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S21.E05: Live Eviction #1; Head of Household #2

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I didn't mind when the choreographed hallway stuff debuted, because it was a spontaneous thing that the HGs came up with that season. But then future HGs have adopted it as a sort of "we have to do this" and that's always less interesting than spontaneous stuff. 

Like if two buddies come up with a special handshake, that's cute. When everyone is "forced" to come up with special handshakes for everyone, then it's just dumb. 

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32 minutes ago, sunshine23 said:

Also, if the emphasis on these boards is on the perceived racism this season, isn't it a double standard to refer to Holly and Analyse as "2 skinny WHITE girls"? Why not 2 skinny girls with brown hair? 

Exactly.   It's not ok to say it one way and not the other.   And as far as whether Jack eventually nominates Kemi or Jessica, so what.   Saying we need to be aware of "Optics" is just another way of saying he must keep people in the game based solely on skin color. 

I don't especially care for Jack, but if as HoH he doesn't like a person and wants to put them up, so be it.   He has never mentioned race as a factor and we shouldn't make it one.

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6 minutes ago, Suzysite said:

Exactly.   It's not ok to say it one way and not the other.   And as far as whether Jack eventually nominates Kemi or Jessica, so what.   Saying we need to be aware of "Optics" is just another way of saying he must keep people in the game based solely on skin color. 

I don't especially care for Jack, but if as HoH he doesn't like a person and wants to put them up, so be it.   He has never mentioned race as a factor and we shouldn't make it one.

Of course he's not going to come out and say something like that. He's not a complete meathead but sometimes actions speak louder than words. This is one of the cases where a lot can be inferred or implied by reading between the lines when you look at the group picked for banishment, Jackson and Jack's boot list and his refusal to even listen to his own partner on how to turn Ovi's advantage to their advantage. All the spin in the world isn't going to change the way this looks and it's a safe bet the Grodner and the production crew probably aren't happy with the direction this is going in and are probably praying right now that their Camp Comeback room doesn't wind up as a segregationist dream room.

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2 hours ago, sunshine23 said:

Also, if the emphasis on these boards is on the perceived racism this season, isn't it a double standard to refer to Holly and Analyse as "2 skinny WHITE girls"? Why not 2 skinny girls with brown hair? 

It's  not "racist " to comment that two people have a similar look, so that it's sometimes hard to tell them apart. 

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33 minutes ago, tinkerbell said:

It's  not "racist " to comment that two people have a similar look, so that it's sometimes hard to tell them apart. 

No, it isn't, but some posters would be up in arms if one of the two things referred to as the same about two houseguests was "two skinny black girls" or two skinny Hispanic girls", etc. There seems to be a double standard, and I was just pointing it out. 

Edited by sunshine23
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While I was initially distraught, I have decided to accept Jack's HOH as an opportunity to allow him to build up even more ill will and thereby make his eventual boot that much sweeter.  In any case, better that he's not out too early and has a chance to come back right away.  Actually, in that sense, it's good that he's HOH and will nominate people outside the Hateful 8.  The less of them in the pool to return, the better,

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“Did you know I manifested that no one was going home?”  Christie.  Stahhhhhp.

Sam was wearing the flannel Jack was wearing last week and unless BB is buying multiple items of the same clothes for everyone to wear, I am amused that Sam and Jack are the same size.

Who is Sis?  Is that Analyse?  Why is she called Sis?

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11 minutes ago, leocadia said:

While I was initially distraught, I have decided to accept Jack's HOH as an opportunity to allow him to build up even more ill will and thereby make his eventual boot that much sweeter. 

I want Jack to have a bunch of followers like Jessie that have a complete meltdown when he’s evicted. Preferably that happens after the presumed buy back, so he can’t come back in the game and gone for good. 

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I guess I'm in the minority in that I actually like the hallway shenanigans. I think they're cute, lol. I do wonder, though, when they decide what their special 'move' is gonna be. I guess they're told ahead of time what order they'll be voting so they can "rehearse". I agree about the shout-outs, though.

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Does anyone else think that, over the years, the announcer has gone from normal to trying to hard at a strip club to having some sort of brain issue? "Next time, on BIGGGGGGGG BROTHERRRRRRRRRRRRR!"  has gotten crazy at this point. He's going to have a stroke if he keeps forcing it that hard. 

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33 minutes ago, mojoween said:

Did you know I manifested that no one was going home?”  Christie.  Stahhhhhp.

I have manifested that Jack will not win favorite house guest.

34 minutes ago, mojoween said:

Who is Sis?  Is that Analyse?  Why is she called Sis?

That is Analyse - must be a nickname - I think the end of her name but I’m  not exactly sure how to pronounce her name.

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5 hours ago, sunshine23 said:

As for everyone who has posted about how much they hate this season already, there's a very simple solution. STOP WATCHING! Watching and complaining isn't going to change the show. Posting on these boards isn't going to change the show. The only way CBS will consider making changes is if ratings drop. 

Honestly, this group is no better or worse than any other season. I do not hate "the season," I think I am getting tired of the same old same old shtik: the journey to the final few weeks when it really is more interesting. They drag it out way too long. This should be no more than a six week show. 

I hate "announcements" when viewers decide to stop watching a show, but I am going to take a break until the first week in August and check the summary thread to see who has been evicted. There are way too many HGs there right now and it is a hot mess with so many people. It is just boring, often frustrating, and downright silly. 

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35 minutes ago, Stats Queen said:

That is Analyse - must be a nickname - I think the end of her name but I’m  not exactly sure how to pronounce her name.

Assuming the in-house announcer is saying it correctly, it's an-nah-LEASE. Sis is her real life (dumb imo, but what can you do?) nickname. She's got a personalized jam jar sippy cup and everything. 

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10 hours ago, amazingracefan said:

I've felt this from the start, I'm glad others are finally getting sick of it.

That was about the voting hallway stupid dance routines etc.  I don't think others are finally getting sick of it.  I think everyone has been sick of it from the very start.  So stupid looking, fake and rank amateur.

6 hours ago, sunshine23 said:

So this is your first season of BB? JK, they've been fake from season 1

I'd give Season 1 a bit of a past.  Reality shows were totally new and the first cast, because America nominated the people on the block, kept the more real and normal ones in the main.  God how I would love to go back to their original rules this season.

You want a real twist to save this flop of a season, Grodner?  Give "us" the power of the two nominations and we will kick a Jack or two out of that place and have ourselves a real game again.

3 hours ago, sunshine23 said:

No, it isn't, but some posters would be up in arms if one of the two things referred to as the same about two houseguests was "two skinny black girls" or two skinny Hispanic girls", etc. There seems to be a double standard, and I was just pointing it out. 

It is NO DOUBLE STANDARD.  Analyse and Holly are both skinny white young women.  It isn't a slur on skinning white women. it is a description no different then you would tell a cop as in "a skinny white young woman" was seen fleeing the scene of the accident." 

It is a way to describe people physically when you are trying to tell them apart.  Or in this case, finding both fitting that description, looking for help in finding more details you have missed to separate the two.

To say there is only one black woman on BB this season isn't racist either.  It is a way to physically help people learn who is who.  Geez, this is not hard to tell the difference between neutral physical descriptions (Kemi is a black woman) from prejudice (Kemi is a bitch ... Jack's favorite and ONLY name for her).

2 hours ago, mojoween said:

Who is Sis?  Is that Analyse?  Why is she called Sis?

Because BB likes to change names on us for no real reason because it isn't enough we have to learn the names of 16 people already.  Let us have to undergo learning name changes as well. 

(Looking at you Jackson, that is your name.  Period!  Not Mik-ee spelled Mitch-ee.  Stop that crap).

Edited by green
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7 hours ago, sunshine23 said:

Also, if the emphasis on these boards is on the perceived racism this season, isn't it a double standard to refer to Holly and Analyse as "2 skinny WHITE girls"?

Thank You!

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2 hours ago, DakotaLavender said:

They drag it out way too long. This should be no more than a six week show. 

That's if you want it to maintain excitement. If you want to really see people breaking down, three months does it.

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30 minutes ago, green said:

That was about the voting hallway stupid dance routines etc.  I don't think others are finally getting sick of it.  I think everyone has been sick of it from the very start.  So stupid looking, fake and rank amateur.

I was also referring to the shout outs which some people have accepted in the past but I've always found annoying.  With the delay all they have to do is just edit it out or silence the volume.  Probably best to just edit it out or some idiot will go in with some written message.  It completely goes against the original premise of BB with no outside contact anyway.  It has nothing to do with the game and isn't really of interest to hardly anyone.

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1 hour ago, Wandering Snark said:

These hamsters need to learn to not swear while they are being broadcast live, because we missed about half the goings-on from them having to constantly dump the audio with it's two second pause... is it really that hard?

Really? You expect that nowadays? It's a new world. You might as well give up on thinking that way. 😉

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23 minutes ago, amazingracefan said:

I was also referring to the shout outs which some people have accepted in the past but I've always found annoying.  With the delay all they have to do is just edit it out or silence the volume.  Probably best to just edit it out or some idiot will go in with some written message.  It completely goes against the original premise of BB with no outside contact anyway.  It has nothing to do with the game and isn't really of interest to hardly anyone.

Oh I think people have always hated the shout-outs just as much.  It is a package deal of pure fluff-crap.

And it got worse last night when Sam did some sort of happy, praising rhyme including Julie Chen's "Mooves" name in it too.  I mean there is always fake praising of Julie as some goddesss to get on her good side and more airtime but to use "Moonves" now as well is just too too much.

I think last year they told them no shout-outs but they crept back into the mix pretty quickly.  This year they started out full blast again. 

They need to say "The next person to dance down the hall and/or give a shout-out immediately replaces one of the nominations on the block and a re-vote will be held right away."  The only way to stop this stupidity.

8 minutes ago, mikewho said:

Really? You expect that nowadays? It's a new world. You might as well give up on thinking that way. 😉

Time to return to an old world.  The new one sucks.  But then I prefer a smidgen of civilization to whatever we have descended into living in today.

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2 hours ago, sara416 said:

Does anyone else think that, over the years, the announcer has gone from normal to trying to hard at a strip club to having some sort of brain issue? "Next time, on BIGGGGGGGG BROTHERRRRRRRRRRRRR!"  has gotten crazy at this point. He's going to have a stroke if he keeps forcing it that hard. 

I think it's way too much, so much in fact ( and I'm not kidding) I keep the remote in my hand during the show so I can mute it every time it is said. I usually just mute most of the recap because, jeez, we just saw all this stuff like a day ago, my memory isn't what it used to be but I don't need 5 minutes of recap for something I just watched the not even a whole day ago ! I also mute the "short" final plea the people on the block give just before voting starts, because it's usually useless and always just drags on.

Having said all that ( mostly complaints, so I apologize) I did like this episode better than than the others we've seen so far. At least some things happened, even if the twist is kind of lame. I'm still not totally sold on this season, but it is getting a little better, to me, so maybe there is hope.

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43 minutes ago, green said:

Time to return to an old world.  The new one sucks.  But then I prefer a smidgen of civilization to whatever we have descended into living in today.

I understand, but I just don't think the Big Brother house is the place to look for that.

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59 minutes ago, mikewho said:

I understand, but I just don't think the Big Brother house is the place to look for that.

Well, I'd think the network would want them to at least watch their language during the live episodes. And the audio dump-outs are annoying.

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No one else has mentioned it so I guess it was just my station: I didn’t get to see Ovi actually get evicted. We came back from commercial to everyone hugging and the “Camp Comeback is now open” announcement. The editing of the last 20 minutes was a mess. 

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3 hours ago, green said:

And it got worse last night when Sam did some sort of happy, praising rhyme including Julie Chen's "Mooves" name in it too.  I mean there is always fake praising of Julie as some goddesss to get on her good side and more airtime but to use "Moonves" now as well is just too too much.

Not to be that person who says “Actually...” but, well, actually (sorry) I don’t think he did. I’m pretty sure he said “Who’s a perfect 10? Julie Chen!” I remember wondering if Julie was annoyed that he left off the Moonves.

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1 minute ago, Rachel RSL said:

Not to be that person who says “Actually...” but, well, actually (sorry) I don’t think he did. I’m pretty sure he said “Who’s a perfect 10? Julie Chen!” I remember wondering if Julie was annoyed that he left off the Moonves.

Okay then I remember that.  But someone most absolutely definitely rushed a Moonves into the Julie greet to kiss up to her.  Who was it do you know, those that have it recorded?

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59 minutes ago, green said:

Okay then I remember that.  But someone most absolutely definitely rushed a Moonves into the Julie greet to kiss up to her.  Who was it do you know, those that have it recorded?

It was Nick.

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13 hours ago, sunshine23 said:

As for everyone who has posted about how much they hate this season already, there's a very simple solution. STOP WATCHING! Watching and complaining isn't going to change the show. Posting on these boards isn't going to change the show. The only way CBS will consider making changes is if ratings drop. 

It isn't Big Brother until we're all bitching and hating on it and acting like it's an obligation to watch but here we are, three times a week after three times a week, fiending for our next hit. "Ah, yeah, Julie, that's the good shit right there." But honestly, bitching about and hating on the show is just part of the season. 

13 hours ago, sunshine23 said:

Wasn't it last year they had the 2 females that looked the same too? One of them was a showgirl from Las Vegas. Also, if the emphasis on these boards is on the perceived racism this season, isn't it a double standard to refer to Holly and Analyse as "2 skinny WHITE girls"? Why not 2 skinny girls with brown hair? 

Sigh. I say this as a skinny white girl woman: Really? 

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Just got around to watching last nights show!  What in the name of Jesus was Julie Chen Moonbeem wearing!  I honestly thought I had mistakenly taped Tales From The Crypt!

Black, long, too big, unflattering!  The network is surely showing who's boss with wardrobe this season.  Ugggg!

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2 hours ago, Callaphera said:

It isn't Big Brother until we're all bitching and hating on it and acting like it's an obligation to watch but here we are, three times a week after three times a week, fiending for our next hit.

It’s a train wreck, hard to turn away (like most of my reality TV choices)

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18 hours ago, Callaphera said:

It isn't Big Brother until we're all bitching and hating on it and acting like it's an obligation to watch but here we are, three times a week after three times a week, fiending for our next hit. "Ah, yeah, Julie, that's the good shit right there." But honestly, bitching about and hating on the show is just part of the season.

That is the whole point of watching BB and posting on this forum.  To snark and rip the show.  Why else would we be here?

16 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

Just got around to watching last nights show!  What in the name of Jesus was Julie Chen Moonbeem wearing!  I honestly thought I had mistakenly taped Tales From The Crypt!

Black, long, too big, unflattering!  The network is surely showing who's boss with wardrobe this season.  Ugggg!

She always wears stupid stuff.  This one was about average.  I thought it was a black tent that the top part came loose and partly fell down on here myself.  But I like your take better.

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12 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

Just got around to watching last nights show!  What in the name of Jesus was Julie Chen Moonbeem wearing!  I honestly thought I had mistakenly taped Tales From The Crypt!

I know nothing about fashion and barely even notice what she wears, but I can't help wondering if she's aware of how critical people are of her outfits and feeds into that. You know...keep 'em talking about it.

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Eye color is one of the first things I notice about people (after face shape) so I can't imagine mixing up Analyse with the gorgeous dark brown eyes and Holly with the pretty blue eyes.  Especially since the trend on reality TV now seems to be to put gigantic centipedes on your eyelids (sometimes poorly applied) so you can't help but look at what's in between while you wonder why their face isn't being eaten up by the creatures.    

I too actually kind of like the hallway shenanigans, so Giuseppe you are not alone, but for some reason when someone comes in and waits and does sort of tentative movements until the exiting person actually starts the move it makes me sort of embarrassed.  

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34 minutes ago, Jobiska said:

I too actually kind of like the hallway shenanigans, so Giuseppe you are not alone, but for some reason when someone comes in and waits and does sort of tentative movements until the exiting person actually starts the move it makes me sort of embarrassed. 

Agreed. I don't mind if they have something planned. As you said though if then you have the hesitation and then somebody throws up some sort of halfhearted jazz hands as they pass the exiting voter it's just weak and embarrasing.

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(Looking at you Jackson, that is your name.  Period!  Not Mik-ee spelled Mitch-ee.  Stop that crap).

Are they calling him "Mitch-ee" or "Mickey?" If it's the latter, why is it spelled like the former? Is that his last name or something?


And it got worse last night when Sam did some sort of happy, praising rhyme including Julie Chen's "Moov es" name in it too.  I mean there is always fake praising of Julie as some goddesss to get on her good side and more airtime but to use "Moonves" now as well is just too too much.

I gotta wonder how CBS feels about Julie's subliminal nose-thumb by adding "Moonves" to her professional name. It's an obvious show of support on her part but considering the multiple allegations against her husband it has to be somewhat of a thorn in the side of the network. She left The View after her husband was forced to resign. One wonders why she continues to work for the network given the side she's chosen. 


Eye color is one of the first things I notice about people (after face shape) so I can't imagine mixing up Analyse with the gorgeous dark brown eyes and Holly with the pretty blue eyes. 

I assume you're watching the live feed because I haven't seen enough of either of them to notice what their eye colors are. So far all I've seen of them are in the background or in brief shots with other people They've done nothing thus far to distinguish themselves, as far as we've seen on the show. I don't even think they've gotten any DR clips after the initial introductions in the premier. 

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Despite the yelling (which I see as exuberance but is still painful) I love Sam so far.  Thanks to whoever mentioned David Arquette upthread because I totally get a Rob Geller vibe and it brings me BB joy.

Count me in on the Bella-Kemi-Sam train. Ok, so there probably isn't a Bella-Kemi-Sam train, but there should be.

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8 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Are they calling him "Mitch-ee" or "Mickey?" If it's the latter, why is it spelled like the former? Is that his last name or something?

It's Michie (pronounced like Mickey) because that is his last name and apparently that's how it's pronounced.

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7 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

Agreed. I don't mind if they have something planned. As you said though if then you have the hesitation and then somebody throws up some sort of halfhearted jazz hands as they pass the exiting voter it's just weak and embarrasing.

There’s 168 hours in a week - and even after you subtract time for sleep, comps, ceremonies, live broadcasts, etc., each HG still has something in the neighborhood of 100 hrs/week which is pure downtime.  This is when all the strategizing, planning, scheming, alliance-forming, etc. takes place, of course - but I’d strongly suspect that if I tried filling ALL that time with absolutely nothing BUT pure gameplay, then by the end of the season I’d be nuttier than Benny’s shit.  

So I don’t fault the HGs one bit for coming up with any kind of diversion they can to both maintain their sanity AND assert some infinitesimal degree of personal control in a largely insane and uncontrollable environment - and I’m pretty certain that desire was the original impetus behind the Hall Jams and PotBall and PotBowl and the rest.  So have at, and god bless. 😉

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I liked the comp. The fireworks made a nice change from the usual version of this comp.

Now I’m going to say something nice about Jack. I was surprised at how well he did in the HoH comp. He has a good short-term memory.

Okay, that’s over. He might have a good memory, but his idea of strategy is “Bully everyone until I get my way.” That can get a bully pretty far in the game, unfortunately, and I don’t enjoy watching it. 

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Hmmm.  Jack.  He’s smarter than I thought he was,  but he’s not as good-looking as he thinks he is.  He’s also coming off like a real douche so far.  Pretty humorless, very pushy, cold and mean.  I don’t see how he can last in an alliance when he is trying to dominate everyone else and force them to do what he wants.  As Christie kept saying, it’s HER HOH yet he was very insistent on her doing what he says.  If the alliance lasts until only the 8 of them are left, I can see them picking him off first.  I won’t be sorry. 

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On 7/5/2019 at 2:22 PM, iMonrey said:

I assume you're watching the live feed because I haven't seen enough of either of them to notice what their eye colors are. So far all I've seen of them are in the background or in brief shots with other people They've done nothing thus far to distinguish themselves, as far as we've seen on the show. I don't even think they've gotten any DR clips after the initial introductions in the premier. 

No, only the regular shows (don't have the feeds, can't stand the whisper whisper on BBAD).  Like I said, it's one of the first things I notice, so I notice even with one or two DRs.  But I am very detail oriented.

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Given that it hasn't been mentioned in two episodes now, can we safely assume that "Camp Director" is a thing of the past? Weird, considering the big deal Chenbot made of it.

Ovi really is an idiot, but a good-hearted one. Aquaman, on the other hand, is just a nasty person. Gotta love how he's already ordering everyone around. Even Jackschi at least tries to act friendly and open to suggestion.

I seriously want to see more Jessica (and you may interpret that any way you like).

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On 7/3/2019 at 9:10 PM, Katesus7 said:

Let me get this straight. The first four people evicted are basically have nots, have zero power, are completely dependent on being the best at groveling, all for the chance to come back only to be booted right back out, because....that’s how Big Brother works? I would’ve told Julie “Thanks, but these people are mostly assholes so I’m totes cool with just going home”.

I mean, was the thinking “that Survivor dude won and was barely in the actual game, which was super popular with fans, so let’s do an even stupider version of that”?

And don’t even get me started as Jack as HOH. 

Jack as HOH was the worst case scenario I was fearing. 

On 7/3/2019 at 9:12 PM, Melina22 said:

All's fair in love and Big Brother. As someone who really enjoyed Edge of Extinction on Survivor, I'm really looking forward to this new twist. 

Not thrilled with Jack as HOH, only because I wanted to see a total power shift. Oh well. 

I was surprised at the end when all the houseguests walked into Camp Comeback. I guess I was confusing it with BB Canada 2, where some extra guests were confined to a secret room where they could only watch. I'm happy to hear the Camp Comebackers won't be imprisoned and are free to interact with the general population. 

Finally, and I hesitate to even voice this thought, but the first thing I thought seeing David and Ovi in the room was "Oh no. Please don't let all the people in the substandard room end up being minorities." That would be cringeworthy on a whole new level. Smarten up, Jack. 

David and Ovi were so unbitter and positive. I needed that. 

I really wanted someone not in GR8Ful to be an HOH because of the possible change in power and it would be more interesting. 

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On 7/4/2019 at 1:09 PM, mojoween said:

Who is Sis?  Is that Analyse?  Why is she called Sis?

Sorry I missed this before.  This was covered during the premiere, albeit very briefly and with "sexy" music playing as Analyse was explaining and some dude starting a "wow, Analyse is so hot" DR (which she is, but that's not the issue here), and so we barely heard it.

Apparently her full name is "Sydney Analyse [Talavera]" or something like that, and "Sis" is from people mashing up the "S" at the start of her first name and the "S" at the end of "Analyse" and squeezing the two names together to turn that five-syllable mouthful into "Sis".

Not sure if the juice was worth the squeeze, to paraphrase Jackson Michie, but there it is.

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On 7/5/2019 at 2:28 PM, GeorgiaRai said:

Count me in on the Bella-Kemi-Sam train. Ok, so there probably isn't a Bella-Kemi-Sam train, but there should be.

This did not age well.  Bella has officially made me ashamed of myself!

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