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S08.E03: The Long Night

Message added by Meredith Quill


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I want to give some props to the Night King because up until the end he was really smart with his battle plan.  He knows he has the advantage - he has the numbers, a dragon, White Walkers, the ability to raise the dead and general weather magic - but he wasn't cocky in his use of them. He didn't expose his weakness (that killing Walkers kills the Wights) until he had to. Did the Walkers even engage anyone that we saw? The advantage of having the overwhelming numbers was greatly highlighted by the "sacrificing" of wights to get over the fire. I give him a pass on looking smug after surviving dragon fire. When he faced offed with Jon, instead of doing the "lets do this man to man" he rightfully was like "I don't need to kill you. Have fun with all these wights. I have a 3ER to kill." It wasn't until he got to Bran that he lost focus and let his "I am really about to do this" rule his thinking and that allowed Arya (who had a unique set of skills) to come in for the kill.

With this type of smarts there was no battle plan the humans could have come up with that would have been successful. As we saw, if the dragons stayed still on the ground they would have been swarmed by wights. The snow coming in limited the air ability of the dragons as a whole. Plus, as we saw, the NK would eventually force the dragons to engage him to defend themselves. 

Edited by Kanner
It wasn't NK arrogance at the end.
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I'm glad we got to see some badass moments from a handful of the characters. 

Lyanna Mormont proved she was a bear that stood her ground and took down a giant. 

Jorah Mormont ran with the very first group to face the dead and fought to his dying breath to protect his Queen and his love. 

Dany and her dragons gave them a fighting chance and when she lost her dragon she picked up a sword and started stabbing zombies with the pointy end. 

Theon who died protecting his real family the Starks and charged at the Night King knowing he was going to die. 

Grey Worm and The Unsullied that stood their ground so everyone else could get back behind the gates. 

And Arya the who told death to his face "Not Today!" All hail the Night King Slayer. 

With special shoutouts to Melisandre and Beric for their assists. A nod to the Hound who pushed his fear of fire away to help Arya. 

Edited by Sakura12
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9 hours ago, sweetcookieface said:

Forgot to say, I was never a Melisandre fan, but I found her death at the end surprisingly affecting (esp after being one of the MVPs of the battle).

Same. I couldn't stand Melisandre and her chattering about the Lord of Light every time she showed up, but I can't wait to rewatch the whole series knowing what I know now about her. Arya and Lady M. were amazing, but this was also a fantastic episode for the much-maligned Melisandre. The night is dark and full of terrors indeed!

Edited by Otherkate
  • Love 7
5 minutes ago, Kanner said:

It wasn't until he got to Bran that he lost focus and let his arrogance rule his thinking and that allowed Arya (who had a unique set of skills) to come in for the kill.

At that moment, I wasn't thinking he dropped his focus due to arrogance. I was thinking about what Bran said about how many times he's tried to kill the three eyed raven before. 

I thought the NK was having a bit of a "FINALLY" moment.  Before, you know, getting stabbed to death.

  • Love 9
8 minutes ago, Kanner said:

I want to give some props to the Night King because up until the end he was really smart with his battle plan.  He knows he has the advantage - he has the numbers, a dragon, White Walkers, the ability to raise the dead and general weather magic - but he wasn't cocky in his use of them. He didn't expose his weakness (that killing Walkers kills the Wights) until he had to. Did the Walkers even engage anyone that we saw? The advantage of having the overwhelming numbers was greatly highlighted by the "sacrificing" of wights to get over the fire. I give him a pass on looking smug after surviving dragon fire. When he faced offed with Jon, instead of doing the "lets do this man to man" he rightfully was like "I don't need to kill you. Have fun with all these wights. I have a 3ER to kill." It wasn't until he got to Bran that he lost focus and let his arrogance rule his thinking and that allowed Arya (who had a unique set of skills) to come in for the kill.

With this type of smarts there was no battle plan the humans could have come up with that would have been successful. As we saw, if the dragons stayed still on the ground they would have been swarmed by wights. The snow coming in limited the air ability of the dragons as a whole. Plus, as we saw, the NK would eventually force the dragons to engage him to defend themselves. 

Agreed. I don't get being disappointed in either Dany or Jon. They had a plan and they attempted to carry it out. They were intended to make great use of their dragons in the fight and they tried. The NK was smarter and made them a lot more ineffective than anyone thought they would be. By the end, both Dany and Jon were on the ground with everyone else fighting for their lives. Not sure what more they could have been doing. 

  • Love 13
Just now, JTMacc99 said:

At that moment, I wasn't thinking he dropped his focus due to arrogance. I was thinking about what Bran said about how many times he's tried to kill the three eyed raven before. 

I thought the NK was having a bit of a "FINALLY" moment.  Before, you know, getting stabbed to death.

Thanks for so this.  You are right. It wasn't arrogance but a finally.

  • Love 4
9 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:

Now that I've had a bit of  time.. I think something that upsets me ( nitpicky I know)  is that so many southerners won't know ( or believe)  what really went down... I wouldn't have minded if they could felt that terror themselves.. Even if it was like a small splinter group the NK had sent on  ahead to KL.. Because seeing the preview for next week and cersei's smug face got me wanting to break something.... All those wildlings and dothraki and unsullied died to keep the southerners safe.. And they'll never really know... Unless the show makes a point before its over to say somn about it

I was thinking the same thing while trying to sleep last night. The North fought for everyone but those in the south and Dorn and the iron born ..etc..will maybe just be all "yeah yeah.. winter is coming we've heard these fairytales before northerners." They didn't have to sacrifice a thing!

when I saw the night king grab Arya's throat I thought they were going to shock us and kill her...but good for her.  She IS getting a tiny bit cocky though and this won't help  (love her confidence but caution is never a bad thing either) so I hope that doesn't get her in trouble down the line. 

Umm did anyone protecting Brann have Valarian Steele on them? Or dragon glass blades?  I know the plan was for Jon to show up but they all know plans don't always work obviously so a backup would have been smart. I mean they really gave Theon a suicide mission by not arming him properly. 

  • Love 7
10 hours ago, EyesGlazed said:

AND ARYA SAVES THE DAY!  I fully expected it to be Jon Snow, and thank you Show for upending that old trope!  The Night King didn't see that one coming either heh heh.

I have thought about it and have come to the conclusion that Melisandre put Arya back on the path of her destiny, here she was in the castle trying to fight some WW, but Mel brought her back to the real goal, the NK. "Blue eyes NK" , she got the message. 

When Arya went off running I didn't realize where she was going. I thought she was going out to kill more WW which at that point would have been a waste of time as they were multiplying like rabbits, yet her mission was on point. 

IMO Arya got there before the WW and the NK, she probably sneaked right abound the Godswoood tree and bid her time knowing that the NK would come for Bran. She didn't run past the generals of the NK as I originally thought, she came out of nowhere, probably one of the branches of the tree. 

Syrio Forel words come to mind " “Swift as a deer. Quiet as a shadow. Fear cuts deeper than swords. Quick as a snake. Calm as still water.” Arya kept repeating that (in the books) all the time in her mind, it all came to fruition last episode. 

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1 hour ago, Uncle JUICE said:

I do give the show credit for this though: it got to a point where even the people I was SURE were safe, I wasn't sure anymore. Arya, right at the end, I thought she was going to die. 

Same here. I went into this episode expecting a complete bloodbath of characters. When Dolorous Edd was killed, I thought okay, now it's starting. Deaths commence! Every time I saw someone I recognized, I was afraid they were going to get stabbed, beheaded, trampled, or otherwise killed. When it got near the end of the episode and not that many people we knew had died, I thought oh shit, are they going to kill off someone major in the last five minutes? And then Arya launched herself at the Night King and I thought NOOOOOOOOO! When he caught her, I was afraid he was going to stab her, throw her, or somehow fatally wound her.

And since so many of them survived this episode, I'm going to be even more paranoid during the last three episodes! This isn't the kind of show where I expect everyone to survive and get a happily ever after. I'm just waiting for more people to die (which makes it sound like I'm looking forward to it, but I'm not - I'm absolutely dreading it because I know I am going to be a wreck).

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 4
10 minutes ago, Wendy said:

Syrio Forel words come to mind " “Swift as a deer. Quiet as a shadow. Fear cuts deeper than swords. Quick as a snake. Calm as still water.” Arya kept repeating that (in the books) all the time in her mind, it all came to fruition last episode. 

  • Syrio Forel
  • Jaqen Hagar
  • Beric Dondarrian
  • Melisandre

All believed in the Red God and all helped Arya get to where she needed to be in this moment with the tools she needed.  (Kudos to Dad for being open-minded about her extracurriculars!)

If I'm thinking of taking up a new religion, the Lord of Light's looking damn good right now.

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10 hours ago, taurusrose said:

Seems like Daenerys is still is a snit because she's not the only one.   But Drogon was adorable being sad with her.  I will have more to say later, but I have to wash the dishes.  LOL

WOW! I did not get that AT ALL. I saw her saving Jon at least 2 times. And she really blasted the NK with dragon fire. Not her fault that NK can survive that.

As for Ghost, I prefer to think that he is still alive and is having the meal of his life. Yummy. Lots of bones.

  • Love 10
10 hours ago, dirtypop90 said:

Can someone explain to me what the  hell Dany and Jon were supposed to be doing? I guess they got the Night King off his dragon. But it was off to me that Jon’s little sister was fighting for her life, the other totally unprotected in the crypts, theon’s watching his little brother, and he was having a joy ride.

IMO they all have specific jobs if they were ever going to win this battle. Nobody could have done this alone. 

Jon's job was to make everyone aware of the huge threat of the WW, make them realize that they all needed to band together or they will all die, he infiltrated the wildings and learn about the WW, recruited the wildings, recover the North, organized the troops, and got Dany's help so he accomplished her mission. 

Dany's job was to provide the man power (armies) and her dragons, I can't fault her for not doing more as visibility was a huge issue and prove to be a big problem, same with Jon, even more because he hasn't practice riding a dragon too much. 

Melisandre's job was to redirect Arya on her path to end this battle, to help light the trenches and to assist in this war. She did terrible things but she finally accomplished her mission. 

Bran's job was to track the NK, knowing that their only chance to win this battle was to kill him, knowing the huge loses that they will suffer but unable to change the course of destiny. He gave Arya the valerian dagger that kill the NK so his job was done. 

Arya's job, which she didn't realize at the beginning, was to kill the NK, everything since season 1 has brought her to this path, the lessons that Ned got her so she could learn to use needle, her training as a faceless man, her return to WF, it all got a purpose. She got the job done. 

When the Stark sisters talked about how the lone wolf dies but the pack survives at the end of last season, I took it the literal way thinking about the Stark family being the pack, but I now realize that the meaning was broader , last episode they all (North, wildings, Dotraki, Unsullied, dragons, etc,) they were a pack giving the fight of their lives. 

  • Love 19
10 hours ago, Leroux said:

If it wasn't for Arya, they all would be dead. In the end, it wasn't Danaerys or Jon

 Arya should be the ruler of the seven kingdoms. 

True, but if Dany and Jon (and Beric and the Hound, and Melisandre, and Theon, and a lot of others) didn't do their parts, Arya would not have had the chance to kill the Night King.  

  • Love 10

Count me in with those who thought it was going to be a complete bloodbath (think Boardwalk Empire).  At the end there, I thought Bran would hurl a killer blade through the Night King. Little Arya was great, though.

Onto Cersei, the coward who waits for others to fight her battles.

Can’t help but start thinking about what a great journey this whole GOT thing has been, and how sad it’s almost over.

Edited by Marci
  • Love 3
12 minutes ago, Drogo said:
  • Syrio Forel
  • Jaqen Hagar
  • Beric Dondarrian
  • Melisandre

All followed the Red God and all helped Arya get to where she needed to be in this moment with the tools she needed.  (Kudos to Dad for being open-minded about her extracurriculars!)

If I'm thinking of taking up a new religion, the Lord of Light's looking damn good right now.

No love for Yoren or The Hound?

  • Love 2
10 hours ago, dirtypop90 said:

Can someone explain to me what the  hell Dany and Jon were supposed to be doing? I guess they got the Night King off his dragon. But it was off to me that Jon’s little sister was fighting for her life, the other totally unprotected in the crypts, theon’s watching his little brother, and he was having a joy ride.

They were killing tens of thousands of wights with dragon fire and battling the NK and his ice dragon.   

  • Love 12
14 minutes ago, Bali said:

WOW! I did not get that AT ALL. I saw her saving Jon at least 2 times. And she really blasted the NK with dragon fire. Not her fault that NK can survive that.

As for Ghost, I prefer to think that he is still alive and is having the meal of his life. Yummy. Lots of bones.

Same. The only conflict I saw was minor fight over leadership. Like having 2 generals in the field or a general and hot headed commander. Stick to the plan! Your plan sucks I'm going it alone! 

  • Love 2
8 hours ago, ShellsandCheese said:

Yeah. I don’t understand why everyone was suddenly all Sansa should sit on the Iron Throne, because she would be awful.  Her entire arc thus far in season eight (and even the latter part of season seven) has shown this. She’s really good at being condescending towards people she doesn’t like and she’s really good at openly questioning the decisions of others but she really doesn’t bring much to the table beyond that. 

Sansa is driven by one thing and that’s not wanting to be a pawn again; that’s fine in dandy for certain situations and under certain circumstances but it doesn’t necessarily make someone wise or a good leader. She has shown on many occasions the inability to see the big picture and to choose vengeance over justice. 

Alas, the woman who said she wasn’t abandoning her people, cowers and hides in fear while her people get slaughtered. At least the likes of Arya, Dany, Jaime, Jon, Lyanna M., etc are willing to put their lives on the line and back up all of their big talk with action. Sansa has yet to prove herself in any meaningful way - at least from where I’m sitting. 

Sansa didn't abandon her people. She made the right choice going down into the crypt.

She couldn't fight, she didn't know how. She would have been in the way just as Varys and Tyrion would have been. Had she been outside her presence would have hindered the fighters from being truly effective. They would have tried to protect her and not kill as many wights.

She would have also been and was inefective in the crypt and she and Tyrion made the smart choice not the courageous.

Apparently she didn't learn Cersei's lesson of always having a lord high executioner to take care of things as you awaited the outcome of a war. 

  • Love 20
10 hours ago, Katalina said:

I honestly don't know if I loved it or hated it. So murky, so drawn out. I had so much trouble seeing who was doing what.

Right?! Is the Hound alive? Who made it through? I HATE that Lyanna Mormont died. But boy did she make her death count.

I did NOT suspect that Arya would deal the decisive blow.

I loved Dany's dragon mourning with her.

Won't watch it over---didn't like the murkiness (hard on my eyes!)

I think it is safe to assume that if we didn't see a named character die on screen, that character is still alive.   

  • Love 2
37 minutes ago, Wendy said:

I have thought about it and have come to the conclusion that Melisandre put Arya back on the path of her destiny, here she was in the castle trying to fight some WW, but Mel brought her back to the real goal, the NK. "Blue eyes NK" , she got the message. 

When Arya went off running I didn't realize where she was going. I thought she was going out to kill more WW which at that point would have been a waste of time as they were multiplying like rabbits, yet her mission was on point. 

IMO Arya got there before the WW and the NK, she probably sneaked right abound the Godswoood tree and bid her time knowing that the NK would come for Bran. She didn't run past the generals of the NK as I originally thought, she came out of nowhere, probably one of the branches of the tree. 

Syrio Forel words come to mind " “Swift as a deer. Quiet as a shadow. Fear cuts deeper than swords. Quick as a snake. Calm as still water.” Arya kept repeating that (in the books) all the time in her mind, it all came to fruition last episode. 


I also remember Little Arya explaining in the hall to her father Ned why she was chasing & mimicking cats.

  • Love 4
4 minutes ago, Giselle said:

Sansa didn't abandon her people. She made the right choice going down into the crypt.

I agree with this.  I don't agree with how she spent her time in the crypt as the only possessor of a known effective weapon. 

If she couldn't use it herself, she should have given it to the 6 year old who volunteered to defend the crypt. 

  • LOL 2
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1 hour ago, DrSpaceman said:

As for the darkness and not being able to see what was happening in this episode, I believe that was the very idea so the viewers could understand what it was like to fight his army of the dead in the middle of the night, thousands just barreling towards everyone in an unrelenting fashion

The only place I wish it would have been different was the dragon fight scenes. 

That was my understanding as well, but ultimately I would have preferred to have a clearer idea of what was going on.

36 minutes ago, Drogo said:

I love Arya Stark, I do- but man am I so anti-"Arya Won The War/Saved Them All." 

This was a war.  Several battles through which information was gathered and lives lost.  (How did we know Valyrian Steel kills WWs?  Because of Jon at Hardhome.  How did we know about dragonglass?  Because books and nerdSam.)  Culminating in a massive final with thousands upon thousands of fighters.  Thousands of brains working to strategize before and during the events.  Hundreds of hours with thousands of hands outfitting Winterfell and its troops to the best of its abilities to protect it at all costs. 

Every single participant (including the nameless hairy Wildlings, Unsullied masses and Bear Island beauties) was essential to the Living win.  Had each of them not been where they were... doing what they were doing... contributing to the survival of those around them sometimes at the cost of their own... and had each of them not done everything they'd done to that point... learning what they learned and experiencing what they experienced... it would've been very different. 

17 minutes ago, Bryce Lynch said:

True, but if Dany and Jon (and Beric and the Hound, and Melisandre, and Theon, and a lot of others) didn't do their parts, Arya would not have had the chance to kill the Night King.  

Agree with both posts, 100%. Love Arya too, but stating that she's the Saviour with capital S while all the other players proved to be basically useless or dumb is simply not true. They all fought a war and gave everything they could, in my opinion. Hadn't been for Jon, Arya wouldn't even know that Valyrian Steel can kill WW in the first place.

  • Love 6
9 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

The stare down between the Night King and Bran had me laughing because the Night King's smirking away with Bran gazing up at him balefully until the actor's expression subtly shifts from concern to certainty and Bran has the subtlest of 'I know something you don't know'  looks on his face with a flick of the eye which the Night King clocks and he turns to catch Arya on the attack. Then when Arya lands the death blow you could almost hear Bran thinking 'That's why I smiling jackass. Knew she'd land the second blow.'

But damn, sad that for that to happen Theon had to die. But as Theon said before he should've long been dead, dying at Robb's side so it's fitting that his end was dying to defend  a Stark and Winterfell. And as Bran said all Theon's actions for better or worse led to him in this moment, ultimately dying an honorable death at his home.

I do wish that someone would let Yara know about Theon, how brave he was, how honorable his death was, how much his presence protecting Bran helped. 

I want Yara to be so proud of her baby brother, I want her to know that her brother killed as many bastards as he did. I want her to know that her brother made house Greyjoy proud. 

My only problem is that the only one that saw was Bran and he is not the best communicator, maybe by then Arya was already around and saw everything, she could tell everyone what a hero Theon was. 

His death hit me hard, not sure where that came from, it surely was unexpected but still the feels were all there 😞 

  • Love 12
45 minutes ago, Drogo said:

I love Arya Stark, I do- but man am I so anti-"Arya Won The War/Saved Them All." 

This was a war.  Several battles through which information was gathered and lives lost.  (How did we know Valyrian Steel kills WWs?  Because of Jon at Hardhome.  How did we know about dragonglass?  Because books and nerdSam.)  Culminating in a massive final with thousands upon thousands of fighters.  Thousands of brains working to strategize before and during the events.  Hundreds of hours with thousands of hands outfitting Winterfell and its troops to the best of its abilities to protect it at all costs. 

Every single participant (including the nameless hairy Wildlings, Unsullied masses and Bear Island beauties) was essential to the Living win.  Had each of them not been where they were... doing what they were doing... contributing to the survival of those around them sometimes at the cost of their own... and had each of them not done everything they'd done to that point... learning what they learned and experiencing what they experienced... it would've been very different. 

Yes this was a team effort.

I also think the "Arya Won The War/Saved Them All." balances the "Daenerys came to save their asses when she could have headed south and left them to die".

  • Love 8
10 hours ago, Fable said:

I know this will be so unpopular, but I hated this episode.  Not because of anything that happened because it was so dark, and by dark I mean the lighting was ridiculous, so much so that i really had to strain my eyes to figure out who was who and what in the hell was going on.  

I didn't hate the episode, but the darkness made it hard to follow what was going on.   They previously had great night battles at Blackwater and Castle Black, but you could tell what was happening.   

  • Love 1
11 hours ago, dirtypop90 said:

Can someone explain to me what the  hell Dany and Jon were supposed to be doing? I guess they got the Night King off his dragon. But it was off to me that Jon’s little sister was fighting for her life, the other totally unprotected in the crypts, theon’s watching his little brother, and he was having a joy ride.

Jon, Dany, and Bran seemed useless while their army was being slaughtered.  But of course maybe I’m being harsh given that I couldn’t see most of this dark and grainy episode even with brightness cranked all the way up.

1 hour ago, Wendy said:

I think Bran's role was pivotal. I know it looks like he is just there sitting and doing nothing but all the time Bran has been the chess master. 

He said that Jon would be part of the big battle (bringing awareness, joining forces and looking for alliances was his role) , that Daenerys was needed (her army and her dragons) , Bran wanted Theon there (to create a distraction so the NK would be caught unaware) and he is the one who gave Arya the valerian steel dagger that finally killed the NK. 

I do remember when Bran gave Arya that knife, he said "You will need this" , I thought that the knife was meant to kill LF, but that was short term, long term Bran knew all along that it would be Arya who would kill the NK. 

When Bran warged I think he used the crows to track the NK, but I am positive he also used his powers to track Arya and see if every piece of the chess board was getting into place. 

Nobody wants to give Bran any credit but he knew how this was going to happen and how it needed to happen if they had any chance to defeat the NK.  IMO that is why the NK had that curious look when he locked eyes with Bran, almost wondering "why aren't you crying and begging for mercy?" 

Bran's strength was not of a warrior, not everybody is meant to be one, his strength was to place the pieces of the chess in the correct place and make it happen, just as he did. 

You say it so perfectly. Having a role to play does not always mean being the CHOSEN ONE!!! Harry Potter style. I like that they did not got for that trope. 

I read so many comments like "why bring Jon from the Dead if he doesn't kill the NK" and things like that. Jon was the one who rallied the troops, the Wildlings, who convinced Deanerys to come fight in the North with the Dothraki and the Unsullied. Without Jon, no Dany, and without Dany, her dragons and her army, Winterfell and probably Westeros would have been wiped. Jon might not have fought NK one on one but he was the one who made it possible for the NK to be defeated.

And everything you say about Bran is also spot on. 

So yes, Arya dealt the final blow but it was thanks to other players and everyone being where they had to be when they had to be.

Edited by Coxfires
  • Love 17
10 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:

Now that I've had a bit of  time.. I think something that upsets me ( nitpicky I know)  is that so many southerners won't know ( or believe)  what really went down... I wouldn't have minded if they could felt that terror themselves.. Even if it was like a small splinter group the NK had sent on  ahead to KL.. Because seeing the preview for next week and cersei's smug face got me wanting to break something.... All those wildlings and dothraki and unsullied died to keep the southerners safe.. And they'll never really know... Unless the show makes a point before its over to say somn about it

This this this. I hate Cersei being right about sitting out the battle

  • Love 9
4 minutes ago, GodsBeloved said:

I also think the "Arya Won The War/Saved Them All." balances the "Daenerys came to save their asses when she could have headed south and left them to die".

But Daenerys did come to save the people she plans to rule over when she takes the Iron Throne.  For me, those positions are apples and oranges.   

Just now, JTMacc99 said:

We can get him a WWtLoLD bracelet for when he's ready.

I feel like a wide brimmed promotional hat would suit him nicely and cover some of his "problem areas." 

  • LOL 4
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8 hours ago, Lady S. said:

So, can Arya and Dany finally have a scene now? (That was such weird fake foreshadowing for Sansa to get a weapon to do nothing with while Dany was the one who actually started sticking 'em with the pointy end for the first time.)

I've lost track of a few weapons.  Who has the dagger that the assassin had when he tried to kill Bran in Season 1?  Is that long forgotten or is that what Arya gave to Sansa?

  • Love 1
6 minutes ago, Drogo said:

But Daenerys did come to save the people she plans to rule over when she takes the Iron Throne.  For me, those positions are apples and oranges.   

Sure but, to me at least, it sounded as if but for Daenerys the Northerners would die/she was the ONE who would save them/the day.

Edited by GodsBeloved
  • Love 1
5 minutes ago, Jextella said:

I've lost track of a few weapons.  Who has the dagger that the assassin had when he tried to kill Bran in Season 1?  Is that long forgotten or is that what Arya gave to Sansa?

Arya gave Sansa a dragonglass dagger. It might be the same one Gendry made her in the last episode. Arya killed the Night King with the dagger that assassin used in his attempted murder of Bran in season one.

Edited by merrick715
3 minutes ago, Popples said:

That's what Arya used to kill the Night King.

Thank you!  I should have asked...how did she get it?  It went from Littlefinger to the assassin but how did it end up with Arya?

Also, is Arya really alive?  If she has the capacity to change faces and slip into places site unseen, did she morph into some magical creature?

Edited by Jextella
  • Love 1

We are l going round and around saying who's the real hero.. Jon.. Dany... Arya.. Bran.. And blaming some of those same ppl... I think the answer is obvious... Lord Rickard Stark.. Father of Ned and Lyanna... Without him the north would have been in shambles ages ago.. Without him No Robert's Rebellion.. No Arya...  No Bran... No Jon(Aegon) 

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Message added by Meredith Quill


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