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S15.E09: Shelter From the Storm

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The windstorm continues to blow through Seattle; and after the power goes out at Grey Sloan, the doctors are left scrambling to save their patients' lives, including Meredith who desperately needs to get to Cece for her heart transplant. Meanwhile, Owen, Amelia and Teddy confront their complicated situation.


Canadian air date: 1/16/19
U.S. air date: 1/17/19

I think a bit too much time has passed since the finale because I remembered almost none of the patients, besides Matchmaker Cece. 

Intern Amy Schumer? Shut the hell up. Jesus Christ. I didn't like her before, but she really pissed me off here. Nah, I don't give a shit about her panic attacks. I wish I did, but....actually, nah, I just wish she wasn't around. 

Glasses and HOAG were decent, I guess. They didn't get many scenes and I tuned some of their dialogue out so they were tolerable that way.

Yes, show, I get it. I'm supposed to be IN LURVE with DeLuca and Meredith...despite the fact that the guy was totally in love with So You Think You Can Dance who went to go fall in love with aliens on Roswell New Mexico. At least they're portraying it from Meredith's side as her just looking to have fun. If this is just a fling for her, with her teasing both DeLuca and Linc, then I could get behind the bizarre love triangle. 

No comment on the mess that is Owen's love life. Ditto to his family life. 

Nice to see Alex show up at the hospital and he had a nice scene with Bailey. Woman needs to take a long vacation, it seems. 

I tuned out all things Maggie so I can't tell you what happened with her. I did partially listen to CeCe giving her advice but I tuned out once CeCe asked her something along the lines of when did Jackson make her feel safe...or something. 

  • Love 4

I thought this whole episode was pretty boring.  I'm glad that Alex was okay with Glasses and the Hot Asian getting together (I can't remember either of their names) and that everyone in the Teddy/Owen/Amelia is behaving like an adult. Meredith and De Marco are cute .  But there was nothing compelling in the episode.

I'm also so over Miranda acting like a 3 year old. It's not cute any more, and it's not the strength of the character.

  • Love 14

It's fascinating that Grey's can still come up with new ways to disappoint me after all these years. As an Alex and Jo fan the cards were staked against me in this episode. I knew that going in. Since their story in the MSF was so insignificant, I figured there'd probably be very little of them in this episode.

So I was left with lots of characters I don't care about and a few I do care about who are trapped in a stupid story. I am interested in Meredith's story, but not in this stupid love triangle. This episode capitalized on the DeLuca part of the triangle and that's too bad, because I just can't see them together, least of all in the long run. I could see Meredith with Link - more than with Andrew anyways - but the one person who suits her best IMO is Koracick. And that's too bad, because according to Krista Vernoff he is not an option. I like both, Andrew and Link as individual characters, but I want other and better stories for them.

Generally, think the characters have become much more likable again since KV became showrunner - I pretty much disliked Meredith from s11-13 and Krista made me like her again. But her choices in storytelling make me scratch my head. We have 2 major love triangles which have been dragging on for a while and they're both annoying and it doesn't look like we'll get to move on from either of them soon.

I'm also annoyed with the Levi/Nico story. I have zero interest in them and I see no chemistry, but Krista just said in an interview they are her favourites, so I expect them to be featured even more prominently in the future.

I liked Richard looking after Betty, so I guess that's something. Looks like we've seen the last of her for a while, since she's going to rehab.

I hope interesting stories will start for Alex and Jo soon. What they gave them in the first half wasn't exactly intriguing.

Edited by GSMHvisitor
  • Love 10

I really don't care about the panicking intern, because I never was interested in her yearnings after other people, her whining, and her ridiculous panic attacks endangering patients are not helping her become someone I care about.    I wish they would drop something heavy on her, and I don't care.   I wish Bailey would punch her out.  

So the building guy doesn't want to do anything about stalled elevators, and dying patients until he finds out the trapped patient is the matchmaker CeCe?     

I think this is the first time I liked Linc.   And I knew it would be the panicking intern that made it, and not the building guy.      Linc is still not impressing me as an "Ortho God", and the other guy seems to be picking up all of the slack for him.      Linc certainly doesn't seem to the be the innovative, world-class surgeon he was described to be.   

Poor Cece.     I know she didn't really have much of a chance, but damn.      The crying, panicking intern needs to go away.  

Can the triangles go away already?   Amelia-Teddy-Owen is boring, and Meredith, and the two guys is boring also.  

What the hell is wrong with Jackson's hair and beard?   It looks like a bad dye job.   

Alex Karev, telling people about doing stuff in the hospital?    I wonder if he's published a guide to Grey-Sloan hook up places.     

Please let Betty go to rehab, and never return.  I hope the Ben and Bailey situation goes away too.    

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
  • Love 15

This Cece person must be somehow related to the Pearson family of This Is Us, the way everyone around her bends every possible rule or protocol in order to accomodate her, because she is just So Very Special. Anyway, her storyline had run its course ages ago, so her death didn't do anything for me.

I don't know whether to be glad or disappointed that Amelia didn't have an epic freakout in that elevator. I'm always confused when Amelia of all people ends up acting reasonably. 

Give Bailey a hard reset (including divorcing from Ben) and make start acting like a normal person again or write her out. I know neither of these options is likely to happen, but she's been a complete mess for far too long and it's really dragging the show down. 

Edited by Joana
  • Love 14

I mean, I liked seeing Will Sasso. So there was that. Not seeing him almost get chopped in half in an elevator though.

The rest of the episode was pretty forgettable, especially for throwing me into storylines I forgot about two months ago. I'm still watching, because I feel like after 15 seasons I'm going to watch it until the show dies or I do. But I don't recognize the longtime characters (what happened to strong, confident, capable Bailey?!) and I don't really care about anyone who came in after S10.

  • Love 11

A few things: One my biggest random biggest fears have final  Destination like vibes but I fear getting stuck in an elevator and having to climb out and getting chopped in half. It was on a six feet under episode and it has freaked me out ever since. So I was getting really bad vibes already before the guy got his legs chopped. It’s also how I get when a camera lingers on someone cutting something with a knife on tv I fully anticipate them cutting themsleves.

Aside from that.. I got nothing.

I don’t care who mer chooses or who Owen chooses.

Also why does it seem like constantly this show is constantly leading us up to Bailey having something more serious and then it’s kind of a nothing.

  • Love 11

He might have received a pass for killing one or two, but not when it was four patient deaths, out of seven patients.   

I totally hoped if someone got the elevator chop it would be the panicked intern, not the building guy.  

Or it would be like on L.A. Law where they eliminated a character by her stepping on the elevator, but the elevator wasn't actually on that floor.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
  • Love 8

If Giacomo Gianniotti were to speak Italian to me with that look on his face, I'd jump his bones.  I don't particularly care about DeLuca and Meredith, though, so that smoldering was kind of wasted.  I knew Meredith would eventually reveal that she spoke Italian because between that, Cece's completely expected death, and Will Sasso's stupidly telegraphed elevator accident, this episode was brought to us by Clichés4Less.

I've decided to go into a fugue state whenever HAOG and Glasses appear together; it helps with my hatred of and disbelief at that particular pairing.

Unbelievably, I'm Team Amelia in that awful triangle.  Teddy is acting like a dick, Owen is the insensitive shithead I've always known and loathed (almost kissing Teddy was exactly what I expected of his trifling ass), and Amelia is actually being sort of mature about everything.  The world is tilting on its axis.

  • Love 24

Owen is a moron. He asked Teddy how far along she was, despite the fact that he knows he slept with her only one weekend a few months ago.

I have disliked Amelia from the beginning but the whole Teddy/Owen situation is making her look like the less dickish person of the three. I didn't think any storyline they could ever come up would make Amelia sympathetic, but that's mostly due to the fact that Teddy kept talking to Owen like Amelia wasn't even in the elevator with them and then Owen almost kissed Teddy in plain view of everyone in the OR (does everyone forget that there's a GLASS WINDOW there?). Owen clearly has no respect for Amelia if he's doing that in front of her coworkers.

I knew no good could come of Will Sasso guest starring. I don't mean that as an insult to him as an actor, just that I knew he was too recognizable to escape this episode unscathed. Even though I knew it was all fake because it was a tv show, I still shuddered when the elevator smushed his legs. That is one of my fears!

At this rate, everyone at the hospital will know about Catherine's illness by the time she gets back.

Bailey barking orders at Alex just made me roll my eyes. I don't care what your excuse is - there's no need to yell at someone like that. Way to undermine his authority!

7 hours ago, DEL901 said:

Wasn’t aware Meridith spoke Italian.  

That didn't bother me. Like Meredith, I took three years of Italian as an undergrad, but most people I met after college don't know that because it's not something that comes up in casual conversation.

  • Love 16
2 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

At this rate, everyone at the hospital will know about Catherine's illness by the time she gets back.

Was Maggie Catherine's doctor? It's been so long since that all aired that I don't remember. If she was, that is HIPAA violations out the wahzoo. Even if she was not her doctor, it's just in poor taste to tell her son and now her husband. Clearly if she wanted them to know, SHE would have told them. Then again, with her not answering when they call (how long is it supposed to have been since anyone has heard from her?) might be a valid reason to come forward with the information.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, llewis823 said:

Was Maggie Catherine's doctor? It's been so long since that all aired that I don't remember. If she was, that is HIPAA violations out the wahzoo. Even if she was not her doctor, it's just in poor taste to tell her son and now her husband. Clearly if she wanted them to know, SHE would have told them. Then again, with her not answering when they call (how long is it supposed to have been since anyone has heard from her?) might be a valid reason to come forward with the information.

No, Meredith was, but she told Maggie to "even the score" after Maggie told Meredith about Teddy's pregnancy. But then Maggie blabbed to Jackson about half a minute later so she still sucks in that regard. Literally, Catherine only just found out about her cancer....what, two weeks before this storm stuff started happening? A week before? Let the woman tell people on her own time, gosh! 

10 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

 I totally hoped if someone got the elevator chop it would be the panicked intern, not the building guy.  

I don't know why the show insists on spending time with the most annoying interns (Glasses, Intern Amy Schumer) and ignoring the more interesting ones (Casey Parker....that's about it, although Qadri isn't too bad). At least they were finally smart enough in getting rid of Roy. 

3 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Owen is a moron. He asked Teddy how far along she was, despite the fact that he knows he slept with her only one weekend a few months ago

I guess he really had to make sure she wasn't lying....or something, which does make him an ass. 

  • Love 8

Ugg, this episode made me ragey...mainly for the way Bailey and Hellmouth acted in the elevator. I was literally yelling "shut up and do your job" at the tv.  I don't know if we knew that H had anxiety before this, but it just seems to me that someone prone to panic/anxiety attacks in times of stress may not be the best surgeon.   In other news, I still hate Amelia, esp Amelia with Owen and annoying junkie Betty and her baby.  I'm not sure how I feel about DeLuca and Mer...they did have some chemistry while in the elevator, but as others pointed out, he's not really appropriate and he was supposedly SO in love with the chick that just left a couple months ago.   But I swear, the thing that annoyed me the most was that in the fall finale, they killed off the cute little 20-something girl [the one  who was so worried about her dog and and tried to protect her mom when she called her, claiming she was gonna be fine, made me really teary] so that they could magically come up with organs for Cece and then she died anyway.  Grrr.  I had already grown tired of Cece but I was annoyed at this whole storyline.

1 hour ago, llewis823 said:

Was Maggie Catherine's doctor? It's been so long since that all aired that I don't remember. If she was, that is HIPAA violations out the wahzoo. Even if she was not her doctor, it's just in poor taste to tell her son and now her husband. Clearly if she wanted them to know, SHE would have told them. Then again, with her not answering when they call (how long is it supposed to have been since anyone has heard from her?) might be a valid reason to come forward with the information.

 If I remember correctly, Catherine told Meredith in confidence.  Mer then told Maggie, who then spilled it to Jackson. 

  • Love 6

I only made it halfway.  I can't stand Glasses or Hellmouth and wished she got smushed in the elevator.  SO you're going to get it on in an unstable ambulance? GTFOOH!  I don't really care about Glasses sexual awakening because he is not a good character and is ruining the other ortho god.  Maggie still acts like a 13 year old and is a lawsuit waiting to happen.  

I'm enjoying the old episodes on Lifetime a helluva lot more.

  • Love 10

I enjoyed this episode. DeLuca's pursuit of Meredith is a bit much, but they have fantastic chemistry which seems to get better with each episode. You can tell they genuinely enjoy having scenes together and they have a fun, light chemistry that puts a smile on my face. I like that Meredith isn't taking it too seriously and is just open to the idea of dating - maybe it will result in true love, maybe it will result in some good sex. I like the backstory about DeLuca's father, too. And it was a cute twist that Meredith understood his Italian. 

I'm glad that Bailey's issues are being addressed, and I liked the moment between her and Alex. I get people being annoyed at her shouting at him, but it didn't go unquestioned - Alex let her have it just as good in his office before she had her little breakdown. I imagine it's her OCD

Amelia, Owen, Teddy... well, I'm just glad the secret is out. I'm a bit indifferent to it all but I'm willing to see where the story goes. Betty was a nice short-term addition but I'm also very much okay with her going off to rehab and being out of sight for a while. A kid was never going to be a necessary recurring player. 

Maggie is SO DUMB. My God, telling Jackson wasn't enough - now y'all are gonna tell Richard, too?! Let Catharine make that decision. 

I was sad to see Cece die but she served her purpose and had a good patient arc. 

Edited by BaseOps
  • Love 14
8 hours ago, NUguy514 said:

If Giacomo Gianniotti were to speak Italian to me with that look on his face, I'd jump his bones.  I don't particularly care about DeLuca and Meredith, though, so that smoldering was kind of wasted.  I knew Meredith would eventually reveal that she spoke Italian because between that, Cece's completely expected death, and Will Sasso's stupidly telegraphed elevator accident, this episode was brought to us by Clichés4Less.

I've decided to go into a fugue state whenever HAOG and Glasses appear together; it helps with my hatred of and disbelief at that particular pairing.

Unbelievably, I'm Team Amelia in that awful triangle.  Teddy is acting like a dick, Owen is the insensitive shithead I've always known and loathed (almost kissing Teddy was exactly what I expected of his trifling ass), and Amelia is actually being sort of mature about everything.  The world is tilting on its axis.

I don't care about the coupling, either, but I LOVED the Italian, especially the part about kissing, and he spoke it beautifully. 

Also liked when Richard told Betty that he needed something to do and she did, too.

Totally Team Amelia.

  • Love 10

This had to be Amelia's best episode ever. She was an adult--her telling Owen she wanted to give him time to think through his options was very kind. I'm generally not an Amelia fan but she was good in this episode. They've also set this up so I'm Team Amelia. Just seems very unfair to have a semi-family set up and then pull the rug out from under her that way. I say that even though I've previously thought Owen had a lot better chemistry with Teddy than other people he was with. I liked him with Christina right up until Teddy showed up and then I really felt she fit better with Teddy.

I was disappointed that we had a crisis/disaster yet no annoying characters died. I would have been so happy if Glasses had blown away, something landed on him or Helmuth plummeted in the elevator.

I feel like I should give Grey's credit for not giving Bailey an issue and having it magically go away. Mental-health related stuff in real life often is an ongoing challenge. But it doesn't make for enjoyable tv. It's kind of like how in real life people grieve the death of a close one for months if not years--but on a TV drama no one wants to watch their favorite character walk around in a daze for years. Same here. Find a way to fix Bailey quickly or find a way to make watching someone with OCD/anxiety issues/whatever she has interesting to watch. This is not interesting.

My youngest is a Dr. Who fan--I almost yelled for him to watch the shout out to Dr. who--now that I realize they made an error on the police box/phone box bit--an error that no true Dr. Who fan would make--I'm glad I did not. I would have been subjected to an indignant speech on how that was wrong. He's a passionate fan.

  • Love 9

Hmmmm.....I have really grown to like Amelia which is why I wish Owen would pick Teddy.  Teddy is the only female I can see with Owen (Never bought the romance with Christina) and they seem to compliment each other and she is having his child (which he has been wanting for a very long time).  I love Greg German and I think he would be a good match for Amelia (or Meredith - he is the only guy with enough charisma on this show to be able to handle almost any coupling the writers threw at him).  DeLuca is very handsome but I do not see him with Meredith.  Linc ....... maybe.  Glasses and HOAG.....nope, not buying it.  Maggie and Jackson, no.  I think the only couple I like is Alex and Jo and it is just because I like both of their characters.  I have caught a couple of the early episodes of Grey's on Lifetime recently and it just shows how far down this show has gone.   I will watch out of loyalty until the end but it pales in comparison to the first few seasons.  Count me in on missing Bailey being a bad ass. 

  • Love 7
14 hours ago, chitowngirl said:

The TARDIS is a Police Box, not a Phone Booth!!

I immediately texted my daughter--- Doctor Who reference made it into Grey's Anatomy!

I liked the Meredith and Deluca scenes in the elevator better than the previews. The previews made it seem like they were making out in the elevator but it wasn't that bad. Even kind of cute. I know! Can't believe I'm ok with it. But I am. I knew Mere understood and even speaks Italian! I just knew it! Her facial expressions while Deluca was admitting in Italian the crimes his father committed confirmed my suspicions. Ha! and of course she eventually answers in Italian! Haha!

What is Bailey's issue? I just...can't.

Don't care about Owen and his triangle of crap.

I saw dude getting his legs crushed by elevator a mile away.  Not really liking or interested in the other doc... Link? Nah. 

Cannot stand anything Maggie. And her inability to even attempt patient confidentiality is just.. sad. And yes. Mere should have NEVER confided in her about Katherine. Mere is gonna learn the hard way that Maggie is a child who can't be trusted. At all. Ever. 

  • Love 4

How many times has this hospital lost power and doctors have gotten stuck in the elevators? Seems like it happens at least once every season. You'd think they'd look into that. They have generators, why don't they power the elevators? Why does it take them so long to reboot? Too many life-or-death incidents have taken place now because of this very problem. Get it fixed.

  • Love 16

I felt sorry for Amelia.  But then I thought about it, and this frees her from Owen the Moron, so maybe it's for the best.  I have always loathed Teddy with every fiber of my being; she and Owen deserve each other.

I want the old Bailey back.  This one is a mess, and not in any entertaining way.  She needs help, therapy and maybe some different or additional meds to manage her anxiety.

The break was too long.  I didn't care about any of the cases, except felt bad for the elevator guy.

  • Love 9

Hi Jo! Bye Jo! She was way cute in her 5 second cameo

Anyway,  unpopular opinion but I don't mind glasses and hot ortho doc. I got a kick out of Alex giving them hookup location advice. 

I feel bad for doner lady and her eventually wasted organs but not sad to see the end of poor Cece..she was great but her story was over

Poor Catherine..no secret is safe in this hospital.

  • Love 7

I like DeLuca and Meredith together.  Consider me onboard.  He has more chemistry with Meredith than anyone else I've seen, other than Scott Speedman.

Alex's scene with Hot Ortho and Glasses was terrific.  The scenes with Maggie were forgettable.

Whether or not Amelia stays with Owen, I like Amelia 2.0.  I never liked her until after that damn tumor came out.

  • Love 12
6 hours ago, chitowngirl said:

It literally says “Police Box” on it. 

Of course Alex knows that the little room off of Radiology has a lock on it!

In english. Could he read english at the time he was watching it? has he actually watched since he was a child? Yes the most likely explanation is that the writers don't know Who, but there are other possibilities.

  • Love 2
12 minutes ago, MrWhyt said:

In english. Could he read english at the time he was watching it? has he actually watched since he was a child? Yes the most likely explanation is that the writers don't know Who, but there are other possibilities.

Police in Italian is polizia and telephone is telefono. I’m guessing the writer’s don’t know Who. I’m done.

  • Love 1

I'm trying to figure out if being on Team Amelia means wanting her to get Owen, or wanting Teddy to get Owen so Amelia is spared.

40 minutes ago, MrWhyt said:

In english. Could he read english at the time he was watching it? has he actually watched since he was a child? Yes the most likely explanation is that the writers don't know Who, but there are other possibilities.

People who watch Dr. Who as children often continue into adulthood, and even if they don't, they will check out the latest iterations. (Tom Baker made me a Dr. Who fan forever.) 

It was a shoddy mistake; people who watched Dr. Who would snark at the mistake and those who don't wouldn't get it.

1 hour ago, chitowngirl said:

She went to Switzerland to work with Christina rather than get deported back to a country where she knows no one. So now she can’t return to the US.

That's what they want you to think .... really she went to Roswell.

  • Love 3

As someone who likes Teddy a lot and always has, I find her storyline somewhat depressing, no matter how it turns out in the end and whether she "gets" Owen. Why couldn't they just let her be happy off-screen in Germany and find love with a hot Dr Müller or something? I mean, she had this amazing job and apparently a happy, settled life there and she gave it all up to be close to a man who never loved her enough and chose another woman over her twice already, and may well do it again. Gah. 

Edited by Joana
  • Love 15

I have been aboard the Meredith/DeLuca train since the beginning of the season...this was another good episode for the Merluca shippers. Loved them speaking Italian, but I also liked DeLuca teasing Meredith's whole "learning from my mistakes" bit. Their slow-build approach is also refreshing from the usual Grey's Anatomy  "have sex first, talk later" situation.

The one negative for me is that I don't really have respect or interest in flings (in real life nor fiction), and it seems like that is the ultimate endgame for Meredith and this so-called triangle.

  • Love 4
On 1/17/2019 at 8:51 PM, chitowngirl said:

The TARDIS is a Police Box, not a Phone Booth!!

I've never watched the show and even I knew that.


On 1/17/2019 at 9:22 PM, deaja said:

I fast forwarded probably about 25% of the episode. It was just so boring. I don’t care about any of it.

I watched on demand and I wavered for several seconds wondering if I even cared...but then I pressed play.


16 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Even though I knew it was all fake because it was a tv show, I still shuddered when the elevator smushed his legs. 

I looked away as soon as the elevator started moving. Some things I just can't watch.

17 hours ago, Ohwell said:

I wonder what's wrong with Bailey?  Whatever it is, I hope it's revealed soon.

She has OCD or something similar - this was the story line of hers a while ago, how it was affecting her personally and professionally, and while she was eventually able to get it to a manageable point, apparently it's now reasserting itself. I'm certainly not remembering all the specific details, but I'm sure someone else can fill in the blanks.

  • Love 2

As hot as Deluca is and as much as I like Mer, she is simply too old for this to be believable (I’ll duck while people throw things at me). There were a few times in the elevator where they were side by side and the age difference was just glaring. I want Meredith with a grown up, even ortho doc would be more believable. 

What they’ve done to Baileys character is a crime. It’s just silly this whole nonsense with Ben. Thousands of people are married to people in dangerous jobs and her silly reactions to things like him not immediately answering a text during, you know, a freaking emergency just makes her look stupid. Please writers fix this and bring back tough as nails got it all together Bailey, she was much more enjoyable to watch then. 

  • Love 11

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