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Jeopardy! Season 36 (2019-2020)

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11 hours ago, zoey1996 said:

I learned about the Crystal Palace on the "Victoria" series shown on PBS, in the episodes that covered the creation and opening of the Great Exhibition in 1851.

I didn't first learn about it from Victoria but that was the first thing that came to my mind. A great triumph for Albert!

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"During this part of a military wedding, swords are drawn & the bride & groom pass through the arch" caused me to say, "Whatever it's called when they're done and heading back up the aisle."  I even thought "Not the processional" and still didn't have the "Oh!  Recessional" light bulb moment.

I was also horrible in the TV Shows category, but I eked out a few mythology answers (religion/mythology is normally a horrible subject for me) and loved the Exchange the Vowels and Anagrammed U.S. Cities categories, so the first round wasn't a disaster, but I was probably only at about 50%.

It wasn't my night, because I wasn't all that much better in DJ.  I got the bobble TS, even though football made "fumble" spring immediately to mind before I remembered the category.  I also got the red dwarf and bobby socks TS.  Especially with the wrong answers, I thought someone was going to get red dwarf, but no surprise TS in the game.

My predictive powers were in force for FJ:  I not only predicted two would get it right, I predicted the wrong answer would be the UK.

The wax figure clue belonged in the first round, not DJ.

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27 minutes ago, peeayebee said:

I said Australia for FJ.

I said Antarctica.

ETA: They are really dumbing down J6, I got another 12/12 today. I'll have to quit bragging if this keeps up.

Edited by saber5055
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1 hour ago, saber5055 said:

At first glance, Marlan looked a bit like Roman on Blindspot.

Speaking of, that dude was TALL. Marlan, not Roman. His riser needed to be a sinker, there was such a disparity in contestant height this episode.

Do they still use risers? In addition to tall Marlan, the two female contestants were very different heights. It made me wonder if the risers had been ditched.

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13 hours ago, Katy M said:

I did great in the first round.  I got the entire categories of cities, mythology and Let's get Married right.  And, in DJ, I got the TS of bobby socks.  I only missed the 2000 clue in the 11th century.  I didn't get FJ.  I thought of pretty much every country that was originally settled by the British, but went with New Zealand because I was thinking of sheep.  We all know geography is not my subject.

I went with New Zealand too - only because I vaguely remembered something from the news about an unoccupied island.

I did really well in mythology, which is not at all my strength. I threw my arms into the air and said "thank you Sting!" when I got the scylla and charybdis answer.

11 hours ago, saber5055 said:

Speaking of, that dude was TALL. Marlan, not Roman. His riser needed to be a sinker, there was such a disparity in contestant height this episode.

Shout out to DRYAD/@Driad!

I'm glad Marlan got credit for something borrowed, something blue.

There were no TSs in the J round! Four TSs in DJ. I got Red Dwarf, thank you PBS.

The sinker statement made me laugh. 🙂 I liked how it looked - the contestants all lined up according to size.

I should have gotten Red Dwarf from a Jack McDevitt book I just re-read, which had a long explanation of dwarf stars and their luminosity. I probably skimmed and read for the good parts.

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Since I tend to complain about players/champs who bug me, I just wanted to say how much I like Veronica!  I hope she enjoys a good run.  (My dad thinks Marlan should get to come back since he was smart and only lost by a dollar lol)

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There were a couple of clues for which I had no answer, but the rest I knew.  Yay, I feel smart again!  Okay, so I did consider Australia for FJ but did change to Canada in plenty of time to write it down.

I'll confess to not answering Red Dwarf when I wanted to - I wasn't sure if it was correct, so I said nothing.  Pooey.

Edited by proserpina65
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I like Veronica and I'm glad she won again but that shirt she was wearing today was an eyesore.

FJ was an instaget. I loved that book when I was a kid and can still quote from it. I got the TSs of Adam Schiff, Scaliese, Prince of Tides/Great Santini and Rio Grande/Colorado.

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Still no TV at my house, so I just looked up FJ on the archives.  No idea for yesterday's, but today's was an instaget.  I still love the book, and re-read it periodically.

Also no idea when I'll get TV back.  I haven't had time to call the company to get them to send me a new DVR!

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The news broke in during the first round, but I only missed 5 clues.  I got the entire category of A-b-d right, and I ashamedly missed all the US reps.    I got FJ at the last second.  All I could think of was A Swiftly Tilting Planet and I was like, aargh, it's the other one.  I would NOT have gotten it if I were on the show.

I got the TSs of Pepper (my cat's name btw), Rio Grande and Colorado, Pacific Ocean, Jerusalem, satellites and Hispaniola.

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10 minutes ago, dcalley said:

SAD is seasonal affective disorder. Veronica said seasonal affectiveness [depression]. (Depression was in the clue.) I was hoping for a correction.

I totally caught that and totally agree. Plus she did not say the D word. SAD is a big problem where I live, I'm very familiar with it.

I spent a lot of this episode fooling with my antenna, which requires standing in two doorways with it over my head, and moving it fractions of an inch left, right, up, down. Very tedious. And I'm not looking forward to "rescan day," which is two days away. If the wind is blowing, I'll lose all the stations on my rescan.

Back OT, I love me some Mads Mikkelsen, so I was pleased he was a DJ clue.

If this had been taped this month, Adam Schiff would not have been a TS. I'm guessing all viewers got that one. That is, if they have been watching tv stations that carry the news.

Meanwhile, I got Rio Grande/Colorado and Pacific. It was a good water day for me. And a GFY day for the middle player. Yeay for her!

ETA: I've never heard of a pepper tree. Pepper grass, yes. Pepper tree, no.

Edited by saber5055
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Due to the fact that it wasn't GOAT Jeopardy I was watching, I felt super smart tonight.

I got Sojourner Truth, The Prince of Tides/Great Santini (fantastic movie), Rio Grande/Colorado, satellites, Scalise, and Schiff.

I also got FJ, even though I hate that book. 

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Boy, I needed that after spending so much of last night's GOAT games just shrugging at the screen.  I ran the first round, and, while I bombed the Netflix category, I did well overall in DJ.  I'm not good with children's literature, so I didn't think I was going to cap off a good game by getting FJ, but it sprang to mind fairly quickly.

Adam Schiff was a surprising TS, especially with a picture; with committee positions in Congress, he's been interviewed/quoted regarding a pretty good number of things in the news over the years.

Rio Grande and Colorado was also surprising; they were probably all trying to come up with Colorado, but no one even taking a stab at it was unexpected.

The pepper tree TS surprised me just a bit, because it - like the missed DD of Sojourner Truth* - had a hint within the clue.

*Which, of course, led Alex to do his "you picked the wrong one"/"the other one" routine.

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1 hour ago, saber5055 said:

Back OT, I love me some Mads Mikkelsen...

Me, too. I've now put Polar on my list of things to watch.


ETA: I've never heard of a pepper tree. Pepper grass, yes. Pepper tree, no.

We have them around here (though I think they look a little different from that pic), so I got that easily. The other TSs I got were Adam Schiff and skeleton.

I would have gotten The Prince of Tides/Great Santini but I lapsed back into thinking they wanted the author. I confidently said Conroy, then ashamedly said Doh!

Instead of Scalise, I said Scalia, though I  knew that wasn't right.

I didn't know AMBER stood for anything but the girl's name.

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On 1/13/2020 at 9:38 PM, Clanstarling said:

And the workplace catalogs left in break rooms have pretty much gone away too. I used to buy some Avon products, but I can't remember what.

My dad of all people loved their Skin So Soft lotion. When pressed, he said it was a good insecticide, but I never verified that, only that he loved it.

15 hours ago, TaraS1 said:

Since I tend to complain about players/champs who bug me, I just wanted to say how much I like Veronica!  I hope she enjoys a good run.  (My dad thinks Marlan should get to come back since he was smart and only lost by a dollar lol)

I've long wanted the show to do a kind of redemption tournament, for people who caught particularly bad breaks or came up against steamroller opponents in the middle of a run. And, especially for Wally (I believe?) whose Sgt. Pepper FJ I'll never forget even if I don't remember his name. It would probably be impossible and unwieldy, but I still want it.

I liked the ABD category, but all the machines eluded me. Even food processor.  I said blender.

And Alex, Veronica's not buying Kraft Dinner when she's got national prize-winning mac and cheese at her fingertips! Come now.


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"If I had a million dollars, we wouldn't have to walk to the store

if I had a million dollars, we could take a limousine 'cause it costs more

if I had a million dollars, we wouldn't have to eat Kraft Dinner

But we would eat Kraft Dinner?

Of course we would. We'd just eat more."


Edited by ABay
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12 hours ago, Katy M said:

 I got FJ at the last second.  All I could think of was A Swiftly Tilting Planet and I was like, aargh, it's the other one.  I would NOT have gotten it if I were on the show.

And I got "A Wind in the Door" - knowing it was wrong. I could see the darned book cover, I flashed on the A Wrinkle in Time movie (didn't see it, but I did see the trailer, which did not entice).

11 hours ago, dcalley said:

SAD is seasonal affective disorder. Veronica said seasonal affectiveness [depression]. (Depression was in the clue.) I was hoping for a correction.

Much as I like Veronica, yeah, I thought that should have been corrected too.

3 hours ago, Lois Sandborne said:

My dad of all people loved their Skin So Soft lotion. When pressed, he said it was a good insecticide, but I never verified that, only that he loved it.

And Alex, Veronica's not buying Kraft Dinner when she's got national prize-winning mac and cheese at her fingertips! Come now.


I'd heard that about Skin So Soft, but I was raised, and remain, a Jergen's girl.

Kraft Dinner is nostalgia eating for me. That's where the mac and cheese addiction began for a lot of us, I think.

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8 hours ago, Lois Sandborne said:

My dad of all people loved their Skin So Soft lotion. When pressed, he said it was a good insecticide, but I never verified that, only that he loved it.

Your dad was absolutely right. I used Skin So Soft to keep the mosquitoes away all summer long.

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I call foul on Alex accepting Veronica's answer of "seasonal affectiveness" as correct for the SAD clue.  That is not the name of the disorder and it is not what SAD stands for: it's "seasonal affective disorder".  It was only a $400 clue so it didn't make a difference in the long run, but it was wrong.

FJ was an absolute instaget for me.  A Wrinkle In Time is one of my very favorite books, and I recently re-read it.

I don't know why, but I don't like Veronica and will be very glad when she's gone.  (Although with my luck, whoever replaces her will probably be worse.)  And yes, that shirt was hideous.

I was gobsmacked that none of the contestants recognized that photo of Adam Schiff.  He's been all over the news for months.  I had no idea what state he represented, but I'd have expected someone not living in a cave for the last 3 years to have been able to identify the photo.

21 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

I was going to mention the show, but since I didn't actually learn anything about science, I left it out. Smeg!

I've often wondered precisely how someone could drink fresh mango juice while comatose.

17 hours ago, Katy M said:

I got the TSs of Pepper (my cat's name btw), Rio Grande and Colorado, Pacific Ocean, Jerusalem, satellites and Hispaniola

I didn't get pepper or satellites but did get the others, as well as Adam Schiff and The Prince of Tides/The Great Santini.

15 hours ago, saber5055 said:

Back OT, I love me some Mads Mikkelsen, so I was pleased he was a DJ clue.

Me, too.  So I easily got hitman.

15 hours ago, lb60 said:

Due to the fact that it wasn't GOAT Jeopardy I was watching, I felt super smart tonight.

I got Sojourner Truth, The Prince of Tides/Great Santini (fantastic movie), Rio Grande/Colorado, satellites, Scalise, and Schiff.

I got Sojourner Truth, and said "No, the other one." to the contestant who answered Harriet Tubman.  Because it's always one or the other.  I knew Harriet Tubman was born in Maryland (on the lower Eastern Shore, specifically), New York.

13 hours ago, peeayebee said:

Instead of Scalise, I said Scalia, though I  knew that wasn't right.

I said "That Steve guy".  Shouldn't that have counted?

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4 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

Kraft Dinner is nostalgia eating for me. That's where the mac and cheese addiction began for a lot of us, I think.

I won't touch mac and cheese, and never ever would eat a bite of the boxed Kraft garbage. I was stunned AT even brought that cr*p up to someone who makes the real deal, except Kraft is perhaps one of his sponsors, so $$.

I wouldn't eat the homemade prize-winning mac and cheese either. Its the opposite of comfort food for me.


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15 minutes ago, proserpina65 said:

I was gobsmacked that none of the contestants recognized that photo of Adam Schiff.  He's been all over the news for months.  I had no idea what state he represented, but I'd have expected someone not living in a cave for the last 3 years to have been able to identify the photo.

Yeah, all over the news for the months AFTER this show was taped. While my house isn't great, it's no cave, and I wouldn't have been able to identify him -- or most other state representatives -- before the televised impeachment proceedings. As I posted upthread, I don't blame nor am I surprised Schiff was a TS.

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11 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

Yeah, all over the news for the months AFTER this show was taped. While my house isn't great, it's no cave, and I wouldn't have been able to identify him -- or most other state representatives -- before the televised impeachment proceedings. As I posted upthread, I don't blame nor am I surprised Schiff was a TS.

He's been consistently in the news ever since the Russia investigation started, which was long before this show was taped.  So I am very surprised that none of the three recognized him; I would've expected at least one to know who that was.

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5 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

And, yes, that shirt Champ was wearing was definitely an eyesore.

18 hours ago, SpiritSong said:

that shirt she was wearing today was an eyesore.

Is this the shirt everyone is ranking on? Obviously, YMMV from mine since I love it and would buy and wear it myself. In fact, when I get on the show, I'll wear mine just so you guys know it's me.


As for Schiff, I watch four hours of news every day and had never seen him before the impeachment hearings. Again, obviously YMMV, as did the mileage of the three players. This is just another example of IEIYKI.

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25 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

As for Schiff, I watch four hours of news every day and had never seen him before the impeachment hearings. Again, obviously YMMV, as did the mileage of the three players. This is just another example of IEIYKI.

I guess so, but I am wondering how you missed him.  He was on CNN, MSNBC, and the news broadcasts for ABC, CBS and NBC talking about the Mueller investigation on a weekly (sometimes daily) basis.  I still think at least one of them should have known him.  Maybe he's one of those guys some people just don't register.

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4 minutes ago, Quickbeam said:

Anyone NOT get Wrinkle in Time? No judgment but I thought that was super easy. 

I've never heard of it, but I don't have kids. My husband has 2 daughters and is well read, but he didn't get it, although he's heard of it.

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9 minutes ago, Quickbeam said:

Anyone NOT get Wrinkle in Time? No judgment but I thought that was super easy. 

Raises hand. When I hear children's literature, I think of children, not young adults, and "A Wrinkle in Time" is a YA book. Because of the science references, I said "Good Night Moon." That after I kicked out "In The Night Kitchen."

Go ahead and laugh.

ETA: Not everyone gets tv channels MSNBC, CNN or CBS. Or PBS or CW. Just sayin'.

Edited by saber5055
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9 minutes ago, Quickbeam said:

Anyone NOT get Wrinkle in Time? No judgment but I thought that was super easy. 

1 minute ago, saber5055 said:

Raises hand. When I hear children's literature, I think of children, not young adults, and "A Wrinkle in Time" is a YA book.

I thought that way, too.



Because of the science references, I said "Good Night Moon." That after I kicked out "In The Night Kitchen."

Go ahead and laugh.


I'm not laughing because I considered "In the Night Kitchen," too! I ended up going with "The Phantom Tollbooth." 🤷‍♀️

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2 hours ago, saber5055 said:

I won't touch mac and cheese, and never ever would eat a bite of the boxed Kraft garbage. I was stunned AT even brought that cr*p up to someone who makes the real deal, except Kraft is perhaps one of his sponsors, so $$.

I wouldn't eat the homemade prize-winning mac and cheese either. Its the opposite of comfort food for me.


Just goes to show, mileage varies. I make all my food from scratch these days (I'm a pretty fair cook), but every now and then I like a trip down memory lane.

1 hour ago, saber5055 said:

Is this the shirt everyone is ranking on? Obviously, YMMV from mine since I love it and would buy and wear it myself. In fact, when I get on the show, I'll wear mine just so you guys know it's me.


I wasn't fond of the shirt, but I didn't hate it. I thought it had the look of something that had sentimental value. (like mac & cheese for some 😉 )


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55 minutes ago, Clanstarling said:

but every now and then I like a trip down memory lane.

Apologies for my OTT hate for mac and cheese, especially Kraft. But it also sends me down Memory Lane, and those memories aren't so great. Hence, the hate. It's strictly personal.

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My DVR won't be fixed (replaced, to be more precise) until SATURDAY!!!!  SATURDAY!!!!  How can I survive without TV for one more whole day?????  The only thing I'm really missing out on is Jeopardy, though, since it's the only thing I watch regularly that isn't readily available online.

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15 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

My DVR won't be fixed (replaced, to be more precise) until SATURDAY!!!!  SATURDAY!!!!  How can I survive without TV for one more whole day?????  The only thing I'm really missing out on is Jeopardy, though, since it's the only thing I watch regularly that isn't readily available online.

Wait, what? You can’t get any tv at all without a dvr from the cable co? Bummer! Can’t they at least give you a loaner set top box? I assume you must live where you can’t pick up ota signals?

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2 minutes ago, SoMuchTV said:

Wait, what? You can’t get any tv at all without a dvr from the cable co? Bummer! Can’t they at least give you a loaner set top box? I assume you must live where you can’t pick up ota signals?

Correct on all points!  There are a couple of channels that might sort of come in with an antenna, but today it's really windy here in the back of beyond, so probably not.  

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26 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

There are a couple of channels that might sort of come in with an antenna, but today it's really windy here in the back of beyond, so probably not.

It'd be worth a trip to Best Buy or Walmart to get a strong antenna just in case. Because ... nothing ventured. Wish I could loan you one of mine, I have five of them. If you even brought in one channel -- the one showing Jeopardy -- it would be a win! I'm 40-50 miles from a big city/broadcast tower; you must be closer to civilization than I am.

Of course, there is always online teevee watching.

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