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S09.E08: Showdown at Villa Rosa

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On 4/4/2019 at 9:26 AM, PhilMarlowe2 said:

I am not on Dorit's side, and I think the other women have been incredibly messy with this. But, come on, when you have...

Adrienne, Kyle, Brandi, Yolanda, Kim, Eileen, Lisa Rinna, Teddi, Erika, Dorit, Taylor, even Camille (who is supportive of LVP this season), even friend-of Marisa Zanuck...

All saying that LVP has a tendency to be two-faced and manipulative, I think this is more than just jealousy. LVP said it herself when she was underhandedly bringing up the Mauricio cheating rumors on camera: "Where there's smoke, there's fire." There is a lot of smoke coming from LVP. And it's hard for me to buy it's just some big conspiracy from every other cast member.

Of course she can be two faced and manipulative.  The fact that these ladies keep doing her bidding makes me think they really are not very smart.  That said, I don't believe LVP had anything to do with getting the story out.  IF it was anyone from LVD, my money is on Blizzard.  He isn't a board member/founder, he is young and thirsty, and didn't see how this could affect the charity negatively.  

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16 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

Is Nene that bad? I don't watch ATL. Maybe I'm naive, but I don't see the other RHOBH being behind all this. Rinna can be a mess, but she seems pretty open with her messiness. Just don't talk about the husband! Kyle hasn't been the best friend to LVP, but I don't think she has it in her to be so cruel. Dorit's wealth and accent may be questionable, but again I don't think it would be her. This is all so weird. I initially thought it was someone else at Vanderpump Dogs or someone totally random who got word of what happened. 

Brandi Glanville has my vote...

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24 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

I really want someone to find this lovely woman who took Lucy to the shelter.  This show needs a Meghan King Edmonds (the one who really figured out the Brooks shit from OC) to move the story along.

The only thing that will make this worthwhile is if the mystery woman is.....................................................................................................PANDORA!!!!!!!

Insert Da Da Dah sound effects here.

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19 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

Yeah, once you reach a certain age, you have zero business caring about anything but old-people ads on TV, especially your spouse being accusatorially berated. Why don't more people understand this simple rule? Man, I cannot wait until my BF gets old enough to stop caring how people treat me. 

(That said, if I asked my BF to stay out of something, I would expect him to do so. But I wouldn't consider anyone who doesn't have a desire to defend--or who specifically consider such situations "women's business," for that matter--to be much of a catch.)

Part of being a partner is having their back when things get out of control.  Vanderpump house Vanderpump rules.  I expect my husband to stay out of it until.  Until it gets to the point someone won't leave when told to do so.  

  • Love 21
19 hours ago, Neurochick said:

My problem was how everybody jumped to conclusions, that LVP had leaked the story to Radar Online, when, it seemed that the employees of Vanderpump Dogs knew the story.  Any one of them could have leaked the story, or told a friend of theirs who leaked the story.  

They also have been talking about it IN PUBLIC!  Perhaps, and this is a stretch, someone in the background heard it and spilled.  They cannot prove it and are really stupid for being so sure of themselves.  A lot of people have more of a reason to sell the story than LVP.  Even if she sold it for a shit ton of $, I wouldn't care.  There would not be a story to sell had Dorit followed her contract and given Lucy back.

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11 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

Part of being a partner is having their back when things get out of control.  Vanderpump house Vanderpump rules.  I expect my husband to stay out of it until.  Until it gets to the point someone won't leave when told to do so.  

Ken got into it when he saw Lisa getting upset.

I think LVP is two faced and manipulative, but everybody jumping to conclusions that she leaked the story was what I didn't agree with.  So many people could have leaked that story, not just LVP.

  • Love 16
1 hour ago, 88 keys said:

What LVP wanted was for Lucy to be safe and, in the end, that was accomplished. Lisa was already going through a lot of emotional stress, both personally and with all her business dealings, and I don't believe that LVP had any desire to punish Dorit. Sessa, on the other hand, was furious that someone put one of his dog's life in danger, and because of a personal friendship, she was being given a pass. That was the crux of Sessa and Blizzard getting Teddi involved.

I definitely think that she wanted to punish Dorit, but I think it was more in the way of shady remarks and withering barbs or digs. Because let's face it, she wouldn't be able to stop herself. I just don't believe she would have had the wherewithal to plant the story. I mean if she wanted a story to help launch a spinoff, she wouldn't have it be one that makes the organization look bad. Every story involves Dorit's claim that the dog bit her children and husband. That would mean that the VPD didn't work with the family to do a thorough vetting of the puppy's new living conditions or made sure that the family was suitable. That speaks to basic screening and placement. Then, there is the fact that this was the second dog that they adopted from VDP. Now VPD has proof that this is not a fit family for a small pet, especially a puppy. And, then the fact that the puppy ended up at a shelter would definitely hurt their reputation as a responsible organization. 

If we use the logic of all of these women about "who has the most to gain" from a story like this, it points to anyone BUT LVP. VanderPump had nothing to gain from leaking the story because the story was already filmed before the Radar Online thing came out. She had already seen that the women were in full accusatory mode (taking pictures of condolence cards before sending them, bringing text messages of conversations with anyone even associated with her) and had limited her contact with them. Pretty much Kyle was the only one she was in regular contact with. 

Yes, Lisa can be really shady. Sometimes it's delightful and sometimes it goes too far. But, planting stories? I just don't buy it.  If Lisa is planting a story it's going to be with something much bigger than RadarOnline (who is usually only about 50% accurate in their reporting). If she were going to plant a story, it would be in like Us, or OK, or possibly People. I doubt Lisa VanderPump would even get out of bed for RadarOnline.

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10 minutes ago, MatildaMoody said:

If Lisa is planting a story it's going to be with something much bigger than RadarOnline (who is usually only about 50% accurate in their reporting). If she were going to plant a story, it would be in like Us, or OK, or possibly People. I doubt Lisa VanderPump would even get out of bed for RadarOnline.

If Lisa wanted to plant a story, she could go straight to the Daily Mail.  

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33 minutes ago, MatildaMoody said:

I personally don't think that was Harry. I suspect it was Rinna using his account. 

I didn't think about that.  It's probably true, but it still doesn't make me think very highly of him, to be honest.  I'm not 100% sure my husband has my passwords to my social media accounts, but I'm about 98% sure he could get into them if he really wanted to, just as I'm pretty sure I could get into his if I tried.  He doesn't and I don't want to get into his, but it could be done.  If I found out that he'd used my account to post something that bolstered an argument he was having? I'd be livid, particularly if it was this sort of thing, which I find ridiculous.  I love my husband, but I don't agree with everything that he says, nor does he agree with everything that I say.  If he were to get into a fight like this, I'd basically shrug and say, you need to ask him about it, I have nothing to do with it.  I'll defend him on a major thing, but he knows I won't automatically jump in and defend him on any random thing he wants to argue about.  I also don't expect him to do that for me.  Back me if there's a problem with family or what have you? Absolutely.  But, if I have an argument with a friend over a tv show or something? I'm on my own.

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20 hours ago, smores said:

Kyle did this at VDPDs, too.  When LVP got really upset and was like, I'm sorry, I don't want to fight, it's just been rough, instead of coming from a place of understanding, which most of us would have, Kyle bristles and says "I have stuff going on in my life TOO, Lisa!"  Listen, I have someone that is peripheral in my life that I'm not really a big fan of, I try fairly hard to stay out of their way and avoid having to deal with, because it's just easier that way.  Yet, I've lost a parent and I know what it is like, so when they lost a parent, I was there as much as I could be.  As much as you might piss me off over other things, and as much as I might be fighting with you over this or that, my heart breaks for you when I see that sort of grief.  I'm not going to keep up a petty argument in the face of that sort of thing, but apparently Kyle could.  She felt that her situation compared to the sudden death of Lisa's only sibling.  And then she felt that it was ok to show up at LVP's house and tell her that all of the other girls had gotten together and decided that SHE was the problem and despite the fact that Kyle loves her, basically, she could only be good with things if Lisa "told the truth"  The thing is, the truth was what Kyle was telling her it had to be, Kyle wasn't open to hearing what Lisa's side was.  And when Lisa refused to say that Kyle was right, Kyle told her that everyone had decided, so that's just the way it is.  LVP was wrong.  This from the person who spent all of last season demanding that LVP treat her like more/better of a friend than Dorit, because Kyle is ALWAYS there for her.  

Kyle is going to be a fucking mess when she loses Kim -- there's so much dysfunction and guilt in their relationship.  An she's said that she fears getting the late night phone call about Kim.  So she, out of anyone, should be able to put herself in LVP's shoes.  How do you think she would respond if someone said to her "I have stuff going on in my life TOO! while she was grieving that loss?

19 hours ago, Rosiejuliemom said:

There are a ton of people who knew enough about that story for Radar to write that article. Dorit tried to pin it on Lisa solely on the basis of the word "nip" and the ID of Lucy as a Chihuahua mix. Anyone who saw pictures of the dog on Dorit's SM or saw the picture of her they showed on last season's reunion and knows even a little about dog breeds could tell that Lucy was part Chihuahua.

FWIW, Radar has said that the story was given to them by a housewife that isn't LVP.

Damn, if it was a housewife there goes my theory on it being PK.

3 hours ago, Aunt Kiki said:

I don't do links, but just read about Kyle Richard's Instagram story "Goodbye Kyle".  She retweeted it on her Twitter feed, so I checked it out.  I really don't think she's missing Lisa's friendship.

If I were in high school, maybe I'd think it was funny.  Special appearance:  Faye Resnick.  

Next time she cries and plays the victim, I'll think of this.  If she cries at the reunion about being thrown out and humiliated by Lisa and Ken, I'll think of this. 

She's one mean-spirited piece of work. And stupid too.  Rinna-level stupid.

And in true Kyle form she's cackling over her own not funny joke.  

3 hours ago, 88 keys said:

In September, the House passed a global resolution, H. Res. 401, urging all nations to prohibit and enforce laws to end the cruel dog and cat meat trade. (House resolutions don’t require Senate approval or presidential signature, so this measure is completed.)

Sponsor:Rep. Hastings, Alcee L. [D-FL-20] (Introduced 06/22/2017)

Committees:House - Foreign Affairs

Latest Action:House - 09/12/2018 The title of the measure was amended. Agreed to without objection.  (All Actions)


This bill has the status Agreed to in House

Here are the steps for Status of Legislation:


Agreed to in House

Passed House 


The primary form of legislative measure used to propose law. Depending on the chamber of origin, bills begin with a designation of either H.R. or S.

Calls for an end to the dog and cat meat industry and urges all nations to outlaw the dog and cat meat trade.

Affirms the commitment of the United States to the protection of animals around the world.

2 hours ago, 88 keys said:

Not sure what you mean by it's not a law. Did someone say it was? I think we all know exactly what it is. It's the United States' way of saying we are committed to the protection of animals and calls for other nations to follow. Can we force them to follow step? Probably not, but we can be an example to other countries. These things don't happen overnight.  It's a beginning, a step in the right direction and should be celebrated not denied.  Regardless of what you say, H. Res. 401 happened, was voted on, and was passed.


The primary form of legislative measure used to propose law. Depending on the chamber of origin, bills begin with a designation of either H.R. or S.

Calls for an end to the dog and cat meat industry and urges all nations to outlaw the dog and cat meat trade.

Affirms the commitment of the United States to the protection of animals around the world.

This is some housewivey level of semantics. 

  1.  People have posted that they hope the law is enforced 
  2. It was a simple resolution, which can never actually turn into a bill or a law.  You can tell by the designation of H. vs. H.R. 

A simple resolution, H. Res. or S. Res., is a proposal that addresses matters entirely within the prerogative of one Chamber or the other. It requires neither the approval of the other Chamber nor the signature of the President, and it does not have the force of law. Simple resolutions concern the rules of one Chamber or express the sentiments of a single Chamber. For example, a simple resolution may offer condolences to the family of a deceased Member of Congress, or it may express the opinion of one Chamber or the other on foreign policy or other executive business.



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53 minutes ago, bosawks said:

The only thing that will make this worthwhile is if the mystery woman is.....................................................................................................PANDORA!!!!!!!

Insert Da Da Dah sound effects here.

You solved it Bosawks. Grumpy Cat wanted LVP to pay more attention to Vanderpump Rose not VPD


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I think there's a case to be made that Kyle ("We've all done things...") Richards had the most to gain from it. She mentions LVPs manipulations and chess playing every.single.year. She seems halfway desperate to have everyone SEE what she sees.. Perhaps she saw this as an opportunity to achieve that goal. 

I've been looking at some gossip sites and a couple of interviews and it seems they are all doubling down on the Lisa planted it thing. I don't know at this point who they are trying to convince, the audience? (Not working) Themselves? I kind of think the latter because if Lisa didn't have anything to do with it and a tiny part of each of them recognizes that, they would then have to acknowledge what despicable assholes they've been. 

I think Kyle's starting to crack a bit. The mocking "Goodbye, Kyle" insta stuff is very high school -- I so don't care about this thing I'm pretending not to care about--see look, I'm even making fun of it! That's how much I don't care! I predict Kyle will be the first to publicly acknowledge she was wrong and apologize to Lisa.  (I don't know if she'll actually believe she was wrong, but I do see an apology coming. Just a hunch)

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On 4/4/2019 at 3:03 PM, notabouthepasta said:


I know I'm late but I've been reading through this thread and saw several posts stating how Lisa has always defended Kyle while Kyle has never returned the favor.  I can't agree that Lisa always defended Kyle because she was awful to her that season the tabloids were saying Mauricio had cheated on Kyle.  Lisa made it a point to say we don't KNOW he didn't cheat even when Ken stated it was all rubbish.  Lisa insisted "nobody knows definitively".  Also, Lisa was caught in a lie when she was trying to stir up shit between Carlton and Kyle with the gold crown on the blue skull necklace.  It was on camera what she said and when called out on it, she's all "Whaaaa?"  I mean that was just sloppy.  I haven't seen the Lisa/Ken/Kyle blowout yet (haven't finished the episode yet) but I will say it seems that when Lisa is caught lying, she plays dumb, repeats the question back, etc.  I think when she's wrongly accused of something, she bucks up and has a lot to say.  

For instance, at the season 2 reunion when Adrienne accused Lisa of selling a story to Radar Online, Lisa's response is how I believe she responds when she's been wrongfully accused.  There was no hesitation.  "I have NEVER sold a story in my life and I WON'T be accused of that."  She was adamant.  Conversely, whenever Brandi accused her of putting the tabloids in the suitcase, for example, (which I believe was a mean-spirited joke she should have just admitted to), she played dumb and even tried to tell Mauricio to ignore it when it was just Mo/Kyle and Lisa/Ken on the beach.  Plus she even tried to smooth things over with Brandi on the bus after Brandi accused her.  She wouldn't do that if Brandi were lying.  

I think Lisa was extremely loyal to Kyle (a true friend to Kyle) up until Kyle started to question Lisa's authenticity (I'm not sure of the word to use) in Season 2 with how Lisa probably made it clear she wasn't a fan of Brandi coming on the show.  I bet Kyle thought she was showing blind loyalty to Lisa by shunning Brandi (this was definitely not a good season for Kyle as far as how she treated Brandi.  That was shameful) and then felt betrayed when Lisa decided to flip the script and befriend Brandi.  I'm also sure it bothered Kyle how Lisa suddenly befriended Taylor this season as well when it behooved her after barely containing her disgust at Taylor in the past.  

I wonder how things would have turned out had Kyle never betrayed Lisa by speaking negatively about her behind her back and making the rehearsed Bobby Fischer comment at the reunion.  They really seemed to have a solid friendship but I think Lisa never truly forgives wrongdoings.  

Most of the posts that you describe (particularly a comprehensive overview in one of the earlier episode threads) have noted - based upon what I’ve seen - that Lisa has staunchly defended and robustly stood up for Kyle *when they’ve been on good terms* but that Kyle has never reciprocated irrespective of the state of their friendship. Whether superficially close friends or not, Kyle has consistently disparaged and taunted Lisa to and in front of their coworkers (see her poisonous “Maybe Lisa preys on weak people” suggestions to Taylor back in season two as well as her “you’re just jelly” jabs during the same time frame). Off the top of my head, I can recall Lisa declaring to Camille during the season one reunion (to paraphrase) that “Kyle is not a bully and I won’t stand to hear her called that.” In Amsterdam, she insisted to Kim that Kyle had in fact always defended her. She shut down Eden and Brandi at different points on the same subject. 

I honestly can’t recall an occasion when Kyle ever pushed back aggressively against pejorative commentary about Lisa. Even during season six when she declined to go all-in for the pile-on, she positioned herself as a domestic violence victim to Lisa’s abuser. 

None of which means that Lisa hasn’t sunk to low blows because her behavior during seasons three and four toward Kyle and Mauricio was absolutely petty and vengeful. But that’s a distinct failing from the question of whether she’s gone to the mat for Kyle repeatedly and vocally.

Kyle, on the other hand, has been casting Lisa as a predator from nearly the beginning of the show’s trajectory. Viewers watched her devolve from that duplicity to the bizarre histrionics in New York last season when she shrieked and cried in the hotel lobby because Lisa wasn’t attacking Dorit to a degree Kyle deemed adequate. 

Also, I have no idea what to think about Lisa’s varying reactions when accused because I don’t think she’s perfect and she has certainly appeared to hedge when caught in pot-stirring but both Yolanda and Carlton explicitly contradicted Brandi’s account of the tabloid incident - Carlton at length despite her friendship with Brandi. 

Edited by lunastartron
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Dorit's blog is up, and she's tripling down. Got to give her credit for consistency -- she gets it wrong every time.

Just from a purely practical pov, you'd think even a dimwit like this one would eventually learn the lesson to not doggedly stick to something that was so unpopular with the fans: Pantygate, Stemwaregate, Lategate because none of them have ever worked out for her.  But nope. And she'll be simply stunned when she isn't asked back next season. Stupid is as stupid does, she's just beyond redemption now.

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So, I'm still just incredibly impressed with Lisa V for getting her cause heard in Congress. There are SO MANY issues that advocates would kill to have heard in Congress. Because it's such a difficult process, most causes don't get there. But Lisa V got it there. That's just so amazing. I'll say it a million times over. It's not easy work no matter who you are or what you do--- there are rich people all over trying to be advocates. Lisa did it. I feel like she's just so passionate about the treatment of animals that she took it to the highest level and figured it out. So she's no dumb lady. That political shit is HARD to navigate.

From this, I sort of feel that Lisa V should just be done with the show. She's shown herself to be very intelligent and focused, and I just don't understand how she will really get in with this group of ladies who are not really motivated by anything except getting camera time. Lisa V can be vapid as well-- she lives in Beverly Hills and makes money from her ability to hire and retain beautiful people, but there is obviously something deeper there. I hope she pursues that aspect of herself instead of chasing beauty and acceptance through beautiful people.

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7 hours ago, smores said:

There are people who are not fond of animals, and honestly, there's really nothing wrong with that.  I mean, there's a difference between, I'm not a huge animal person and therefore I don't have a pet and "I hate animals and I'm going to kill and torture them"  Assuming PK and Dorit (or one of them), fall into the "not so much a fan" category, then they could have easily just told LVP, you know, we'd love to help, but right now with the kids so little, we just don't have the time to devote to the proper care, however, we're more than happy to help out with a donation or volunteering with organizing events etc.  Or, say that one of them is allergic.  Something.  Taking the dogs and then dumping them later is just dumb.

I mean, no there is nothing wrong with that...except if you're not fond of animals...don't go to a shelter and adopt one.  Or...two apparently.

I don't think LVP seeks people out to adopt dogs, I'm pretty sure she does the same thing other shelters do which is to put out the word that there are adoptable dogs and then hope people show up.  

It sounds to me like Dorit got the dog...which out of all the breeds she could've chosen, she chose the worst possible one for children. Some Chihuahuas could rival any big dog for their temperament and tendency to bite due to nerves...expected that the dog would just kind of blend into the furniture and come out when she or one of her kids wanted to pay attention to it and then hope it blended back in.  Dogs don't work like that.  Especially when you shove them into a cage for extended periods of time and let your demon spawn antagonize them.  

I own an anxious dog.  You would be shocked at the amount of people who are appalled by the fact that he barks and growls.  The idea that a dog should never bark or growl is ludicrous but yet it's quite the societal expectation.  He doesn't like other people.  He's protective of me.  And he's highly anxious.  Those things result in a dog who very loudly lets people know they have entered his bubble and he doesn't like it.  I have been told numerous times from trainers and people who are actually well versed in dog behavior that I should be commended for dealing with his anxiety because the majority of people would probably have put him to sleep.

So I guess Lisa should be happy...at least Dorit didn't put her to sleep.

It sounds like the owner she has now did her job in going at Lucy's pace and allowing her to make the rules.  It goes a long way.  It also sounds like she had to unravel the abuse the dog encountered which caused her to be distrustful of humans.  Which tells me Dorit probably let those kids annoy the shit out of that dog and when Lucy bit they punished her rather than teaching their kids how to treat animals.  And if they punished her by shoving her in a kennel...anyone who knows anything about dogs will tell you that kennels are NOT supposed to be used for punishment.  Thank God that poor pup is out of that house. And I hope anyone who runs a shelter has seen this show and refuses to adopt another animal into her home.  It's clear that is not an animal friendly home.  

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6 hours ago, snarts said:

Kyle's mean girl is showing again https://www.inquisitr.com/5378340/rhobh-star-kyle-richards-yells-goodbye-kyle-in-front-of-lisa-vanderpumps-sur-restaurant/

I thought she was heartbroken over the friendship's demise?  Not to mention traumatized by Ken's "aggressive" behavior?  Yeah, right.  See right through you, Vile Kyle.

Exactly. Kyle's constant crying and quivering is about as real as her new teeth. HeeHAW

Edited by Dutchgirl
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41 minutes ago, CatMomma said:

So,  it's a PR stunt? She did nothing?

So the fuck what? She brought national attention to something terrible.  

Most of us in animal rescue applaud her.  I mean,  those of us who aren't dedicating our entire life to all the causes in all the world. 

No. It wasn't a LVP publicity stunt. She believes in it. It's just not useful

Edited by Higgins
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57 minutes ago, Higgins said:

No. It wasn't a LVP publicity stunt. She believes in it. It's just not useful

How so? I mean I get that it's not useful on an international level.  But,  are you saying that bringing attention to Yulin on a federal level is not useful?  Or an accomplishment?

Look,  the idea that the United States will ever force China to do anything is laughable.  LVP knows that bad press is the best weapon.  It may have been symbolic,  but it means she reached out to more than the reality tv viewer.  It means a lot of these animals are being rescued. So,  yes.  It's useful. 

  • Love 20
2 hours ago, outofbounds said:

I mean, no there is nothing wrong with that...except if you're not fond of animals...don't go to a shelter and adopt one.  Or...two apparently.

I don't think LVP seeks people out to adopt dogs, I'm pretty sure she does the same thing other shelters do which is to put out the word that there are adoptable dogs and then hope people show up.  

Totally, Dorit shouldn't have gotten either dog.  Despite her blog saying she grew up with dogs, I believe that about as much as I believe her saying she's ridden horses all over the world.  If that was true, I imagine she would have had some sort of appropriate riding clothes, like LVP and Teddi do, and wouldn't have shown up in "Barbie goes riding" wear.  

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Why is anyone trying to diminish what LVP did or did not accomplish?  I don’t get it.  She is fierce in her love for animals, she has proven that.  Her name was mentioned on  CSPAN.  Y’all can’t just say hey that’s cool?  I’m not a veg, I eat and cook meat.  But I love my baby fur boy to the moon and back. (PS, I fucking hate dogs.  But I admit it. They freak me out, they smell and they are WAY too much work.  Alas, we do not own a dog or portend to.  CATS RULE). 

I give kadooz to the work Lisa has done.  I certainly don’t have the time, money or energy to do what she does!

  • Love 21
5 hours ago, CatMomma said:

How so? I mean I get that it's not useful on an international level.  But,  are you saying that bringing attention to Yulin on a federal level is not useful?  Or an accomplishment?

Look,  the idea that the United States will ever force China to do anything is laughable.  LVP knows that bad press is the best weapon.  It may have been symbolic,  but it means she reached out to more than the reality tv viewer.  It means a lot of these animals are being rescued. So,  yes.  It's useful. 

It's not even useful on a United States federal level. It's not a bill. It's not a law. There is nothing actionable or enforceable about it. The Tariff Act of 1930 is almost 90 years old. It prohibits the importation of goods made with slavery or forced labor. It had massive exemptions and was only deployed about 40 times before a revision in 2016. It was/is a law. An actual on the books law with legal consequences. Lisa had a simple resolution that does nothing actionable or anything with any legal consequences. Hell, it's not even session law.

The only thing LVP's resolution does is provide education and publicity for her cause. I'm sure there are some people in and around the Hill who decided to google this Yulin thing because a Real Housewife was there talking about it because a fuck ton of resolutions pass in front of their eyes and they need something that tells them to pay attention to a specific one instead of the hundreds of others on the calendar.

The folks who are saying that a resolution does nothing are making a point that there is nothing legally enforceable or actionable about Lisa's Yulin resolution. They aren't saying that there's no value to education or publicity. Although on its own, a resolution is awfully terrible at doing either of those things because most people don't pay attention to the thousands of resolutions. LVP's celebrity is a not insubstantial reason that anyone paid attention because D.C. is just as filled with starfuckers as any other place.

No one is trying to diminish what Lisa has done. I think we're just trying to provide clarity to those individuals who aren't as familiar with the legislative process and keep conflating her resolution with something it absolutely unequivocally is not.

Edited by HunterHunted
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7 hours ago, CatMomma said:

How so? I mean I get that it's not useful on an international level.  But,  are you saying that bringing attention to Yulin on a federal level is not useful?  Or an accomplishment?

Look,  the idea that the United States will ever force China to do anything is laughable.  LVP knows that bad press is the best weapon.  It may have been symbolic,  but it means she reached out to more than the reality tv viewer.  It means a lot of these animals are being rescued. So,  yes.  It's useful. 

This TV show did that much more than that HR. 

2 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

It's not even useful on a United States federal level. It's not a bill. It's not a law. There is nothing actionable or enforceable about it. The Tariff Act of 1930 is almost 90 years old. It prohibits the importation of goods made with slavery or forced labor. It had massive exemptions and was only deployed about 40 times before a revision in 2016. It was/is a law. An actual on the books law with legal consequences. Lisa had a simple resolution that does nothing actionable or anything with any legal consequences. Hell, it's not even session law.

The only thing LVP's resolution does is provide education and publicity for her cause. I'm sure there are some people in and around the Hill who decided to google this Yulin thing because a Real Housewife was there talking about it because a fuck ton of resolutions pass in front of their eyes and they need something that tells them to pay attention to a specific one instead of the hundreds of others on the calendar.

The folks who are saying that a resolution does nothing are making a point that there is nothing legally enforceable or actionable about Lisa's Yulin resolution. They aren't saying that there's no value to education or publicity. Although on its own, a resolution is awfully terrible at doing either of those things because most people don't pay attention to the thousands of resolutions. LVP's celebrity is a not insubstantial reason that anyone paid attention because D.C. is just as filled with starfuckers as any other place.

No one is trying to diminish what Lisa has done. I think we're just trying to provide clarity to those individuals who aren't as familiar with the legislative process and keep conflating her resolution with something it absolutely unequivocally is not.

Thank you. That's exactly it. I actually love LVP and all she does for dogs. I love dogs more than anything. I applaud her Yulin work. 

Edited by Higgins
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Ok, I'm probably gonna tick somebody off but this is how I feel about the Resolution vs Bill tutorial at this point. It has been explained to the death. Let it go. Please, for Lucy, let it go. If there is any one who doesn't understand by now, it's hopeless. 


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What I admire about LVP and her Yulin work is that she put her money where her mouth is.  She took a stand and took action.  It's easy for people to sit around and gripe about what's wrong in the world, but it takes a special person to actually effect the change they want to see.  And for that, I applaud LVP's efforts in shining a spotlight on the issue.   

  • Love 16
10 hours ago, Ginger said:

Let's just sum this up:

  • Dorit - Big phony - she did it. Gave the dog away to avoid facing Lisa's questions about why TWO dogs didn't work out (and paying the $5000 which she and Peee Kaay don't have). Way to go enlisting the other sheep and throwing your friend under the bus.
  • Kyle - nice try, it's obvious why your acting career didn't work out ("I'm just torn, Lisa is my friend!")
  • Teddi - way to deflect your obvious participation and come out looking good. Shameful. Liked you last season, but this season you suck.
  • Lisa R. - gotta admire your ability to stir it up, but you should be ashamed, too.
  • Erika - you are smarter than this. Your envy is showing.
  • Lisa V. - not completely innocent, because she is obviously passionate about dog rescue. BUT don't believe she would have publicized anything to embarrass Dumbass Dorit and she is being ganged up on. 
  • Camille - gets it. 

This season is not fun to watch except I really like the addition of Denise Richards.

This episode was like the sinking of the Titanic--many little things went wrong along the way. People made mistakes and it all came to a head with this explosion, beginning with Dorit not following protocol and returning the dog to LVPs shelter. 

What bothered me most about this episode was the lack of evidence against LVP. There are many reasons I don't care for Lisa--a couple being her stubborn unwillingness to admit wrongdoing or apologize--but they didn't have any proof she did this. They just had a hunch, a suspicion. Same with Dorit, people jumped her shit because of something they saw on social media thinking SHE dumped the dog at a random shelter. Dorit made a mistake by not taking the dog back to Lisa, but for people to treat her like they did, shameful. People can be so mean. It was disheartening. 

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1 hour ago, TurtlePower said:

This episode was like the sinking of the Titanic--many little things went wrong along the way. People made mistakes and it all came to a head with this explosion, beginning with Dorit not following protocol and returning the dog to LVPs shelter. 

What bothered me most about this episode was the lack of evidence against LVP. There are many reasons I don't care for Lisa--a couple being her stubborn unwillingness to admit wrongdoing or apologize--but they didn't have any proof she did this. They just had a hunch, a suspicion. Same with Dorit, people jumped her shit because of something they saw on social media thinking SHE dumped the dog at a random shelter. Dorit made a mistake by not taking the dog back to Lisa, but for people to treat her like they did, shameful. People can be so mean. It was disheartening. 

Really, the only thing we know for sure is that Dorit didn't return the dog to VPD. There are conflicting stories about how Lucy ended up there, too. There's Dorit's I gave Lucy to a "nice woman with a lovely home", whose name Dorit couldn't provide and whose home she's never seen version. And then there's Sessa's "we didn't want to get all the details about what had happened to Lucy out there" and LVP's "I could have thrown her (Dorit) under the bus..." versions. 

I'm actually quite heartened about how strongly people care about the fate of this helpless little dog. Dorit had all the control and all the responsibility -- she neglected her responsibility. She's a grown up, actions have consequences. Here's hoping she learned a lesson. 

Hopefully there's some good that will come of this whole thing and people will understand that if a dog adoption doesn't work out, it's very, very important to return the dog to the shelter. They will then assess the suitability of a potential new owner. There are lots of really awful stories about what happens to dogs who are given away to strangers, strangers who appear to be really lovely and nice. 

  • Love 9
18 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Ken got into it when he saw Lisa getting upset.

I think LVP is two faced and manipulative, but everybody jumping to conclusions that she leaked the story was what I didn't agree with.  So many people could have leaked that story, not just LVP.

 Particularly agree about the two faced part. I agree that Ken didn't insert himself until he saw his wife getting increasingly upset but a huge factor for me is that Kyle went into THEIR home and behaved that way. Slammed her hands on the counter to make her points, dropping f bombs, raising her voice and refusing to leave. The more aggressive thing about what he did was that he was pointing his finger but it was clear that he was pointing as an expressive gesture not because he was tempted to strike Kyle. Kyle didn't feel threatened and he wasn't trying to be and so it's purely convenient and calculating to paint his behaviour as aggressive, in my opinion. 

  • Love 24

Lisa Rinna is a pot stirring viper, but I think she actually knows this about herself. 

Least self-aware award has to go to Teddie, who says at the lunch with great sincerity, "You have to know, when it comes to things happening to animals, the amount of people who are going to come at you and attack you is beyond."  She says this as if it's validation that LVP is horrible, with seemingly no genuine awareness of the fact that she is responsible for the story coming out, and then growing larger.

Also, upon rewatching this episode, I noticed 2 things.

-Dorit's eyes look inhuman.  They are impossibly dilated and surround by more eye white than usual- which is a lot.  A sign of lying?  A sign of drug use?  Fake eyeballs?  I have no idea, but something is seriously weird with her eyes at that luncheon.

-Rinna, who I think is most capable of planting that article and stirring up crap for other people without batting an eye, drops her mask twice during that lunch. The first time is when Dorit fake cries and Rinna looks for a minute at her with what I interpret as a look that matches the internal thought, "oh god you're a terrible actress."   The second look is a little harder to interpret, but the look she gives Kyle when Kyle says LVP is the only one who would benefit from the article.  To me, it looks like she just had a light go on that Kyle is doing or saying something shady.  For these reasons, I'm going to say it surprisingly probably wasn't Rinna.  I assume she's loving every minute of it, but I think it wasn't her.

Edited by Beachdreamer
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3 hours ago, Higgins said:

I always thought there was some truth to Kim's claim however convoluted.

I didn't and don't.

We never heard a word from Kathy about "Kim being screwed over",  she seemed satisfied with the outcomes. Kyle and Mauricio footed many of Kim's bills and also her portion of the upkeep & taxes on the mother's house and still allowed her use of it.

Kyle bought them both out and did say in their "Palm Springs" blowup she has the cancelled checks from both her and Kathy.  I'm sure they also signed quitclaim deeds & an agreenent. Kim wrongly assumed she could buy her share back whenever she wanted. 

I also want to say I remember that at one time they each had their own "Palm Springs" house along with their mother's. Kim didnt have her house any more but used her mother's home that they all shared. Kim took out loans against her interest in her mother's house, she never paid them back, and that was deducted from her final buyout share. They didn't deduct her unpaid share of expenses over the years, she got to skate on that.

Kim had sellers regret and didn't like being held to the agreements she had to have made to Kyle and/or Kathy when she asked for the loans. In court she would have lost. She screwed herself & her own own future interest.

Kyle and Mauricio owe Kim nothing.

P S. I love the public areas of Kyle's dessert house. The private rooms not so much from what I've seen.

  • Love 14
20 hours ago, snarts said:

Kyle's mean girl is showing again https://www.inquisitr.com/5378340/rhobh-star-kyle-richards-yells-goodbye-kyle-in-front-of-lisa-vanderpumps-sur-restaurant/

I thought she was heartbroken over the friendship's demise?  Not to mention traumatized by Ken's "aggressive" behavior?  Yeah, right.  See right through you, Vile Kyle.

Please, It's American humor. Just a bit of fun. One is supposed to laugh it off, not make such a big deal.

And where have we heard that before?

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1 hour ago, RHJunkie said:

 Particularly agree about the two faced part. I agree that Ken didn't insert himself until he saw his wife getting increasingly upset but a huge factor for me is that Kyle went into THEIR home and behaved that way. Slammed her hands on the counter to make her points, dropping f bombs, raising her voice and refusing to leave. The more aggressive thing about what he did was that he was pointing his finger but it was clear that he was pointing as an expressive gesture not because he was tempted to strike Kyle. Kyle didn't feel threatened and he wasn't trying to be and so it's purely convenient and calculating to paint his behaviour as aggressive, in my opinion. 

As I recall, Kyle and Kim were known as the Pointer Sisters for a while because they were always sticking their fingers in people's faces, especially each other's.

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GrumpyCat motive

1) I'm a CAT and well mom with her VPDogs - harumph!

2) Little known fact, my mother suffers from GrumpHausen By Proxy - I was made sickly at the hands of my parents. Undergoing unnecessary surgical procedures on their demand.


3) Before there was a Giggy, who do you think carried me in the crook of their arm, never allowing me to walk? As an adult, I still suffer from poor circulation and an ungainly, moose-like gait due to lack of exercise. I was also doped up on xanax the majority of my childhood and I appeared sloth-like in all childhood photos

4) By far the worst offense was the way my mother dressed me as an infant, toddler, a young child going to school. To this day I have traumatic memories of being carried to class in a velvet purple suit with ruffles at the neck because mummy wanted me to match daddy.


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Does anyone else here used to watch South Park? Kyle was moving and a Goodbye Kyle party was being thrown - where Cartman didn't invite Kyle. Cartman even sang a  Goodbye Kyle song - I can't find it.



This is the WW Crappens Podcast for RHONY - if you listen to the first 6 minutes - Ronnie and Ben made a song called Goodbye Kyle


Edited by KungFuBunny
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2 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

This episode was like the sinking of the Titanic--many little things went wrong along the way. People made mistakes and it all came to a head with this explosion, beginning with Dorit not following protocol and returning the dog to LVPs shelter. 

What bothered me most about this episode was the lack of evidence against LVP. There are many reasons I don't care for Lisa--a couple being her stubborn unwillingness to admit wrongdoing or apologize--but they didn't have any proof she did this. They just had a hunch, a suspicion. Same with Dorit, people jumped her shit because of something they saw on social media thinking SHE dumped the dog at a random shelter. Dorit made a mistake by not taking the dog back to Lisa, but for people to treat her like they did, shameful. People can be so mean. It was disheartening. 

Yes! I think people (especially friends) need to give one another the benefit of the doubt and be kinder. I like to think Dorit cared about the welfare of that dog. I also like to think that Lisa wouldn't dream of Dorit getting all this backlash.

I do agree Dorit should have followed protocol. I also wish everyone who knew about what happened to the dog made a point to keep this whole situation hush-hush. But it all got way out of hand! I don't like Dorit getting hateful messages, nor do I like Lisa being isolated from the group and her friend coming to her house on the eve of her birthday insisting she's a liar. 

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