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2019 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp Spoilers

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35 minutes ago, loveaux said:

and would rather cut girls now than have several full scale meltdowns in their office. 

Last year someone intimated the Malena cut was much worse than what CMT showed.  What did that mean?

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19 minutes ago, parrotfeathers said:

Last year someone intimated the Malena cut was much worse than what CMT showed.  What did that mean?

Seriously , I want details 

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On 7/8/2019 at 3:18 PM, HowdeeDo said:

I don’t think that’s a fair assessment considering there’s a batch of DMD every year for the last decade. If anything this year I feel the least amount of them tried out compared to previous years. 

DMD that have auditioned for DCC and made it..   Jordan Baum, Nicole Hamilton, Michelle Keys, Kali ?, Trishia and Crystal Trevino, Chantel, Sunny Cranfill, Alexis, Lexie, Khandi Harris, Justine Phillips, Kelly, Carmen Butler,Loren, Lauren,.. there are many more

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25 minutes ago, DCC.Style.fan said:

DMD that have auditioned for DCC and made it..   Jordan Baum, Nicole Hamilton, Michelle Keys, Kali ?, Trishia and Crystal Trevino, Chantel, Sunny Cranfill, Alexis, Lexie, Khandi Harris, Justine Phillips, Kelly, Carmen Butler,Loren, Lauren,.. there are many more

Carmen Butler was a DCC who was cut going into her 4th year and then made the DMD for the 2008-09 season. 

Which Kelly?

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11 minutes ago, MrsEVH said:

Carmen Butler was a DCC who was cut going into her 4th year and then made the DMD for the 2008-09 season. 

Which Kelly?

Kelli Q

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On 7/10/2019 at 5:43 AM, notvictoria said:

That's fine, be as mean as y'all want.  At the end of TC well see who is a DCC and who is making posts about them!

Victoria will make the team. The point is she only makes it due to nepotism and her mother being the bffs with the director and money. If not for that, she wouldn’t have even gotten past semis.

she can’t turn, she doesn’t observe dance space, dances out of control, and I’m not even factoring in things we hear consistently (I’m from DFW) about her attitude and personality.

She will always be an asterisk DCC. I honestly feel bad for her because she will always wonder if she could have made it on her own merit.

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The DCC insta just posted a 7-11 free slurpee plug with Jalyn, Miranda and either Molly or Rachel (I always mix those two up). Hoping that is good vibes for Jalyn 

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4 minutes ago, Jennv said:

The DCC insta just posted a 7-11 free slurpee plug with Jalyn, Miranda and either Molly or Rachel (I always mix those two up). Hoping that is good vibes for Jalyn 

Now Rachel's got shorter hair, it's easier to decipher now! It's Molly in the pic.

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2 hours ago, loveaux said:

Maybe they learned from last year that dragging things out until the end is emotionally damaging and anxiety inducing and would rather cut girls now than have several full scale meltdowns in their office. 

See, I think if I were a TCC, and they provide enough feedback for you to see the writing on the wall if you're on the bubble (unless you're Lily, then you just get blindsided) So If I'm serious about making the team, I'd think spending every second I could in training camp would only make me stronger. Even if I got cut the last day, I would've gotten everything I could out of it and come back next year with that much more experience. Of course that's 40-something year old me talking and not 20-something me. With age comes reasoning I guess. Or maybe getting held up in training camp to long hinders you're ability to attempt getting on another team and gaining experience that way? I'm not part of that scene, so not sure if one is better than the other?

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3 minutes ago, Jennv said:

The DCC insta just posted a 7-11 free slurpee plug with Jalyn, Miranda and either Molly or Rachel (I always mix those two up). Hoping that is good vibes for Jalyn 

Yes!  Wishing major good vibes to Jalyn (one of the stars of my future dream auburn/redhead triangle of Bridget, Hannah and talented Jalyn herself)-- and a major brain freeze to Kelli if Jalyn's position on the team is under threat this year.

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21 hours ago, SmpIsimon said:

Victoria has a reputation for changing dance studios whenever they did not sufficiently fawn all over her (which means they had to give her all the best solos, tons of praise and not too much critique). 

Sounds like she's finally found her perfect studio with the DCC.

Did she ever train at Kitty's studio? You'd think that would have been a given -- perfect training for a future DCC -- or was Kitty seen as too mean for a younger Victoria (world of difference having her represent your company vs. pushing her onto the DCC).

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57 minutes ago, tteek74 said:

Victoria will make the team. The point is she only makes it due to nepotism and her mother being the bffs with the director and money. If not for that, she wouldn’t have even gotten past semis.

she can’t turn, she doesn’t observe dance space, dances out of control, and I’m not even factoring in things we hear consistently (I’m from DFW) about her attitude and personality.

She will always be an asterisk DCC. I honestly feel bad for her because she will always wonder if she could have made it on her own merit.

I don’t think she will ever wonder. She thinks she’s earned it.

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1 hour ago, PattiD4DCC said:

Yes!  Wishing major good vibes to Jalyn (one of the stars of my future dream auburn/redhead triangle of Bridget, Hannah and talented Jalyn herself)-- and a major brain freeze to Kelli if Jalyn's position on the team is under threat this year.

My triangle has Jalyn, the Consummate Dance Professional, at point!

Edited by Pau84
fixing typo
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1 hour ago, tteek74 said:

Victoria will make the team. The point is she only makes it due to nepotism and her mother being the bffs with the director and money. If not for that, she wouldn’t have even gotten past semis.

she can’t turn, she doesn’t observe dance space, dances out of control, and I’m not even factoring in things we hear consistently (I’m from DFW) about her attitude and personality.

She will always be an asterisk DCC. I honestly feel bad for her because she will always wonder if she could have made it on her own merit.

People like that don't wonder.  They KNOW that the world is blessed to have them.  We may give her an asterisk, but VK and TK don't see it there.

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1 hour ago, tteek74 said:

She will always be an asterisk DCC. I honestly feel bad for her because she will always wonder if she could have made it on her own merit.

She’s not self aware enough to wonder if she earned it.

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Bc I love me some trash tv I started watching Marrying Millions seems there is a lot of money to be married for in TX ahem VK get on that... not even sorry

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4 hours ago, parrotfeathers said:

Last year someone intimated the Malena cut was much worse than what CMT showed.  What did that mean?

I thought someone had said just more of what we saw - major meltdown to the point where she embarrassed herself.  I thought they suggested she not ever try out again, cause I remember thinking what are you doing when she showed up in prep classes.

2 hours ago, tteek74 said:

she can’t turn, she doesn’t observe dance space, dances out of control, and I’m not even factoring in things we hear consistently (I’m from DFW) about her attitude and personality.

I wondered if she was "known" beyond the show.  

1 hour ago, hannahbanana said:

Did she ever train at Kitty's studio? You'd think that would have been a given -- perfect training for a future DCC -- or was Kitty seen as too mean for a younger Victoria (world of difference having her represent your company vs. pushing her onto the DCC).

I would think that if she's a studio hopper cause she doesn't want any criticism, she would probably hop right on by Kitty's.  And Kitty doesn't strike me as the kind of person who wastes time with someone who doesn't listen.  But yet, she will defend her and give her respect🤮

2 hours ago, TennInTexas said:

Or maybe getting held up in training camp to long hinders you're ability to attempt getting on another team and gaining experience that way? I'm not part of that scene, so not sure if one is better than the other?

If you're held up in TC for a storyline, then that isn't fair and a waste of your time.  For me, if I'm going to be cut, just cut me ASAP.  Give me a good idea of why, so I can start working on that.  I wouldn't want to keep showing up in full makeup, full hair, wasting my time.  Plus, I feel the sooner you get rid of the girls who aren't going to make it, the sooner you can start dealing with "the final 36."

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8 hours ago, loveaux said:

Maybe they learned from last year that dragging things out until the end is emotionally damaging and anxiety inducing and would rather cut girls now than have several full scale meltdowns in their office. 

Or maybe they’re just trying to make sure they have room for the Beast of Bethusela 🤷🏾‍♀️

Or hoping there's no one left in case she gains 10 pounds over the course of training camp.

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People like Vikkie don't have the self-awareness to understand that she will never be a DCC on her own merit or talent. If she actually understood and could internalize what those around her see, she'd probably shut down emotionally because I don't think she has the coping skills to handle it. If you can not stand to be told technique critiques in a dance studio, you definitely can not handle being told that you are a toxic mean girl that people only pretend to like and support so they stay on your good side. 

People like to harp on the up and coming generation for their entitled attitude, lack of work ethic, need for constant praise, inflated sense of self worth and arrogance...Vikkie would make the perfect poster child of everything people hate about her generation. 

3 hours ago, SanDiegoGal said:

Rachel's got shorter hair. Now only if Rachel W. would get shorter airtime. 

Or cut..I'd be down for a cut. 

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Jenn K mentioned being at practice.  She doesn't say if she taught them a new routine or not.  Probably also there to add stickers to the photos of the girls who deserve it, as well as, Victoria's.

Edited by scorpio1031
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21 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

Jenn K mentioned being at practice.  She doesn't say if she taught them a new routine or not.  Probably also there to add stars to the photos of the girls who deserve it, as well as, Victoria's.

Yeah she was there last night 

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9 hours ago, loveaux said:

Maybe they learned from last year that dragging things out until the end is emotionally damaging and anxiety inducing and would rather cut girls now than have several full scale meltdowns in their office. 

Or maybe they’re just trying to make sure they have room for the Beast of Bethusela 🤷🏾‍♀️

...or they’re not taking the chance of giving VK time to gain weight.   Call the squad as soon as they can. 

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5 minutes ago, DAthene said:

...or they’re not taking the chance of giving VK time to gain weight.   Call the squad as soon as they can. 

I wish they would call the squad early but they probably won’t 

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2 minutes ago, Holly85 said:

I wish they would call the squad early but they probably won’t 

Compared to last year when they had made only one cut in 4 weeks, they are moving along.  I hope that means not hearing Kelli complain every week about how stressful it is, or how hard it is.  And I really hope it means not having to hear Kelli jump all over Judy to "Pay attention!!  We need to make cuts!!!"  It's like, did you forget you are wearing a microphone?

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1 hour ago, scorpio1031 said:

Compared to last year when they had made only one cut in 4 weeks, they are moving along.  I hope that means not hearing Kelli complain every week about how stressful it is, or how hard it is.  And I really hope it means not having to hear Kelli jump all over Judy to "Pay attention!!  We need to make cuts!!!"  It's like, did you forget you are wearing a microphone?

Or, more to the point, it doesn't matter if Judy pays attention or not, Kelli's going to do what Kelli wants. 

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9 minutes ago, hannahbanana said:

Or, more to the point, it doesn't matter if Judy pays attention or not, Kelli's going to do what Kelli wants. 

Re-watching the ep with Kitty from last year, it's also doing what Kitty wants, going after who Kitty wants her to go after, respecting who Kitty wants her to respect, etc.  I wonder who Kitty will target this year.  I'm wondering if it's Jalyn.

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1 hour ago, DCCFanInKy said:

I'm not a fan of hearing "the first game is right around the corner" like two months from the end of TC...just saying

Lol all my coaches and teachers were famous for saying this. We’d have two-three months before the first competition or a month before the first game and hear “y’all are running out of time! the first game is right around the corner!” It’s to keep people on their toes so that they’re constantly working to better themselves and the team as a whole. It’s annoying but I get why it’s done.

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3 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

Re-watching the ep with Kitty from last year, it's also doing what Kitty wants, going after who Kitty wants her to go after, respecting who Kitty wants her to respect, etc.  I wonder who Kitty will target this year.  I'm wondering if it's Jalyn.

Kitty has made her opinions known to Kelli and Judy but the viewers won’t see what was said to them this season. 

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21 minutes ago, GuiltyJohn said:

Kitty has made her opinions known to Kelli and Judy but the viewers won’t see what was said to them this season. 

Is she still sticking up for Victoria?  Does this mean she will just teach or judge, then leave?

Edited by scorpio1031
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The 2 girls standing next to Maddie are the daughters of Alex Rodriguez (Maddie looks their age 😂 )

Next to Erin I see the 2 legacies, Lisa Mills, Julia and Chandi.

Above Erin are Lily and Meredith with Hannah, whom the camera does not seem to love. Left of the always very recognisable Alexis, Tay P, Shaina, my new favourite Amanda Glamazon Dilks, the-future-point-after-the-Jalyn-tenure: Kelcey Wetterberg, and the girl whom the camera is always in love with,  Kat P.

Kristen is to the left of Maddie, in between Savannah and Amber.

Christina, with a deep plunging neckline, is clearly very happy with her purchase and showing them off, and may I add: good for her! 

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16 hours ago, Jennv said:

The DCC insta just posted a 7-11 free slurpee plug with Jalyn, Miranda and either Molly or Rachel (I always mix those two up). Hoping that is good vibes for Jalyn 

It was Molly, Miranda and Jalyn

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3 hours ago, Pau84 said:


The 2 girls standing next to Maddie are the daughters of Alex Rodriguez (Maddie looks their age 😂 )

Next to Erin I see the 2 legacies, Lisa Mills, Julia and Chandi.

Above Erin are Lily and Meredith with Hannah, whom the camera does not seem to love. Left of the always very recognisable Alexis, Tay P, Shaina, my new favourite Amanda Glamazon Dilks, the-future-point-after-the-Jalyn-tenure: Kelcey Wetterberg, and the girl whom the camera is always in love with,  Kat P.

Kristen is to the left of Maddie, in between Savannah and Amber.

Christina, with a deep plunging neckline, is clearly very happy with her purchase and showing them off, and may I add: good for her! 

I just felt the need to say something nice this am:

I think VK looks nice in this pic.  I have never been a fan (gur-l get you some self control), and she looks horrific when she over does the eyelashes (multiple THs last year), but this pic is nice.  Ducking and running........

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32 minutes ago, Opine said:

I just felt the need to say something nice this am:

I think VK looks nice in this pic.  I have never been a fan (gur-l get you some self control), and she looks horrific when she over does the eyelashes (multiple THs last year), but this pic is nice.  Ducking and running........

I shocked myself by thinking the same thing.

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12 hours ago, Txmomof2 said:

A rod had this on his instastory. I'm guessing it was a non filming practice since they aren't in there pink/blue outfits. 


This may be a random question but maybe an insider knows.  Are they required to wear some form of DCC gear even at non-filming practices?   Or all of these women just really that super into their job that they pretty much all choose to wear it?

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6 hours ago, GuiltyJohn said:

Kitty has made her opinions known to Kelli and Judy but the viewers won’t see what was said to them this season. 

I'm all for this if it means the viewers don't have to see Kitty at all!

So sad that Kelli still asks for any input from this discredited bully. (I don't include Judy here as I'm not sure that she offers any opinions anymore and if she does if they are considered).  

Respect! the viewers and remove all traces of Kitty snake in the grass from the show. We'll still know she's spitting venom in the background - but we won't be subjected to her loud mouth and tragic hair. 

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12 minutes ago, Synspice said:

This may be a random question but maybe an insider knows.  Are they required to wear some form of DCC gear even at non-filming practices?   Or all of these women just really that super into their job that they pretty much all choose to wear it?

At Cowboys fit encouraged to wear. Usu other times just like it.

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8 hours ago, GuiltyJohn said:

Kitty has made her opinions known to Kelli and Judy but the viewers won’t see what was said to them this season. 

Why am I not surprised?  Probably because people gave her crap about sticking up for VK and throwing others and veterans in the past, under the bus.

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9 hours ago, exitstageleft said:

Rewatching Season 13 and just noticed that Kitty was the only one that didn’t put a sticker on Jalyn’s picture. 🤔  

That is disappointing because Kelli has given Kitty a lot of power over the years and everyone knows that if Kitty doesn't like someone, be it rookie or vet, they don't stand a chance of making the team. I love Jalyn and her being cut, if that happens, may be the final push for me to cancel all my DVR recordings of the show!!!!

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