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S04.E01: Of Friends and Frenemies

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LeeAnne is overwhelmed by the planning of her wedding; D'Andra inherits the family business which isn't doing as well as she thought; Stephanie hosts a "Friendtervention" in an attempt to help mend fences between former besties LeeAnne and D'Andra.

Airs September 4, 2019.

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Please dont let me down Dallas.  No trains.  Please.

salma hayek please GIF

LeeAnne and Dandra went blondish. At the same time. 

Oh my goodness!  Did you SEE the buffer shot!  With the sparkly blues and reds!  It's just so perfect for them!

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The trust is from her husband......who is not D’andra’s dad/family.

It might be better like that.  D’Andra doesn’t know how to budget.

She is lucky to get some family old money to count towards her retirement fund.

D’Andra seems like a poorer Tori Spelling.

Looks like she never had her own job.

Your mother gave you a company that nobody has ever heard of......and, its following is the old Avon & Merle Norman crowd. 

Ok.....stop complaining and embarrassing your mother! 

Get   off your ass!  Give it back!  

Who cares! 

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She treats Dee like a sugar mama.  Dee is not having it!

D’Andra should stop  filming with Dee!

This is why nobody want to buy your skincare.

Dee is the face of that company and she looks like a walking corpse!

Oil of Olay makes a killing every time Dee shows up on a scene.

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8 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

I have groveled at my mothers feet for 50 years I’m not giving up now .........aaaand that tells you all you really need to know about D’andra 

I don’t know - could mean Dee is a master manipulator and D’Andra her plaything. Pretty dysfunctional relationship, either way.

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I think the lighter hair looks better on them both, though it could look even better. That stark black hair was too drastic and aged them by at least 10 extra years. Still, I think Leeanne has some serious facial issues. 

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23 minutes ago, FairyDusted said:

I think the entire cast is 100 percent man made. Not an original face nor sliver of hair to be found.

Everyone had a face lift!  WTH???? 🔪 

I am loving all the caramel highlighted hair.  Esp. on LeAnne’s wedding planner.

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FOMO: Fun of Missing Out. Oh Kam... 

Brandi’s daughters made me remember to go refill my Yasmin Rx. 

D’Andra’s lighter hair is dreadful. Too brassy. Leanne’s is better, but still not quite right. And those extensions—eegads! 

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1 hour ago, Keywestclubkid said:

I’m sorry but the loooong hair on these ladies just pulls them down and D’andras mom dumping her failing company on her and still holding the trust over her head lol well played old lady well played 

1 hour ago, Dance4Life said:

Your mother gave you a company that nobody has ever heard of......and, its following is the old Avon & Merle Norman crowd. 

31 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

I do believe the reason why Dee gave D'andra the company was because she did know it was going down the tubes.  Dee can't admit failure.  She didn't want to keep up with the times.

Have a fun cruise Kam.  Won't miss you.

I wish Kam would stay on the cruise all season!

I still think Dee and Dandra cooked up their "storyline" to give themselves a story and camera time, earn Dee a "friend of" type of salary to make up for the $$ her company is not making, and possibly get themselves new customers.  Unfortunately for them, they would both have to look a LOT better to get me to have an interest in their skincare.

Leanne is a mean and crazy bitch, but I'm on her side in regards to her fight with Dandra.  And she was wrong that the difference between them was that she felt bad about what she did to Cary and Dandra does not.  The difference is that Leanne couldn't have cared less about Cary at any time in her life, whereas Leann was supposedly Dandras best friend, yet Dandra brought up her fiance cheating on tv for camera time.  A little bit of a 😮 on Rich's text to Dandra though!

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37 minutes ago, Duke2801 said:

FOMO: Fun of Missing Out. Oh Kam... 

Brandi’s daughters made me remember to go refill my Yasmin Rx. 

D’Andra’s lighter hair is dreadful. Too brassy. Leanne’s is better, but still not quite right. And those extensions—eegads! 

It was "Fun of missing out" Coupled with a knowing smirk!

So perfectly Kameron.

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Does anyone know what happened to Cary Duber?  How odd that they got her friend named Cary to switch places with her.  

LeAnne's skin looked pretty bad, which is weird considering she had to know they'd be filming at this time.  

I know they had to rehash the feud between D'Andra and LeAnne but I'm hoping they can pass the baton to two others, because it's not enough fun to play out for another season.  

This episode would have been much better with a scene of Brandi making prank phone calls using creepy voices.  

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I’m ten minutes in and just CAN’T with LeeAnn Locken and her fake ass. She has no business being a Housewife or pretending she’s even close to being Dallas society.  She’s probably in debt up to the heavens for this wedding. 

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In real life I would never want to be around Leanne, but I probably would not watch this show without her, because I do not really care for any of the rest of the ladies. I am fine with Stephanie when she is not around Brandi. I also, tend to root for Leanne especially against D'Andra and Brandi.

For some reason the new Cary's husband reminds me of Andrew from Veep, who was Selina's ex-husband.

The less I see of Brandi's kids the better.

I know D'Andra said her mom did not tell her about the finances of the company, but if I was hoping to inherit a company I would be making sure I was looking at the finances on the regular.

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Being a Texan, I am in Dallas quite often (Uptown and SMU area) and I rarely see such plastic surgery nightmares! Pleeeeease don't think we Texans act and look so ridiculous!

That Dee is a fright and quite the evil bitch! D'Andra hang in there and get that old bitter bitch's money!

Brandi's daughters are evil little spawns and quite homely to boot.

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1 hour ago, Sage47 said:

think Cary Duber probably left because the show was affecting Mark’s business. I wish she was still on, I found them interesting. Off-putting at times but interesting, ha. And Zuri was a cut

I am pretty sure she was demoted to friend so will still be appearing.

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3 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

I know some of you love this show and I try every year, but, these women are all so awful.  And, Brandi's kids?  Oh, hell no.

I never last more than one or two episodes. So glad it's not just me. 

These women are so tacky to be Dallas society. There are no Miss Ellie or Sue Ellen Ewings here.

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4 hours ago, angelamh66 said:

I’m sure the mommy police will be all over Brandi for saying her daughter was acting like a shithead, but it cracked me up. Kids frequently behave like shitheads. Might as well call it as you see it. 

Seriously. Those girls must receive zero discipline? They have always been bratty—now they are nightmares. 

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9 hours ago, Sage47 said:

I think Cary Duber probably left because the show was affecting Mark’s business. I wish she was still on, I found them interesting. Off-putting at times but interesting, ha. And Zuri was a cutie. 

I saw her in the footage of some of the upcoming episodes. Maybe she will still be on the show as a "friend of".

So all is right in the world with Brandi and LeeAnn? No. That's not how it works. There was too much hate and vitriol last season for that to be believable. What stupid producer decided that they should be friends now because we know that can't be real. 

DeAndra said she is the breadwinner in the family so what exactly does her husband do? Nothing? 

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5 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

DeAndra said she is the breadwinner in the family so what exactly does her husband do? Nothing? 

He's a photographer.  He probably makes some money but not living in Highland Park money.  He was also in the military before, maybe he gets some kind of retirement from that. 

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9 hours ago, Sage47 said:

D’Andra looked good with lighter hair. But...yikes. That Jeremy-affair stuff sounded kind of legit. Hope not.....

That scene with D'Andra and Jeremy was pretty tense. I wondered if there was any truth to the affair rumor as well. Though money issues could be the cause of that dynamic as well. I do think Jeremy would be fine living with less, but I do not think D'Andra would.

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Still love Stephanie. She’s probably my fave of all the housewives I know. I’d actually want to be around her IRL. 😂

I think a beautiful shade of brunette would suit both LeeAnne and D’andra best. I love the light eyes and dark hair look, but I get what you guys mean about the black hair being severe on them. They are beautiful with both black and caramel hair though. 

D’andra is a beautiful woman who grew up with privilege, but she seems to have so much anger. As a View watcher, she reminds me somewhat of Meghan McCain. Maybe there’s truth to those affair rumors, I don’t know. 

I don’t get why LeeAnne is still getting crap for talking about D’andra’s money when she’s not the one who ever said it on camera. I wouldn’t want a friend gossiping about me, but if IRC, Cary brought it up on camera. There’s no proof LeeAnne ever meant to harm D’andra with that conversation. She may have just been venting to a friend, and it got out of hand. Happens to the best of us. I also think Leann genuinely feels bad for what she said about Cary and her husband. (Brandi on Beverly Hills has repeatedly said quite embarrassing things about fellow housewives. LeeAnne doesn’t have this pattern.) I think she’s got issues and a temper, perhaps due to her childhood, but I don’t see a malicious woman. Maybe I’m wrong, but D’andra comes across as a meaner person to me. 

Brandi’s baby is so cute! I wish she’d keep her girls off camera. They are at that age where they like to test how far they can go. When they get older they may get embarrassed by this footage, and people online can rip children apart. 

Kameron is still Kameron. Jury’s out on the new girl.

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15 minutes ago, RealHousewife said:

D’andra is a beautiful woman who grew up with privilege, but she seems to have so much anger. As a View watcher, she reminds me somewhat of Meghan McCain. Maybe there’s truth to those affair rumors, I don’t know. 

I don’t get why LeeAnne is still getting crap for talking about D’andra’s money when she’s not the one who ever said it on camera. I wouldn’t want a friend gossiping about me, but if IRC, Cary brought it up on camera. There’s no proof LeeAnne ever meant to harm D’andra with that conversation. She may have just been venting to a friend, and it got out of hand. Happens to the best of us. I also think Leann genuinely feels bad for what she said about Cary and her husband. (Brandi on Beverly Hills has repeatedly said quite embarrassing things about fellow housewives. LeeAnne doesn’t have this pattern.) I think she’s got issues and a temper, perhaps due to her childhood, but I don’t see a malicious woman. Maybe I’m wrong, but D’andra comes across as a meaner person to me. 

D'andra seems to have very little self-esteem, and I agree, she does seem angry.  I think she is very jealous and insecure.

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11 hours ago, CSunshine76 said:

I’m ten minutes in and just CAN’T with LeeAnn Locken and her fake ass. She has no business being a Housewife or pretending she’s even close to being Dallas society.  She’s probably in debt up to the heavens for this wedding. 

I didn't even make it that far.  I'm so sick of Badass Leeanne and her anger and trying to make people afraid of her.  And that hair -- what is up with that hair?  I've seen Halloween wigs that looked better than that. 

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The mother/daughter dynamics between D'andra and Mama Dee is very interesting and could probably be a case study.

Speaking of case studies, I am truly stunned (and a little horrified) every time I see that video of LeeAnn literally morphing into a snake while fighting with Brandi. 100% crazy!!

I usually do not like to say anything negative about children BUT Brandi's oldest child may be the most disrespectful little brat that I have seen on reality tv (and that is saying a lot).

Oh, love Stephanie....and please go away Cameron! 

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I still kind of think that baby is Brian’s. He has those big dark brown eyes like Brian, and both girls. Suspicious, lol. 

I could see D’Andra snapping if Jeremy is really cheating. She has so much tension and anger in her already. I hope it’s not true, I would feel really bad for her even though I don’t care much for her. 

Leeann just wants to marry Rich, cheater or not. 

Kameron’s hair is TOO blonde with her white skin. 

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