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S09.E15: One Wedding And A Polygraph

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17 minutes ago, dosodog said:

It would be in poor taste to start a fight at the dinner table to distract everyone from eating at a wedding thingy.....

Rinna's MO

Also.  Rinna's 2 finger spread in describing her Playboy status was.  Very widely spread.

live long and prosper star trek GIF


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1 minute ago, heatherchandler said:

Who invited Freddy Mercury to the wedding...?  Oh sorry it's Kyle and her CHOMPERS!

Is she not embarrassed by them?  I feel embarrassed for her.



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8 minutes ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

Yes, and many on social media are not happy about that comment. Will be interesting to see if she'll feel the need to say something apologetic. 

I can hear it already: It was a joke, dahhhhhling!  Get a sense of humor!!  

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It usually annoys me when the other women talk about LVP, but this time, I agreed with them. LVP passing a lie detector test doesn't necessarily means she's telling the truth, especially since she knew what questions would be asked before the test was even administered. I think lie detector tests just measure how good of a liar a person is. I'm not saying LVP is a liar because I don't know if she did or didn't sell stories to RadarOnline.com, but her taking and passing the lie detector test did not sway me one way or another. I did agree with Rinna who said she did to preserve her image.

Camille's wedding was beautiful. I loved her dress. I'm glad Camille's mother was able to attend. She is holding up great for a woman of her age and to be sickly.

Teddi has a business? I thought her life coaching thing was just a hobby and that she was living off a trust fund from John Mellencamp. 

Hawaii looks beautiful. I hope I am able to take a vacation there one day.

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11 minutes ago, TexasGal said:

I can hear it already: It was a joke, dahhhhhling!  Get a sense of humor!!  

Yeah, probably. Quite honestly, a lot of the women across these shows have use homophobic and transphobic humor at times (the women on RHOA are awfully prone to accusing each other of being lesbians, like that is somehow a character failing and I believe that some on RHONY have made some fairly transphobic comments about Luann).  But LVP has made being an LGBTQ ally a big part of her public persona, so I'm not sure she's going to be able to get away with the "It's just my British humor" excuse. 

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Oh yea! Let's start the show with Lisa V and Dr. John who is trying way to hard to encapsulate both male and female traits. He makes sure his package is known. But he has collagen lips and fake eyelashes. What bothers me isn't his ambiguous androgyny. It's how completely unnatural he looks, and the effort he puts in to look so strange. The lie detector thing was pretty dumb. Lisa V may be smart, but she sure isn't mature.

Kyle has really aged this season. I think Kyle is beautiful but she's starting to act grandma-ish.

I like how they showed the ladies getting ready for the wedding by themselves. No need for a glam squad if Ericka isn't around!

I don't know that anyone really wanted to go to Camille's wedding, to be honest. I think once everyone saw her place they were ready to go home.

When they showed the food at Camille's dinner, and Lisa Rinna ate the food, I got flashbacks to when Lisa R was at Bethanny's and she got violently ill and had to leave. This time around, I thought, "Oh wow, Lisa R is eating! She is obviously not thrilled about it, but she's doing her best to have the cheesy pasta. She isn't saying she is sick and having to leave!"

Next scene she is sick and lost her voice. I call bullshit. I think she's going to do some weird anorexia ritual shit all day. She probably took about 100 laxatives.

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2 minutes ago, DivaLasVegas82 said:

It usually annoys me when the other women talk about LVP, but this time, I agreed with them. LVP passing a lie detector test doesn't necessarily means she's telling the truth, especially since she knew what questions would be asked before the test was even administered. I think lie detector tests just measure how good of a liar a person is. I'm not saying LVP is a liar because I don't know if she did or didn't sell stories to RadarOnline.com, but her taking and passing the lie detector test did not sway me one way or another. I did agree with Rinna who said she did to preserve her image.

Camille's wedding was beautiful. I loved her dress. I'm glad Camille's mother was able to attend. She is holding up great for a woman of her age and to be sickly.

Teddi has a business? I thought her life coaching thing was just a hobby and that she was living off a trust fund from John Mellencamp. 

Hawaii looks beautiful. I hope I am able to take a vacation there one day.

One more thing: I feel like Denise still has some unresolved feelings over her divorce from Charlie Sheen. She finds a way to bring him up every other episode. I can't believe he wouldn't let her talk to Patrick when they were married. Meanwhile, he was probably screwing every hooker, stripper, and porn star in town.

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6 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

If the guy administering the test knew nothing of LVP or the situation, how would he know what questions to ask unless someone provided him with the pertinent information?  How else was he supposed to know what to ask?  

He's not supposed to know. The point is that this is a comically-flawed way for LVP to "prove" she's innocent because there is no way for her and her minion Sessa to set up a lie-detector test that isn't staged to reflect well on her.  It was a dumb idea because it's easy to poke holes on it as some sort of objective measure of her innocence (as proven by the fact that people like Dorit and Lisa Rinna, neither of whom are the height of rationality, easily advanced pretty convincing arguments as to why the test doesn't prove anything). 

Edited by eleanorofaquitaine
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4 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

If the guy administering the test knew nothing of LVP or the situation, how would he know what questions to ask unless someone provided him with the pertinent information?  How else was he supposed to know what to ask?  

Camille is so two-faced.  She knows that LVP didn't want the drama of being around the ladies in Hawaii, but yet she goes along with what the bitches were saying about LVP.   I'm disappointed in Camille in this regard.  

Camille has always been two-faced since the beginning of the show. It should come as a surprise to no one. It seems like the ladies are going to call her on it next episode. 

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33 minutes ago, endure said:

Have another drink Mauricio

More like: puff, puff, pass, Mauricio. 

No, seriously, pass that dutchie. I don’t think I can make it another episode without some herbal refreshment.  At this point, I’m looking forward to the return of Kim R and Brandi G. Oh my gawd, did I just admit that?? At least they’ll liven things up with their special brands of crazy.

Was Rinna going for terrifying with that EJ Halloween costume? Because I’m terrified. 

Edited by Duke2801
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28 minutes ago, TexasGal said:

Right?  The other women were making good points about who came up with the questions and had she practiced and then Teddi throws out Ted Buddy.  Yes, Teddi, LVP is exactly like a serial killer.  Good analogy.  Especially right after they all vehemently agree that LVP taking the test is ridiculous since she’s not exactly being accused of murder. 

I think Teddi brought up Ted Bundy because, like the women said, LVP is acting like she was accused of murder. If she says she didn't sell a story to RadarOnline.com, then she should stick to her guns. Furthermore, she doesn't even want anything more to do with this women, so why bother taking a lie detector test to prove them wrong? LVP was trying to do damage control. Unfortunately, I don't think it was successful. People who love her will continue to love her no matter what she does. And those who think she is a phony will continue to think that no matter what the results of the lie detector test were.

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5 minutes ago, FlyingEgret said:

Maybe LVP is throwing down the gauntlet to get Dorit to take a lie detector test - we all know Dorit couldn't pass even if she administered her own test...

What I found interesting is that in 2 of the questions asked of LVP, it was worded  "....Dorit abandoned the dog...…."    This should send Dorit right over the edge!

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14 minutes ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Idc how cute he is high, I don’t want to HEAR MAURICIO SAY AMAAAAAZING OR CRAAAZY ever again. 

I wish that Rinna would quit saying "you look Gorrrrrr-juss."  Why can't she say gorgeous correctly and without drawing it out?  That gets on my nerves every single time.  

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15 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

If the guy administering the test knew nothing of LVP or the situation, how would he know what questions to ask unless someone provided him with the pertinent information?  How else was he supposed to know what to ask?

Have Rinna submit the questions. Now THAT would have been good tv. Instead we got a lame Dorit's looks question (British Humor!)

I wonder what Billie Lee will have to say about LVP's tucking comment seeing how dismissive LVP was of her last week on VPR?

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7 minutes ago, Duke2801 said:

No, seriously, pass that dutchie. I don’t think I can make it another episode without some herbal refreshment.  At this point, I’m looking forward to the return of Kim R and Brandi G.

This is the most boring season of ALL housewives seasons.

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42 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

Who invited Freddy Mercury to the wedding...?  Oh sorry it's Kyle and her CHOMPERS!

Is she not embarrassed by them?  I feel embarrassed for her.


Don't insult Freddy like that!

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1 hour ago, Steph J said:

The usually hyper-image conscious LVP really miscalculated how that scene would look, I think.

Her outfit was super miscalculated! Egads she looked fat short and old. And homeless.  

53 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Awww Barbra eden 

She was AWESOME. An iconic cameo. That HAD to be a wig though. Right? 

34 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

Why are they all piling into a Clown Car?

Did you see the bridesmaid almost get run over!??? That was nearly a grisly accident. 

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27 minutes ago, DivaLasVegas82 said:

It usually annoys me when the other women talk about LVP, but this time, I agreed with them. LVP passing a lie detector test doesn't necessarily means she's telling the truth, especially since she knew what questions would be asked before the test was even administered. I think lie detector tests just measure how good of a liar a person is. I'm not saying LVP is a liar because I don't know if she did or didn't sell stories to RadarOnline.com, but her taking and passing the lie detector test did not sway me one way or another. I did agree with Rinna who said she did to preserve her image.

I agreed with the women too - something LVP can control, and all about image.

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ITA, renatae. A person who conducts a lie detector test is not a psychic who intuits why they were hired. 

In a civil situation like this they indeed are provided with a synopsis - how else would they know what questions to ask and how to evaluate questions submitted by the client? Some clients are private citizens and some clients are lawyers and law enforcement agencies. All of those submit questions/questioning guidelines to the questioner. 

A synopsis is not required to read the results of any test, whether it's one of their own or one conducted by someone else.

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Polygraphs are completely useless, not valid, don't prove anything except maybe you're a lying psychopath UNLESS you have your house robbed, then yeah, they are just the thing to determine the truthfulness of the construction workers.

And all of this in one episode. I can't tell if she's stupid or if she thinks the audience is stupid.

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52 minutes ago, BodhiGurl said:

Navy blue for the bridal party seems so odd to me given the location of the wedding, I would have expected something a little more tropical...

Camille wanted all the attention, so she made them wear dowdy high cut dresses, but she has her boobs out for all to see.

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32 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

I wish that Rinna would quit saying "you look Gorrrrrr-juss."  Why can't she say gorgeous correctly and without drawing it out?  That gets on my nerves every single time.  

She’s a kiss ass.

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Hm..  Mauricio, Teddi and Edwin looked totally high.  It was pretty funny.

Give me a break with the lie detector test.  I've never heard of a polygraph being given with a friend and dog in the room.  And why wasn't Lisa asked to lie so the polygrapher can measure reaction to gauge it.  A true polygraph takes time to administer.  This took five minutes?   Sorry, I know too many people who have undergone it for Top Secret clearance.  I also watch Dr. Phil (don't judge me).  LVP looked like a fool.

OMG.  That poor bridesmaid almost got run over by a car door.

That coverup Camille was wearing was gorgeous.  I also liked her wedding gown.

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