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S16.E01: 16 New Houseguests Are Introduced & HoH Comp #1

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Good article by Alex.  First impressions of the first 8 based on the TV show so far:


Donny -- Cowboy 2.0, and that's not a good thing

Nichole -- makes Jordan (of Jeff and Jordan infamy) look like a Nobel Prize winner by comparison, how did she graduate from anything ?  And she's afraid of ghosts.

Amber -- not the brightest, but very attractive (though I think she has had work done)

Paola -- overly aggressive, way too superficial (who owns a 3 month supply of false eyelashes)

Devin -- strong, smart, responsible.  Could go far.

Joey -- fun and sassy, needs to work on her physical game

Cody -- brings the pretty, but don't know much else since he hasn't got a lot of screen time

Frankie -- needs to dial it down.  A lot.


And the "sun screen" during the challenge -- looked a lot like jizz.

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Paola is so fucking loud and not half as amusing as she thinks she is.

Yeah, I like Devin. I am WAY shallow.

I hope Joey doesn't turn annoying. I want to like her but I don't want her to attach to the barnacle Frankie. I know Ariana Grande is a name but is she really that famous?

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So far all of these twists make me want to stab something. But then, I hate change. I do think this first group of 8 is CBS's "A" team. Getting a day to bond, forming an alliance which makes sense in all of this uncertainty, and most importantly immersing themselves in the "us vs. them" mentality the second 8 won't have time to develop. Frankie as HOH must have been their best case scenario! There is no doubt in my mind he will be the first in Team America's alliance. I always hate it when "America" votes on things.

But I do have to admit I liked the first show focusing on only 8 vs 16 houseguests. I got a better sense of who these people are; it was kind of I nice. I think Donny (so far) is a sweetheart and totally out of his depth, and will probably be used as a loyal vote and then voted out early jury. I had a flashback to "Drop Dead Gorgeous" in a good way when Nicole posed with that tractor, and broke out that accent (and I'm sure Minnesota and Michigan accents are totally different, but they sound the same to this SE Texan). Devin already seems to be playing too hard. I was pleasantly surprised by Amber, and think it was a good move to throw the HOH, although I wish she wasn't so obvious about it. Frankie has his role, and is going to play it to the bitter end, and I've resigned myself to that tired act. Already tired of Paolo, and have no opinion of the other two.

But not bad as first episodes go. Usually I already have a burning hatred of a houseguest, but not yet. We'll see what tomorrow night brings.

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Just watched the show and feeling kind of meh.  Not having the feeds is like coitus interuptus or something.  


First impressions?  Frankie can just stop already, he annoys.  I'd like to pow pow pow pow.  And I don't like the twist the twist took...  



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How long will it take for someone (other than me) to listen to Donny and think "Run Forrest run"? He even looks a little like Tom Hanks in the running across America segment of "Forrest Gump."

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I'm in for at least a couple of episodes, but if it becomes the horrorshow that last season was, I'll be out. So far, I like Donny, Devin, Nicole, and Frankie, somewhat surprisingly, He doesn't come across to me as his persona being "fake" in the way some of the other super-annoying attention whores in the past have. Fingers tentatively crossed...

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All I keep thinking is -- They're all so much nicer than last year!  


I like Devin and Joey and I'm excited that he likes her, so maybe there will be a showmance I can root for this time.


I also like Duck Donnysty and Nicole, may they form a side alliance and keep it quiet.

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So do the houseguests get to pick the pictures that will be in their hoh room because I'm not sure how Frankie thinks he'll hide his sister unless he thinks no one will know her. I think some of the girls are going enough to recognize her though.

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Anyone else see a young john travolta in the bb16 house? Aka Cody


I was watching with my father and told him the same. The blue eyed Italian with dimpled chin.


Nicole is like Jordan & Jeff's love child. Mannerisms/looks like Jordan, but Jeff's accent. Ick. Seems like a nice enough girl. 


Amber seems a little dim. Don't take a clue at face value girlfriend.  


Joey will hopefully start looking straight in the DR, not down. I kind of hate when a girl calls ownership of the gay guy right off the bat instead of seeing if you even like him as a person. They just think being the gay guys best friend is the coolest thing ever. 


Paola, go home soon please.  Please. She seems to think pretty highly of herself. And Cody, you won't have to dig to find out where the nickname "Pao Pao" came from. Just think a little longer than you normally do.


Devin is hot and is a hometown boy. Means I might have to go stalk him after.


Frankie please tone it down. Your sister is famous, but a) she's not the most famous on the planet. She's not Miley or GaGa, and b) please, please don't bring her up every day.



And the "sun screen" during the challenge -- looked a lot like jizz.


Oh thanks for the laugh! I would have peed from laughing if one of the girls started trying to catch it in her mouth.

Edited by ShaNaeNae
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All I keep thinking is -- They're all so much nicer than last year!


So far -- last year it took a few days to stew and brew before the racism started to rear it's ugly head.


I also like Duck Donnysty and Nicole, may they form a side alliance and keep it quiet.


I'd call them the 'Axis of Dumb', but when it comes to Donnie/Nicole I'm pretty sure neither one of them could spell 'axis'. Or 'dumb'.  Or 'of'.
I like the 'Duck Donnysty' nickname.  Why's he wearing camo in the BB house ?  Maybe it's his dress camo wear, like his good jeans for special occasions.


Is anyone else saying "fuck yeah!" Every time they put up that Team America banner?


Yes !!!!  Did the producers not see the 'Team America: World Police' movie ? 
Though it's actually appropriate because someone inside the house will be pulling strings to move the puppets around soon enough.

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Anyone else see a young john travolta in the bb16 house? Aka Cody

Yes!  He is straight-up "Danny Zuko" from Grease.  Not a bad thing, I thought Travolta was way hot back then.


I have mixed feelings of the guests.  So far, the only one really grating on my nerves is Paola.  She seems way too full of herself for my liking.  Donny reminds me of "Duck Dynasty" a little, but he seems like a nice guy.  Frankie is way OTT, but he's still OK.  Nicole reminds me a bit of last year's Aaryn, only way nicer/sweeter.  My dad pointed out to me how much Devin looks like a young OJ, so I keep noticing that.  Devin seems like a nice guy though.  He's good looking and has a brain too.  Amber and Joey seem alright so far too, no real opinios on them yet.  Cody seems nice and he's gorgeous.


Curious about the next group, can't wait to see what they are like.


Always seems like the people I get a first impression like for, I end up hating while people I didn't care for/indifferent about end up being my favorites eventually.  The stuff I read on the feeds or see on BBAD usually gives me better insight on the kind of people they really are.

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Add me to the one that those I am on board with on the first show....I end up hating in three weeks.


Except for 'POW POW' - pretty sure I'm gonna loathe her until her ass hits the bricks.


Donny - I smell America's favorite.


Frankie - Never ever heard of his 'super famous' sister.  I hope his Over The Top Schtick is just the early entry nerves.  Just once, could BB cast a gay guy who didn't encompass every stereotype?



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I actually liked Paola! Something about how she got so hypnotized by Cody won me over.

I also liked Donny, and I didn't mind at all when the boys took their shirts off and started doing crunches...


Is anyone else saying "fuck yeah!" Every time they put up that Team America banner?

Hahaha, yes totally!

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Frankie looks a lot like Ariana, or really the other way around since he is older. I only know who she is because I have kids who watch he on Nickelodeon.

I don't have distinct opinions yet on personalities but the stupid Team America twist is going to piss me off. I am actually interested to see how long the first group is in the house before the second group comes in.

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Blue hair girl is adorable. Frankie is annoying so far, maybe he will tone it down. I know it's a 2 night premiere, but I kind of hate that we have to wait to meet the other 8. Love the twists so far. Anything to keep it spicy!

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I enjoyed it. No one is really getting on my nerves yet but I think Frankie will make my lawn look better by reminding me to get all those pesky kids off it while I sit in my rocking chair on the front porch. Kids today with their super mega most famous persons ever.

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I feel unsettled. Like it's started, but it's not started, because we're still missing people and, more importantly, no feeds.


I liked most of the first 8 better than I thought I would. I'm over Paola already, and Frankie is going to get old fast, but I liked Nicole, Donny, Joey and Derrick a lot. Nicole totally seems like Jordan 2.0, but she's sweet, and I like that she's a fan, though whether she shows any fan smarts will remain to be seen.


It does seem totally unfair that the first 8 got all this time together, but we'll see how it plays out tomorrow. I'm still in that every-summer-BB-initial-glow, so right now I'm just glad it's (almost) back. Yay summer.

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Well, the focus on 8 instead of 16 is good I think. I'd guess we get similar format tomorrow introducing the other 8. I'm amazed I remember anyone's names as I'm horrible with that, so thumbs up for less people at the same time.


I think the best decision so far was throwing that HoH comp what with the uncertainty around it, but yeah just letting go of the rope and going "oops" *falls* wasn't the most graceful dive ever.


I need Pao to dial it wayy back especially with her being hypnotized by physiques and/or wanting to lick them like icecream *shudder*


Frankie, wow, yeah needs to dial it back even further or especially together they are going to annoy the hell out of me. Put on your bespangled high heels and get to steppin'


ETA: Oh yeah I love the blue-haired pixie Joey, she's adorable. I also have hope for the "no one would expect" alliance between Donny and Devin.


And, it sounds like it's tomorow that may bring the hate.

Edited by Wandering Snark
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Devin looks like a young OJ, so I keep noticing that.  Devin seems like a nice guy though.

Hopefully Devin hasn't killed anyone, gotten off scot-free in the criminal trial, lost in the civil trial, searched for the real killers, wrote a book, and been incarcerated for an unrelated crime -- much like an older OJ. </snark>

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Frankie is insufferable. If you're 31 years old (even though you tell everyone you're 28) and wearing tattered jeans and pink hair, you're a mess. I don't care if your sister is the "most famous famous person to ever fame" (which, no, she's not... "Problem" is only the No. 2 song in the country), grow up. I pray Joey doesn't attach herself to him, mostly because I want to like her and don't think I'll be able to if they form an alliance. 


Does Donny still live with his parents? Was that what we were seeing? I couldn't figure it out in his intro video. 


And did anyone else think Cody's dad was a little too affectionate? I think he kissed his son about 15 times in the span of mere seconds. 

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And did anyone else think Cody's dad was a little too affectionate? I think he kissed his son about 15 times in the span of mere seconds.


Yeah, I was trying to "unsee" that he was totally making out with him before he left... "So that's the way it is in their family" /EdwardRRooney

Edited by Wandering Snark
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Donny FTW!!!! He had me at "am I supposed to acknowledge this" while casually noticing the key in the shrub. Those "surprise" key reveals are beyond idiotic. Just pleeease don't be a secret racist, dude. His voice sounds like a white, bearded Ron Funches. Please giggle for us, Donny!


Devin finding Joey super cute was a curve ball, and I love it!


Paola shocked me with what seems to be a legit girlpower stance, and I unexpectedly dig her, even with the super-confidence. I would love to see her play that himbo like a violin. But boy, El Cuatro had better keep a careful eye on the blonde with the hipster glasses. She will jump that ship at the drop of a hat. Assuming she knows what a hat is.


ETA: Thanks so much in advance for the feeders who commentate for those of us who don't subscribe. I love hearing about the real downlow.

Edited by Dewey Decimate
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I was wondering why Amber threw the competition at the end and not earlier, but maybe she just wanted to show off her skills beforehand? Paola's a little too hyped up for me, but it's early. I agree that the key thing is a waste of time. I like Joey a lot. No one has overly annoyed me yet, not even Frankie surprisingly enough.

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Yeah, I was trying to "unsee" that he was totally making out with him before he left..

Oh yeah, I forgot about that! I was like, are they going to make out for real? 


I agree Nicole is Jordan 2.0. I always liked Jordan, if not so much Jeff. I also liked that Devin was into Joey, that was kind of unexpected. I kind of like him, but something about him rubs me the wrong way. I've liked Joey from the start, I hope she doesn't do anything that changes that. I just love Donny too. I hope he's able to pull off some good moves and nobody does anything mean to him. 


Like someone said earlier, it seemed like they were unusually likable. Will we be getting the unlikable tomorrow? I hope not since I'm hoping for good things from Christine. I don't know about the wanting to be naked all the time though, that was kind of odd. I mean, it's one thing to do it, but to announce it to the world?

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Every twist, I keep trying to think like a producer, examining the last season: "Well, Aaryn kept winning HoH, so we'll make it so the HoH isn't safe. Well, Aaryn and Amanda couldn't be voted out because they were in a majority alliance, even though America nominated them a million times, so we'll give America even more power." Of course, the real way to "fix" Big Brother is, y'know, don't cast racists -- but why would they do that, when they can turn the game upside down to solve a problem of their own creation?


(Also, CBS' "Two Night Premiere" font was the same as Boston's local Red Sox station, NESN. I kept expecting it to say "Two Night Premiere...and Extra Innings Extra")

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Mr "YouTube Personality" didn't annoy me as much as I thought he would, but I'm still reserving judgement. We certainly saw a lot of him. I liked Groundskeeper Donny though, he seems to know the game.

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Paola - I, like, hate you, like, already, and like, your voice, like, makes my ears, like, bleed.


Frankie - you're a walking, squealing, dancing stereotype and I don't even know who your stupid sister is, so I fail to be impressed.  Please calm down.  Please.


Donny - please ditch the camo and shave, Duck Dynasty is finally suffering from overexposure and I don't want a wannabe clone making country-boy platitudes all over my TV screen.


Devin - nice physique, cute kid, I'm curious about the story of how you became a single father.


Nicole - You're a nurse?  How?  And you seem a bit young to have incontinence issues.  There's probably some kind of treatment or medication that can help.  Look into it.  (I actually like her, but she's trying too hard to be 'a character'.  Then again, it's early yet.  If she sticks around long enough we might see the real her.) 


I like Miss Seattle's (Joey?) blue hair, it's a lovely color and it looks good on her.

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Initial Takes (just from the Intro packages and a little from the pre-show promotional stuff)


PowPow and NotSoGrande are gonna drive me nuts. Each.  More. Than.  The.  Other.


DuckDynasty (or maybe we should call him Pickler's Janitor?), assuming he's not hiding any racist or sexist tendencies is going to be some kind of auto-fan-fave (which actually could put him in danger quick with the housemates if they realize that).  

SoccerHunk is going to get his ass handed to him the moment the people in the house have nobody else to target and go after "physical threats". Which sometimes is right away.


This rock climbing girl, Amber, I can't get a bead on just from the intro stuff.  It depends on if she falls into a showmance or not, I imagine.  I'd say if she avoids that, but at the same time procedures a few initial close friends, she'll do okay.


TractorGirl, with her cute accent and cute glasses seems like a sleeper to me. Won't seem like much initially, but will do well--at least until the point she has to backstab someone.  Hard to say what happens then.


NotTheRock is another one who may be doomed as soon as people in the house need a physical threat target. 


BlueHair gives me this vibe like she could have a temper.  Just a feeling.  And that could really backfire.  She and PowPow clearly are fated to be mortal enemies.

Edited by Kromm
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PowPow and her all-girl alliance idea is going to fall to pieces the moment the other ladies peg her as backstabby, loud and annoying.  Especially with more women in there soon.  Aside from just being annoying, she's playing FAR too hard, far too early, and any of the people in there who are students of the game are going to allow her to flame out.

Frankie - your sister is not one of the most famous people in the world. And I would be shocked if he hasn't already told people that he was her brother.

To be fair, as annoying as Frankie is about that (and as much as I bet he thrives on orbiting her fame), in the past two years or so she's jumped from being somewhat marginally famous to being genuine A-List famous. A-List does not mean "most famous person in the world", but it does mean that she's pretty damn famous now.

Frankie - Never ever heard of his 'super famous' sister. 

I think we edged into this in one of the pre-show threads.  She is genuinely famous enough that Frankie fearing the effect is real, even if we can see at the same time that he's like a little blood-sucking Tick who clearly feasts on her fame normally (including bringing it up constantly in his VTs).  She's only got the #2 song on the charts now, and her hit last year also only went to #9 (which certain makes Frankie sound foolish calling her "the biggest star in the world), but her ALBUM went to #1 last year, she's got 16 million Twitter followers (most nutty passionate), she's the biggest star to come out of the Disney Channel in the past few years ASIDE from Demi Lovato, Selina Gomez and Miley Cyrus, but just to put her into the right box... could surpass Demi and Selina in fame eventually (assuming Selina stops banging Bieber and falls out of the news), but even best case will always be a way distant second to Miley in terms of recognition.

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In general I think fans of Big Brother are an older crowd, so I get why so many people are saying Ariana who? But in terms of the teenage population, Ariana is THE big thing...honestly even bigger than Miley. I teach high school and most of my students are over Miley while they heart Ariana with a capital H. And he does look a lot like her. I don't think I would notice the resemblance without knowing, but if he's dumb enough to say his last name, the younger house guests will most likely be able to put two and two together. All that being said I really like Ariana Grande and so by association find Frankie endearing where most would probably find him annoying.

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In general I think fans of Big Brother are an older crowd, so I get why so many people are saying Ariana who? But in terms of the teenage population, Ariana is THE big thing...honestly even bigger than Miley.

If there was some kind of glass wall between teens and adults that would explain some of the "Ariana Who", but I think it's even more a case of her mainstream non-teen success being relatively recent (the past 14-15 months, since her album was released).  I mean I'm sure if we mentioned the name "Lorde" for example, there'd be people saying "Lorde Who?" (who's rise to fame happened virtually in the same period). 

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I wouldn't put Grande at Miley level, but whatever, it's not a big deal - the key thing is that she is a very successful performer who IS popular, although perhaps not with enough of the houseguests for it to be a drawback for Frankie if he smartly doesn't talk about her all the time. Of course, though, even though he says he won't there's about no way that he won't end up giving in and talking about her all the time so it will be a negative for him, but that'll be his own fault. She's not famous enough that everyone will recognize her brother. 


This isn't the first time that an esthetician has been cast on Big Brother, right? I can't remember who but I could have sworn that someone from either Season 14 or Season 15 was one, as well. Amber is freaking gorgeous. Not Aaryn gorgeous, but hopefully she is better than Aaryn in the whole, you know, not being a racist category.


I was thinking John Travolta for Cody, as well, but for slightly different reasons. To wit, when he was describing his type to Paola, I kept expecting him to mention "has a penis" along with "is fit" and "has a good personality" 


Overall, I am pretty happy so far with this group. Some annoying contestants, but how are you ever going to avoid that? I am mostly just pumped that there are no returning houseguests. 

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Devin does that weird say one sentence, pause, look at camera, say next sentence thing in his interviews that I find really affected and annoying.  I hope he cuts that out and that he is not like that in person with the houseguests because it may hurt his game.  He is fun to look at at least.


Nicole seems a little dumb so far, but it is too early to tell for sure.


Amber is gorgeous.  I think she was smart to throw the HOH, but she should have jumped off earlier to mask her athleticism.  Her "performance" needed some work too.  I can see why she is a model and not an actress.


I want to like Joey but if she is going to be far, far left girl the entire summer her shtick is going to get real old real fast.  I also found her facial expressions during Julie's announcements to be really exaggerated.  If that was actually a natural reaction then she will not be able to lie to save her life.  If I was one of the male cast members I would already be suspicious about a female alliance because of how much the other ladies, mostly Joey, were cheering for Amber.


I am not sure if Donny is completely aware of what is going on just yet.


Cody is cute but a little too clean cut (if there is such a thing).  I think he probably uses a lot of product, especially on his hair.


Frankie is annoying.  I had no idea who his sister was so I youtubed one of her songs.  She is a terrible singer.


Paola is annoying, but I am intrigued by this all-female alliance plan of hers.  I don't think she will be able to pull it off, unfortunately, because the other women may not appreciate how hard she is playing this early in the game.  I can't quite put my finger on who she reminds me of, any ideas?

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For sure SNL was what popped into me and the missus head. Also saw the Travolta resemblance. Donny sounds like Gomer Pyla, and I think if he shaved he would look like him, He also had all the best quotes this episode. The one about crunches where he just says "no" at the end, the long pause when he describd the wheel stopping and restarting...but my fave was "I am smarter than they will think I am, but I am not as smart as I think I am". That is actually a very smart quote and makes me think that he is nowhere near as slow as he comes off.


One hor in and I do not want to throat punch anyone. YAY!!!

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