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S01.E19: Falling Apart

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Jenny and Sumit face each other for the first time since she found out he is married; the issues between Laura, her son and Aladin come to a head; Paul's mother gives him a wake up call; Tiffany makes a difficult decision for her family.

Airs 9/30/19.

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1 hour ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

Did anyone else see the tattoo of "Aiden" on her chest?

Thanks, I was trying to figure out what it said when it was hidden by her massive bra straps. I'm confused, though, because it looked inflamed like a fresh tattoo. I figured it said "Aladin" or maybe "Jiggy Jiggy" 

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I was shocked when Jenny hears a knock at her door and just opens it without asking who it is.  But i guess she knew it was Some*it and was waiting for him with camera crew and all in preparation 🙄 It’s not just him fabricating lies.  I don’t know why she’s hanging around India any longer, maybe now that she’s seen him again she will go back to the US.  It doesn’t sound to me like she really gave up that much to move to India.  For a sixty year old she doesn’t have many assets and she was living in her daughters apartment before she left for India.  Time to grow up Jenny, Jan whatever your name is.

Edited by endure
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4 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

I like Aladin, too:  "That is weird, no?"  So Liam apologized - good for him.  Did anyone else see the tattoo of "Aiden" on her chest?


Aiden is the name of her other son.

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6 hours ago, magemaud said:

Thanks, I was trying to figure out what it said when it was hidden by her massive bra straps. I'm confused, though, because it looked inflamed like a fresh tattoo. I figured it said "Aladin" or maybe "Jiggy Jiggy" 

I thought maybe she had had an old tattoo re-inked into something more acceptable to Aladin.   Over in another version of this mess,  we have Zeid upset with Rebecca's tats showing.

7 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

I don't know the Indian culture, but it seems absurd that the family can basically kidnap him. And then let him go to see Jenny for a day to talk to her. Surprised there wasn't someone with him watching his every move.  He is a grown man. Yes, he should be accountable for his behavior. His shame is on himself.  Stand up to your parents, refuse to get married, whatever. Get a job and save money to move to England or wherever and start a life there. Jenny, go home, sleep on your daughter's couch for a few months, and drop Sumit from your phone and social media. Maybe then he will decide to do something or he will sullenly go back to his wifey and possible family.

I would bet Sumit was accompanied by one or two family members who were not filmed.   Jenny, regardless of whether or not she already knew he was married,  is still in love with her fantasy of a happy life with Sumit.  She is a  mess.

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Can you all remind me why Laura is moving to Qatar and they're not coming to the US?

HOW did Paul and Karine have such a cute baby?!

My theory about Jenny and Sumit's apartment is TLC is footing the bill for it. I think they knew Sumit was married all along & filmed it anyway thinking it would be a good story with a "surprise ending." Otherwise, how could Sumit afford 2 apartments?

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7 minutes ago, gotta watch said:

Can you all remind me why Laura is moving to Qatar and they're not coming to the US?

HOW did Paul and Karine have such a cute baby?!

My theory about Jenny and Sumit's apartment is TLC is footing the bill for it. I think they knew Sumit was married all along & filmed it anyway thinking it would be a good story with a "surprise ending." Otherwise, how could Sumit afford 2 apartments?

I agree. I cannot imagine the extensive background checks these people go through to get on this show; that said, I believe TLC did know. They are in it for the shock and awe of viewers. 

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54 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Seriously, that woman was getting soggier and soggier with each scene!  The humidity must be paralyzing, she did make reference to Paul and his cooling vest, she should borrow it.

Seems like the apartment is a bit neater now, no huge pile of stuffed animals but I did spy one in bed, under the covers.

Love, love, love when Mother Paul basically said she was cutting Paul off and she was going to start living for herself as in "get your paws off my money!"

I felt so bad for her in that heat/humidity!

I noticed that the apartment was a little tidier, too, and I wondered if Pole and Karen had done that in preparation for his mother's visit, or if his mother had, as mothers who visit after the birth of a grandchild are wont to do, worked hard to clean the place, assuming that the chaos was only there because of the care of a new baby.

And she solved the problem of how they were supporting themselves:  they weren't.

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So is mother Paul paying the expenses for this little family?  Per the story line?

I'm sure the network is footing most of the bills plus makeup and expenses!  Paul doesn't have to work!  He's an actor!!!

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So this was Karine's second pregnancy with the man that she has so many issues with, right? The same man she married as she looked so miserable she could cry.  I just don't see Paul any odder than she is. 

Tiffany is obviously not as bright as she looks. Maybe, she started reading books on child care, parenting, etc.  AFTER she got to SA.  So, is she disappointed that Ronald has not turned out to be all that as a husband or all that as a dad to Daniel.  I guess he and Daniel didn't hit it off as well as she had expected.  Or, even if they did, there are way too many other obstacles, that she could have seen, if she had stopped and noticed. I wish that she would realize that putting pressure on Ronald could cause him to relapse, but, so can him having no pressure.  People relapse for many reasons and no reason....it's just part of the disease of addiction.  When you believe you can control if someone relapses, you are operating under a delusion.  

Laura.....rocking her little pot belly in that gown.  Do they have any air conditioning for the events that we see?  At some point do you give up on the hairstyle? I bet she wished she had packed some astringent in her luggage. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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10 hours ago, DiamondGirl said:

Laura looked absurd in that elaborate gown and tiara with her sweaty red face and bleached-too-yellow limp hair.  

WTF is it with Pole and his mother’s hair??? When she left in the taxi, he said her hair smelled nice.  All I could think of was how her hair’s been drenched in sweat the whole visit.

I thought it looked like he took a piece of her hair between his fingers when he was saying good-bye and put it in his pocket.

Edited by OFDgal
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1 hour ago, eyebleach said:

Is it me or do Paul and Karine call the baby Pierr-y?  Am I making this up?

You’re not mistaken. That’s his name. Which cracks me up because that’s the adjective my mom used to give to kids who wet the bed. Instead of saying “pissy” which she considered a curse word, she’d say, “...and that little peerie boy was at it again.”

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2 minutes ago, charmed1 said:

You’re not mistaken. That’s his name. Which cracks me up because that’s the adjective my mom used to give to kids who wet the bed. Instead of saying “pissy” which she considered a curse word, she’d say, “...and that little peerie boy was at it again.”

It must be something Brazilian because Karine is pronounced the same way at the end with the eeee. 

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44 minutes ago, Mu Shu said:

Jenny is an old fool, but I’m sort of pulling for these two idiots. They’ve sold me on their tawdry little love story. 

Oddly enough, me too. I don't know what it is. 

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1 hour ago, gotta watch said:

Can you all remind me why Laura is moving to Qatar and they're not coming to the US?

I think it is  because she wants to be on TV and they can't really put her on the other show as she is Canadian and not a citizen of the US.  

1 hour ago, eyebleach said:

Jenny - GO HOME!  Don't give this jackass an opportunity again.  He didn't choose you.  He chose what his family wanted.

25 minutes ago, gotta watch said:

Do you all know the movie To Kill a Mockingbird, the actor who plays Dill? I think of him every time they show sweet Daniel on the screen.

Wow! it has been ages since I saw the movie (I have probably seen the play 4 or 5 times since I saw the movie), but you are right;  there is a resemblance.

Bah, I just screwed up the quotes.   Yes, that's good advice for Jenny, but she is too blinded by love to figure this out.

1 hour ago, gotta watch said:

My theory about Jenny and Sumit's apartment is TLC is footing the bill for it. I think they knew Sumit was married all along & filmed it anyway thinking it would be a good story with a "surprise ending." Otherwise, how could Sumit afford 2 apartments?

Maybe,  but I still think there is a good possibility that Sumit never worked in a call center and has more money than we are lead to believe.  I don't believe anything about him including his age. 

1 hour ago, Mu Shu said:

Jenny is an old fool, but I’m sort of pulling for these two idiots. They’ve sold me on their tawdry little love story. 

Even if he manages to get a divorce,  I can't see a marriage between Jenny and Sumit lasting especially with his tendency to lie.  Also I think Jenny would be exhausting to be around. 

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2 hours ago, gotta watch said:

My theory about Jenny and Sumit's apartment is TLC is footing the bill for it. I think they knew Sumit was married all along & filmed it anyway thinking it would be a good story with a "surprise ending." Otherwise, how could Sumit afford 2 apartments?

My understanding is the wife goes to live with the husband's family.  So wife Sumit moved in with family sumit.

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10 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

I remember Jenny saying when she first arrived to India that she could afford the apartment for six months. That's all the savings she had. Sumitt wasn't paying for shit. Then he immediately quit his job.  Such a stand up guy, that Sumit! Hiding two wives from each other takes up alot of time! Then all he has to do is look at Jenny with his puppy dog lying eyes and she melts again. Paraphrasing: "I will have to think about this after I'm back home. I don't know what I'm going to do yet". She has to think about it?? There is no hope for her. 

I don't think he quit his job. If he was single, he could have done that, but not when he's married. He told Jenny that he told his parents that he got a new job in another city. He could not have pulled that off with his wife.

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My mom remarked last night that Karine looks pretty when she smiles and I agree. I have to say that Paul does have pretty blue eyes. Lets all hope that Pierree, in the tradition of other 90 days children, grows into a lovely mature, can see past the bs of the parents kind of kid.

I kind of felt bad for Ronald. He's getting left behind and that's gotta hurt. Too bad they didn't try to plan things just a wee bit better. You know, like talk about what might happen if they get pregnant, where they're gonna live, possibly find a decent park for the kid to play.

Laura looked like a limp noodle between her hair and ill fitting dress. She still seemed less than enthused about being married. Whatever Aladin's angle is I have to give him credit for being mature and thoughtful with regards to Liam.

Previews for Jihoon and whats her face look pretty awesome for next week.

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20 minutes ago, Gobi said:

I don't think he quit his job. If he was single, he could have done that, but not when he's married. He told Jenny that he told his parents that he got a new job in another city. He could not have pulled that off with his wife.

He specifically told Jenny in one episode that he quit his job. It was one of his "secrets" he was afraid to tell her.  She was quite upset. Said she only had enough savings for 6 mos. None of their entire story makes any sense. 

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22 minutes ago, Gobi said:

I don't think he quit his job. If he was single, he could have done that, but not when he's married. He told Jenny that he told his parents that he got a new job in another city. He could not have pulled that off with his wife.

Way back when he said he had quit his job bec he was busy finding an apartment and getting ready for Jenny's arrival. At least that's what he said on camera, we now know he lies constantly so whether that's true or not is anyone's guess.

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11 hours ago, shouldbedancing said:

I like Aladin. I don't understand him and... he's probably an ass but... these past two eps he's been intelligent, well-spoken, sweet, patient, funny and seems genuine. Plus he has really pretty eyes. I don't understand his choices but he's charmed me.

I kinda like him, too. He's good looking, and he even has a job unlike the rest of em'. His command of the english language is very good, too. He seems to be a bit more educated than most of these losers. He does block Laura from his social media every time they have a fight, though. That's not good, even though I imagine Laura can be a real pain in the ass at times. 

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Paul is weird, and the comments about his mom’s hair smelling nice were creepy, but I’m sure she washed her hair before flying out. She was sweating like a hog the entire time she was there so hopefully she showered before the long flight. The lady is strange, but she looks clean.  

Edited by Ijustwantsomechips
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5 minutes ago, RoxiP said:

My personal belief is that Tiffany came to South Africa, married Ronald and got pregnant right away thinking that the U.S. government would look more favorably upon their request for a spousal visa because she knew there was NO WAY he would be able to get a visa to the US based on his past criminal history.  

I didn't think about that, but that is an interesting idea. Guess it didn't quite work out for them. i understand he is upset not being able to be there for the birth of his child, but gee, didn't you guys think about this????? 

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47 minutes ago, Kroliosis said:

My understanding is the wife goes to live with the husband's family.  So wife Sumit moved in with family sumit.

Yes, multi generational living is a big thing, the wife/DIL then helps with the household duties for her mother in law.

Frankly I would have lost my mind if I had to do that with my MIL, I shudder at the thought!

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16 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

He specifically told Jenny in one episode that he quit his job. It was one of his "secrets" he was afraid to tell her.  She was quite upset. Said she only had enough savings for 6 mos. None of their entire story makes any sense. 

14 minutes ago, LilMissKnowitall said:

Way back when he said he had quit his job bec he was busy finding an apartment and getting ready for Jenny's arrival. At least that's what he said on camera, we now know he lies constantly so whether that's true or not is anyone's guess.

I know that Sumbitch told Jenny that he quit his job, I just don't believe him.

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1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

Paraphrasing: "I will have to think about this after I'm back home. I don't know what I'm going to do yet". She has to think about it?? There is no hope for her

What the hell else has she got to do while sitting around that airless apartment alone for weeks at a time but THINK? 

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51 minutes ago, libgirl2 said:

I didn't think about that, but that is an interesting idea. Guess it didn't quite work out for them. i understand he is upset not being able to be there for the birth of his child, but gee, didn't you guys think about this????? 

No, no they did not think that they were both unemployed (has he started his underpaying job at the Wellness Center?) far from family support from TIffany's family, living in a dangerous part of SA and Daniel misses home so getting pregnant was a great idea!!!  I do think the love and affection Ronald has for Daniel is real.

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1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

I remember Jenny saying when she first arrived to India that she could afford the apartment for six months. That's all the savings she had. Sumitt wasn't paying for shit. Then he immediately quit his job.  Such a stand up guy, that Sumit! Hiding two wives from each other takes up alot of time! Then all he has to do is look at Jenny with his puppy dog lying eyes and she melts again. Paraphrasing: "I will have to think about this after I'm back home. I don't know what I'm going to do yet". She has to think about it?? There is no hope for her. 

It all makes sense now why he quit his job. I’m sure his wife didn’t know and Droppy was financing everyone on her meagre savings.

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