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S04.E02: The Pool: Part Two

Lady Calypso

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8 minutes ago, kili said:

I would have liked some soul-searching from child Randall. He should have had a chat with Dad too. He needs to work on self-acceptance and not wrecking his brother's stuff.  Kevin asking Randall to finish the song when he knows Randall doesn't know it (just so Kevin will look more cool) was a jerk move, but Randall was already unhappy that Kevin was connecting with his friends over the music to begin with. His friends are the ones that invited Kevin to listen to music with them and Kevin would have been a jerk if he'd just blown them off. If Kevin and his friends connect over music they all enjoy and Randall does not, that's not Kevin's fault. It would be nice if they tried to find a subject they all like, but a few minutes talking about something you aren't interested in isn't the end of the world.

The show has long hinted at Randall's struggle being a black man growing up with a white family in the suburbs.  We know that Randall had black friends and he wanted to attend a HBCU before Jack died.  I hope this episode sets up his arc this season with him taking a look at these issues. There has to be a reason to show Randall not being into Hip Hop as a 12 year old, and he isn't comfortable in an urban environment with Deja on the bus.  

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I get Tween (or should we say "pre-teen?"  Tween wasn't a word in 1992) Randall.  Tough to be different.  I was accused of being too "white-washed" by Asian Mean Girls at my school - and I HAVE ASIAN PARENTS!!!  Who are immigrants!  Yeah, just because I don't like HK boy bands doesn't mean I "don't know where I'm from."  I wasn't "up to" a lot of North American 90s pop stars either (unless you were talking about country music (really weird for a Toronto prep school girl) or Jewel/Sarah McLachlan (normal)).  

ETA: 1992 Kate mentioned something about a "90210 marathon."  I'm 99% sure networks didn't do "marathons" back then.  In fact, the word "marathon" meant actual running, not running entire seasons of TV shows back-to-back.  Don't forget the episode takes place BEFORE "Donna Martin Graduates!"  That won't air until the end of the season that just started.  The episode's writers must be under 35.

Edited by PRgal
  • Love 11
11 hours ago, HelenCrump said:

Other favorite moment:  Randall and family running up the Rocky steps!

That was cute. It's such a tourist/new to Philly thing to do.

That bus was apparently a real SEPTA bus. I thought so! I remember taking the bus to school - I was younger than Deja because my mother grew up in NYC on public transportation, so the idea of kids on public transportation wasn't new to her. I really want to know what neighborhood the Pearsons live in.

11 hours ago, ams1001 said:

Or she could just be feeling a little insecure with such big change

When I big chopped (cut off my relaxed hair) my hair was very short - I hadn't had hair that short since I was a toddler. It looked good but I was very uncertain about it. I remember doing that "I think this is OK but I'm not sure" thing in the mirror right after I did it and for a while after (basically every time my hair entered a new length phase, I was like "I'm not sure about this"), so I thought that was what Tess was doing. Her haircut looks fantastic, although I loved her 'fro too. Deja's hair is growing out beautifully too - I love that all three daughters wear their hair natural.

I got called an Oreo too, when I was a kid. It hurts. I felt for Randall. My mom is a retired school administrator and occasionally she would say about one student or another, "S/he's not a nice kid." I'm reminded of that when I see young Kevin.

I bet Kevin DOES smell expensive. Fresh and clean and like money.

I definitely thought we were supposed to notice that Toby is dealing with the stress of having a new baby with special needs by exercising compulsively (he's lying about it) and Kate is doing so by eating. I am not sure it's a deliberate choice he's making to get healthy, but rather a way of exercising (no pun intended) control over what he CAN control, which is his body. I am not sure if Kate is supposed to still be on a weight loss journey; she definitely looks to be the same size she has been all along.

Knew the popular girls were setting Kate up; proud of the way she handled it. I also loved the detail that she was reading a YM magazine.

  • Love 22
4 hours ago, debraran said:

My mind was racing a bit watching her to thinking she will die earlier than the others or have a stroke or they are padding her a bit to have her lose next season. I also feel since Toby fights depression, the exercise helps with that also

I stress eat and exercise.  Probably why I’m about 40 lbs overweight as opposed to 100 lbs overweight (exercise counter acts the eating a bit) Having a baby at Kate’s weight and age you would think it would have caused some kind of kidney problems and diabetes.  I can’t remember if they mentioned her fate in the time jump season finale?  I can’t imagine the character or the actress living much past her 50’s at her weight.  Maybe Toby’s weight loss will motivate her.  If she continues to stress eat at least start walking 30 minutes a day.  

  • Love 1
26 minutes ago, PRgal said:

ETA: 1992 Kate mentioned something about a "90210 marathon."  I'm 99% sure networks didn't do "marathons" back then.  In fact, the word "marathon" meant actual running, not running entire seasons of TV shows back-to-back.  Don't forget the episode takes place BEFORE "Donna Martin Graduates!"  That won't air until the end of the season that just started.  The episode's writers must be under 35.

I appreciate the attention to 90210 detail. I will say by 1994, you could watch 90210 in reruns during the day (because that's when I went back and started watching loyally) but that was one episode a day, 5 days a week starting with the pilot. So I watched current shows while watching all the back episodes I'd missed. That was my stress relief.

I enjoyed this episode though I always do. I don't watch this show with a clear agenda on what I want to watch so I'm easy to please. There are so many times when you want to tell young Kevin "oh, don't do that; that is mean." It was nice to see him be more self aware and for Jack to not just assure him "yes, you are nice" with no caveats or substance behind it.

I love both of Tess' hairstyles--all the girls look great. I was afraid for a minute we wouldn't see Annie.

I enjoyed the Philly step running. We did the exact same thing with my boys when we went--had to; their dad had shown them Rocky so it was a must on their part. I was happy to be able to make it up with them in jeans in my 40s. Their experience would have matched ours more closely if they had shown the Rocky statue to the side and had a guy playing the Rocky theme on a kazoo as people got their pictures taken.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, PRgal said:

1992 Kate mentioned something about a "90210 marathon."  I'm 99% sure networks didn't do "marathons" back then.

A home-produced marathon of episodes taped on the Pearson VCR?

Kate's 90210 favorite would be gallant loner Dylan, surely; by the same token, she'd be baffled by what Dylan saw in good girl/rich girl Brenda, the pretty brunette with the difficult dad...

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, PRgal said:

ETA: 1992 Kate mentioned something about a "90210 marathon."  I'm 99% sure networks didn't do "marathons" back then. 

I think it would be close.  I feel like on holiday weekends especially channels did whole days devoted to one show or series of movies. It is early, though, for 90210 to be in syndication and those all day labor day weekend marathons tended to be on the cable channels.    But 1992 was my freshman year of high school and 90210 is literally all anybody talked about my first day back (I didn't watch.  I am Randall levels of uncool) so I feel like it had to have had some decent summer play that year.

1 hour ago, Pallas said:

she'd be baffled by what Dylan saw in Brenda.

Brenda was the brunette though.  Sometimes us Brunette girls have to stick together.   

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, PRgal said:

The episode's writers must be under 35.

I'm in my mid 40's and stuff like this sticks out to me too. Especially slang usage. Such as the first scene when Rebecca and Jack were talking about having a family pool day and Rebecca says, "Right??" more than once. It is rooted in the phrase, "I know, right?" which I'm pretty sure wasn't a thing in the 90's. But I could be wrong...

Re Tess haircut and hat in the mirror scene. I took it as excitement. I thought it sounded like she gasped when she put the hat on as if she finally has the look she wants and is growing into herself? I could be way off..

  • Love 9

Well, I must have too much time on my hands because I just checked Wikipedia and Beverly Hills 90210 season 3 started on July 15, 1992. So the season was well underway by the end of the summer.  Not outside the realm of possibility that a marathon aired around that time, but it seems unlikely.  I was a faithful viewer but I don't recall whether they did this or not. It doesn't matter to me, though.

  • Love 4
8 hours ago, Racj82 said:

I'm so out of line in terms of what bothers viewers on shows. I didn't think twice about last week's episodes. In the same way it didn't bug me whenever the show follows characters outside the main family. I never took the show to be just about the family. The show is all of us. Not just us but the people we meet along the way. It's crazy to think that like me saying hello to a stranger may have stopped that stranger from commiting suicide that day. Dark I know but we just don't know what's going on in the lives of the people we meet and how just being you or living your life affects them.

And I didn't find this episode boring or repetitive. This is life. Life isn't all huge changes and dramatic moments. I just enjoy hanging out with these characters. I realize that's why I love the shows that I do so I don't get hung up on nitpicks and things like that. I just enjoy hanging in this world for an hour a week.

I'm in your corner! This episode, was slow moving, but definitely had major movement. Jack telling pre-teen Kevin that Pearson men struggle, prompted older Kevin to pause his career and help his Uncle Nick. The revelation of Toby stress exercising and Kate over eating showed us that they both are struggling with the news of baby Jack's blindness. I'm sure that will be their storyline this season. 

I, too, enjoyed last week's episode. New characters, that we will encounter this season, don't bother me at all.

  • Love 11
1 minute ago, tennisgurl said:

I giggled really hard at Rebecca practically hiding behind the bushes to spy on Kate and the mean girls. I knew that wasnt going to end well, but Kate actually handled it pretty well, and it was kind of sweet that the boy did want to meet up with Kate. Also, YM magazine! Memories!

I also liked how Kate handled that situation.  Kate is the least developed character on the show, so it was nice to see her handle the situation with ease.  She masked her initial disappointment very well and spared the boy's feelings which is difficult to do when you are twelve.  She handled the situation in the best possible manner.  I want more of this Kate.

  • Love 21

During the scene by the crib between Kate and Kevin I kept expecting to hear a joke about Kevin being "The Manny".

I was unsure about the flashback story of Jack and Rebecca dragging their kids out to the pool but I ended up liking it quite a bit. Especially how they all want to go in their own direction when they first get there but end up together by the poolside.

  • Love 6
3 minutes ago, watcher1006 said:

During the scene by the crib between Kate and Kevin I kept expecting to hear a joke about Kevin being "The Manny".

I was legit surprised they didn't go for it.

A couple random thoughts/questions:

I think Toby probably believes he's being kind by not rubbing his new fitness regime/therapy in Kate's face when it's clearly not where she is at right now.

I don't think they are padding Chrissy - in recent appearances she looks heavier than ever, IMO. I truly hope she's in as good health as she can be, because I'm a little afraid for her.

I know we saw Kevin heading for the airport after his talk with Kate, but then he shows up at Nicky's trailer. Are we to assume he turned down the film role then?

  • Love 7
12 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

I don't think they are padding Chrissy - in recent appearances she looks heavier than ever.

Chrissy in that silver outfit on the Emmy purple carpet ... it was shocking. Kate didn't even have a lap for Baby Jack, he had to be on top of her boobs.

Toby wants to grocery shop at night when the store is less crowded. Instead he goes to the gym and works out for what, one-half hour? THEN he goes to the grocery? Does he take a shower at the gym so comes home smelling clean and fresh, or does he come home sweaty and stinky? The gym plus the grocery means he's gone maybe 1-1/2 or 2 hours, way longer than just picking up groceries when the store isn't crowded.

If I were Kate, my only thought is Toby is having an affair.

Why he's going to the gym in secret makes no sense to me. Tell Kate it makes you feel better and you are enjoying it. Period. She doesn't have to go, why can't Toby have interests of his own? Their marriage needs help if he's afraid of her tossing a fit about something HE wants to do.

  • Love 16
1 hour ago, Jillybean said:

Well, I must have too much time on my hands because I just checked Wikipedia and Beverly Hills 90210 season 3 started on July 15, 1992. So the season was well underway by the end of the summer.  Not outside the realm of possibility that a marathon aired around that time, but it seems unlikely.  I was a faithful viewer but I don't recall whether they did this or not. It doesn't matter to me, though.

That was the season Brenda (and Brenda met whuzzhisface, played by Dean Cain) and Donna went to France!!!  And I did not recall it either.  

As for Toby going to the gym:  Wouldn't Kate have wondered why he was taking so long?  No one goes grocery shopping for, like, more than an hour.....

  • Love 5

I thought it was another boring episode. I might be about to give up on the show.  I absolutely loved the first season, liked much of the second season, and disliked most of last season.  Now I'm just very bored by it. 

Part of it is there is no real tension in these story lines. We know for example that Beth and Randall are still together in the future. We know Toby is alive in the future. We know Kevin has a kid.  Yes, there are still holes to fill in, but we have a lot of information and part of me doesn't really care about seeing how we get to that point.

16 minutes ago, PRgal said:

As for Toby going to the gym:  Wouldn't Kate have wondered why he was taking so long?  No one goes grocery shopping for, like, more than an hour.....

You can get in a good workout in 30 - 45 minutes. A slightly longer than average shopping trip can be explained away by traffic, especially in LA.

I assume Toby showers at the gym, because otherwise Kate would wonder why Toby comes home from the grocery store smelling ripe.

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, PRgal said:

ETA: 1992 Kate mentioned something about a "90210 marathon."  I'm 99% sure networks didn't do "marathons" back then.  In fact, the word "marathon" meant actual running, not running entire seasons of TV shows back-to-back.  Don't forget the episode takes place BEFORE "Donna Martin Graduates!"  That won't air until the end of the season that just started.  The episode's writers must be under 35.

4 hours ago, RedbirdNelly said:

I appreciate the attention to 90210 detail. I will say by 1994, you could watch 90210 in reruns during the day (because that's when I went back and started watching loyally) but that was one episode a day, 5 days a week starting with the pilot. So I watched current shows while watching all the back episodes I'd missed. That was my stress relief.

Back in middle school, it became a thing to write “Donna Martin Graduates!” in each other’s yearbooks.

Also, agreed @PRgal. I feel like there isn’t a 90s girl in the editing or writing room for some of these episodes. Last season, they had Kate watching Felicity before it premiered!

4 hours ago, Pallas said:

A home-produced marathon of episodes taped on the Pearson VCR?

Kate's 90210 favorite would be gallant loner Dylan, surely; by the same token, she'd be baffled by what Dylan saw in good girl/rich girl Brenda, the pretty brunette with the difficult dad...

I mean, is there anyone whose favorite wasn’t Dylan McKay? 💔

Edited by MrsWitter
  • Love 9
3 minutes ago, ECM1231 said:

They mentioned something about Kate and Toby settling into their new place so I'd assume that was their new home. Maybe the realtor forgot to remove the 'sold' sign?

they looked pretty settled in.  Doesn't make any sense.  If I bought a house and the former owners realtor didn't remove their sign, its would probably go in the trash or in the garage at the very least.  Realtor had a contract with the sellers.  Not me.  get your junk off my new lawn.  

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18 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

Also, while Toby was a chubby kid, and likely someone prone to excess body fat, wasn’t it a depressive episode that caused the extreme weight gain, which led to more weight gain and deeper into depression after his first wife left him? It could be when he’s mentally and emotionally centered he’s much smaller (although a “big guy”). 

The baby is adorable. I saw Beth’s issue about the hair as a “hair cut”( rather than a trim) is a sign of “maturity” for black girls becoming teens. Like Beth said she’s not a little girl any more, but becoming a young woman. 

 Long hair on girls is associated with youth in the USA, and for black women even more so. I wasn’t allowed to cut my hair until I was 21- yes TWENTY ONE, given I was being supported and educated I chose my battles. 

Uncle Kevin does smell expensive!

14 hours ago, bros402 said:

So right before they showed Toby exercising at the end, I was worried they were going to have a "Toby is losing weight - must be cancer!" plotline, or at least a cancer scare. Because that is what this show does.

12 hours ago, bybrandy said:

I suspect Toby has reasons for keeping his crossfit days from Kate but I think it will ultimately be hurtful to her that he's pretending to everybody that the weight is just falling off when really he's working incredibly hard to get the weight off.   One is the lie he doesn't think he can tell her what's going on with him, but it also makes it seem like weight should just melt off instantly when it isn't that easy.

7 hours ago, Tikichick said:

I'm wondering if Toby isn't actually covering up the beginning of a manic phase.  What worries me is the seeming compulsion to exercise -- he must get out to the gym, secretly.  

Maybe Toby plans to leave his tech job and pursue his real passion...being a male stripper.

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  • LOL 7
3 hours ago, PRgal said:

That was the season Brenda (and Brenda met whuzzhisface, played by Dean Cain) and Donna went to France!!!  And I did not recall it either.  

As for Toby going to the gym:  Wouldn't Kate have wondered why he was taking so long?  No one goes grocery shopping for, like, more than an hour.....

For that matter, I'm wondering why, in the preview for next week, Kate looks so surprised when she sees a shirtless Toby. I realize she's busy with the baby, but has she not noticed he's been getting in shape?

  • Love 7
47 minutes ago, Jillybean said:

For that matter, I'm wondering why, in the preview for next week, Kate looks so surprised when she sees a shirtless Toby. I realize she's busy with the baby, but has she not noticed he's been getting in shape?

I bet Toby has body image issues and never appears shirtless in front of Kate.  And they probably haven't been having sex.

  • Love 10
8 hours ago, RedbirdNelly said:

Their experience would have matched ours more closely if they had shown the Rocky statue to the side and had a guy playing the Rocky theme on a kazoo as people got their pictures taken.

The Rocky statue is not longer at the museum, they moved it a while ago. It’s by one of the sports stadiums.

1 hour ago, chitowngirl said:

The Rocky statue is not longer at the museum, they moved it a while ago. It’s by one of the sports stadiums.

It's been back at the museum for a while. I've seen it (and a line of tourists waiting to take pictures with it - an acquaintance of mine who works at the museum says that line is constant). They moved it to the base of the steps on one side, rather than the top where it used to be. 

Edited by Empress1
  • Love 4

I get Kate is overweight and they said she’s overeating but like didn’t she just have the baby? She does need to do something tho because being that overweight is not healthy. I’m pretty sure she will be dead in the future tho.

Randall and his whole family annoyed me this episode. Just don’t really care about their storylines. Especially the whole bus bs. Also couldn’t care less about Déjà’s love life. Idiotic.

The past scenes were boring to me too.

So far lame season imo.

  • Love 5
14 minutes ago, deirdra said:

Which suggests they are intimate either, or she would feel his muscles.

Given everything going on with the baby and the prematurity and the extended hospital stay and the blindness and the move and the worry about the blindness and the doctors appointments... I don't really find that all that unusual.  I mean it absolutely should be something that they are addressing as an issue at some point, but it wouldn't surprise me at all if they hadn't been intimate since Jack was born.

  • Love 17
11 hours ago, perkie1968 said:

He gave Nicky his plant, so I assumed he took the job and wanted Nicky to take care of the plant in his absence.  

Or . . . since he had that plant in his trailer at the last movie shoot, he could have taken it with him to the next one, so he may be giving it to Nicky hoping for the same effect it had on him.  His sponsor suggested it, and now he's paying that forward. 

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7 hours ago, bybrandy said:

She's likely noticed the lost weight but not the muscles which don't come from not eating due to stress indicating that he's been lying to her about his weight loss.   

I guess I still don't get it...she hasn't seen him shirtless? Regardless of whether they are intimate...surely he takes his shirt off when he gets in the shower...gets in bed...etc? I see my husband shirtless every day. I guess she is really, really preoccupied. 

  • Love 4
12 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Ah, thanks. I totally missed that it was Kevin's plant. Thanks!

2 hours ago, ShadowFacts said:

Or . . . since he had that plant in his trailer at the last movie shoot, he could have taken it with him to the next one, so he may be giving it to Nicky hoping for the same effect it had on him.  His sponsor suggested it, and now he's paying that forward. 

Kevin's hoping that what worked for him - focusing on taking care of something simple - might work for Nicky, too.

  • Love 8
14 hours ago, Empress1 said:

It's been back at the museum for a while. I've seen it (and a line of tourists waiting to take pictures with it - an acquaintance of mine who works at the museum says that line is constant). They moved it to the base of the steps on one side, rather than the top where it used to be. 

that's where it was (to the side at the bottom) when we saw it--about 3 years ago

  • Love 1
21 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

I don't think they are padding Chrissy - in recent appearances she looks heavier than ever, IMO.

Correct me if I'm wrong - I thought when S1 began I read that it was added into her contract that she lose weight as the show progressed, as that's where they wanted to take the character.  I suppose if that's true and she fails to lose it, her job is secure anyway.  They're not likely to replace her now.

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