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S03.E15: The Waiting Room

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9 hours ago, MsJamieDornan said:

Rebecca seriously drove me crazy during all of this. Looking at the outlets, counting the chairs,,,enough already.  Grow up, all of you.

I was a little irritated by her at first too, until she told her (way too long) story about the waiting room with Jack.  That's what she does.  Focus on unimportant details in order to cope with the scary medical stuff going on. 

6 hours ago, NUguy514 said:

Kevin's being a dick to Madison was uncalled for, and I knew the second he took that water bottle out from inside his jacket that it had liquor in it.  Zoe's swig and the very subtle reaction she had confirmed it.  His relapse isn't surprising since he's so used to suppressing everything growing up as the overlooked triplet and hasn't been quite able to overcome that.  I hope he gets the help he needs (from rehab, AA, something else, or a combination), and I hope she stays with him because I actually like them together.

I was surprised that ANYONE thought anything other than the fact that was vodka.  I fully expected someone- Randall or Zoe- to immediately ask to have a sip or even straight out ask what was in the bottle.  

2 hours ago, Blackie said:

then you are lucky, because they have a LOT, and lying is #1 so Zoey better get used to it.

But then I realized I am NOT one of the lucky ones having dealt with addiction both in my childhood (father) and adulthood (SIL).  So, I know that is what addicts to. Lie.  Constantly, always and forever.  At least while they're using or are planning on using. 

2 hours ago, Biggie B said:

Also - were we viewers ever, ever, ever supposed to even think for a SECOND that Kate's life was in peril? Unless the actress is leaving the show, we know she's staying alive. Thus, any suspense or tension over her life is effectively removed. Yeah, yeah, maybe she'll suffer some residual issues from the pregnancy, but we saw, way back in another episode, a flash forward in which Kate was just fine, walking and talking without a problem. So to write this episode as if something could go wrong with Kate was a waste of time and effort.

This is where I was at too.  If they wanted any of the audience was actually think, even for a moment, that Kate's life was actually in peril they shouldn't have done the fast forwards.  The only one I was actually worried about was the baby and he's not out of the woods yet so he's still on my list. 

  • Love 4

Looks like I'm in the minority but I actually enjoyed this episode.  I wish the show would move all the Pearsons to the same city because I think the show's at its best when they're all together and get to actually interact like, you know, a family.  There's enough drama between all of them that they could easily concentrate on that instead of all the random plotlines that they're doing this season.  So fingers crossed that Randall and Beth decided to move their family to California as well (unlikely, since he just accepted that city council position, but one can dream).

Though I knew they weren't going to do it, I was hoping that the "will leave you speechless" part was going to be that they killed Kate.  Unrealistic, I know, but that would have actually been unexpected.  

And yes, there was no way that baby was ever going to be named anything other than Jack.  

  • Love 8
26 minutes ago, luna1122 said:

we all knew Kev had vodka in his water bottle (Tho I do wonder where he got it)

He left the hospital (after one of the countless blowups that occurred in the two hours that we saw) saying he needed to get some air so all he had to do was find the closest gas station, 7/11, grocery store, etc. and buy a bottle of water and a bottle of vodka and then pour the vodka into the water bottle.

  • Love 6

I liked the episode like a few others did. It was not a fun ride but the emotions and tensions were real. There are obviously parts that are not, but I've spent time in tense waiting rooms or as the in-law family member being very careful to not get in the way.

I agree with @Snapdragon I wish they moved everyone to the same city/region. I like the family when it interacts, even if there are arguments. That would take away some of the issue with Randall having to fly.

I liked the Toby joke detail even though I felt for Miguel and he was being a trooper. Toby wasn't out there for all of Miguel hard work and it is just such a Toby thing to be making a joke--and him realizing it was lousy, and sorry, just my bad attempt at a joke felt real. I also felt for Kate talking to her dad. It was a well done scene.

I could understand Randall being shocked at first that his mom was planning to move. Yes he was presumptuous on the daycare offer but he's used to having them in his children's lives as in the area grandparents. And that is about to change, which will be different from them. I grew up with one set of grandparents in the area and one that I saw once a year. It's a different relationship. Even if your logic brain says "makes sense you'd want to be by Kate," your emotional initial reaction won't always match it.

  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, RedbirdNelly said:

I could understand Randall being shocked at first that his mom was planning to move. Yes he was presumptuous on the daycare offer but he's used to having them in his children's lives as in the area grandparents. And that is about to change, which will be different from them. I grew up with one set of grandparents in the area and one that I saw once a year. It's a different relationship. Even if your logic brain says "makes sense you'd want to be by Kate," your emotional initial reaction won't always match it. 

Was that what Rebecca said they were doing?  Permanently moving to California?  I must have missed it.  I honestly thought she meant she couldn't take care of his kids because she would temporarily be helping Kate.  Yeah, Randall was being presumptuous, but Rebecca moving seems like overkill.   

  • Love 1

Kevin was a jerk to Madison, Randall, the Dr. , and the nurses. Rebecca and Jack did not teach their kids how to be respectful to other people. I can't stand the way all three of them feel so entitled that they have no problem talking to other people like garbage. 

If Toby didn't want to leave Kate's side for a minute, he could have sent a group text from time to time letting the family know what was going on. 

  • Love 22
19 minutes ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

He left the hospital (after one of the countless blowups that occurred in the two hours that we saw) saying he needed to get some air so all he had to do was find the closest gas station, 7/11, grocery store, etc. and buy a bottle of water and a bottle of vodka and then pour the vodka into the water bottle.

Yeah, I guess I didn't think he'd been gone long enuf, but the timeframe was relative here, and there could be a drugstore right next door or something.

11 minutes ago, txhorns79 said:

Was that what Rebecca said they were doing?  Permanently moving to California?  I must have missed it.  I honestly thought she meant she couldn't take care of his kids because she would temporarily be helping Kate.  Yeah, Randall was being presumptuous, but Rebecca moving seems like overkill.   

Miguel said they were thinking of relocating to California. I kind of agree that they should ALL move there, or back to PA, or whatever, so the constant winging back and forth across country didn't seem so unlikely as it sometimes does.

  • Love 8

When this show first started I was pleasantly surprised to see Mandy Moore fade and become Rebecca. Now I can't unsee MM. I took a break this season due to too many self-centered characters and the Viet Nam plot. I agree that these overindulgent monologues are insufferable. Describing the details of the waiting room with your husband sitting next to you? Both selfish and creepy. And remember in the first season when we couldn't get enough of Randall? Good memories.

Question. Did I dream this or did Rebecca and Miguel live in Arizona?? I can never figure out where all these people live!

  • Love 7

I'm on Team Beth regarding ranch.  Ugh!  Someone upthread said chicken noodle soup won't go well with ranch (or chocolate).  I don't think soup count - any kind of soup - counts!  Jell-o doesn't go well with chocolate, does it?  

Maybe tofu won't work well with ranch?  Or does it?  

I don't know if I'm allowed to contribute to the "I had a preemie/I was a preemie" discussion.  My guy was a 35 weeker - technically "premature," but much bigger than little Jack!!  He still had to be in the hospital for 11 days, just to "learn" how to eat.  He was huge at birth (6 lb), but he's kind of skinny for his height now (5 months on Friday). 

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, luna1122 said:

I was rooting for her hard. And tho I get that Kevin's 'not his best self' right now, wtf prevented any of the rest of the family to tell her to ignore him and sit back down and stay cuz Kate would want her there? Assholes.

Rebecca at least thanked her.  But, once told to leave, probably best not to intervene, because who knows what who else would have said to her.  I think she ended up better off anyway, finding something concrete and productive she could do, even if it was only to fetch a doll.

53 minutes ago, Whimsy said:

This is where I was at too.  If they wanted any of the audience was actually think, even for a moment, that Kate's life was actually in peril they shouldn't have done the fast forwards.  The only one I was actually worried about was the baby and he's not out of the woods yet so he's still on my list. 

I don't like the fast forwards for a couple of reasons.  1, they are locking themselves in when they may need more flexibility.  Unless they already have the rest of the series completely mapped out, which I'm fully in favor of, but that's not usually the case.  2, I don't want to know what's going to happen in the future.  3, the've sounded completely depressing.

And, the first two is why, since they've all happened as the last scene, I've shut the TV off when they happen.  But, I have of course, seen discussion of them on here.  I didn't remember any mention of Kate in the FFs, so that's why I thought she might actually die. 

26 minutes ago, luna1122 said:

Miguel said they were thinking of relocating to California. I kind of agree that they should ALL move there, or back to PA, or whatever, so the constant winging back and forth across country didn't seem so unlikely as it sometimes does.

Then they'll all have to move back east, because Randall definitely, definitely can not be a Philly Congressman and live in CA.

I think Miguel was wrong about the end of the game.  Ranch isn't a food, so you can't count that.  Chocolate is made better by more chocolate.  Keep trying, my friend.

  • Love 4
8 hours ago, Mystery said:

I thought Miguel was answering for her because she's sick or something, and that they were going to mention it as the reason why they couldn't be responsible for watching the girls all the time. 

Too many speeches. 

I actually thought that Rebecca was going to collapse at the end with a stroke or heart attack.  I figured that would be the big thing that would leave us speechless - after all that, Kate and baby are fine, but Rebecca collapses.

Also I totally have noticed that outlets look like surprised faces before and now I'm wondering if that makes me weird.

  • Love 8
11 hours ago, Amethyst said:

I thought something was seriously wrong with Rebecca besides being scared.  She looked unconscious before she yelled at everyone to shut up.  She could have done that without the longwinded speech, though.  Just saying.  

She's a Pearson. Longwinded speeches are like breathing for them.

I didn't like him in the beginning, but I am definitely Team Miguel now. The look of happiness on his face when He thought Toby was serious only to have him crushed a second later was heartbreaking.

  • Love 13
49 minutes ago, luna1122 said:

I kind of agree that they should ALL move there, or back to PA, or whatever, so the constant winging back and forth across country didn't seem so unlikely as it sometimes does.

I'll never understand why the writers didn't just have Kate and Toby move to the New York area in the first season (around the time that Kate was going to fat camp in the Northeast, and Toby was hanging around nearby.)

I understand that when a TV series is filmed on the west coast, it's generally cheapest and easiest to have that be the show's setting. I could see the producers wanting some California scenes for convenience's sake.

But this show makes so little effort to choose locations that actually look like the northeast! So how much of a difference could it possibly make?

  • Love 7

I laughed out loud when Rebecca yelled, “BOYS...shut up! Just proves that no matter how old your children are, they will always be to you just that, children.  I do that to my sons all the time, and they are 38 and 35.

Regarding Rebecca’s behavior: I wonder if she isn’t getting early onset dementia. Didn’t they insinuate this in an earlier program?

I wonder if Miguel and Rebecca talked with Kate and Toby re moving to California to be near and help them. Kate’s relationship with her mother was always strained, and as others posted previously, she doesn’t have much to do with Miguel.

I loved the pretzel Grandma. Has happened to me in hospital waiting rooms. Made me laugh.

What about Toby? Isn’t there something they can do to “fix him up” a bit? His head seems upside down to me, with everything on top totally bald and then the sideburns and beard totally out of nowhere. Can’t he look a little more manly? I know looks aren’t that important, but he really doesn’t have that great of personality either. Just sayin’.

  • Useful 1
  • LOL 1

Yikes, all of the Pearsons worst qualities were turned up to maximum. This was just an awful episode to sit through. 

I'm surprised that people couldn't tell that Kevin was drunk. I could tell by the way he went up to the information desk. Then of course Randall was all messed up on his own drug of choice: superiority.

I could feel for Rebecca because she was at least trying to de-escalate with her constant litany of trivia.

Kevin's treatment of Madison was abhorrent as was Toby's joke at Miguel's expense.

The only nice thing I can think of was the moment between Beth and Rebecca with the donut. Otherwise this was just a punishing circus of self-absorption.

Edited by marceline
  • Love 23

I think Rebecca's getting too much hate. Part of this is because I think that Miguel and Rebecca's lives revolve around Jack much less than what other people think.  We don't really see all that much of present-day Rebecca and Miguel.  When we do seem them both together, it is generally a big event or a holiday. Times when even "normal" people tend to focus somewhat on dead family members.  Other than that Miguel leaves Rebecca alone to do his own thing on SB Sunday, and I think the other 275 days of the year or so are all Miguel and Rebecca.  When Kevin was staying witht hem, they were just cuddled up on the couch watching TV and laughing. 

Memory is linked closest to the scent of smell.  Hospitals have a very particular smell.  It does not surprise me at all that Rebecca was taken right back to the day Jack died.  Plus, the worry that she might lose Kate.  Telling everyone why she is upset is not selfish.  Or at the very least way less selfish than the sniping Randall and Kevin were engaged in.  Or Randall using this time to try to dictate to Beth because when your sister is in the hospital it's a great time to manipulate your wife into feeling sorry for you and thus agreeing with everything you say.

  • Useful 1
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I must admit, I have not liked Miguel for pretty much the duration of the series so far.  I was never quite sure why, exactly.  It probably had something to do with falling under the spell of Saint Jack in the beginning.  However, last night marked the turning point in my impressions of Miguel.  He was there every step of the way with the incredibly self-absorbed Pearsons.  To his credit, he did not bitch-slap Toby when he made that horrible joke about Kate wanting to see him first.  If I had been Miguel in that moment, I would have walked out in silence.  They would have met me out in the parking lot when they were ready to go.  That was just so wrong on every level.  I may have reached a happy medium with Miguel, but my seething contempt for Toby continues!

  • Love 10
29 minutes ago, Snarklover said:


What about Toby? Isn’t there something they can do to “fix him up” a bit? His head seems upside down to me, with everything on top totally bald and then the sideburns and beard totally out of nowhere. Can’t he look a little more manly? I know looks aren’t that important, but he really doesn’t have that great of personality either. Just sayin’.

It's funny, but when I see Chris Sullivan in other roles, I think he comes off kind of cool. Cute even. Even in his red carpet appearances, where his real life sartorial style is funky and flashy and weird, I think he seems cool. But Toby..is not. I despised Toby at first, but seriously, compared to most of the Pearsons at their worst, he's more relatable and bearable.

  • Love 5
18 minutes ago, Katy M said:

I think Rebecca's getting too much hate. Part of this is because I think that Miguel and Rebecca's lives revolve around Jack much less than what other people think.  We don't really see all that much of present-day Rebecca and Miguel.  When we do seem them both together, it is generally a big event or a holiday. Times when even "normal" people tend to focus somewhat on dead family members.  Other than that Miguel leaves Rebecca alone to do his own thing on SB Sunday, and I think the other 275 days of the year or so are all Miguel and Rebecca.  When Kevin was staying witht hem, they were just cuddled up on the couch watching TV and laughing. 

Memory is linked closest to the scent of smell.  Hospitals have a very particular smell.  It does not surprise me at all that Rebecca was taken right back to the day Jack died.  Plus, the worry that she might lose Kate.  Telling everyone why she is upset is not selfish.  Or at the very least way less selfish than the sniping Randall and Kevin were engaged in.  Or Randall using this time to try to dictate to Beth because when your sister is in the hospital it's a great time to manipulate your wife into feeling sorry for you and thus agreeing with everything you say.

I don't hate Rebecca, but I do have a major problem with how she lets her children's disrespect for Miguel slide.  She shows more allegiance to the memory of her dead husband than to her current one, who is really pretty much of a gem.  She needed to shut that down a long time ago, and I don't think Miguel "standing" will have any effect at all until she is the one who takes a stand.  I'm totally with JudyObscure and her hopes for Miguel, he deserves better. 

  • Love 23
12 hours ago, Blakeston said:

The "Kate wants to see Miguel first" thing was funny, but man was that a dickish thing to do to poor Miguel.

He just sat there for hour after hour, supporting your family during a brutal ordeal - good time to make a joke about how unpopular he is, right to his face!

I took it as a more good-natured thing because I remember when he and Miguel and Beth got together in a bar that time and bonded up as they commiserated over their "outsider" status. Toby gets it, I think.

  • Love 12
4 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

I think there is something seriously wrong with her.  A medical condition of some sort.

Yes, I thought that this episode marked the visible onset of whatever Rebecca's medical condition in the flash-forwards is. 

I didn't find the RBG doll to be at all political, since Madison explained that Kate wanted her son to be surrounded by strong women role models, and RBG is indeed a strong woman regardless of political affiliation. However, I was frankly a little surprised that Kate knew who RBG is. And, the Pearson family isn't exactly short on strong women -- or, at least, women with strong personalities.

Where was Toby during Kate's emergency C-section? I've never had an emergency C-section -- or been pregnant, for that matter -- but I wouldn't have thought he could be in the room for that. Wouldn't that have been an excellent time to update the rest of the family?

I was excited for this episode because of everything I read about how it was written by a playwright and conceived/filmed as a play -- a longer version of Kevin's therapy session last season. But I found it a little lacking.

  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

We need an entire episode of whatever the hell happened to Kate's dog.   Who has him and how was his life after living with the Pearson's.  I will never forgive Kate for giving him away.  It wasn't the dog's fault that Jack died.  Plus I think Kate completely disrespected her dad by giving the dog away.

I think Kate did the right thing.  No, it wasn't the dog's fault.  But, she wasn't in a place where she could accept that, and it was better to give the dog to people who wouldn't resent it. We didn't see what happened to it, but we do know Kate said she was going to find him a new home, so I don't believe at all that she just kicked him to the curb.  Plus, I think they had to rent for a while, they might not even have been able to keep the dog anyway.

5 minutes ago, Jillybean said:

I was frankly a little surprised that Kate knew who RBG is. And, the Pearson family isn't exactly short on strong women

I guess it depends on your definition of strong.  I don't consider Kate strong because she can't break away from the past.  And I don't consider Beth strong because she's too passive aggressive.

  • Love 7
11 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

I think there is something seriously wrong with her.  A medical condition of some sort.

Maybe we're getting the first little hints of whatever causes her to be in the hospital or nursing home years from now (from the previous episodes flash forwards to go see "her")?  Or maybe she's just shocked and worried and low on energy?  Even could be a little bit of both.  I was surprised nobody ran to get her orange juice when she stood up and got dizzy - food is good, a donut is ok but that sugar hit won't last long.  What a kick in the pants it would have been if Kevin had been drinking OJ and someone grabbed it for Rebecca only to find out he'd made his own screwdriver.

I wish Zoe had confronted him, when they hugged I really wanted her to say now dump out that water bottle I know what's really in it, call that rehab facility you were in and talk to them first then we're going to find you a meeting and sponsor.  

Nobody came off good in this episode, some worse than others.  The only thing Miguel was guilty of was clunky ways of trying to help and cheer everyone which wasn't much of a crime.  Zoe didn't really have any bad points.  Randall has always been a little too optimistic and impulsive but I've never disliked him until now - his demands on Beth were incredibly selfish and tone deaf even after he admitted that Beth had already given up a lot during his campaign.  And the whole money thing - Beth didn't sign up to fully support the family with her salary while he uses a months worth of gas in two or three days driving multi hours round trip to Philly every day, I can't imagine where his brain is to think he could ask her to give up more than she already has.  

Have to admit though, the whole pretzel lady thing was hysterical especially Beth and Randall's little talk about it and whoever thought to amp up the sound on her as she opened the bag and crunched the first few was brilliant.

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, txhorns79 said:

Yeah, Randall was being presumptuous, but Rebecca moving seems like overkill.   

I know a few sets of grandparents who have moved to be closer to their grandchildren. I mean, they're retired and not to be morbid but they don't have that many years left. So why not spend time with their families if that's what is important to them? They don't have to live anywhere in particular and might not want to spend a lot of time traveling just to visit. I can see why Rebecca would want to be close to Kate in order to help out with her baby and spend time with them, especially now that the baby has arrived early.

I also thought the RBG doll was cute and not creepy. And it doesn't have to involve politics. Anyone could admire what RBG has accomplished while disagreeing with her on certain issues.

  • Love 13
3 hours ago, Haleth said:

I'm sorry, but it was completely ridiculous for everyone to fly across the country to sit in the waiting room.  Looking at you, Randall and Beth.  They have obligations at home and money problems, so for them both to drop everything and fly to LA does not make sense. 

I was wondering the same thing, especially about Beth.  I know that in my own family, the in-laws usually stay behind to watch the children in family crises.  Did anyone ever say that Kate was at imminent risk of death?  It seems to me that they were told she had gone into premature labour and was being treated to try to delay the birth.  If the treatment had been more successful, what were they all going to do?  Sit stinking in the waiting room for weeks, ignoring their obligations and their children?  I'll give Rebecca a pass - it's her daughter - but it seems like overkill for Beth (if not Randall) to have flown across the country like this.

  • Love 15
4 minutes ago, Maximona said:

Really?  Who?

I want to AVOID anything this person might write it in the future.

I guess he/she was trying for an Arthur Miller vibe?  He/she failed.

As a nurse, I must say I loath the Pearsons. 

Bekah Brunstetter. I think she is a regular writer/producer for TIU. I don't know her writing credentials, I'm just repeating what was stated in articles I read prior to the episode.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Katy M said:

I don't like the fast forwards for a couple of reasons.  1, they are locking themselves in when they may need more flexibility.  Unless they already have the rest of the series completely mapped out, which I'm fully in favor of, but that's not usually the case.  2, I don't want to know what's going to happen in the future.  3, the've sounded completely depressing.

Mandy Moore was on Marc Maron's podcast fairly recently and I believe she said it's all mapped out, through to the end. The actors may not know what happens but the guy who created the show does. (His name is escaping me right now. Dan. Dan Something. Fogelberg? Nope, wrong Dan.)

  • Useful 1
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23 minutes ago, Katy M said:

I think Kate did the right thing.  No, it wasn't the dog's fault.  But, she wasn't in a place where she could accept that, and it was better to give the dog to people who wouldn't resent it. We didn't see what happened to it, but we do know Kate said she was going to find him a new home, so I don't believe at all that she just kicked him to the curb.  Plus, I think they had to rent for a while, they might not even have been able to keep the dog anyway.

I guess it depends on your definition of strong.  I don't consider Kate strong because she can't break away from the past.  And I don't consider Beth strong because she's too passive aggressive.

Well, my sentence did continue on to say "or at least women with strong personalities" (there's a difference).

  • Love 2

I don't comment here very often, because I don't love the show like a lot of you do and I don't want to snark.

But last night gave me PTSD. I remember having that same look on my face telling my family that my twins had been born at 30 weeks at just under thee pounds, and my wife had "died" on the table (she was resuscitated quickly). The sort of happy, the scared shitless feeling of this -- they caught that really well. 

That said, I don't think I'm going to watch anymore. I'm okay with some memories staying buried. 

ETA: 11.5 years later, the boys are fine. They were in NICU for 6 weeks and came home on oxygen, but no lasting effects. I'll hope the same for Kate's baby, too. 

Edited by whiporee
  • Love 20
12 minutes ago, Katy M said:

I think Kate did the right thing.  No, it wasn't the dog's fault.  But, she wasn't in a place where she could accept that, and it was better to give the dog to people who wouldn't resent it. We didn't see what happened to it, but we do know Kate said she was going to find him a new home, so I don't believe at all that she just kicked him to the curb.

I think a friend of Kate's was boarding Louie after they moved out of Miguel's and into the hotel, and that's who Kate gave him to.

This was a hard episode for me personally. A friend is in the process of losing a much-wanted pregnancy at just shy of 20 weeks, just a few years after losing her only child at birth. And Zoe's response to Kevin brought up a whole lot of old issues. What Zoe did in that moment made sense. No point in confronting Kevin while he's drunk and they're all under stress. And her flat voice when she told Beth about the water bottle. I've heard myself use that voice so many times over the years in regards to the alcoholic in my family. They're doing this because they're an addict and this is what the addiction has them doing -- lie, hide and manipulate to keep the addiction fed.

  • Love 1

For the past 20 years or so, two of my best friends and I have had this thing where we try to find a food that doesn't go with cheese or peanut butter, so when Miguel pulled that question out last night I yelled at my television and immediately sent a text to my friends. They (kind of) stole my idea! But the "end" of his game was stupid. In our version, condiments don't count as food, so you can't use ranch as a food. 

  • Love 6
47 minutes ago, sigmaforce86 said:

Maybe we're getting the first little hints of whatever causes her to be in the hospital or nursing home years from now (from the previous episodes flash forwards to go see "her")?  Or maybe she's just shocked and worried and low on energy?  Even could be a little bit of both.  I was surprised nobody ran to get her orange juice when she stood up and got dizzy - food is good, a donut is ok but that sugar hit won't last long.  What a kick in the pants it would have been if Kevin had been drinking OJ and someone grabbed it for Rebecca only to find out he'd made his own screwdriver.

I think there have been a few ambiguous hints before, but this was the strongest one yet.  I get the impression that she was doing more than just ruminating about comparing and contrasting waiting rooms to handle her stress.  I would have thought she might be more focused on her own labor and delivery experience, as someone has mentioned.  She acted too loopy.  She seemed not to hear, or was zoned out.  Is that a foreshadowing of a cognitive problem, mini strokes, or any other neurological problem?  It seems like it to me, and maybe what they have planned for the next seasons.  A chance for the three egocentric ones to help their mother, and maybe appreciate Miguel's caregiving. 

  • Love 8

Remember the days when some thought Miguel was THE WORST and Randall and Beth and were the best? (Myself included.)

last night I wanted to yell at Randall “practical! Going to a job 3 hours away that you still know next to nothing about is practical?!” Meanwhile my sister and I were considering what DOES good with chocolate or ranch. Go figure. 

Wasn’t there a claim that this season was supposed to be lighter? Because I am certainly not feeling it. 

  • Love 7

This whole clan should be called the PainInTheAssSons.  WTF with the entitlement in the hospital?  The staff cannot hand out info willy nilly, no matter how  fucking awesome you think you and your family are.  For the love of God, I'm really hating these people (except Beth).  I was never a big Kate or Kevin fan.  I loved Randall until the stupid BS 'I'm gonna buy a building and get elected' plot.  Now I'm getting ready to board the I hate Randall train if he keeps up the selfishness.  The only people who came out of this episode were Madison & Miguel.  

I'm not a completely heartless witch.  Being in a hospital waiting room while a loved one is undergoing treatment is horrible.  You feel frustrated, impatient, useless.  You feel like you need to stay put and feel like crap for even thinking about leaving for a few hours.  My sister delivered my nephew at 27 weeks due to a hospital mistake.  She had been to the ER 4 days earlier with signs of eclampsia.  We found out after she delivered the Dr. wrote the wrong prescription dosage on her meds, and the pharmacy didn't catch the error & filled it. She was basically poisoning herself and the baby by taking 4x's the daily dose.  She was taken by ambulance and rushed into OR.  The doctors had to ask my brother-in-law if it came to it did he want them to save his wife or the baby.   My family sat in the waiting room for 22 hours (we did rotate getting each other food/coffee).  When the baby was delivered, he weighed 1.2lbs.  My sister was OK, and we waited for 24hr to see if Tyler would make it through his first day. He did, and in fact he wasn't even on a ventilator after 3 days.  He did have to stay in NICU for 90 days, but he really thrived.  He's now 15, is 5' 9" and is an honor student. Other than needing reading glasses, he didn't suffer any developmental delays or effects from being born 13 weeks early.  (PS- My sister and brother in law looked into suing the hospital and the pharmacy for almost killing her & Tyler.  They were told by several lawyers that they didn't have a case...because both the mother & baby survived.)

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Yeah.  Zoe has more or less completely flown under my radar, but I really liked that she realized now was not the time and is presumably going to confront Kevin about his drinking at another time.

To be fair to Beth, she also tried to get Randall to table their discussion until later, but as usual Randall decreed that the discussion was going to happen now, so the discussion was happening now.  I don't know how she would have stopped him, barring just saying "OK, honey, you can have your way on everything from here to eternity."  the only thing other than being able to stop Randall (and really, who can do that?) that bugged me was Beth snapping at Miguel that Rebecca can speak for herself, but we can all see how that came about.  So, I'll forgive it.

  • Love 6
13 hours ago, ShortyMac said:

I was born at 24.5 weeks, weighed 1lb, 7.5oz. I spent four months in the NICU. It's so weird to look at pictures of myself as this tiny thing and I can't imagine how scared my parents were; so many unknowns. I try to stay grateful to be here and for the quality of life I have, just mild cerebral palsy, no other major issues. So many other families aren't as fortunate.

I was born at 24 weeks at 1lb. 7oz and spent 4 months in the NICU too! I have right hemiplegia cp (brain hemorrhage) and a few learning and mental health issues, but considering they told my parents I was going to be in a vegetative state for the rest of my life I'm doing pretty well lol (as you said very grateful). I'll be curious to see where they take this premie storyline. So often if you see a premie birth or storyline the baby is fine with no complications. Given the nature of the show, I don't think they'll go that route. Storylines like this always give me a new appreciation for what my parents went through and for the Drs and nurses that work in the NICU ... I called the water bottle being filled with vodka too. As someone who's struggled with alcohol abuse, I felt for Kevin and I hope Zoe stays, but I can also see why she'd run. Hopefully, Kevin can turn it around, sobriety is always a work in progress, I think.

ETA Miguel is a treasure. He's such a good person. He's a good friend, a good spouse, a good father. He's just a good guy.

Edited by OrigamiNightmare
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1 hour ago, Jillybean said:

Where was Toby during Kate's emergency C-section? I've never had an emergency C-section -- or been pregnant, for that matter -- but I wouldn't have thought he could be in the room for that. Wouldn't that have been an excellent time to update the rest of the family?

Fathers are allowed in the operating room when there is a c-section.  They just have to stay "above the sheet". If there are complications or it turns scary I would imagine they get ushered out.  But having him there to hold Kate's hand and support her would be a good thing.  He was wearing scrubs, so I assume he was there for at least part of the delivery.

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14 hours ago, Amethyst said:

Miguel's the saint since he actually puts up with this.  That's why I hated Toby's joke at the end.  I get that he was burned out and didn't mean to be hurtful, but given the context of the episode, it just felt cruel.  It's like kicking someone when they're already down.

Right?  And Toby is also an in-law.  I thought the in-laws were close, with their text chain.  Toby is just as much of an "outsider" as Miguel is; maybe more since Miguel has been around that family forever.  And he's so burned out and stressed...yet he can make a joke like that?  So mean.

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