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S23.E10: The Women Tell All

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Good question...I'll try my best to explain...

Firstly that interview was so unlike any of the same interviews (timing/topic) from all previous seasons. There were none of the usual declarations of his actually finding someone and being in love. This was in January so pretty fresh off the Cassie heartbreak btw. Also for a season that has beat me over the head with it's obsession with virginity...I  found that Colton dodged that topic and I was left thinking he is/was still a virgin. So the show has wrapped...and where's the love? It could be that he didn't want to "kiss and tell" (replace kiss with...you know) but it was more vague and overall awkward than usual.

His body language looked like his discomfort was actually painful. (to him for sure but I as well, couldn't help but empathise).

I'll try to Google the actual interview but no guarantees I can find it ..partly because I'm quite the techno-luddite. This is my first and only discussion board that I'm a part of...(I can't even figure out how to use the quotes feature yet! lol)

  • Useful 1
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44 minutes ago, Pass the Tequila said:

Oh I should maybe clarify...

I don't watch Jimmy Kimmel's Bachelor "predictions" segment because I think his wife Molly follows Reality Steve. Just a hunch. 😎

Yeah I don't get it. I noticed that she picks the correct final 4 every season. I don't understand how they even allow Kimmel to say who the final 4 are on tv since she clearly gets spoilers. 

  • Love 6
45 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

I can't stand Demi, but I flat out hate last night's audience for applauding, falling about laughing and cheering at every little lame, mean girl remark she made.  Really?  "You're more like a bed bug," is hilarious.  Not that the woman with the pacifier was any better but no one was cheering for her like she was the biggest star at the Oscars.  The audience reminded me of the  crowd of girls who follow the popular, mean girl around and echo everything she says. Even Chris Harrison was feeding into Demi's massive ego so much she could barely sit in her seat for throwing her arms in the air cheering herself for her own inane remarks. When did mean little insults and obnoxious bragging become, "confidence?"

Like the rules don’t apply, whether common courtesy at the minimum in her case or federal laws to her mother (who has quite the record and stints in prison). At 23 she is on the cusp and her complete tone-deafness to her targets’ dismay and delight in hurting them, and her sucking up to those “above” her (Chris Harrison, some of the more polished confident women) are not good signs for her future imo. 

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, JudyObscure said:

I can't stand Demi, but I flat out hate last night's audience for applauding, falling about laughing and cheering at every little lame, mean girl remark she made.  Really?  "You're more like a bed bug," is hilarious.  Not that the woman with the pacifier was any better but no one was cheering for her like she was the biggest star at the Oscars.  The audience reminded me of the  crowd of girls who follow the popular, mean girl around and echo everything she says. Even Chris Harrison was feeding into Demi's massive ego so much she could barely sit in her seat for throwing her arms in the air cheering herself for her own inane remarks. When did mean little insults and obnoxious bragging become, "confidence?"

I'm always amazed with the overwrought political correctness that exists now that the crowd mentality can still choose to root for being mean, as long as others are there with you clapping along.   These are the same people that jump on the shaming/bullying bandwagon anytime someone has an opinion other than their own or what is considered the most sympathetic point of view.

Demi is obvs Demi and all the baggage that goes with it.   She's going to be the loudest in the room and the most "what-everrrrrr" in the room because she doesn't articulate her point of view very well so she goes for style points.   I get it.   It works on TV and if she gets some fame and money out of this it's a good thing for her.  This is a famewhoring show.

Speaking of famewhoring when they were showing all of the old breakup clips montage I was shocked to see how normal and messed up people looked in the past LOL.   I've only seen a few seasons so I only know this heavily scripted version of the show.   Old shows looked like people spent no time in hair and makeup,  frizzy hair, blah clothing etc.   I'll bet the show was a lot better then.....even a little less scripting would be nice?   Last night there was so much body oil and double sided tape and women poured into dresses with hours of H and M that I'm sure people who went to the Oscars last week spent less time getting ready.   It's so fake.

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6 minutes ago, dleighg said:

How on *earth* is that "political correctness"?

It's not.  It's the "crowd mentality" that overrides the political correctness.  These people wouldn't dream of supporting making fun of people with the antics that Demi displayed on their own.  All of a sudden they get on a TV show and they go along....

  • Love 8
On 2/28/2019 at 10:20 PM, OnceSane said:

Twenty of the most unforgettable women this season will return

I missed the first half hour, then watched the next half hour before This Is Us came on. Then I flipped back to WTA during TIU commercials. I quoted the above because I didn't recognize any of the women, and when CH brought Nicole up to be interviewed, my thought was, "Who is Nicole?"

Then I heard that terrible focal fry/ nasal squeak voice coming out of  Demi ... ACK! It seriously hurt my ears. I might have to skip BIP this summer.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, Pass the Tequila said:

Oh and you guys are right about the weight loss on Colton! Makes me wonder if it's stress or heartbreak related. I know I've dropped a few lbs after a breakup. I feel bad for him overall.

My thinking is any weight loss is agent related. Can't continue as a Hollywood D-list famewhore if you are fat.

To me he looked the same, except his hair was longer and more poofed up on top.

  • Love 6

Demi is a mean girl with a gigantic ego, and she does behave like a small child. A small child whose parents gave her no boundaries or concept of respect. She's awful and will never be able to hold down a job with such an abrasive personality. Not one ounce of humility exists in her. It's tragic to watch. She has no intrinsic self-worth, and masks it with outrageous antics and loud proclamations. All those people cheering for her mean-girl antics are doing her a massive disservice in the self-improvement department. 

Courtney was right about everything. And I don't even like or remember her. But I wouldn't shove anything in another person's mouth. Demi can fit a lot in that gaping maw - she might have choked on the whole pacifier!

Onyeka came off as a bully on the show and she came off as a bully tonight. Just leave Nicole alone. Stop being a hypocrite - whatever she did or didn't say about other women, all of you are talking about each other. I'm never going to be cool with someone implying or insinuating that someone isn't mentally stable. You don't joke about that stuff. You think she's fake? Whatever. You don't say "I'm not sure you're mentally stable." End of story. For heaven's sake, these morons give sermons about how no one can tell another woman if she's ready for marriage - but calling out your mental health state is fine?! GMAFB, Onyeka and your followers.

Jane is a pathetic try-hard thirsting hard for her 15 seconds of screen time. Please be quiet so I can hear Hannah B. I hope Caelynn cut you decent check for being her on-camera sycophant. Loved Katie calling out the surfacing of the manipulative behavior Hannah B. described about Caelynn.

I believe Katie and Hannah B. and still find Caelynn fake. Everyone was correct about Cassie, so I think they were correct about Caelynn as well. She just didn't make it to the point where she'd have had to bolt from Colton. She got lucky and was able to deliver the clean B-ette audition. Cassie would have been playing the "blindsided" tears if she'd been cut after hometowns, too. 

Hannah B. for Bachelorette! If you're picking from this season, she's the only viable option of those on the couch. Taysia could be an option; I don't think Hannah G. has a strong enough personality. Cassie burned her chances at stake and sorry but Caelynn is too disingenuous for my tastes. 

  • Love 13
4 hours ago, Jaclyn88 said:

Didn't see Ali's season, but saw Desiree's season and I thought she  was the most genuine bachelorette out of all of them. I really felt for her when that happened with Brooks. Must have sucked for Chris when he watched that.

and if you watched Seans season she begged him not to make her leave--it was really sad. she was a very very sweet and sincere girl.

  • Love 5
14 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:

I was literally cringing during the blathering cat fight.   Oh please STFU

3 hours ago, TiredMe said:

this was 2 hours of truly painful viewing. I turned down the volume to numb the screeching and played Bejeweled so that my brain cells wouldn't die off. 

16 hours ago, Meowwww said:


16 hours ago, JenE4 said:

Oh. My. God. I hope Harrison gets better control over this gaggle of harpies, or I’m not going to make it another hour and a half.

15 hours ago, SHD said:

Harrison needs a ref whistle to shut those girls up when they all talk over each other.

What an awful, terrible, depressing, underwhelming, embarrassing display of women at their very worst.  All it did was confirm every.single,stereotype.ever of the shrewish/harpyish nature of women individually and multiplied collectively.  I was sooooo embarrassed to be female when I watched that display of emotional immaturity.

2 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

I can't stand Demi, but I flat out hate last night's audience for applauding, falling about laughing and cheering at every little lame, mean girl remark she made.  Really?  "You're more like a bed bug," is hilarious.  Not that the woman with the pacifier was any better but no one was cheering for her like she was the biggest star at the Oscars.  The audience reminded me of the  crowd of girls who follow the popular, mean girl around and echo everything she says. Even Chris Harrison was feeding into Demi's massive ego so much she could barely sit in her seat for throwing her arms in the air cheering herself for her own inane remarks. When did mean little insults and obnoxious bragging become, "confidence?"

This 1,000 times!  And the worst part is how nauseatingly proud she is of every utterance that pours forth from her (in her mind) supremely fabulous mouth.

  • Love 21
29 minutes ago, thesupremediva1 said:

Onyeka came off as a bully on the show and she came off as a bully tonight. Just leave Nicole alone. Stop being a hypocrite - whatever she did or didn't say about other women, all of you are talking about each other. I'm never going to be cool with someone implying or insinuating that someone isn't mentally stable. You don't joke about that stuff. You think she's fake? Whatever. You don't say "I'm not sure you're mentally stable." End of story. For heaven's sake, these morons give sermons about how no one can tell another woman if she's ready for marriage - but calling out your mental health state is fine?! GMAFB, Onyeka and your followers.

I know people who work with Onyeka and she was telling them that she would be vindicated at the Women Tell All.  I thought she behaved terribly.

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18 hours ago, mishap said:

Courtney's pacifier stunt fell flat.  Talk about immature. 

That wasn't a stunt--it was battery (as @nlkm9 pointed out).  I can't believe nobody stopped Courtney as soon as she took one step.  I'm as non-pugilistic as a person can be, but I'm not sure how I would react if someone walked over and jammed a pacifier in my mouth, especially if it happened suddenly.  I gotta hand it to Demi for not punching her.

[ETA: On second thought, the way Demi behaves, she's probably used to people doing things like jamming pacifiers in her mouth, so she has experience in handling such situations.  Me?  Not so much.]


17 hours ago, laschifosavita said:

I thought giving Colton ice cream in the shower was funny.

I did, too.  But even funnier would have been the look on my face if I were Nicole and given a year's supply of low-calorie ice cream.  Even without spoken words, the caption machine would have displayed, "Fuck that shit."


15 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

I loved the "I know you want an answer/explanation but I just don't have one for you. Sorry." approach he took with Caelynn. Your closure is that you get NO closure, deal with it... I was really shocked how cold he came accross there. Maybe it's just his Cassie scars showing.

I noticed that, too.  They ask that question every single time, so it's just negligent not to prepare something, and really cold not to just fall back on, "I realized I had stronger feelings for someone else."


3 hours ago, Jaclyn88 said:

Also, how was Arie and Becca's break up not on the worst break ups portion of the show? Unless they did show it and I tuned out.

IIRC, it lasted about 10 hours, and maybe not good for a highlight reel.  They showed Molly getting dumped, but I don't think they showed Melissa getting dumped on TV in favor of her.

I did enjoy the bloopers.  Colton's "surprise" reaction always seems genuine, and I laughed out loud when that production person tripped and a foot came flying up into the shot.

Edited by StatisticalOutlier
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I noticed they left quite a few people out of the breakup reel and I think it's because once you're on TPTB Do Not Call list, they won't give you any camera time.  They left off most of Nick's weepy/angry dumpings (he is the most dumped Bachelor), they left off Kaitlynn and also Rachel Lindsey and Peter (I cried my eyelashes off) and I think it's mostly because they hated Peter.   

I hope when they do the 2 day, 2 hour finale, they don't make Tay and Hannah G watch their dumpings as it airs, if they get dumped.  And I hope they don't make Colton watch himself be dumped by Cassie over again to "get his reaction."

Colton looked different because the scruff was gone.  He looked 12 years old.  Also I wish they would have asked him how he felt learning all the information he now knows that he's able to watch the season back.  I assume he has a lot of regrets.

Edited by lids
  • Love 7
1 hour ago, StatisticalOutlier said:
18 hours ago, laschifosavita said:

I thought giving Colton ice cream in the shower was funny.

I did, too.  But even funnier would have been the look on my face if I were Nicole and given a year's supply of low-calorie ice cream.  Even without spoken words, the caption machine would have displayed, "Fuck that shit."


I thought that was hilarious as well-the show does have a sense of humor. I mean that was a freaking long shower.

But let me tell you, Halo is no ordinary low cal ice cream--its VERY yummy and VERY expensive. I lovd how Chris said "Ill be Oprah". I want free halo for a year!!

  • Love 3
25 minutes ago, lids said:

I noticed they left quite a few people out of the breakup reel and I think it's because once you're on TPTB Do Not Call list, they won't give you any camera time.  They left off most of Nick's weepy/angry dumpings (he is the most dumped Bachelor), they left off Kaitlynn and also Rachel Lindsey and Peter (I cried my eyelashes off) and I think it's mostly because they hated Peter.   

I hope when they do the 2 day, 2 hour finale, they don't make Tay and Hannah G watch their dumpings as it airs.  I hate that.

Colton looked different because the scruff was gone.  He looked 12 years old.  Also I wish they would have asked him how he felt learning all the information he now knows that he's able to watch the season back.  I assume he has a lot of regrets.

way way back, the breakup with Bob guiney and Jo--yikes. OMG and that cute guy from London--another brutal one. and brooke and aaron buerge " I was so selfless" I felt so bad for her I think she really truly loved him. and then the other chick he picked, they had a break up special. OMG hilarious to see the jake and vienna special. they went from blissful to hateful in about 2 seconds. Actually on Deannas <gag> season, Jeremy was so heartbroken, I remember years ago there was a rumor that he and Chelsea from the british guys season (matt??) were together. good times, before social media, and planning to be on the show to simply get on another show.

  • Love 1
19 hours ago, felicity porter said:

Demi is obnoxious AF.

She’s not as cute as she thinks she is.  I felt bad for Courtney with all those withered hags cheering the obnoxious trashy brat on.  Someday that little twit is going to get pound caked but good. 

Chris Harrison just lost many points with me for encouraging that little sack of shit to bait Courtney and age shame  Tracy.  He should have been above that, and he should have shut her down.  But no, he made jokes at Tracy’s expense and let Courtney sit there and be humiliated.  While those fucking hags in the audience laughed at her and cheered.  Their old asses.  Laughing at a woman 20 years their junior being called old.  

Edited by Mu Shu
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2 hours ago, nlkm9 said:

way way back, the breakup with Bob guiney and Jo--yikes. OMG and that cute guy from London--another brutal one. and brooke and aaron buerge " I was so selfless" I felt so bad for her I think she really truly loved him. and then the other chick he picked, they had a break up special. OMG hilarious to see the jake and vienna special. they went from blissful to hateful in about 2 seconds. Actually on Deannas <gag> season, Jeremy was so heartbroken, I remember years ago there was a rumor that he and Chelsea from the british guys season (matt??) were together. good times, before social media, and planning to be on the show to simply get on another show.

1 hour ago, b2H said:

And I find it hard to believe that Jake is still welcome in Bachelor Nation.  He's turned out to be a real creep.

The Jake and Vienna Very Special Breakup episode was definitely one of the best shows in Bachelor History! Fuck this newfangled Tweeting a mutual parting of ways with much love and respect...or maybe an Us or People write up. It was golden that they interrupted our regularly scheduled programming to trash each other for an hour because each thought s/he was going to come off as the victim/victorious. I’ll never forget Vienna bursting into tears and running off the set crying that Jake was emotionally abusive because she wanted to move the dresser over 2 inches—and Jake was flabbergasted because it blocked the door jamb. This is the kind of petty Wrong Reasons shit I live for.

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8 hours ago, Jaclyn88 said:

Yeah I don't get it. I noticed that she picks the correct final 4 every season. I don't understand how they even allow Kimmel to say who the final 4 are on tv since she clearly gets spoilers. 

Ahhhhhhh!  I'm getting so mad about this.  I would never watch Kimmel, but unfortunately that shit gets around and people tell me about it or I hear about it.  I hate spoilers so so so so much and I shouldn't have to hear them if I don't want to.  Kimmel and his wife are awful.

Oh by the way Oneka is such an asshole.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 10

I just watched this (ff  Demi, Nicole, Caelynn) and wow how awful. Best part was watching Caelynns face drop when she saw her dreams of being bachelorette  fade away when Katy called her and Her phone BFF out for being fake! 

Colton looks better when he’s more blonde. Demi is an asshole, how embarrassing the cheering crowd encouraging her infantile mean girl antics, it’s disgusting. 

Edited by JD5166
ETA: Shut up, Jane.
  • Love 6

FF'ing through this, like I've done with every episode this season. Unsurprisingly many of these women are new to me. 

Wow, Demi.  I believe her when she says she has a hard shell and doesn't like showing vulnerability. Unfortunately the show just encourages her behavior, whereas she really should spend some time finding herself and learning how to show her feelings in a healthy way. 

Nicole is the real winner of all of this. Halo Top is no joke.

Hannah B is the only real choice for the Bachelorette this season. She's cute, she funny, and she's likable. (Though now I realize I was mistaking her for Cassie during most of the season.)

I still don't understand Caelynn's limo introduction. Didn't she want to be Mrs. Underwood, instead of Miss Underwood? Still, I commend her courage for sharing what happened to her in college. That couldn't have been easy. 

With the darker hair, Colton looked like Warner Huntington III from Legally Blonde. All things considered, he seems like a genuinely nice guy with real feelings, and of the last few Bachelors, I've actually liked him the most.

  • Love 9

I don’t get how sniveling Nicole got screen time and ice cream, while Courtney got shut out and shit on.  This shit was ugly and you better believe Chris Harrison will hear about it.  That girl sitting there and being humiliated and piled on was real and I’m not having it. 

Those crones in the audience with their damn Instagram hair should be ashamed. I love snarking as much as anyone, but this was a real life situation, and Harrison allowed it.  I wanted to hug poor Courtney.  She was treated like she was nothing.  That is fucking shameful. 

Yes the pacifier thing was battery.  Dummy’s prison mom can go to the prison library and look it up for her. 

  • Love 10

Was the idea audience just majorly buzzed this whole episode, because they were just losing at everything! Stop feeding into Demi and her ridiculous ego. Demi was a horrible brat the whole time, and the studio audience acted like she was the damn prom queen! Yes, please continue to encourage her asshole behavior, thats how she will learn! And I get that Chris Harrison has to keep the audience engaged, but he was just full stop begging them to laugh at how "old" some of the women were, and was absolutely getting everyone to cheer for Demi and treat her like the real hero of the show for being a bratty little asshole. 

I wish we had gotten to see the girls take on a bat that got into the house. That sounds a billion times more entertaining than half of what happened this season.

Nicole is the real winner here. That is some yummy ice cream!

Hannah B was very likable, and basically has Bachelorette in the bag. I really cant see who else could do it, no way will they give it to Cassie, no matter how much she may want it. 

  • Love 5
2 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

Hannah B was very likable, and basically has Bachelorette in the bag. I really cant see who else could do it, no way will they give it to Cassie, no matter how much she may want it. 

I like the two who will be dumped next week.  Tayisha would be my choice.  She is smart, pretty and has a pleasant personality.  

disclaimer:  I have not watched much of this season.  I was present in the room as it played though.  :) 

  • Love 4

This felt like a Jerry Springer show.  Everyone was talking over everyone else.  It was obvious that Colton did not know what transpired prior to his coming out on stage.  If he had, he would have realized what a bunch of harpies he was given.

Demi is quick witted, but she also has no filter.  It was funny when she said to Courtney that it was 2019 and Courtney still hadn't talked to Colton.  But standing up and "introducing" Courtney to Colton and demanding Courtney to say something - was not.  That was an effort to humiliate her.  Not that Courtney was any better with the pacifier stunt.  That was battery. Demi should also learn that announcing that you are promiscuous is not going to win a man's heart.

Onyenka is loud and obnoxious.  Nicole plays the victim.  I really didn't need to see that all play out again!

I think ABC has been talking to Hannah B. about becoming the Bachelorette.  I'm sure she was advised not to say anything that would be controversial and hurt her chances.  Because she was the quietest I've ever seen her.  When she did speak, she spoke in terms that would be considered PC.

Hated, hated, hated! all the shower scenes of Colton.  I literally would turn away.  I don't care and I certainly didn't think it was funny (okay, the ice cream a little bit) and his body doesn't do it for me.

The only thing I cared about was Katie's explanation of who she was talking about.  But even that was a letdown. And the bloopers are really over-hyped.

  • Love 7
7 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

I don’t get how sniveling Nicole got screen time and ice cream, while Courtney got shut out and shit on.  This shit was ugly and you better believe Chris Harrison will hear about it.  That girl sitting there and being humiliated and piled on was real and I’m not having it. 

Those crones in the audience with their damn Instagram hair should be ashamed. I love snarking as much as anyone, but this was a real life situation, and Harrison allowed it.  I wanted to hug poor Courtney.  She was treated like she was nothing.  That is fucking shameful. 

Yes the pacifier thing was battery.  Dummy’s prison mom can go to the prison library and look it up for her. 

was courtney the chick who never spoke to colton and whined all night that he wasnt coming for her? She lost my sympathy when she got physically aggressive with Demi, on national TV no less--I hope she is not rewarded wtith another show her behavior ( i dont care how much she was goaded on) was unnaceptable, and to me more unacceptable as soon as she got up and headed towards Demi security should have dragged her off the stage. just ridiculous. she is lucky she ddnt slip or accidentally knock someone over, very very foolish.

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, Bucket said:

I like the two who will be dumped next week.  Tayisha would be my choice.  She is smart, pretty and has a pleasant personality.  

disclaimer:  I have not watched much of this season.  I was present in the room as it played though.  🙂

ugh Tayisha too freaking chipper and always on for the camera. I liked her at first but then she grated on me--she does have how to be a fun, cheerful. 100% happy girlfriend tho, I sure would like to see from emotion from her tho.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, nlkm9 said:

ugh Tayisha too freaking chipper and always on for the camera. I liked her at first but then she grated on me--she does have how to be a fun, cheerful. 100% happy girlfriend tho, I sure would like to see from emotion from her tho.

She's SO like the commercial for Taco Bell with the "Instagram Boyfriend":

I keep waiting for her to say "Sunset heart hands Colton!!!"

  • LOL 2
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2 hours ago, nlkm9 said:

ugh Tayisha too freaking chipper and always on for the camera. I liked her at first but then she grated on me--she does have how to be a fun, cheerful. 100% happy girlfriend tho, I sure would like to see from emotion from her tho.

I'm still trying to figure out who the best choice for bachelorette would be.  I was thinking Katie or Tayisha, because I think being able to carry a conversation is important and they seem like smart, confident young women.  But, yeah, Takisha is a bit overly-chipper. Maybe Hannah G?   I feel like we really don't even know her, though.   No pageant girls please.   I don't buy Caelynn's tears.   Hannah B is very pretty, but her up-talk and exaggerated facial expressions irritate me.   

  • Love 3

Colton was really cold to Caelynn. I wonder if he's caught on how fake she is ever since her hometowns because he was cold when he dumped her there too. He was even more sympathetic when he dumped some of the earlier women (like Hannah B, Katie, etc). He couldn't be bothered about Carlynn's tears. Everything that comes out of her mouth seems to be for maximum manipulation. And you have to hand it to her, she's good at pretending to be sincere, at least for a while. 

  • Love 5

First time watching one of these "women tell all" shows. Wow, I'm not gay but watching that sure makes me question myself. At the very least I'm glad I didn't grow up or date during the whole social media/instagram era. The bickering, the attitudes, the fakeness. ugggggh

What was the deal with the two ladies that had to standup every time they started arguing. Definitely got some Jerry Springer vibes from that. I did laugh at the one trying to defend herself about bullying, while standing and being a bully. Zero self awareness.

All that showering from Colton, ok, straight again. That was just cringeworthy. I realize most of the viewing audience is probably women but come on. They even put him down in a small box still showing him shower while they talked with the women.

Hannah B, definitely the next bachelorette. You can tell she already knows she was close at that point just based on how she composed herself and her answers/questions. Not sure when this was filmed.

Demi, got tired of her fast but she did have the best line. "It's 2019 and you still haven't talked to Colton." 

  • Love 2

I'm new here and don't want to piss anyone off, but if I could just chime in for a second on Demi. Some of my favourite posters hate her. I think if I were in my 20's, and not my 50's...she would drive me nuts. But...I kind of like her "sass"! And I admire her sticking up for herself and calling bullshit when she sees it. I'm all about female empowerment and I even found it refreshing when she unapologetically referred to herself as promiscuous. I lean towards prudish personally, but I still believe it's about time that it's okay for women to enjoy sex...and lots of it, (I guess in her case). Lol

She's a little spitfire... and she is wildly entertaining (to me)! I think that the producers picked her for a reason...and she's delivering in spades. I doubt (hope) she's not thaaaat over the top in real life.

As for the pacifier incident...I've refrained on commenting for fear I'll go on a rant, grr...but suffice it to say, it didn't escape my notice that the producers really skipped past that outburst post haste!...and I have an idea why --- lawsuit! I don't dislike Courtney btw...but you do NOT lay hands on anyone like that. I hope they're not in BIP together...or the other two - Oneyka and Nicole. Then again maybe I do. 😈

  • Love 8
On 3/6/2019 at 8:41 AM, ShaNaeNae said:

She is.  I think she is stunning.  I'd consider turning in my straight card for her.  She's pretty and quirky and I dig that.

I don't find Caelynn that pretty.  She reminds me of Jessa Duggar but with a short forehead and moon face.  

Honestly, I read about all of Colton's women on RS several times and STILL don't remember a Jane.  I was stumped when they showed her.  I thought they threw in a producer or something.  No clue.

Hannah B had a great night, she looked amazing and her hopeful take on finding love in the future was a much better audition for The Bachelorette than Caelynn’s morose whining about getting dumped.

If Caelynn gets The Bachelorette gig, I don’t think I could watch a whole season of her. So fake and so plastic.

I was also perplexed by this Jane person and Nina (?) who were desperately reaching for screen time (I think Nina’s boobs needed their own ticket to get in). I absolutely don’t remember either one of them and found it embarrassing that they kept jumping into fights about things that happened after they were gone.

I had an actual headache after the first 20 mins or so from all of the screeching over each other. They need to be able to turn down mics on people who aren’t contributing anything relevant because it’s pointless to air these conversations where you can’t hear anyone. 

As for Colton, the joy on his face when he had that ice cream in the shower is more emotion than I’ve seen from him all season. 

And the blooper reel confirmed that he’s fairly immature and a bit dorky. I have a feeling some of these women wouldn’t give him a second look if they met him in real life, but they talk themselves into thinking he’s a prize because of the show.

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1 hour ago, ljenkins782 said:

I had an actual headache after the first 20 mins or so from all of the screeching over each other. They need to be able to turn down mics on people who aren’t contributing anything relevant because it’s pointless to air these conversations where you can’t hear anyone.

Completely agree.  They clearly think its amusing to show a "cat fight."  I wish they wouldn't.

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1 hour ago, ljenkins782 said:

I have a feeling some of these women wouldn’t give him a second look if they met him in real life, but they talk themselves into thinking he’s a prize because of the show.

This show is a fascinating study of Stockholm Syndrome. I think it's pretty true of almost every season that most of the contestants wouldn't have anything to do with the lead, but he is the "prize" and most humans have an almost pathological need to win. It's that whole survival of the fittest mentality. I must win this prize man that is so coveted by others. Why is he coveted by others? No clue, but others are competing for him so he must be. And I must win!!!!!

Then, after After the Final Rose, winners remorse sets in. There is the discussion about how many new followers can be had by following the prize to his next reality show gig or cutting bait and trying to reality show it on your own. Oh, the agony of choice. Whatever is a fame whore to do. 

Oh, right, try to screech the loudest on Women Tell All so your name gets out there and then you can feel good about yourself and your failure to win the "prize".

Personally, I would never want to "win" an engagement. Talk about making it meaningless.

"Two days ago I was dating these two other chicks I was falling in love with, but here's a ring. I picked you. Aren't you feeling very special right about now?"

"So, at what point this morning did you realize I was THE ONE?" 

"Um, well, one wouldn't sleep with me and the other one was too clingy. It's all you baby." 

"I'm gonna go see if Chris Harrison is currently available. Later, dude." 

Yep, true romance there. (OK, that last bit is just how my proposal would have ended up if I'd been on the show. None of these little boys does much for me. CH on the other hand... I could work with that. 

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There is also the realization that you've played your cards all wrong and might actually "win" like we saw with Cassie! You want to get far enough to be remembered and officially become part of Bachelor Nation but not too far that you could be bound to a lifetime gig! Don't want to jeopardize that sizzling Instagram presence/platform for the future. Not to mention your chance/need to "find love" on Bachelor in Paradise! As many times as it may take!  A good heartbreak can take you far, while 'winning' may get you a people magazine cover but then you're just a Wikipedia footnote.

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