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"The View": Week of 6/3/2019


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2 hours ago, Rainyhawk said:

It’s the Daily Mail so take with a grain of salt, but perhaps a light at the end of the tunnel? 


The photos in that article are a hoot.

Joy smiling, whoopi smiling, Meghan giving the camer a bitchy glare.

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I loved that Joy compared the Straight Pride Parade to the “All Lives Matter” responses to Black Lives Matter. Watching that segment, I was hoping somebody would say it. Also loved Ana correcting McCain in that same segment that her Arizona senator is not a Republican—and it’s the Republican Majority that are the Straight Pride Parade her joke referred to. What a moron.

Just now, Medicine Crow said:

Please don't insult cows ... they're really quite smart ... LOL.  (I've spent a fair amount of time raising/handling them.)

My grandparents, who I grew up right next to, had around 15-20 cows. They're harmless, unlike this viper. Since we're on the subject, I'd take a real, live cow at the table over her. Think of all the media exposure a cow could get the show!!! All those juicy news articles about how it slobbered on the table unexpectedly, took a dump on an audience member, or moo-ed in Joy's face. Not too different from what McCain "adds" to the show and ABC could save themselves a million at the same time!

Edited by TheGreenKnight
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56 minutes ago, Alexis2291 said:

Where to begin?

First: thank you, thank you, thank you Whoopi for making it clear - there is no such thing as "late-term abortions." My God. Shut up, Meghan. Just shut up. 

Second: Meghan believes every candidate except Biden is too far left? More proof that she doesn't know jack shit. I can't believe nobody at the table pushed back on that ridiculous comment. 

Third: She admits on national television that the reason she just lovessss Joe Biden - get this folks - is because he doesn't talk bad about Republicans. That's all it takes for her to love any Dem. In other words, don't call them out on their hypocrisy, bullshit, bigotry, ect. because, ya know, "both sides" or something right? Jesus.

Oh and fourth: when they came back from the commercial break, Meghan accused Joy of thinking she (Meghan) is on the "far-right." I didn't hear Joy say that today or ever. Even if she did say it - a hit dog will holler. Not to go too off topic but you are the company you keep, NutMeg... take a closer look at who you married.

51 minutes ago, Haleth said:

Poor Meg. People yelling “not so nice” things to her on the street. 

And now she’s demonizing all Dems by complaining about Gabbart.  And questioning Ana’s politics. Man, she’s obnoxious today. 

49 minutes ago, Alexis2291 said:

Poor Meghan, forever a victim. She steps out of her apartment everyday and is reminded that she's a Convervative. Boo-hoo, Meghan. If you can't handle being triggered by the state of New York, just move. And quit The View while you're at. For fuck's sake, she ruins everything.

Also love how Joy proudly owns Meghan being called "radical left," along with a laugh. 

And Meghan, fuck the hell off, questioning Ana about her political beliefs. Who the FUCK are you? 

Yup, Yup, Yup, Yup. giphy.gif Didn't I tell y'all she'd be back to her nasty self in a day or two? So whenever she returns from whatever permanent never will be fired card "Time-Out" she's given when she goes over whatever line ABC has, she's only subdued or quiet for a day and reverts back to form. As it seems she did. AGAIN. Based on everyone's comments here.


giphy.gif giphy.gif


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38 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

Meghan, please stop saying you are "extremely pro-life"!  You are pro-fetus life, and quite possibly pro-cactus life.  You murder animals for pleasure, you want to cut off any benefits for children born into poverty, you care nothing for the suffering of those seeking asylum at the border, and I'm relatively certain you love the death penalty. 

The incubator of the fetus means nothing to you either - before or after birth.  She is secondary, or actually, you probably think she comes after the fetus AND the father.   She's not allowed autonomy over her own body, and I bet you want her to face the death penalty for terminating a pregnancy.  

So true. 

Plus she's not pro life to her hawks who bomb people in other countries. 

Or in favor of bump-stock automatic weapons being freely owned and used in the U.S. 

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13 minutes ago, Rainyhawk said:

And her examples are pretty basic that many people on both sides support (e.g. strong military, patriotic, etc) though I think small government and pro life are contradictory. 

Notice that when Meghan said she’s very “pro-military,” Joy said, “we’re all pro-military.” Meghan ignored her and kept going down her very generic list of why she’s a Conservative. Those were very basic reasons she gave - you’re right, Rainy.

And someone correct me if I’m wrong, but did she ask Ana at some point whether she’s a “McCain Republican” or some nonsense? The hell is a McCain Republican? People in her own party regularly sided with Trump over McCain during his life and even after his death so that “type” of Republican must not be very popular...🤨

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1 minute ago, Alexis2291 said:

And someone correct me if I’m wrong, but did she ask Ana at some point whether she’s a “McCain Republican” or some nonsense? The hell is a McCain Republican? People in her own party regularly sided with Trump over McCain during his life and even after his death so that “type” of Republican must not be very popular...🤨

Meghan thinks every Republican should be a conservative and assumes they are. To her that is real Republicans. Which is why she asked Ana why do you call yourself a conservative.  Meghan does not  understand people can have lots of different kinds of beliefs. That you don't have to follow a strict list of whatever your party believes.  And she is in favor of LGTBQ equality.  Does her fellow conservatives feel the same way?

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50 minutes ago, Rainyhawk said:

Joy is radical left??  Really Meghan?  And please stop saying “I will say”...just say it.  And with a D senator I’m not sure AZ is a deep red state any longer.  And her examples are pretty basic that many people on both sides support (e.g. strong military, patriotic, etc) though I think small government and pro life are contradictory.  Loved Ana speaking up as she actually thinks about things and what she stands for as a Republican.  And she is the old time republican when that  party actually worked for the country and stood for actual values.  And she’s right..this is the trump party now and you have to bow down.  Meghan needs to listen sometimes and actually think rather than spout crap.  This is not the Republican Party those of us who grew up in the 50’s and 60’s knew, nor the party her father knew.  It’s a very different party that Ana can’t identify with and Meghan is the poster child for...abortion and gun rights are their most important issues. 

When George Will and so many others leave the Republican party, Meghan should realize that it is no longer the same party. Someone should give her a list of everyone who has left to see what she says.

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1 minute ago, mongoose said:

When George Will and so many others leave the Republican party, Meghan should realize that it is no longer the same party. Someone should give her a list of everyone who has left to see what she says.

Her response would be the party isn't the problem the defectors are the problem.

Meghan is all over the place when she talks about her party.  She doesn't think it's the party of Trump. She doesn't think Ana is representative of her party.  WTF does Meghan think is her party?

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1 minute ago, blondiec0332 said:

Her response would be the party isn't the problem the defectors are the problem.

Meghan is all over the place when she talks about her party.  She doesn't think it's the party of Trump. She doesn't think Ana is representative of her party.  WTF does Meghan think is her party?

There's no room in her mind for nuance or shades of any color in her "reasoning" ability. 

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