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LuAnn de Lesseps: No Longer a Countess, Still Never a Princess

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After her first rehab stay Lu looked rested, fit, and trim. Not so much now- she looks bloated, tired and worn. 

The judge can’t save Lu from herself but he can try and protect the public from Lu. Hence the new requirements of a car breathalyzer and mandated Antabuse. Next stop ( if she gets caught drinking again): 3 hots and a cot, and perhaps jailhouse cabaret.....

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18 hours ago, snarts said:

It's amazing to me that people don't understand that you can't force sobriety. It would be great if it were that simple. However, addiction is a disease. 

On a separate point, what the hell good would it do to put her (or any other addict) in prison? Our jails/prisons are overcrowded and personally, I'd to save that space for the murderers, rapists, pedophiles, etc. 

This is true., however, some things the alcoholic can do.  They can attend the meetings.

  I wonder if Luann should have just taken an active sentence and served it in jail.  Then, when she got out, (assuming no parole, since this was misdemeanor) she would be free of restrictions.  She's just not a rules kind of person, apparently.   Recall how Lyndsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, Robert Downy, Jr.  and others just can't seem to comply with court orders. lol 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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Questions. If LuLu would have taken an active sentence would some of the charges been dropped still? 

Would I have to call her ‘FeLuanney’ instead of LuLu?  LuLu is easy though sometimes due to fat finger syndrome I type it KuKu and then get a smile because I think of Koo Koo Kelly.  I’m digressing. 

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15 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

I agree that this environment has to go. 


One thing that is stressed repeatedly, both in rehab and at meetings, is that if you want to get/stay clean and sober, you absolutely HAVE TO change people, places and things.  Lu has changed nothing.  There’s alcohol involved in 99% of the scenes on RHONYC.  If she ever gets serious about sobriety, she’s either going to have to leave the show or tell the producers that she can’t be involved in any scenes where there’s liquor.

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5 minutes ago, farmgal4 said:

One thing that is stressed repeatedly, both in rehab and at meetings, is that if you want to get/stay clean and sober, you absolutely HAVE TO change people, places and things.  Lu has changed nothing.  

This is true and its on Luann, not anyone else.  Luann can barely admit she has a problem and I have never believed she wants to quit drinking.   When she does talk about her "problem" its all about being pampered and catering to her demands.

Bethenny not staying for her show and being so upset about it?  Talking and treating Bethenny so badly after all she did to help Luann? Bethenny, Barb and whoever else was involved saved her from a lot of serious trouble. A lot.

Instead she acts like a spoiled petulant brat.

100% she will be behind bars after her probation ends. Maybe before because I believe she is also abusing pills, illegal substances.

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I'm not really distracted by the thing with Lu getting upset over B not staying for her full show, because, to me, that is production orders and just something the producers threw in.  I just don't buy that tidbit, but, I do buy some of the things that are said, because they make more sense and seem genuine. 

What I do suspect with Lu is like some of you have pointed out, she will likely desert sobriety AFTER she completes her probation.  She'll come up with explanations that justify her return to drinking.  IN fact, there are rehab facilities in CA that DO NOT espouse the tenet that once an alcoholic you can never again drink reasonably.  They teach you how to leave the abuse of the substance behind and gain the ability to drink within reason. I'm surprised that she hasn't pulled that anyway, except her attorney may have told her the FL judge wouldn't buy it. lol 

The problem is that Lu seems to have trouble staying out of trouble when drinking, so, she'll likely get arrested again or end up hurting someone.  That's what she seems to ignore. 

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I know Luann is an addict, but jesus, she needs jail time, imo. 

She's already been treated like an actual Countess during the reign of the Sun King, fuck her taking advantage yet again. You can't have one law for entitled white women and another for POC without resources. It screams fuck you. 

One year of weekend jail, cleaning latrines, should do the trick: let Madam find out that her shit does, indeed, stink.

6 hours ago, Juliegirlj said:

 3 hots and a cot, and perhaps jailhouse cabaret.....

Get the toilet paper, FeLuanney (hat tip @Ellee for a wonderful nick ; )

Edited by film noire
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5 minutes ago, Reality police said:

This is from one of my favorites, Marshall Chapman. A little older a little raspy. This is how I think Lu would sound if she could sing. 


Thanks for sharing! IF Lu could sing! LMAO! Welp guess it's a dry long weekend for her. She's got to be hating it. Good.

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5 hours ago, Cherrio said:

100% she will be behind bars after her probation ends. Maybe before because I believe she is also abusing pills, illegal substances.

And other people’s eardrums 

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6 hours ago, farmgal4 said:

One thing that is stressed repeatedly, both in rehab and at meetings, is that if you want to get/stay clean and sober, you absolutely HAVE TO change people, places and things.  Lu has changed nothing.  There’s alcohol involved in 99% of the scenes on RHONYC.  If she ever gets serious about sobriety, she’s either going to have to leave the show or tell the producers that she can’t be involved in any scenes where there’s liquor.

Thank you.

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21 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

So, her probation ends at the end of August. Then what?  Can she just go back to living the way she was before all of this happened? I didn't realize that her probation period was so close to being over. You'd think she could stick it out for a few more months. I admit that I haven't followed her situation that closely, other than what I read here, so maybe I am missing details about what's next after the end of August.

I've never taken Antabuse, but just read about what happens if you drink alcohol while you're on it. Rough. Two reactions that jumped out were rapid weight gain and loss of interest in sex. Those alone are fitting enough punishment for Luann. 

Like someone above mentioned, it won't work if it isn't taken.  

If anyone knows, how is this monitored, if it is at all?  

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15 hours ago, Juliegirlj said:

After her first rehab stay Lu looked rested, fit, and trim. Not so much now- she looks bloated, tired and worn. 

The judge can’t save Lu from herself but he can try and protect the public from Lu. Hence the new requirements of a car breathalyzer and mandated Antabuse. Next stop ( if she gets caught drinking again): 3 hots and a cot, and perhaps jailhouse cabaret.....

Quit with that!  🤣.  True story when I was serving my time there was this lady that would sing out loud alllllll night.  It was horrible.  Others would holler at her to shut the fuck up.  They would finally tell her to hush it up after a bit.  I can only imagine Lu laying in that awful metal bed singing it out.... 

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On 5/23/2019 at 12:39 PM, QuinnM said:

I just read the PageSix list of what she has to do to stay on probation.  So she has to take those pills that make you sick if you drink and she has a breathalyzer that reports to a database.  So I'm guessing either certain times of the day or maybe whenever they randomly ask.  So she's under someone's thumb big time now.

Apparently she was also supposed to be blowing on a soberlink device at home as part of her original probation terms.  She wasn't doing it, hadn't been going to the AA meetings and had missed half of her community service.  


On 5/23/2019 at 3:19 PM, SweetieDarling said:

To me, this isn't so much about her addiction, but her total disregard for the law and not being one bit grateful for the slap on the wrist she was given rather than jail time for the felonies she could have been charged with. She should At Least go through the motions and show up at meetings and refrain from drinking, even if only for her probation period. imo, this compromise will only feed into her already over inflated ego and belief that The Countess is above the law.

Yes, this.  Luann should potentially be jailed not so much for the addiction, but the flagrant disregard for the law.  She first showed it when she threatened to kill a police officer.  Then she ran off to rehab to try to skate on consequences, but if you're going to do that, then stick to your guns and follow through.  If she were to be put in jail, it would be for violating her probation by drinking, yes, but she'd be going to jail for the original offense, not because she's an addict.  

13 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

What I do suspect with Lu is like some of you have pointed out, she will likely desert sobriety AFTER she completes her probation.  She'll come up with explanations that justify her return to drinking.  IN fact, there are rehab facilities in CA that DO NOT espouse the tenet that once an alcoholic you can never again drink reasonably.  They teach you how to leave the abuse of the substance behind and gain the ability to drink within reason. I'm surprised that she hasn't pulled that anyway, except her attorney may have told her the FL judge wouldn't buy it. lol 

I think it's entirely true that some people can have a problem with alcohol at the moment but (and I will likely use these phrases wrong, so please no one get upset, I just don't know how to word it differently), not necessarily be a "lifelong" alcoholic.  Somebody could be drinking problematically and then realize it's a problem, step back, re-evaluate things and then maybe later on start drinking again with healthier boundaries in their life.  I'm thinking maybe a person who is going through a divorce or loses a parent and finds themselves drinking a bottle of wine each night, or getting hammered each weekend.  Then they take 6 months or a year and not drink, settle things down in their lives and then maybe go back to having a glass of wine or so with dinner.  

I think other people need to abstain entirely, though.  That they can't have a good relationship with alcohol at all.  And I think Luann is likely one of them.  I didn't, initially, but the fact that she's struggling so hard with completing these requirements kind of leads me to believe she can't have a balanced relationship.  I drink alcohol, but fairly infrequently, mostly because I tend to generally only drink socially, when I'm traveling or out with friends.  So maybe once a month, often less.  There are times it's more, though, and when I was younger, it was much more frequent.  But if I had Luann's restrictions, it would be totally easy to not have any alcohol at all for 6 months.  Especially if it was a matter of passing up wine at a party or going to jail.  

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I hadn't realized that there were so many things that Lu had not done to comply with her probation.  She really is a nonconforming person.  Maybe, she really does need to just go and serve her time, get out and start fresh.  FL judges aren't going to bend to her whims the way those in CA do for celebrities. Nor should they.

   It all seems to indicate that the road ahead seems concerning for Lu.  For some people who have deep addiction problems, they really need a very intense, extended program that last for many months.  I have a colleague who entered into one in Atlanta, GA. and it was very intense lasting for a year.  He found it very helpful.  

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6 hours ago, smores said:

I think it's entirely true that some people can have a problem with alcohol at the moment but (and I will likely use these phrases wrong, so please no one get upset, I just don't know how to word it differently), not necessarily be a "lifelong" alcoholic.  Somebody could be drinking problematically and then realize it's a problem, step back, re-evaluate things and then maybe later on start drinking again with healthier boundaries in their life.  I'm thinking maybe a person who is going through a divorce or loses a parent and finds themselves drinking a bottle of wine each night, or getting hammered each weekend.  Then they take 6 months or a year and not drink, settle things down in their lives and then maybe go back to having a glass of wine or so with dinner.  

I think other people need to abstain entirely, though.  That they can't have a good relationship with alcohol at all.  And I think Luann is likely one of them.  I didn't, initially, but the fact that she's struggling so hard with completing these requirements kind of leads me to believe she can't have a balanced relationship.  I drink alcohol, but fairly infrequently, mostly because I tend to generally only drink socially, when I'm traveling or out with friends.  So maybe once a month, often less.  There are times it's more, though, and when I was younger, it was much more frequent.  But if I had Luann's restrictions, it would be totally easy to not have any alcohol at all for 6 months.  Especially if it was a matter of passing up wine at a party or going to jail. 

There was an interview with Pete Townsend (The Who), many years back, where he told a story of trying to get help for Keith Moon. He said the professional he spoke to told him Keith was not an alcoholic, his issues were in overindulgence . He overindulged in everything he did, not because of addiction but driven by something else. Lu seems like she may have a similar problem. 

I wonder if she's in a similar boat to Dorinda in that she never recovered from her loss (divorce from The Count), self medicated with alcohol and as the pain from the loss did not go away (because they avoided dealing with the grief?) it spun out of control. Lu seemed to be doing well when she was with Jacques, but, believing herself to be made of Teflon, shot herself in the foot with the pirate. In her desperation she found Tom, and by then the snowball had begun its descent down the mountain.

imo, she needs to take a step back and do some self reflection and evaluation. I don't see that happening, she doesn't seem the type; she just keeps going, pretending life is a cabaret. I wish the judge had made her serve (at least) 30 days just for some kind of reality check, otherwise, imo, she will continue living in her delusion.

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22 hours ago, Cherrio said:

100% she will be behind bars after her probation ends. Maybe before because I believe she is also abusing pills, illegal substances.

Shouldn’t they extend her probation period? It doesn’t seem right that she only needs to abide by the new rules for a few more months. 

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On 5/23/2019 at 3:19 PM, SweetieDarling said:

To me, this isn't so much about her addiction, but her total disregard for the law and not being one bit grateful for the slap on the wrist she was given rather than jail time for the felonies she could have been charged with. She should At Least go through the motions and show up at meetings and refrain from drinking, even if only for her probation period. imo, this compromise will only feed into her already over inflated ego and belief that The Countess is above the law.

If Luann is addicted to anything, it's entitlement and privilege. She's such ungracious asshole. After she was arrested and after she'd been to rehab, but BEFORE she had agreed to her plea deal, Luann was spotted at a Tribeca Film Festival party smoking a joint that she took from someone else at the party. She might have a prescription, but that sure as shit wasn't her prescribed pot. Hell, she didn't know what the fuck was in that joint. For fucks sake try to be a little bit discrete.

And then there's Luann's complete inability and out right refusal to comply with the terms of her probation. She never really attempted to try. She probably wouldn't have been dragged back to court had she completed her community service hours, gone to 2 or 3 AA meetings a month, and ACTUALLY complied with the breathalyzer terms. But the reason she didn't comply with the breathalyzer demands is because the Soberlink GPS and facial recognition technology. There's no way she could fake her way through that. Though I don't know why I'm surprised because she blatantly ignored the divorce agreement. They mentioned in the aftershow Luann's refusal to admit that things aren't good. Dorinda and Sonja pointed out that she can't admit that the Count was cheating on her, that her relationship with Tom was a crumbling disaster before they married, and so on. When conflicts and challenges arise, her instincts are to ignore the issue and to run from it.

That being said, she needs to be in jail. She needs to have a real blow to her ego to get over herself. 


Also on the aftershow, Luann doubles down on her belief that Bethenny should have stayed for Luann's performance. What's so hard for Luann to understand that just because she parented a certain way doesn't mean everyone has to or wants to parent Luann's way.

And because Luann is an asshole and when they bring up Bethenny's new boyfriend on the aftershow, Luann can't simply say that she's never met the guy. No. She needs to slide in there that we'll see that the timeframes don't match and there might be some overlap between Paul and Dennis. I'm shaking my head because Luann is so fucking stupid that she's trying to take Bethenny down when literally Bethenny's own words are much more capable of destroying the narrative of her deep passionate serious love with Dennis. I think back to the reunion when Luann fucked this up. The timelines don't match at all, which we know from Bethenny. Dennis might have "proposed," but he sure as fuck wasn't planning on marrying Bethenny anytime soon seeing as he hadn't bothered to file for divorce from his wife. Don't try to take Bethenny down Lulu. You're too self-absorbed and dumb. Also Bethenny does a much better job of showing that she's an asshole.

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17 hours ago, smores said:

Apparently she was also supposed to be blowing on a soberlink device at home as part of her original probation terms.  She wasn't doing it, hadn't been going to the AA meetings and had missed half of her community service.  


Yes, this.  Luann should potentially be jailed not so much for the addiction, but the flagrant disregard for the law.  She first showed it when she threatened to kill a police officer.  Then she ran off to rehab to try to skate on consequences, but if you're going to do that, then stick to your guns and follow through.  If she were to be put in jail, it would be for violating her probation by drinking, yes, but she'd be going to jail for the original offense, not because she's an addict.  

I think it's entirely true that some people can have a problem with alcohol at the moment but (and I will likely use these phrases wrong, so please no one get upset, I just don't know how to word it differently), not necessarily be a "lifelong" alcoholic.  Somebody could be drinking problematically and then realize it's a problem, step back, re-evaluate things and then maybe later on start drinking again with healthier boundaries in their life.  I'm thinking maybe a person who is going through a divorce or loses a parent and finds themselves drinking a bottle of wine each night, or getting hammered each weekend.  Then they take 6 months or a year and not drink, settle things down in their lives and then maybe go back to having a glass of wine or so with dinner.  

I think other people need to abstain entirely, though.  That they can't have a good relationship with alcohol at all.  And I think Luann is likely one of them.  I didn't, initially, but the fact that she's struggling so hard with completing these requirements kind of leads me to believe she can't have a balanced relationship.  I drink alcohol, but fairly infrequently, mostly because I tend to generally only drink socially, when I'm traveling or out with friends.  So maybe once a month, often less.  There are times it's more, though, and when I was younger, it was much more frequent.  But if I had Luann's restrictions, it would be totally easy to not have any alcohol at all for 6 months.  Especially if it was a matter of passing up wine at a party or going to jail.  

^This^ The fact that she was unable to stop drinking, knowing that there would be negative consequences if she didn’t, is what convinced me that she really is an alcoholic.

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On 5/24/2019 at 7:07 PM, SuprSuprElevated said:

Like someone above mentioned, it won't work if it isn't taken.  

If anyone knows, how is this monitored, if it is at all?  

I read somewhere that her court-appointed therapist will dole them out to her, day by day.  That may or may not be true.  I’ve known people that could hide pills in their mouths for an extended period of time and spit them out later.  I don’t if Lu has the skill it takes to do that or not. 😄

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24 minutes ago, farmgal4 said:

I read somewhere that her court-appointed therapist will dole them out to her, day by day.  That may or may not be true.  I’ve known people that could hide pills in their mouths for an extended period of time and spit them out later.  I don’t if Lu has the skill it takes to do that or not. 😄

I'm not sure if that's the case, since she is only required to see her therapist in person once per month and by phone weekly.  I am curious how the antabuse will be monitored and haven't been able to find any information on it.  

Lu could have avoided these steps by going back to rehab, but that would impact her "touring"  She also could have had an ankle monitor, but that would have been too much with her clothing, apparently.  And it would have told on her if she drank.  I guess she really thought she'd get away with not complying?  She pretty much had an easy road, using the breathalyzer, 2 AA meetings per week and community service, and she would have been DONE.  She's the reason it's drawing out and getting more restrictive.  

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The problem for me is that a judge ordering an alcoholic not to drink just doesn't work the vast majority of the time.  If you have a serious addiction, you need more than just an order to stop.  The problem for me is that Lu made little effort to go to meetings, community service, etc.  I can get the falling off the wagon and can have sympathy for that.  What I have no sympathy for is not following the court orders that you are capable of doing.   That's total disrespect. 

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8 hours ago, farmgal4 said:

I read somewhere that her court-appointed therapist will dole them out to her, day by day.  That may or may not be true.  I’ve known people that could hide pills in their mouths for an extended period of time and spit them out later.  I don’t if Lu has the skill it takes to do that or not. 😄

I can certainly picture her as being a spitter. 🙂

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On ‎5‎/‎24‎/‎2019 at 8:07 PM, SuprSuprElevated said:

 Like someone above mentioned, it won't work if it isn't taken.  

If anyone knows, how is this monitored, if it is at all?  

Are we sure its not naloxone or Naltrexone injectable? That works for 3 months I believe.

Edited by Higgins
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20 minutes ago, Dirtybubble said:

If she's fired, it's not going to be because of her drinking or failing to adhere to the terms of her probation. It will be because she's not candid with producers or the show about what's going on in her life. They taped the season 11 reunion a week or two ago. About a week before the taping is when it was revealed that Luann hadn't been complying with her probation. So if production is feeling blindsided and Luann refuses to talk about this during the reunion taping, I can see them axing Luann. This would be the third reunion in a row where she dodged uncomfortable issues and questions.

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On 5/25/2019 at 9:17 AM, SweetieDarling said:

There was an interview with Pete Townsend (The Who), many years back, where he told a story of trying to get help for Keith Moon. He said the professional he spoke to told him Keith was not an alcoholic, his issues were in overindulgence . He overindulged in everything he did, not because of addiction but driven by something else. Lu seems like she may have a similar problem. 

Whoulda thunk that Bravo has delivered me some much-needed therapy this year.  Thank you for this post!

I have a job that goes in extreme peaks and valleys, e.g. 100-hour work weeks for 5 months to 30-hour work weeks the rest of the year.  I drink a LOT during the peak season because I can't deal with it and alcohol, for some reason, helps me keep going in some sort of crazy way.

Then, in the slow season, I don't touch it and have no desire for it.  Instead, I exercise, but I do so in an equally obsessive manner.   One extreme to another.

I've often wondered if I'm an alcoholic, but I think I'm more of an indulger - and not just alcohol.  Work, exercise, everything.   


Another bit of therapy came from Ramona and Barbara's discussion about Ramona and Barbara's father (I think it was her father) not having filters.   My mother is like this and she says crappy things all the time.  A good example is I told her one day that I'd like to open a coffee shop, and she said in return "You need a personality for that." 

Related therapy came from Stassi Schroeder on Vanderpump Rules who talked a bit about things her mother said to her, e.g. "Don't be "you"".  Stassi then said that comments like those "stick".

Light bulb after light bulb.  My mother grew up in a very turbulent household and she is a bit like Ramona and Stassi's mother (but not as bad I think).

I understand my mother - and myself - better after having watched RHNY and VR this season!   

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12 hours ago, Jextella said:

Another bit of therapy came from Ramona and Barbara's discussion about Ramona and Barbara's father (I think it was her father) not having filters.   My mother is like this and she says crappy things all the time.  A good example is I told her one day that I'd like to open a coffee shop, and she said in return "You need a personality for that." 

Not to be rude to your mother, but: Pfft!  Your personality comes through plenty bright & clear (and nice to see you here, Jextella )

Edited by film noire
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4 hours ago, film noire said:

Not to be rude to your mother, but: Pfft!  Your personality comes through plenty bright & clear (and nice to see you here, Jextella )

No offense taken, and thanks, Film Noire!

Yeah, I'm pretty convinced I'm a certain way compliments of my mother. 

In a weird and unfortunate way, I feel a little better knowing I'm not the only one on the receiving end of her remarks.  She says similar things to others and people tend to stop talking to her every so often.  "Oh, I said something and now <insert name> isn't talking to me."   She really is a lot like Ramona.  She is also like Ramona in not comprehending what she's saying and how hurtful her words are.  She just doesn't get it.

What I'm not clear on is if she says things like this to my siblings.  I've never heard her say hurtful things to them the way she has to me.  I may just not be in earshot, but thinking I'm the only one among her children has been hard to deal with.

It was really enlightening watching stories that are similar to mine play out on RHNY and VR.  

Stassi's line about these things sticking was powerful, and she is right.  I totally get where she's coming from.  

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Sticking nose and opinion where it doesn’t belong here ... I too was on the receiving end of many hurtful remarks.  None said to the siblings but I came to discover that one spent a great deal of time ‘influencing mom’s opinion of me and the others.’   Not trying to cause issues between you and your siblings my case is just what it happened to be. 

What I am going to say is just be you.  

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26 minutes ago, Ellee said:


Sticking nose and opinion where it doesn’t belong here ... I too was on the receiving end of many hurtful remarks.  None said to the siblings but I came to discover that one spent a great deal of time ‘influencing mom’s opinion of me and the others.’   Not trying to cause issues between you and your siblings my case is just what it happened to be. 

What I am going to say is just be you.  

I took the brunt of my mother’s crap. Sibs got none. Then her hobby became pitting us against each other. It took years after her death for us to get along. You’d think that we are from different families they way things sound depending on who’s version you hear. 

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5 minutes ago, AnnA said:


Ramona, Sonja, and Dorinda excited about the raise they will get if LuLu gets a raise???

Or Tom, Dick and Harry anticipating a free-for-all once a contract is signed???


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What is worse?

Luann to the next cop that arrests her, I am going to kill you or

I am going to sing to you.

I would take murder over having to hear that hideous voice.

Edited by Cherrio
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I cannot wait for tonight when Bethenny goes off on LuAnn.  I saw this today from the preview.

"I took weeks of my life for you!" Bethenny says. "I had lawyers come to your house on a Sunday. I spoke to your kids. I sat outside in your driveway to make sure that you didn't drive your car. You almost crashed the boat and killed your friends! You were running in a field in negligee and had to be taken in cop cars and I made sure that they didn't record it so you didn't ultimately get arrested."

Apparently there is much more to what transpired before the last rehab stint.

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2 minutes ago, Emmeline said:

I cannot wait for tonight when Bethenny goes off on LuAnn.  I saw this today from the preview.

"I took weeks of my life for you!" Bethenny says. "I had lawyers come to your house on a Sunday. I spoke to your kids. I sat outside in your driveway to make sure that you didn't drive your car. You almost crashed the boat and killed your friends! You were running in a field in negligee and had to be taken in cop cars and I made sure that they didn't record it so you didn't ultimately get arrested."

Apparently there is much more to what transpired before the last rehab stint.

Holy sh*t!! 

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2 minutes ago, Emmeline said:

I cannot wait for tonight when Bethenny goes off on LuAnn.  I saw this today from the preview.

"I took weeks of my life for you!" Bethenny says. "I had lawyers come to your house on a Sunday. I spoke to your kids. I sat outside in your driveway to make sure that you didn't drive your car. You almost crashed the boat and killed your friends! You were running in a field in negligee and had to be taken in cop cars and I made sure that they didn't record it so you didn't ultimately get arrested."

Apparently there is much more to what transpired before the last rehab stint.

Wow! Apparently. How nice of Bethenny to share the details on camera!

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