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S06.E16: Cinco de Mayo

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Omg ya'll, I literally laughed until I couldn't breathe there at the end. I was scared. Double Scully farts. And Kevin the ruthless!

I was like, "oh no Mr. Bill" when I thought he was dead. I was so sad! I laughed so much when he turned up.

I loved Rosa saying there's no way anything new or interesting could happen. Well played show. Well played. Oh, and I loved Cheddar the traitor. You bitch!

Edited by festivus
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That was fantastic, honestly. It was pretty much everything I wanted. I liked Rosa's line about how the heists can't truly be different, which may be partially true but it doesn't make them any less fun.

Terry winning was what I was hoping for. And I love his sidekick: Cheddar! I love that Kevin got involved and it looks like he'll be involved in the next heist.

Amy and Jake bought themselves tasers as presents! So many double crosses! 

Scully has a twin! Like, damn, that's quite a reveal! Bill was thought to be dead but he's actually alive! Thank goodness. 

I also love that Terry faked that gas explosion just to get the heist moved to his preferred day. 

Ok, so thinking about it, it can't be Cinco de Mayo if Amy/Jake already had their wedding anniversary...which actually bugs me a little more than I thought it would. And it's not like I can pretend that this episode takes place before that other episode, since of the whole kids issue. 

Other than that, great episode.

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Heist time!!

It is insane to me that this show keeps finding ways to make this concept work and be surprising, because once again, there was a part of me that wondered if I would find it a bit stale at this point, but nope, I end up loving it and then some.

Once again, I really do love how the heist just brings the worst out of everyone, and nonstop hilarity ensues.  Holt goes all petty and demeans almost everyone with his put downs and snarks.  Rosa drugs Boyle and tries to send him across the city in a box!  And on almost every show, a married couple tasering one another would be a huge freaking red flag, but for this show and the heist episodes, Jake and Amy secretly buying each other presents that are secretly tasers are exactly what I would expect from both of them when it comes to the heist!  It's like for thirty minutes, Brooklyn Nine-Nine turns into The Hunger Games and I love it!

I did suspect that Terry would end up being the winner, although I had an outside prediction for Kevin (yay!) winning it, in order to stop it for good.  But it being that Terry pretty much orchestrating the entire thing (even lying about when he actually took his lieutenant's exam) was awesome.  He even got Cheddar involved!  Hee!

Glad they got Bill involved again as well.  And Scully suddenly having a twin worked better than I expected, and Joel McKinnion Miller seemed to be having fun with those scenes.

Terry really did look like a human sized Oscar.  He should appear in the next ceremony!

Holt's disgusted "mediocre heterosexual intercourse" was everything.  Andre Braugher never ceases to amaze me.

Gina's statute has become much more tolerable now that it is always where Cheddar does his business whenever nature calls.

When Kevin made his threat to Terry and Jake at the end, I was just picturing somewhere in the Bad Place, Shawn was like "I like this man's mind works!"  Every show is better with Marc Evan Jackson!

Loved it!  And now off to wait for the eventual gifs that will be made of Golden Oscar Terry Crews doing his dance!

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Rosa's disdain for repeating the heist scenario because everything you can possibly do with it has already been done... got me in a great mood right then.

And I loved that it took all the cliches of heist movies, partners double-crossing each other and revealing that they'd planned back one step further, and cranked them all up to the seventeenth power.

Anything making me feel that someone had gone that bit too far and become irredeemable was always undone in the next set of revelations. Including feeling that whatever else, there was no way to undo what they'd done to Terry -- which was of course the best reveal of all.

"The son of a bitch stole my song!" It may be just coincidence, but I took it as a deliberate quotation of the last line of the great American play The Front Page, wherein Walter Burns, having given his watch to his protege Hildy as a farewell remembrance, double-crosses him by calling the police to grab him, saying "The son of a bitch stole my watch."

Plus we had Kevin! and Cheddar!

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I was ridiculously pleased that they revisited who really won the last heist. I had given too much thought to that myself. I would say Holt and Cheddar were my favorites tonight.

I thought Amy was going to reveal she really was pregnant and I'm glad she wasn't. I have to say, as much as I shipped Jake and Amy, it's becoming pretty clear they should not be married to each other. The tasers as gifts thing was bad. I think the show has gone to cheap jokes about their relationship so much that it has taken over their dynamic. 

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10 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

Cheddar you duplicitous bitch!   

I think I could watch a whole act of an episode that was just Cheddar running in slow motion. 

That said, I did feel like this one leaned a little too hard into the double crosses. But I was happy to see Terry get his win.

I'm a sucker for meta-humor, So I would have enjoyed the reasoning behind the non-halloween heist being something more along the lines of...it happened but do to renovations no one saw it and therefore it felt like it didn't actually happen.

I did love Jake and Holt treating the victim as an actor, and that he did turn out to be an actor.

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I feel terrible that I didn't realize that the show wasn't on last October so there was no Halloween Heist. I heart NBC more than they could know for providing me with the one I missed! 

Yay Cheddar, Kevin, and Terry!

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I've missed the annual Halloween Heist. So glad they did it this season even though we missed October.

All the double crossing and triple crossing is still so much fun.
I love how more insulting Holt gets during these heists:

"You are so easily manipulated! Now you're stuck with 'Sgt Dum Dum'!"

"The only thing you won was a lifetime of mediocre heterosexual intercourse with Jake!"

 So glad Bill turned out to be alive!

As someone who spent so much time playing Super Mario Bros 2 when he was a kid I loved the "Birdo" reference!

Scully has a twin? Must have gotten him hooked on the same chicken wings when they were younger.

I really was fooled into thinking they might have caused Terry to fail his lieutenant's exam. I didn't see it coming and when they revealed the empty room I was both relieved and surprised.

Edited by VCRTracking
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A Heist episode, Kevin, AND Cheddar?!? We`re truly being spoiled here!

Thank God Bill is still alive, I was so sad that he apparently died off screen, so I was thrilled he was back again. So many double crosses and plot twists, I needed a whole murder board to keep up with everything.

Terry really did look like an Oscar! So happy that Terry won the heist this year, AND is going to be a Lt., everything is coming up Terry!

Damn, dont fuck with Kevin. I love bearded Kevin, he clearly needs to be around far more. "Excuse him, its his first heist."

Mediocre heterosexual intercourse is such an amazing insult, I need to find a way to use it, hopefully to complain about a boring tv or movie couple I dont like. I do hope that Amy and Jake can now give each other gifts that dont avoid tasers.

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This had to have been the funniest episode of the season. I need a flowchart to keep up with who was betraying whom. Man, Cheddar cannot be trusted at all during the heists, can she?

Jake's face when he thought that Amy was pregnant makes me really hope we get to see that for real in Season 7. 

Congratulations to Lieutenant Jeffords!

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This was unquestionably the best episode of the season. It's brilliant that they gave us the fan-favorite Heist with a legitimate reason for it happening in May instead of October. They could have skipped it all together, or shown it as a flashback, but instead they crafted it as a long-con in a way that played out beautifully. Over the years Terry has so often been relegated to dramatic whining about one thing or another, so letting him shine (figuratively and literally, hee!) by being the mastermind of everything was terrific payback. It was all perfectly improbable in true Brooklyn Nine-Nine fashion.

I also appreciate that though everyone's personality is ratcheted up a hundred notches during the Heist in a way that borders on the edge of too mean, it's always balanced with humor and the knowledge that it's happening in the spirit of competition. A married couple secretly finding ways to tase each other works due to Jake and Amy existing on the same ruthless wavelength. Jake sacrificing his partnership with Terry so he could hog the glory with his custom banner is leveled out with the reveal that Terry sold him the banner to begin with and has a banner of his own. The show knows exactly how to exaggerate everyone's behavior without crossing the line into uncomfortable territory.

And on top of all this goodness we got Cheddar AND Kevin. Truly two necessary components to the recipe for a perfect episode.

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3 hours ago, GussieK said:

How could the captain not know about a promotion?  This was a real flaw in the plot. 

Yeah I agree about this. Terry says that it happened weeks ago. How did Holt not know that he was promoted? There's no paperwork or ceremony? I can buy that nobody knew the date of the exam, although thinking about I would assume the exams are held around the same date every year. I just didn't make sense. It would have been better if instead he took the exam over the weekend and just got the results.

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"That's one 'bund to none, son!"

This episode was awesome, I'll have to watch again just to pick up all the things I missed.  I do worry about Jake and Amy's relationship, given how they tend to act, but I guess anything that happens on the Heist is forgivable.

Glad Bill's not dead, he's practically a member of the squad now.  And Kevin at the end sounded like he was grading into Shawn from The Good Place.

Although if Terry can fake a gas explosion, I suspect he found a way to delay the paperwork to keep Holt and the 99 from finding out.

12 hours ago, abc123 said:

“...it’s amazing how soft a box gets when it’s wet.”

Nobody ask any follow-up questions!

So awesome that Terry won, all hail King Terry! (even if it is only half a victory for the next six months)

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Cheddar you duplicitous bitch!   

Is Cheddar a girl?

There was something very creepy about Terry Crews covered entirely in gold, except for his face. It was like somebody slapped a human face on a robot or something. The effect was very disturbing. 

I know the whole thing was absurd and it was funny but I was worried about poor little Cheddar following them all the way downtown all by himself!

Edited by iMonrey
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15 hours ago, festivus said:

And Kevin the ruthless!

I'm a little scared of Kevin, to be honest, after "You're right, Raymond: these heists are fun."

I was sold the minute Holt scoffed at people not knowing who the assistant principal violist of the New York Philharmonic was. The perfectly executed little snort at "Okay," pretty much undid me. (Also Rosa's epic sour face accompanying her thumbs-down on the "treacly" proposal by way of the last heist.)

"Did you two give each other any gifts this year that did NOT involve tasers?"

Amy and Jake [guiltily]: "No."

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1 hour ago, Lugal said:

"That's one 'bund to none, son!"

Love that line and delivery.

At first I felt so bad for Terry when Jake kept double crossing him. Who would want to betray Terry? He's so sweet.

Glad Terry won.

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Truly a near pitch-perfect episode, minuscule quibbles aside.

As others have said, it was wonderful to see both Kevin! and Cheddar!!! playing such key roles in the episode. While I agree that it was nice for the Gina statue to finally serve some purpose, part of me would have liked to have seen a flashback on Cheddar looking at the statue, then back at Terry w/ a face that obviously conveyed that she would not stoop to peeing on such a monstrosity like some common bitch.

1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

Is Cheddar a girl?

Yep. Holt has mentioned that a few times.

Everyone got a chance to shine, or, well "shine," ahem - Terry - ahem. Sure they all were behaving poorly b/c heist episodes amp up their competitiveness to 11. No, not 11. To 99.

Terry planning everything six months ago was perfect. Fake gas explosion w/ hired actors playing victims, and, I'm assuming, EMTs and other emergency service personnel. Getting Kevin annoyed at the cummerbund hanging on the apartment wall. Selling Jake the banner. Talking about Boyle's fat fingers. Then using Cheddar, that duplicitous bitch, to pull off the final double-cross. Perfection.

It's true that Holt and at least Amy would have known when the Lieutenant's exam was.

2 hours ago, ZoqFotPik said:

I can buy that nobody knew the date of the exam, although thinking about I would assume the exams are held around the same date every year.

Actually, in the NYPD, the Captain's, Lieutenant's, and Sergeant's exams are not held every year. And, even if you pass, you may not get promoted for a period of time. It's not automatic. From the May 2017 exam notice:


THE TEST RESULTS: If you pass the multiple-choice test and are marked eligible, your name will be placed in final score order on an eligible list and you will be given a list number. You will be notified by mail of your test results. If you meet all requirements and conditions, you will be considered for promotion when your name is reached on the eligible list.

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2 hours ago, Sandman said:

I was sold the minute Holt scoffed at people not knowing who the assistant principal violist of the New York Philharmonic was.

It was the associate principal cellist, I'll have you know 😉 

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22 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Is Cheddar a girl?

It seems recently yes, but I thought he was a he when he first showed up.  But then TV pets tend to be somewhat genderfluid.

Edit: on rewatch, throughout the episode everyone referred to Chedder as "he" so...

Edited by Lugal
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17 hours ago, Dots And Stripes said:

I thought Amy was going to reveal she really was pregnant and I'm glad she wasn't.

I thought that would happen, too, and am glad it didn't. I think the writers wanted us to suspect that.

15 hours ago, VCRTracking said:

"You are so easily manipulated! Now you're stuck with 'Sgt Dum Dum'!"

I loved that. I love how Holt gets so mean during these heists. And, of course, as always, Andre B delivers every line perfectly and hilariously.

Kevin: What's next? A rusty medical bracelet suspended above our bed?
Holt: [voice screeching and breaking] YES!

Holt to Cheddar: Notify me when you're done. Via bark.

The endless double-crosses were so much fun. 

This one definitely warrants a rewatch.

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Holt was on fire tonight:

"Squirt more lube and help me yank!"

"Oh clam it, Kevin."

"Don't apologize to him, Terry. It's his first heist. He needs to learn."

"Cheddar, you duplicitous bitch."

But I really think Boyle takes it all with his "No hole's too tight for these tiny tips" while wiggling his fingers.

Finding out later on that line was a specific reaction to Terry making him believe everyone thinks his fingers are too big to be helpful during the Halloween heist was the icing on the cake.

Kevin's "I'm going to slice your Achilles tendons, peel off your fingernails, and stick knitting needles in your eyes" proves that he is indeed Holt's perfect match.

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Because a Cinco de Mayo heist makes just as much sense as a Halloween heist.

I love this show for its ability to be self-aware without being twee. And for lots of other reasons. 

And I’m so happy that Kevin— who waaaay back in the day couldn’t be civil to Holt’s team— is now part of the gang enough to heist. 

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On 5/10/2019 at 11:45 AM, iMonrey said:

....There was something very creepy about Terry Crews covered entirely in gold, except for his face. It was like somebody slapped a human face on a robot or something. The effect was very disturbing. ...

Whereas I found golden Terry to be rather hot; okay, really hot! 😂😂😂 and may have to rewatch a few dozen times!

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On 5/10/2019 at 1:22 AM, scrambled eggs said:

Jake's face when he thought that Amy was pregnant makes me really hope we get to see that for real in Season 7.

 And that was the moment that Jake figured out that he really does want kids. He was really excited when he thought Amy was pregnant!

On 5/10/2019 at 12:45 PM, iMonrey said:

I know the whole thing was absurd and it was funny but I was worried about poor little Cheddar following them all the way downtown all by himself!

That, and being left by himself on the roof to pee. That would be a tragedy if Cheddar strayed too far off his pee pad.

On 5/9/2019 at 10:09 PM, Rinaldo said:

Anything making me feel that someone had gone that bit too far and become irredeemable was always undone in the next set of revelations. Including feeling that whatever else, there was no way to undo what they'd done to Terry -- which was of course the best reveal of all.

I kind of felt them not getting medical help for Terry was a bit too much.

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse
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I'm missing the show so I went back to watch this episode again. I had originally missed the Holt wink he was talking about the heist being Kevin's first. 

Love Cheddar!!! He was referred to as He yet called a Bitch. I'm so confused, ha!

Edited by ElenaFR
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Aside from the fact that you'd really hope the NYPD Districts don't take the day off to prank each other, this was great. Everyone got involved (even Kevin! And Cheddar!) even if Hitchcock's role was just to fall asleep in the supply closet next to Scully (and they can apparently produce pillows out of Hammerspace!).

On ‎5‎/‎10‎/‎2019 at 2:26 AM, Spartan Girl said:

All hail King Terry!

Golden King Terry. In fact, Lieutenant Golden King Terry!

On ‎5‎/‎10‎/‎2019 at 5:56 PM, Sandman said:

"Did you two give each other any gifts this year that did NOT involve tasers?"

Amy and Jake [guiltily]: "No."

I love the fact that even after they learned their presents were tasered, they still didn't take them off. That's true love!

On ‎5‎/‎10‎/‎2019 at 9:16 PM, Lugal said:

But then TV pets tend to be somewhat genderfluid.

Ain't that the truth! I remember Data's cat Spot was male (and you'd think, as a scientist, he would check)... until "he" gave birth. To a litter of lizards, IIRC (it was complicated).

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On 5/10/2019 at 9:16 PM, Lugal said:

It seems recently yes, but I thought he was a he when he first showed up.  But then TV pets tend to be somewhat genderfluid.

Edit: on rewatch, throughout the episode everyone referred to Chedder as "he" so...

On 7/19/2019 at 12:33 AM, John Potts said:

Ain't that the truth! I remember Data's cat Spot was male (and you'd think, as a scientist, he would check)... until "he" gave birth. To a litter of lizards, IIRC (it was complicated).

IIRC, Spot was a lizard at the time but the litter was of kittens (and gave Data the clue to solving the problem)....it does make sense in context!

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2 hours ago, Ceindreadh said:

IIRC, Spot was a lizard at the time but the litter was of kittens (and gave Data the clue to solving the problem)....it does make sense in context!

A quick trip to Memory Alpha reveals you had it right and I had it the wrong way round (Spot became a mommy lizard - her kittens remained baby felines). But I think to say it made sense is giving even more than usual allowance for what Treknobabble can do!

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