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S03.E06: A Coburg Quartet

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Possibly the best episode of this season, IMO. Albert actually laughed!! Daisy is really taking outlandish liberties with V&As story, but after the previous episodes, at least this one was entertaining. I really detest Feodora, but I was happy to see Uncle Leopold again. If only he'd brought dear Ernest with him. Sigh.

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I didn't enjoy the last five minutes, mainly because well... it struck home.

So let's concentrate on what I did like!

- Palmerson.  Shush.  He's growing on me.  Still not entirely like-able, but has more depth than most of the supporting cast (and some of the leads!).  When he took Bertie's mouse and put it on his shoulder, I cursed under my breath because it was so darn... peachy.

- Albert, for those first forty minutes, and when he wasn't falling for the phrenology BS.  So - about ten minutes?  There were glimpses of his sense of humor, glimmers of being a doting husband and father.  Too bad everything went to hell right after the baby was baptized.

- The etchings being available to the public.  Victoria thinks she has to be revered as something holy (literally), but when people are buying copies of a sketch portraying a domestic scene, well, it's not for a giggle.  Palmerson pointing this out was another reason I liked him more this episode than at the beginning of the season.

- The evil Duke being well and truly cuckolded.  I don't care.  I have a feeling that Joseph and The Duchess are going to get away with things - not sure how, but call it a hunch - and I'm glad.  The character is too mustache-twirling to enjoy as a real villain, so I'm hoping he'll become a butt monkey.

- The relationship between Vicky and Bertie.  She wants to see the best in him, even if he's a turd to her.

If you suspend the thought of these being actual historical figures, and just think of it as "loosely based on a true story" this episode was indeed enjoyable.  (I think things will smooth over soon - there's two children yet to be conceived!  So even the ending wasn't as heartbreaking as it could be.)

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I have no knowledge of Victoria and Feodora' s relationship, but I wouldn't mind a bit of historically inaccurate comeuppance for Feodora.  She's such a villain, she needs a mustache to twirl.

The Duke finally put two and two together; I fear for the Duchess and Joseph.

Love the costumes, both at the ball and in everyday life.

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The Duchess and Joseph are so stupid and careless and in some ways arrogant that I am almost cheering for them to get caught.

Albert wanted Victoria's childhood governess sent away because he felt her opinion was interfering too much in the marriage, but he has no problem having Feodora constantly giving him advice about his wife.   He has known Victoria for about ten years at this point - knows she is not some mindless twit - but quickly swallows what this stranger has to say and completely disregards his wife of ten years misgivings about her, even when there was evidence that she was doing some shady dealings.  It might be more believable if the character was actually played with some charm but she is constantly has scheming face or does some fake cry or sigh that she is being treated badly that is very transparent that she is just being manipulative.

Even if she had a bad marriage, Feodora really does not seem to care about her own children.

The costumes were cool, although attendance wise it did not really seem like a big ball with many people, but am sure that was more budgetary and not much they can do about it.

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Palmerston putting that mouse on his shoulder was my first laugh-out-loud for this season.  Genius!

How does Penge have time to get anything else done, what with spending hours searching for Joseph like he's Poirot & the footman, this week's murderer?  Let it go, man!

I actually enjoyed Albert's checkmate to Victoria about the crown v. the Latin on the coin.  Hi honey: you can have one but not both.  Much like tonight's theme of popularity v. respect.  Those warring factions have certainly been the ish for the modern monarchy.  You can have the TV special, but you lose some of the mystique.

I don't buy into the soap, with Albert & Vic questioning their mutual attachment.  Feels like a way to give plot intrigue when the truth is boring.

Ohhhh Leopold!!  I had such high hopes when you walked in.  Where are you hiding your other nephew?  

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Lord P and the mouse was so adorbs! 😆 

I cheered when Victoria slammed the phrenology bust to the floor. Quackery!

I was hoping Leopold would tell Albert to get a haircut. 🙄

I don’t believe for a minute that Victoria bathed any of her children. IRL, she said even the prettiest baby is hideous without clothes!

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From what I recall reading about the period hygiene was rather spotty during Georgian times and head lice found a comfortable home underneath those elaborate white wigs.

I am waiting for the Duke to grow horns and a tail ala Beezlebub.  And now he knows about the foot man - yikes.

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4 hours ago, freddi said:

What was the decoration or bauble on top of Feodora's head at the royal ball?  Several in the waiting line seemed focused on it, and then Victoria ripped it off at the end of the ball. 

It was a sapphire tiara given to Feo as a "gift" from the undesirable Hudsons for inviting them to the Royal Ball.

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I usually dvr the show and watch later, but I did watch in real time last night since the title made me think Ernst would make an appearance.  Dang it.

I don't understand why Victoria hasn't told Feodora to pack her bags.  Even if dear sis isn't sent home, at least pack her off to Kensington or some far flung estate where she won't be underfoot all the time.  Of course she has been written into the story for the drama, but at this point she's really getting tiresome and the lack of agency on Vic's part makes no sense.

In the book I'm reading on Victoria there is one photograph of her smiling.  Apparently the kids tried to hide it from publication because they thought it was unbecoming to show a monarch smiling.

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Did everyone watch MTV to learn the group choreography number?

Was that a chamber pot on Bertie’s head?

Just how much was an invitation to a ball worth?

Couldn’t the coin’s picture have been shrunken to accommodate both crown and phrase?  How big is the coin, anyway?

I did like Albert’s inventor-guest reveal.

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Slow clap for Albert...I guess he no longer gives a damn about Scarlett...I mean Victoria. Victoria is lucky Albert is not the type of man to hit back. Glad he finally found a small grain of self respect after years of Victoria’s bullying. Maybe now he can make some life on his own, since obviously everything he has offered to Victoria is not good enough. Her berating him about the coin thing? (and based on Lord Palmerston pointing the finger at Albert knowing the button to press on Victoria, WOW) I was, like, what? So you are irate because you can’t have both the crown and words saying you are the Queen on the coin, lest everyone forgets? Girl, you are the Queen!! Guess you need to keep rubbing it in everyone’s face, though. Get over yourself. As Feodora told you, YOU were the favorite all along. Everything was arranged so that YOU became Queen. Admit to yourself that your childhood perception was WRONG. And tell your son Bertie the same thing. It is obvious that Bertie is the favorite (you ignore all your other children), and he is a major-ass brat about it, just like you are. And he wishes YOU were dead so that he can be King so people cannot tell him what to do?? Sound familiar Victoria? You drove your husband away. He has let you off the hook (you are finally free from your German tyrant). Why are you so sad?? Now you can go get it on with Palmerston. With his ego, though, it will probably only take a week or so before he tires of you, so good luck with that! 

Edited by Nolefan
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26 minutes ago, TigerLynx said:

What does Victoria see in Albert?  I'm starting to hate him almost as much as I do that viper that Victoria has the misfortune to have as a half-sister.

I think she likes him because he is the only man who puts up with her crap, at least until this episode anyway. Maybe deep down inside she doesn’t want a man she can dominate, despite her public show of independence. She is Queen, she can throw Albert out if she wants and have affairs with other men (if she becomes pregnant, Albert is still there, so nothing can be proved, just like Emily Palmerston). Albert has let her off the hook — he appears not to have strong feelings for her anymore. Maybe she just isn’t the woman you think she is (or you want to admire), as you disagree with her life choices. 

Edited by Nolefan
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Of course she has been written into the story for the drama, but at this point she's really getting tiresome and the lack of agency on Vic's part makes no sense.

This is exactly what I was thinking. I'm glad she finally sees the light where Feodora is concerned, but it's time for her to send sis back home. And I don't care what Feodora says or what Albert has to say about it either. She's the queen, and Feodora is living there at her expense and hospitality. It's entirely up to her. Albert is always pissy about everything anyway so it's not as if it would make a difference. And in the long run they'll be better off because it's Feodora that's causing so much of the rift between them. 

I was really hoping Leopold would be the voice of reason and point out to Albert that Feodora is trouble but alas, Albert still has his head up his own ass.

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4 minutes ago, Brn2bwild said:

Not "putting up with her crap" apparently also means criticizing her intelligence and believing whatever her evil sister says about her.

yes - he is dismissive of any concerns she might have about her position and just assuming that any thoughts she has are completely self-involved of a silly woman rather than ideas with merit.  Not that Victoria is not high maintenance and can be self-involved, but the writing for Albert is pretty bad.  It does not help that the actor always has a dour sour poor-me look on his face.  

3 minutes ago, magdalene said:

 I am betting by the end of this season the Feodora situation will be resolved and Victoria and Albert will be quite reconciled.

This is almost a given and completely predictable, which makes all of the Feodora scenes that much more tiresome and pointless.

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1 hour ago, TigerLynx said:

What does Victoria see in Albert?  I'm starting to hate him almost as much as I do that viper that Victoria has the misfortune to have as a half-sister.

Maybe he has a large member...of Parliament. 😏

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Laurence "Is He Ever A" Fox as Palmerston continues to be my favorite thing about this season.

Feodora needs to have all of her stuff packed and put on the front steps of Buckingham Palace and be told to go the hell home. I disagreed with Albert when he told Victoria she was upset because Feo treats her like a sister and not a deity. It's one thing for someone to not kowtow to a person's every wish, but Feo actively undermines Victoria every chance she gets. And for all the "but she's family" guilt trip Albert gives Victoria, he seems to conveniently forget that Feo has her own children back in another country she's currently ignoring.

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2 hours ago, Brn2bwild said:

Not "putting up with her crap" apparently also means criticizing her intelligence and believing whatever her evil sister says about her.

1 hour ago, CCTC said:

yes - he is dismissive of any concerns she might have about her position and just assuming that any thoughts she has are completely self-involved of a silly woman rather than ideas with merit.  Not that Victoria is not high maintenance and can be self-involved, but the writing for Albert is pretty bad.  It does not help that the actor always has a dour sour poor-me look on his face.  

Albert is dismissive of Victoria’s concern’s? Victoria was despondent over the pictures being leaked. Albert was trying to make her feel better. When she feared the way the public would view her, he sympathized. Then stated that he basically understood because his being mocked by the public was a “public pastime.” This made me realize that Victoria has never once seemed at all concerned or sympathetic of how Albert is treated by “her people.” Yet, when it affects her, everyone is required to be at the pity party and understand. Then, when Albert takes action to protect her, suddenly it was the WRONG thing to do because now, under Lord Palmerston’s popularity advice, Victoria is suddenly ok with the pictures in the public. Albert gets berated because he doesn’t get the memo in time.

Now, Feodora. Why does Feodora bother Victoria so much? Victoria’s popularity has soared with the release of the pictures. No harm, no foul, right? Feodora is poor and has a crappy life. As Uncle Leopold said, Feodora is an irritant, not dangerous. Victoria is fine when the house staff were selling her stuff to make some side cash. Why is she so upset now? As Albert said, why get mad at her for taking Victoria’s crumbs? I think Albert’s statement applies to how Albert sees himself with respect to Victoria. Why is Victoria so insecure she cannot stand to let another person take a little turn in the spotlight? She is Queen. Crowds turn out for her wherever she goes. The powerful men of the country are looking to her (Palmerston, Wellington), not Albert. Why is she so insecure? Is Victoria threated because she believes Feodora is doing a better job at making her husband feel loved than she has?

As I said, I don’t understand why Victoria isn’t happy that Albert has basically checked out of their marriage. And if people think Albert is so horrible for Victoria, I don’t understand why those people aren’t happy as well. Victoria is now free to go find someone else who treats how she thinks she ought to be treated. Win-win for all involved.

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7 minutes ago, Popples said:

And for all the "but she's family" guilt trip Albert gives Victoria, he seems to conveniently forget that Feo has her own children back in another country she's currently ignoring.

They are also ignoring Victoria and Feo's mother!  Shouldn't she be invited to the ball?  With all the family talk, and all the dialogue about Feo expecting to marry King George and ending up with a penniless duke or whatever, how is it that mom isn't even mentioned?

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12 minutes ago, Nolefan said:

As I said, I don’t understand why Victoria isn’t happy that Albert has basically checked out of their marriage. And if people think Albert is so horrible for Victoria, I don’t understand why those people aren’t happy as well. Victoria is now free to go find someone else who treats how she thinks she ought to be treated. Win-win for all involved.

You realize divorce wasn't exactly a thing among royalty back then?  It's not even much of a thing now.  Even if Victoria hated Albert (which history shows she didn't), she couldn't just divorce him and find someone else more compatible. 

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41 minutes ago, Brn2bwild said:

You realize divorce wasn't exactly a thing among royalty back then?  It's not even much of a thing now.  Even if Victoria hated Albert (which history shows she didn't), she couldn't just divorce him and find someone else more compatible. 

If Victoria hated Albert, she could just live a separate life from him. Actually, I think Lord M was alluding to this with his Lester outfit (but Victoria really fell in love — and was too naive to realize — and wanted only Albert, in real life anyway — this show almost seems like it wants to go in another direction). As the Palmerstons showed with Emily Palmerston having an affair with Lord Palmerston while she was still married, couples went their own separate ways back in those times instead of divorcing.  If Victoria got pregnant, Albert would still be married to her, so nobody would know for sure (Emily Palmerston again). There would be some talk, but it appears everyone would just wink and nod and not really care. They already have a legitimate heir. Heck, that’s what all of Victoria’s predessors did!! And Victoria seemed very fascinated by the Palmerston’s arrangement last episode!!

Edited by Nolefan
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I think Victoria's problem with Feo is that Feo for a while was pretending she cared about Victoria when in fact she hates Victoria, and she hates Victoria for something Victoria had nothing to do with and no control over.  Feo wasn't trying to help Victoria by telling her something like be mature and responsible, do what's best for the country and the people, etc.  Feo was telling Albert Victoria is a spoiled brat, and Bertie is an idiot not capable of being King.  Most people would have a problem with someone hating them and blaming them for something they didn't do.  They would definitely have a problem with someone targeting their children with their venom.

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4 hours ago, TigerLynx said:

What does Victoria see in Albert?  I'm starting to hate him almost as much as I do that viper that Victoria has the misfortune to have as a half-sister.

I know, right? In a cast of thousands of pompous bores, he takes the biscuit! And please everyone, don't blame Victoria for diminishing him-he knew  exactly what he was in for when the marriage was arranged. So now, he only displays his love and passion for Her Majesty when he's impregnating her? I'd be happy if she was attracted to Lord P! Please-bring Ernest back!

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4 minutes ago, TigerLynx said:

I think Victoria's problem with Feo is that Feo for a while was pretending she cared about Victoria when in fact she hates Victoria, and she hates Victoria for something Victoria had nothing to do with and no control over.  Feo wasn't trying to help Victoria by telling her something like be mature and responsible, do what's best for the country and the people, etc.  Feo was telling Albert Victoria is a spoiled brat, and Bertie is an idiot not capable of being King.  Most people would have a problem with someone hating them and blaming them for something they didn't do.  They would definitely have a problem with someone targeting their children with their venom.

Actually, Victoria warmed up to Feodora at Osborne House when she agreed with Victoria about Albert deserving to have the wine thrown at him, and Victoria seemed to get her back up when Feodora told her ladies of the court were talking about how Albert doesn’t respect her authority. So, Victoria was very happy with Feodora when she told her what she wanted to hear. It just seems that now Feodora seems to be more effective with making digs at Victoria.

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26 minutes ago, Bunnyto4 said:

I know, right? In a cast of thousands of pompous bores, he takes the biscuit! And please everyone, don't blame Victoria for diminishing him-he knew  exactly what he was in for when the marriage was arranged. So now, he only displays his love and passion for Her Majesty when he's impregnating her? I'd be happy if she was attracted to Lord P! Please-bring Ernest back!

Well, it was Victoria’s choice to marry him, knowing full well what Albert was like. Maybe she shouldn’t told him she was going to be an ordinary woman and vowed to obey him? She almost seems guilty of a bait and switch. Anyhoo, Now Albert has let her off the hook. If she despises him so much, she is free to move on! She can go find Palmerston’s boots if she wants!! Let’s see if he does the impossible and makes her happy!! But, Palmerston’s rule about Lord Palmerston not f-ing women who are looking for love might get in the way! Also, this could turn Emily Palmerston into her enemy. You think Feodora is bad! Hate to have Emily Palmerston on my bad side. Also, don’t know how Victoria will feel about being just another woman in Palmerston’s “collection.” As Queen, she never had to share before. How will she ever cope with sharing the great Palmerston, who thinks he is too much for one woman? And Ernest has an STD. Good luck there Victoria!

Edited by Nolefan
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I have not been watching this season religiously, but I did catch all of this episode, and I thought for a moment there that they were trying to set up Feodora as an impostor what with Uncle Leopold not recognizing her. I mean, I guess it was just to show that it had been awhile and he'd never really noticed/ cared about her much to begin with, but it got me thinking. I mean, this show does love it's over-the-top soap opera tropes. Has it been twenty years since anyone in the family has seen Feo? If she bore a passing resemblance to the real Feo-- and maybe also knew her or had some way of knowing inside info of Victoria's childhood...

OK, probably not. But on this show, you never know! 

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Leopold clearly knows what's up with Feo; hopefully next episode, he'll confront Albert about what an idiot he's being.

And ugh, I couldn't care less about the duchess and Joseph. It'd be nice if they gave a reason for us to like Joseph, other than him frustrating Penge, who is also annoying. But as is, Joseph is an idiot and deserves what's coming to him. I do feel bad for the duchess, though.

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I find it quite understandable that Victoria has concerns about how she is perceived, whether on a coin or in a sketch. Since her youth and diminutive stature made it difficult for her upon  her ascension to the crown to be perceived as a monarch by her court, it makes sense to me that her automatic response is to "preserve the image" that best underlines her function as monarch, and one who is also head of the church. It doesn't strike me at all about her purported desire to be worshiped.

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I was bored with this episode.  Whether it's history or fiction or a combination of the two, it does not matter.  I'm tired of Victoria and Albert sniping at each other.  I've mentioned that scenes in previous episodes have been entertaining for me, but this episode just seemed like one colossal bitch-fest.  Enough of it, both of you!

The Duke is a number-one asshole, but Sophie and Joseph are freakin' stupid!  Palmerston has warned Sophie.  Joseph is a footman.  I'm not in favor of the Duke by any stretch, but Sophie and Joseph have been warned that they are playing with fire.  It's now their own fault when they get burned.

Hated the ball, the costumes were ugly.  Feodora go hone, and Leopold makes my skin crawl.  Not enough Palmerston, either.

Easily my least favorite episode so far this season.

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6 minutes ago, dargosmydaddy said:

I have not been watching this season religiously, but I did catch all of this episode, and I thought for a moment there that they were trying to set up Feodora as an impostor what with Uncle Leopold not recognizing her.

You too? I think the show is definitely setting Feodora for a great comeuppance, so that passed through my mind as well. And then when Victoria was about to confront the "Swindler" Couple. 

17 hours ago, CCTC said:

The Duchess and Joseph are so stupid and careless and in some ways arrogant that I am almost cheering for them to get caught.

Yes, and then I realized how Lord Pam had totally become a character I'm fanning, because I was more concerned that Duke Mon(ster)mouth would do more than just cause a scene at their club. (Although that possibility for storytelling was a lot more interesting than the "will they get away with it" between the Duchess and the Footman. Stop trying to make that happen!) 

My eyes are still rolling at how the entire scene between the Duchess and Joseph played out during the ball. Well, actually at all the scenes between them, really. It's also hard to root for someone who's clearly shitty at their job and not even trying. (Don't make me think Penge is in the right, show!)

I don't get why Feo thinks that because she's got Albert blindly believing her (why?) that Victoria telling her directly that its time she goes home, she can stay. I've been watching the docu on Princess Margaret that airs after, another sister to the Queen who's been sidelined. If Daisy was going to fictionslanderalize the heck out of Feodora, that would have been a more interesting, nuanced route to take.

As for Albert and the phrenology, this is the same dude who brought Mr. Cain (cleverly referenced by Vicky) to handle Bertie. And now he's bringing in another person to single Bertie out as damaged goods? I'd be smashing sculptures too.

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Who knew Victoria was actually so maternal, and protective of Bertie against his rigid father?  Uh NO ONE, so it's odd to say the least.   I'm surprised Daisy doesn't have her nursing the baby. 

Feo's gaslighting is beginning to pay off, but she'll be sent packing soon, I'm sure.   Poor Albert looks like he's already checked out. 

Penge cracks me up.  I hope Joseph removed his white gloves in the scene with Sophie.

Found a pic of Victoria in her Georgian ball costume and wig.


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55 minutes ago, dargosmydaddy said:

I have not been watching this season religiously, but I did catch all of this episode, and I thought for a moment there that they were trying to set up Feodora as an impostor what with Uncle Leopold not recognizing her. I mean, I guess it was just to show that it had been awhile and he'd never really noticed/ cared about her much to begin with, but it got me thinking. I mean, this show does love it's over-the-top soap opera tropes. Has it been twenty years since anyone in the family has seen Feo? If she bore a passing resemblance to the real Feo-- and maybe also knew her or had some way of knowing inside info of Victoria's childhood...

I kinda like this idea, it might be more fun than assassinating Feo's character totally, but I'm not sure the writers are up to it.

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3 hours ago, Nolefan said:

Actually, Victoria warmed up to Feodora at Osborne House when she agreed with Victoria about Albert deserving to have the wine thrown at him, and Victoria seemed to get her back up when Feodora told her ladies of the court were talking about how Albert doesn’t respect her authority. So, Victoria was very happy with Feodora when she told her what she wanted to hear. It just seems that now Feodora seems to be more effective with making digs at Victoria.

I thought Victoria saw that as sisterly support, and now realizes Feo was just trying to cause problems between Victoria and Albert.  If Feo really cared about Victoria, she could have told Victoria she understood her anger, but that throwing things isn't an appropriate reaction.

If King George had really wanted to marry Feo, he could have.  He had more power than Victoria and Feo's mother, and he could have stopped Feo's marriage to someone else.

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I wish Albert with his great big rational brain would happen to overhear those private moments when Feo is sniping at Victoria. And that he wouldn't believe the word of a stranger with giant calipers about his own son's intelligence. What the hell, Albert. Your wife's fine enough to keep impregnating, you old goat, but suddenly worthless for anything else?

I too was hoping for an Imposter storyline when Leopold didn't recognize Feo at all; now I just want her to go away or die, and take Mustache Duke with her. I keep cringing in advance that he'll commit violence against the Duchess, who really needs to buy herself some guile already.

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4 hours ago, springbarb said:

And ugh, I couldn't care less about the duchess and Joseph. It'd be nice if they gave a reason for us to like Joseph, other than him frustrating Penge, who is also annoying. But as is, Joseph is an idiot and deserves what's coming to him. I do feel bad for the duchess, though.

It's so boring.

I really liked the choreographed dancing. If you've watched Jane Austen movies, there are always elaborate group dances.

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1 hour ago, HouseofBeck said:

I wish Albert with his great big rational brain would happen to overhear those private moments when Feo is sniping at Victoria. And that he wouldn't believe the word of a stranger with giant calipers about his own son's intelligence. What the hell, Albert. Your wife's fine enough to keep impregnating, you old goat, but suddenly worthless for anything else?

I too was hoping for an Imposter storyline when Leopold didn't recognize Feo at all; now I just want her to go away or die, and take Mustache Duke with her. I keep cringing in advance that he'll commit violence against the Duchess, who really needs to buy herself some guile already.

I honestly shouted at the TV that V has a country to run.  What are A and F so busy doing?

Edited by b2H
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Ugh I really have disliked this season, and this episode was no better. Like someone else mentioned, I am basically hatewatching at this point. Oh and Ernst watching. Am not sure I will be back for season 4. 

The only bright spot was Leopold popping up. (Alex Jennings is always welcome on my screen as a slightly sleazy royal uncle.) And I do continue to like Palmerston. But that's really all I have nice to say. 

Like others, the title tricked me into thinking we'd get some Ernst. 

I find the relationship/fighting between Albert and Victoria to be immensely tedious, and the only thing more tedious is the romance between Joseph and the Duchess. Honestly, the thing has been so badly written and both actors are so tepid, that at this point, I am rooting for them to be caught because then at least they might go away.

The less said about Feodora the better. 

I think one of the biggest problems--and this season has really laid it bare--is I find both Jenna Coleman and Tom Hughes and much of the cast pretty meh. I wouldn't say they're bad actors, per se, but I just don't find them particularly engaging or charismatic, and I don't think they are capable of transcending the material. And this show desperately needs that since it is so badly written this season. I think that's why some of the supporting characters, like Laurence Fox and Alex Jennings, still acquit themselves nicely, though they're dealing with the same bad scripts. 

I never had a particularly high opinion of Daisy Goodwin's writing, but I at least found seasons 1 and 2 mildly fun. This is just bad wish fulfillment with a heaping dose of Mary Sue-ism. 

Edited by Zella
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I wish Leopold would talk some sense into Victoria and Albert. He was giving good advice to Albert about Bertie and one would hope being an outside observer he would be able to have a better view of what is going on with Feodora.

I am so not here for the Duchess and the Footman. Just saying that sounds like a bad trashy romance novel. Is two people risking their reputations(maybe worse?) supposed to be titillating?

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2 hours ago, Calvada said:

If this is 1850, shouldn't Albert be planning the Great Exhibition of 1851?  Isn't that considered one of his greatest accomplishments?  Wouldn't that perk him up a bit, get him out of the doldrums he seems mired in? 

yes that was the greatest triumph of his life and pretty much finally endeared him to the British people. Anyway I still think that if DG wants me to like the sexy time between the Duchess and Joe boy he needs to ditch the itchy gray rug! (I must have sleep through the swimming clip, what with the blurred out bottom and all.)

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I'm really hating this season too. Victoria and Albert are fighting for....reasons. Albert for some reason thinks she's acting crazy, obsessed with her popularity, and dismisses everything that she says no matter what. He's quick to believe Feodora and a quack completely but not the person he's been married to for a decade or almost close to it. 

Feodora is a cartoon villain without a mustache and hates her sister for something that's totally not her fault. But who cares let's ruin Victoria's life. You'd think she'd be trying to destroy Leopold's life or her mother's? How exactly does she think her life would have been so much better if she married George? I assume she's meaning George IV right? What exactly was it about his marriage to Caroline that made her think she wanted that life? The affairs? Horrible treatment? I know Caroline wasn't great either. But he was a crappy husband, father, son, king. I'm not sure where Feodora or Daisy Goodwin is getting the idea everything would have been great if she'd only married him. I really kept waiting for someone to point that out to her. I really thought Leopold would when Feodora brought it up. Or Victoria going off on her how horrible her life was with their mother and Conroy. Where is their mother? She hasn't seen Feodora, she's missed trip to Osborne, Christenings and birth of two more grandchildren. 

Sophie and Joseph is as bad as Victoria and Albert fighting. Yes, she's married to horrible man and it would be nice if he dropped dead. But they are being so stupid about it that its hard to root for them.  Sleeping together at the ball where her husband was? How much more stupid are they going to be? Will they next hook up in at their house in his bed? Another problem is we don't know them. Why is Joseph so into Sophie? As someone else already said Penge is right and I hate to be on his side.

Vicky and Bertie are both really annoying. I hate him when he's being a brat to his siblings but I do still feel a little sorry for Bertie the way his father talks about him, thinks of it and is so quick to believe a quack. No wonder the poor boy thinks his father doesn't love him. 

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My guess, totally a guess, but... with all the love being thrown on the Lord Palmerston character right now, I think he is going down in the next episode. Lord Russell foreshadowed it in this episode, when he said that one day he (Lord Russell) will have a smirk on his face when Lord Palmerston finally pushes things too far. I am also guessing Feodora is also going to go down at the same time. Both Victoria and Albert will feel stupid as to how they were manipulated against each other, and Victoria and Albert will be solid again.

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11 hours ago, taurusrose said:

Albert is being written to make you hate him.  I repeat I am hate watching Victoria when I get around to it.

Yes, people are hating the Albert character because he is being written to make people hate him. The topper for me was the Bertie cowering in the corner scene at the end. The show places this scene right after Victoria and Albert have their knock down, drag out fight. The show then seems to make it appear that Albert did something to Bertie off screen that was so horrible that the child is cowering in the corner afraid that his father doesn’t love him anymore because he is stupid. Victoria is then shown as being the warm, loving mother/wife who takes her scared child in her arms and comforts him against his cruel father. I think this scene is meant to reinforce how the audience is supposed to perceive the prior fight scene between Victoria and Albert.  Thoroughout the show (and S3) Bertie has been equated with Victoria (thus, Victoria’s strong bond with Bertie all season — Bertie is really her). When Bertie gets his head examined, it is also Victoria getting her head examined (by Albert and Feodora). Bertie has also been shown as a brat the entire episode, even to the extent of saying that he wishes his mother dies so that he can be King. So when Victoria acts like a brat by slapping Albert across the face, her actions are excusable on two levels. First, Victoria is being treated like a child by Albert (and the audience perceives her as just an innocent child as she has been so associated with Bertie), thus she has the right to lash out against him. And second, Albert is made out to be a child abuser, which is reinforced with the Bertie cowering in the corner scene. Then throw into the mix Lord Palmerston (who is Albert’s “rival” this Season) knowing just the right way to handle Bertie with the mouse trick at the baptism. Albert is being intentionally written to look bad. Ms. Goodwin has some real axe to grind with Albert. While she tries to act like she likes his character, it is very obvious to me that she does not understand how Victoria (who I think Ms. Goodwin cannot separate from herself) was happy living with some stick in the mud German tyrant because Ms. Goodwin (ie Victoria) herself would never love a man like this. If you listen to PBS’s Podcast interview with Ms. Goodwin this week, she actually states that Victoria’s diary goes on and on about her angel Albert, but Ms. Goodwin “thinks” Victoria was lying in her diary because Albert would read them (because Ms. Goodwin alleges that he was trying to control Victoria) and that due to the gaps in ages with the children around this time she is very sure Victoria and Albert’s marriage was on the rocks at this time, as shown by her this season. Whatever.

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