how people can watch the same show and get very different takes on things, isn't it?! That said, I maintain that most of this particular story is hinky as hell and I don't entirely believe what we've been shown.

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On 10/8/2019 at 8:36 PM, RealReality said:

I thought it was so cute how jihoons dad was on the edge of his seat to see how big a house they were going to get.  LOL. 

It WAS cute!  And Jihoon's dad also had a vested interest in the outcome, since they are currently all crammed into his parents' teeny apartment until this future house becomes available!

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19 hours ago, Persnickety1 said:

Was I the only one waiting for Evelin to whip out a jeweler's loupe to check out that diamond before accepting the proposal?  

She was probably mentally adding up the cost of the ring, the hot air balloon "ride," and the private chef meal and wondering how he paid for it all when she thought she had bilked all of his money.  

This sums up my thoughts perfectly.  From the moment we were introduced to Evil-in, I have felt only disgust for her ruthlessness and cruelty.  How can Corey be so naive?

15 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

I would seriously watch a series based on Jihoon and Deaven and their family. Show her learning Korean, and the job search etc.  Plus that baby. All those smiles put me in a good mood!

Don't forget the dog-  the cuteness factor multiplies!

Edited by SemiCharmedLife
fixed typo
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3 hours ago, ethalfrida said:
On 10/8/2019 at 6:52 PM, OrchidThief said:

Totally confused. The boy, Daniel, was very unhappy, so his mother is taking him home to the US, which is what he wanted. Now he's throwing a class-A whiny meltdown. Why? I thought he wanted to go home.

Because he’s a kid. That is what kids do.  He shouldn’t have been involved in the first place.

We lived abroad when I was eight. My mother would not have put up with that in a hot second, and I knew how to behave properly at that age. He should too. He is old enough.

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33 minutes ago, SemiCharmedLife said:
15 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

I would seriously watch a series based on Jihoon and Deaven and their family. Show her learning Korean, and the job search etc.  Plus that baby. All those smiles put me in a good mood!

Don't forget the dog-  the cuteness factor multiplies!

Agree with all the above! This show is giving us a new and different angle into seeing other cultures (with *some* of the subjects) and I'm enjoying that. The family Jihoon is delightful and welcoming, and despite Devean's strangeness, I must say she has a certain something to be barreling ahead with all this. We're all so different and have unique attributes. I love that we got to see the traditional wedding attire, the headdress was especially beautiful and suited her. I think this is a lesson in, go ahead and do it, you'll figure it out!

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On 10/8/2019 at 9:52 PM, OrchidThief said:

Totally confused. The boy, Daniel, was very unhappy, so his mother is taking him home to the US, which is what he wanted. Now he's throwing a class-A whiny meltdown. Why? I thought he wanted to go home.

Maybe he has grown attached to Ronald and that is what he is upset about. If he was going with them back to the good old USA, he would be happy.

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3 hours ago, OrchidThief said:

We lived abroad when I was eight. My mother would not have put up with that in a hot second, and I knew how to behave properly at that age. He should too. He is old enough.

The kid has been raised without a dad, and now his insta-Dad is soon to be dropping out of his life as fast as he entered it. Tiffany heavily peddled the Dad persona and after a few months of (in Daniel's eyes) a perfect kid/dad relationship with fishing and ball-throwing, she  yanks the rug out. He's only eight. I wouldn't expect well-mannered restraint in a kid his age in this situation.

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9 hours ago, gingerella said:

To me, Sumit could have gotten a job with a call center and those were his call center friends that we saw, I've never assumed he had a secondary school education to be honest.

I wonder this about a lot of the folks on this show--how much education they've had, and their qualifications, educated or not, to get and hold a good job.  Submit speaks English fluently and correctly (in the US we often judge by grammar and usage, and Submit's are fine imo); he seems to have nice manners and to dress appropriately.  He's 30 years old, yet he's working (if he is working) in a dead-end desperation job (but maybe that's not the case in India?  My son worked in a call center one summer when he could not find any other job--in desperation).  Has he learned to do anything he could get paid for?

Ditto Ronald, Jihoon, Pole...  The lives of these guys and their fiancees would be lots better if they were able to earn a decent living in a legal job.  I realize this sounds like the 1950s and of course the women involved have an equal responsibility to support the family, but some of them have worked in the US and are unable to work in the foreign country because of visa concerns.

Ronald and Pole both seem to come from respectable families, with parents who do not flail around shoveling cow shit or stealing stuff to gamble with--didn't these guys grow up understanding that adults support themselves?

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7 hours ago, OrchidThief said:

We lived abroad when I was eight. My mother would not have put up with that in a hot second, and I knew how to behave properly at that age. He should too. He is old enough.

Agreed, but we saw more than once that Tiffany assured Daniel that if he didn't like living in SA, they would go back home.

Tiffany imo is the one who needs to learn how to behave--as a responsible parent.  Why on earth she would make such promises to a child is beyond me.

Orchidthief said (sorry, I can't figure out what I'm trying to do):

. I love that we got to see the traditional wedding attire, the headdress was especially beautiful and suited her. I think this is a lesson in, go ahead and do it, you'll figure it out!

I hearted your post, but I want to clarify that I hearted the idea of plunging ahead with local culture and costumes, not with fucking a stranger, having his baby, and moving to a country without know what the hell you're doing.

But wear the traditional wedding dress!  Devin looked so pretty (compare with the Skipper--who also was a good sport).

Edited by Mothra
god help me I don't know
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Good lort!  Evilin really does look like her dad right down to the crooked horse teeth!

Tifftiff and the recoverer-  What? Why did she even come?  First she brings her kid over without knowing anything really about Ronald or his country then she lets Daniel bond with "new dad" promising him a dad forever and then takes him away?????  It's definitely best if she takes Daniel back to the US, don't get me wrong, but she's just so stupid about everything. She's probably pregnant again right now and doesn't even know it!

Devan and Jujitzu- She looked lovely.  It was nice to see them relaxed and having fun.  She hit the jackpot with her in-laws; his family seems so sweet and nice; too bad he's no prize pig.

Jennnnnni and Suuuuuuuucheater- At least she's going back home.  Why didn't he (when his family was trying to force him to marry) run away, secure a visa to any other country , and leave BEFORE he got married.

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Any charm Jihoon had was lost on me when it became obvious he lied and continues to lie thru his teeth to Deavan and that she, a fool for sure, dead pans how she feels so disappointed and this isn’t the type of father figure she wants for her kids, she doesn’t trust him, she made a mistake moving halfway around the world, but too late!! She has nothing to go back to so what the hey she’ll just marry him and hope for the best.WTF kind of idiot thinking is that? She believes he makes 4k a month?  He can barely haul his ass out of bed in the morning! And I don’t believe he stopped “ doing illegal thing”.  Or that his debt will be paid off soon.

His folks seem nice... but they want them out of that apartment, SOON!

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6 hours ago, brilliantbreakfast said:

That "host" is the most annoying woman in the world not named "Jamie Otis

During the Tell All let’s see if we can predict how many times after a fight breaks out, someone flounces offstage or in this case ends their video connection and Host Shawn looks at the camera with a dazed expression and says, “What just happened here?” 

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3 minutes ago, magemaud said:

During the Tell All let’s see if we can predict how many times after a fight breaks out, someone flounces offstage or in this case ends their video connection and Host Shawn looks at the camera with a dazed expression and says, “What just happened here?” 

I would say let's make this a drinking game....but...our livers.

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55 minutes ago, athousandclowns said:
On 10/9/2019 at 12:37 AM, RealReality said:

My guide says part 1 followed by part 2  the same night. That’s a lot. 

My guide is showing an hour of “Tell All Part One” followed by Pillow Talk for Sunday’s episode of “Before the 90 Days.” 

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7 hours ago, magemaud said:

During the Tell All let’s see if we can predict how many times after a fight breaks out, someone flounces offstage or in this case ends their video connection and Host Shawn looks at the camera with a dazed expression and says, “What just happened here?” 

I'll take a shot for every "Wow!".

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9 hours ago, athousandclowns said:

My guide says part 1 followed by part 2  the same night. That’s big a little bit. 


9 hours ago, athousandclowns said:

My guide says part 1 followed by part 2  the same night. That’s big a little bit. 


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10 hours ago, magemaud said:

During the Tell All let’s see if we can predict how many times after a fight breaks out, someone flounces offstage or in this case ends their video connection and Host Shawn looks at the camera with a dazed expression and says, “What just happened here?” 

She is a terrible host. Her whole job is to keep the conversation going. If she was any good at it she'd not only do that, but she'd right the ship when it started going off course, and nip any scenes in the bud. People are always flouncing off! If Shawn was any good at all she'd be able to rein that in. 

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41 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Titan TV says part 1, that is of course new, at 8 p.m. to 9:30, but the two hours before are those useless extended episodes.    Then they list the same arrangement for Part 2, on the 21st 8-9:30

I double checked, and I’m on Eastern Time, too, but Fios guide still shows Part 1 in the usual Monday night time slot, 9:00 to 10:00. 

This is dealing me a blow! 

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12 minutes ago, magemaud said:

I double checked, and I’m on Eastern Time, too, but Fios guide still shows Part 1 in the usual Monday night time slot, 9:00 to 10:00. 

This is dealing me a blow! 

Those who get Columbus Day off have all day to prep lol.

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3 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

She is a terrible host. Her whole job is to keep the conversation going. If she was any good at it she'd not only do that, but she'd right the ship when it started going off course, and nip any scenes in the bud. People are always flouncing off! If Shawn was any good at all she'd be able to rein that in. 

She really is a terrible host. As PM and others have said, she cannot keep the conversation going, she doesn't ask any real questions, and half the time she looks at the camera with a big "wow" face. We never learn anything new except for when one of the 90D'ers blurts something new out and even then the host doesn't ask a follow up question.

Any one of us could host these Tell Alls and do a bang up job. And one of us for sure would hear some crazy remark from one of the guests, look right into the camera, and say in a serious voice: "What a blow we've just been dealt." 

I would pay good money for that. 

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On 10/10/2019 at 12:33 PM, gingerella said:

I worked in NGO offices for development programming so I'm not talking about a high powered office for a tech company or something like that. Most of my work time was spent in the slums, semi-urban, and rural areas.

I really don’t think that experience with slums is entirely applicable to Sumit’s story. I know you said that TLC might be fudging the details on where he lives, but it was a pretty major point in his story that he was able to arrange a furnished two-bedroom apartment in Delhi before Jenny arrived. It’s possible that the subsequent months of rent came out of Jenny’s $6k, but he definitely paid the initial rent and deposit. If he has that kind of money lying around, he is not living in extreme poverty. Plus, if he were, you know Sharp Entertainment would have been all over it - think Hazel or Abby from Before the 90 Days.

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Very confusing

Comcast shows in menu listed 

90 days the other Way episode 21 More To Love Tell All, part 1 (10/21) 8-9p 

episode 22 Tell All :Part 2 (10/21)  9-10mp 

yet I look at my scheduled to record search that 90 Day The Other Way ( no episode number or title airs tomorrow @10 pm 

Before the 90 days episode 11 Hard To Say 10/13  8-10p 

Pillow Talk  often does not show up on schedule and can not do search 

Oh well looks like mine will record 

I’m going to try finish watching  The Durrells and start Grantchester, Endeavor or Shetland so my brain doesn’t turn to grape jelly  

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1 hour ago, nutella fitzgerald said:

I really don’t think that experience with slums is entirely applicable to Sumit’s story. I know you said that TLC might be fudging the details on where he lives, but it was a pretty major point in his story that he was able to arrange a furnished two-bedroom apartment in Delhi before Jenny arrived. It’s possible that the subsequent months of rent came out of Jenny’s $6k, but he definitely paid the initial rent and deposit. If he has that kind of money lying around, he is not living in extreme poverty. Plus, if he were, you know Sharp Entertainment would have been all over it - think Hazel or Abby from Before the 90 Days.

I agree.

IF the story we have seen is on the up and up then, at the very least, Sumit could have been honest about his wife before Jenny sold her shit and moved.

His choices may not have been good ones, but they existed.

And this isn't just coming from a "western perspective." Honesty is free and is valued across the board. 

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1 hour ago, PityFree said:

My understanding is that call-center jobs are prestigious and sought out in India.

This was my understanding too.  I watched a documentary on it called paper tigers (?).  

The American guys who ran the call center were, at best, assholes and they had a line around the corner for applicants.  

But maybe so many companies have started call centers there that it's not as hard to get a job. 

ETA:. It's called Office Tigers.  Interesting documentary and a lot of snark worthy assholery

Edited by RealReality
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10 minutes ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

I have a question about the Live Chat.  I live on the west coast and every time I go in to the live chat, it has already happened.  How do we participate in it?

I'm in the West as well, and the Live Chat (aka "Rice a Roni.." etc) is only on while the show is being played on the East Coast.  So if it's on at 9 pm there, we have to log on to the Live Chat at 6 pm here, and we read the chat as it goes along, just not see the show.   When it gets to be 9 pm here, there's no Live Chat available to participate in, but that is the blow we have been dealt.

(Same story, I assume, for Central and Mountain time, with different math to calculate the times.)

I do it often, which means I'm killing four hours of my evening instead of just two, but who would understand better than this group.  

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So in the tell all preview it looks like Jihoon is there, spoilers say Karine is there, Ronald and Evilin are on skype, who knows if summit calls in (oooo drama) and Aladin is Skyped in. Ronald and Evilin have visa issues and can’t come to the US. no way Summits’ family would have let him come, but why didn’t Aladin come? Was it his choice or TLC? Inquiring minds gots to know.

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On 10/8/2019 at 11:27 AM, Gobi said:

I think that their personalities complement each other very well. They’re the only couple I’m rooting for (apologies to our Aussie posters).

I would be rooting for them except for the fact that Jihoon is a lazy slacker and Deavon left everything and moved to Korea with nothing. Constantly whining about this great job she left for Jihoon but yet brings no money with her so they can find a place of their own. They both have a lot of growing up to do. 

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28 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

The only reason I hope Deavan and Jihoon are going to be OK, is there are two kids involved in the relationship.     

Three, if you count Jihoon.

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On 10/10/2019 at 8:38 PM, magemaud said:

During the Tell All let’s see if we can predict how many times after a fight breaks out, someone flounces offstage or in this case ends their video connection and Host Shawn looks at the camera with a dazed expression and says, “What just happened here?” 

It was fun and exciting the first time it happened.  Now, it is just old and predictable.  I bet if the producers told them that once they walk, they will not get to return or have a camera follow them, they would stay put.

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On 10/11/2019 at 6:53 PM, Chippings said:

I'm in the West as well, and the Live Chat (aka "Rice a Roni.." etc) is only on while the show is being played on the East Coast.  So if it's on at 9 pm there, we have to log on to the Live Chat at 6 pm here, and we read the chat as it goes along, just not see the show.   When it gets to be 9 pm here, there's no Live Chat available to participate in, but that is the blow we have been dealt.

(Same story, I assume, for Central and Mountain time, with different math to calculate the times.)

I do it often, which means I'm killing four hours of my evening instead of just two, but who would understand better than this group.  

 I guess I luck out.  I’m in Colorado and both the show and the live chat start at 6 PM Mountain for me.  I use Comcast and they must have TLC on the East Coast feed here.

ETA:  or 7 PM Mountain time depending on which day for which show. I cannot keep them straight.

Edited by PityFree
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