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2019 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp Spoilers

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18 minutes ago, MyFavShows said:

I remember Taylor looking big in some other photos too - not just that shot.  Maybe those ones on the Cowboys site?  There were like 12 of them. 

With Maddie and Veruca looking big it doesn’t really matter how big Taylor looks. They don’t have a leg to stand on saying there’s a weight limit. 

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3 minutes ago, NotthebadVictoria said:

With Maddie and Veruca looking big it doesn’t really matter how big Taylor looks. They don’t have a leg to stand on saying there’s a weight limit. 

Where is the evidence that VK looks big?

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4 hours ago, KatieC said:

I hope she gets it under control because she is a great dancer. 

Not only that, but out of the 10 rookies I feel like she's the one we've gotten to know the least by far from the show. So I would like her to stick around a bit longer.

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43 minutes ago, MyFavShows said:

Where is the evidence that VK looks big?

Victoria isn’t big. She looks amazing. She is one that has to watch. That weight crept up on her fast. I read on one of her pages recently all she does beside dancing is walk and ab workout. 

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I know a few years ago they made the shorts with more coverage, but the look shorter and lower again.    I think they're not as tiny as during the Jenna years, but still a more flattering length, and waist (hip ?) line that the taller shorts were. 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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On 9/24/2019 at 1:06 AM, scorpio1031 said:

You're lucky you've never had to deal with that in the workplace.  Nothing like a woman in her late 40's being petty and mean to get attention, or a gossipy woman about to turn 60 dealing with boredom from an empty nest/no grandchildren stirring the pot.  Don't miss that job:)

Now with Kelli, she's not only putting up with the crap, but using it to stir the pot herself.  Unfortunately, with the popularity of the squad and the show, it will continue.  When you watch the old eps, it's funny how many of the TCC's talk about Kelli's business like approach and her professionalism.  I wonder what they would say now.

Oh, I never said I didn't encounter it in my later years at work or at church, either for that matter. But as for people I knew when we were younger, most of us just enjoy the fact that we share growing up in the same town, going to the same schools, etc. and have a connection, even if it wasn't a happy one back then. That's where the maturity comes in. Some people are always going to have an entitled attitude, though. My kids' elementary school principal was such a b1+ch that I was ready to kill her. I was glad when we moved out of state. I don't think I could have put up with her for their entire stint in school. One nice thing about moving from the Chicago suburbs to the south was that the teachers and school administrators in our area anyway, seem to care much more about the students and don't treat the parents like they're stupid for not majoring in education. But I can't generalize and say it's always so in any particular area. 

I'm sorry if you have had to deal with that in the workplace. I was messaging with our family today about idiot boss syndrome and I was telling my kids about a guy I worked with in my mid to late 20s. He wasn't my immediate supervisor, but he was a management guy and treated the support staff like they were worthless. He would also go through the fridge every day and pilfer stuff out of people's lunches. Most of us support staff brought lunch because we had neither the time or funds to go out often. To have this idiot who clearly made so much more than we did steal from us and take our food that we were counting on being there at lunch was really maddening. I was on a high protein diet and had a container with various cheese cubes for my lunch. I came into the kitchen and he was in there with my bowl open in his hands and munching on my lunch. When he saw me he said, "Are there any crackers to go with this?" I wanted to throw something at him. 

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On 9/24/2019 at 4:35 PM, SmpIsimon said:

I am curious how Julia's cut is handled on the show.  Reportedly, Kelli told Julia that she fears she was just using the DCC to further her career with Fox Channel 4 in Dallas.  Some have also reported that Charlotte said it was a conflict of interest for Julia to be on Channel 4 and a DCC, but I get the impression Charlotte just doesn't like Julia.  At any rate, I'm curious how they'll present it on the show

If the fact that Julia was on a conflicting channel is the true reason she was cut, then it makes it all the worse because they essentially wasted her time. I mean here they have a beautiful girl & clearly talented dancer who appears to meet all the requirements for making the team. Plus she really seemed to be dedicated to the hard work and the majority of her potential teammates all loved her so those all seem to be great reasons to keep her. I guess my question is that if her TV career was truly a conflict, why did they even accept her into Training Camp in the first place? It's not like she didn't disclose where she worked or lied about her job & they let her go for that. Did they keep her so long thinking she was going to quit her job, but she didn't? Or did they take her just to be able to cut her for the sake of creating drama? If that latter is the case then that's really messed up because not only is it cruel, but by doing that, they prevented her from maybe getting another job performing somewhere else.

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On 9/24/2019 at 8:13 AM, Kayce said:

Wish I could say the same about the people I went to HS with.  When I went to my 10th...it was like being in HS all over again...and I see these people out and about on a regular basis...the ones who go to the HS reunions...are the "popular" kids and all they want to do is relive the glory days.  I refuse to waste money on going to any of them.  I've skipped my 15th-30th and will skip the 35th as well. (they do them every 5 years so they don't have to wait too long to relive their HS days) 😛 

I think the 10th reunion is when everyone is still trying to prove to everyone else how great they are, how much better they are than when they were in high school. Once you get to a certain age, there may be some who still feel the need to do that, but you probably don't care what they think of you, and surprisingly a lot of others won't either.  Once you have lived long enough, you realize that having a lot of money or a prestigious career isn't everything. I'd love to have more money, but I wouldn't trade my husband and my family for those things. You may be pleasantly surprised if you decide to go to your 40th. On the other hand, depending on how large your class was, they may not remember you well if you haven't been in touch in 40 years. Think about giving it a try, though. And if not, you won't be any better or worse off than you already are. As long as you appreciate what you have now, nobody else can make you feel bad about yourself. They can only show you how small and stupid they are. 

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23 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

I know a few years ago they made the shorts with more coverage, but the look shorter and lower again.   

I may be in the minority about this, but I think the smaller, mid-aughts shorts were much more flattering than the newer ones with a higher cut at the waist and more coverage down the leg.  Too much fabric obscures the line of the body and cuts off the legs when you want to emphasize length, and it can make things look like they're spilling over when they're really not.  They may have been a bit on the micro side back in the day, but they still covered everything and were more naturally flattering than the ones we're seeing now, IMO.

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On 9/24/2019 at 4:35 PM, SmpIsimon said:

I am curious how Julia's cut is handled on the show.  Reportedly, Kelli told Julia that she fears she was just using the DCC to further her career with Fox Channel 4 in Dallas.  Some have also reported that Charlotte said it was a conflict of interest for Julia to be on Channel 4 and a DCC, but I get the impression Charlotte just doesn't like Julia.  At any rate, I'm curious how they'll present it on the show

Yeah, that's the real question now.  Julia vs. Kat,  Julia vs. Meredith...  Hopefully we will find out this week.  I'm just hoping her cut was because of something glaringly horrible like not being able to dance down the field correctly.   The reason just has to be something soooo bad for all of us to understand how Meredith got chosen over her...  I read a snippet of Julia's resume and I was shocked at her prior accomplishments.  That makes it so much more confusing that we have to endure Meredith's bungling, crying, etc., etc., and not get to enjoy Julia's dancing.  

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20 hours ago, Tootie said:

I'm not going to say "never," but IIRC, DCC social media hasn't highlighted "Sideline Sweetheart" before...  They will post who the Game Day Girl is, but we usually find out who the SLS is from the girl's personal social media.  I find it interesting that this is the first one that they've posted.

eta: I just went back and looked through IG, fb and twitter and I didn't see anything about SLS prior to Molly.  On Ashlee's IG, she posted a video (when she was SLS) from a friend/fan that was at the game.  Also, Savannah posted a IG Story (no longer visible) about her being the SLS at a game. (I think I took a screenshot of it, I'll post it if I find it.)

What is sideline sweetheart? What does it represent?  I’ve been watch her the show for many years and this is the first year I’m seeing it mentioned. 

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6 hours ago, MyFavShows said:

Kristen looks really pretty in that bottom photo.    

Big difference between those two Taylor photos.  Not sure how it would be even possible to get that much bigger in 3 weeks.  Hmmm. 

She looks to me like she has one of those super-toned stomachs that almost bulges with muscle. So it's probably just that certain camera angles make her look bloated, but she's not.

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Finally watched the episode, and...meh.

Evan Miller was fabulous and Tyce is as smarmy as he ever was on SYTYCD.

Anyone remember his nickname on the old TWOP boards?  I'll never think of him as anything other than Tasty Oreo.  😄

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10 hours ago, Kayce said:

It's even her face and chin ....makes me wonder if she actually does have something metabolic going on. 

Wow...at this rate she could hide VK's belly all by herself.  She's really gained weight and I'm shocked that they are letting her wear the uniform.  I feel for all these girls.  Weight is evil and age does not help you.

48 minutes ago, Cruisegirl said:

That jump split looks pretty bad 

That entire line of jump splits looks bad.  No one is doing the same thing when they take a picture.

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7 hours ago, MyFavShows said:

Kristen looks really pretty in that bottom photo.    

Big difference between those two Taylor photos.  Not sure how it would be even possible to get that much bigger in 3 weeks.  Hmmm. 

I wonder if she was sick or had an injury that required high dose steroids.  Steroids can cause that kind of puffy look.

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7 hours ago, Donna S said:

202323915_ScreenShot2019-09-25at3_37_18PM.thumb.png.642eec04bad0be4bbc8f9d3aa3d32745.pngFrom September 22nd.

There’s no bulge over her belt or shorts at all there - and her stomach looks flat around her belly button.  I think that may be the angle of the camera or how it’s only showing her top half and not the full length of her legs when she’s taller.  And why is it all blurry?

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15 minutes ago, MyFavShows said:

There’s no bulge over her belt or shorts at all there - and her stomach looks flat around her belly button.  I think that may be the angle of the camera or how it’s only showing her top half and not the full length of her legs when she’s taller.  And why is it all blurry?

It’s blurry cause it was from a video 

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6 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

I know a few years ago they made the shorts with more coverage, but the look shorter and lower again.    I think they're not as tiny as during the Jenna years, but still a more flattering length, and waist (hip ?) line that the taller shorts were. 

I remember seeing an article about Tyra Banks when she recently posed in the swimsuit edition of Sports Illustrated. She said that now she is heavier that she looks better in skimpy bikinis as it is more slimming than a regular bikini when you aren't a string bean. 

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3 hours ago, MyFavShows said:

There’s no bulge over her belt or shorts at all there - and her stomach looks flat around her belly button.  I think that may be the angle of the camera or how it’s only showing her top half and not the full length of her legs when she’s taller.  And why is it all blurry?

It was them jumping and dancing around celebrating a win in the locker room after the last game. Yep. Not seeing it either. 

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2 hours ago, MamaMia said:

It was them jumping and dancing around celebrating a win in the locker room after the last game. Yep. Not seeing it either. 

I see it.  She's slowly gaining weight.  And hopefully, they will address it soon and get it under control before her fat baby becomes the 36 member of the squad (like last year in training camp).

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28 minutes ago, lah715 said:

If that is the standard of big then Jennifer the point should have been gone ... 🙄

If she were big or had gained, there would be a bulge that comes out on the sides of her belt at least somewhere - you can see all around - left, right, front...no bulge.  Her belt is wider than her stomach which is how it should be.  Add to it the odd angle where she’s looking down and kind of hunched and that it’s a blurry freeze frame from a video and not a photo, I don’t think this proves anything.

Meanwhile there are recent pics of her looking thin - like that photo w/ Molly where her face is super skinny and her stomach and legs thin.

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Victoria looks fine. Rookie Taylor honestly needs to have her uniform taken away.... she has developed a double chin so it’s not just the camera angle on her midsection. There’s a posted photo somewhere on these boards and i immediately noticed a blonde who looked really thick. Initially I thought it was Lexie because her face was kinda blurry but now I think it was definitely Taylor. I’m don’t like how thin these girls have to be, but Taylor appears to have put on too much weight. Hopefully I’m wrong. 🤷‍♀️

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1 hour ago, lah715 said:

If that is the standard of big then Jennifer the point should have been gone

And Kashara, who was bigger than both of them.

46 minutes ago, PrincessLeia said:

Victoria looks fine. Rookie Taylor honestly needs to have her uniform taken away.... she has developed a double chin so it’s not just the camera angle on her midsection. There’s a posted photo somewhere on these boards and i immediately noticed a blonde who looked really thick. Initially I thought it was Lexie because her face was kinda blurry but now I think it was definitely Taylor. I’m don’t like how thin these girls have to be, but Taylor appears to have put on too much weight. Hopefully I’m wrong. 🤷‍♀️

Maybe somebody went in a did some creative photoshopping #ConspiracyTheory

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14 minutes ago, flightlevel said:

Goodness - VK looks amazing in those photos.  I know many will disagree, but I think she is just stunning.   Her look is the epitome of that DCC glamour that we saw on the early days of the show.  

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2 minutes ago, Holly85 said:

I think that is Kelsey 

I'll trust your eyes more than mine, I thought it was Madeline Molloy.

11 minutes ago, GeorgiaPeach11 said:

IMHO her wig was better before Marshall touched it.. lolol

Everything is better before Marshall touches it.

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1 minute ago, ByTor said:

I'll trust your eyes more than mine, I thought it was Madeline Molloy.

It just depends if the person in question is to the left or the right when looking at the picture if it’s to the right that’s Kelsey 

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1 minute ago, Holly85 said:

It just depends if the person in question is to the left or the right when looking at the picture if it’s to the right that’s Kelsey 

I was looking at the person to our right, so Kelcey.

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2 minutes ago, Holly85 said:

It just depends if the person in question is to the left or the right when looking at the picture if it’s to the right that’s Kelsey 

I think it’s Kelsey on one side, Tess on the other

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6 minutes ago, Pj3422 said:

Please tell me that’s Photoshopped. She’s a pretty girl, but that photo makes her look like the Shamwow guy.

Nope.  It's from a video that the DCC posted on their FB after the Cowboy's win this past Sunday.

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1 hour ago, MyFavShows said:

Goodness - VK looks amazing in those photos.  I know many will disagree, but I think she is just stunning.   Her look is the epitome of that DCC glamour that we saw on the early days of the show.  

Yep, I agree.  For many, that's all they will ever know about her.  They are her fan base.  For those who know more......not so much.

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Sadly, my personal opinion is that Marshal isn't the genius that the previous hair stylist was.     I think that may be the reason we don't see the transformations any longer.   

I think the hairstylist the team uses for makeovers is also one of their sponsors, so when the Atellier (spelling?) salon and Rainer disappeared, then Tangerine and Marshall appeared.    My guess is many of the candidates go to the salon for a consultation, or a makeover to DCC style, so the makeover episode is just a little change.    The out of town candidates like Kat, are the ones that have a change in look.    

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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8 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Sadly, my personal opinion is that Marshal isn't the genius that the previous hair stylist was.     I think that may be the reason we don't see the transformations any longer.   

What was the previous guy's name again (and salon)? I forget.  Also who was the photographer when the show started (bearded guy) and was that his son (the long blonde haired guy) photographing them last season?  Does anyone know if the salon the DCC use is the one Kelli and Judy use?

Edited by VirgoDCCFan
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