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S09.E14: Something We Said


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Just now, Chickabiddy said:

Please stop me if I got it he wrong end of the stick, but....Did Leah actually just say that she ran out of birth control and is using Plan B as neeeded?!?!!’ What the actual fuck?!? Someone please tell me I misheard or am drunk.

Leah’s stupid is about to give me an aneurism. 😳

Is Plan B something you can just pop? Why does that make more sense than condoms?

  • Love 12
1 minute ago, Brooklynista said:

Is Plan B something you can just pop? Why does that make more sense than condoms?

I have no idea, but feel like the  name says it all...as in Plan B after Plan A (condoms for example) fails. Maybe my age is showing, but I never thought Plan B was meant to be a default Plan A.

Color me confused. 😯😉

  • Love 20

Wow, grow the hell up, Barb.  She’s enjoying her reconnection with Jenelle so much that she’s forgetting that she’s the grown-ass woman in the room.  Yes, I know Jenelle is, too, but who really expects her to rise to the occasion anymore?  I damn sure don’t.  

You can just see the desperation dripping from Barb.  “Please love me, Jenelle!  Don’t drop out of my life again!  Let these moments last as long as possible- until next time!”  Absolutely pathetic.  And sad. 

Edited by Suzy Rhapsody
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That was the most boring "wild weekend." Jenelle doesn't show ANY emotion unless she's drunk. And who wants to watch two drunk people eat pizza, or whatever the fuck they were doing?

At any rate, I don't like Kail, but the "kill" comment was a bad look. A "joking tone" can't just erase completely inappropriate words. And the fact that Barb talks to Jace like that just makes her look WORSE, IMO.

Kail actually behaved halfway human this episode. She made up with Jo. She's sharing birthdays. She's admitting fault in the child support issue. Hmmmm...what did Javi do now?

Another week, still no Adumb talk. Bags are cute. 

Leah, I'm pretty sure "Plan B as needed" isn't a good birth control option. 

Briana and John are so boring. And she looks pregnant....already. 

  • Love 23

Let me get this straight, these girls get approached by companies and they neither design or make anything, they just pick some designs from a collection provided for them and just put their names on them & they get money for this? What a racket.   Also, these producers are horrible human beings, just trying to start trouble for stories. Let’s face it, these kids are almost 10 years old, their mothers are not “ teens” and these shows are boring. Please pull the plug MTV! You have not solved the problem of teen pregnancy.

  • Love 22
1 hour ago, Suzy Rhapsody said:

You can just see the desperation dripping from Barb.  “Please love me, Jenelle!  Don’t drop out of my life again!  Let these moments last as long as possible- until next time!”  Absolutely pathetic.  And sad. 

I think it’s more “ Please love me, MTV!  Don’t drop out of my life.  Let these [paychecks] last as long as possible!”

Seriously, that “mother-daughter” road trip was embarrassing.  Talk about running out of storyline for Janelle.

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How do you have 3 kids......one is special needs......and, you talking about how you cannot take the pill because you will forget???

I am sure you can do it after you brush your teeth...etc. Set the alarm on your phone to remind you!

Plan B-  Surrrrre!  Plan B is the morning after pill.  

Is Plan B really $50?

I think she was trying to get pregnant by this guys....hence....no condoms...etc.

Why is Leah having a hard time with Nuva Ring?

 It is a rubber ring that stays inside you for 3 weeks. You take it out for 1 week for period. If you don’t want period you can keep using continuously (changing every 3 weeks). No period for 3 months.  It is great! Also, you can remove daily to rinse off during personal cleansing.

I really liked it. 

(But, it does pop out during sex.  So, you gotta look for it afterwards).

Knowing Leah...she would forget!

She should do the Patch.  That was my second favorite. The only thing is that if you swim, steam or sweat a lot.....like if you work out....then it will come off.  You need to use more patches which is kinda expensive.

With Ali and how busy she is going to be as she gets older.  Leah should get her tubes tied.

Her girls adore her and she is a good mom. Goofy....but, she is really sweet with the girls.

At this point.....she will only have a baby.....’ to start new’ with some other random guy.....who will eventually divorce her.

It is better to focus on the 3.

The little one with her ‘I want nails’ and ‘I want a boyfriend’ attitude.....is gonna be trouble! She is gonna have daddy issues, too.   Hahahahaha!

Edited by Dance4Life
  • Love 16

Just me that was creeped out by Jason going to the obgyn ?   Then they have sit an discuss and Jason tells her to use what ever fits her. I need something for my nausea.  I FF through the majority of the show tonight.  I heard about Barb’s drunken Instagram so didn’t want to witness it. By the way I hope that road trip is cancelled,because I’m busy. 

From my understanding plan B is issued by pharmacist like one dose for situations where you really feel in danger of pregnancy.  Yep I looked it up one dose to be taken within 3 days.  Needless to say they should have been using something. 

  • Love 11
19 minutes ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

Leah is making me upset with the way she holds her phone while she's driving.

I had a nuvaring. It was pretty awesome. I don't know why she thought she would pick at her arm with nexplanon. It's an implant. Unless you take a knife and cut into your skin, you can't fuck with it. Maybe she was confusing it with the patch one?

Right! Lea is just fuckin around.  

Next week we see Jason telling her in the nicest way possible her girls  need some order in their life.......an Alpha person!

Then  breaks up with Leah!  She has no business having any more kids.

She needs sterilization on her

beautiful heart shaped uterus! ❤️🚫🤰🏼

Edited by Dance4Life
  • Love 5

I am so disappointed in Barbara.  No, I don't care about what she said to Kail, but when she was defending herself she said, "I say it all the time to Jace.  I'll kill you Jace.  I'll kill you."  Jace is clearly a very troubled child, with behavioral issues.  The last thing in the world he needs is to bounce between the land with his abusive stepfather and sociopathic birth mother and spending time with  Barbara threatening to kill him.  There's really no hope for that poor kid. 

Edited by kitkat343
  • Love 11

So I've yet to watch this episode - you can buy Plan B over the counter, but it is expensive! Why do that? Did she mention an IUD? Nothing to remember there!

I'm not sure why Kail couldn't share birthdays before. My ex is a tool but we've always shared birthdays when the kids have a party (I don't believe in parties EVERY year). I mean it's just easier and cheaper. Jo has been nothing but reasonable for many years now, why make Isaac have to go through 2 parties (not to mention his friends, how many parents want to go to 2 parties for the same kid?)

  • Love 7
34 minutes ago, queenbee24 said:

So I've yet to watch this episode - you can buy Plan B over the counter, but it is expensive! Why do that? Did she mention an IUD? Nothing to remember there!

The doctor said she was not a candidate for IUD because of the shape of her uterus. I would hate. I'm terrible about taking medicine. I'm so grateful for my IUD. I think she should go ahead and do the implant. Next best thing. 

  • Love 5

Stupid nitwit Leah. Nuva ring was breaking her out. Okay, try something else. They had to take out your IUD? Okay, I bet you can get a new one now. Worried about forgetting to take the pill? Set an alarm on your phone. Or get on the shot and just go every 3 months. None of those appeal to you? Don't like hormonal birth control? Fine. Condoms. Diagram. Plan B is not a smart birth control plan. Idiot.

  • Love 19

I’ve taken Plan B.  It was close to 20 years ago, so unless it has improved drastically, it is NOT something you would ever want to take more than once ever in your lifetime.  I had to leave work and take the following day off because of the cramping and bleeding.  I couldn’t function for 2 days.  It’s Plan B, NOT PLAN A, you imbecile.  I don’t think even medically speaking you can take it more than once a month.   It doesn’t regulate your cycle like birth control, it kicks you straight into your period and empties your uterus out in 1-2 days.  It’s fucking miserable!  

How can an adult woman be this ignorant about BC?  On the other hand, maybe Dirty Jason should have considered getting a vasectomy if he wants to drive the bus.  

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Why does no one use a diaphragm any more? Easy to use, easy to maintain, drug free, always there and ready. Leah is an idiot, for real.

Barb has lost me forever. I too have a 20 something child, and I have hung out with him and his friends, getting silly and gossiping. He would be mortified if I behaved like Barb did. Making a "joke" about killing someone while drunkenly shoveling down tacos is just--unseemly. No matter what your age. Worst of all, in the cold light of day, with all the tacos consumed and the hangover past, she showed no remorse. She, like her daughter, doubled down, just saying "what the fuck, it was just a joke!" Not "I'm embarrassed, I was drunk, I crossed a line and I'm sorry".

  • Love 21

The whole story line with Jenelle and Barb on social media was pathetic. I'm a little surprised though that Barb got so drunk and said what she said. Or maybe I shouldn't be so surprised. Next week with Jenelle and Amber facing off looks juicy.

P.S. Those diaper bags look like they would be super expensive, but are very nice looking.

  • Love 4

How is  Briana always bitching about her baby daddies never been around......when she does the same.

On her days off she seems to spend them in New York with her boyfriend.

The way she interacts with Nova bugs me.

She calls her.  Barely looks at her.  And, mumbles about homework. All while getting her makeup done.

    Britney is so good with the girls. 

 Briana has gained so much weight.  All after spending $50,000 on lipo!

  • Love 17
2 hours ago, BlancheDevoreaux said:

Stupid nitwit Leah. Nuva ring was breaking her out. Okay, try something else. They had to take out your IUD? Okay, I bet you can get a new one now. Worried about forgetting to take the pill? Set an alarm on your phone. Or get on the shot and just go every 3 months. None of those appeal to you? Don't like hormonal birth control? Fine. Condoms. Diagram. Plan B is not a smart birth control plan. Idiot.

My personal opinion is that if you're really THIS ignorant about birth control, then you should not have sex. Period. The Lord is directing your path to abstinence, LOL! If you really want to have sex, you should be able to make small concessions in order to do it safely, like set an alarm on your phone to take the pill. I mean, in what world is that hard? And how is she going to pick out an implant? If you're literally so dumb that you don't understand (and apparently won't look up or ask) what an implant is, and are incapable of making a small lifestyle change in order to take a pill, you have no business having sex! Geez Louise! Any activity that you want to partake in has a small inconvenience that you must decide is worth it in order to do. Want cable but don't want to call the company to get it set up? Because you're too lazy to look up the phone number? Guess you're abstaining from cable, then! Leah just makes me want to throw things. 

9 hours ago, Dance4Life said:

Right! Lea is just fuckin around.  

Next week we see Jason telling her in the nicest way possible her girls  need some order in their life.......an Alpha person!

Then  breaks up with Leah!  She has no business having any more kids.

She needs sterilization on her

beautiful heart shaped uterus! ❤️🚫🤰🏼

I wonder how in the world Leah's disorganization is a surprise to Jason. He should have checked out some old episodes first! How stupid. These partners have the advantage of a decade of films to go through, and a consistent theme in Leah's story has been lack of organization. 

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Like the rest of you, I was very, very disappointed in Barb and her shenanigans with Jenelle. It's sad that she's so desperate for a relationship with her evil spawn that she's willing to soil her reputation. Hope she comes to her senses and apologizes. I doubt, however, Jace is living in fear that she will actually kill him. It's not very nice, but people say that sort of thing all of the time and he knows Barb loves and would never harm him.

Leah is too stupid for words. Unfortunately there's no one around to tell her about her assinine self. Just like no one has told her to put the fucking phone away when she's driving. Or stop having Ali do all of those physical things that are going to ultimately leave her no choice but to take every step in a wheelchair, silly cow.

Who was Kail's friend? She needs to get her eyes checked because Issac looks exactly like his papi.

I am keeping my fingers crossed for Devon and Nova. He is steadily improving and hopefully will stay on that path as she grows older. Who knows? She may want to one day escape the coven and live with him.

  • Love 11

Et tu, Chelsea?  I thought she was the smart one, the one who was living a "normal" life, married with a husband who had a job, and now here she goes, too, slapping her name on some shit that her fans will buy while she's on the show.  Something she didn't develop or design; she said *she* contacted the company that makes the diaper bags and offered herself and Cole as "designers."  My last good hope for her is that she will not pin her financial future on the success of these diaper bags and will put aside any money she makes on them for her kids' educations.  I can't tell you how disappointed I am in her and her husband.

And seeing Barbara sloppy drunk--drunker than Jenelle--and allowing it to be filmed is another disappointment in a cast member I had at least a little respect for.  In Jenelle's various attempts to regain custody of Jace, Barbara's drinking has been brought up several times, and this is not a good look for Barbara.  If she doesn't know how SM works--if she truly did not understand that her actions and words were being broadcast for the world to see--she has not been paying attention.  Of course her remarks about killing Kailyn were not meant seriously, but she ought to know that on SM words can be quoted without context and made to seem other than intended.  If you get this stupid when you drink, you shouldn't drink.

  • Love 10
14 minutes ago, Mothra said:

Et tu, Chelsea?  I thought she was the smart one, the one who was living a "normal" life, married with a husband who had a job, and now here she goes, too, slapping her name on some shit that her fans will buy while she's on the show.  Something she didn't develop or design; she said *she* contacted the company that makes the diaper bags and offered herself and Cole as "designers."  My last good hope for her is that she will not pin her financial future on the success of these diaper bags and will put aside any money she makes on them for her kids' educations.  I can't tell you how disappointed I am in her and her husband.

And seeing Barbara sloppy drunk--drunker than Jenelle--and allowing it to be filmed is another disappointment in a cast member I had at least a little respect for.  In Jenelle's various attempts to regain custody of Jace, Barbara's drinking has been brought up several times, and this is not a good look for Barbara.  If she doesn't know how SM works--if she truly did not understand that her actions and words were being broadcast for the world to see--she has not been paying attention.  Of course her remarks about killing Kailyn were not meant seriously, but she ought to know that on SM words can be quoted without context and made to seem other than intended.  If you get this stupid when you drink, you shouldn't drink.

You are disappointed because Chelsea and Cole are entrepreneurial??

This is how it is done.  

People do things on their own....but, it becomes time consuming and you eat up your profits. Say, Etsy type artists.

The same companies that sell raw products will also sell the formula to you.

Either yours or theirs. 

I own a successful e-commerce business.  At first I did everything myself. 

Now, I buy a finish product from the same company. 

I make a lot more money buying the finish product.  

I used to spend countless of hours doing everything myself. Now, I just do orders and marketing. 

Are people expecting Chelsea to sew her own diaper bags???


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These women are still girls in so many ways. I don't know if the show has held them up or this is how they would have been regardless.

Cmon Leah, birth control isn't that hard to figure out. Certain types make me sick but you keep trying until you find something that works. All her excuses did make it look like she wants a baby with Jason.

Barb has lowered herself to Janelle's level in order to be accepted by her. Not a good look at all.

Missed opportunity for Cole not to put American flags all over his diaper bag design. You had one job as a designer Cole!

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, geauxaway said:

I’ve taken Plan B.  It was close to 20 years ago, so unless it has improved drastically, it is NOT something you would ever want to take more than once ever in your lifetime.  I had to leave work and take the following day off because of the cramping and bleeding.  I couldn’t function for 2 days.  It’s Plan B, NOT PLAN A, you imbecile.  I don’t think even medically speaking you can take it more than once a month.   It doesn’t regulate your cycle like birth control, it kicks you straight into your period and empties your uterus out in 1-2 days.  It’s fucking miserable!  

How can an adult woman be this ignorant about BC?  On the other hand, maybe Dirty Jason should have considered getting a vasectomy if he wants to drive the bus.  

I took Plan B four years ago (OTC from Walgreens) and was expecting all of those side effects.  Absolutely nothing!  No cramps, no spotting, nothing.  It was so weird and I was so afraid it didn't work.

  • Love 7
10 minutes ago, Dance4Life said:

I own a successful e-commerce business.  At first I did everything myself

This is what I mean.  These women have no abilities to create (that we've seen), there is no natural progression from an original idea (or an idea to improve or make more attractive) an existing product.  They have no experience selling anything--the big exception being Farrah (ptui), who has created her own product (butt sex with a Teen Mom) or has taken on the real work of retail sales.  The rest of them either approach or are approached by a company that makes something they like (cute children's clothes, makeup, cute diaper bags) and allow their names to be used to market the items.  The idea that these women have any real input in designing the articles for sale (the "at first I did everything myself" part) is ludicrous.  Any sales from these products come from fans of the show, and when the show inevitably ends, so will the sales. 

This is honest-to-god not a political statement:  I compare their situation to Donald Trump's.  He did not do the work to create his real estate "empire"--his father did.  Donald Trump made his money by slapping his name on pre-existing products--apartment/office buildings, casinos, airlines, steaks, online university, etc.--and as long as he had a public reputation for being a good businessman, his sales soared.  Now that he is less popular across the board and his various failures and bankruptcies are better-known, his "branding" is no longer an asset.  This is what is going to happen to these women and their "businesses," and until Chelsea and Cole got on the branding bus, I thought they were sensible in understanding the fleeting nature of their fame and the financial advantages that came with it.

I have no doubt that online businesses can be profitable.  But how many "celebrities" are able to continue to sell their self-labeled products--especially if they are not in control of production (quality, costs, etc) of "their" products after their fame has passed?  Jimmy Dean continues to sell sausage from beyond the grave, but I'm pretty sure he started out grinding the hogs himself.

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14 hours ago, Caseysgirl said:

Let me get this straight, these girls get approached by companies and they neither design or make anything, they just pick some designs from a collection provided for them and just put their names on them & they get money for this? What a racket.   Also, these producers are horrible human beings, just trying to start trouble for stories. Let’s face it, these kids are almost 10 years old, their mothers are not “ teens” and these shows are boring. Please pull the plug MTV! You have not solved the problem of teen pregnancy.

Thank You! I have been saying the same thing for a couple of years...Teen Mom OG and Teen Mom 2 should be pulled. These "girls" are in their mid to late 20's now...enough! None of them are clever or creative enough to develop a product on their own. People just present stuff to them and plop their names on it. And so true about the producers...all they do is shit stir. 

  • Love 4

I have a different take on Barb's relationship with Jenelle...I think she decided to cozy up to Jenelle after last season because she was afraid her MTV paycheck would be a lot smaller if she wasn't filmed enough due to Jenelle not wanting to be filmed with Barb when they were on the outs about Jace and David. Jenelle even threatened MTV that she would quit if Barb continued to be filmed. With David being fired by MTV and Jenelle's constant threats to quit, Barb, who recently retired, saw her gravy train coming up dry. Now she's on almost every episode. It was a business decision...now she never says anything negative about Jenelle or David and rubber stamps anything Jenelle does.

I used to admire Barb for stepping up and taking care of Jace and making sure he had a safe place to grow up and be nurtured but now I just find Barb to be a phony who puts her relationship with Jenelle ahead of Jace. This last episode with Barb and Jenelle getting drunk in an Atlanta apartment and talking trash on Instagram Live was sad...saying Kill Kail was stupid and irresponsible for both of them but especially for a grandma. Kailyn has kids and this was broadcast live for anyone to see. Guaranteed that if Kail had said this on social media Jenelle would be whining and bloviating about it non stop. Barb...you're supposed to be the responsible adult...instead you are acting like a trashy granny. And why go to Atlanta to just hang out in an apartment drinking? What? Why?

Finally, their next day comments about their drunken behavior and inflammatory comments from the night before were classic Jenelle...no accountability or ownership of her part in the previous night's social media mess and instead, putting the onus on Kail for being too sensitive...afterall, it was just a joke! Barb backing that up with her dismissiveness and agreeing that Kail couldn't take a joke and everyone is just too sensitive was disgusting for someone her age. 

  • Love 14
55 minutes ago, Kroliosis said:

I took Plan B four years ago (OTC from Walgreens) and was expecting all of those side effects.  Absolutely nothing!  No cramps, no spotting, nothing.  It was so weird and I was so afraid it didn't work.

We’ll that is great to know!  We’ve come a long way, baby!

Leah is concerned about forgetting to take a birth control pill daily, but I bet she doesn’t forget to take her other pillses!

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32 minutes ago, kicksave said:

I have a different take on Barb's relationship with Jenelle...I think she decided to cozy up to Jenelle after last season because she was afraid her MTV paycheck would be a lot smaller if she wasn't filmed enough due to Jenelle not wanting to be filmed with Barb when they were on the outs about Jace and David. Jenelle even threatened MTV that she would quit if Barb continued to be filmed. With David being fired by MTV and Jenelle's constant threats to quit, Barb, who recently retired, saw her gravy train coming up dry. Now she's on almost every episode. It was a business decision...now she never says anything negative about Jenelle or David and rubber stamps anything Jenelle does.

In this case, I think Jenelle needs Barb more than Barb needs her. Barb has been filmed plenty by herself - she is the one raising Jace. David's kids won't really be shown without David. Who does that leave Jenelle to film with? I think that even IF Jenelle left (and I suspect her threats were all bluster), MTV would continue to film Barb and Jace. People are invested in them. Barb even had her own "Being" special. 

I'm definitely more on the side that Barb is simply sucking up to Jenelle because Jenelle is finally being nice to her. It makes me sad, and quite disappointed. 

  • Love 8
31 minutes ago, Mothra said:

This is what I mean.  These women have no abilities to create (that we've seen), there is no natural progression from an original idea (or an idea to improve or make more attractive) an existing product.  They have no experience selling anything--the big exception being Farrah (ptui), who has created her own product (butt sex with a Teen Mom) or has taken on the real work of retail sales.  The rest of them either approach or are approached by a company that makes something they like (cute children's clothes, makeup, cute diaper bags) and allow their names to be used to market the items.  The idea that these women have any real input in designing the articles for sale (the "at first I did everything myself" part) is ludicrous.  Any sales from these products come from fans of the show, and when the show inevitably ends, so will the sales. 

This is honest-to-god not a political statement:  I compare their situation to Donald Trump's.  He did not do the work to create his real estate "empire"--his father did.  Donald Trump made his money by slapping his name on pre-existing products--apartment/office buildings, casinos, airlines, steaks, online university, etc.--and as long as he had a public reputation for being a good businessman, his sales soared.  Now that he is less popular across the board and his various failures and bankruptcies are better-known, his "branding" is no longer an asset.  This is what is going to happen to these women and their "businesses," and until Chelsea and Cole got on the branding bus, I thought they were sensible in understanding the fleeting nature of their fame and the financial advantages that came with it.

I have no doubt that online businesses can be profitable.  But how many "celebrities" are able to continue to sell their self-labeled products--especially if they are not in control of production (quality, costs, etc) of "their" products after their fame has passed?  Jimmy Dean continues to sell sausage from beyond the grave, but I'm pretty sure he started out grinding the hogs himself.

We can agree to disagree.  There IS value in Chelsea and Cole.  

Farrah also branded products.....especially her sexy toys.

I doubt the ice cream and furniture store were hers. She was a small investor and promoted on the show.

You are thinking of Shark Tank.  Now, who is going to give Chelsea and Cole millions to make their own diaper bag ‘from scratch’........?????

The SAME diaper  bag sitting on shelves across the world!

Why?  So, Lori can send Chelsea to the Chinese sweatshops she uses for her own products?? (while owning half her company)

(It is all the same). Business is to make MONEY!!!!!

Chelsea was honest about her branding deal.  Buy or do not buy.

I do not get the negativity.

Those backpack diaper bags are really popular.  I just bought one for a family member from her gift registry.  I guess it is a popular style with young moms.

Backpack style is appealing to the dads as well.  This is why Cole is involved.

  • Love 15

Do I care that Brianna threw her boyfriend a birthday party?  No.

Do I care that Kail celebrated her oldest kids' birthday? No.

Do I care what kind of birth control Leah uses?  No.

Do I care what Chelsea's diaper bag looks like?  Nope.

Do I care what Jenelle and Barb do when drunk?  Certainly not.

Why why why do I watch this stupid show?????

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23 minutes ago, suzeecat said:

Do I care that Brianna threw her boyfriend a birthday party?  No.

Do I care that Kail celebrated her oldest kids' birthday? No.

Do I care what kind of birth control Leah uses?  No.

Do I care what Chelsea's diaper bag looks like?  Nope.

Do I care what Jenelle and Barb do when drunk?  Certainly not.

Why why why do I watch this stupid show?????

Seriously, why is this even a show? This might have been the most boring episode ever. We're reduced to Leah going to the gynecologist with her boyfriend as an actual storyline? Really? And the most "interesting" subplot was a senior citizen getting drunk with her mentally ill daughter and talking shit on SM. Millions of dollars were spent producing this crap?

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5 hours ago, geauxaway said:

I’ve taken Plan B.  It was close to 20 years ago, so unless it has improved drastically, it is NOT something you would ever want to take more than once ever in your lifetime.  I had to leave work and take the following day off because of the cramping and bleeding.  I couldn’t function for 2 days.  It’s Plan B, NOT PLAN A, you imbecile.  I don’t think even medically speaking you can take it more than once a month.   It doesn’t regulate your cycle like birth control, it kicks you straight into your period and empties your uterus out in 1-2 days.  It’s fucking miserable!  

How can an adult woman be this ignorant about BC?  On the other hand, maybe Dirty Jason should have considered getting a vasectomy if he wants to drive the bus.  

I also took the morning after pill a couple times over the years (condom broke) and it’s definitely not a pleasant experience. Lots of nausea generally. Why anyone would choose this when there are other options makes no sense. Just set an alarm if you need a reminder to take the pill every day, as others have said. It’s really not that difficult! I used to take mine before bed at night. Once you develop the habit it’s easy.

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, Mothra said:

If she doesn't know how SM works--if she truly did not understand that her actions and words were being broadcast for the world to see--she has not been paying attention.

And even if she didn't understand Instagram Live, she knew she was being filmed for MTV.  Bad judgement, Barb.  That stupid feud doesn't need any more fuel.  I also cannot believe David allowed Jenelle so far off the land.  

2 hours ago, Mothra said:

I can't get rid of this box.

2 hours ago, Mothra said:

until Chelsea and Cole got on the branding bus, I thought they were sensible in understanding the fleeting nature of their fame and the financial advantages that came with it.

Or they do understand the fleeting nature of their fame and are trying to capitalize on the financial advantages that came with it, while they still can.  Even if 'their' bag is only on the market for a year or two, they can still make some money.  I look at it like getting a temporary second job, only in reality-show land.  C & C are basically just selling the company the use of their name on some diaper bags that they designed gave their opinions on, and then letting the already-established company take care of it's business.  Doesn't have to be forever to be valuable. 

I think the difference between this and what Kail, Tyler, Amber, and whoever else did is that the rest of them tried to create products and start whole businesses.  C & C are just lending their name.  Completely different ballgames, IMO. 

Edited by eskimo
grammar mistake
  • Love 9
1 hour ago, LBS said:

 if Leah can't remember to take a pill around the same time everyday to prevent a major life event, how on earth can she be trusted to give Ali any medications if it ever came down to it?

Very excellent point!  She needs to get her poop in a group, stat.  The increasing care that Ali is going to require is probably going to be very regimented. 

  • Love 4
56 minutes ago, suzeecat said:

Do I care that Brianna threw her boyfriend a birthday party?  No.

Do I care that Kail celebrated her oldest kids' birthday? No.

Do I care what kind of birth control Leah uses?  No.

Do I care what Chelsea's diaper bag looks like?  Nope.

Do I care what Jenelle and Barb do when drunk?  Certainly not.

Why why why do I watch this stupid show?????

Because, it is Monday Night!

Now!  Tell the truth.

Who stayed on and watched the new Pauly and Vinnie dating show????

ahhahahahah! 🤷🏼‍♀️

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Dance4Life said:

We can agree to disagree.  There IS value in Chelsea and Cole.  

Farrah also branded products.....especially her sexy toys.

I doubt the ice cream and furniture store were hers. She was a small investor and promoted on the show.

You are thinking of Shark Tank.  Now, who is going to give Chelsea and Cole millions to make their own diaper bag ‘from scratch’........?????

The SAME diaper  bag sitting on shelves across the world!

Why?  So, Lori can send Chelsea to the Chinese sweatshops she uses for her own products?? (while owning half her company)

(It is all the same). Business is to make MONEY!!!!!

Chelsea was honest about her branding deal.  Buy or do not buy.

I do not get the negativity.

Those backpack diaper bags are really popular.  I just bought one for a family member from her gift registry.  I guess it is a popular style with young moms.

Backpack style is appealing to the dads as well.  This is why Cole is involved.

My take on the diaper bag thing...I get that they are doing what lots of celebs do, and it's a smart idea. I just wish they could actually branch out and try being involved more with the designing process than just saying yes or no to a product. Chelsea especially doesn't have many skills, and that's an honest skill she could learn and maybe use someday down the line. I'm just thinking of my own experience designing for yearbooks and newspapers...it's so fun! It doesn't take terribly long to do, either, and it's a decent skill to have. I know the professional designers might not see it as worth it to take time out of their day to be a teacher, but if I were Chelsea, I would make it known that I want to be hands on in the process. 

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