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S10.E01: Meri, On Her Own...

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I think the other wives should thank Meri for their story lines for the last couple of seasons. Their spawn may have had story lines with weddings, medical problems, and a cringe worthy birth,  but the wives themselves? Nada. That trend appears to be continuing this season. Mind you we are over a year behind since this was filmed in October of 2017. Maybe one of the wives will come up with something resembling a life, but I am not holding my breath. Not that the cat fishing and B&B is scintillating TV, but it is more than the others have provided. At this point they need Meri as far as the show goes, more than Meri needs them. 

  • Love 15

Meri saying “I won’t be participating in any more fambly functions...” when denied her suitcase full of cash was a threat to not film with them anymore. It was subtle, but a threat nonetheless. I bet they are a package deal and were renewed TOGETHER. 

And I TOTALLY believe they ALL know every single little thing about the catfish scandal. We just watch this shitshow on tv and we all know all about it.... imagine actually BEING on the show??? They read every single thing written about them. They probably all have google alerts on each other. And if one overslept and missed the hot catfish news breaking that day, you better believe a producer was on the horn PRONTO to alert the HBIC—AKA Robyn, of every detail. They need this kind of highjinx to keep the circus from taking down the tents and leaving TLC. 

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26 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

So this whole CF thingy - didn't she wind up going to Disney or something with Sam's bestie ( aka JO ) and they would hang out because Sam wanted them to ? 




I believe that was the trip she took Mariah along.  The plan was that Meri would just "happen" to bump into Sam and Meri would pass him off to Mariah as a friend.  The purpose was to see how Mariah and Sam would interact because at that time, Meri believed that Sam would become Mariah's step-father.

Darn, wouldn't you know it, Sam had a pressing business engagement and sent JO aka Lindsay to take his place.  

Edited by Sandy W
  • Love 15

Watching now, catching up.  Interesting that Christie, the new catfished friend, said that people who catfish prey on the "loneliness" of their targets.  YES!  I hope Kody caught that because it is the root cause of all of Meri's unhappiness.   But also interestingly, the orthopedic surgeon when describing WHY parents turn to quackery said that parents are desperate when their child is diagnosed and are easily manipulated.  Made me think right back to Meri's desperate loneliness and her being easily manipulated.  I'm not a big Meri fan at this point, but I have always understood her state of desperate loneliness.  I believe Meri keeps bringing it up because she wants her sorrow recognized.  You can say she should just leave then, and I agree....but that doesn't negate the depression she's in.  

Her eyebrows though...what is that about?  And her make up makes it look like she has double eyesbrows!!!

by the way, why the hell aren't they getting that child surgery already?  Just do it.  

Edited by Granny58
  • Love 11
5 hours ago, Mr. Minor said:

I watched this for the first time and I have to call bullshit on one thing. Nobody has ever been that enthusiastic and cheerful when a friend has asked if you would help them move.


5 hours ago, Kyanight said:

I think you are 100% correct - but he has a lot of nerve since he expected Meri to divorce him so that Robyn could be the legal wife.  I don't think Meri will ever forgive HIM for THAT.  Hot mess.

I can't help but think that Meri did that in part to make a future escape easier - while presenting it as some noble gesture. 

  • Love 6
5 minutes ago, Gothish520 said:

I can't help but think that Meri did that in part to make a future escape easier - while presenting it as some noble gesture. 

I have often wondered if Meri had been cruising online prior to the catfish situation. She could have had other online dalliances that she thought were going to work out, but didn't. Could have been the reason she was so willing to divorce Kodouche- she knew she could always find someone online. Then the wonderful Sam showed up, she was free and clear (plus pissed that Kody and Robyn were taking this marriage license business too seriously) and off she went. The only reason we knew it was a catfish was because of JO and her need for attention. It may also be the reason Meri doesn't want to discuss the catfish on TV; she has no idea if anyone else is going to come out of the woodwork on her.

Just thinkingk..... 

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Well I just finished watching the finances conversation.  Man, that was frustrating.  My chest was heaving almost as much as Kody's was.  Meri was completely unreasonable and childish.  I don't know how any of them was able to stop themselves from popping her one . And all her wailing about "I don't understand how to do this."  What is so hard to understand?  You don't have surplus cash right now, end of.  I don't know anybody in my tribe that would be that patient with me if I was being so unreasonable and, frankly, acting stupid.  

Edited by Granny58
  • Love 18

Meri saying “I won’t be participating in any more fambly functions...” when denied her suitcase full of cash was a threat to not film with them anymore. It was subtle, but a threat nonetheless. I bet they are a package deal and were renewed TOGETHER. 



I doubt very much they ALL get together except for filming, so I believe you are absolutely correct!

Although social media doesn’t provide total insight, there haven’t been any pictures of Meri with the family, except Solomon, and weddings, in a very long time.

Edited by ginger90
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3 hours ago, deirdra said:

Exactly.  Her business loan plan should have outlined how much profit she would make (based on previous owner's data), how much she needed to put in the BnB for maintenance, upkeep, the cook, renovating the Caretaker's cottage etc., and if what remained was not zero or less, that is what she would pay back.  How long would that take?  It is unimaginable that it would be a "short term" loan as she claimed.  Did she really think she could make a profit (after inventory costs and taxes) of $40,000 by selling LulaCrap in 10 days?

How did she get a business loan without a viable written business plan?

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Meri actually said at one point that she didn't have the money from her "clothes business" for a full 40% (?) down payment and that she had maybe about 10% or10K saved from that.  And really, that probably puts her at the top of the heap for LulaNo sellers. 

For a show where nothing ever really happens, it's amazing I have such a roller coaster reaction to watching. All this catfish bullshit and now the B&B stuff has made me take KODY's side so much more than I actually want to. But then I think well, it's his fault in the first place for expecting fidelity when the very situation means he doesn't have to be loyal. It's such a screwed up dynamic from the start. ::Shakes head:: The conversation with Christie was ridiculous--very clearly implying Kody should have been more supportive of Meri getting catfished when she was basically out there indulging in an emotional affair. But then at the end, his revelation that "this is all about Meri" when they were talking about the business and money/loans--what a revelation it must have been to him since he expects it always to be all about him. 

There was a quick snippet of Mariah in a promo saying she thought Meri brought Christie down so that she can get Mariah to see she's a blameless victim in all this and Mariah does not agree--that was my favorite part and I'm not sure it even made it into the episode. It is bizarre how they dance around the fact that Meri wanted to cheat on Kody (sorta...they were divorced!) and then they can be very honest like Kody saying (I think last season--in the countdown episode) that he and Meri are "basically like divorced people who live near each other." Uh, no basically about it. That's what you are!

Watching this and watching Seeking Sister Wives, where one of the wives (a first wife like Meri) actually left (though they're not following that family this season because of it) and some new families where you can already see the first wives are resentful as the husbands add on wives like they're last-minute items at the checkout counter, you just wonder how these non-handsome (mostly) men manage to convince so many women (some not even raised in polygamy) that this is how it should be.  Ladies, love yourselves more. 

(Also--oh boy Aspyn, watch out. That boy already considering polygamy...)

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On 1/20/2019 at 10:34 PM, Madding crowd said:

It bothers me that Kody and Christine are scaring Ysabel with the “threat” of surgery if she doesn’t do her exercises right, wear that heavy contraption etc. It is clearly causing her anxiety. Instead they could tell her not to worry about it now and if she needs surgery in the future it will be safe and they will be there to support her. 

Yes, they are handling this completely inappropriately.  Hail, Dr. Camp!

It pains me that Ysabel has no social life anymore because she is doing those fake ass exercises.  Do they have real health insurance?  

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, xwordfanatik said:

Did I read a while back on this forum that the regular "re-capper" poster wasn't going to be able to do that, this season? 

If you mean me then yes, you did, though no one has ever accused me of being regular before.   XD

This week I potentially could recap, but not until Thursday, so if @Sasha888 or anyone else wants to jump into the breach, go for it!

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@LilWharveyGal, how about I be your substitute recapper? I don't want to "take your job" as you are very good at it and everyone enjoys your recaps. But maybe I can jump in as needed when you are too busy. You can just let me know whenever you need me! I'm glad you guys enjoyed my post BTW, thanks! 

Frankly, I was a little embarrassed about how long my post got, but I wanted to show how Meri's exact words contradicted themselves...how she changed and twisted what she'd said earlier when things didn't go her way! 

  • Love 12
8 hours ago, Sandy W said:

I am sure that at least Robyn had seen the photos and read the text messages, remember the alliance of Robyn to Kendra and Kendra to the Catfish.  If Robyn had seen them, for sure she would have shown them to Kody, if not the rest of the family.  If Janelle had been exposed to them, it would have required too much energy to connect the dots, so she would have just shrugged.  Christine in her naivete would have responded...SO...what does eating a banana have to do with s-e-x?

There was so much internet chatter about this at that time, that I am also sure that the older kids would have heard about it and found their way to Batman's website to read all about it for themselves.  It would only be human nature for them to be curious about what was being said about a member of their family.

As long as Kody denies having seen the incriminating evidence, he doesn't have to confront the facts, but it will always be a festering wound to his ego and he will never forgive Meri for this.  Meri will never be able to explain away that she continued on with her romance to protect the family, rather than come to them and confess that she had engaged in an online dalliance that got out of hand......BECAUSE.......that's exactly what she wanted.  She waited until she was secure in her own mind that this wealthy, handsome phantom would sweep her away to a life of luxury and romance that she feels she has forever been entitled to.

I agree. And I especially like your description of Christine, ha ha ha!

I don't believe for one minute that the other wives weren't online looking at the pictures and listening to the voicemails and laughing their asses off. Due to the way Meri treated them in the past, there's no way they didn't enjoy that. I'm surprised one of the voicemails isn't the ring tone on Janelle's phone! 

I don't like Mariah at all, but I loved the preview clip showing that on an upcoming episode, Meri is wanting Mariah to talk to Kristie and Mariah says something to the effect of her mother wants to her see that she was just a totally innocent victim and is completely blameless in all this, and Mariah just isn't buying it.

For once I agree with Mariah the Queen Brat. No matter what the circumstances, Meri needs to stop trying to paint herself as COMPLETELY blameless. Whether we understand their lifestyle or not, they all agree that their spiritual marriages are real, and that Meri's legal divorce, to them, did not mean she was no longer Kody's wife. They always call it Meri's "LEGAL" divorce. They never use the word "divorce" on its own. Just like the way they say "LEGAL" marriage, and downplay its importance. For them, to do so would render Janelle's and Christine's marriages to Kody totally invalid. Imagine trying to suddenly view your 25 + yr marriage as totally invalid...even Robyn would have to view her first wedding, Solomon's birth, etc as all being BEFORE she was even married to Kody. They are a bit jealous of whoever has that legal marriage, I believe, but they still really value their spiritual marriages.

So none of the wives, or Kody, is going to give Meri a pass on this Sam thing because she was "technically divorced". They can't. It's not in their mindset.

But the way they all pretend to not know much about the catfish thing is ridiculous. It was all over the internet. The wives were listening to every bit of it and licking their chops at the idea of how humiliating this was going to be for Meri. 

What I don't get is why everyone still walks on eggshells around her. She's obviously been a huge bitch to everyone for years, why do they keep putting up with it? I think in years past, it's possible that Kody showed a lot of favoritism towards Meri, and Christine and Janelle knew they couldn't out and out tell her "You're a bitch, stay away from me and my kids. Who cares if you don't come to family functions, you hag." But I can't imagine why they aren't doing that now. I think without the cameras, they may actually be doing just that.

But the way they tiptoe around everything when the cameras are rolling is just irritating as hell. Just put the bitch in her place!

  • Love 15
On 1/20/2019 at 8:35 PM, 80sBaby said:

Meri is nauseating. I don't know how they deal with her. She is one of the most selfish, entitled people I've ever seen!!!  

"I need $40,000 but you guys have no say, shouldn't want any information, and once I have the money you can all f#$k off...this is mine!!"

Is this real???  My goodness she's horrible and I would have laughed in her face or exploded on her.

I agree. Business plan? Duh. Nope. She also seems unclear on whether it’s going to be run as a business B&B or not. Apparently when any of them make money it goes into a big family acct., I think Robin alluded to that, yet Meri saved (earned) $40,000 and it’s all hers. Plus she wants $40,000 more from the family! Then we have to hear how she was victimized by catfishing yet again, but it would have never happened if she hadn’t been trolling for an outside relationship. Honestly, she is the worst!! And yes Kody looks like a goof. Just give up on the hair already, you’ll never be as cool as you think you are in your mind. 

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3 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

Meri saying “I won’t be participating in any more fambly functions...” when denied her suitcase full of cash was a threat to not film with them anymore. It was subtle, but a threat nonetheless. I bet they are a package deal and were renewed TOGETHER. 


4 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

Not that the cat fishing and B&B is scintillating TV, but it is more than the others have provided. At this point they need Meri as far as the show goes, more than Meri needs them. 

I hadn't thought of it this way before, but you guys are right. Meri and her bullshit, and her drama queen, OTT antics, probably does keep people watching. Some of us are definitely hate watching Meri, but she also has a legion of idiot, boot licking sycophants that love her and think she's treated unfairly and keep encouraging her to leave her "mean family" that doesn't appreciate her.

Everything else is a lot of fluff. Kids growing up, learning to drive, graduating HS, getting married, blah blah blah...there's so many of them that it's old news. We've watched so many graduations and weddings that it's kind of like "who cares" anymore.

Re-re-re-re-re-re-hashing the catfish is not that interesting to me, but I have to admit, watching Meri's unbelievable selfishness IS interesting, in a very bad way. A way that makes me hate her and be embarrassed I watch this drivel, but I keep watching it nonetheless. 

Here's something I don't get though...why couldn't the show film Meri taking off and making her own life? And how it's affecting the rest of the family that she's leaving behind? Her ass kissing fans would LOVE it! They are always on her social media encouraging her to leave. Hell, even those of us who don't like her would like to see her leave the family. So I don't get why they don't go this route. I'd certainly watch it. Not because I adore Meri, but because I think it would be a lot more REAL and HONEST. She's sick and tired of them, and they are all DEFINITELY sick and tired of her.

I'd like to watch a show where Janelle and Christine, for instance, talk about how much nicer it is in the family without Meri's negative presence. They could still follow all 4 wives, but Meri's segments would be about her moving on to a new life. And everybody else could get real about how nice it is to have Meri GONE!

Instead they feed us this crapola about them all being one big happy family. Give me a break. Janelle's buddy-buddy, "I'm so happy for you!" routine was nauseating. Phony as HELL. I'd love to see them all honestly talk about how they are sick of trying to make it work with Meri, because all she does it take take take.

Meri is the "out" wife. If she left, it would upset the balance and I bet someone else would become the "out" wife. Right now Kody and the 3 wives are in a tight alliance, their common enemy is Meri, and they're all sick of it. Without the Meri drama, I bet some other drama would pop up.

And Kody would have an excuse to court another victim wife, and I think that jackass would be totally up for it. I'd like to see that just for the fact that it would bug the SHIT out of Robyn! 

At least it would be better than the bullshit they are currently feeding us. That Meri loves the family and they all love her and just want to make it work. BULL. SHIT. At the very beginning of the show, Meri mentions that she was in some state (I forget where) over the summer and that's how she met Kristie, or whatever...my thought during that scene was, why does she have to tell the rest of them where she was a month or two ago? Because they have NO CONTACT with her unless the cameras are rolling. And they are not covering that up very well. There are slips like this all the time - Meri doesn't know what the family is doing, they don't know what Meri's up to - come on TLC, how stupid do you think we are. We can see that Meri has no time for them, and they have no time for Meri.

Film something honest for a change.

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On ‎1‎/‎21‎/‎2019 at 9:06 AM, Sandy W said:

Meri may have refinanced the house after she purchased, she is probably doing well enough now (for now) to qualify for a higher mortgage on her own.

I haven't seen "pitchers" of the interior of the house since she bought, but the kitchen was pretty outdated and the wallpaper screamed 1980's.  She may also have converted that shed in the yard to something livable so she would have her own little nest when visiting, without occupying a room that could be rented out in the main house.  It wouldn't take long to whistle through that additional $300,000 if she did those improvements, plus any mechanical features such as plumbing, heating etc. that may have needed updating.

She has sunk so much into this project, I hope she never intends to sell, the location is the pits.


Maddie and Caleb may have qualified for Section 8 housing, there was something last year about him having to quit work due to health issues.  They also keep making noises about returning to school, but so far that's all it is.  Noise.

Section 8 housing doesn't put a family of three up in a 2,000+ square foot house. 

  • Love 8
9 hours ago, aulait said:

I had back surgery at 11 for scoliosis. I had 40, 72, and 50 degree curvatures. They progressed very quickly. I was diagnosed at 10 with much less severe curvature, given a brace that I wore 23 hrs a day, my Mom tried many different alternative therapies quickly... including one where I hung upside down! Luckily she had enough sense to listen to the doctors and see what was plain in front of her. It was getting worse. I could not sit or stand for long periods. Constant back pain. My final X-ray the day of surgery showed my largest curve had degraded 5 degrees in a week. My lungs and internal organs were being affected. 

Sugery is no joke. It was 8hrs long and they fused the vertebrae at the base of my neck and stainless steel rods bolted on either side of my spine. I have a long thick scar from the base of my neck to mid back. I also have a scar on the back of my hip from where they took bone for my fusion. I was walking the next day but had to stay in the hospital for about 5 days. Recovery wasn’t too bad. I wore a post surgical brace for 6 months. After that, nothing. I have never had any issues at all. I had three epidural births and one natural birth. My lower back only hurts when I’m pregnant or on my period. One of my shoulder blades sticks out more, and I have a slightly sloped shoulder. The scars too. But seriously NO ONE notices my little physical defects and they can’t believe the scoliosis was so bad and I look so normal now.

I would be dead had I not had surgery, not to mention the crippling disability before death. My surgery was 29 years ago, I can only imagine the improvements since. Poor Ysabel needs to get surgery and move on with her life. It’s not that bad. It’s scary, like any major surgery, but the alternative is worse! And grow up parents. My Mom was scared but she was the adult and was strong for me. 

Thank you so much for telling your story, Aulait. It sounds like a harrowing process. I'm glad you had a great result and a fairly normal life after. I wish the Browns would read stories like this. They are just so irresponsible.

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4 hours ago, giaNtsandYankees said:

A random note. Did anyone else notice at the "Family PowWow" a photo of Maleficent and suddenly her horns perfectly and strategically behind Robin's head?


Yep, I noticed that too - and even better, in Meri's living room during the first meeting where she demanded the loan, she was sitting under a sign that read "If you can control your family, you're doing something wrong" (something like that) - most of the time, she was framed with the words "something wrong" or even just "wrong." That framing cannot have been an accident!

  • Love 4

So I have a couple of theories.

1. I think it’s possible that, when they divorced, Meri took Kody off the title to their house and his name was put on Robyn’s house. Otherwise, why would Kody mention taking the equity out of Meri’s, not our, house? Part of the deal may have also been that Meri gets to keep all of her LuLu money. 

2. I think the others wouldn’t give Meri the money for the B&B because they know she is looking for a way out of the family, I.e., chasing the catfisher. They know that, if they give her the money, she puts it all into a house in her name only, and can walk away for good because she no longer has a tie to them since she has divorced Kody. 

3. So someone posted that the four LV homes have interest based only loans or something to that effect. I am not sure what that means but it’s possible that they are moving because they coming upon the time to pay a balloon payment or maybe the mortgage payments are suddenly going to be higher because they will have to start paying towards the principal. Maybe they are trying to sell the houses or get out while they can still purchase property somewhere else.

Edited by MakingBacon
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12 hours ago, Kyanight said:

I don't think they ever once mentioned Madison.  No, the majority of the two hours dealt with how Meri was going to squeeze the down payment money out of the rest of the family, and the rest was on the catfishing incident.

I don't mean this episode, I am talking about the other episode that aired that was called 'Countdown to the new Season", it was on from 6pm-8pm Eastern time on Sunday. Did anybody else watch it?

  • Love 1
24 minutes ago, Armchair Critic said:

I don't mean this episode, I am talking about the other episode that aired that was called 'Countdown to the new Season", it was on from 6pm-8pm Eastern time on Sunday. Did anybody else watch it?

I watched the Countdown too as well as Seeking SW.  After 5 hours straight of polygamy pathos, I have serious overload issues, can't keep it all straight.

Edited by Sandy W
  • Love 3
2 hours ago, MakingBacon said:

I think the others wouldn’t give Meri the money for the B&B because they know she is looking for a way out of the family, I.e., chasing the catfisher. They know that, if they give her the money, she puts it all into a house in her name only, and can walk away for good because she no longer has a tie to them since she has divorced Kody. 

I'd be leery of that if I were them. When TLC cancels this show, Meri's going to be gone so fast she'll leave scorch marks on the floor.

  • Love 10
14 hours ago, GleamingMist said:

Robyn is out of fucks to give when it comes to Meri and I am LOVIN' IT.

Loved how she kept shoveling bread into her mouth while Christie was talking about her catfish experience.  Robyn couldn't even be bothered to look up and stop chewing for half a second.  I don't think I've ever seen her eat so much (poor Robyn with her "sensitive tummy" and she doesn't want to be so skinny, you guys..........).


14 hours ago, MainSt said:

I agree. Business plan? Duh. Nope. She also seems unclear on whether it’s going to be run as a business B&B or not. Apparently when any of them make money it goes into a big family acct., I think Robin alluded to that, yet Meri saved (earned) $40,000 and it’s all hers. Plus she wants $40,000 more from the family! Then we have to hear how she was victimized by catfishing yet again, but it would have never happened if she hadn’t been trolling for an outside relationship. Honestly, she is the worst!! And yes Kody looks like a goof. Just give up on the hair already, you’ll never be as cool as you think you are in your mind. 

This is where I would lose my crap if I were Janelle, Christine or Robyn.  Why should Meri not have to add to the fam'ly account with her earnings?  Just because Snowflake is grown and out of the nest, Meri married a man who has another 8 or so kids to put through college, not to mention Ysabel's surgeries.  Those are supposedly Meri's beloved "bonus" kids.  Not that I am suggesting Kody wrestle Meri's paycheck away from her like a caveman, but if she's not contributing, it's because Kody has allowed Meri to be selfish towards the rest of his family.  We all see how she simpers and whines in Kody's presence, so it boggles the mind why Meri's money is all for Meri, why Kody isn't asking her to contribute, and why the other three wives aren't burning Kody in effigy for being such a wuss.


14 hours ago, Sasha888 said:

Instead they feed us this crapola about them all being one big happy family. Give me a break. Janelle's buddy-buddy, "I'm so happy for you!" routine was nauseating. Phony as HELL. I'd love to see them all honestly talk about how they are sick of trying to make it work with Meri, because all she does it take take take.

Meri is the "out" wife. If she left, it would upset the balance and I bet someone else would become the "out" wife. Right now Kody and the 3 wives are in a tight alliance, their common enemy is Meri, and they're all sick of it. Without the Meri drama, I bet some other drama would pop up.

Great post - the bolded stood out for me because Janelle's happy act was downright hilarious, and I'm trying to figure out just why she did that.  They are already so fake and super self-aware from the cameras, so Janelle trying on Christine's personality in that moment was bizarre...unless, as someone suggested, Janelle was just thrilled that Meri getting a loan meant that she was one step closer to Parowan and then Janelle wouldn't have to dill with her as much.

As for the alliance - so much this.  It's like middle school meets Lord of the Flies.  There will always be an ebb and flow of which wives are besties.  Remember when Christine could barely stand to be on the same couch as Robyn?  But then she quickly realized that she was making an enemy out of her "husband's" fave new toy, so she embroidered some whackjob apology artwork and suddenly, Christine and Robyn were the very bestest giggle friends.  It must be emotionally draining to have to play this game every single day.  I know I am exhausted having to watch it.

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 9
11 hours ago, MakingBacon said:

1. I think it’s possible that, when they divorced, Meri took Kody off the title to their house and his name was put on Robyn’s house. Otherwise, why would Kody mention taking the equity out of Meri’s, not our, house? Part of the deal may have also been that Meri gets to keep all of her LuLu money. 

Just for fun I looked them up on Zillow~according to the public records attached to the houses, Kody’s name is on the deed with Meri for her house and also on the deed with Robyn for Robyn’s house.  Christine’s and Janelle’s are in their names only.

Aaaaaand, they are all available for purchase!!!  Janelle and Meri have theirs listed for $599,900, Christine’s is $614,900 and Robyn’s is $619,900.

  • Love 8
2 minutes ago, kicotan said:

Just for fun I looked them up on Zillow~according to the public records attached to the houses, Kody’s name is on the deed with Meri for her house and also on the deed with Robyn for Robyn’s house.  Christine’s and Janelle’s are in their names only.

Aaaaaand, they are all available for purchase!!!  Janelle and Meri have theirs listed for $599,900, Christine’s is $614,900 and Robyn’s is $619,900.

I don't quite remember the timeline, but I wonder if Kody was still legally married to Meri when they bought these houses?  Although I don't know why he would then be on Robyn's, as well.  And not on Christine or Janelle's.   If they want to get them sold fairly quickly, they should ask for less.  If I recall correctly, they could ask for less and still be above the price THEY paid for those houses.

Edited by Kyanight
  • Love 4
22 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

I don't quite remember the timeline, but I wonder if Kody was still legally married to Meri when they bought these houses?  Although I don't know why he would then be on Robyn's, as well.  And not on Christine or Janelle's.   If they want to get them sold fairly quickly, they should ask for less.  If I recall correctly, they could ask for less and still be above the price THEY paid for those houses.

Kody and Meri were still legally married when they moved into LV houses I believe.  If Robyn and Meri hadn't included him on the title, poor Kody would have been homeless if they all decided to leave him at once, I don't know how Christine and Janelle outsmarted him on that one.    I wonder if plans for the legal divorce were brewing when they took possession and Robyn put his name on her title as an added inducement.

I do recall when Meri, Robyn and Kody were in the lawyer's office to wrap up the details of the legal divorce, the subject of Kody being on Meri's title came up, and Kody brushed off the concern by saying "we'll look after that in a will".  

  • Love 8

“...Kody, who announced back in July that he and his super-sized family were packing up and leaving Las Vegas, recently spent $820,000 on property for his family’s new Arizona homes. According to the Browns’ Twitter postings, the family made the move in early August. 

The clerk of Coconino County, Arizona, confirmed to Radar Online that Kody, 49, purchased a plot of vacant land in Flagstaff. The land has split into four parcels (presumably one for each of his wives.)

Kody’s third wife Christine appears to have made out the best in the deal. Her parcel reportedly measures 5.16 acres and cost the Browns $300,000. For some reason, Christine’s plot is considerably larger and more expensive than the parcels belonging to Kody’s other three wives, Janelle, Meri and Robyn.

According to records, Janelle and Robyn were each given a parcel of land measuring 2.42 acres. (Each parcel cost $170,000.) Meri’s land is 4.48 acres and cost $180,00. Kody is listed on each of the parcels with each wife. (Interestingly, Robyn—who is now Kody’s only legal wife—is also listed on Christine’s super-sized parcel, along with Kody.)...” ~ from a Radar Online article

Looks like the new houses will be structured a bit differently (as far as who “owns” what) than the Las Vegas homes.

Edited by kicotan
Comment added
  • Love 9
4 minutes ago, kicotan said:

Wow...did ya’ll know Christine is selling the LuLaCrap, too?  I don’t usually check out their social media but there she is on Instagram extolling the virtues of her inventory.


I would assume that in a few years women will look at pictures of themselves and think - "OMG, did I really WEAR that stuff back then?"  and be embarrassed.

  • Love 7
3 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

I would assume that in a few years women will look at pictures of themselves and think - "OMG, did I really WEAR that stuff back then?"  and be embarrassed.

Let's hope they develop self awareness sooner than that!  Of course, with those shyster owners heading for where ever their offshore accounts are hidden there won't be anything left (thank heavens) pretty soon. Just LuLaNo old rags floating around at deep discounts while the sheeple who got sucked in are stuck with piles of that crap.

  • Love 6
20 minutes ago, kicotan said:

Wow...did ya’ll know Christine is selling the LuLaCrap, too?  I don’t usually check out their social media but there she is on Instagram extolling the virtues of her inventory.


Not only Christine, but Maddie, Mykelti and Audge (Mariah's gf) are flogging it too.  I can't imagine who the younger women are selling it to, no 20 something young woman I know would be caught dead in those garments.  For that matter, I don't know anyone who would wear these flimsy, poorly made and overpriced clothes, there is far better value in clothing at Wal-mart. 

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Quickbeam said:

I can't believe I forgot to add this....when they were moving the mattresses and the boys were in the stairs saying: "Pivot! Pivot!" like the Friends episode with Ross.....I laughed really hard. Also, it was affirming that these kids grew up with semi normal access to pop culture. 

I caught that too and chuckled.  Isn't it amazing how Friends humor has stuck around all this time?

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, kicotan said:

“...Kody, who announced back in July that he and his super-sized family were packing up and leaving Las Vegas, recently spent $820,000 on property for his family’s new Arizona homes. According to the Browns’ Twitter postings, the family made the move in early August. 

The clerk of Coconino County, Arizona, confirmed to Radar Online that Kody, 49, purchased a plot of vacant land in Flagstaff. The land has split into four parcels (presumably one for each of his wives.)

Kody’s third wife Christine appears to have made out the best in the deal. Her parcel reportedly measures 5.16 acres and cost the Browns $300,000. For some reason, Christine’s plot is considerably larger and more expensive than the parcels belonging to Kody’s other three wives, Janelle, Meri and Robyn.

According to records, Janelle and Robyn were each given a parcel of land measuring 2.42 acres. (Each parcel cost $170,000.) Meri’s land is 4.48 acres and cost $180,00. Kody is listed on each of the parcels with each wife. (Interestingly, Robyn—who is now Kody’s only legal wife—is also listed on Christine’s super-sized parcel, along with Kody.)...” ~ from a Radar Online article

Looks like the new houses will be structured a bit differently (as far as who “owns” what) than the Las Vegas homes.

In addition to the plots of land, Christine also bought the house she is living in in Flagstaff for $520,000 back in September of 2018.  That house is titled to Kody and Christine, and Robyn had to grant her rights in the property over to Kody, I think because she is his legal wife and therefor would have a claim to his share.  

  • Love 7

Ok i need to know how much money the family gave for Sister Wives Closet and how much they gave Janelle for Strive because that might be why Meri is so offended they 'don't' have the money. Because she's thinking Robin and Janelle got money, so why can't she?? Now if Janelle got $40k for strive then that's fucking ridiculous. And I'm sure the money to Robin and Janelle probably didnt combine $40k so Meri is probably being ridiculous. 

I'm usually not anti Meri but she has no self awareness. It's so obviously she wasn't included in the money convo because they knew she would react exactly how she did when they finally brought her in. that's why they left you out Meri! And that's why Janelle and Robin were never left out of their financial meetings!

And I'm not sure why when Meri said "well then I'll just do it myself" why they all didn't say "THEN DO IT!"

  • Love 14

JMO, but supposedly in the early years of this "marriage" Meri did not work full-time, only had one kid, and still monopolized Kootie's attention (taking trips with His Celestial Highness, while Janelle worked full-time and had 6 kids, not to mention Christine being the one who spent her days taking care of her own 6 kids, plus Janelle's 6, AND probably Mariah when K & M were acting like newlyweds on carefree outings.)

I'd say Meri is experiencing Karma.  I don't fill a bit sorry for her.

  • Love 18

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