Psycho Suzy February 3, 2019 Share February 3, 2019 I can't hate on Jazmine too much, can you imagine your life and your life choices if Lizzie was your mom? And she doesn't need to worry about Scott at all. As soon as her user dumpster fire mom find out Scott has spent all of his money she'll be out of there. With the quickness. And it's sad, I bust my ass teaching high school (and have for 15+ years) and it would take me more than 20 years to earn that $800,000 Lizzie claims to have conned out of men while in prison. Does it make me a bad person that I: ✓ was hoping the fake priest at the church was going to sqray holy water on Lizzie? ✓ couldn't help but smile and feel delighted when Megan was crying in the bed when her King had to leave? 24 Link to comment
kylies-lips February 3, 2019 Share February 3, 2019 1 hour ago, Neurochick said: Why all this hate for Meagan and none for dumbass Sarah who might be pregnant again by this idiot? Meagan fat? Oh, okay. Megan is quite smug and it's just really unattractive to watch on television, she's also plus sized so its an easy low blow insult to just call her fat because shes unlikeable. I also think people just naturally feel defensive of Sarah who is clueless and the "legitimate" wife with a baby in this situation. But in all fairness, as far as we know Megan has no clue he is married and genuinely thinks he is free (pun intended) to be with her. 1 hour ago, millennium said: I have a couple problems with Megan (outside of talking to her reflection about getting dick): one, she seems to have too much hair, like she's wearing a wig on top of her real hair but is making no effort to conceal her real hair. And two, she keeps her glasses on for sex. *whispers* What's wrong with keeping your glasses on for sex? You gotta see the dick! LOLOLOL. And yes, Megan looks like she's wearing a wig because she IS wearing a wig--one that is poorly blended in with her real hair. Sigh.. Was it just me or did Michael look high in his talking head interviews? He also seems so devoid of a personality. Ladies, I just don't see what's so appealing about him! I did laugh at them saying Niagara Falls was such a romantic place because if you have ever been to the falls its probably one of the least romantic places one could go to. Sarah sitting on her couch crying about her husband being MIA was equally as pathetic as Megan curled up in bed crying over Michael having to leave to go see his PO. Also, I don't understand how Michael thought that situation was going to work out. He knew he had a curfew didn't he think his PO would be checking in? Everyone in this storyline is so dumb. Matt and Caitlin: They both are pretty disgusting. Practically Clint and Tracie levels of trash if I'm honest. Caitlin gets a few points for being articulate even if she is delusional. Why doesn't she work? Why would she clean the friend's house but not wash her dirty panties in Matt's mom's house? And Matt is one of those people who really should just spend the rest of his life in jail. He is a waste of space out in the real world. He contributes nothing and has no sense of responsibility--even to himself. Lizzie and Scott: Lizzie's boobs and her digging the ring out of her purse were hilarious! Why was she so offended at Scott not having vows when last episode she looked panicked at the thought of marrying him? I refuse to believe Lizzie scammed $800K out of her tricks. I REFUSE! Even over the span of 10 years that's ridiculous. I don't think I understand why everyone hate Jasmine so much? She's 19 and her mom is a former (current?) crackhead/heroin addict who's been in jail most of her life. And now her mom is free and shacked up with one of her tricks who is beyond pathetic. Jasmine's situation sucks and as awful as her mom is I can understand her coming off bratty in wanting to protect her mom and desire for her to have a normal life. Jasmine is just too young to realize Lizzie has squandered most of her chances at being a normal person with a normal life. Marcelino and Brittany: Brittany seems like a sweet person who is really trying to make her life work outside of jail. I wish she'd leave Marcelino and strike out on her own. I don't blame her for waiting to tell Marcelino about Amanda because I'm sure she wanted to avoid exactly what happened when she told him! She was wrong but I get it. When is Marcelino gonna see Brittany isn't the damsel in distress for him to rescue? Clint and Tracie: No comment other than Clint's concern over pretty women being alone in the world had me dying laughing. I love this trainwreck of a show! 14 Link to comment
mybuddyspence February 3, 2019 Share February 3, 2019 1 hour ago, Neurochick said: Why all this hate for Meagan and none for dumbass Sarah who might be pregnant again by this idiot? Meagan fat? Oh, okay. Sarah's a moron and I hope to God she's not pregnant. I'm assuming she is being supported by her parents? Grandparents? Does she work? Because other than blowing up Pacific Boy's phone and sitting on her ass whining, she doesn't seem to have much more going on. I feel so bad for their little girl-she deserves much better parents than these 2 idiots. 11 Link to comment
configdotsys February 3, 2019 Share February 3, 2019 47 minutes ago, Spike said: I think it has been pointed out that Sarah is fugly and looks like Ralph the marionette on Pee Wee’s Playhouse. I also think she is one squint from being Popeye. Her bad life choices are too easy to point out. LMAO! Randy, not Ralph. 6 Link to comment
Spike February 3, 2019 Share February 3, 2019 5 minutes ago, mybuddyspence said: Sarah's a moron and I hope to God she's not pregnant. I'm assuming she is being supported by her parents? Grandparents? Does she work? Because other than blowing up Pacific Boy's phone and sitting on her ass whining, she doesn't seem to have much more going on. I feel so bad for their little girl-she deserves much better parents than these 2 idiots. It said on the chyron that she is a student and a waitress lol. 1 Link to comment
Hellohappylife February 3, 2019 Share February 3, 2019 2 hours ago, kylies-lips said: I did laugh at them saying Niagara Falls was such a romantic place because if you have ever been to the falls its probably one of the least romantic places one could go to. I laughed at that part aswell,sure it’s pretty for like 10 mins but then I’m over it. I think I’ll stick to my yearly trips to Hawaii with my husband. 1 Link to comment
PrincessPurrsALot February 3, 2019 Share February 3, 2019 To Megan, everything is romantic when her king, Michael, is there - the car wash, the grocery store, buying toilet paper. It is all part of her dream! 6 Link to comment
Neurochick February 3, 2019 Share February 3, 2019 Sarah is stupider than Megan, she actually married this idiot while he was in prison, and she’ll probably have more children with him. Maybe she feels the more children she has with him, the less likely he’ll cheat on her. 8 Link to comment
Hannah94 February 3, 2019 Share February 3, 2019 11 hours ago, Neurochick said: Why all this hate for Meagan and none for dumbass Sarah who might be pregnant again by this idiot? Meagan fat? Oh, okay. Ummm, Megan is very fat, very large. Are we watching the same show? :/ 4 Link to comment
millennium February 3, 2019 Share February 3, 2019 11 hours ago, Scout Finch said: Doesn't Goodwill have bras? Lizzy said that Jazmine got her a bunch of clothes there but she apparently forgot those in addition to what size clothing her mom actually should be wearing. I'm guessing Lizzy and I are close in chest size and there's no way I could or would go without support. I have a hard time taking Sarah's blaccent seriously because it makes me think of this SNL sketch: Gwyneth Paltrow did a blaccent on more than one occasion. Most memorable was the fake rap band she did with Jimmy Fallon called "Shazzazz." The clip was easy to find up until a year or two ago, now it's just gone. Link to comment
PamelaMaeSnap February 3, 2019 Share February 3, 2019 On 2/2/2019 at 9:34 AM, psychoticstate said: I have to admit I loved how Marcelino broke the fourth wall and got pissed at the cameraman, who had to have known about Brittany and Amanda. AMAZED this has not happened more often. Loved it. And ... for now, at least ... I have to admit I'm kinda Team Marcellino. I know he's been one of the most hated guys but, at least in this episode, I felt like he was really trying, in his set-in-his-ways kind of way, to get to the bottom of a fishy situation. I get the feeling he has probably had some anger management counseling and isn't an A-plus student yet. Also, I can't figure out how much addled Clint is acting the part vs how much he actually thinks Tracie is the most beautiful woman in the world. She is by far the fugliest of this group and that's saying a lot. I think we can also deduct from Clint's parents' house (or, as the graphic read, parent's house) that he's not the one paying for all the bills on his credit and debit cards with his no-tell motel clerk wages. Enablers-R-Us. I can't even with Lizzie and Jazzmyne. Lizzie really is the most delusional of all of these delusional creatures. And by the way, that was NOT "Here Comes the Bride" she was singing badly. It was "Hail to the Chief" which probably fits her dominatrix personality better anyway. Save Adam. 11 Link to comment
Popular Post Pepper Mostly February 3, 2019 Popular Post Share February 3, 2019 On 2/2/2019 at 12:19 AM, AZ Curls said: Why the heck does Marcelino have flask on him during their nature walk? One of my top ten moments in this episode was Marcelino yanking out his flask, taking a rage filled swig, and angrily closing the top. Dude, you mad? that he carries a flask slays me. What do we think is in it? single malt scotch? sour mash whiskey? moonshine? On 2/2/2019 at 9:34 AM, psychoticstate said: Clint is actually THRILLED that My Goddess is behind bars. And he owes the rental car company $21,000? How about calling them up and reporting the car stolen? And thinking Tracie is some gift from God because she left him $100, while taking $100 and the car? Did he and Michael take the same Pacific Delusion Course? Caitlin, Matt is never going to get a job. He went into the pokey at 18. He said himself he's never had to work a(n)(honest) day in his life. His plan is to hang out, get drunk and/or get high until he gets busted again and goes back in. That's it. He had attitude from the moment he headed to that job interview. If he really wanted to work, he would at least run to the grocery store and get some plastic bags to put over his shoes and/or a Hefty bag to wear over his clothes. I'm not exactly sure why Caitlin isn't looking for work also. What do these two do all day? Clint hopefully telling his momma that Tracie was being kind and considerate because she only took half his cash was another top ten moment. I wish I could have seen my own face during that scene. That his long suffering mother was able to maintain her cool speaks volumes. She's seen it all before. Matt did not think to get some plastic bags to cover his shoes. Problem solving skills, being proactive, and creativity are not values in prison, where Matt has actually spent most of his life. If Caitlin is an admin with experience and even basic skills could work temp. She doesn't want to work because felon Matt is going to take care of her and fill her up with babies. Shudder. 23 hours ago, sconstant said: Lizzie: I have no words. "Say your vows right now. RIGHT NOW. Those vows were crap. Don't you love me? You don't. I hate you. Here are my crap vows: I love you." So much whiplash and gaslighting. I was so mesmerized by Lizzie's tremendous boobage trying wildly to make a break for it I could barely concentrate. But man she is manipulative. You can see why she chose Scott, though. Dumb as a stump. Anyone smarter would see right through her. Her skipping and twirling and giggling were baffling. She must think she's some sort of manic pixie dream girl, not some aging, broke down old slag. 21 hours ago, SevenCostanza said: I did not feel the least bit sad for Meaghan as she lay sobbing under that blanket. I laughed and laughed. I was also confused. So Meghan was supposed to stay at the hotel, waiting for Michael to come back? If he doesn't he's sticking her with the bill? (Wait, I know he's sticking her with the bill anyway). Sarah! Also an idiot! If my bf picked a fight with me, took off, didn't return my calls and vanished for days, I'd have his shit out on the front lawn, not be sitting with my girlfriend giggling about being pregnant. 18 hours ago, Empress1 said: Do we believe Clint really just watched Tracie smoke crack? No. No we don't. 14 hours ago, not you again said: My guess is she knows if she gets a job, she'll be supporting him for the rest of her short life. I know she has said she hates drugs, but everything about her screams junkie to me. If she's not a druggie now, she soon will be. She'll do drugs with Matt to stay close to him. I've seen too many episodes of Intervention not to believe this. 26 Link to comment
Neurochick February 3, 2019 Share February 3, 2019 2 hours ago, Hannah94 said: Ummm, Megan is very fat, very large. Are we watching the same show? :/ Yes we are. At least Megan didn’t marry the jerk WHILE he was in prison. At least Megan doesn’t have a baby by this loser...yet. To me, Megan isn’t fat at all. Thick yes, but not fat. 7 Link to comment
Pepper Mostly February 3, 2019 Share February 3, 2019 I agree, Megan is not very very fat. She's thick, solid, sturdy, whatever, but the girl isn't fat. Sarah is built the same. Michael has a type. Petite, thick, and stupid. 2 14 Link to comment
Spike February 3, 2019 Share February 3, 2019 I bet Megan’s BMI would qualify her as at least obese. 7 Link to comment
Scout Finch February 3, 2019 Share February 3, 2019 As does my BMI...and yet, I have never had diabetes or high cholesterol. I also love to hike and even after going uphill my heart rate does not rise to a dangerous level and it takes less than a minute for my breathing to return to normal. The BMI chart is outdated. 9 Link to comment
bichonblitz February 3, 2019 Share February 3, 2019 59 minutes ago, Neurochick said: At least Megan didn’t marry the jerk WHILE he was in prison. Probably only because he was already marrying Sarah and he didn't ask her. Agree with you about her being fat. A bit chubby maybe, but not fat. 3 Link to comment
Mrs. Hanson February 3, 2019 Share February 3, 2019 15 hours ago, Neurochick said: Why all this hate for Meagan and none for dumbass Sarah who might be pregnant again by this idiot? Meagan fat? Oh, okay. I think it is because it has been implied that Sarah knows nothing of Megan but Megan knew about Sarah and did not care. Seriously, they are both fools and their anger at each other should be pointed at Felony Guy. 14 Link to comment
Popular Post PityFree February 3, 2019 Popular Post Share February 3, 2019 You guys! Not need to argue! Both Sarah *and* Megan are completely awful!!! And dumb!!! Each in their own special way!! 26 Link to comment
sasha206 February 3, 2019 Share February 3, 2019 17 hours ago, Neurochick said: Why all this hate for Meagan and none for dumbass Sarah who might be pregnant again by this idiot? Meagan fat? Oh, okay. There's been a lot of hate on her as well, but I think the main reason Megan gets most of it is technically, Sarah is kind of the victim between all 3. I think Megan knows all about Sarah and her man's ludicrous method to get rid of Sarah. It seems as though Sarah is in the dark about Megan altogether. And Megan comes off as smugly viewing this as some sort of game. Me personally, I think Sarah is a fucking idiot -- esp. not taking precautions to not get pregnant again. She's every bit if not more of an idiot than Megan. 15 Link to comment
cooksdelight February 3, 2019 Share February 3, 2019 Megan is a praying mantis. Michael won’t die, but he’ll be back in prison in no time. 5 Link to comment
millennium February 3, 2019 Share February 3, 2019 6 hours ago, PamelaMaeSnap said: Also, I can't figure out how much addled Clint is acting the part vs how much he actually thinks Tracie is the most beautiful woman in the world. If Dracula was a crack-addicted ex-con with a penchant for slut-wear, Clint would be Renfield. 11 Link to comment
LellePCC February 3, 2019 Share February 3, 2019 (edited) Megan takes after her largely-built daddy. She and Sarah probably shouldn’t have a stupid contest, because they might have to share that trophy too. Edited February 3, 2019 by Lellend 9 Link to comment
toodles February 3, 2019 Share February 3, 2019 2 hours ago, millennium said: If Dracula was a crack-addicted ex-con with a penchant for slut-wear, Clint would be Renfield. GOOD ONE!! 1 Link to comment
BittySue February 4, 2019 Share February 4, 2019 On 2/2/2019 at 9:26 PM, Neurochick said: Why all this hate for Meagan and none for dumbass Sarah who might be pregnant again by this idiot? Meagan fat? Oh, okay. Sarah made stupid decisions at an early age. Megan decided as an adult to seek a convicted felon for a relationship. It is much easier to give Sarah some slack based on that alone. 12 Link to comment
lezlers February 4, 2019 Share February 4, 2019 On 2/1/2019 at 7:27 PM, Cammi said: Straight up- if my boyfriend brought an old lover into our home, especially an old lover that he said he was still attracted to and might have feelings for them still, I would be mad as hell. He’d be handed his walking papers. Britney says she never lied to Marcellino. But lying by omission is still lying. That’s like cheating on your spouse, but never telling them and claiming at least you didn’t lie. It’s still lying by omission and it’s a bunch of garbage. Gaslighting, manipulation. Damn Brittany for making me take Marcillino’s side. The show is just too awesome. There’s too much to even go into. I can’t wait to read everyone’s comments. It’s like the gift that keeps on giving. I totally agree. I HATE Marcelino, but he was in the right during that conversation. You can tell Brittnay is used to manipulating people to get what she wants and was getting a bit upset it wasn't working with him. I kept waiting for Lizzie and her bodacious tatas to burst into flames in that church. Matt is like so many of my clients. Rage simmering just under the surface WAITING and BEGGING to be challenged so they can pop off. He'll never get a job and if he's not back in prison yet, he will be shortly. He simply can't exist outside of prison. I hate Megan. I hope she's mortified by this episode. Something tells me she won't be, however. Clint's family really loves Dr. Phil, don't they? I legit LOL'd at that comment. 6 Link to comment
Reality police February 4, 2019 Share February 4, 2019 1 hour ago, lezlers said: I totally agree. I HATE Marcelino, but he was in the right during that conversation. You can tell Brittnay is used to manipulating people to get what she wants and was getting a bit upset it wasn't working with him. I kept waiting for Lizzie and her bodacious tatas to burst into flames in that church. Matt is like so many of my clients. Rage simmering just under the surface WAITING and BEGGING to be challenged so they can pop off. He'll never get a job and if he's not back in prison yet, he will be shortly. He simply can't exist outside of prison. I hate Megan. I hope she's mortified by this episode. Something tells me she won't be, however. Clint's family really loves Dr. Phil, don't they? I legit LOL'd at that comment. Wouldn't it be fun for Clint, mom, dad, and Tracie to be on Dr Phil? Epic! 9 Link to comment
kacesq February 4, 2019 Share February 4, 2019 Greetings! I have stumbled over here from the 90 Day Fiance forum and binged the entire second season yesterday. I'm hooked... My first admittedly extremely shallow comment is I am sick to death of Lizzie's boobs. Put them away. And Matt? Newsflash, a lot of us don't like working. We'd like to "kick back and have fun" but you know...bills, responsibility, functioning ethical sense. I do hope Megan gets some kind of comeuppance, karma, anything that will erase the smug. And all over that loser Michael. Both she and Sarah are making such stupid, stupid choices... 8 Link to comment
Drogo February 4, 2019 Author Share February 4, 2019 I have no sympathy for anyone on this show. Except Pretty Girl and that girl who calls Brittany "Bunkie." 1 4 Link to comment
Empress1 February 4, 2019 Share February 4, 2019 8 minutes ago, kacesq said: And Matt? Newsflash, a lot of us don't like working. We'd like to "kick back and have fun" but you know...bills, responsibility, functioning ethical sense. Matt's insistence that he have a job he likes when he's a self-professed 12-time felon with no skills and a bad temper is mind-boggling. First of all, no job is great all the time - all jobs have some level of bullshit. Second ... I mean, there are millions of people out there with no criminal history, a developed skill set, and who "play well with others" who are doing work they don't particularly like because it keeps a roof overhead and food on the table. What makes Matt special? 12 Link to comment
Neurochick February 4, 2019 Share February 4, 2019 1 hour ago, Empress1 said: Matt's insistence that he have a job he likes when he's a self-professed 12-time felon with no skills and a bad temper is mind-boggling. First of all, no job is great all the time - all jobs have some level of bullshit. Second ... I mean, there are millions of people out there with no criminal history, a developed skill set, and who "play well with others" who are doing work they don't particularly like because it keeps a roof overhead and food on the table. What makes Matt special? This is exactly why Matt will go back to prison. In prison he doesn't have to think about bills or responsibility. He can live like an infant for the rest of his life and the sad thing is, he has NO problem living that way. 15 Link to comment
Spike February 4, 2019 Share February 4, 2019 2 hours ago, kacesq said: Greetings! I have stumbled over here from the 90 Day Fiance forum and binged the entire second season yesterday. I'm hooked... My first admittedly extremely shallow comment is I am sick to death of Lizzie's boobs. Put them away. And Matt? Newsflash, a lot of us don't like working. We'd like to "kick back and have fun" but you know...bills, responsibility, functioning ethical sense. I do hope Megan gets some kind of comeuppance, karma, anything that will erase the smug. And all over that loser Michael. Both she and Sarah are making such stupid, stupid choices... Scott and Lizzie are in the first season a lot too. 1 Link to comment
eatsleep February 4, 2019 Share February 4, 2019 (edited) On 2/2/2019 at 12:19 AM, AZ Curls said: I'm an old fogie in my 40's but "dead ass" is a popular phrase with the youngins today. It means Dead Serious or For Real. I'm 46 and I actually say "dead ass" a lot. It's a common NY phrase. On 2/2/2019 at 9:34 AM, psychoticstate said: I hate to say I'm on Marcelino's side but in this Pacific argument, I'm on his side. Brittany was wrong. I would be pissed if I found out my SO had invited a former lover into our space without telling me - - especially since they were being touchy-feely on camera and Brittany admitted she was still sexually attracted to Amanda. She also saw Amanda during the wedding dress fittings and she didn't tell Marcellino that. I get that he wants to keep her from people that might cause her to get into trouble again but they really need to sit down and talk honestly I was a little confused by this. Marcelino was very much fixated on Amanda being in their "bed." And at no point did Brittany say, "she was no where near our bed!" So is it possible that Brittany and Amanda frollicked around in the bed after the pool but that was edited out? Or was done when cameras weren't there? If production didn't want us to know that Brittany and Amanda had fooled around in the bed, why weren't Marcelino's "bed" comments edited out, too? Bc Amanda visiting Brittany and going for a dip in the pool is an ENTIRELY different thing that Amanda and Brittany fooling around in the hotel bed she shares w/ Marcelino. One is mostly innocent, the other is a real dumb asshole move by Brittany. Why was left so unclear, I wonder. On 2/2/2019 at 3:11 PM, Empress1 said: Caitlin has a car; why doesn't she drive for Lyft or something? If she has a car, why do they take Uber everywhere? Didn't she even take an Uber or car service to pick Matt up from prison? (And cars need to be under 7 yrs old and meet other criteria to qualify so hers might not. Maybe Grub Hub's standards aren't as rigorous.) On 2/2/2019 at 12:42 PM, SevenCostanza said: Matt and Caitlin, did she seriously think he was going to get out of prison and get a good enough job so they could buy a house??? Is she high or just really stupid? The only work Matt is interested in is drinking and scoring drugs. And like everyone else is asking why doesn't Caitlin get a job? Matt seems like the type who wouldn't want her to work bc he thinks male coworkers would be all over her. On 2/2/2019 at 9:19 PM, Scout Finch said: Doesn't Goodwill have bras? Lizzy said that Jazmine got her a bunch of clothes there but she apparently forgot those in addition to what size clothing her mom actually should be wearing. I'm guessing Lizzy and I are close in chest size and there's no way I could or would go without support. Lizzie's strike me as implants (covered in a nice little layer of fat). They seem very firm, erect and round for a woman of her age who has also had a kid. That white dress was little more than a long Kleenex and the girls were like two big round, high melons holding up the straps. On 2/3/2019 at 6:04 AM, Neurochick said: Sarah is stupider than Megan, she actually married this idiot while he was in prison, and she’ll probably have more children with him. Maybe she feels the more children she has with him, the less likely he’ll cheat on her. There was something very distasteful about what Megan said in the first episode. Do you recall she told us in her TH that she would raise Michael's little girl as her own and that she (Megan) did not expect any contact with or interference from the girl's mother? Unless the girl's mother (Sarah) lost her full parental rights in court due to severe abuse or ongoing drug addiction, there is no way Megan would be able to eclipse Sarah from their lives. And suggesting that she would, in fact, do that is entirely delusional or downright evil. That painted her as a total bitch right from jump. Edited February 4, 2019 by eatsleep 12 Link to comment
Empress1 February 4, 2019 Share February 4, 2019 1 minute ago, eatsleep said: If she has a car, why do they take Uber everywhere? (And cars need to be under 7 yrs old and meet other criteria to qualify so hers might not. Maybe Grub Hub's standards aren't as rigorous.) She was driving what looked to be a newer ... I want to say Corolla? when she picked him up at the prison and when she was driving to meet her mother for lunch. I was in a Lyft the other day that was definitely more than 7 years old; a quick Google search tells me that cars driven for Lyft have to be 2003 or newer and Ubers have to be 10 years old or newer, and there are no requirements for Grubhub or Doordash cars that I can tell (you could even do both by bike). If the car I remember her driving (and I could be misremembering) is hers, it seems like she'd be eligible to use it to bring in at least a couple hundred bucks a week. I mean, listen, I have a lot of feelings about the gig economy and most of them are negative, but it's SOMETHING. They have no income, and doesn't being on parole require some cash output? She chastised Matt for sitting in the backyard drinking a beer at 11 AM and she wasn't wrong, but she wasn't doing anything besides watching him drink beer and nagging him to take her on a date. Even leaving aside the whole "need money to live" thing, that seems so boring! You'd think she'd want to get out of her boyfriend's mother's house! 5 Link to comment
Reality police February 4, 2019 Share February 4, 2019 4 hours ago, kacesq said: Greetings! I have stumbled over here from the 90 Day Fiance forum and binged the entire second season yesterday. I'm hooked... My first admittedly extremely shallow comment is I am sick to death of Lizzie's boobs. Put them away. And Matt? Newsflash, a lot of us don't like working. We'd like to "kick back and have fun" but you know...bills, responsibility, functioning ethical sense. I do hope Megan gets some kind of comeuppance, karma, anything that will erase the smug. And all over that loser Michael. Both she and Sarah are making such stupid, stupid choices... Welcome! 7 Link to comment
gunderda February 4, 2019 Share February 4, 2019 Ok i know it was a set up.... and I haven't had too many construction type of interviews (ok none....) but I might also be a little peeved if I was asked to demonstrate a tool that would ruin my clothes without being told ahead of time "hey, wear clothes you might wear to the job... we might put you to work a bit" 2 Link to comment
ElderPrice February 4, 2019 Share February 4, 2019 1 hour ago, gunderda said: Ok i know it was a set up.... and I haven't had too many construction type of interviews (ok none....) but I might also be a little peeved if I was asked to demonstrate a tool that would ruin my clothes without being told ahead of time "hey, wear clothes you might wear to the job... we might put you to work a bit" Agreed. A normal supervisor in a normal situation would say something like “ok, we’ll try you out, show up tomorrow morning ready to work.” This was producer driven, and badly, too. 5 Link to comment
eatsleep February 4, 2019 Share February 4, 2019 1 hour ago, gunderda said: Ok i know it was a set up.... and I haven't had too many construction type of interviews (ok none....) but I might also be a little peeved if I was asked to demonstrate a tool that would ruin my clothes without being told ahead of time "hey, wear clothes you might wear to the job... we might put you to work a bit" Right and if he had shown up to the interview in raggedy, worn clothes then he would have gotten dragged for being unprofessional! lol 2 Link to comment
Spike February 5, 2019 Share February 5, 2019 20 minutes ago, eatsleep said: Right and if he had shown up to the interview in raggedy, worn clothes then he would have gotten dragged for being unprofessional! lol They were raggedy worn clothes. He just didn’t want paint on them. 2 Link to comment
Schmoopy February 5, 2019 Share February 5, 2019 11 hours ago, Empress1 said: Matt's insistence that he have a job he likes when he's a self-professed 12-time felon with no skills and a bad temper is mind-boggling. First of all, no job is great all the time - all jobs have some level of bullshit. Second ... I mean, there are millions of people out there with no criminal history, a developed skill set, and who "play well with others" who are doing work they don't particularly like because it keeps a roof overhead and food on the table. What makes Matt special? Even if this job interview was a set up, I think Matts reaction was very telling. He kept calling the boss a sucker. In Matts mind, anyone who works for a living is, and will always be, a sucker. And gasp, hand on my heart, Oh, this time its real, I'm a-comin' 'Lizabeth! God forbid they work on a Saturday...then they are a super sucker! Mr. Tooth hole has no intentions of ever being a productive member of society. 16 Link to comment
millennium February 5, 2019 Share February 5, 2019 6 hours ago, ElderPrice said: Agreed. A normal supervisor in a normal situation would say something like “ok, we’ll try you out, show up tomorrow morning ready to work.” Not always ... 5 Link to comment
Hannah94 February 5, 2019 Share February 5, 2019 (edited) 2 minutes ago, millennium said: Not always ... LMAO! I love that cheesy movie so much. This is a great reference! Edited February 5, 2019 by Hannah94 2 Link to comment
cooksdelight February 5, 2019 Share February 5, 2019 It was a totally faked setup by production. I kept looking for people in the background, laughing. 3 Link to comment
Hannah94 February 5, 2019 Share February 5, 2019 5 hours ago, cooksdelight said: It was a totally faked setup by production. I kept looking for people in the background, laughing. Especially right after the super believable "dine and dash scene in front of the camera crew" episode. They could let up a little bit on the staging and it would be far more entertaining. It's almost turning into a scripted sitcom. 4 Link to comment
Persnickety1 February 5, 2019 Share February 5, 2019 22 hours ago, Empress1 said: Matt's insistence that he have a job he likes when he's a self-professed 12-time felon with no skills and a bad temper is mind-boggling. First of all, no job is great all the time - all jobs have some level of bullshit. Second ... I mean, there are millions of people out there with no criminal history, a developed skill set, and who "play well with others" who are doing work they don't particularly like because it keeps a roof overhead and food on the table. What makes Matt special? He wears that shit like a badge of honor, too, puffing out his chest with a sense of pride about his "accomplishments." The smirk on his face every single time he brings that up makes me want to bitch slap a few more teeth out of his mouth. HEY EINSTEIN, BEING A 12-TIME FELON MEANS YOU WERE CAUGHT 12 TIMES, TOO. Honestly, what an insufferable dumb ass. I think he and the equally annoying and fucked up Caitlin deserve one another. "Matt's always been there for me and always knows what to do to calm me down." (paraphrased from the episode with her restaurant/meeting mom tantrum). Yeah, you idiot, you've known him an entire FIVE MONTHS, but he just always is there for you and knows how to calm you down. Your vagina is what needs to calm down, dear. Fucking in the woods with wild abandonment while a camera crew films (and sans protection...ewww) does not a soulmate make. She's got the entire Samsonite set plus carry on pieces of emotional baggage and her desperate ass will white knuckle it to hang onto this loser until the bitter end. There are a lot of idiots in this show, but to me these two are the most odious. Ugh. 12 Link to comment
Jennifersdc February 5, 2019 Share February 5, 2019 4 hours ago, Hannah94 said: Especially right after the super believable "dine and dash scene in front of the camera crew" episode. They could let up a little bit on the staging and it would be far more entertaining. It's almost turning into a scripted sitcom. But it’s a great one! Without the super annoying laugh track...I can’t watch most sitcoms myself because of those. They make me want to throw something at the TV. 2 1 Link to comment
CousinOliver February 5, 2019 Share February 5, 2019 Personally, I think the interviewer telling Matt that priming the equipment would mess up his shoes and clothes is rather considerate. Matt could have responded with “do you have some coveralls?” or “can I come back with work clothes on?” rather than the way he did. If the business owner wasn’t willing to get him a couple of grocery bags or whatever to cover new shoes, fine, call him out. But, from my POV, Matt was the only jerk in the “interview”. 12 Link to comment
Reality police February 5, 2019 Share February 5, 2019 22 hours ago, Empress1 said: She was driving what looked to be a newer ... I want to say Corolla? when she picked him up at the prison and when she was driving to meet her mother for lunch. I was in a Lyft the other day that was definitely more than 7 years old; a quick Google search tells me that cars driven for Lyft have to be 2003 or newer and Ubers have to be 10 years old or newer, and there are no requirements for Grubhub or Doordash cars that I can tell (you could even do both by bike). If the car I remember her driving (and I could be misremembering) is hers, it seems like she'd be eligible to use it to bring in at least a couple hundred bucks a week. I mean, listen, I have a lot of feelings about the gig economy and most of them are negative, but it's SOMETHING. They have no income, and doesn't being on parole require some cash output? She chastised Matt for sitting in the backyard drinking a beer at 11 AM and she wasn't wrong, but she wasn't doing anything besides watching him drink beer and nagging him to take her on a date. Even leaving aside the whole "need money to live" thing, that seems so boring! You'd think she'd want to get out of her boyfriend's mother's house! Speaking of money, I noticed they both smoke like fiends, who is buying the smokes? I hope his mother isn't. 3 Link to comment
Persnickety1 February 5, 2019 Share February 5, 2019 1 hour ago, CousinOliver said: Personally, I think the interviewer telling Matt that priming the equipment would mess up his shoes and clothes is rather considerate. Matt could have responded with “do you have some coveralls?” or “can I come back with work clothes on?” rather than the way he did. If the business owner wasn’t willing to get him a couple of grocery bags or whatever to cover new shoes, fine, call him out. But, from my POV, Matt was the only jerk in the “interview”. It looked like he was wearing a brand new pair of sneakers, too, from the way the cameras zeroed in on them. Love the way he lied about knowing how to prime the pump but then futilely tried to backpedal when the dude asked him to actually do it. So many better ways he could have handled the entire situation but in the end, I think the interview ended just as he wanted it to end. Without a job offer. 8 Link to comment
Marsupial February 5, 2019 Share February 5, 2019 Quote my other favorite moment of the night was when the potential boss said, So, you’re vouching for this guy? And the friend was visibly panicked about tarnishing his good reputation by vouching for Matt and instead nervously mumbled something like, um, he needs a job—and then scurried off stage right. I loved that too. LOL what a recommendation. That whole thing was stupid. Matt would be LUCKY to get a construction job with his record, but he is simply not employable. Caitlyn: All that time you spend whining at Matt about his job interviews, why don't you go on some yourself? Scott: If you have to ask your trampy sleazebag's daughter if she thinks you're just a trick, guess what? You're a trick. Sarah: Michael leaving you forever would NOT be a nightmare. If that happens, you should thank the woman who took out your trash for you. The biggest problem with EVERYONE on this show is lack of paid work. Seriously, they all need something to keep themselves occupied and bringing in some cash. That's why the only sensible people on this show have job: Clint's family, Clint's ex, Matt's mom. Of course, then they wouldn't have time to engage in all the enjoyable stupidity that we all love to watch. Quote Wouldn't it be fun for Clint, mom, dad, and Tracie to be on Dr Phil? Holding up my hand as Dr. Phil's number one fan here. I would watch that in a hot minute, but Clint's ex has to be on it. 5 Link to comment
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