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I swear, I'm not an LVP fan anymore but I end up defending her every season because the others are just so much worse, particularly in their hypocrisy. Rinna accuses LVP of being a manipulative puppet master but there she and Erika are manipulating others and the situation. The way they and, I suspect, Kyle to a lesser extent, have manipulated Teddi is actually quite obvious. Dorit plays victim when the whole mess was her fault to begin with because she a) did not disclose to LVP that they were having issues with the dog, b) supposedly rehomed the dog in violation of her contract (or, as a suspect, surrendered or had someone on her behalf surrender the dog to the shelter), and c) has not taken ownership of how irresponsible she was or admitted to being very wrong. With her it's excuses excuses excuses.

Teddi crows about being accountable for her actions but so far she has been anything but. Regardless of whether or not LVP was also involved (or the extent of her involvement), I haven't seen Teddi own up to her part in it. She keeps talking about how she was given the information and didn't tell anyone as though that was some noble deed instead of part of the plan to out Dorit on screen. She hasn't come out and fully admitted to being part of the setup and made a sincere apology. She keeps talking about how her hands weren't clean but there's always a "but" followed by this statement. Someone who is truly holding themselves accountable doesn't deflect. LVP may have manipulated the situation but that doesn't take away from Teddi's role in it and she certainly isn't a victim like she claims to be. Camille and Denise are the voices of reason this season. Color me surprised, but I've actually come to like Camille. I liked her for the first time last season and I'm really liking her this season so far. Season one she was extremely vile (but in a love to hate way, unlike Brandi) and from season two until last season I felt she was being very fake.  

To be fair, the RH cast members do not all meet the criteria for narcissistic personality disorder. Many of the other personality disorders are represented as well. Taylor Armstrong showed signs of antisocial personality disorder. Danielle Staub from RHoNJ has a lot of the criteria for borderline personality disorder (or at least she did—I dropped New Jersey a long time ago so I haven't seen her return). Lisa Rinna is absolutely histrionic personality disorder. Vicki on RHoOC is very classic narcissistic personality disorder. The others show various traits from these disorders but it's more of a mixed bag, especially since there is some overlap between all of them. Not every cast member would meet the criteria for a personality disorder but most of them are just as dysfunctional as someone with any of these disorders. You don't need a personality disorder to be an awful person.

  • Love 14
15 hours ago, Castina said:

John has said the YES was in response to something she messaged just before that isn't shown on her screencap and that the IDK was in answer to the question "does Lisa know".   It's plausible because they were obviously talking above what we see.  

Again I don't know why Teddi didn't just speak directly to Lisa and ask her?

This is what I had the impression happened, because this happens to me all the time. By the time I answer a question, the other person has posted another paragraph.

He answered two questions, and I don't see any reason not to accept his explanation, as it fits what we can see.

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Yeah, we have no idea what John was saying "YES" to on Teddi's SCREENSHOT of a text message that had the top part of the convo CUT OFF!  I can't believe that was Teddi's "proof" that got her all worked up. Now Ken, on the other hand, brought the real receipts. And it wasn't even on his phone. Score!

Teddy could have produced way more of the conversation, but chose not to. There's a reason for that. Smells fishy to me. She totally destroyed her reputation as an accountability anything.

  • Love 24
On 3/5/2019 at 9:27 PM, charming said:

Dorit changes her story again. On WWHL she said that LVP knew she was giving the dog away. However on the boat she said she told LVP the day after.

And I believe she also changed who was bitten as well.  That changes from her daughter to PK to both kids, depending on the wind. 

On 3/5/2019 at 9:51 PM, Keywestclubkid said:

Lol you can’t edit a text message from someone else on the iPhone. you can delete messages you can edit your messages but you can’t edit someone’s incoming messages to you. You can’t add words they didn’t send lol 

What Teddi showed weren't really the whole text messages, though.  She had tiny snippets of just 2 lines of the conversation, so it was really edited.  It's easy to take things out of context that way when you don't show any of the before and after.  Also:

On 3/5/2019 at 9:56 PM, Rosiejuliemom said:

Can you edit a screenshot?

That's what Teddi showed, not the original messages.

He's not claiming any words were added.

You can delete texts so things look out of order.  You can also completely fake texts.  There are apps that will let you create an entire screenshot of "text messages" that are totally fake, so theoretically, Teddi could produce whatever the hell she wanted.  It would be really dumb to do that, since all John would have to do is be like, really? This is the conversation we had, and show his texts and perhaps his phone bill to prove when he sent/received messages and she'd be sunk, but, a person could do it.

On 3/5/2019 at 10:08 PM, renatae said:

Maybe you will feel better to know they are actually saying "textses." LOL, too weird. I hear that a LOT.

I.HATE.this.  HATE. 

On 3/5/2019 at 10:10 PM, RealHousewife said:

That's a good point. I hope if John Blizzard is creating problems, LVP addresses it. John Sessa backs up what LVP said, that she wanted to protect Dorit, but he was furious. He hand-reared Lucy, so he was particularly sensitive about protecting her. It's bizarre how Lisa and Ken think the texts prove Lisa's side, while Teddi thinks the opposite. 

I am someone who'd want my friend to protect me and my reputation, even if I did mess up. I understand friends keeping it 100, but to me it's different doing it privately. I think that's part of why the other women find the situation upsetting. 

You know, this goes another way, too.  Where is the "lovely woman" who took Dorit's dog and somehow dropped it off at a kill shelter? If Dorit is totally innocent in this and the dog went to a good, loving home, then, why not come forward with the story? Clear Dorit's name, come to VDPDs and say, this is my fault, this is what happened, I didn't mean for it and I'm horrified that Dorit is getting wrapped up in this.  But, apparently, they aren't willing to do that, so, it's kind of suspicious, right? 

On 3/5/2019 at 10:40 PM, howivesforever said:

But if you’re going to take down someone and it’s a coordinated effort wouldn’t you want text from Lisa? Wouldn’t you want to have a conversation with Lisa the most mastermind of all masterminds to work out all the details? Teddi was “thirsty as hell  to keep her spot on this show because it doubled her business. She and John most likely plotted this and when it started falling apart poor Teddi is a victim. And lest we forget had Dorit not been the shitty person she is none of this would be an issue.

Here is what I don't get, if LVP wanted to plan an attack and take Dorit down, why even involve Teddi? Couldn't she just have coordinated it with John? Have him had the dog out there and had him ask Teddi and Kyle if he recognized the dog? Or perhaps let Teddi and Kyle "overhear" him and another person discussing the situation?  Wouldn't that have been the true puppetmaster way to go?  

20 hours ago, Chalby said:

Didn't all this happen prior to her brother's death? If it did occur afterwards, I can imagine Lisa's anger with Dorit and PK would be intensified by her grief/anger over her brother's suicide. I hated the world and everyone in it for a couple of years after my sibling took his life. If she was caught up in some shade towards Dorit, I wouldn't hold it against her. All those women are so wrapped up in themselves, they figure offering condolences once, is more than enough and it's time for maudlin Lisa to move on.

It was after his death.

19 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

That bothered me as well. Since she bought it on site, then why not take it back to the resort at time of purchase?  I get that maybe she wanted to show it off to the other girls. She could have had it delivered to her room and then worn it to dinner if she didn’t feel safe carrying it back alone.  Did she even see the watch (in person) before purchasing it? Who the heck would buy a Rolex sight unseen? Well I think I answered my own question as Kyle is not head of the housewives class. I hope she asked management to put it into the hotels safe.

Attention all thieves. New merchandise available at Kyle’s home. Just remember that Teddi’s husband installed an alarm. Best done during a power outage.  

Kyle handed off her credit card at the beginning of the meal to the butler, who apparently went and got the watch for her, so she could show it off at the table.  It was only $10k, though, which is surprising, since she is usually so braggy.  Tamra (then) Barney got a $40k one for her bday in her first season.  I'm sure Kyle doesn't see Tamra as anywhere in the same league as her.

15 hours ago, filmfan2480 said:

I often wonder about the Kyle/Camille friendship/dynamic.  I find it somewhat fascinating and I don't think it is touched upon much, here. <snipped for space>  Anyone else ever ponder their friendship?

I think Camille is smart and knows how to be cordial.  She can forgive but she doesn't forget.  So she'll be friends with Kyle and that's all fine, but there's only so close she'll ever let her get.  

11 hours ago, langford peel said:

I agree that Kyle doesn't need the money. But Erica is facing hard times with the lawsuit and Rinna makes her money off of her notoriety as a Housewife. If she were not one her QVC gig will melt away.  Denise Richards is a sweetheart but she had to take a soap opera gig. Teddi had to set up burglaries to finance her lifestyle after all.

Kyle is the only one who is in the Lisa category as were the other originals Adrienne Queen of Slots and Camille. The rest of the cast is just replaceable interchangeable. Cannon fodder who are lucky to be there. Think of them as the guys in the red shirts on Star Trek. Or the red moo moos. 

Kyle also has a husband that has a big lawsuit he's up against.  As far as I can tell, part of it was settled, but I think another part is still ongoing, and his insurance company refused to represent him, which is problematic.  All of the stories talk about the lawsuit being dropped, but those are with the insurance company, nothing mentions the seller.  Strange that Kyle hasn't wanted to talk about this on camera, though.

  • Love 19

So Teddi says in her blog "I show a cropped version of one of the texts to the group in tonight’s show; it was the easiest way to show that specific part. Now you can see the full thing."

Wow...the accountability coach is still refusing to take accountability. Does she think the viewers are idiots?? No Teddi, the easiest way to show that specific part of the conversation would be to pull up the text, and scroll to that part of the conversation. Which is exactly what you did when you decided to take a screenshot of it, and then crop only the part you want people to see. That takes a lot more work than just pulling up the existing text...hello!! Who is this chick trying to fool? And by the way, we still can't see the complete conversation.

We still can't see what was before the question at the top...you know... the question that you are not showing...the one that he answered "YES" to. Because it looks to me like he answered yes to a question above (that was once again not shown), and then he answered "idk" in response to her asking "But didn't Lisa tell you to tell me?" She refuses to show the part of the conversation ABOVE that one segment. Otherwise, we would see what the "YES" was in response to. Doesn't take a genius to figure this out.

Edited by SallySarue
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20 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

2) when I read the word "texts" in this thread I hear it in my mind as Tex-as. In Ken's voice.  Earworm, now I am really screwed. Thanks RHoBH! TEX-AS! 

Unfortunately, I’ve been hearing it in Teresa Giudice’s voice for years. Teresa pronouncing the plural of the word “text” is my earworm that won’t die. Even Ken hasn’t been able to override it.

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13 hours ago, SweetieDarling said:

In the scene where they bring Lucy out for the Big Reveal, LVP is standing behind the John that brings her out (I don't know, or care to learn the difference between the 2 of them). She KNOWS what is about to go down, and doesn't say anything or stop it. I think John(s) were behind it, and she was complicit or at the very least, did not object.  

If I didn't know better, I'd think this was a plot for a porn movie, lol.

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15 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

All this Zaprudering and hand-wringing about some stupid fucking texts is missing the mark, in my opinion.  The real issue is who Dorit claims she gave the dog to, how it ended up in a shelter, and who really surrendered the dog to the shelter.  If what John S claims is true, a "reality celebrity" surrendered the dog to the OC shelter.  That implicates Dorit, and it is her feet that should be held to the fire.

Or... alternative conspiracy theory: the “lovely home” was Vicki G. and Vicki is the “reality celebrity” who dumped Lucy at the shelter.

I’m obviously kidding and agree with your take on the real heart of the issue. But I do like finding ways to blame Vicki “nail me to the cross” Gunvalson for bad stuff.

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3 hours ago, renatae said:

When Lisa wanted to talk to her about her feelings after the dinner, Kyle turned a deaf ear. She has an agenda.

I agree.  I think the only thing Kyle has on her mind is replacing her stolen jewelry.  It's as if she's walking around with blinders on and laser focused on all of the jewelry stores in town.  Must. Replace. Rolex.  

LVP lost a brother, and Kyle lost a Rolex.  Gah!

  • Love 23
6 hours ago, Chalby said:

Lisa wasn't about to get involved on television in a dog story that emphasized HER dogs weren't placed properly. I DO NOT believe Lisa wanted all of this attention - Dorit shade or not.

And for the love of God (if you believe in that) and all dedicated animal rescuers everywhere....please stop focusing on this stupid story. I'm sure LVP knows how to feature her dog rescue on RHOBH in a positive light. So on behalf of all animal rescue people who work so hard to make a difference, PLEASE BRAVO...STOP WITH THIS F'N STORY! Thanks 😁

  • Love 18

I think LVP was pissed at Dorit and I think she did OK John Blizzard telling Teddi.  Maybe she even orchestrated it all.  And I don't care.

She looks so beaten and broken that I don't care and I still find Teddi's pursuit of it all annoying and gross.  This might have been a great way to catch the "master manipulator" in some other season, but right now it's just ugly and sad.

Kyle is right that she should not be held accountable for her friend's actions, but then she doesn't need to detail each of these actions for us and essentially say that being crappy is just part of who Lisa is.  I think Kyle has the life I would most want, but not the personality.  Terrible sister, terrible friend.

Dorit is an evil and moronic grifter.  I'm thrilled she brought the dog to the shelter.  I think the dog had a better chance at a good life with a family that shops shelters for their dogs than a woman who returned 2 boutique dogs in 2 months.  And either they both bit her daughter, as she claims, which leaves me seriously wondering about what goes on in that household, or she lied about the nature of 2 dogs that need to be adopted to homes.  A reputation for biting could jeopardize their chances at finding a good home.  Either way, Dorit looks bad to me.

Camille and Denise are the only reason I will watch another week at this point.  I think they are the only ones who get that whether Lisa is involved or not, Dorit's an asshole.

  • Love 23
13 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I thought the same about that fuzzy, pink phone case....what was that?  If someone gave me one like that, I would have thought it was a gag gift. 

Well, I gagged.

I am loving Denise Richards; I feel like her time w Charlie led to some real growth & maturity.

ETA: Note to self: evidently LVP is above reproach.

Edited by DrSparkles
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LOL - a lot of your post made me laugh. Thank you for the giggle.

I got fed up with the entire nonsense as soon as I saw Lisa VP's expression when Teddy came to her room stating  "Are you going to apologize to me?" She also had her phone already set up with the incriminating text ready and waiting,,,lol. THe biggest Uh... Okay... was when Teddy complained to Lisa of "being used", Lisa looked as baffled as the rest of us. Especially given that Teddy had previously heard a mouthful from Rinna, Erika, etc. that "she was being used by LVP to set up Dorit!" after Teddy and her big ol' sad eyes asked "Why would Lisa tell Dorit I knew?" Huh, who cares if Dorit were to find out that Teddi was the first to know? Wow,Teddy must have been thrilled with Rinna handed her that storyline!                       

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1 hour ago, chenoa333 said:

And for the love of God (if you believe in that) and all dedicated animal rescuers everywhere....please stop focusing on this stupid story. I'm sure LVP knows how to feature her dog rescue on RHOBH in a positive light. So on behalf of all animal rescue people who work so hard to make a difference, PLEASE BRAVO...STOP WITH THIS F'N STORY! Thanks 😁

Nothing sells shit faster than drama.

  • Love 1
15 minutes ago, MrsWitter said:

As a general rule, I don’t trust anyone who: 

(1) Says they never lie (Teddi)


(2) Requests for avocado to be removed from a dish (Kyle, at lunch with Lisa)

A few people have wondered where Lucy is now- I think it might have been touched upon in a previous episode’s thread, but she has been adopted again and her name is now Lulu. From what I can see on social media, her new Mom seems to love her very much and the vicious child biter got a great report card from her first day at daycare. 



Aww! Thanks for posting that! You made my day 💞

  • Love 10
2 minutes ago, Rosiejuliemom said:

Well, shit.

Am I still trustworthy if I give my avocado to someone else if at all possible?

Absolutely. Especially if I’m at your table and you pass it to me. I might give you shocked Ramona eyes like you’re handing me the Hope Diamond and I can’t believe you’re not keeping it for yourself, but as long as no avocado is wasted. Plus, you have a Mr. Rogers avatar- it’s obvious you’re good at sharing!

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On ‎3‎/‎5‎/‎2019 at 6:35 PM, mbaywife123 said:

I almost fell off the couch laughing when Erika called home and said that she was leaving the next day and her husbands response was "Okay, I got it" ( As in damn she!'s coming home, time to get rids of the other "houseguest(s)

I could hardly stand her ass kissing "oh, I'm just so glad I got to talk to you even for just a minute!"  I mean, I get it.  She gets to live her fabulous life and have her very expensive vanity project paid for but damn.  It's like listening to a little girl talk to her daddy.  Does he ground her if she's disrespectful?

I was getting frustrated with the women, too.  Dorit is officially Teflon Wife.   Nothing sticks to her.  She gets away with EVERYTHING.  Her powers of deflection are something else.  Yes, the way Lisa handled it was transparently manipulative, but that doesn't take away from the fact that what Dorit did was shitty.  It makes me nuts that she's totally getting away with it.

  • Love 13

Has Lucy got her diamond, yet? I mean, damn...at least cut to a live cam of her or something.

Dumb, messy, desperate Teddi. I wonder if LVP regrets giving her brother a job at SUR?

Biggest laugh: The prolapsed butthole-faced trick feigning passion for unprotected children.

How many fucks does Tom give? None, not one, zero, zero, zero, done.

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On 3/6/2019 at 6:05 AM, SweetieDarling said:

Another annoyingly bland thing about Teddi: Her face doesn't move.

And the way she walks, the frumpy way she thuds into a room, her leathery man hands waving to and fro every time she's doing an interview, her ugly blue grandma shirt with the shoulder pads that she's wearing in her interview, her squatneckness, and most of all...the fact that she gets paid for fraudulently claiming to be an "accountability coach"...wtf??? Who comes up with something like that?? And who in the hell goes along with it, and actually pays her for it? (I know the answer...it's rich people who have waaaay too much money.)  She can't even be accountable for her OWN actions, much less anyone else's. We all know she only has clients because of who's daughter she is. That job would never even be a thing if she was some jane doe off the street.

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On 3/6/2019 at 8:34 AM, BodhiGurl said:

as far as I'm aware you can't delete texts once sent. I just tried on my iphone - nada. And the screenshot doesn't look like it was manipulated in photoshop (or similar program). Looks more like JB texts in brief snippets. I've done that before and had similar texts sent to me. Like having an additional thought before the person responds...

Public service announcement:  you can very much delete text entries from within a conversation thread after the fact.  You can even add emojis and such.  To do so, open the text conversation thread to select a specific text entry (i.e.: Did Lisa tell you to do this?")  A small pop-up appears, and at the bottom of the screen is another menu where you have the option to Move or More...  Under the More... there is is a Delete/Trash option.  Yup. 

Not that Teddi is smart enough to know about these capabilities, but just to put it out there that there is the possibility that even on a phone, texts conversations can be manipulated after they are received.

We now return you back to the ongoing discussion topics...

Edited by PerfectlyObvious
Sorry for the duplicate info. I see where someone had already provided this same info upthread. My bad.
  • Useful 8
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On 3/6/2019 at 9:32 AM, islandgal140 said:

Erika whose octogenarian husband is up to his liver spotted bald head in $15m of debt and allegedly has a whole mistress on the side, but mums the word while we have to listen to the most stilted cold phone call between a husband and wife EVER. Erika might as well have been talking to Alexa for all the warmth and true sentiment exchanged between those two. At least Alexa wishes you a good morning/afternoon/night on occasion.

This is golden!

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On 3/6/2019 at 9:32 AM, islandgal140 said:

Oh Lawd be my savior with this petty BH drama. What should amount to 2 episodes at most is likely to stretch out the entire season? Seriously, 2 of these HW are living a whole life build on fallacies & lies and we've spent already 4 episodes on a pet adoption gone bad? We got broke, square titted Dorit getting heckled on the beach for scamming investors and her husband who owes everyone, including a Vegas casino millions (if this were the 50s or 60s, he'd be taking a dirt nap out in the LV desert) and no one mentions this shit? Erika whose octogenarian husband is up to his liver spotted bald head in $15m of debt and allegedly has a whole mistress on the side, but mums the word while we have to listen to the most stilted cold phone call between a husband and wife EVER. Erika might as well have been talking to Alexa for all the warmth and true sentiment exchanged between those two. At least Alexa wishes you a good morning/afternoon/night on occasion.  

Why are the BH's real lives so worthy of protection? I am not buying the whole wanting to project extreme wealth BS either. Kyle yammered on and on about her dumb show but yet not a peep about it being canceled? 

I don't blame Lucy for biting PK on the face. She probably thought his face was a boiled ham about to go bad. 

The whole "LVP manipulates me" storyline is just so weak and tired and it is not because I don't believe it is true. LVP is a plotting ass woman. I don't believe that Teddi and the 2 Johns (sounds like porno) hatched this thing out together without Lisa's knowledge.  However, at what point does anyone take personal accountability?? Is she casting spells over the other women?? How are grown women REPEATEDLY being mind controlled by the same person who was called out as manipulative 7 seasons ago. Are they zombies?? The Walking Dead?

Teddi played herself. She does not and will never have direct proof that Lisa is the puppet master. Lisa (and Ken) will always have plausible deniability.

I despise Dorit. Just absolutely despise. She is a cartoon villain. I can't believe she had the gall and bladder to say this was about her and not the dog and also to say the problem isn't a direct result of her failing to return the dog to LVD. Fuck is wrong with that crazy bitch! Never trust a bitch with a faux accent. Don't give me that some people are suspectible to accents and adopt them due to proximity. Dorit's accent comes off as someone who has English as a 2nd language. Her speech is so belabored that you think she is doing an English translation in her head.  

Can we offer the woman who heckled Dorit on the beach and spilled all her tea on the blog a diamond to hold? I really need someone to put Dorit and PK on 100% blast. 

Rolex watches are big, clunky and ugly and I don't get the fascination and pay tens of thousands for that mess. 

Actually, I need to quote this entire post. Every.single.word. is spot on! Thank you.

  • Love 5

No one photoshopped anything nothing got deleted from that text thread Teddi is to confident in the wanting to release all the messages at one time but can’t due to her contract and spoiling the show for her to have done any of that. So I’m going with either Lisa knew (I think she Did) or John lied and is trying to cover his ass honestly why doesn’t Jon since he’s not on the show and isn’t under a contract that would bar him from doing so release the messages? I mean he still must have them if he had them long enough to print out for kin. Release them ALL and prove she was altering text and prove Teddi a liar 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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17 minutes ago, Brooke0707 said:

I don't care if LVP wrote a ten page memo on how she wanted John Blizzard to bring up Lucy to Teddi and get her to comment on it.  Don't care.  Still think Teddi, Dorit, Kyle, Rinna, and Erika are gross.  They obviously orchestrated the whole thing.  Teddi is clearly capable of making her own choices.  Even if LVP wanted her to discuss Lucy, so what?  She could say no.  This is so stupid.

Who orchestrated it? The only one gettin anything out of this is Lisa and the Johns IF they get a spin off. So that kinda throws a wrench into it was just the girls ganging up and it’s their fault and shifts it to why would Lisa use her “friends” to launch a new show and shit on them in the process. It proves Lisa would sacrifice friendships in order to further her own career.  

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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It’s all about the spin off apparently.....she did do the same thing with Brandi .... she used the show to purposely put Brandi and whoever that waitress working for her  was together just to fight. And look poof Vanderpump spin-offs show gets free publicity during its first season to boost ratings  ....now puppygate and the Johns are suddenly maybe getting a spin-off after Lisa tells John to tell Teddi about dorit in hopes of you guessed it show drama at vanderpimp dogs. to purposely manufacture drama just to get interest in a spin-off is kinda fucked if it’s true I mean claiming these girls are your friends then throwing them under the bus to show bravo if there is enough interest to give you another show is low and adds a really fucked up layer to Lisa V that was hidden .... 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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On 3/5/2019 at 10:11 PM, LibertarianSlut said:

Dorit could shut 90% of this down by saying, "you know what, guys?  I did wrong.  I realize it's a sensitive issue, and maybe people chose to deal with it in various ways, but since I was the first and most significant wrongdoer, I hereby forgive anyone for anything they had/have to say about there situation."  Boom.  It's done.  Instead of looking at Camille like she's speaking Greek.

Now, having said that, there are other parties to blame.  Second up for me is the show.  This RHO franchise is such a pain in the ass with the inside baseball and the speaking in code that it really makes me lose my patience.  I watch once, very keenly, and then it's off my DVR.  It's not atom-splitting that they're doing here.  If I can't understand with my one watch, and I'm having to listen to third-party interviews, there is a production problem.

Most specificically, they are not making clear who is John Blizzard vs John Sessa.  This is where LVP as the third affronter comes in. Who showed the dog to Teddi and Kyle on camera?  If it was John Sessa (the doctor, not Lisa's "employee," whom she "can't control") Lisa still could have shut down the dog scene by breaking the fourth wall.  She could have just said, "this is unfair to Dorit.  I won't film this.  It's cruel.  Shame on you."  And left. Then they could have aired that (Lisa wins), cut the scene completely (Lisa wins), or cut just Lisa's part in the scene.  Even if they cut that part of the scene, Lisa could have gone down swearing on a stack of bibles that she tried to shut it down, and people could have chose to believe her or not.  I would have believed her.  But to see a flashback of that scene at VanderPump Dogs on tonight's episode and to have Lisa simply slumped against a wall, mumbling, "I don't like this," she's not making an effort.  She had a hand in this.  I'm not faulting Lisa for not shoving the dog thing under the rug (I wouldn't); I'm faulting her for continuing to lie about it.  

Teddi was clearly coached by Erika, but I also think she was really and truly angry.  I think a lot of her anger was misplaced though.  I think she is angry at the show and the way she allowed herself to be portrayed last season, particularly by Dorit and Erika, so she may be misfiring her ire IMO.  LisaR, Teddi and Erika are also wrong in this regard.  They need to drop it. It was a muddled dog adoption, not the location of Jimmy Hoffa's body.

So my verdict for this episosde:  everyone guilty (looking at you, production), except for Kyle, Denise and Camille. 

I know I am ready for tomorrow, for RHNYC, for the sheer fact that I am 99% sure there is going to be no scene that goes like this:

(setting:  hotel room, Miami, FL, Bethenny Frankel, atop a bed clad in just a bikini, nervously tapping around and shaking like she just finished the better part of  an 8-ball, while Luann rushes in and prostrates herself at Bethenny's feet)

Bethenny (stoically):  Luann, I got some news and I have to tell you.  I just have to.

Luann (clutching her breast):  Not about Tom.  Please tell me it's not about Tom.

Bethenny:  Oh, no.  I just wanted to tell you there was an incident between Bryn and Smallz, so I had to rehome Smallz, and now that I think about it, I may have done it incorrectly, and I might even get fined. 

[scene fades to black, as Luann is literally rendered speechless as to how insignificant this is to her life]

(I know I am not describing what actually transpired 100% accurately.  I'm parodying it, so I'm taking liberties.  My main point is that, if this were NY (or pretty much any other franchise) the recipient of the "dog news" would make an insensitive remark, like, "well, hopefully the dog's not at the glue factory," and the original housewife would shoot back that she thought she could locate the dog between the other one's legs, because everything winds up there at some point, and they'd go get drunk.  That's the speed at which I like my Housewife shows.  That's my only point). 

Nothing to add to this except I love it and a public plea for you to produce BHs.

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I clicked on the link to LVP's blog and was unfortunate enough to read this:

It was relentless, and I was in the middle with two other friends on a Sunday night as we tried to placate John without diminishing his passionate stance on one of his beloved puppies being deserted.

Girl, what the fuck you tryna say now?  How about dropping the SAT words (she also used 'tacit' incorrectly), dropping the run-on sentences, and just speaking in plain words?  

This is a woman with who self-professedly has "400 employees," but I would say that 3/4s of us on the board write better than this.

I also love the ageism in harping on the fact that "John Blizzard" is 23 years old, and it is therefore self-evident that nothing he has to say has any credibility.  I'm just gonna let the stupidity of that one sit alone.  At what age does one become inherently believable?  Lisa, didn't you marry Ken at 21...? 

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3 minutes ago, LibertarianSlut said:

I clicked on the link to LVP's blog and was unfortunate enough to read this:

It was relentless, and I was in the middle with two other friends on a Sunday night as we tried to placate John without diminishing his passionate stance on 

I also love the ageism in harping on the fact that "John Blizzard" is 23 years old, and it is therefore self-evident that nothing he has to say has any credibility.  I'm just gonna let the stupidity of that one sit alone.  At what age does one become inherently believable?  Lisa, didn't you marry Ken at 21...? 

You sort of prove her point when you say that. She must have pretty stupid at 21. 

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3 hours ago, PerfectlyObvious said:

Public service announcement:  you can very much delete text entries from within a conversation thread after the fact.  You can even add emojis and such.  To do so, open the text conversation thread to select a specific text entry (i.e.: Did Lisa tell you to do this?")  A small pop-up appears, and at the bottom of the screen is another menu where you have the option to Move or More...  Under the More... there is is a Delete/Trash option.  Yup. 

Not that Teddi is smart enough to know about these capabilities, but just to put it out there that there is the possibility that even on a phone, texts conversations can be manipulated after they are received.

We now return you back to the ongoing discussion topics...

I honestly had no clue and I like to think I'm fairly tech savvy - ha ha ha.... I have a hard time believing Teddi would delete portions, but you never know. I guess time will tell. I think it's really weird that you can delete someone elses text messages to you. I wonder why that's a feature? I get why you could maybe delete your own - but then there should be a "deleted" indication IMO... Hey - RHOBH helped me learn something new! LOL 😉

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