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S10.E07: Anndeken Pis

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Episode Synopsis: The Top 6 bachelors visit Brussels, where one contender discusses his childhood during a one-on-one date, and another man attends an outdoor concert with Andi. Elsewhere, a group date involves a visit to castle ruins.



I used to live in Belgium, so I'm very excited to see where they go.  From the preview it was clear they will be in the Grote Markt (Grand Market), one of the tourist centers of Brussels, and maybe its most famous location.  Pics here.


The castle ruins they are shown touring are, I'm guessing, Montaigle Castle, which are the most famous ruins in Belgium (well, except for some Roman ones maybe).  


And, although they don't show it, surely, SURELY, the producers would not pass up a chance to visit the most famous statue in Belgium, the Manneken Pis (hence, the title of the thread):




Yes, the most famous denizen of Belgium is a little boy urinating into a fountain.  Tells you a lot about the Belgian sense of humor.  What? You ask if they dress him up in costumes for different occasions? Why, yes. Yes they do.




Elvis is my favorite.

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Hmm -- Brussels is actually in the French-speaking part of Belgium, although I do know of one Dutch-language television station there (it was where the Belgian version of Dancing with the Stars was taped).  I wonder whether anyone will try to speak Dutch there (I refuse to call it Flemish; to me, it's just a dialect of Dutch rather than a separate language).

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Yes, it is French speaking, technically, even though geographically it's located in the Dutch/Flemish speaking part of the country.  It's like a little French enclave in Flanders.  And all Belgians speak both languages, usually fluently or close thereto.  The difference, in my experience, is that the Flemish are usually willing to speak French when necessary, but the Walloons (French-speakers) are much less willing to speak Dutch.  That's just a generalization of course, but it's been my experience.  They'd much rather speak to you in English (which most people also speak fluently, at least in the cities) than Dutch.


Just incidentally the history of Belgium and the wars (sometimes literally) over language and culture (and to some extent religion) that lead to the division of the country is really fascinating.  Or, I should say, the division of the whole area that was once the Dutch lowlands (including what is now called The Netherlands).  Belgium as it is today is a political construct.


I hope you took notes, class.  There will be a quiz tomorrow. :-)

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"Learn all about the country the U.S. faces in tomorrow's World Cup match when The Bachelorette visits Belgium tonite!!!"

Cause this show is always so educational.



I'm sure we'll learn that it's "the perfect place to fall in love".

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Can somebody please get rid of the STUPID.MAN.SCARVES.


Seriously, they look ridiculous.  The girls from last season all wore them ad nauseum.  They are over!



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Can somebody please get rid of the STUPID.MAN.SCARVES.


Seriously, they look ridiculous.  The girls from last season all wore them ad nauseum.  They are over!



Totally agree; although I can't decide which is a worse look for Nick: the scarf or the pink V-neck. I guess I should be grateful that he hasn't combined the two (yet)

Edited by FlyingEgret
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I find Josh's hairline oddly hypnotic.

I actually think Brian could toss Nick pretty far so that saying kind off loses effectiveness......

Edited by bosawks
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I find Josh's hairline oddly hypnotic.

I think that of Nick. Especially when they film him from the side/back. He has a very elaborate comb forward/up in attempt to cover his male pattern hair loss.

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I wouldn't want to be a guest at a hotel that gives out my room number to a random guy claiming to be my husband with a film crew in tow. I wonder how the producers decide who gets to 'sneak off' and make illicit contact with the prize every season.

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I wouldn't want to be a guest at a hotel that gives out my room number to a random guy claiming to be my husband with a film crew in tow. I wonder how the producers decide who gets to 'sneak off' and make illicit contact with the prize every season.


I'm pretty sure they knew he was with the show. I've read the hotel signs disclosures and stuff - they knew filming was going on and who all was part of the show. This show is so manipulated at times.

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No doubt the staff is instructed to go along with whatever shenanigans the production staff comes up with.


Was Nick crying in his ITM?  Seriously?  How can you smirk & cry at the same time?


Brian was pissed!  Poor kid, he'll find a nice girl eventually. 


I was glad to hear Josh finally make his declaration. And boy, did Andi light up like a Christmas tree when he said that. 


Next week is going to be sad.

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Andi is about 25% more flirty/sultry/sexy/intense when talking with Nick than she is with any of the other guys. I would be smug too in his shoes. She is either really into Nick or a good actress.


Josh is such a poop. I get the feeling he could turn just about anything into a negative. He so often sucks the fun out of the room!


I never thought Brian had a chance once I saw their kitchen date...and how Andi was all too willing to let him make it as awkward as possible.

Edited by Superpole2000
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I still like Josh and Chris but Chris' lifestyle is a hard sell. Marcus is kind of just there and Brian and Dylan are good guys but too low key for her. I have watched every season and this is the first time I've thought none of them have real feelings besides a desire to maybe go on a date.

I wish I liked Nick since I am also from Milwaukee and live in Chicago, but I just can't. His little smirks to the camera, his focus on winning over Andi and the fact I don't find him attractive rules him out. I can't imagine Andi will come across well with the parents, it will be interesting to see.

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Chris is hot but it doesn't matter, I would not be moving to the middle of nowhere to hang on a farm. Sorry. But since he hot, if he's the next bachelor, I'll be all over watching that.

Nick is smarmy smirky. He just is. I hate agreeing with the boys when they get all whiny but shit he just is! No reason to act like the male version of Courtney. Seriously I just don't get why you'd go on national television and act the douche.

Dylan two weeks in a row dude! First the no hand washing and now the suma hair pony.

Edited by TiredMe
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Was Nick crying in his ITM?  Seriously?  How can you smirk & cry at the same time?



I think he might have been feeling a little beaten up over all the drama with the guys and everything was getting to him so he just got unnaturally weepy when talking about his feelings for Andi and bringing her home to meet his family. I don't know, I think part of the reason why I like Nick so much is because he reminds me so much of myself. 


Andi is about 25% more flirty/sultry/sexy/intense when talking with Nick than she is with any of the other guys. I would be smug too in his shoes. She is either really into Nick or a good actress.



And this goes back to the discussion in last week's episode thread where the poster asked about whether the lead can say no to a person or not. In my opinion, the guys are all hating Nick and getting angrier and angrier, the more 1 on 1 dates he gets and the more confident he acts but the reality is Andi is enabling and encouraging a lot of Nick's behavior. 


She flat out states that going off with him when he comes up to her room is probably against the rules but then she admits that she thinks it's great because she does believe at that point, they should all be thinking about spending as much time as possible with her. Andi could have let Nick in for a few minutes and sent him away but she proceeded to get dressed and go walking around with him and playing tonsil hockey.


And then after she'd already spent that time with him, she gives him the group date rose to spend more alone time with him. Yes it may not be the most PC of Nick to say blatantly he doesn't think the other guys were any threat to him but it's not surprising he got so confident and was certain that she would pick him to go to HTD.

Edited by truthaboutluv
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I'm pretty sure they knew he was with the show. I've read the hotel signs disclosures and stuff - they knew filming was going on and who all was part of the show. This show is so manipulated at times.

I don't have any doubt about that- my husband used to travel fairly regularly for business, and on the odd occasion that his plans had changed (before cell phones), calling a hotel and saying "please connect me to my husband's room" wasn't always an easy task.  


Next week looks to be entertaining- was that a cardboard cutout of Josh, or his brother?  And did Andi never connect the farmer/small town life dots with Chris, or even spend 5 minutes asking what his life was like?  I do hope that he's the next Bachelor, as it might be fun to see contestants mucking out stalls, or negotiating vet bills. 

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I was wondering if they would show Chris Harrison informing Andi and the guys about Eric because RS spoiled that they were filming HTD when Eric passed. Should be interesting to see the reactions and how they all move forward on that crazy show. 


Few things about tonight. Did anyone notice Dylan was completely gone for that whole scene when the guys were going at Nick? It was weird and so noticeable because they were all there, except him. I wonder if he was sick again.


Okay, I'm sorry but I cracked up laughing when Brian all but started stomping his foot and whinging about the guys laughing when Andi is the one who basically asked for the guys to look happy since they were all seeming pretty glum after the rose ceremony. 


And did Andi seriously say "you go Farmer", when Chris kissed her before the rose ceremony? Seriously...

Edited by truthaboutluv
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I don't have any doubt about that- my husband used to travel fairly regularly for business, and on the odd occasion that his plans had changed (before cell phones), calling a hotel and saying "please connect me to my husband's room" wasn't always an easy task.  


Next week looks to be entertaining- was that a cardboard cutout of Josh, or his brother?  And did Andi never connect the farmer/small town life dots with Chris, or even spend 5 minutes asking what his life was like?  I do hope that he's the next Bachelor, as it might be fun to see contestants mucking out stalls, or negotiating vet bills. 


 Word.  I feel bad for that hotel clerk; either she's going to get fired or the hotel is going to have to put out a disclaimer advising it was set up in advance. Because watching that?  TERRIBLE PR for for that hotel regarding a guest's privacy and most importantly, security.


I too think the next Bachelor will be "Love, American Farmer Style."   The show needs to do something different and he gives them the perfect excuse.  I say this because there is NO way that Andie is ready for a life of corn rows and corn bread.


However, I would totally watch every minute of that season!


Looking ahead, I say that F2 will be Nick and Josh. No way Andi goes any further with Chris after HT.  

And if those 2 are the F2, then recalling Andi's dad from last season,then he will

1) hate Nick with the passion of a thousand suns.  He is not going to like smirky, scar-wearing Nick. And  


 2) for Josh, I read somewhere pre-season that Andi's father is a HUGE football fan and loves Josh's brother and has followed his whole career.  He would love for Andi to marry Josh,simply to have the connection to his brother. ;-)

Edited by LunaNegra
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Chris is my favorite but living on a farm in the Mid-West would be a hard sell. The closest I've come to animals is rush hour on the New York City Subway and at the Bronx Zoo. Marcus is hot as heck, but he seems to have emotional issues. Josh's family doesn't appear  taken with Andi.  Nick is probably the best choice.

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Myself, I wouldn't look twice at Andi on the street, let alone go out of my way to even talk to her.  So the fact that Nick wants to fall on that narcissistic grenade wouldn't phase me at all.


I think if I were one of the other guys, I'd probably just be rolling my eyes at Nick rather than whining about "wrong reasons" and "gameplay."  Because I think those petty arguments just make the other guys look worse.  


Andi obviously wants someone who's going to both aggressively pursue her, but also, paradoxically, grovel before her as well.  IMO, she's not worth of either.  But I guess if you're a guy who gets cast for this season you have to play the role if you want to see the world.

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If Andi doesn't pick Nick in the end, I don't know what. Like I can see what everyone dislikes about him so much but...I don't even care. I love him. I love him with Andi. There's so much chemistry and adorableness in their moments together that I get secondhand butterfiles. I don't want to even watch the end of this series if Nick does not get to propose....aargh!!


I have to say, I've been lukewarm on Marcus but he totally won me over tonight. He was open and vulnerable and really cute. I just want to give him a massive hug. 


And...to all of the rest of the men....shut up. You are all coming across as a bunch of mitches. Don't worry about Nick and what he's up to. Run your own races. 

Edited by PetuniaP
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Nick, you creep me the fuck out.

I see no chemistry at all bw Andi and Chris.  Should have been a final 3, not 4.


Seeing Chris H. tell them about Eric in the previews is heartbreaking.


Hey, maybe Brian can take his pickle-fearing self and hook up with Jemma/Jemmy (I can't think of her name), the ketchup-fearing girl on the Real World/Road Rules Challenge.  Their kids wouldn't have issues ;)

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Andi obviously wants someone who's going to both aggressively pursue her, but also, paradoxically, grovel before her as well.  IMO, she's not worth of either.  But I guess if you're a guy who gets cast for this season you have to play the role if you want to see the world

EXACTLY!  Andi has a weird idea of what a "real man"  is.  She seems to want a guy who calls the shots and wants her to submit.  BUT - he has to do it her way, or else.

Nick would be a good match for her.  But she is at heart, a daddy's girl.  And Josh would make her daddy happy.

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Nick, you creep me the fuck out.


Tried to improve on that; couldn't.  His last TH interview was deeply effed up.  The scruffy-haired, scarf-wearing, lover-not-a-fighter weirdos are the weirdest of them all.

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I'm sorry for Chris who is so handsome and put himself out with the love letters that meant about as much to Andi as the Letters to Juliet. I think this is a nice group of guys (Marcus and Chris would be my F2 but...not sure about that farm. Is it close to a big city? That said, if he's the next Bachelor, I look forward to at least -some- different kinds of women, more outdoorsy and less princess-y--and, no, Andi, I'm not talking about competing on a rifle range. Less pretentious and stuck on themselves than you is what I have in mind--although, don't get me wrong, I think she's been a very good b-ette.)


I don't understand what they think Nick is after. "He's scoping it out every country we go to" "He's waiting to be F2 then walk away." Why? What does he want? To break her heart? Then wouldn't the other guy be the 'winner'? Wouldn't it be -better- to go to F2 with Nick? (or am I thinking of Survivor?, lol)


What do they think his scheme is? To be the next bachelor? That wouldn't happen for someone who walked away.  What do they think is his devious plan--and why? 

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Can somebody please get rid of the STUPID.MAN.SCARVES


I KNOW!  I tend to think that I can wear a scarf as an accessory, and it adds to an outfit.  So what is it that Nick does with a scarf that makes it look  weirdly arrogant and pretentious?  Is it just that guys can't wear scarves well?  

I swear, I'm ready to give up my scarf habit and burn the whole colleciton I have. 

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They went to Gent! And like everywhere else, they stayed within about a quarter-mile radius. But still, it was nice to see familiar places.


The logical fallacies of the not-Nick guys make the baby Jesus cry. "We know how you are." "You have an opinion of how I am." "No, it's fact - we all feel the same way."

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I don't think Nick's done anything wrong per se, but I thought he was particularly strongly in sales mode this episode. The way he pursued the group date rose was like he was trying to close a deal - and he succeeded. Andi obviously loves that he's chasing her, but how sustainable is that dynamic in a long-term relationship or marriage?


The scarves: it's not the fact that they're wearing them, but the way they're wearing them that bugs me. It looks so affected. 

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I laughed at next week's farm preview:

Andi (sad face): "Is there anywhere I can work around here?"

Chris: "Careers as a housewife are available."


I really really hope if he's the next Bachelor that they make sure the women see that VERY SOBERING episode of what life with Chris and family would be like.


Definitely a deal breaker for Andi, imo, (but I can't say I blame her.)

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I am really over scarves and deep v-neck brightly colored shirts for men now. I was already over them for women, but now the men have proved it's just nasty for them too. Yuck.

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I don't understand what they think Nick is after. "He's scoping it out every country we go to" "He's waiting to be F2 then walk away." Why? What does he want? To break her heart? Then wouldn't the other guy be the 'winner'? Wouldn't it be -better- to go to F2 with Nick? (or am I thinking of Survivor?, lol)



Well if I understood their whining properly, I think what they were saying is that one, he's a salesman and so he's good at telling people want they want to hear which is what he's been doing with Andi and that basically he's just competitive and "strategic"  and is more interested in proving he can win. And so he'll "salesman" his way to the end but since he's not really there for love and to settle down unlike honest gentlemen like themselves, when he gets to the end he'll walk away because he doesn't actually want to be with Andi forever. But at that point he'd have proved that he won. 


I continue to be unfazed by this "Nick the evil monster…" edit. Josh can say to Andi he doesn't want or like her dating other guys and that's somehow okay, even attractive and not creepy. The other guys can all call Nick "douchebag, asshole, manipulative, etc." and that's okay but when for the first time in all of this he says, "yes, I think I'm the best for her and I'm not threatened by any of these guys and don't think they're as good of a match", he's arrogant and an awful person. 


Not to mention so much of this that the producers have likely been behind and Andi herself enabled - the flowers that I'm all but positive the producers decided when it was actually delivered but yet some view as "Nick interrupted Eric's private time with his flowers", Andi sitting in front of Eric reading said card with her goofy smile and later running off to play tonsil hockey with Nick, just as she did last night with his coming to her hotel room and when he pulled her away at the cocktail party. But let's face it, the guys aren't ever going to criticize her because for all their b.s. about Nick, they're just as "competitive" and want to win and have stockholmed themselves into believing they're so in love with her.


Case in point, Chris who was going on about how much better than Nick every guy in the house is when Andi gave Nick the rose, and stating how they're all there for the right reasons and gentlemen, etc. later, when he feels he's in danger of going home and it's between him and Dylan and Brian, states how he's much better for her than those two and a better choice. But I thought they were all such amazing guys, there for the right reasons, etc. So shouldn't he be happy with either of them she picks?


Which is really what this is all about. Everything is so manipulated and designed to heighten people's emotions, etc. and it is likely very easy to get upset about the smallest things, then producers are likely whispering in their ears because they smell the potential for drama and group think mentality is very strong and before you know it, they're all parroting how awful and evil Nick is. That scene in the hotel after Nick came back was honestly so ridiculous I don't even know where to start. 


First there was Marcus going on about how Nick feeds on their insecurities. Like if you're that insecure, how the hell is that Nick's fault and from everything I've seen they're the ones who keep coming at Nick and ganging up on him but he is a cruel, cruel man who pokes at their delicate feelings and insecurities. Then when Nick tells Chris to give an example of where he's never about Andi and only being strategic, Chris' response is that he is not giving any example because he tunes out whenever Nick speaks because he doesn't want to hear his bullshit but he knows that's all Nick ever talks about, ever. Then Brian's contribution was how nervous and worried he was about HTD and so somehow Nick's saying he wasn't, was a problem and somehow offensive to him.


And then the whole thing is just a series of yelling, talking over each other and basically just ganging up on one person. And that is why I just cannot dislike Nick and side with these guys. I never like the ganging up, group think mentality. To me, that reeks of bullying not whatever slights the guys perceive Nick has made against them. It would be one thing if Nick was offensive about the other guys, name-calling, had a girlfriend back home, shown deliberately instigating drama with them, etc. but I haven't seen any of that. His biggest crime seems to be that he's been mainly focused on Andi and been honest in his belief that they have a strong connection. This is what has made Nick such an awful human being apparently - which is why I have no doubt in my mind that this all came from being in that Bachelor bubble and once they were out, the fog cleared, these guys were all able to realize how stupid all that drama was.

Edited by truthaboutluv
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Looks like Chris's hometown of Arlington, Iowa is in the middle of the state, and not too close to any major city.  (Thank you, Google Maps!) 


I can understand why the guys think Nick's there for the wrong reasons.  When you concentrate on strategy, statistics, percentages and fact-finding, you tend to take the emotional content out of a situation.  Even though we see what appears to be emotion from Nick, the guys obviously don't.  They can't "see" what Andi sees in Nick, so they assume he's faking it to advance. 


I can see how he may feel ganged-up on, but he said he's not there to make friends, so he needs to put on his big boy scarf & just deal with it. 

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I wish I liked Nick since I am also from Milwaukee and live in Chicago, but I just can't. His little smirks to the camera, his focus on winning over Andi and the fact I don't find him attractive rules him out. I can't imagine Andi will come across well with the parents, it will be interesting to see.


I don't mind someone that is quiet, not as good in groups, etc, but I agree with you.  Although I know others feel his demeanor is driven by not being comfortable in the group dynamic, I just kind of see him as a jerk.  He is definitely manipulating and selling himself...I don't see him as being genuine at all.  He wants to "win", and I don't see chemistry with him and Andi either.  She thinks there is chemistry, but I think she is just being led on.  


As for Josh, I am finally starting to understand him a bit more now.  I think he genuinely does like Andi and wants to make her happy, and he has no issue being nice to other people at the same time.


I love Chris, but I know he and Andi would never work out.  But I like his quiet and calm demeanor, and that he is a truly nice person.  As for being in the midwest, I am from the midwest so I can't rule him out for that.  I think the midwest is a great place to live, and there are things to do other than just living on the farm.  Just saying!  I do agree that Andi probably won't see that, though.

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Yes, I expect the people in Europe now think all young American men wear shocking pink trousers with flowered bedspreads around their necks.


Nick -- I don't exactly see what Andi sees but I'm definitely on his side when the guys start their, "You're just out to win, it's not fair."  He's out to win because he's in love with Andi and wants to marry her, dudes.  Why aren't you playing as hard?


Brian -- I hope his hometown ladies have watched and been warned.  He blew his one-on-one by not even trying to make it fun and then he gets all mad over the guys laughing inside the house, after the tragedy of his eviction.  I don't remember seeing him sobbing on the sofa after the other dozen guys were cut.


Josh -- Totally self-centered in every conversation.  Andi: "I'm so excited to be meeting your family."  Josh: "There going to be so excited to see me!"  Andi:  "What kind of questions do you think your mother will ask me?"  Josh: "She'll be so excited to see me and yada yada me.  Andi should recognize this syndrome from Juan Pablo and the Nightmare Suite date where he talked about himself and his great moments in sports all night long.


Chris --  When he's feeling bitter, he does something ugly with his upper lip that makes me hate him.  Also, I live in the Midwest in big farm country and not only do we need lots of lawyers, all the farm wives I know have paying jobs.  It provides that stable income for essentials during the years when the weather is bad and prices are down. 


Marcus -- I'll be waiting in my rowboat to carry you off after you come in second.

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God, I swear I stopped watching this show years ago. I have no idea how this season pulled me back in again, but it did.


If Andi doesn't pick Nick in the end, I don't know what. Like I can see what everyone dislikes about him so much but...I don't even care. I love him. I love him with Andi. There's so much chemistry and adorableness in their moments together that I get secondhand butterfiles. I don't want to even watch the end of this series if Nick does not get to propose....aargh!!

I love Nick too! I've been so annoyed with this contrived "villain edit" he's getting. I can completely understand why he's feeling a little cocky and thinks he's the best fit for Andi because, frankly, he is at this point. It's pretty obvious they have the most natural chemistry right now (we'll see how the remaining weeks go), and he's basically saying fuck it to the reality show rules and doing what he can to prove to Andi he's falling in love with her. I'm sorry, but if the guys can't name one instance where Nick was being a tool, then maybe they're the ones who are jealous. So what if he watched previous seasons of The Bachelor(ette)? That's actually incredibly smart of him because he seems like a pretty realistic person who'd want to know beforehand what kind of convoluted things go into this "dating" show.


It's pretty healthy to go into this show a bit skeptical, so the fact that he recognizes he's on a reality television show while they're filming makes him the most intelligent out of all the guys there. When he points out all the TV production details that'll happen in each city they go, that doesn't make him a scheming douchebag, it just shows that he's not jaded to the Bachelorette process and makes him seem more real and more grounded as a person. Like, he understands this is a crazy social experiment, so he might as well study up on how to play the process, but still maintain loyal and real towards Andi.


Also, I like how Nick and Andi can tease each other and he can say "you suck" to her, but it still seems lighthearted and funny. I don't see that kind of natural rapport between Andi and any of the other guys left yet.

Edited by Curio
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I can see how he may feel ganged-up on, but he said he's not there to make friends, so he needs to put on his big boy scarf & just deal with it.



That's just it though, Nick has never done the "I'm not here for friends" until last night where what he said was that Andi is his priority and he's not interested in being part of a frat house, which I get. But again this just goes to show how manipulated so much of this is. Nick seemingly had no problems on the basketball group date and seemed to get along fine with everyone else. In the deleted scene when Chris Harrison came to talk to the guys during Andi and Josh's first 1 on 1 and basically said to them to cut it out with the bromances and be all about Andi, Andrew points out that Nick and Josh were very close but we never saw that.


The mime date where his poutiness and saltiness was harped on so much, pictures of the filming show Nick laughing and having fun with the other guys. I suspect it was when it came time to perform for the passerby's and public he balked and refused. And even this episode, when they were all pedaling on the group date, he's the one that suggested coming up with a rhyming song to make the cycling easier and he and Brian were laughing coming up with words to rhyme. Then there were the guys who've been eliminated who were quick to come on social media during the show last night to state how great Nick actually is - Marquel wrote the sweetest thing about him. 


I just don't buy that Nick was one of those contestants who came in wanting to antagonize, wanting to be a villain and wanting to instigate drama. I think his personality is what it is, and at some point when the producers decided the season didn't have enough drama, they likely started whispering and prodding for certain storyline/drama and Nick became the scapegoat. And it didn't help that he pretty much remained dismissive and walls up the more the others attacked. 


Josh -- Totally self-centered in every conversation.  Andi: "I'm so excited to be meeting your family."  Josh: "There going to be so excited to see me!"  Andi:  "What kind of questions do you think your mother will ask me?"  Josh: "She'll be so excited to see me and yada yada me.  Andi should recognize this syndrome from Juan Pablo and the Nightmare Suite date where he talked about himself and his great moments in sports all night long.



Reminds me of Sharleen's summation of their relationship in her recap. She really was spot on.

Edited by truthaboutluv
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What do they think his scheme is? To be the next bachelor? That wouldn't happen for someone who walked away.

 Oh, I don't know, didn't Andi walk away from Juan Pablo?    But in saying that, I don't think there's any chance Nick would be the next Bachelor.  He's just too creepy. 

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Few things about tonight. Did anyone notice Dylan was completely gone for that whole scene when the guys were going at Nick? It was weird and so noticeable because they were all there, except him. I wonder if he was sick again.


Maybe he was washing his hands . . . or eating pickles.


I agree about the guys ganging up on Nick - it's so stupid and junior high.  I can't help wondering if the whole thing is staged, and Chris sounded inept when Nick asked for an example because he really couldn't think of any examples.  It reminds me of kids' fights that start by someone saying, "Don't look at me!"  and they get all mad because someone's looking at them.


I was hoping the group date would go to the Waterloo battlefield.  When I saw the ruins I thought at first that's where they were, but the ruins were too extensive.  But if they were going to Waterloo, Chris would say, "But aren't the hometown dates next week?"

Edited by Lamb18
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