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S08.E03: The Long Night

Message added by Meredith Quill


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Arya is Queen of Everything.  It was a true team effort.  The losses were just horrific.  I loved that I was surprised but looking back there was foreshadowing.  Jon giving Arya Needle and advising her to “Stick him with the pointy end”,  her training to becomes a bringer of death, the “blue eyes” quote, Bran giving Arya that danger she would ultimately use, Arya showing off her dagger flipping skills while sparing with Brienne,  and Arya being able to sneak up on Jon in the woods. 

Sansa knows what skills she has and fighting isn’t one of them.  She right that if you have no fighting skills it’s better to hide out of the way so you don’t hinder those with defense skills. I wish Sam had that realization.   

One thing that bothered me in the crypt scene was the lack of weapons.  In a previous season there has been a discussion of preparing for battle.  Lyanna Mormont in particular about wanting every man, women, and child armed and trained.  The lords were resistant but it seemed ultimately Lyanna’s argument.  So it was odd that only Sansa was armed and that she and the others in the crypt had no defense skills at all.   That shouldn’t have happened.   

  • Love 14
5 hours ago, ulkis said:

Yeah, I like Kit Harrington well enough, but they could have done a lot better in that role. And cast someone who looked more like Sean Bean too, since Jon looking like Ned was a major clue that Lyanna is his mother in the books.

And as someone suggested, Alfie Allen probably should have been Jon. He looks more like Bean and is more wiry like Jon is described as. Oh well.

One of my great regrets about this series is they cast the perfect Jon but just as a different character. I thought Joe Dempsie would have absolutely nailed the role. Hell, I could have probably name half a dozen actors in this series that would have made a better Jon. Harington is the worst. 

In fact, he's so bad that I seriously wonder if it affects the writing of Jon. 

  • Love 4

I loved Arya taking out the night king. Personally it feels like it gives some much needed pay off to all her years of training. I also loved that I did NOT see it coming. For those complaining that it felt anti climatic I have always felt that the dead were *too* powerful on this show. After all, they are dead.  Once the living took the threat reasonably seriously I had no doubt they would be able to win.  Though..

my gosh Jon and Dany better never make a battle plan again. That was horrible.  They should have landed the dragons outside winterfell and just had them blow fire directly at the hoard of undead.  I felt like the dragons were poorly used the entire battle and Jon straight up didn't know what he was doing.   Jon is alway such a smuck when it comes to the Night King. It is amazing the NK hasn't gotten him before. He seems to lose all smarts and go on emotion.

What were they thinking with the Dothraki? They win their battles by intimidation. That was not something that would work here. They all should have been kept back guarding the dragons while the dragons just shot fire over the ditch at the dead.  

We can still say Jon played a major role in getting the living to take the threat seriously. And without him the NK wouldn't have been defeated.

I believe Bran's trance was an attempt to distract the NK so he wouldn't see Arya in the future like Bran did.  I love that Bran gave her the dagger. One of the best moments for me was when they gave us a hint Arya was coming with the wisp of hair on the white walker moving and him looking like he sensed something. 

I didn't really understand Melisandre going to dust when she took off her necklace, she took off her necklace before and just turned old?   

Jorah dying did make me cry.  Emilia Clark sold that and having Dragon sad kind of gave me the feels.  I thought all the deaths were appropriate.  All the characters who died seemed like they had nothing more to give the show. 

I will have a little trouble taking Cersi seriously now though. She has never been particularly smart and faces two dragons, Arya, and probably the entire north.  I feel like they are going to throw us a curve ball on Cersi but I am not sure what.

Most of the "spoilers" I have heard about this year have not even been close. I now think they were all foilers and I look forward to the great surprises ahead. 

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I was so glad Jon did not stop to help Sam. I was worried he would, but he was like, naw, Sam, this here is war. 

I was waiting for that dragon fight. It did not disappoint. 

I went back and watched the episode with my TVs brightness all the way up and I could see everything. However, I am glad I watched it the normal way first, it added to the terror. I was literally biting my nails this episode. 

Also, on rewatch with the brightened picture I see that Dany was pretty much flying around burning white walkers. Jon kicked ass on the ground, but Dany kicked ass in the air and held her own with a sword. 

On another note, it would have been nice if Jon had been at least lunging at the dragon at the end, instead of standing there yelling at it. Jon was never the smartest man, though. 

  • Love 9

Briefly discuss.
The episode is dark. Very, very dark.👀 Eyes had to strain with all his might. You can not do it this way!!!
Tactics and strategy heroes are not trained. Or they specifically wanted more people to die. Because there was no logic in actions. Is it really impossible to first fly Daneris and John on dragons, burn the dead, make not one ditch, but three, then start the catapults, then shoot from the walls ... Why would the soldiers flee to certain death ???
Like the conversation Sansa and Tyrion. Very dramatic. Truth she said, Tyrion is the best of her husbands ...
Finale episode surprised ... KN died? So simple??? John scorched him — he didn’t burn him, but Arya hit him once and he died.👀
And then what ??? What will we show next in episodes 4-6? And what did Bran’s phrase mean that he would go somewhere or fly away? It seems to remain sitting in the same place ...

That certainly makes up for the lackluster prior two episode

80 non-stop minutes of fights and drama.  Ending with Arya putting her killing skills to use. 

This leaves many questions though, primarily what happens now with Cersei and her army?  Seems everyone but most of the main characters are dead, they have no one to defend against her.

Did both remaining dragons live?  I guess they have them. 

I don't understand why they didn't use the dragons at the beginning before the dead army attacked, when it was on its way to winterfell.  I guess they wanted to be sure the Night King didn't kill them, but still, that was their only chance to win, or stave off sure death, was using the dragons

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, BooBear said:

I will have a little trouble taking Cersi seriously now though. She has never been particularly smart and faces two dragons, Arya, and probably the entire north.  I feel like they are going to throw us a curve ball on Cersi but I am not sure what.

The entire North isn't much of a threat - after Robb's campaign, the Battle of the Bastards, and now this most of the Northern fighters are gone.  Dany lost the Dothraki (maybe charging into a massive army you can't see wasn't a great idea) and many of the Unsullied as well.  It's possible most of the Vale knights died too, so the dragons are Dany's only trump card and we know Cersei has those ballistas.

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, ShellsandCheese said:

And then even though she had dragon glass, she hid while other defenseless women and children were killed by wights. I’m sorry but a true leader would have done more.

The crypt sequence basically goes like this. Zombies start breaking out the tombs and attacking people. Cut to: Tyrion and Sansa hiding behind a sarcophagus looking petrified, Sansa takes out her dagger, they share a meaningful look, and then they move out. Cut to Tyrion and Sansa finding Varys, Missandei, and the rest of the people, then Arya kills the Night King. Did I miss something?

With the exception of the hand-kiss, Tyrion and Sansa looked like they were about to pull a Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. I agree Sansa would have looked better if she was shown keeping morale up, beforehand.  However, I don't know what a true leader would do with the Westerosi equivalent of a shank, especially, if said leader, had no weapons training.

Edited by merrick715
  • Love 16
4 hours ago, Andromeda said:

Just a quick note to give props to the composer. Lots of new themes and awesome use of old themes,  like Melisandre's when she walks out to die. Ramin Dwajadi adds so much to this show! 

ETA: The Dothraki weapons (Arakhs)  looked obsidian to me. 

The music was great, especially as they all appeared to be on the verge of losing and dying before Arya shows up to kill the Night King. 

  • Love 4
1 minute ago, DrSpaceman said:

The music was great, especially as they all appeared to be on the verge of losing and dying before Arya shows up to kill the Night King. 

This was another thing I really enjoyed. All of them looked like they were going down to defeat. I could not see anyway out for them and I was particularly wondering if Sansa and Dany were going to die in this episode.  Going into the episode I was 99% sure there was no way that was going to happen.  So I was genuinely worried. 

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I also loved that so many people who used to be on Arya's list (the Hound, Beric, the Red Woman) ended up helping her in the battle.

Apparently the Red God slid into the Lord of Light's DM ( so the 7 wouldn't see)  and asked for the assist... But the LOL had already been creepin on Arya's status updates since before harrenhal and decided to help her when she added J'aquen Hagar to her friends list

  • LOL 1
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26 minutes ago, Luckylyn said:

One thing that bothered me in the crypt scene was the lack of weapons.  In a previous season there has been a discussion of preparing for battle.  Lyanna Mormont in particular about wanting every man, women, and child armed and trained.  The lords were resistant but it seemed ultimately Lyanna’s argument.  So it was odd that only Sansa was armed and that she and the others in the crypt had no defense skills at all.   That shouldn’t have happened.   

Thank you. Someone should have taken a few swords or spears down in the crypts with them, The only reason Sansa had that shank was that Arya gave it to her, and then sent her to the crypts.  It seemed like it wasn't the plan for Sansa to go to the crypts.  She is standing on the battlements with Arya, and it isn't until the Dothraki get slaughtered, that Arya sends her away.

Edited by merrick715
  • Love 5
6 hours ago, Jextella said:

I gotta stand up for Kit Harrington as an actor.  Some say he's one-note, but I think the character he plays, Jon Snow, is one-note.   Jon walks a pretty straight and narrow path. 

I think the older actors are better than the younger ones, but they have a ton more experience.  The youngins will get there.

I think many characters could be one note if played by weaker actors. I think Harington just doesn't have enough expression. An example is Maisie Wiliams. Arya could be considered one-note. This whole episode she played a badass assassin but she also showed the terror in Arya even as she slayed the NK. 

  • Love 7
12 minutes ago, Ladyrain said:

Thank you.   Now I remember!   I've read so much in the run-up to last night's show, plus watched last week's episode three times, you'd think I would have known.  I appreciate you taking the time to post the quote.

Ha, no worries! I've watched a bunch of cast interviews and read non-spoilery articles so at this point I don't remember where I read/saw half of the stuff that I know the cast and crew have said!

As for the darkness and not being able to see what was happening in this episode, I believe that was the very idea so the viewers could understand what it was like to fight his army of the dead in the middle of the night, thousands just barreling towards everyone in an unrelenting fashion

The only place I wish it would have been different was the dragon fight scenes. 

  • Love 8
13 minutes ago, Coxfires said:

The smallest fighter taking out the biggest...The Little Bear was a badass until the end 

It was one of the best moments in the episode. The baby was not taken aback, she was not afraid even when she felt the breath of death on herself, and was able to make a decisive breakthrough in order to destroy the enemy. And then die, like a real heroine, like a true warrior. I would give her the posthumous medal for courage.

  • Love 12

I didn't really understand Melisandre going to dust when she took off her necklace, she took off her necklace before and just turned old?   

I'm guessing it was because her "normal" self had now aged so far, that if she took the necklace off again, she'd pretty much die instantly.

Edited by StarBrand
spelling is good, kids
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  • Love 6
9 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

The tear, the fucking tear, knowing he was dead but charging the NK anyway.  I can't tell if the tear was because of Bran's words or because he knew that he was going to die but, damn that killed me.

ETA: anyone else have to change TV settings twice to get a good visual? This was so freaking dark

yes! i didn't change the setting because i was too lazy, but wtf! with the darkness! really frustrating trying to see what the hell was going on. big disappointment. 

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

This is the body count with three episodes left! Do you think we’ll end up being able to yell, “BINGO!”?


If the showrunners were actually brave, we should have been able to yell bingo by the end of episode 3.  

I expected more main characters deaths based on all the build ups in ep 1 & 2. 

2 minutes ago, StarBrand said:

I'm guessing it was because her "normal" self had now aged so far, that if she took the necklace off again, she's pretty much die instantly.

Also, she took off her robe and her dress was pretty much open as she walked outside in the cold

  • Love 1
8 hours ago, Conan Troutman said:

Still, kinda weird to have Bran survive - now that the NK's dead, the 3ER doesn't have any purpose any more. But I guess it just means he can be Bran again.  

He was at the weirwood sending out his little birds to record the battle. He is the memory of the world. Weirwood is a wireless transmission facility. I don’t know if he survives the probably death of magic but remembering is a purpose. 

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  • Love 4
6 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Sam was really a liability tonight. He should've been in the crypt, not on the battlefront.

No way.  He is still a Nigtwatch.  Although he should have been injured severely afterwards. 

6 hours ago, ElizaD said:

I didn't expect real main characters to die but I'm shocked by how many second-tier redshirts survived - they should have killed at least a few to give this battle a tiny bit of weight. I did not expect to be so truly, honestly disappointed after the sense of doom and fine character work in 8x02.

This. 100%.  At least have them lose a limb or 2 or have permanent damages.  Most of speaking characters in 8x02 were still standing by the end of 8x03

  • Love 1
13 minutes ago, DrSpaceman said:

As for the darkness and not being able to see what was happening in this episode, I believe that was the very idea so the viewers could understand what it was like to fight his army of the dead in the middle of the night, thousands just barreling towards everyone in an unrelenting fashion

This.   I think the darkness, as challenging as it was for the viewer, captured the essence of what was happening on the ground and in the air beautifully.  It was hard to watch, it was terrifying, it was dark in all the senses of the word.  

  • Love 7
8 hours ago, BitterApple said:

I can't speak for all of you, but personally the emotional impact wasn't quite as deep as I expected because the deaths were already long predicted. The only one that was a slight surprise was Lyanna. Props to her for going out like a boss. 

When the credits rolled and I felt relieved, I knew we'd gotten off lightly as far as character deaths were concerned. Dolorous Edd, loved the guy, but NOT a major character. Lyanna Mormont, she of what, five episodes (granted, she basically was the pitcher who came out of the bullpen in a tied postseason game in the 13th inning and threw like five innings of scoreless relief, you admire the valiance but you're not talking about one of the main bullpen cogs), went out cool but wasn't heartbreaking. Beric? Did ANYONE really care about Beric Dondarrion? Melissandre could almost be classified as a deus ex machina, if her original impact wasn't so laughably ineffective in battle. Redeemed herself with the trench lighting though. Jorah is the only character we'd really connected with, and we kind of all knew he was going to die. I do give the show credit for this though: it got to a point where even the people I was SURE were safe, I wasn't sure anymore. Arya, right at the end, I thought she was going to die. 

7 hours ago, ShellsandCheese said:

This episode just solidified my love for the Unsullied. Easily one of the MVP’s of this episode, along with Arya and Melisandre. Everyone had their part to play, but if you remove any of those three it is game over for Westeros. 

Are they though? Because as far as I could tell, they only stood and got swamped by walkers in formation. Again, it's valiant, but what happened to the stories of Unsullied soldiers just basically being terminator type soldiers? I was sure that this was finally the battle that would demonstrate that to us as viewers, instead it was defensive wall, protect the retreat. I can't believe Grey Worm survivied. 

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, Superpole2000 said:

But they all should have died. What saved them was the simple fact that the writers love them too much. I can't blame Sansa's real world sensibility because the writers have given the other characters you named way too much superhero bravery and dumb luck. It's like they get to play Game of Thrones on invincible with infinite lives.

Honestly, they should have killed one of the core group to avoid it becoming so predictable and convenient for the heroes.

I agree. Even Arya The Night King Slayer Stark was hiding from the dead.

And I don't even want to talk about how much Jon and Daenarys should be dead. I mean the dead swarmed a dragon and literally rode him yet Jon and Daenarys are surrounded by the dead and they don't get swarmed.

Come on now.

  • Love 6
13 minutes ago, GodsBeloved said:

I don't think so. I haven't rewatched yet but that didn't look like Littlefinger's knife. Plus I thought the only thing that could kill the NK was dragonglass and LF's knife was made from Valyrian steel.

It was definitely Littlefinger's knife. I'm not sure that means he 'saved the day.' But Valyrian steel kills the Night King-level guys too, Jon defeated one in Hardhome with Longclaw. 

  • Love 4
6 hours ago, Law Mom said:

The silence in the library scene was very effective. Also, who knew Winterfell had a library?

They showed the library in episode 1. That's where Dany told Sam that she burnt his father and brother.

If anyone's interested, here's who survived from the crypts:


Varys, Tyrion, Sansa, Missandei, Gilly, and kindergartener Sam.

I'm seriously thinking about buying a House Mormont shirt. I'm still emotional about them.

  • Love 5
6 hours ago, Superpole2000 said:

But they all should have died. What saved them was the simple fact that the writers love them too much. I can't blame Sansa's real world sensibility because the writers have given the other characters you named way too much superhero bravery and dumb luck. It's like they get to play Game of Thrones on invincible with infinite lives.

Honestly, they should have killed one of the core group to avoid it becoming so predictable and convenient for the heroes.

The problem is, that now all those people down there that did survive, saw her cowering and hiding with Tyrion with weapons in their hands while others died. That will matter, in comparison to the ones that were seeing fighting to the death, or near death, and giving it all for the North, for everyone.

  • Love 4
10 minutes ago, Uncle JUICE said:

It was definitely Littlefinger's knife. I'm not sure that means he 'saved the day.' But Valyrian steel kills the Night King-level guys too, Jon defeated one in Hardhome with Longclaw. 

It makes sense for Valyrian steel to do the job. The Night King was created by having dragon glass shoved into his heart.  Valyrian steel trumps dragon glass.

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9 hours ago, aquarian1 said:

I was just thinking to myself if that made Arya the Princess Who Was Promised.

I was thinking the same , it is a shame that D&D didn't explore of this any further, they basically only touched the tip of it. I wonder if it would be different for GRRM. 

Rhaegal (Jon's dad) basically almost destroyed his dynasty for the prophesy of having a third child so he will have a three dragon head. He completely humiliated his wife Ellia by annulling his marriage and marrying Lyanna Stark, just so he could have one of his children be the PTWP, and all the time it was not going to be one of his children , it was going to be Arya Stark. If this is the case it just tells you how dangerous is to live your life on the basis of some shady prophesy. 

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, Law Mom said:

I’m guessing Arya must have a wee Baratheon in her belly,

Is it bad that Im hoping? That next gen needs to get started on, they lost alot of people.

6 hours ago, dirtypop90 said:

Since when does Sansa want the people to be her subjects? She wants independence for the north. I never took that to mean she wants to rule. She wanted Jon to remain KOTN. Those people were Jon’s people and are now Dany’s.

Since she was pissed that they named him KitN, jumped on the chance to rule in his stead, made almost no effort to quell discontent against Jon while he was away bc it made her look better.

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, Wendy said:

it was going to be Arya Stark. If this is the case it just tells you how dangerous is to live your life on the basis of some shady prophesy. 

That is what is so ballsy about this plot point. But you can argue that it still was Jon. Without him sounding the alarm and keeping at it... no one would have been there. Also remember Arya was going to head to Kings Landing before she heard Jon was back at Winterfell. Without Jon she wouldn't have been there.

It is actually interesting thinking about it (I think) that Melisandre never said that Jon or Dany was the Prince. She simply said they had a role to play. 

One thing I hope we see in the next episodes is Dany realizing just what she has in the North and with the Starks.  Seriously, Bran can tell her what is going to happen. Arya can be her personal body guard and Sansa knows Cersi better than anyone. 

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28 minutes ago, GodsBeloved said:
9 hours ago, lovinbob said:

How did Littlefinger save the day? Was it his knife?

I don't think so. I haven't rewatched yet but that didn't look like Littlefinger's knife. Plus I thought the only thing that could kill the NK was dragonglass and LF's knife was made from Valyrian steel.

That was the dagger that was used by LF's assassin to (attempt to) kill Bran in the second episode of the series.  When Cat inquired with him regarding the origins of the dagger, he claimed to have lost it to Tyrion Lannister in a wager; Cat in turn kidnapped Tyrion. igniting the War of the Five Kings. 

LF got the dagger back in Season 1, and gifted it to Bran when he arrived at Winterfell, who in turn gave it to Arya because (not sure if you guys heard) he's not Bran Stark anymore he's the Three Eyed Baltimore Raven and he doesn't fight, quoth the Raven nevermore. 

Of all the Valyrian steel weapons we've seen, it's the only one effective in that type of close range.   

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5 minutes ago, MarySNJ said:

Just spitballing, but if Jon is/was King in da Norf, that makes his sisters princesses. Ish.

The night was dark and full of terrors. For real. Melisandre served her purpose and then took herself out of the game. 

I didn’t have any problem seeing what was going on, except in the scenes during the swirling storm where we were supposed to “see” it through Dany and Jon’s eyes dragon riding through the storm. I had all the lights off in our TV room and it helped clarify the other scenes. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, merrick715 said:

The crypt sequence basically goes like this. Zombies start breaking out the tombs and attacking people. Cut to: Tyrion and Sansa hiding behind a sarcophagus looking petrified, Sansa takes out her dagger, they share a meaningful look, and then they move out. Cut to Tyrion and Sansa finding Varys, Missandei, and the rest of the people, then Arya kills the Night King. Did I miss something?

With the exception of the hand-kiss, Tyrion and Sansa looked like they were about to pull a Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. I agree Sansa would have looked better if she was shown keeping morale up, beforehand.  However, I don't know what a true leader would do with the Westerosi equivalent of a shank, especially, if said leader, had no weapons training.

Thanks for laying this out since I haven't done my rewatch yet.

  • Love 2
9 minutes ago, Wendy said:

I think Bran's role was pivotal. I know it looks like he is just there sitting and doing nothing but all the time Bran has been the chess master. 

9 minutes ago, Wendy said:

Bran's strength was not of a warrior, not everybody is meant to be one, his strength was to place the pieces of the chess in the correct place and make it happen, just as he did. 

Your whole post, bravo.  Bran's someone who's "seen the movie before but isn't going to spoil it for anyone."

12 minutes ago, BooBear said:

 Seriously, Bran can tell her what is going to happen.

He can't tell her what's going to happen without impacting what's going to happen.  Bran may know what will happen, but he's unable to share that information without corrupting the future course of events.  All he can do is check periodically to ensure things are happening as they should. 

  • Love 13
10 hours ago, quickjessie said:

No way will I nitpick this.  It was just too damn good.  This is TV people - not the "big screen".  And that right there was some epic television.  

On the edge of my seat for most of the show and it was well worth it.  Arya - you are my idol.  Biggest regret = losing Lady Mormont.  Such a badass that one.  

It was great, wasn't it? 

When Sansa and Tyrion had that moment when they finally realized that they all were going to die and were resigned to their faith, Jon being unable to kill Vision, then Daenerys trying to Dracarys the NK and it didn't work, for a moment I thought that is it, they are all going to die. There is no way, all the dead soldiers are coming back to life as WW, the AOTD is getting stronger by the second. 

That feel of complete and utter desolation in my bones, then there jumps Arya MF Stark and saves the day, I swear that I screamed and and jumped for joy like she was my child. My husband was looking at me like I have lost my mind. 

That was the only way to win this, to kill the NK. If Arya didn't get him, the battle was lost. 

  • Love 6
Message added by Meredith Quill


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