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S04.E12: Change Of Heart

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4 hours ago, renatae said:

Pao: "And they even criticized my clothes!" Oh, you mean those barely there sausage casings you like to sport? I though mama Pao should have agreed. Especially since IIRC she was exposed to that shameless nude modeling with nothing but paint on.

She needs to shut it about Roos' job since she forced him to give up a good living and move to Miami. And she's already complaining about the baby hindering her chances to become the next nobody stripper model. Why am I not surprised?

Pao did not give her mother acruate information, Mother Russ did not critize her clothes, she asked her to cover up at the breakfast table, it had nothing to do with her being Latina it had to be with being a little more modest at the table while in their house.

She has complained about every job Russ has had, now he travels too much, yes Russ get a new job again because your wife who does not want you to hold your baby does not want you away so much and all that job hopping won't look like shit on your resume, right?

Pao went to Miami with an open ended ticket, leaving Russ for a long stretch of time earning no money at all...didn't you Pao?

The two of them can argue about anything and everything and Pao will make herself the victim everytime, I see her having a relationship with her son much like Debbie and Coltee, they should serve as a cautionary tale.

Edited by Baltimore Betty
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5 hours ago, renatae said:

Pao: "And they even criticized my clothes!" Oh, you mean those barely there sausage casings you like to sport? I though mama Pao should have agreed. Especially since IIRC she was exposed to that shameless nude modeling with nothing but paint on.

She needs to shut it about Roos' job since she forced him to give up a good living and move to Miami. And she's already complaining about the baby hindering her chances to become the next nobody stripper model. Why am I not surprised?

Pao want on and on about wanting a kid.  Now that the novelty has worn off, she sees him as a burden and an obstacle.  She is too selfish and flighty for parenthood.

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Nicole is a prime example of someone that could benefit from being placed in some sort of conservatorship. She has the mentality and decision making skills of an immature 12 year old.  I’m with everyone else who wants to smack the cutesy brat looks off her face. Like a three year old caught with her hand in the cookie jar every time she gets away with something.  Everyone in the world except her knows she is being swindled in a catfish scheme.  This might be ok if she wasn’t bringing a child along for the ride. She has no plans for her child’s future or education, even where she will be living from one moment to the next.

Instead of taking control of the situation, Nichole’s mother makes it worse by enabling her to be more easily taken advantage of.  By allowing her to move in and not pay any bills, she frees up more money that can be swindled away by Azan, or spent on plane tickets to attempt to see him, prolonging the charade. If she had to deal with reality, she would have no spare income to send him and then it would be over. Of course they would be off the show too. 

These people that sell off children’s futures to extend their own 15 minutes of fame or put themselves ahead of their own children make me sick. 

  • Love 24
7 hours ago, renatae said:

Pao: "And they even criticized my clothes!" Oh, you mean those barely there sausage casings you like to sport? I though mama Pao should have agreed. Especially since IIRC she was exposed to that shameless nude modeling with nothing but paint on.

I thought it was a pretty interesting turn of events.  Pao started out by trying to poison her mother against Mama Russ before she got there.  (I think she was hoping the language barrier would be too great for them to compare notes.)  It seemed to work at first because Mama Pao was giving Mama Russ the death stare and threatening to speak out against her.  Pao then overplayed her hand by starting a fight with Russ in front of both of them.  Rather than take her side Mama Pao pretty much parroted what Mama Russ was saying - Pao was being the bitch in this situation and needed to back off.  Suddenly, the next scene was both mothers were gone and they were taking Axel to the beach.  Pao was AGAIN trying to be a victim by claiming Russ traveled too much for work.  She keeps saying money doesn't matter but I wonder if she would say that if Russ announced he was giving up his job and taking a lesser paying one so he could stay home more with the baby.  Oh, by the way, they will need to move to a cheaper apartment and cut back on clothes, nights out, and any extras (especially paying for a new portfolio for Pao's modeling "career".)

  • Love 18
10 hours ago, Christina said:

I never thought I would find myself defending Colt, but here I am. I'm spoiler tagging it since I didn't watch this season and it doesn't sound like they addressed it all. Also, it's long. It's not anything that wouldn't have taken place by the time of the episodes shown. 

By the time they announced Colt and Larissa were going to be on this show, the following things had already taken place.

  Reveal spoiler
  • There had already been two domestic violence arrests by the time the Tell Nothing filmed and a third one before or right after the announcement; 
  • Larissa had one of four fights with a producer who Larissa insisted be fired because she told her that Debbie was not hiding video cameras in the house to catch her doing something to have her deported, Sharp refused to fire her; I didn't see it but apparently they showed part of the discussion on the show with Larissa asking to speak to the producer in the car; 
  • Larissa had three emergency room visits for major anxiety attacks and medication reactions when she was unable to get them refilled, and I gave her first DV assault a handwave because I've seen people hit those manic peaks, which are scary as hell and have mental breakdowns when they are end the meds abruptly;
  • Larissa trashed a church group online by saying that they refused to help her get her medication refilled because Debbie called and told them not to, someone from the charity responded that they only have funding to help once and they never spoke to Debbie;
  • That dinner where Colt told the hostess she had nice glasses was with his coworker and his wife. Larissa insulted her haircut and then blamed Colt for not buying her an expensive outfit for the dinner and the couple left. They claimed the episode was edited to show them sitting there long after they walked away. Larissa said they hated her because Debbie called and talked to them first, the coworker's wife then said Larissa was terrible to everyone and her husband said he showed up at work with bruises. Larissa didn't deny it but blamed it on Debbie. 
  • Colt bailed her out on her second DV arrest and paid the attorney so he didn't have the money to pay $600 for the dress she insisted on to appear at the Tell Nothing, she found a $400 which was still too much and ended up going to the show a day late and the production crew sent someone out to photograph dresses and she bragged about it online to someone that she got a new dress and Fernanda didn't. Fern was fighting with her on Instagram and wasn't innocent in the fight, but Larissa didn't see her comments as tasteless, but as proof that she was more valuable to the show than Fernanda;
  • At the Tell Nothing she yelled over everyone and wouldn't let anyone talk; they must have been gaslighting her, too.

    I'm not sure where exactly these next few fell in time wise, but
  • Larissa claimed that Debbie wouldn't let Colt add her to HIS bank account, not their joint one used to pay joint bills, but his individual one, unless she agreed to be paid as an employee. This, like a lot of the other bitching, was in Portuguese and I was cutting and pasting it into Google translate but finally figured out what happened was the bank said Larissa had to have a SSN to meet the Federal Regulations and she was under the impression she could use something that came with her K1 Visa. The bank wouldn't use it and said she needed an SSN, which wasn't there yet, or an Employer Identification Number (EIN) as an immigrant. From what Colt said, Debbie did say that it made more sense to wait for her SSN to arrive since it should be soon and having both could cause trouble at tax time. I don't know if Colt ever added her. Larissa claimed Debbie called the bank and told them not to let her open an account and then refused to let Colt do it because she controlled his money. Colt said if Debbie controlled his money, he wouldn't be spending all the money on her that he did, and Larissa claimed it wasn't enough.
  • Larissa sold a video of Colt's penis to some site because he wouldn't give her money. I think it was what resulting in the second DV arrest because that supposedly took place when Larissa caught Colt sexting with someone. If you haven't seen the video, do yourself a favor and do not try and find it. If you don't want to take my word for anything, take it for this one. I tried to avoid the video yet it kept popping up.
  • Larissa injured herself and tried to get Colt arrested for domestic violence, she was arrested instead because he was injured and hers were deemed self-inflicted. People tried to defend her on that one, with one of the claims made by the cops being that he had no nails and people were posting photos of him with nails, but the photos taken at booking showed all the injuries she was claiming had disappeared. 
  • Larissa then claimed that assault happened because she caught him watching kiddie porn, and Colt filed for divorce. She begged him to bail her out and said she would admit she lied about it. When Colt refused to take any more calls from her while she was in jail, her friend posted on Facebook that she would admit she lied about it, just bail her out of jail. Colt threatened to sue Larissa, the friend who was assisting her in contacting that Instagram guy, and the Instagram guy if they posted any more defamatory posts like that, since the police looked at his phone and the tablet she claimed it was on and there wasn't any. Larissa's friend stopped communicating with her for at least some time, if not permanently, when she found out she was being sucked into a fucked up situation by a woman who was a user and abuser and not a victim, and that woman claimed Larissa stole from her, too.

Larissa beat the shit out of Colt on a regular basis. Like most abusers, she blamed him, she blamed Debbie, and excuses are constantly made for her. She admitted that the show sent them to look at apartments and for cars she knew they couldn't afford and that Colt said they would get her a used car if she got her license, but she didn't think she should have to learn to drive. She admitted that they went couch shopping and had a budget, which she ignored, and Debbie refused to hand over her credit card for the purchase. Yet, Colt and Debbie are considered to be gaslighters and Larissa's violence is downplayed.

With all of the foreign spouses there is a big culture shock and it's understandable that they are under stress that it takes time to acclimate. I think Larissa deserved some slack in the beginning, but nothing excuses her violence and nastiness to everyone she came into contact with. She suffers from an extreme anxiety condition which does not seem to be properly treated, and I thought this show was exploiting that a bit. However, I stupidly  thought that they were going to show to full story since they kept them on the show. 

The Narcissist’s Prayer

“That didn’t happen.

And if it did, it wasn’t that bad.

And if it was, that’s not a big deal.

And if it is, that’s not my fault.

And if it was, I didn’t mean it.

And if I did…

You deserved it.”

Thanks, I didn’t know most of the info

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15 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Speaking of showers, Pao had some really large boxes at her MIL's house, how would she have gotten any of those gifts back to Florida?  Did none of those guests think about that? A gift card would have made more sense.

F Pao! I would have bought the biggest shit I could think of, let the bitch and her pussy husband worry about getting it back to Miami.

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8 hours ago, 7isBlue said:

That scene of him with his mommy, where he’s acting all indignant, and getting worked up about how Larissa taking everything from him and “killing it,” was laughably phony. I’m not a Larissa apologist, but Colt and his mommy are evil, revolting pieces of work. 

I never thought that tlc could find someone creepier than Pole, but here we are. Can you imagine who they are going to cast to top Colteeee

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29 minutes ago, Angry Moldolvian said:

What part of chantel is this

It’s her wrap style dress, tied at the waist. When she stood up from the table before she flounced out of the Lidia/Nicole meeting at the restaurant, I thought her dress opened in the front to reveal...I’m not quite sure what because this is the best screenshot I could get 

49 minutes ago, Tatortot said:

I was not raised with a touchy feely family but it sort of shocked me to see how Coltee touched his mother.   Idk if this is normal or not.   Maybe its just me!

14 minutes ago, SlutAssBitchAssHor said:

It is not in fact, just you.  

I think a good general rule is that when you see something going on between Colt and Debbie and you think "wow, that seems weird, is that normal?" just assume it's not normal, it's probably weird and most likely vaguely incestuous.

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7 minutes ago, magemaud said:

It’s her wrap style dress, tied at the waist. When she stood up from the table before she flounced out of the Lidia/Nicole meeting at the restaurant, I thought her dress opened in the front to reveal...I’m not quite sure what because this is the best screenshot I could get 

Looks like her upper thighs, but the shadow could imply something more risqué. 

On 7/11/2019 at 3:51 PM, BravoAddict72 said:

How could you go to the hospital to have a baby and not have a car seat, if you are full term? It's not like they had a preemie who was 8 weeks early. They couldn't go to Walmart and buy one at the last minute? Or ask her mom or sisters to get them one when she was in the hospital? I have never heard of borrowing one from the hospital.

There isn't a hospital anywhere that will let you leave with a new baby without a properly installed carseat. And most have loaners. Why wasn't there a nurse there to help them? That's the usual policy.

On 7/12/2019 at 8:28 PM, Adeejay said:

Chantal seems to have more sass and is ruder to Mother Pedro than she is to Nicole; who I think deserves it more.  She doesn't seem to have a problem putting the mother in her place, but when Nicole is nasty to her, she has the tendency of getting up and walking away.  It's as if she is afraid of her.

Hey, don't you remember the damage Nicole visited on River? Chantel is terrified of running afoul of Nicole Unleashed! hahahahahahaha

3 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Pao did not give her mother acruate information, Mother Russ did not critize her clothes, she asked her to cover up at the breakfast table, it had nothing to do with her being Latina it had to be with being a little more modest at the table while in their house.

She has complained about every job Russ has had, now he travels too much, yes Russ get a new job again because your wife who does not want you to hold your baby does not want you away so much and all that job hopping won't look like shit on your resume, right?

Pao went to Miami with an open ended ticket, leaving Russ for a long stretch of time earning no money at all...didn't you Pao?

The two of them can argue about anything and everything and Pao will make herself the victim everytime, I see her having a relationship with her son much like Debbie and Coltee, they should serve as a cautionary tale.

Yes indeed, Pao the Poisoner told her own, highly edited, version of events. They didn't "criticize her clothes", they asked her to wear more of them. And seriously, this whole business about Russ's job is getting beyond tired. "Don't work in Oklahoma! Don't work in your field! Don't travel! Don't work long hours!" She says money's not important, but who's going to pay for her hair extensions and lip fillers if Russ is working at the local Home Goods?

On the other hand, those floors won't sweep themselves. Russ could make himself useful at home while Pao holds her baby and murmurs about boobs.

1 hour ago, Persnickety1 said:

My reaction?

"Good, maybe Andre will give her a chin gene."   

You're wicked. I like that in a person.

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7 hours ago, Hannah94 said:

Good Lord, how many times do we have to watch Pedro and Chantel have the exact same argument? Every episode is the same with these two. Same fight, over and over. And they have a spin off? A show about two people who cannot stand each other. Yippeeee.

I had to take Tylenol last night from their awful fight. However seeing the preview for the tell nothing next week made me laugh so much it compounded my already thumping headache. It’s going to be the Coltee clown show and I am loving that he’s getting his freak on. Chantal and Pedro are a repetitive snooze fest. In the words of Colteee’s lover Debs “I’m done!”

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Funny how Chantel blames Nicole for breaking up Her marriage when Obed and Chantel seem to be doing a bang up job of it.

Good God Pao is exhausting....MY son, MY baby. Now she doesn't like his work schedule when he gave up countless stable opportunities for her to pursue a career in Miami.

Edited by sainte-chapelle
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@Baltimore Betty   So, Debbie called 911 on Larissa because of her fighting with Colt, was it just loud or was it getting physical? That was a bitch move for Debbie, she took the opportunity to put the final nail in the coffin.  Larissa did not stand a chance with Colt, Debbie has probably ruined a lot of relationships for Colt and Colt let's her with his co dependant relationship.

Saw this over in E11 thread, but fits here.  Love the "bitch move" description 😄

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20 hours ago, jumper sage said:

Who has a shower and doesn't get a car seat?  

Someone who has an ass— for a husband who says they want nothing from no one.  Libby said it was Andreiii’s task to get a car seat, that’s why she did not have one. 

Father Libby is paying her salary for three months of maternity leave. Wow!  

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Why does Pao want Roos to be home more often? So he can meekly stand by and watch her hold the baby, and not be able to hold/ care for the baby himself? Or to clean the house?  Spinelessly cater to her every whim? Everything is a means to an end to suit herself with this insufferable bitch. 

His only hope if he wants to be a real father to this child is to split now and get a 50/50 custody agreement or something. No matter what she will attempt poison the child against him but at least the child would be around him enough to judge for himself at some point. 

I thought that giving birth to another human being with needs might be enough to jolt Pao a little bit into not being so self-centered. But big surprise, she just uses the child to wrap him up with her in a warped, self-centered two person package. 

Reminds me of a couple I know where the woman is beyond controlling. She pits her own children against their father constantly and if he left, the damage would be already done and seeds planted for them to take her side.  If the father isn’t doing exactly what the youngest child wants, he simply contacts the mother to cattle prod to father into place. This will be Roos’s future. It will be two against one. 

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2 hours ago, Chickabiddy said:

Pao, over protective mother that she is, really needs to put a sun hat on baby Axel when taking him to the beach. Yes he was in the carrier and under an umbrella, but baby dude gots no hair. Stupid bitch is only protective when she can use it as a giant fuck you to people she doesn’t like. 🙄

And I just gotta add that I loved watching that heartfelt recommitment ceremony between Debbie and Colt in the bedroom as they were packing up sister wife’s clothes. 🤮🤢🤮

Any chance for Pao to prance around in a bikini. Colt and Debbie are creepy, that is not normal. Take notes Russ, Axel and Pao forever. She doesn't care if Russ learns Spanish, she wants to be able to talk shit about Russ and his family as soon as he is old enough.

Edited by sainte-chapelle
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On ‎7‎/‎9‎/‎2019 at 5:13 PM, magemaud said:

We ALL knew the trip to Morocco and the Summer Wedding was never going to happen but Nicole is still insisting that they’re together and “probably getting married this year.” Of course she’s been outed as a delusional liar time after time-“How’s the store Nicole?” I hated how she sat there smirking and acting all cutesy when she admitted to her mother there was no store. She got very little airtime this season because there was no way of stretching out this ridiculous non existent love story, but if TLC thinks viewers want her to come back for next season’s “The Other Way” they’re mistaken. Stop forcing this sham/scam on us, I have about as much interest in Nicole’s “journey” as I do watching “The Family Chantel.” 

When Nicole finally admitted that there is no store, why didn't mama ask "Well then, what happened to the money you gave him to open the store"?  Of course, we all KNOW the answer, but this shouldn't go without some follow-up.

Color me a horrid human bean but I would actually enjoy an episode or two or three showing Nicole wandering around Timbuktu searching for her loverman.  Have May peek under some robes asking "are YOU my daddee"?

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There are a LOT of assholes on this show, but man, Andrei is a future wife abuser if you ask me. He's one step away from a DM violence situation. I cannot fathom why Libby thinks he's the cats meow, or why she puts up with his shit. He is a lazy, confrontational, fuckwit, in a word, he is bellignorant - that toxic combo of belligerent & ignorant. Her father really hasn't been an asshole to him and if he replied with sincerity and respect to her father, they'd have a perfectly nice relationship, but he's always coming out of the gate hot. Dude needs to shut the fuck up. I wish just once, his own father, who is a lovely man, would say to him, "Son, you are not who I raised you to be. Be respectful to Father Libby and get a job. Make me proud of you, because right now I am just embarrassed of your behavior."

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58 minutes ago, sainte-chapelle said:

Any chance for Pao to prance around in a bikini. Colt and Debbie are creepy, that is not normal. Take notes Russ, Axel and Pao forever. She doesn't care if Russ learns Spanish, she wants to be able to talk shit about Russ and his family as soon as he is old enough.

Pao wants to be sure that Axel can understand everything "Uncle" Juan says about Russ.

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I noticed that Russ stated that he hoped Axel would help fix their marriage, then he stated that Axel actually made it harder/worse.  That's way too much responsibility to put on a baby.  Yet, this is played out in "real life" over and over-let's have a baby and she/he will fix our relationship... Just selfishness all the way around that adults don't want to put the work in to strengthen a relationship, so let the baby do it... I agree with a poster above that Russ should start divorce proceedings, get 50/50 custody and then let Pao figure out how to earn money to support herself and Axel when in her custody as Russ will support Axel when he has custody.  

Coltee is starting to show his true self.  His anger came out a bit and I, too, caught that he stopped before saying "this won't turn out well for you" and changed it to "us."  Previews show some anger as well.  Debbie is also very transparent as she kept saying during their marriage that she was going move, then in this episode she told Colt she should move, and yet she never moved...

So over Pedro and Chantel.  I will not watch their new show, but will be on the boards!

I hope that this is it for Nicole.  Azan and I are both so over her.  Hopefully her mom will start allowing Nicole to be an adult and cut off all enabling and support.  Just like Father Libby needs to do...   

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22 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

Frankly, if my DIL never let me hold a grandchild, I would be like, okay fine.  I would head home to Tulsa and when asked, "Where are the pictures of you holding the baby?"  I would just factually answer:  "She refused to let me hold him."  That would be on her.

My mom and I were talking about this last night, and how Pao would react if Axle grew up and married a woman like her?

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Pao will tire of motherhood and long for her old life of doing what she pleases. She’ll get to a breaking point where she’ll be happy to pawn Axel off. Russ is such a dipshit for having a kid with that narcisista, let alone marrying her. There seems to be more bad times than good. 

Nicole walks around that smug look on her face like a kid with their finger in their butt thinking no one knows what she’s doing. So much enabling going on in all of these relationships. 

Did Coltee document his abuse? I know his face was scratched but what kind of physical evidence is there that she beat the shit out of him regularly?

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Once Axel's novelty and cuteness wears off, the issues in Pao's and Russ' marriage will once again be forefront. Russ seems to do all the real compromising - moving to a city where job offers aren't great to make Pao happy, turning down decent jobs because Pao won't move to a different location, probably having to find another job so he won't travel. Relationships are about compromise and Pao hasn't done much. Just lays on the guilt and obligation. 

Doesn't want anything to do with his side of the family, lies to her family. Whether it's about her need for control or some other dysfunction, things will not last.

Debbie had no plans to move out of the house. Larissa wasn't what they wanted, she didn't conform to their happy little life. All of them are to blame for the mess. Colt has no idea how to deal with any real emotion - just comes across as cold. No blame for his actions, no blame for misrepresenting himself to Larissa, no real communication between the two of them. She expected a husband and marriage, and instead got a twisted version of Three's Company.

Tired of Chantel and Pedro and the whole Obed/why did you marry me/harvesting the US dollar/family ripping hair weaves spin cycle.

Ashley, a guy who shows you kindness for a couple of days is not a reason to cancel your divorce. I'd say thanks for the support, but it's over. You imported a person who has no idea how to be a supportive partner or husband. You just wanted to show off a younger guy.

Hopefully Andrei and his dad had a good talk about life and such and maybe Andrei will slowly change and be a better man. Get a job, pay the bills, take care of his wife and child.

Nicole, maybe cut Azan's number from your phone or change your number so you won't have to deal with him. It is over. Unless he finds a way to come to the US and gets on his knees to ask for forgiveness for his behaviour, the ship has sailed. He has no interest in you, no interest in seeing you, no nothing. Kiss the $6000 goodbye and don't send him another cent. It's a life lesson on how to not be used again. Which she probably will repeat.

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1 hour ago, sainte-chapelle said:

Any chance for Pao to prance around in a bikini. Colt and Debbie are creepy, that is not normal. Take notes Russ, Axel and Pao forever. She doesn't care if Russ learns Spanish, she wants to be able to talk shit about Russ and his family as soon as he is old enough.

Not for nothing, but Russ speaks Spanish. He met Pao when he was living and working in Colombia.

That poor baby. I agree with @seacliffsal, that is a heavy burden to put on a child. Pao is the most selfish, self centered, spoiled, shallow creature on this franchise. and considering that this franchise contains Chantel and Nicole, that's saying something.

  • Love 17
56 minutes ago, seacliffsal said:

I noticed at Russ stated that he hoped Axel would help fix their marriage, then he stated that Axel actually made it harder/worse.  That's way too much responsibility to put on a baby.  Yet, this is played out in "real life" over and over-let's have a baby and she/he will fix our relationship... Just selfishness all the way around that adults don't want to put the work in to strengthen a relationship, so let the baby do it... I agree with a poster above that Russ should start divorce proceedings, get 50/50 custody and then let Pao figure out how to earn money to support herself and Axel when in her custody as Russ will support Axel when he has custody.  

Coltee is starting to show his true self.  His anger came out a bit and I, too, caught that he stopped before saying "this won't turn out well for you" and changed it to "us."  Previews show some anger as well.  Debbie is also very transparent as she kept saying during their marriage that she was going move, then in this episode she told Colt she should move, and yet she never moved...

So over Pedro and Chantel.  I will not watch their new show, but will be on the boards!

I hope that this is it for Nicole.  Azan and I are both so over her.  Hopefully her mom will start allowing Nicole to be an adult and cut off all enabling and support.  Just like Father Libby needs to do...   

Bolded part:  THIS DRIVES ME INSANE.  Look asshole, being a baby is hard enough.  Don't give him/her a fucking JOB like fixing your fucked up marriage because you married a selfish bitch who spreads shit faster than any tractor back in Oklahoma.  Baby Axel needs both parents, all grandparents, not a mom who bitched and moans and LIES to Juan and her mother all day and then is torn in two because he feels torn between families.  Just stop. It. Now.

Edited by Mrs. Hanson
  • Love 17
18 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

Bolded part:  THIS DRIVES ME INSANE.  Look asshole, being a baby is hard enough.  Don't give him/her a fucking JOB like fixing your fucked up marriage because you married a selfish bitch who spreads shit faster than any tractor back in Oklahoma.  Baby Axel needs both parents, all grandparents, not a mom who bitched and moans and LIES to Juan and her mother all day and then is torn in two because he feels torn between families.  Just stop. It. Now.

Not only is it unfair, but has it ever really worked long term?

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15 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:

I don't know who the source is for all that Larissa trash-talk that makes Colt and Debbie look like innocent victims but I don't buy it.

Same. I think there's a lot Colt did to Larissa that's emotionally and/or physically abusive the cameras never caught. And I think Debbie was complicit in gaslighting Larissa and comforting Colt ("Of course she made you do it! She's crazy!")

More than once during the season Colt mentioned how much money he spent on Larissa, but I made the comment in an earlier episode topic that's not what Larissa wanted -  it was the only thing she could get. 

Larissa wanted to be number one in Colt's life, but she never was. Debbie was number one. Not once (that I can recall) did Colt ever put Larissa's wants and needs before his mother's, especially if something Larissa wanted (Colt and Larissa getting their own place, as Colt promised they would do before she left Brazil) might result in his mother being inconvenienced, lonely, sad, angry, etc.. But Colt didn't care if his actions (or inaction) inconvenienced Larissa, or caused her to feel lonely, sad, or angry. She was just supposed to suck it up, and be happy he bought her stuff. Yay.

There's something very dark lurking inside Colt. He scares me. It's probably best Larissa is free of him, but I'm sorry for what she went through, and the reputation she now has in the minds of many people.

14 hours ago, happykitteh said:

I'm not buying Colt and his Mommy as victims either.<snip>

I still don't understand why she was arrested thr second time ( I think Mommy Dearest called the police that time after Colt called her and told her too,xx even though he claims he doesn't know who called) when he was the instigator who tried to take her phone, then shut off her phone service when she locked herself in the bathroom, making it so she couldn't contact anyone. <snip>

The second arrest Larissa still had access to data on her phone, and she posted on Instagram what happened and asked her followers to call the police. One (or more) of them did. That's why the police got involved the second time. 

2 hours ago, suzeecat said:


Color me a horrid human bean but I would actually enjoy an episode or two or three showing Nicole wandering around Timbuktu searching for her loverman.  Have May peek under some robes asking "are YOU my daddee"?

Well, if they're looking for Azan in Timbuktu, (Mali)  they'll never find him, as he lives in or near Casablanca (Morocco) - 2300 miles away! (That's like looking in New Haven, CT, for someone who lives in Salt Lake City, UT).

Edited by TwirlyGirly
Added comparable distances between two U.S. cities
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On 7/10/2019 at 9:49 PM, Mrs. Landingham said:

Nicole manages to be both infuriatingly smug and boring as shit.

I think even the producers are bored with her.  Azan is barely even part of this charade anymore. There’s only so many times she can smirk and answer reasonable questions from her mother with “I dunnn knooaaoow” and simper like a mewling kitten about getting “meaahhrried”.  Bye. 

And baaaaaaaaaabies . . . . ugh. NO. How? Immaculate conception?

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On 7/11/2019 at 9:12 PM, RealReality said:
On 7/11/2019 at 8:00 PM, Neurochick said:

Pao is doing the same thing Pedro, Chantel, Libby and Colt do, they tell their parents the shit their spouses and/or in-laws do.  That isn't right because nine times out of ten, a parent will take the side of their child.   

This is truth.  Family will take the side of family.   I can be the same way, so I'm sympathetic always to my siblings but will still respect their spouse.

Ah, but Andrei's dad kind of read the boy some home truths, telling him he causes issues and is hard-headed, etc. He didn't automatically leap to his defense.

He's a good dad. Modeling accountability and how to have a successful relationship. Too bad Andrei didn't pick up on any of those qualities.

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26 minutes ago, TwirlyGirly said:

Well, if they're looking for Azan in Timbuktu, (Mali)  they'll never find him, as he lives in or near Casablanca (Morocco) - 2300 miles away!

As Nicole is so dumb about geography (as she is about everything else), she would probably think Timbuktu isn't far away.  Her stupid remarks questioning where Azan would fish as she thinks Morocco is all sand and camels.  A good share of Morocco is on the coastline with the northwest part bordering the Atlantic and the northeast bordering the Mediterranean.

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5 minutes ago, sagittarius sue said:

As Nicole is so dumb about geography (as she is about everything else), she would probably think Timbuktu isn't far away.  Her stupid remarks questioning where Azan would fish as she thinks Morocco is all sand and camels.  A good share of Morocco is on the coastline with the northwest part bordering the Atlantic and the northeast bordering the Mediterranean.


I watched a documentary about Morocco many years ago, and was fascinated to see vendors set up near the beach with grills, cooking long, skinny fish on thin sticks to sell to passersby. The fish were fresh sardines, a popular street food along the Moroccan coast.

At the time I lived in Texas, and was good friends with a family who were originally from Morocco. They concurred fresh grilled sardines are as popular in Morocco as portrayed in the documentary.

I'd only eaten sardines from a can...smooshed on a saltine cracker, topped with a spritz of fresh lemon juice. It never occurred to me that yeah, somewhere in the world people actually eat sardines fresh from the sea!

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