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Can't Buy My Love: All Episodes Discussion

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18 minutes ago, Pachengala said:

 I know this is redundant to note in a show where every single thing is fake, but that wedding was fake fake fake. You can’t get married without witnesses. They may as well have sit out on their balcony and read those basic-ass vows. I hate them. 

I had no witnesses at my first marriage, but that was 40+ years ago in Vegas, so maybe the rules are not as defined there.  The first question we were asked was were we sober (we were).

  • Love 1
17 minutes ago, cinsays said:

I had no witnesses at my first marriage, but that was 40+ years ago in Vegas, so maybe the rules are not as defined there.  The first question we were asked was were we sober (we were).

You know what, now that you mention it, my dad and his wife got married in Vegas (in a drive-thru chapel) and they didn’t have witnesses either. I stand corrected; obviously there are places you can. Thanks for correcting that! I wonder what the rules are in Costa Rica. 

  • Love 2

Good for Rosie and Drew.  If it is a successful marriage, everyone else will come around; if it isn’t, they won’t shun her but work with her to make sure she doesn’t repeat the mistake.

Otherwise, like with Gentille’s marriage and the coven of witches she calls friends, it is no one’s business but your own.  If they aren’t happy, too bad.

Disclaimer: my husband is eight years younger than me and earns about 25% of what I do.  We have a pre-nup, because I have joint ownership of property with my kids that is for the grandkids.  I took out an annuity to provide for him after I die.  Even if we divorce, which after five years now isn’t likely, I still have to fund the annuity.

Was very easy to do.  No drama.

  • Love 5

I just found this show and am watching Episode 1 as we speak. Bill skeeves me out SO much. Briana looks 12 years old in her red dress when they were outside that restaurant.  She is a tiny little girl and that makes my flesh crawl thinking about why that repellent old guy would choose her rather than someone more age-appropriate and who doesn't look like a pre-teen. I am 60 years old, no beauty by any means, but even I wouldn't date that repulsive old man. His teeth!

And speaking of teeth, I think Brian got himself a set of those clip-in dentures because he knew he was going to be on TV, and he hasn't learned how to talk in them yet. They're too white and too straight for his mouth and that makes them look even more fake. I fail to see what's attractive about him.

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I skim through most of this show because I can't stand most of the couples... but today I watched the episode with the jeweler!!! OMG THAT was reality TV  GOLD!!!!!!!!  You could tell Shawn was completely undone by the fact that his lie about it being a real diamond bracelet was going to be broadcast on national TV!  I believe the jeweler 100%.  

The way it happened was so innocuous as well. She looked at the bracelet and then made her comment. Then she saw the frozen faces of those two and she knew she just blew everything up for this guy.  It was so real and awesome!!! 

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, ChristmasJones said:

I skim through most of this show because I can't stand most of the couples... but today I watched the episode with the jeweler!!! OMG THAT was reality TV  GOLD!!!!!!!!  You could tell Shawn was completely undone by the fact that his lie about it being a real diamond bracelet was going to be broadcast on national TV!  I believe the jeweler 100%.  

The way it happened was so innocuous as well. She looked at the bracelet and then made her comment. Then she saw the frozen faces of those two and she knew she just blew everything up for this guy.  It was so real and awesome!!! 

And then they quit the show, but are still together.  Says more about her than it does about him.  

  • Love 2
On 9/5/2019 at 3:36 PM, Pachengala said:

You know what, now that you mention it, my dad and his wife got married in Vegas (in a drive-thru chapel) and they didn’t have witnesses either. I stand corrected; obviously there are places you can. Thanks for correcting that! I wonder what the rules are in Costa Rica. 

I am pretty sure a Costa Rica hotel wedding is not a legally recognized marriage in the USA, so a good 'show' but not binding.  I know others that have married in foreign countries and they all had to get a USA marriage license and legal ceremony also. 

Thank goodness our long national...meh...¯\_(ツ)_/¯...whatever is over. Emilio decided to come to the wedding when he realized that most of the family money is in a trust that Meghan probably can't touch and Sean is an imbecile who is incapable of making money leaving Meghan a 50% stake of $0. Congrats anyway. I liked her cape, but hated it with the dress.

I'm glad Bri recognized that she wasn't remotely ready for marriage and didn't fall for Bill's dumb fakeout.

I'm sure this runaway bride footage will now be slapped on to Brian Blu/Dave Smith's and Gentille's demo reels. Fakeity fake fake faking fakers.

Edited by HunterHunted
  • Love 11
9 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

Thank goodness our long national...meh...¯\_(ツ)_/¯...whatever is over. Emilio decided to come to the wedding when he realized that most of the family money is in a trust that Meghan probably can't touch and Sean is an imbecile who is incapable of making money leaving Meghan a 50% stake of $0. Congrats anyway. I liked her cape, but hated it with the dress.

I'm glad Bri recognized that she wasn't remotely ready for marriage and didn't fall for Bill's dumb fakeout.

I'm sure this runaway bride footage will now be slapped on to Brian Blu/Dave Smith's and Gentille's demo reels. Fakeity fake fake faking fakers.

That Gentille didn't go through with the wedding says a whole lot more about her than it does about him.  She was swayed by her coven.  I hope they do a fine job keeping her warm at night. 

However, I was put off by the fact that her guy couldn't even bother to SHAVE on the one of the biggest days on his life.  I'm sorry, but that alone didn't say anything positive about him.  I think he dodged a bullet with her - he would've had to spend the rest of his life with her, proving himself, and he would never, ever meet her standard.  

I'm happy the two couples followed through; I'm happy that Bill and his child-bride held off; Gentille deserves exactly what she asked for.  Is there a reunion show?

  • Love 1

Just found this show. Count me among those who think it's all fake. I checked it out to see some real estate porn and maybe some cool toys, it's amazing how these rich people make wealth look so cheap. Don't get me wrong, these people all have more money than me, but somehow they all look cheap. Gentille bragging about her cars (like she's on MTV Cribs), while driving an old Lexus and a Ferrari from about a decade ago (still expensive, but she'd be driving a 488 or something now). Drew bragging about his real estate... in Cleveland? A farm and a condo in Cleveland aren't really things to brag about. And Bill and his old dude friends are just tacky.

As for the couples, I think they're all fake. By the second episode it seemed pretty clear. After Bill's ex wife accused him of cheating and Rosie and her friend talked about Drew's "playboy" past it became clear. These girls signed up for this show to be on TV, and they were told to talk about these guys being "studs" and "Lotharios" to boost their egos and essentially market these guys that they're rich and like women. Does anyone really think 60-year-old Bill is having sex with a lot of women? Maybe if he has an IV of Viagra.

But it really became clear with Rosie. Think about it. Her family is super conservative and doesn't approve of her relationship with Drew, yet allows this program to film in and outside their house? They'd have to approve of production, and I just can't imagine a family that's that strict, that supposedly didn't let their daughter leave their house until she went to college, would allow a reality TV show to come in their house and follow their daughter's relationship with Drew.

And I agree with those who think something is wrong with Brian. Like, really wrong. I don't want to be mean, but I think he has some serious problems. He struggles to say everything, you can see him thinking while he talks. And he acts like a small child. He's not immature, I think he has some mental issues that require him to need his parents to take care of him. Again, not sure why they would cast him for that role. I'm sure they could find some other, slightly more normal adult male to pretend to date Gentille.

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9 hours ago, Stan39 said:

And Bill and his old dude friends are just tacky.

As for the couples, I think they're all fake. By the second episode it seemed pretty clear. After Bill's ex wife accused him of cheating and Rosie and her friend talked about Drew's "playboy" past it became clear. These girls signed up for this show to be on TV, and they were told to talk about these guys being "studs" and "Lotharios" to boost their egos and essentially market these guys that they're rich and like women. Does anyone really think 60-year-old Bill is having sex with a lot of women? Maybe if he has an IV of Viagra.

Maybe Bill is like John Paul Getty who died before most of the erectile dysfunction medications were discovered or approved for use in the US. Getty just had a super high sex drive. He was 83 when he died in 1976.


Here's my last comment on this stupid show...only Sean and Megan had a wedding that looked like the real deal. It was nice, although not necessarily a millionaire's wedding. But Rosie and Drew's wedding looked fake, and there was no way a woman like Gentille would have really intended to get married in a chapel!  And no other couples came close to getting married. 

  • Love 2

I really liked Bri. She seemed really genuine and is miles above Rosie, especially in maturity. I was nowhere near having such a strong sense of self at her age and not trying to change just to please a guy. I would venture a guess that it's not just her beauty that attracts him but also that she's not a pushover and she challenges the way he thinks. I have to say that makes me look more favorably upon Bill, which I didn't with any of the others.

Edited by Scout Finch
  • Love 3
On 9/26/2019 at 1:48 PM, Scout Finch said:

I really liked Bri. She seemed really genuine and is miles above Rosie, especially in maturity. I was nowhere near having such a strong sense of self at her age and not trying to change just to please a guy. I would venture a guess that it's not just her beauty that attracts him but also that she's not a pushover and she challenges the way he thinks. I have to say that makes me look more favorably upon Bill, which I didn't with any of the others.

To me, it feels like she’s playing a role of how a mature young woman should be. It doesn’t seem authentic. I feel she was more authentic when she was with the Miami girls. I think she realizes she’s landed on a goldmine, and sees the implications if she leaves the old coot. She’s playing her cards wisely.

  • Love 2
On 7/29/2020 at 10:51 PM, Squee Bastard said:

Watching the recap show now. For the life of me, I can't see what the heck Gentille sees in Brian.


Yay for a new crop of trainwrecks next week!

Yeah, he seems a little too simple to me.  I don't like looking at him or listening to him. Surely she could do much better using eharmony or some other service - she is an attractive, nice woman.

  • Love 5

Rodney....I mean....What’s the end game here? Desiry is a little too much into the money.

Reese would need to at least learn to do laundry, wash his hair, and trim and condition that awful beard.

Brian is still gross.

Other than being contrived by production, why do Bill’s friends need to be at Bri’s party?  

  • Love 6

Sorry if I offend anyone but I haven't bothered to remember the names of cast.

Dallas guy with grand daughter age girlfriend - I am not picking but dude you have money please fix your teeth.

Lake house guy it's okay to be gay or whatever. You do not need to pay her Bill's and rent to keep up any appearances.

Gentile even if you weren't rich you could do so much better. Set your sights higher; I do not see what she saw in him.

Skateboarding guy - you are 30 not a frat member at least groom yourself a bit and wash clothes like an adult.





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I was thrilled when they announced another season and here we are. 

It's really interesting to watch those with tons of money go for..what they go for.  Really?

Good point on Lake House man.  Maybe he is gay and maybe they both know it. 

I was hoping to see the couple that got married last year and his father wanted the pre nup.  Wonder how they are doing?

The tall Texas guy and Bri.  I kind of see them together no matter how strange the pairing may be.  They both want something don't they!

  • Love 1

Bill... since Covid and the pandemic, I'm wondering how he's doing with that multi-million dollar Virgin Hotel. Guys like him are feeling it a little bit these days.  And yes, he has disgusting teeth.  Spend a few grand and whiten/straighten them.

Desrie and Rodney- instant gay vibes: he's had "friendships," not "relationships." He keeps her hidden. He's evasive about everything. I wouldn't trust him a bit. The "Lake House" is nice but I noticed peeling paint all over the deck. As to his wealth, is "about 5 million" really considered ultra-rich these days?

The cosmetics woman is very beautiful and has perfect skin. While I understand that beauty is only skin deep, I take issue with a 30-year old guy who can't bother to pick up his dirty laundry and spray paints his apartment doors as a form of decor.  I think sometimes the wealthy half of the relationship tends to go for the opposite extreme... as a break from their ostentatious friends and lives? To be rebellious? I don't know, but between him and Brian it's like they've had arrested development.

  • Love 3
On 8/6/2020 at 6:49 PM, WhoAmIReally said:

Why do they keep calling it a "lake house"?  There are no lakes in St. Michael's--it's on the Chesapeake Bay.  Nobody calls houses down there lake houses.  Makes me think it's a rental for show and they've never been to the Bay before.  Not to mention that she's a total beard.

Yes!!  I was so annoyed by that. 

The pics they showed of Rodney and various blurred-face ladies -- I'm 99% sure those were all Real Housewives.  I think the first pic was Nene and Marlo, the second Cynthia Bailey, and the last Karen Huger. 

  • Love 2

Either Rodney and Desiree are playing Lifetime, or viewers are being played by Lifetime.  Either way, someone is getting played, because he is clearly a gay man (not that there is anything wrong with that).  Their storyline has FRAUD written all over it.  Let me see if I understand this.  Desiree is "dating" a Millionaire, but she is still frequenting the laundromat and buys "the cheapest" detergent. In their two years together, they've never introduced each other to their families and friends. Plus, I am not convinced that someone as polished as Rodney would be with a woman who is "a little rough around the edges."  I saw pictures of him with several "housewives", so, I can't help but believe he is doing this for the notoriety.  

  • Love 7
On 8/8/2020 at 4:07 PM, LilaFowler said:

I've watched a lot of reality tv (too much?) and I thought the lake house was an Airbnb rented for the show. Cynical, I know.

This show is such a chore to get through. In theory, it should be entertaining but for some reason it doesn't quite work for me. I keep watching because I hope that it'll perk up.


On 8/10/2020 at 3:11 PM, Adeejay said:

Either Rodney and Desiree are playing Lifetime, or viewers are being played by Lifetime.  Either way, someone is getting played, because he is clearly a gay man (not that there is anything wrong with that).  Their storyline has FRAUD written all over it.  

I feel like all the stories have "FRAUD" written all over them, which is what makes the show a chore to slog through.  No matter how much we know "reality" tv is not real, you like to believe there's something real going on and this show makes it too hard.  Kind of like the one a few months ago where the thin guys were dating the super obese women.  

  • Love 6

Please stop trying to insult our intelligence; us viewers know Rodney is gay. We don't care if he is, but showing the same two shots of them kissing is getting old. 

I am 50 and have never dated a 68 year old. Even if he is hung like a horse how much sex is possible at that age? But of course she will swear she doesn't  care if he has to nickels to rub together.

Tech guy who wants to go dutch on the meal. There is nothing wrong with paying for your girlfriends dinner. Now if she asks you to buy her a Lamborghini, red flag.


  • Love 11

Who wants to tell Desiry that she's Rodney's beard? His messy assistant knows what's up and is doing all that she can to keep his secret. 

Bri's mother was right, Kathleen is beautiful on the outside.  Her "I'm better than you" behavior is ugly. Bill needs to go back to Kathleen seeing that he is defending her ugly behavior. 

  • Love 6
On 8/13/2020 at 11:25 AM, Texasmom1970 said:

Please stop trying to insult our intelligence; us viewers know Rodney is gay. We don't care if he is, but showing the same two shots of them kissing is getting old. 

I am 50 and have never dated a 68 year old. Even if he is hung like a horse how much sex is possible at that age? But of course she will swear she doesn't  care if he has to nickels to rub together.

Tech guy who wants to go dutch on the meal. There is nothing wrong with paying for your girlfriends dinner. Now if she asks you to buy her a Lamborghini, red flag.


I noticed she ordered the exceptionally large Alaskan crab legs, possibly the most expensive item on the menu.  Bet she didn't realize she'd be paying for this dinner herself.

  • LOL 6
2 hours ago, Annifran said:

I noticed she ordered the exceptionally large Alaskan crab legs, possibly the most expensive item on the menu.  Bet she didn't realize she'd be paying for this dinner herself.

Yeah, and he knows it's too expensive for her to afford so a gentleman would have just paid and maybe told her going forward they would be dining dutch.  If he thinks buying her a nice meal makes her a gold digger, he's just a cheap creep. 

  • Love 10

I recorded this and am just now getting around to watching it and I'm dying!

That 68 year old, Richard Sykes? Lives in Miami? Grew up in Woodbridge, CT, and his family owned Sykes-Libby Jeweler's?

grew up in Woodbridge, recognize his house, and my parents used to shop at Sykes-Libby! 

Richard is a few years older than me but we would have attended the same high school (he would have graduated in 1969 or so).

Our paths never crossed.

But this is so weird! 😅

  • Love 5
On 8/14/2020 at 4:45 PM, cinsays said:

Yeah, and he knows it's too expensive for her to afford so a gentleman would have just paid and maybe told her going forward they would be dining dutch.  If he thinks buying her a nice meal makes her a gold digger, he's just a cheap creep. 

He's an asshole - he invited her to that nice restaurant and should pay.  If she invites him over for pizza she can pay for that.  They are suspect anyway - she says they go on dates "two or three times a month" - that's not even once a week!  And he calls her his "girlfriend" 🤔

Pretending to believe anything Rodney and Desireeeeee are selling - I loved how she walked out and left his ass.  And the assistant - move out here even if he's embarrassed to tell anyone he knows you - what do you have to lose?  Just a job, home, friends.  If this were a real relationship I'd tell her to run.  As it's obviously not, I beg the show to stop trying to show us their "sexual chemistry" 😖

I still hate Bill, and Kathleen is a bitch.  Bri could do better, but I guess she really wants to work for her money.

  • Love 6
On 8/14/2020 at 3:45 PM, cinsays said:

Yeah, and he knows it's too expensive for her to afford so a gentleman would have just paid and maybe told her going forward they would be dining dutch.  If he thinks buying her a nice meal makes her a gold digger, he's just a cheap creep. 

In my book, it is who asked who out.  Whomever invites, pays the check.  Not so sure I like this guy much.

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Donavon seems to love Dani but is being cautious because of her materialistic behavior.  The fact that she maxed out his credit cards on more than one occasion and ignored his advances until he was successful are some major red flags.  Does she truly love him or does she love his money? I'm inclined to side with Donavan.

Erica the man is in the same age bracket as your grandmother.  Of course his health will decline one day. It's time to face reality , you will have to be his caretaker if you marry him.

Really Kevin? You're comparing $1000 for rent to $20,000? Just admit to Katie that you're living above your means and move on. Katie you can do better girl. Also please find a side hustle while you're in between modeling gigs

  • Love 7
On 8/15/2020 at 9:35 PM, TwirlyGirly said:

I recorded this and am just now getting around to watching it and I'm dying!

That 68 year old, Richard Sykes? Lives in Miami? Grew up in Woodbridge, CT, and his family owned Sykes-Libby Jeweler's?

grew up in Woodbridge, recognize his house, and my parents used to shop at Sykes-Libby! 

Richard is a few years older than me but we would have attended the same high school (he would have graduated in 1969 or so).

Our paths never crossed.

But this is so weird! 😅

OMG, TWIRLYGIRLY ... I lived in CT when I was little also !!!  I moved in the middle 70s when my parents got divorced.  My dad and his family still live there so i usually visit every summer.  Richard is a bit older than I am, so our paths did not cross at Beecher Elementary.

  • Love 1

The twenty something dating the almost 69 year old. No offense to anyone but the hair and way he dresses reminds me of a cheesy lounge singer. And we dont think you have Dad issues because you are dating hm. We think you have Grandfather issues.

San Diego girl if you cant afford your rent you can either move somewhere less expensive or do more than part time modeling.

Texas dude with assistant girlfriend. Think long and hard Texas is a bad state for divorce; prenup if you aren’t sure.

Gentille you are pretty and successful. Remember you don't need a man to have a family. 

  • Love 6
18 hours ago, Texasmom1970 said:

Gentille you are pretty and successful. Remember you don't need a man to have a family. 


I may have yelled that at the TV...

I understand her desire to fulfill the fantasy of a husband, a child or two, a dog and a house with a white picket fence - especially because of her family history -  but she's locking herself in to achieving all that in a certain order. 

As a result, she may end up with none of it. 

If she wants to have a child, she should!

One benefit of having a child now is that she'll meet and become a part of an entirely different group of people; people who have and love children. And some of them may be single men with a child or two - divorcés or widowers. 

Fulfilling one dream now wouldn't prevent her from fulfilling the rest of her (less time sensitive) dreams later; it might actually increase her chances of finding a partner.

  • Love 8
6 hours ago, TwirlyGirly said:


I may have yelled that at the TV...

I understand her desire to fulfill the fantasy of a husband, a child or two, a dog and a house with a white picket fence - especially because of her family history -  but she's locking herself in to achieving all that in a certain order. 

As a result, she may end up with none of it. 

If she wants to have a child, she should!

One benefit of having a child now is that she'll meet and become a part of an entirely different group of people; people who have and love children. And some of them may be single men with a child or two - divorcés or widowers. 

Fulfilling one dream now wouldn't prevent her from fulfilling the rest of her (less time sensitive) dreams later; it might actually increase her chances of finding a partner.

Thank you! I am ashamed to admit it but my husband and I binged season 1 A couple months ago because we were too lazy to turn it off after MAFS and got sucked in. 
Neither of us can understand why Gentille doesn’t just adopt a child on her own or find a sperm donor? She does not need a man to have a kid! 

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