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S09.E03: Sun and Shade in the Bahamas

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6 minutes ago, renatae said:

Everyone's face when Denise showed up at cocktails in her casual shorts just cracked me up! They all looked like she had showed up nude! I thought Erika was going to catch flies in her mouth, she was so agog.

And no one said ANYTHING in their interviews. That must have taken some major self restraint. Her showing up in a tank top and pony tail could have been a whole story line, given the cattiness of the women to judge others appearance/clothes. Denise is getting A LOT of passes. 

Kyle was once shocked to see Yolanda at a public gathering without makeup. According to Kyle, women in BH NEVER go anywhere without make-up. She was completely disgusted.

Dorit was pissed at Ericka for showing up to her party in a t-shirt. Ericka claimed it was off the runway. Dorit took it personal.

Also, I couldn't help but remember when someone associated with Denise was peeing the yard, everyone just clapped. But when Brandi's boy peed in the yard, Kyle was so disgusted and basically said she was an unfit mother.


Edited by bravofan27
  • Love 7
12 hours ago, MrsWitter said:

DORIT IS NOT A VICTIM. Teddi isn’t a scapegoat and Kyle isn’t an inanimate chess piece. I don’t know whether Lisa encouraged her employees to out Dorit or just ok’ed it (honestly, it wouldn’t take much convincing for many people in rescue to want to out Dorit on their own), but I also just don’t care. Lucy ended up in a kill shelter where she very easily could have been put down (even with a microchip, it happens all the time) and she was certainly traumatized to some degree by all the shuffling around. I’m tired of hearing non-apologies from Dorit and claims about her “intent.” You put a sentient, sensitive creature in danger, Dorit. And that does make her deserve all this and more, Rinna. Also, while the term “gossip” can just refer to talking behind another person’s back in a disparaging manner, the typical definition and the connotation includes saying something untrue or false about the person. So far, nothing that either of the Johns has said about Dorit is false.Honestly, I just wish LVP had lit into her and sued her for the $5,000 penalty. Because if it were me, I would have been walking around Beverly Hills and West Hollywood with posters of Dorit’s face and “Bad Person” written on it, ala Samantha Jones in SATC after Richard cheated on her. 


IMO, the only person who trumps Lisa on the shade and deflection/set-ups is Kyle.  Joking about Dorit being allergic to dogs in front of Rinna was a classic example (although Kyle is more subtle most of the times).  Odds are good Kyle won't get lambasted for that, but it was her - not Lisa V - who brought to the surface that something bad had happened.  I could go on and on about Kyle and her sister Kim in a similar way.  

I don't doubt Lisa made the dog story for the cameras intentionally.  She takes her dogs seriously and never seemed to care for Dorit after last season and the magazine issue.  Dorit may have even done something on top of that to get to Lisa.   Anyway, the story was an opportunity for Lisa to kill two birds with one stone.  

Erica's note to Lisa V was about as personal as a note I'd write to a neighbour who I've only met a time or two.  And, it was from her and her husband.  Just because it was a written note means diddly.   It didn't convey any emotion in general much less any emotion from Erika as a personal friend of Lisa's.   I think this is what hurt Lisa most, but she didn't say it well.  

IMO, Lisa R doesn't like Lisa V because (and she's said it many times), if someone gets on Lisa V's bad side, it means their demise on the show.  I'm guessing Lisa V targeted Lisa R early on. I do think Rinna has Vanderpump figured out in general and she's one of the first to successfully call her out on her games.  

I also think Kim does have dirt on Harry Hamlin.  She keeps it quiet in exchange for Rinna keeping quiet about her own junk.  An unspoken (or perhaps spoken), agreement.

Denise Richards is like a salty sailor!  Love her so far.  Cross fingers she doesn't disappoint long-term.

Edited by Jextella
  • Love 19
2 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

But again no one on the show or with bravo has stated it was a kill shelter.... I 100% understand what you are saying but no one other then people speculating  have brought up the kill shelter thing. 

But again...Yes. They. Have. As MrsWitter said above, "kill shelter" was said multiple times. I remember it  specifically in last week's episode.

  • Love 14
1 hour ago, breezy424 said:

Actually, LVP has said 'shelter' multiply times  when 'filming'.  It's only twice that LVP referred to it as a 'kill' shelter and if I remember correctly it was in her TH's.  Tonight for sure.  Last week, not quite sure.  The evidence is there IMO.

And heck, Dorit was wrong to give Lucy away but the evidence that Lucy was returned to a 'kill' shelter isn't.  BTW, I hate defending Dorit about the 'kill' thing.

Yes, she’s used both shelter and “kill shelter”- she didn’t say it in the first episode of the season, but she has said it multiple times last week and this week. And Bravo sources said it to some blogs as well. Shortening “kill shelter” to “shelter” occasionally doesn’t negate what they have said. I used to live in a town with what would be described as a “high-kill shelter” (80 percent of animals were euthanized). People involved in rescue (myself included) called it a “shelter” sometimes. We didn’t always spell out “kill shelter” or even “high-kill shelter” in conversations. That didn’t negate it being a kill shelter.

As I’ve posted on boards in previous weeks, I think most people underestimate how many shelters in the United States are actually “kill shelters.” Many are, but they don’t advertise that fact (our local shelter for years didn’t even publicly report the numbers) or they use euphemistic names like “open admission.” Given how many shelters in the United States are kill shelters, the high concentration of kill shelters in Southern California, the lack of care displayed by Dorit and her “friend” during this whole debacle, and the fact that Lisa said “kill shelter” multiple times (even if not every time), makes me inclined to believe it was a kill shelter. And I doubt Dorit has taken the time to research the policies of said shelter and read through the language enough to know if it was indeed a shelter that euthanizes for space.

Sure, could it have been a no-kill shelter and Lisa is just exaggerating? Maybe. But speaking from a statistical point of view, “kill shelter” is likely the correct designation. 

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29 minutes ago, MrsWitter said:

Sure, could it have been a no-kill shelter and Lisa is just exaggerating? Maybe. But speaking from a statistical point of view, “kill shelter” is likely the correct designation.  

I have become very wary of certain "humane" groups after reading Nathan Winograd's site (which you linked) a few years ago. I even sent a note to Lisa when they were setting up their shelter to make sure I wouldn't be donating to a kill shelter. It's a sad eye-opening experience to realize how many shelters will quickly kill even healthy dogs. I have even read stories by people who have said they wanted to adopt certain dogs but the so-called shelters refused and killed the dogs instead, or killed dogs within hours before their owners could retrieve them.

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, Callaphera said:

It's official: Lisa Rinna is basically my old landlord's needy-as-fuck Chihuahua that would whine for your attention and then try to take your leg off once you did pay attention to it. I wonder if she also faces corners and then panics, thinking that everyone has abandoned her. (I'm gonna go out on a limb and say yes.)

And Denise Richards was so proud, so fucking proud you guys, so proud that she managed to slip that "bitches" in while talking about a dog. Geddit? Didja geddit? Because, like a female dog? Is a... yeah, the goat that crapped on the yoga mat last week got that one and he's a goat that craps on yoga mats. 

3 pages later and I'm still laughing at this satchel of gold.

2 hours ago, Rosiejuliemom said:

Teddi was in on it. 100%. The preview for next week proves it.


So, the ever so self righteous I-was-set-up-Teddy was actually setting up the public outing of Dorit's malfeasance?  While I applaud anyone who takes Dorit to task, Teddy Jo doesn't seem to have the moral fortitude to do so forthrightly, and is trying to hard to deny her accountability.  Tsk, tsk.

  • Love 23
1 minute ago, renatae said:

I have become very wary of certain "humane" groups after reading Nathan Winograd's site (which you linked) a few years ago. I even sent a note to Lisa when they were setting up their shelter to make sure I wouldn't be donating to a kill shelter. It's a sad eye-opening experience to realize how many shelters will quickly kill even healthy dogs. I have even read stories by people who have said they wanted to adopt certain dogs but the so-called shelters refused and killed the dogs instead, or killed dogs within hours before their owners could retrieve them.

You are so right. I really didn’t understand the magnitude of the problem for awhile. I grew up in suburban New England and didn’t hear much about kill shelters. I went to college and then lived a few other places for grad school, but I still wasn’t that aware. Then, about ten years ago, I ended up moving to the rural south because of my SO’s job. It was shocking and worse than I could have ever imagined.

Our local shelter was a nightmare and other shelters nearby were even worse. And stray and mistreated dogs were all over the place. I remember whenever I would see a dog walking in the road, I’d have to analyze- “is that dog walking with purpose (in other words, has an owner but the owner isn’t following leash laws) or does that dog need help?” If I saw a dog walking alone in any of the other places I lived, I knew that dog needed help. It wasn’t always clear down there. It was always a judgment call about whether I should pick up the dog (and risk the wrath of animal control if the dog did belong to someone) or leave him/her to where they were going. Sometimes it was clear, but other times it wasn’t.

I started reading Nathan Winograd when I lived there and it really raised my awareness about the problems across the country (not just locally). The stories break my heart, but Winograd gives me some hope of a way forward toward no-kill. But seeing what I’ve seen and reading the work of people like Winograd is why I find Dorit and PK so horrible (I mean, I thought they were horrible before, but this is next level) and why I can’t understand any of these women defending Dorit. And it’s also why I have no trouble believing that either of the Johns acted independently of Lisa (and also not caring if they were following  LVP’s explicit orders).

It’s really smart that you research before you donate. I used to just donate to multiple organizations without knowing their policies. Now, like you, I’m very careful to donate to specific places that I have looked into and feel I can support. And it’s even better if the rescue has “wishlists” on Amazon or the like- then you know exactly where the money is going (the overhead on some of the national organizations is absurd, even if they do some good work). But, bringing my pontificating back to the show, you and I both carefully research where we donate because a rescue or shelter’s policies aren’t always clear. There is absolutely no way Dorit took the time to research the shelter after the dog ended up there. She can deny it being a kill shelter, but the truth is, I don’t think she has a clue whether it was or not.

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Lisa- In general, I like to watch Lisa because she's good TV.  I think her "I'm the Queen" schtick is partly British humor and partly her real personality.  So I think she toggles back and forth between zapping people and "dahling I was joking."  She's certainly a worthy adversary at any other time of her life, but for now I think everyone on that trip ought to back away from going at her, regardless of how much she might invite it.  Responding to her at this time isn't a good look for anyone.  JMHO

Erika's condolence message was generic and simple.  I can see why Lisa would think so.  I might hope for more from a friend.  I would expect less from a coworker. And I would expect nothing at all from an adversary.  It's hard to pin down what their relationship is, though, so I'm not sure that it wasn't perfectly appropriate.  Lisa shouldn't have mentioned it.   Erika looks like a calculating coworker/adversary by taking the picture, but it does help define the relationship.  They are not friends.  And as a side note, I don't think the picture did her any favors in terms of proving it was heartfelt- it did show it as a generic message on a generic card.  

Kyle- She was a complete total snake.  She pushed and pushed until the information came out to Rinna.  Then she ran to Dorit's side and comforted her.  I can never figure out if she's truly a clever manipulator or just a vile person, but somehow she is often at the heart of a conflict, but standing there  being comforted or looking confused and she is held unaccountable season after season.  I'm not certain if she wanted Lisa to go down, but I'm quite certain she wanted Dorit to.

As far as Dorit telling Lisa the next day that she did the wrong thing, I'm not sure why Dorit thinks that makes a difference for her.  She still did the wrong thing.   It does pose a problem for Lisa, though.  When Lisa heard that the dog was given away because it was biting people, she should have demanded that the dog be brought back to Vanderpups for a new evaluation.  It's what a more seasoned rescue would do.  It would be uncomfortable to go to a new loving family and take their puppy away, but that would be Dorit's responsibility, not Lisa's.  The problem is that Dorit told her friend Lisa who was going through a hard time, not the rescue itself who might have looked at the situation more objectively and with more experience.  Ultimately, they both made mistakes here. 

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19 minutes ago, Wicked said:
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Spoiler tagging just in case, but Teddi has a tweet about the texts we see in the preview for next episode.

Well she should just show the text proving that! I still wouldn’t care because it doesn’t change the shitty thing Dorit did but according to these ladies she’s some sort of victim!

  • Love 19
11 minutes ago, howivesforever said:

Well she should just show the text proving that! I still wouldn’t care because it doesn’t change the shitty thing Dorit did but according to these ladies she’s some sort of victim!

Agreed about the text.  My take is that Dorit is 100% wrong in how she handled the dog, but also LVP is  trying to manufacture this whole drama on camera to punish her, imo.

Edited by Wicked
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Even if Lisa did engineer a situation that gave Teddi and Kyle the information, they were not obligated to run with it.

And Kyle ran like a champion.  I'm not even sure what Teddi did with the info- so far it looks like nothing. It's been all Kyle.  I have a feeling Teddi was a pawn of both Lisa and Kyle. 

  • Love 16

Why is it that Lisa V can say and do some shitty shitty things and she is treated with kid gloves? The woman is not a saint I get hating or loving some housewives but this woman is treated like she walks on water....Lisa V does manipulate people and situations she uses people to get back at people who she feels slight and do things wrong against her and people over look it and blame other housewives lol I just don’t see why. It’s like some others get thrown under the bus but with her excuses are made like well she might have done this BUT then going on to excuse her behavior when they rip another housewives for even remotely acting the same way. Yes dorit is a horrible person who did a shitty thing yes and should be ripped for that but Lisa V also did a shitty thing by telling dorit everything is fine to her face then trying to blame Teddi for a rumor that was going around like she had zero to do with it when she’s lying. It’s not about just this one situation but her actions throughout the whole series. She’s treated like her ganging up and  talking about a housewife is great and she has been a part of piling on in a gang up on another housewife but when she is the one on the receiving end somehow she doesn’t deserve that and the other woman are just jealous and are ganging up on her and it’s unfair. when that’s not the case they are just calling her out for her actions just like everybody else gets called out. Every other housewife is treated differently then her for some reason it’s great when they get called out on their shit but do it to Lisa and it’s like the world is ending lol and she shouldn't be treated that way cause she is "special" ....

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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I said it in another post, but I'm going to separate it out here.  I think Lisa did do something wrong.  I totally understand and don't hold her accountable, but, as the owner of a dog rescue, when she learned that the dog had been passed to another family because it was aggressive  (it doesn't matter if the dog was actually aggressive or if Dorit is a slimy grifter who was going in vacation) as a rescue owner, she should have inserted herself and taken action.  She could have demanded the dog be returned for training and evaluation, she could have demanded that the new family get in touch with Vanderpups and work with them.  She initially did nothing when she was given the information.  And since Lisa is not disputing that Dorit called her afterwards or that Dorit said they gave it up because the dog bit people, I think we can assume that's what Lisa was told.

I'm going to guess Lisa also thinks Dorit is a slimy grifter who didn't want a dog, and so Lisa assumed the dog would be fine with the new family.  But it wasn't. 

I don't think Lisa did anything awful.  I just think it's an unfortunate live and learn moment as a business owner in a type of business that is new to her.

  • Love 7
20 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Why is it that Lisa V can say and do some shitty shitty things and she is treated with kid gloves? The woman is not a saint I get hating some housewives but this woman is treated like she walks on water....Lisa V does manipulate people and situations she uses people to get back at people who she feels slight and do things wrong against her and people over look it and blame other housewives lol I just don’t see why. It’s like some others get thrown under the bus but with her excuses are made like well she might have done this BUT then going on to excause her behavior when they rip another housewives for even remotely acting the same way. Yes dorit is a horrible person who did a shitty thing yes and should be ripped for that but Lisa V also did a shitty thing by telling dorit everything is fine to her face then trying to blame Teddi for a rumor that was going around like she had zero to do with it when she’s lying. It’s not about just this one situation but her actions throughout the whole series. She’s treated like her ganging upand talking about a housewive is great but when she is the one on the receiving end somehow she doesn’t deserve that the other woman are just jealous and are ganging up on her when that’s not the case they are just calling her out for her actions just like everybody else gets called out 

It’s because charismatic narcissists inspire cult-like followings - until the mask slips or everyone dies from the kool-aid.

  • Love 6
9 hours ago, ChitChat said:

I don't think LVP should've said anything (thanks Rinna for getting this shitfest started,) but when I send a condolence card, I go buy one with a heartfelt message and I write something personal.  I wouldn't send a note on a personalized card like Erika's, but at least she sent something.  In some cases  I send flowers for the service, for others it's a nice card.  It would've been nice if Erika had called her, but again, I don't think LVP should've pointed it out.  I'm still with LVP  in all of the other bullshit though.

I don't.  That was quite a little "feel sorry for me" scene she put on at the restaurant.   Rinna got exactly what she wanted from that lunch - DRAMA!

If Kyle and Teddy had a brain cell between them, and they truly believed that LVP was up to no good, then they should've  STFU about the situation and not given it anymore life.  Shut it down, bitches!  You could get the last laugh if nobody is talking about it.  Jeez, how hard is that to comprehend! 

Right?!! If they think LVP's manipulation was telling Teddi and Kyle so they could keep the conversation and Dorit shaming alive, wouldn't it be better to shut it down rather than keep talking about it  in an effort to confront and dethrone LVP? Morons.

  • Love 17
11 minutes ago, Duke2801 said:

Were Dorit and Erika part of the scheme? Because they were talking about it on camera too in episode 1. 

With Dorit telling Erika its a different thing ....she wasn't sneaking behind Lisa V's back after telling Lisa that everything was fine and that the situation will be put behind them and they are moving on then running to Erika bringing it up (or having someone else bring it up) then weakly saying I don't want to talk about it darling NO NO NO lets talk about something else .......then talking about it anyway (or again having one of your lackeys do it for you).. Yes the story would have been out just the circumstances of how the story got out would have and should have been completely different.... Being sneaky changed everything and took the heat of Dorit and put it on Lisa (why lie? why sneak? why tell dorit one thing and every other girl something different? why pin this on Teddi all the sudden? why absolve her employees who she does have control over and throw one of your friends under the bus?why not take her own ownership in parts of the situation?)

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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9 hours ago, njbchlover said:

Because if any of them had asked that question in the beginning, there wouldn't be the season-long (it seems) drama of Lucy-gate.

I was just thinking - what the hell would have happened this season if Dorit had done the right thing - whatever would these ladies have to talk about?  

Hahhahahaha--I almost predicated my comment with "Pretending for a moment that I don't realize that this is in part producer driven..."! Plus, the drama seemed very choppy and planned as well, like no one is even trying anymore.

  • Love 4
9 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

she didn’t send a quick text she didn’t send impersonal flowers...

Why are flowers impersonal?  I've sent many a floral spray for viewings/funerals, and then a sympathy card to the home of the loved one.  As a family member being on the receiving end of flowers in this situation, I found them comforting as our family read each and every one of the accompanying cards  prior to the funeral.  Maybe it's a southern thing, but that's generally how it's done here.  Oh yeah, don't forget the casserole!  We do that sometimes too.  Vicki G. would be proud! 

5 hours ago, film noire said:

She was all there, fleetingly naked, in that moment, and Kyle just stared  (a gloopy-lipped,  thick-headed lump) angling for drama (and tried to get-it-started with her "Dorit is allergic to dogs" line - WTF? -- you asswipe, how dumb are you?

Oh, film noire. You never disappoint with your posts!  Bravo!  What should've been a light bulb moment for Kyle just fell on deaf ears.  LVP is standing there pouring her heart out to Kyle trying to spare her these terrible feelings she's going through and all we get is a blank stare from Kyle.  LVP stood there looking at her as if thinking "don't you get it?," but it sailed right over Kyle's head.  Sigh.

52 minutes ago, Higgins said:

She does have a sister named Michelle. 

I was referring to his kids with unusual names: Hud, Speck, Justice (no offense to anybody with one of these names, they're just unusual.)  If it had been up to John, she definitely would've been named Baby Doll.  

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15 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

Why are flowers impersonal?

To me its just a generic thing everyone does without really putting any thought into it... its just automatically, something bad happened? Oh send flowers its not really a personal thing an assistant can send flowers ......Hand writing a note or letter when everyone else just sends text to me was/is a more personal thing that the person has to hold onto even after the event to look back at..yes Erika can be cold but look what happens when she tries it just gets thrown back in her face like well it’s not good enough. .... that's just me

Edited by Keywestclubkid
  • Love 6
10 hours ago, dbell1 said:

Dorit and PukeK do not get a pass

PukeK, lol!

I got a feeling we're going to see a lot of grouchy old Ken doddering around in LVP's scenes.

I haven't lost a close family member yet, but I like to think that I won't be at the funeral taking attendance and ranking condolences by sincerity.

  • Love 5

Maybe something (else) is wrong with me, but I though Erika's note was lovely. I am never sure what to say in grief situations. I also understand her thinking that LVP might want time and/or space to deal with her grief. Everyone grieves differently, and considering the suddenness and circumstances of the situation, and lack of any true friendship between LVP and Erika, I thought it was completely appropriate. I recently suffered a loss, and was thankful for ANY words of comfort or caring.

  • Love 21
7 hours ago, SallySarue said:

I can't keep track of how many times Kyle insists on bringing up the dog...and then accuses Lisa V of not letting it go. Um, hello...you are the one who can't stop talking about it Kyle. Sounds like YOU are setting HER up...not the other way around. I never cared for Kyle much. Didn't hate her or anything...just thought she was incredibly boring. But I did think she seemed like a decent person. Not anymore! She's trying hard to get LVP in hot water by not letting this Lucy thing go. It's one thing if you are gossiping about an acquaintance. But to continue to gossip over and over about something that one of your closest friends has told you multiple times that she does not want to talk about...and then accuse THEM of the exact thing it is that YOU are doing...is not only manipulative, but it just shows how UNLoyal and UNtrustworthy you really are. I cannot stand Kyle now. She is just awful.

Kyle (3rd time bringing it up out of nowhere): "I'm feeling a little weird about all of the side conversations about the dog." Um, then how about YOU STOP BRINGING IT UP, YOU WEIRDO!! What is she on? She is the one talking the most shit, spreading it around to everyone. Jesus Christ lady. Every single time this bitch brings up Lucy, Lisa V tells her point blank..."I don't want to talk about it. It has been resolved." Yet Kyle keeps insisting on making it an issue, trying to paint one of her "best friends" in a bad light. And then has the nerve to say LVP is the one who's not a good friend. I just can't anymore with this shit stirring woman who is sooo desperate to pit everyone against Lisa. What is her deal??? Her and Teddy both disgusted me this episode.

Teddy: "This situation could've been resolved between Lisa Vanderpump and Dorit. I should have never known about it! I'm starting to realize that this is a Lisa Vanderpump pattern here. Make your friends look bad, but keep your hands clean."

That is EXACTLY what you and Kyle are doing!!!!!! Not Lisa!!! Wow, the hypocrisy is astonishing. First of all, it WAS resolved. It's you and Kyle who still seem to have the issue with it!!! Second of all, you said yourself that John told you "the gossip" on the phone. So what does that have to do with LVP? She cannot control who her employees talk to, and what they choose to say in their personal life. And Rinna popping into the conversation saying "Yes you can control what your employees say." This is all just mind-boggling to me. Lisa Rinna is a B-U-L-L-Y. Plain and simple. She is not a good person.

And then they all gather round to comfort poor Dorit??? Are you kidding me??? Is this for real, or am I watching an episode of Punked? Because no way in hell all these women are serious right now. This has got to be one of the absolute worst things I've seen these bitches do...ever. Their behavior in this episode is seriously disturbing.

They are gaslighting us and LVP

How long can you manufacture this narrative before it is believed. There are people in this thread asserting their narrative as facts so it has worked to an extent. Not to the lengths they would like because they keep trying every freaking season 

  • Love 20
7 minutes ago, SweetieDarling said:

Maybe something (else) is wrong with me, but I though Erika's note was lovely. I am never sure what to say in grief situations. I also understand her thinking that LVP might want time and/or space to deal with her grief. Everyone grieves differently, and considering the suddenness and circumstances of the situation, and lack of any true friendship between LVP and Erika, I thought it was completely appropriate. I recently suffered a loss, and was thankful for ANY words of comfort or caring.

yay we agree on something 🙂


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42 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

Why are flowers impersonal?  I've sent many a floral spray for viewings/funerals, and then a sympathy card to the home of the loved one.  As a family member being on the receiving end of flowers in this situation, I found them comforting as our family read each and every one of the accompanying cards  prior to the funeral.  Maybe it's a southern thing, but that's generally how it's done here.  Oh yeah, don't forget the casserole!  We do that sometimes too.  Vicki G. would be proud! 

Oh, film noire. You never disappoint with your posts!  Bravo!  What should've been a light bulb moment for Kyle just fell on deaf ears.  LVP is standing there pouring her heart out to Kyle trying to spare her these terrible feelings she's going through and all we get is a blank stare from Kyle.  LVP stood there looking at her as if thinking "don't you get it?," but it sailed right over Kyle's head.  Sigh.

I was referring to his kids with unusual names: Hud, Speck, Justice (no offense to anybody with one of these names, they're just unusual.)  If it had been up to John, she definitely would've been named Baby Doll.  

I'm just saying there is one sibling  in her family with a more common name than Teddi Jo.

Edited by Higgins
  • Love 1
17 minutes ago, Mr. Minor said:

PukeK, lol!

I got a feeling we're going to see a lot of grouchy old Ken doddering around in LVP's scenes.

I haven't lost a close family member yet, but I like to think that I won't be at the funeral taking attendance and ranking condolences by sincerity.

Doddering Ken makes my skin crawl. And when he and Pigk are on my screen with their gross “British banter” my nervous system cries out for a Xanax.

 I agree with 90% of what Camille says but I feel like it is all “publicist pre-approved”. She is so thirsty to get her diamond back but Andy won’t seem to go for it.

Oh, and Kyle’s crack about Dorit being allergic to dogs and then rushing to fawn and swoon over her tears the next night was rich. She never disappoints.

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I don’t know a lot about rescues. But I am disappointed that the screening process at VDP Dogs is not more rigorous. They let Dorit and PK adopt TWO dogs. Even if they did not have two young children, shouldn’t someone at VDP Dogs have wondered why Dorit and PK have this shifty, untrustworthy reputation? I wouldn’t trust them with a cactus. 

Edited by hoodooznoodooz
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Can we just send this whole Lucy STORY to a kill shelter?  GAH...enough already.  It's only been 3 eps and that's all anyone can talk about (or not talk about in LVP's case).  Dorit and her par- boiled ham husband made a very bad horrible decision re. Lucy and rehoming her.  They apologized (although I think they are both reckless and wouldn't give them a photocopy image of a dog to care for, much less a living puppy). LVP said in Ep 1 she believes there was no malicious intent on their part, and the situation has been addressed. Dog store employees are outraged, so a non-attention seeking rational mature adult should say," I am absolutely appalled too, I feel you.  Dorit is too stupid to breath on her own, so she will never get another dog from me.  However, I have discussed this privately with her, and the matter is CLOSED.  Do not bring it up again."  Then Teddi apparently got the tea spilled on her by dog employee John, but I don't think Teddi went around telling anyone else or mentioned it again until that day at the store.  She may have texted back & forth with John, but so the fuck what?  She didn't talk about it until LVP brought it up, with her calculated, world-weary dramatic proclamation that "she doesn't want to talk about it".  Cue Kyle & Rinna to rev up their shit-stirring engines and beat this story into frothy peaks.  And now we are stuck with the same lame "who said what when to whom, and who is lying and who is supporting who" for the rest of this season.  Bring on RHONY please.  I'd rather watch Drunk Dorinda than Dodo Dorit any day.

Erica and her famewhore, fashioNASTY flunkies are just so awful to watch.  Kudos to them I guess for figuring out how to live a glam-boy lifestyle without too much (any??) financial effort.  They found an emotionally needy, aging Barbie to private jet-set them around the world  and live in her Dream (Whore) House & play dress-up in fabulous locations.  I do have to wonder about their choices in outfits and wigs.  Do they all really love these looks or are there side bet competitions among them to see who can get Erica to leave the house in the most ridiculous costume?  Who puts on 7 inch stilettos to get on a boat to get to an island for a day of swimming???

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1 hour ago, Duke2801 said:

Were Dorit and Erika part of the scheme? Because they were talking about it on camera too in episode 1. 

They were refering to the Lucy scene at VDogs (probably when asked about it by producers) - Dorit made it clear she thought the issue was past, and Erika told about a previous conversation with Dorit about the dog.

Dorit was talking about breaking out in hives and a red flush. That was probably from that stupid pink champagne they made sure to show in a closeup. That happened to me too during a "drinking way too much period." Red wine, rose, made me flush immediately like I developed an "allergy." I'm sure she doesn't drink too much though...  

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3 minutes ago, nexxie said:

They were refering to the Lucy scene at VDogs (probably when asked about it by producers) - Dorit made it clear she thought the issue was past, and Erika told about a previous conversation with Dorit about the dog.

No they were not. Dorit went to Erika’s house and told her version of what happened to the dog without being prompted. She told the story of her robbery also. 

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