Lady Calypso June 25, 2019 Share June 25, 2019 Quote First night of a two night premiere for season 21 of Big Brother Link to comment
Popular Post Melina22 June 25, 2019 Popular Post Share June 25, 2019 Our summer crack is back. Yayyyyyyy. I can't wait. 26 Link to comment
missyb June 26, 2019 Share June 26, 2019 First impressions changed a bit from pre show interviews. Holly- seems nice and tough. Very pretty and I liked that she did not "glam" up to go into the house but rather dressed down. Jackson- Mama's boy been watching her her since a boy. Tommy- his father took up dance when he did ( love that) Ovi- credits his parents for moving 8000 miles from bangladesh so he could have a good life. I like them more than I thought I would. 6 Link to comment
Samwise979 June 26, 2019 Share June 26, 2019 Why the pretense of being surprised to find a key? Why else would the cameras be there? 1 20 Link to comment
CindyBee June 26, 2019 Share June 26, 2019 Really wasn't planning on watching as I'm leaving on vacation tomorrow and will be off the grid for awhile but I tuned in anyway. So far I don't really dislike anyone so that's good. Link to comment
Callaphera June 26, 2019 Share June 26, 2019 You know Big Brother is back when your first reaction is, "What the fuck are you wearing? Just say no, Julie." More like fan favourite Battle of the Block: Sudden Death edition. 2 10 Link to comment
Popular Post ByaNose June 26, 2019 Popular Post Share June 26, 2019 Not a bad first episode. Jackson says he didn’t want to do it. Um, you campaigned for it you idiot. Now, you have to banish 4 people and 3 of those people are coming back you dumbass. 26 Link to comment
PaperTree June 26, 2019 Share June 26, 2019 BB Camping. OK. I only camp in hotels, so I hope BB really makes these kids "rough it" 🙂 So glad it's all newbies with this Camp Director BS. I'm happy it's not really a great power, so far. Bad memories of The Bearded Troll. Jackson is annoying the crap out of me. Of course he wins Camp Director. Then whines about the power he so had to have. I hope it blows up in his face, but 3 enemies isn't a majority. I don't really like any of them so far. Quite a gang of annoying, but that may make it more fun as they backstab each other. I kind of like Bella and her attitude towards her overbearing mother. Girl Power? Not so much. Disclosure: I live in Washington Township, NJ. I have no clue who Nick is. "Township" as the locals call it is 50,000 mostly white people, middle class+ suburbia, half an hour south of Center City Philadelphia. I should read the free newspaper 🙂 6 Link to comment
zorak June 26, 2019 Share June 26, 2019 Was that Dudebro Camp Director Jackson talking to Jason Momoa look alike Jack about winning back to back to back comps starting week one? LOL. NO. 7 8 Link to comment
ByaNose June 26, 2019 Share June 26, 2019 4 minutes ago, zorak said: Was that Dudebro Camp Director Jackson talking to Jason Momoa look alike Jack about winning back to back to back comps starting week one? LOL. NO. I am not down with this Browmance. I need them out soon. Please! 13 Link to comment
vb68 June 26, 2019 Share June 26, 2019 (edited) It's not summer without Big Brother! So far nobody seems too odious. Right off the bat Nicole could so be one of the Rockstar's daughters. She has the potential to be very annoying with all the kid schtick. I think Jack could be very interesting, but wish he would keep his distance from Jackson, who seems dumb as a Rock. He's not good with numbers. You don't say. I was a little surprised anybody volunteered for camp director after Cliff. So are Tommy and Christie the only two who know each other? I was trying to think who Christie reminds me of. I think Kimmi Kappenberg from Survivor. I'm guessing it's between Jessica and Cliff to get axed. Oh yeah, here's a reference for the oldsters. I think it was Sam Smith who was getting awfully screechy in the DR. He was sounding like Paul Lynde. Edited June 26, 2019 by vb68 4 4 Link to comment
Callaphera June 26, 2019 Share June 26, 2019 3 minutes ago, ByaNose said: I am not down with this Browmance. I need them out soon. Please! I forgot to time it but I'm gonna make a guess and say that we made it a whole 17 minutes before BB started pimping a bromance. That may be a new record - or a new low, depending on what side of the bromance divide you are. But we never see a womance because we all know us women are bitches who all not-so-secretly hate each other. 1 17 Link to comment
Lamima June 26, 2019 Share June 26, 2019 5 minutes ago, ByaNose said: I am not down with this Browmance. I need them out soon. Please! My thoughts too. 5 Link to comment
keke23 June 26, 2019 Share June 26, 2019 (edited) Can we start off one season with out the annoying dudebro brodown. And Jackson is going to be a whiny woe is me dude bro at that. I already found my hate target. Edited June 26, 2019 by keke23 2 17 Link to comment
Popular Post zorak June 26, 2019 Popular Post Share June 26, 2019 (edited) 9 minutes ago, ByaNose said: I am not down with this Browmance. I need them out soon. Please! The fact that their names are pretty much the same is not a plus either. I'm sure Jackson's mother would disagree with me on this, but as soon as he appeared on my tv, all I could think of was Beavis. I think it's the chin and jawline. Edited June 26, 2019 by zorak 24 1 Link to comment
ByaNose June 26, 2019 Share June 26, 2019 2 minutes ago, keke23 said: Can we start off one season with out the annoying dudebro brodown. And Jackson is going to be a whiny whoa is me dude bro at that. I already found my hate target. I can’t wait to see the power rankings. I’m sure he’ll be at the bottom.....Bro! 4 Link to comment
alihart41 June 26, 2019 Share June 26, 2019 Jackson's thin lips and small mouth are killing me. I want to reach into the screen and pull his mouth open wider when he talks. 3 4 Link to comment
Thalia June 26, 2019 Share June 26, 2019 4 minutes ago, Callaphera said: But we never see a womance because we all know us women are bitches who all not-so-secretly hate each other. I would agree with you, but of course I refuse to give validation to another woman. 😋 Speaking of which, as usual I wasn't paying close attention to the TV. Did we see who voted against _______ [female candidate, name to be inserted later when I learn it.] 11 3 Link to comment
vb68 June 26, 2019 Share June 26, 2019 Isabella's Mom is similar to how my mother would react, too. " Huh?? You're gonna do what now?" 3 4 Link to comment
Melina22 June 26, 2019 Share June 26, 2019 I enjoyed that. The houseguests were way less heinous than they usually are in the first episode. Usually it takes a couple of weeks for me to start liking them. Isa/Bella has the potential to be hysterical. "Don't cross me or I'll cut you. No, that's bad. Don't use it. I 'll stab you. No! I won't inflict any physical harm. Just mental." I feel bad that someone's going home before the first eviction. I always hate these early boots because they seem extra cruel. was sad and yet hilarious to see the guests go from peppy and happy and clean to soggy, multicoloured and miserable in a few minutes. It was like a scene from a wonderfully bad horror movie. .. 2 12 Link to comment
Alice Mudgarden June 26, 2019 Share June 26, 2019 JASON MIMOSA. 1 12 7 Link to comment
Writing Wrongs June 26, 2019 Share June 26, 2019 20 minutes ago, vb68 said: I think it was Sam Smith who was getting awfully screechy in the DR. He was sounding like Paul Lynde. He reminds me of Dane Cook and Jackson looks kinda like Orlando Bloom. Why do they always seem to get people from the same areas? Does no one from the Midwest or Northwest apply? i like Ovi. Too bad Jackson threw him over for Jack pretty quick. 6 Link to comment
Popular Post Cutty June 26, 2019 Popular Post Share June 26, 2019 Best description of Jackson I've seen is that he looks like a lego. 20 5 Link to comment
keke23 June 26, 2019 Share June 26, 2019 4 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said: JASON MIMOSA. Name of the summer. 2 4 Link to comment
Ananayel June 26, 2019 Share June 26, 2019 Like Cliff and Tommy, could possibly tolerate Christie, think I will like Isabella. I'd like Jack more if he hadn't bromanced it up with LegoHead Jackson. But he can probably recover. Jess is super annoying. These initial over the top powers have got to go. Just let them play for cryin' out loud! But, the way they announced it with the flying slime was entertaining, and it will backfire all over Jackson, so it's got that going for it, which is nice... 6 Link to comment
Callaphera June 26, 2019 Share June 26, 2019 10 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said: JASON MIMOSA. This is forever replacing Diet Drogo in my head. 4 Link to comment
Katesus7 June 26, 2019 Share June 26, 2019 I’m getting serious Christine vibes from Nicole. As in wants the ‘cute, hunky’ dude bros to like her so she tanks her own game to get in good with them. Probably made the right choice tonight, but still.... I did not really care for this group. Perhaps it’s just because I’m pissy in general these days but no one is really doing it for me. Except Cliff, who is so obviously cannon fodder I can’t even bring myself to care. And I really, really need Jackson to go away. Far away. Back to his mother and watermelon and chocolate milk. I HATE DUDE BROS!!!! 16 Link to comment
TroopinFairy June 26, 2019 Share June 26, 2019 (edited) I’ve seen Tommy on broadway three times and now we know why he left Pretty Woman. I hope that being CD bites Jackson in the ass in long run because I don’t like him. Too much of a “Bro” vibe for me. The fact that Tommy and Christie know each other is going to come out. It always does. Edited June 26, 2019 by TroopinFairy 4 Link to comment
toomuchtv June 26, 2019 Share June 26, 2019 58 minutes ago, PaperTree said: Disclosure: I live in Washington Township, NJ. I have no clue who Nick is. "Township" as the locals call it is 50,000 mostly white people, middle class+ suburbia, half an hour south of Center City Philadelphia. I should read the free newspaper 🙂 My college roommate was from Washington township. I had a passing thought about asking her if she knew him, then realized we’re probably too old compared to many of the contestants 🤣 1 1 Link to comment
DEL901 June 26, 2019 Share June 26, 2019 42 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said: JASON MIMOSA. Jason Fauxmoa 11 Link to comment
mojoween June 26, 2019 Share June 26, 2019 It appears that Sam has been already afflicted with DR over-yelling syndrome. Discount Jason Mamoa is an insult to the real Jason Mamoa. Also, stop calling him Aquaman. He’s so much more than that. I mean, Jackson’s not heinous to look at, but he suffers with the comparisons to Jason. I have been married to a dude for 23 years next month. But hot damn looking into Christie’s gorgeous eyes has made me question if I made the right decision. Nick can go k bye. 3 2 Link to comment
PaperTree June 26, 2019 Share June 26, 2019 28 minutes ago, Katesus7 said: 28 minutes ago, Katesus7 said: I did not really care for this group. Perhaps it’s just because I’m pissy in general these days but no one is really doing it for me. Except Cliff, who is so obviously cannon fodder I can’t even bring myself to care. And I really, really need Jackson to go away. Far away. Back to his mother and watermelon and chocolate milk. Nah, I didn't either and I'm not pissy at all 🙂 They all have a different flavor of very annoying, Jackson being on top of my list tonight. 3 Link to comment
North of Eden June 26, 2019 Share June 26, 2019 Color me surprised! I didn't even know this was premiering tonight. I turned on my DVR to watch something else and saw it was recorded! Okay, let's get the obvious out of the way. Allison Grodner is nothing if not consistent. All the usual stereotypes are here-black girl with an attitude, the gay man, jocks, blonde Texans and an old timer/cannon fodder to name a few. To her credit casting a couple of new types like the plus-sized model and the ultra-geeky girl are a nice change of pace. Aqua-Jack! As a straight male, I would seriously have to consider playing for the other team when it comes to him. He IS impressive. I would love a nice twist if his showmance was not with all the hot chicks but with the Nicole the geeky girl..kind of like the reverse of Amanda and MaCrae. Ahm yeahhhhh I'm kind of getting a douchey vibe from Jackson...playing way too hard...way too fast. Anyone want to take bets the four he picks will be anyone remotely other words: minorities, geeks and the old timer. It's just the way BB rolls...those types are always the easy targets. It shouldn't be long before a "beautiful people" click emerges and the rest of the stragglers are ostracized. On some things, you can rely. No instant hate for anyone yet but the narcissistic truck driver is veering dangerously close. Wants: Isabella's tiger mom in the house! Now that would be fun and she's a very cute mom...I can see where Bella gets it. Camp motif...nope sorry. Nothing they ever come up with in the future will hold a candle to the art deco motif used for this year's celebrity edition. That house never looked better or as classy and gorgeous! This camp motif is just crass. 7 Link to comment
The Companion June 26, 2019 Share June 26, 2019 1 hour ago, zorak said: Was that Dudebro Camp Director Jackson talking to Jason Momoa look alike Jack about winning back to back to back comps starting week one? LOL. NO. He was going WAY too hard. He needed to calm down. 1 hour ago, Callaphera said: I forgot to time it but I'm gonna make a guess and say that we made it a whole 17 minutes before BB started pimping a bromance. That may be a new record - or a new low, depending on what side of the bromance divide you are. But we never see a womance because we all know us women are bitches who all not-so-secretly hate each other. Hey, the girl power alliance lasted like a full 30 seconds this year. 52 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said: JASON MIMOSA. It really is the only way to improve on Jason Momoa. Jason Momoa PLUS mimosas. I'll be in my bunk. I like most of the cast on first impression. I look forward to finding put how secretly terrible they all are over the next few weeks. It was a weird twist to only have two cast members know each other and then because one dated the family member of the other (also, wtf with the opaque reference to a "family member"? Was it your cousin? Aunt? Mom?). 5 8 Link to comment
PaperTree June 26, 2019 Share June 26, 2019 6 minutes ago, North of Eden said: Anyone want to take bets the four he picks will be anyone remotely other words: minorities, geeks and the old timer. It's just the way BB rolls...those types are always the easy targets. My speculation is he goes full Bro-lliance. Banishes the four "least attractive" women, knowing one is gone and doesn't think any of the other 3 can hurt him later on, while he and Jack win every HoH to a glorious victory. 6 Link to comment
LoveLeigh June 26, 2019 Share June 26, 2019 Right out of the gate I see Ovi winning the whole pie. He will not be targeted for weeks while they pick each other off one by one. He will be Kaycee 2.0. 2 5 Link to comment
FranG June 26, 2019 Share June 26, 2019 Jackson won't last three weeks. That was dumb. Keep big mouth shut the first weeks. That said, I like Nicole, Ovi, Kemi, Tommy. I also expect mores exes and pairs. There ain't just one. C'mon. 5 Link to comment
ByaNose June 26, 2019 Share June 26, 2019 1 minute ago, FranG said: Jackson won't last three weeks. That was dumb. Keep big mouth shut the first weeks. That said, I like Nicole, Ovi, Kemi, Tommy. I also expect mores exes and pairs. There ain't just one. C'mon. But Jackson is a man and he thinks he’s good looking. It’s so obvi he’s going to win. LOL!!! 4 4 Link to comment
Samwise979 June 26, 2019 Share June 26, 2019 (edited) Julie teases that some house guests may know each other and then we get a whole 2 people. I'm sure in hindsight the woman who wanted to be camp counselor (don't know her name) is glad she didn't win but that whole situation just made me smh. The women just can't stick together on this show can they. I have a feeling Jack and Jackson are going to go far in this game and there will be "twists" to have them stay if it looks like either are in trouble. The show won't be able to resist an easy promotion like #DoubleJacks. Edited June 26, 2019 by Samwise979 2 2 Link to comment
Melina22 June 26, 2019 Share June 26, 2019 4 minutes ago, Samwise979 said: I have a feeling Jack and Jackson are going to go far in this game and there will be "twists" to have them stay if it looks like either are in trouble. The show won't be able to resist an easy promotion like #DoubleJacks. One of my favourite parts each season, just from a psychological point of view, is watching how chemistry forms between two players,often within minutes of getting in the house. Sometimes it's romantic, sometimes platonic, but it's often an unlikely pairing. Or an alliance that goes the whole distance. The only instant chemistry I saw tonight was between Jackson and Jason Mimosa. I can see them going far if Jackson didn't shoot himself in the foot by winning the vote. I look forward to seeing what other couples and close cliques form. Then I like to rewatch the first episode at the end of the season and watch people click together who by then are lifelong friends or partners. What can I say - that's fun for me. 1 3 Link to comment
Callaphera June 26, 2019 Share June 26, 2019 1 hour ago, Katesus7 said: I’m getting serious Christine vibes from Nicole. At least there's no husband involved this time if she decides to drape herself all over someone's chest and watch while he picks his nose. Or she picks it for him. Ugh, I wish I could forget that. 2 4 Link to comment
Lady Calypso June 26, 2019 Author Share June 26, 2019 21 minutes ago, Samwise979 said: I'm sure in hindsight the woman who wanted to be camp counselor (don't know her name) is glad she didn't win but that whole situation just made me smh. The women just can't stick together on this show can they. That alliance lasted all of five minutes before Nicole became afraid of the "big scary Jackson" coming after her, and Christie deciding to swap sides for...reasons. I did like how quickly the intro packages seemed to go. At least, they didn't feel as long as they usually do. Jackson's a real piece of work. I was hoping that he might surprise me, but the moment he started complaining about how he's a target because of his appearance and something about him being good looking or whatever, my eyes were already rolling to the back of my head. And then he had the nerve to start pulling the "I had to do it but didn't know this was going to happen" card after finding out about his role as Camp Director. Sure, he had no idea what was about to happen, but he had to know that his game would be completely screwed by winning. Sure, he's safe....for a week. But now he has three people coming after him, an HOH still needs to be played, and he still has potential allies who could be targets in his place, especially with it being an "easy" choice. So good job, buddy! You pulled a Cody! Except he had no foresight into his own demise. That being said, I didn't downright hate anyone. Jackson is extremely close but I'm giving him a bit more time. Nicole also got close....yes, because of her comment about being so afraid that Jackson would come after her if she didn't vote for him. It's just completely BS and she's giving me BB16 Christine vibes. When I first saw her picture, I immediately thought Raven or Rockstar. But nah, she's more Christine, and abandoning the girls alliance very, very quickly and acting like Jackson is going to murder her in her sleep. Christie's all over the place. I don't know what I think about her yet. Like, there was obviously no chance of Jessica winning Camp Director with a 10-4-1-1 vote, but still. That's basically half of the group turning on Jessica for some douche who was already discussing switching HOHs with him and Jack. As for houseguests who I did like off the bat? Bella was more interesting than I thought she'd be. Same with Ovi, although I don't think he's going to win. I really liked Tommy and I liked Nick. I thought Analyse and Kemi were also not bad and I think I liked Jessica. Everyone else? A big fat meh or no clear opinion yet. 2 Link to comment
Melina22 June 26, 2019 Share June 26, 2019 I can't believe how hard they all got blasted in the face by the paint! That looked painful. Am I the only one who wondered why people weren't keeping their mouths tightly shut awaiting their turn? Wonder what it tasted like. 3 Link to comment
ByaNose June 26, 2019 Share June 26, 2019 Bella was really funny about her mother and what she knows what she would say. I doubt her mother is watching but it’s funny to think she would and be horrified. LOL!!! 4 Link to comment
Samwise979 June 26, 2019 Share June 26, 2019 23 minutes ago, Melina22 said: I can't believe how hard they all got blasted in the face by the paint! That looked painful. Am I the only one who wondered why people weren't keeping their mouths tightly shut awaiting their turn? Wonder what it tasted like. I don't remember who it was but the first person to get blasted got blasted so hard the safety glasses blew off his face! I hope his eyes are ok. 3 Link to comment
jonaswan2 June 26, 2019 Share June 26, 2019 6 minutes ago, Samwise979 said: I don't remember who it was but the first person to get blasted got blasted so hard the safety glasses blew off his face! I hope his eyes are ok. Tommy, I believe. Link to comment
vb68 June 26, 2019 Share June 26, 2019 I wonder how much Cliff and David campaigned for Camp Director? Link to comment
CrazyDog June 26, 2019 Share June 26, 2019 I...didn't hate anyone. Jackson deserves to sweat now, but he could be worse. So, no returnees. Right? Right?! I also totally that was the next twist when the banishment was mentioned. Whew. I hate the early boot of a houseguest. I can't help but feel bad for them. Jason Mimosa (kudos to Alice for that one!) is very pretty. David too. Ovi seems more charming than in his interviews. Janelle Katherine and Sam are really forgettable, IMO. Agree with those who see Christine in Nicole. Ugh. Hopefully she'll bring the crazy a bit. I still want to like Christie. We'll see. Jessica tried for girl power. She'll be gone soon. 3 Link to comment
Iguana June 26, 2019 Share June 26, 2019 So another season of BB to love/hate for the summer. Very happy there’s an all newbie cast this year. Still figuring out who is who, but I don’t hate anyone yet, surprisingly. I kind of like the Tiger Daughter (Isabella?) and I’m hoping for totally shallow reasons that Jack doesn’t turn out to be a total douchebag. Geeky Girl is getting close to maxing out the annoying meter though, and the guy who got voted camp counsellor needs to throttle it down big time. 5 Link to comment
Lonesome Rhodes June 26, 2019 Share June 26, 2019 It seems we have more than the usual complement of savvy BB HGs. I laughed at the dude who saw odds of 15-1 as a genuine risk, necessitating his throwing his hat into the ring for Director. He may not be there long enough to write even a first letter home to Mom. Old guy is beyond toast. Bagel? I'd want him to stick around if I were in the house as an obvious and perpetual pawn, but what do I know? Who will be the other three banished? I am guessing that Jessica will pay for trying to organize the women and becoming Jackson's closest foe. I like the set/domicile this season. The new crow's nest is a cool space. Mrs. Moonves seemed particularly on point tonight. Were there any retakes? I'm glad to see her back on BB. 3 Link to comment
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