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S04.E07: Into The Lion's Den

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16 minutes ago, Drogo said:

Pedro sends money to his family in TheDominican, from what he makes.  Either way, that doesn't make it his house and neither of them can show up whenever they please.

I dunno, Sister Pedro preeeeettttttttyyyyyy explicitly said that Chantal paid their new apartment. 

I mean, yes, the second part of your statement is correct - it *is* the legal residence of Family Pedro.  But they're pretty cool with gloating about the fact that Chantal paid for it. 

Edited by Lemur
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6 hours ago, DaphneCat said:

While something seemed "off" about the e-mail it was only after the fact that I realized something.  How would some random Moroccan know who step-father Nicole was, much less what is e-mail address is?  I could be wrong but Joe doesn't exactly strike me as the type to have a large social media presence.

Exactly. That was a producer set up if I ever saw one. That's why Nicole wasn't very upset over it. 

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2 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

 I was not impressed with the birthing center rep.  She was nice, but, did nothing to inspire confidence.

Was she a midwife? or just a rep...

either case -she reminded me of someone who does medical procedures in her basement. 

Does anyone look professional anymore? and her manner....I have seven and yes there will be a lot of pain!...reassuring that I want to swim in her tubs...or squat on her toilet etc...yuck

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46 minutes ago, Drogo said:

Pedro sends money to his family in TheDominican, from what he makes.  Either way, that doesn't make it his house and neither of them can show up whenever they please.

But if he had to spend more of his income on separate rent in Atlanta, separate utilities, etc, he’d have less money to send. And I don’t believe he’s only sending $150 a month. He can’t send as much as he does without a second income to help with the Atlanta household - Chantel’s income.

And yeah, if I’m paying the rent, that’s my place too. Even moreso if my name is on the lease (it may not be in this case, but in theory). Lidia and Nicole (especially Nicole) have no place telling Pedro that Chantel can’t stay in a home Pedro pays for. He gave them notice. Don’t want her there, pay for your own stuff and send that money back. We get enough entitled non-rent paying bum essence from Libby and Andrei.

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1 hour ago, FurBabyMama said:

Pao seriously bugs me. This may sound insensitive to some, and if it does I apologize. But she only knew she was pregnant for 2 days before she had the miscarriage! I have had 5 miscarriages, and I had a couple that I lost right after I had a positive pregnancy test. Those were so much easier to recover from than the ones where I were further along. And it just bugs me how she goes on and on and on about this baby they lost. 

And I don’t blame Russ for being nervous about deivering with a midwife. First, for me anyway she didn’t seem very professional. I’m not sure I would trust her either. And I don’t trust birthing centers. If something goes wrong, then you have to wait for them to call 911, take you to the hospital and then take care of it. If something goes wrong in a hospital, they can have the baby delivered in minutes. They can get the baby immediate attention if needed. I have nothing against midwives, I think they’re great at what they do, but I would only ever go to one if I would be delivering jn a hospital. It’s too big a risk to me to deliver In a birthing center. 

That midwife looked like she needed deodorant and a good bath. 

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I have a feeling Pao will forever guilt the child because he survived and his older sibling did not.

6 minutes ago, libgirl2 said:

That midwife looked like she needed deodorant and a good bath. 

I was wondering what man or men impregnated her seven times.

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15 minutes ago, linthia said:

If Ashley is so smart how come she doesn't know the "proper" way to put lights on a Christmas tree is from the top down. Sheesh.

Yes!! So the plug is at the bottom of the tree.

Her poor kids have to deal with that every Xmas. And she’s just so smug and pleased with her perfectionism. 

Way to make their first Xmas in the US together miserable.

Her faked cry  in her talk with Jay’s sister was so transparent, not one tear was shed.

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Has anyone else noticed that Azan is never seen on the show any more? I don't think he has been seen once this season. Their story line consists of Nicole talking to her family about Azan, Grenada, Morocco, etc., but no Azan on Facetime. I think Azan is already out of the picture and the show is continuing the story line with Nicole and her family. Even when Nicole is on the telephone supposedly speaking with Azan we never hear his voice any more. Something fishy here. Producer shenanigans perhaps.

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1 hour ago, Dance4Life said:

You are forgetting one thing!

I am gonna play devils advocate here.

Chantal pays all the bills in the DR.  She can show up to ‘her home’ whenever she pleases.

While these people are ALL insufferable.......I am understanding Chantal’s attitude here.

The root of the problem here and why Family Chantal became concern is because Family Pedro wasted no time in harvesting the American Dollar using their daughter.

Just like Debbie......Mom Pedro......needs to back off this marriage. 

In essence, it is like Chantal is the mom/sponsor to Pedro and his family.

Yet, they show her no respect.......just treat her like an ATM.

(yea, I know there are many, mucho problemas.......but, I am picking this one for now)

Is she paying for their house?  Pedro sends them money but we don't know how much Chantal makes and how much Pedro makes.  

By that logic, Pedro is paying for Chantals car note and has the right to demand that she not use the car to visit her asshole family. 

And Chantal refused to stay in the house so that logic doesn't seem to apply here. 

I don't understand Chantal at all.  Even if you are a sponsor, why make your husband miserable by showing up just because you have a "right" to do so?   

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2 hours ago, iwasish said:

Can Colt afford the kind of place Larissa wants? She doesn’t want to live in that apt. She wants a big fancy place with a pool. 

Debbie might afford a senior citizen place or a studio on her income. Larissa has champagne taste on Colts beer pocketbook. 

I think she was fine with the apartment they visited, but I assume Vegas complexes have pools.  It's like 10 billion degrees there and people love hanging out by the pool..

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I think Larissa wants a place of their own.   At this point, I think she will take anything.   Debbie can live on her own.   Colt is the issue.   He can’t live without his mom.   Too cheap to buy his own car.  Loves being between two women.  

Regardless, if either Pedro or Chantel makes the money, they are married.   It’s not his or hers.  It’s theirs.  They are a team.  Anything Pedro sends to the DR is Chantel’s as much as his if it was bought with their funds.   Mother Pedro should remember that.

Personally, I thought Pedro’s mom was rude.   Chantel had nothing to do with the fight between Pedro and her brother.   Her family was at fault.   She isn’t responsible for them.  Both families come off as nasty.   Chantel could have said she was sorry it happened to ease ruffled feathers but of course she would never do that.  

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2 hours ago, Drogo said:

Pedro sends money to his family in TheDominican, from what he makes.  Either way, that doesn't make it his house and neither of them can show up whenever they please.

I fully agree with this.  People have a right to privacy even if someone else is paying the rent.  And you shouldn't want to violate someone's privacy, even if you can.

I also don't know if Pedro/Chantal fully pay the rent or it's supplemental income.

But you don't get to just randomly show up because you're paying all or part of the bill.  Even when people are on government housing assistance the state has to give notice and have a reason to enter.

And why would you even want to?  Staying someplace you clearly aren't wanted, showing up unannounced and demanding to stay someplace just because you pay some or part of the rent seems like the moves of a bully and an asshole.

If Chantal doesn't like Pedro letting his mom and sister harvest their American dollars she has to decide if it bothers her enough to leave.  The issue isn't asking for the American dollars it's that Pedro sends them. 

If it bothers her that HER money may be used to pay the rent she can insist that she and Pedro keep separate accounts and each contribute to a third account used to pay rent and bills.  My parents keep separate accounts and they almost never fight about money.  And my dad uses his money and he sees fit and so does my mother.

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4 minutes ago, RealReality said:

Is she paying for their house?  Pedro sends them money but we don't know how much Chantal makes and how much Pedro makes.  

By that logic, Pedro is paying for Chantals car note and has the right to demand that she not use the car to visit her asshole family. 

And Chantal refused to stay in the house so that logic doesn't seem to apply here. 

I don't understand Chantal at all.  Even if you are a sponsor, why make your husband miserable by showing up just because you have a "right" to do so?   

I am old school!

Chantel is indeed paying for Family Pedro.

 Chantel even paid.......so, that Pedro could work in the USA!

-Women have every right to be anywhere there husband is at! 

-I am the wife. If I am not happy.  It is my job to make sure my husband knows it.

If it makes him miserable.  Well, so be! 

-Woman have every right to make their presence known around other women ‘even’ looking at your man.

Now, that Pedro is US legal......no way, those callejeras or Pedro getting any ideas about dumping me!

 Remember Molly?  Chantel has reason to worry. Luis....Never Again!

Chantel is in DR.....looking very sexy for her husband and putting the Family Pedro in their place.

-Lastly, (even though I can keep going). If Family Pedro likes the free apartment, indoor plumbing, electricity, big screen TVs and Forever 21 wardrobe........then they better get used to Chantel!!!!! 

Chantel is La Jefa!!!!!!!   

She is in DR with HER husband!  

And, Mama Pedro works.  

So, what is she doing with her money while Chantel pays all her bills???

This is the problem here.  

Does Family Pedro need some financial assistance? Not in the traditional way. 

These people want big screen TVs, clothes, perfumes, shoes, etc.  

They have Chantel paying for their bills.

for what?   So, they can grow their own saving accounts  or open businesses, etc.

I knew of someone from DR who did this.  She married a good looking millionaire.  The DRs greed never stopped and it was disgusting. The girl was finally caught cheating on the US husband. He left her.  Got custody of the kids who only knew the nanny as their mom, anyways.

I saw it with my own eyes. This girl’s life changed in under 6 months. From waitress who was  couchsurfing with another waitress to millionaire wife with her own businesses.  In less, than 3 years.  It was over.

She was very young and I feel she never got a chance to appreciate her new rich  life and husband. I think her family’s was influencing her the wrong way.  

It was a get-money mentality from the family.  Just like Pedro’s mom acts with him.

(Now, she won’t even work. She lives off guys.....but, these guys are pure garbage! She has another kid, too. By a deadbeat guy)

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29 minutes ago, RealReality said:

I fully agree with this.  People have a right to privacy even if someone else is paying the rent.  And you shouldn't want to violate someone's privacy, even if you can.

I also don't know if Pedro/Chantal fully pay the rent or it's supplemental income.

But you don't get to just randomly show up because you're paying all or part of the bill.  Even when people are on government housing assistance the state has to give notice and have a reason to enter.

And why would you even want to?  Staying someplace you clearly aren't wanted, showing up unannounced and demanding to stay someplace just because you pay some or part of the rent seems like the moves of a bully and an asshole.

If Chantal doesn't like Pedro letting his mom and sister harvest their American dollars she has to decide if it bothers her enough to leave.  The issue isn't asking for the American dollars it's that Pedro sends them. 

If it bothers her that HER money may be used to pay the rent she can insist that she and Pedro keep separate accounts and each contribute to a third account used to pay rent and bills.  My parents keep separate accounts and they almost never fight about money.  And my dad uses his money and he sees fit and so does my mother.

I agree with this. Although Sister Nicole has said several times that Pedro is paying for their lovely 3 BR apartment in the DR. That’s not $150/month - the DR ain’t that cheap. Chantel also said that Pedro is using “their” savings to fund his open ended trip to the DR. She’s an idiot.

Mr. DC and I have totally separate bank and investment accounts. We’ve been married 12 years. And I own the house we’re currently living in (pre and post nuptial agreements). I sold my old house after we were married to buy this one. He has his own very nice house nearby he rents that he bought before we were married. He pays me a certain (not large) amount of money each month towards the mortgage. I do make more money than him. I pay some other expenses, he pays some others.

These two morons need to keep their money separate. He should give Chantel a set amount each month towards living expenses and then he can do whatever he wants with the rest - being his extensive gaming hobby or sending money back home. That would solve a lot of problems right there. 

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2 hours ago, FurBabyMama said:

Pao seriously bugs me. This may sound insensitive to some, and if it does I apologize. But she only knew she was pregnant for 2 days before she had the miscarriage! I have had 5 miscarriages, and I had a couple that I lost right after I had a positive pregnancy test.

thank you for saying this!! I have felt the same way, and been in a similar situation. It has been making me crazy to the point that I was Googling how far along she was when she miscarried.  I mean, grief is grief.... but, also, DRAMA!!

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1 hour ago, iwasish said:

Her faked cry  in her talk with Jay’s sister was so transparent, not one tear was shed

 Every time she wiped her face I thought "ok maybe this time?" but alas, there was no tear to behold. 

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I like Jay's sister and brother (and niece!).  However, I wondered if the reason his sister was so concerned about their marriage had to do with the money and other benefits that would eventually come to her rather than the marriage itself.  Nevertheless, I wish Ashley would just let them enjoy their first Christmas with a real tree, snow, etc., even if it's not up to her standard of "perfection."

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Chantel seems to expect more from Pedro than he is capable of giving.  She is delusional if she thinks that he is a dream husband.  I don't see anything there to get excited about.  AND, she is almost as bad.  So dim and clueless.  Has there ever been a time in which their marriage was working?  Why would you fight to be miserable?  To me, Chantel must love misery and that's why she keeps wallowing in it.  The whole bunch are pathetic. 

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9 hours ago, RealReality said:

Libby is ridiculous and she knows exactly what she is doing.  She brings up Andrei and how much he sucks, because as usual, she is fine with her family shitting all over Andrei BUT, she gets pissy whenever people come at her and don't allow her to be the victim.

ITA. She creates her own drama and then feigns despair over people who just can’t seem to butt out (of the business she just blabbed to them). My guess is that she’s attention starved and probably always has been.

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57 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Chantel seems to expect more from Pedro than he is capable of giving.  She is delusional if she thinks that he is a dream husband.  I don't see anything there to get excited about.  AND, she is almost as bad.  So dim and clueless.  Has there ever been a time in which their marriage was working?  Why would you fight to be miserable?  To me, Chantel must love misery and that's why she keeps wallowing in it.  The whole bunch are pathetic. 

She certainly can open her mouth all the way when she wants to.

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7 hours ago, Drogo said:

They would but they don't know where he buried her.  Las Vegas is surrounded by desert.

I don't see  Coltee doing that much physical labor ... and if he tried I don't think he'd survive...

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3 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

I don't see  Coltee doing that much physical labor ... and if he tried I don't think he'd survive...

Maybe the slot machine is hollowed out and the body is inside.  That’s why nobody is allowed to touch it.

Edited by Spike
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4 hours ago, FurBabyMama said:

Pao seriously bugs me. This may sound insensitive to some, and if it does I apologize. But she only knew she was pregnant for 2 days before she had the miscarriage! I have had 5 miscarriages, and I had a couple that I lost right after I had a positive pregnancy test. Those were so much easier to recover from than the ones where I were further along. And it just bugs me how she goes on and on and on about this baby they lost. 

And I don’t blame Russ for being nervous about deivering with a midwife. First, for me anyway she didn’t seem very professional. I’m not sure I would trust her either. And I don’t trust birthing centers. If something goes wrong, then you have to wait for them to call 911, take you to the hospital and then take care of it. If something goes wrong in a hospital, they can have the baby delivered in minutes. They can get the baby immediate attention if needed. I have nothing against midwives, I think they’re great at what they do, but I would only ever go to one if I would be delivering jn a hospital. It’s too big a risk to me to deliver In a birthing center. 

Most birthing centers are near a hospital and have a way to get you there quickly. The one I used was on the hospital grounds, it was literally a walk across the street. If Pao's pregnancy is not high risk there is no reason for her not to give birth at a center. And childbirth does hurt. It would be foolish to say otherwise. 

1 hour ago, LGGirl said:

Personally, I thought Pedro’s mom was rude.   Chantel had nothing to do with the fight between Pedro and her brother.   Her family was at fault.   She isn’t responsible for them.  Both families come off as nasty.   Chantel could have said she was sorry it happened to ease ruffled feathers but of course she would never do that.  

Chantel has, for the last several months, whinged about how Pedro and Nicole went to her parents' house with a plan in place to attack her brother. She hasn't shut up about it. She has refused to see any other point of view, certainly not her husband's. She sits quietly while her mother makes a big show of taking off her rings. She doesn't make a peep when her mother basically threatens to pepper spray Pedro. She did not leave with her husband after her mother threw her sister in law to the floor and yanked half of her weave out, while screaming about calling Immigration. Chantel has plenty to answer for. If my son was married to a woman who made him as miserable as Chantel makes Pedro, I would be hard pressed to be polite. If he came home sad and depressed, and said woman followed him, came to my home and was snarky and rude to me, I would have a very hard time not removing my rings and pepper spraying her. I am no fan of Lidia but Pedro is her son. She's right to be in his corner. 

1 hour ago, Jennifersdc said:

Mr. DC and I have totally separate bank and investment accounts. We’ve been married 12 years. And I own the house we’re currently living in (pre and post nuptial agreements). I sold my old house after we were married to buy this one. He has his own very nice house nearby he rents that he bought before we were married. He pays me a certain (not large) amount of money each month towards the mortgage. I do make more money than him. I pay some other expenses, he pays some others.

These two morons need to keep their money separate. He should give Chantel a set amount each month towards living expenses and then he can do whatever he wants with the rest - being his extensive gaming hobby or sending money back home. That would solve a lot of problems right there. 

And Chantel's family made him sign a prenup, so that Chantel's fortune would stay out of his grubby Dominican hands. Sauce for the goose. If what's Chantel's is Chantel's, then what's Pedro's is Pedro's. 

My husband and I have separate accounts also. Works for us. 

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Maybe the slot machine is hollowed out and the body is inside.  That’s why nobody is allowed to touch it.

Hollow or corpse-filled, that slot machine is also much too heavy for Coltee to move without having a heart attack. Then Debbie would have two corpses on her hands...

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And seriously? this is what Chantel calls "fighting for my marriage"?? She couldn't be arsed to be nice to Pedro for five minutes before she got all surly about seeing his mother. She got a translator! (Pedro, on the other hand, has to listen to the entire family, AKA the We Hate Pedro Club, pile on him in his second language day in and day out). Then she ordered him around like a 4 year old ("sit back!" "now go get your things so we can go to the hotel!"). She acts like she hates Pedro most of the time. Its not about her marriage. She just wants to win.

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4 hours ago, Lemur said:

I dunno, Sister Pedro preeeeettttttttyyyyyy explicitly said that Chantal paid their new apartment. 

I mean, yes, the second part of your statement is correct - it *is* the legal residence of Family Pedro.  But they're pretty cool with gloating about the fact that Chantal paid for it. 

Chantel is paying for Pedro's family apartment.  Does Pedro and his sister work?  Do they know how to work or do they just sit around and wait for Pedro to pay for anything.

Pedro's mother is a witch.  She looks like a witch with her orange hair.  Chantel better watch out because a more than a few Americans have died mysteriously in the DR, including two black couples; and one woman was beaten to a pulp at a resort there.

Chantel better not get pregnant, because I see them being another Libby and Andrrrrre. 

Edited by Neurochick
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41 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Most birthing centers are near a hospital and have a way to get you there quickly. The one I used was on the hospital grounds, it was literally a walk across the street. If Pao's pregnancy is not high risk there is no reason for her not to give birth at a center. And childbirth does hurt. It would be foolish to say otherwise. 

Chantel has, for the last several months, whinged about how Pedro and Nicole went to her parents' house with a plan in place to attack her brother. She hasn't shut up about it. She has refused to see any other point of view, certainly not her husband's. She sits quietly while her mother makes a big show of taking off her rings. She doesn't make a peep when her mother basically threatens to pepper spray Pedro. She did not leave with her husband after her mother threw her sister in law to the floor and yanked half of her weave out, while screaming about calling Immigration. Chantel has plenty to answer for. If my son was married to a woman who made him as miserable as Chantel makes Pedro, I would be hard pressed to be polite. If he came home sad and depressed, and said woman followed him, came to my home and was snarky and rude to me, I would have a very hard time not removing my rings and pepper spraying her. I am no fan of Lidia but Pedro is her son. She's right to be in his corner. 

And Chantel's family made him sign a prenup, so that Chantel's fortune would stay out of his grubby Dominican hands. Sauce for the goose. If what's Chantel's is Chantel's, then what's Pedro's is Pedro's. 

My husband and I have separate accounts also. Works for us. 

Yes - 100% agree. That’s why I think they should keep separate bank accounts. According to Chantel - that’s not the case. Though it’s not like anybody never lies on Reality TV (looking at you Nicole and her Arabian Prince).

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9 hours ago, Drogo said:

Nicole's delusion is probably the realest thing on any of these shows...

Second realest thing on the show is Chantel's rack.  They're not nearly well-behaved enough to be fake.  I consider myself somewhat of an expert in the field, don't @ me.

Seriously. To both.

You think they’re real? Mr. DC isn’t sure either. I assumed they were implants.

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41 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

And seriously? this is what Chantel calls "fighting for my marriage"?? She couldn't be arsed to be nice to Pedro for five minutes before she got all surly about seeing his mother. She got a translator! (Pedro, on the other hand, has to listen to the entire family, AKA the We Hate Pedro Club, pile on him in his second language day in and day out). Then she ordered him around like a 4 year old ("sit back!" "now go get your things so we can go to the hotel!"). She acts like she hates Pedro most of the time. Its not about her marriage. She just wants to win.

They seem so miserable together. I have not seen one happy moment between them. Same with Jay and Trashley. Why in the world do people stay together when they are miserable 100% of the time? And with Trashley, girl - he was cheating on you two days into the marriage. What could possibly go wrong by marrying someone that literally just got out of his teenage years when you are in your 30s?

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38 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

She had SUCH a condescending tone in her voice when she said that - like she was talking to a toddler instead of her husband.

In that moment, Chantal was gloating.  She knew that Pedro would go with her.  She had a stank attitude since she got off the plane. There was no reason for her to go to the DR and no reason for her to go to Lydia’s home. She wanted to show Lydia that SHE was the Queen Bee. 

Pedro is is no saint, tho. I am side eyeing that entire dinner scene. What did he tell these people to have an entire table pissed at Chantal? And the friend who made a play for him should have been shut down. 

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12 minutes ago, Jennifersdc said:

You think they’re real? Mr. DC isn’t sure either. I assumed they were implants.

In her first season, she was a tiny petite little thing. She was wearing an itty bitty tube-like dress when she picked him up at the airport and she had nothing on top. She looked about 105 lbs or so. Now she has huge watermelons. I could be wrong but I don't think they can grow like that naturally, especially at her age.

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I wasn't liking Pedro very much this season, but my opinion changed when he went with Chantel to the hotel. She never would do the same for him. He is torn between three women who want to control him. They will not see him as a son and a husband. They want him to only choose one role. Chantel's smirking during that conversation with Lidia was sickening. Chantel isn't likeable anymore.  

Andrei was wrong for snatching Libby's phone from her hand, but honestly I think he did it because she was so upset. He didn't want her to get more worked up. Why can't her family or Andrei see that she is playing both sides. She is like Nicole. If she doesn't hear what she wants she storms out or gets defensive. I still have hope that Andrei will find steady employment.  I think the stress of so many big changes, such as moving to America,  getting married, having a baby is just overwhelming for him. He is freezing and crumbling from stress. My family is Eastern European and it's unusual for a man to not be breaking his back to support his family.  

Nicole just depresses me. All of her family needs to be blunt with her about Azan. God is literally sending every sign to her that it is not meant to be. Like, God has damned all of her plans. Also, I think My 600-lb Life would be a good show for her to be on. Dr.Now could have her see Lola and we can discover where the low self-esteem stems. 

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9 hours ago, poeticlicensed said:

If that's true, then he can't exactly just tell her to leave. He needs to buy her out.

One would think, there would have been a conversation between our favorite sMothered couple, prior to a potential wife moving into that not very spacious house.

One would think, there would have been a conversation between our favorite sMothered couple, prior to the wedding.

Who in their right mind, (HAH!!-right mind) would choose to live with an adult son and any woman much less an import.

too creepy. New version of that other new creepy show. 

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1 hour ago, Pepper Mostly said:

And seriously? this is what Chantel calls "fighting for my marriage"?? She couldn't be arsed to be nice to Pedro for five minutes before she got all surly about seeing his mother. She got a translator! (Pedro, on the other hand, has to listen to the entire family, AKA the We Hate Pedro Club, pile on him in his second language day in and day out). Then she ordered him around like a 4 year old ("sit back!" "now go get your things so we can go to the hotel!"). She acts like she hates Pedro most of the time. Its not about her marriage. She just wants to win.

At least she agreed to see his family again. Unlike Pedro. Not that Chantel didn’t have an attitude going in.

I’d probably hold back from bitch slapping Nicole myself (unlike Family Chantel), when she got to their home for her US visit, and declared she wasn’t sleeping on the couch that they specifically bought for her (see also - Chantel wanted a new couch). Did she want to kick Chantel to the couch and sleep with Pedro (eww) or expect both of them to sleep on the couch and give her the bed? Inquiring minds want to know.

 I’m also pretty sure she clapped when Chantel left the apartment.

My point is - there’s no innocent parties here. They all suck.

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44 minutes ago, mochamajesty said:

In that moment, Chantal was gloating.  She knew that Pedro would go with her.  She had a stank attitude since she got off the plane. There was no reason for her to go to the DR and no reason for her to go to Lydia’s home. She wanted to show Lydia that SHE was the Queen Bee. 

After seeing her snarky "Adios" as she and Pedro were leaving, delivered in a tone that said, "I won, bitch," I took a little bit of pleasure in seeing . . . 


The the previews of the next episode in which Chantel is sobbing.  She who laughs last laughs best.  It will be interesting to see who is smiling at the end.

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57 minutes ago, IllLitShips said:

I wasn't liking Pedro very much this season, but my opinion changed when he went with Chantel to the hotel. She never would do the same for him. He is torn between three women who want to control him. They will not see him as a son and a husband. They want him to only choose one role. Chantel's smirking during that conversation with Lidia was sickening. Chantel isn't likeable anymore.  

Andrei was wrong for snatching Libby's phone from her hand, but honestly I think he did it because she was so upset. He didn't want her to get more worked up. Why can't her family or Andrei see that she is playing both sides. She is like Nicole. If she doesn't hear what she wants she storms out or gets defensive. I still have hope that Andrei will find steady employment.  I think the stress of so many big changes, such as moving to America,  getting married, having a baby is just overwhelming for him. He is freezing and crumbling from stress. My family is Eastern European and it's unusual for a man to not be breaking his back to support his family.  

Nicole just depresses me. All of her family needs to be blunt with her about Azan. God is literally sending every sign to her that it is not meant to be. Like, God has damned all of her plans. Also, I think My 600-lb Life would be a good show for her to be on. Dr.Now could have her see Lola and we can discover where the low self-esteem stems. 

Is anyone married here?

Pedro Mom asked him to choose where to stay.

What kind of mother does that?

Husband better choose wife! 

You see!  This is why you pay your own bills.

Pedro Mom got served a plate of humble chicken feet!

Pedro Mom just wanted Pedro there so she can fill his head with more American dollars harvesting ideas. 

(Well, they all harvested TLC $$$.  They got their own show.  Excited to see where Nicole ends up)

Pedro Sister is fun  to watch.

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38 minutes ago, Jennifersdc said:

My point is - there’s no innocent parties here. They all suck.

You nailed it with that statement. There is no one to root for on this show, which is probably for the best because I watch it for snark-worthiness, not to see a love story unfold.

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I don’t get the hate for Chantel here.  She is Pedro’s wife, not his mama or his weave wearing sister.  

If you have TLC on demand, or the website, next week’s episode, Nowhere To Run part 1 is up, since you Chantel haters want to see the poor woman cry.

Pedro, you and Colti should become besties since you both want to fuck your mothers.

And how common was his mother?  I’d have beaten you up?  And your stupid ass would have ended up in jail.

Edited by Neurochick
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15 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

I don’t get the hate for Chantel here.  She is Pedro’s wife, not his mama or his weave wearing sister.  

If you have TLC on demand, or the website, next week’s episode, Nowhere To Run part 1 is up, since you Chantel haters want to see the poor woman cry.

Pedro, you and Colti should become besties since you both want to fuck your mothers.

And how common was his mother?  I’d have beaten you up?  And your stupid ass would have ended up in jail.

I couldn't believe his mother said that! I cannot stand his mom or sister. Sadly, I think Chantel and Pedro would have stood a chance without the constant barraging of their families. They were so happy and cute together in like the very first episode. But as it is, it appears this relationship is doomed.

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21 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

I don’t get the hate for Chantel here.  She is Pedro’s wife, not his mama or his weave wearing sister.  

If you have TLC on demand, or the website, next week’s episode, Nowhere To Run part 1 is up, since you Chantel haters want to see the poor woman cry.

Pedro, you and Colti should become besties since you both want to fuck your mothers.

And how common was his mother?  I’d have beaten you up?  And your stupid ass would have ended up in jail.

I hate the way that Chantal acted. 

There is something to be said for taking the high road.  Let the other person be wrong by herself. Her demeanor when she walked in that house was awful and did not help the situation. 

Her family did start the altercation at the dinner table, and I think it was the first time that she admitted that her family shares the blame for what happened. 

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5 minutes ago, Hannah94 said:

I couldn't believe his mother said that! I cannot stand his mom or sister. Sadly, I think Chantel and Pedro would have stood a chance without the constant barraging of their families. They were so happy and cute together in like the very first episode. But as it is, it appears this relationship is doomed.

the marriage started off on a lie to her family. It went downhill from there.

The fact that Chantel didn’t tell the truth to them, proved that she knew they would not be happy about the situation. Pedro’s mistake was going along with the lie. 

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7 minutes ago, iwasish said:

The fact that Chantel didn’t tell the truth to them, proved that she knew they would not be happy about the situation. Pedro’s mistake was going along with the lie. 

Pedro's mistake was believing that Chantel knew the best way to deal with her parents.  He was filmed many times saying he wasn't comfortable with the lie.  Chantel threw him under the bus with her parents rather than owning up to the fact that SHE was the one who insisted on lying to them.

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