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LuAnn de Lesseps: No Longer a Countess, Still Never a Princess

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8 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Honestly, I hope the others don't go the "told you so" route. They have every right to do it, and I am sure they will be sorely tempted to do it, but it will do nothing but show poorly on them. Everyone already knows that they were right and she was blind/wrong, but saying so and pointing it out does zero good, and gives her more reason to be the victim next season. Just offer sympathy and let it go. 

Out of the gate, I kind of hope that LuLu throws a very special party .... at the Regency!!!   :D

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I don't like seeing marriages breakup.   I'm not a LuAnn cheerleader by any means..... but she can do way better than that guy.    I never understood how he got all this attention from women, he is not remotely attractive and it seems like his personality just plain sucks.  

1 hour ago, Ki-in said:

On the bright side maybe we'll get cool Lu back in all of her pirate banging glory instead of the uptight Mrs. D'Agostino


So much this !!!!   

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Again, I just CANT with Luann.  I'm sorry but she was UNBEARABLE as a countess (remember, when she couldn't be expected to talk to the help/drivers?) . . . then divorce, and somewhat cool girl . . . then a MRS and AGAIN UNBEARABLE ('He wants to marry MEEEEEEEEEEE, not YOUUUUUUUU", "I expect special treatment 'cause I'm MARRRRRIEEEEEDDDDDD and YOU'RE NOTTTTTTTT"). . . ugh . .  just ug . . . sosoosososo over her.

Insult me once, shame on you . . . insult me twice shame on me.

Lu - your two strikes are enough for me to call you OUT!

She is not and will never be a "girls girl".  She will be back on the prowl soon enough . .  'cause with Lu it's only about the company she keeps with men.

(And let me add - I actually like Lu when she's single.  Her fall in the bushes was funny and her ability to laugh at herself refreshing.  Still for all her good qualities, I am still OVER her.)

Edited by ezzy4
just needed to add the last line
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29 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Honestly, I hope the others don't go the "told you so" route. They have every right to do it, and I am sure they will be sorely tempted to do it, but it will do nothing but show poorly on them. Everyone already knows that they were right and she was blind/wrong, but saying so and pointing it out does zero good, and gives her more reason to be the victim next season. Just offer sympathy and let it go. 

The only ones I see doing that are Ramona and maybe Sonja. The others may think it, but they have enough self awareness not to kick the bitch while she's down. Ramoanja are too delusional. Ramona, especially, has foot in mouth disease. At some point, she'll make a dig. 

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I'm stunned...not surprised they would split, but just blown away by how quick it was!!!


Well, another lesson learned:  

Sometimes (just like with Beth assuming people are jealous) people are actually trying to be good friends when they warn you about your fiancé tomcatting around on you.  They tried hard to warn Lu and she blew them all off, with her delusional thought that they just wanted what she had with Tom.  Most of those ladies saw the red flags but Lu ignored them and buried her head in the sand to get married in Palm Beach...

Hope she treads very carefully the next time.


IMO, Ramona, Bethenny, Dorinda, Carole, and kind of Sonja (I think she was just annoyed that Lu was getting married and she wasn't) were actually being genuine with their warnings, although I know most of you may not agree with that statement.

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I agree with that. Like I've mentioned, this is my first rodeo with this bunch of broads women. Without knowing any history at all about Luann, I got the impression that:

1. She is the type of woman who always has to have a man in her life, no matter how poor of quality he is.

2. She was desperate to get married. As long as it has a pulse and penis (penthouse and Palm Beach -- see what I did there? Ha! Ha! were pluses.)

3. It was a way to one-up her so-called friends and rub salt into Ramonja for failing to grab the br(ass) ring.

4. She's a stubborn Taurus.

Finally, maybe it was just me, but she made enough remarks about how her first wedding was just an elopement at city hall, that I was convinced that Luann wanted the pageantry and attention of a wedding and the fall-out (marriage and husband) were afterthoughts.

If those two lived together, I don't see how Luann didn't catch on to what Tom as up to right under her nose. I don't see how he was able to keep his wayward behavior under wraps for that long.

I am sorry for her but not sorry for her.  Sorry that she has to now go through the public humiliation of the divorce but she had to have known all along. I hope it is over quickly and amicably and Luann is able to benefit financially from.

Andy Cohen must be beside himself. Season 10 is signed, sealed and delivered.

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Well, this kinda blows. They were together a lot longer than 7 months, so even if a person considers Lu the sleaziest sleaze who sleazes, a person still has to acknowledge that this is a punch in a gut.

That said, I'm actually relieved she's cutting bait. He seems like a drag, he's not that good-lookin' and the best thing about his UES pad was the deck - which is useable about what, 40-60 days out of the year, given the city's winters & summers?

Lu has a vibrancy and resilience that I really enjoy. Yes, she can be a dick, but that's the basic requirement for a RH, isn't it, after being rich & reasonably telegenic?

Given that *she now has a major storyline, I'll be around the franchise for the foreseeable future! 

Edited by BckpckFullaNinjas
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3 hours ago, archer1267 said:

I think Ramona is probably shitting herself to think that LuAnn is going to be competing with her for the same men alllll over again.

Lu would win, men like her..

50 minutes ago, answerphone said:

He stated he was "in love with the nurse from Connecticut, not the reality star". Hello, she was a reality star when you met her and married her. That's baloney.

Its on FB, how much he hates reality TV! I said the same as you though..

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It's hard to be sad for someone I don't know and who, I think, married for a storyline. Divorce was inevitable and homegirl knew it would give her a couple seasons of storyline. The difference between her & Tom and her & Jacque seemed night and day. Never thought there was real love or chemistry. 

Edited by qtpi17
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18 minutes ago, BckpckFullaNinjas said:

Well, this kinda blows. They were together a lot longer than 7 months, so even if a person considers Lu the sleaziest sleaze who sleazes, a person still has to acknowledge that this is a punch in a gut.

Whaaat? They hooked up for the first time in November-ish and were engaged by February, married by New Years, and split by July. I have a slow-growing toenail that can go longer between clippings than they lasted -- GOD REST MRS. D'AGOSTINO'S SOUL -- from hook-up to Splitsville. Granted, "long time" is a subjective thing but unless you're measuring in dog years, this thing died way young.   

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Did Luann and Tom have a prenup? 

I dislike Luann for her snobbery but I sure hope she does have a prenup. 

I wouldn't put it past Tom to try to take advantage if the situation and try to get Luann's half earnings from RHNY. 

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I might be alone in this but there is something about Luann and Tom that never rang true to me. 

They had zero chemistry, he is not handsome or has a great personality, he is not even as rich as we might have thought at the beginning. 

He is also a known philanderer to make matters worse. Anybody with common sense knew this marriage was doomed. Luann strikes me as a very smart woman who is also very calculated. 


I don't feel sorry for Luann because I don't think any of this is real. I think Luann thought her apple was at risk and concocted this big romance as her way to secure her apple and income, the fact that next season it will be all about her divorce also secures her another season. 

I mean, Luann's alimony ran out this year so it is not too far fetched to think that she would be financially in trouble if she didn't secure her job with Bravo. Yes, she does have her home in the Hamptons but I just can't see her selling it  It has been very lucrative for Luann, one season of romance, one season of marriage and one season of divorce. 


Knowing that he was a womanizer just played perfectly into her hands because she is now the victim who got cheated on which makes a sympathetic character. 

As I have said before, Luann is very calculating and opportunistic. 

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46 minutes ago, b2H said:

I wonder if this will come up in the Reunion.  Has that been filmed yet?

The reunion was filmed a week or 2 ago.

21 minutes ago, Wendy said:

Did Luann and Tom have a prenup? 

I dislike Luann for her snobbery but I sure hope she does have a prenup. 

I wouldn't put it past Tom to try to take advantage if the situation and try to get Luann's half earnings from RHNY. 

I do believe they had a pre-nup and I doubt that either would get anything because the marriage was so short. 

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LuAnn could have done better than someone who's cut a swath through the UES. 


 The difference between her & Tom and her & Jacque seemed night and day. Never thought there was real love or chemistry. 

I liked LuAnn and Jacques. They seemed really happy together, at least before the St. Barth's episodes were aired. The next season, even though he was around, he was clearly checked out of that relationship.

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I'm not a lawyer but I'm sure there are some on this thread who can correct me if I'm wrong, but, I think most prenups include time requirements in order to be awarded possessions or income from your ex.  Seven months time served doesn't seem long enough for either one of them to profit much from the other.  I would think they both will walk away with whatever they walked in with.  They should just be happy to have been paroled. 

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So far he comes out on top. He got a Rolex and a fancy trip.

 She got what imo is a faux diamond ring. 

She is no prize and I respectfully disagree with the poster who says she is smart because she sure made the worst possible decision to marry Tum.

 Marriage can be wonderful, but I feel sorry for women who think they are lacking or lonely because they are sans a man.

 What she should of done instead was find a good therapist who could help her and tell her point blank just to be the person from Conn.

 Oh and stay away from The Regency and its bathrooms.

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5 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

The person I feel the sorriest for that the marriage ended is Luann's daughter.  By the time Luann convinces someone else to marry her, her daughter will be a 40 year old flower girl. 

That wedding was the tackiest. I don't think she'll make that mistake again. 

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I love me some Lu... but...

I can already see next Season:

"I'm offended nobody offered me the suite... I'm getting divorced..."

"I can't use the same restroom as the help... D-I-V-O-R-C-E..."

"An hour late to dinner... I'm divorcing... I thought my friends would understand."

*stumbles into drunkenly into bushes* "Thish ish badddd... but did you know I'm getting divorced."

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1 hour ago, Lemons said:

That wedding was the tackiest. I don't think she'll make that mistake again. 

Lu asking her daughter to be flower girl, or Victoria accepting the flower girl gig? Lets hope if Lu marries again that Victoria is upgraded to bridesmaid, if not maid of honour. It does make me wonder - given that Lu's romance from the night TomCat dumped his date for Lu to the end of the fairytale (I am inserting finger down my throat here) lasted less than a year and nine months - how Lu would react if one of her children wanted an insta-wedding? 

It will be interesting to see who it is that filed. I assume it was Luann, given the link provided here of Tom's latest indiscretion earlier this week. If it was Tom, that is even more pathetic. I hope Lu gains some much needed self respect along with the divorce. 

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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7 hours ago, angelamh66 said:

I think I would have more sympathy for her if she hadn't been so smug about getting engaged and married.  She was the ever loving worst about it though.  She was that woman who anytime someone has anything critical to say or a valid question about the state of the relationship, she would accuse the person of being jealous and not happy for her.  She was go so over the top about it and acting like she had one up on the others. When someone is that smug it can be satisfying to watch them get their commupance. 

Overall I like LuAnn on the show, but she was insufferable this season... until she fell in the bushes. 

I'll take 'Redemption Moments on RHONY' for 275,000 pesos please, Alex!!! 

Honestly, I couldn't agree more!!! 

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2 hours ago, heavysnaxx said:

Whaaat? They hooked up for the first time in November-ish and were engaged by February, married by New Years, and split by July. I have a slow-growing toenail that can go longer between clippings than they lasted -- GOD REST MRS. D'AGOSTINO'S SOUL -- from hook-up to Splitsville. Granted, "long time" is a subjective thing but unless you're measuring in dog years, this thing died way young.   

Lovin' your response - esp the blessing on Mrs. D's soul! - but I stand by my subjective-ness...? I don't not not disagree with you, is what I'm saying.

Alright, I'll stop trying to be cute and get to my defense statement: as semi-idle rich, they seem to have spent a lot of time together in the scant 12 months between hook-up and I-do's.  Or maybe that's my imagination, I dunno. 

In any case, I don't imagine Luann will have any trouble re-entering the dating whirl and the probability approaches one that he's never left it. 

PS: seriously, a year between nail trims? I could save SO much money on pedicures! You're a lucky one. :-)

14 minutes ago, CyberJawa1986 said:

I love me some Lu... but...

I can already see next Season:

"I'm offended nobody offered me the suite... I'm getting divorced..."

"I can't use the same restroom as the help... D-I-V-O-R-C-E..."

"An hour late to dinner... I'm divorcing... I thought my friends would understand."

*stumbles into drunkenly into bushes* "Thish ish badddd... but did you know I'm getting divorced."

I'm stifling my laughter so I don't wake Ninjaspouse!!!!!!

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Unpopular opinion but I feel bad for Lu..as I feel bad for anyone that divorces.  Once it seemed like a perfect union and for whatever reason it failed.  I can't imagine.  Do I think she is probably an insufferable woman who thought she had it made...yes.  Do I wish that on her..no.  I wish her the best without Tom and hope that the rest of the ladies are being cool...not uncool with it!

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4 minutes ago, BckpckFullaNinjas said:

Lovin' your response - esp the blessing on Mrs. D's soul! - but I stand by my subjective-ness...? I don't not not disagree with you, is what I'm saying.

Alright, I'll stop trying to be cute and get to my defense statement: as semi-idle rich, they seem to have spent a lot of time together in the scant 12 months between hook-up and I-do's.  Or maybe that's my imagination, I dunno. 

In any case, I don't imagine Luann will have any trouble re-entering the dating whirl and the probability approaches one that he's never left it. 

PS: seriously, a year between nail trims? I could save SO much money on pedicures! You're a lucky one. :-)

I'm stifling my laughter so I don't wake Ninjaspouse!!!!!!

First of all, it's one toenail and it's glacial growth is balanced by the fact that it has a hulking ugliness that defies simple clipping. Like Mrs. D'Agostino - GOD REST HER SOUL - it has suffered trauma.

Believe me, I'm no one to throw quickie marriage stones. Mr. Heavysnaxx popped the question after maybe 6 weeks of dating and we were wed less than a year after meeting. Like The D'Ags, we ran in the same circles so I had lots of intel available. And when you know, you know. I knew I had a keeper when I saw how close he lived to a Popeyes and - this is serious soul-mate stuff - he insisted on getting me a 3 piece spicy box "for later" when we had just finished a big Italian dinner. I think I know how LuAnn felt when she thought, "Palm Beach. Penthouse."

You may be on to something with the time element. I agree LuAnn will probably get right back out there. Oh dear. I just realized The Mooch is newly single, too. What a week.

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2 hours ago, heavysnaxx said:

Like The D'Ags, we ran in the same circles so I had lots of intel available. And when you know, you know. I knew I had a keeper when I saw how close he lived to a Popeyes and - this is serious soul-mate stuff - he insisted on getting me a 3 piece spicy box "for later" when we had just finished a big Italian dinner. I think I know how LuAnn felt when she thought, "Palm Beach. Penthouse."

Okay, I'm gonna have to end this right now -- I chuckled so loud I *did* wake the spouse! @heavysnaxx: You rock. And I think you and yours and me and mine  could double-date quite compatibly where dining out is concerned!

I'm navigating away from this conversation right now, I really am. GOD REST..., etc.


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At the end of the day, it was the ridiculous wedding that makes the whole deal more pathetic. I get that she wanted the experience she had not had before, but it was just all kinds of silly, given the circumstances. If you love the guy and you just want to make the commitment, do it in a low-key dignified manner. One word of advice to Lu: if you are planning a wedding and doing press left and right about it, and the main thing the interviewers want to ask you about if if you are sure because of the guys public cheating, you are probably doing the wrong thing. And then the party when she got back where she invited those that hadn't received a golden ticket to the wedding - beyond tacky and ridiculous, and what appeared to be a way to keep the whole deal going a little bit longer. And believing you are a special snowflake and deserving of the best room. It is all of this that can make it hard not to give the whole thing a big side-eye.

And as the brilliant Mozelle noted on another thread, somewhere Adam and Carole are still together after more than 3 years. Maybe not in a relationship that will ever lead to anything more than what it is right now, but it seems to be what they both want, which is all that matters. And I don't think that Carole will gloat - at least not publicly - but she must remember those words that relationship expert Lu threw at her 3 years ago: that young men are fine to fuck, but not meant for a relationship. It would be hard to not remind Lu that men who are Cads are fine to fuck, but not meant for relationships. 

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Just now, WrongReasons said:

So is there a miss manners etiquette on returning wedding gifts on a sham marriage?

I was thinking about that, do you think she has anything that she has not used?  I bet she could sell things on Ebay, I'd love to see what sort of gifts she got!

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Who had 7 months in the pool?  Winner!

I'm very worried about Luann.  No penthouse, no Palm Beach (yes there never was a Palm Beach), no skiing in Aspen ...

So she is left with the Hamptons house.  But in the winter Hamptons is really kinda dead.  It picks up a little during the holidays since some folks like the Christmas in the 'country' thing.  But seriously I'm afraid this means that Luann will need to winter at Miss Morgan's Home for Wayward Girls.

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14 hours ago, grisgris said:

I agree with that. Like I've mentioned, this is my first rodeo with this bunch of broads women. Without knowing any history at all about Luann, I got the impression that:

1. She is the type of woman who always has to have a man in her life, no matter how poor of quality he is.

2. She was desperate to get married. As long as it has a pulse and penis (penthouse and Palm Beach -- see what I did there? Ha! Ha! were pluses.)

3. It was a way to one-up her so-called friends and rub salt into Ramonja for failing to grab the br(ass) ring.

4. She's a stubborn Taurus.

Finally, maybe it was just me, but she made enough remarks about how her first wedding was just an elopement at city hall, that I was convinced that Luann wanted the pageantry and attention of a wedding and the fall-out (marriage and husband) were afterthoughts.

If those two lived together, I don't see how Luann didn't catch on to what Tom as up to right under her nose. I don't see how he was able to keep his wayward behavior under wraps for that long.

I am sorry for her but not sorry for her.  Sorry that she has to now go through the public humiliation of the divorce but she had to have known all along. I hope it is over quickly and amicably and Luann is able to benefit financially from.

Andy Cohen must be beside himself. Season 10 is signed, sealed and delivered.

According to WWC, Ben said that two women came up to him and one used to work for Tom and she said that Tom and Lu didn't live together 

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On 8/4/2017 at 8:18 AM, ryebread said:

If this ain't the picture of connubial bliss, I don't know what is.

Two wrongs that somehow make a right.



I'm jumping on your bandwagon Ryebread!  Cmon Bravo, get these two crazy kids together. 

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1 hour ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Cmon Bravo, get these two crazy kids together. 


Like a couple of old shoes.  I mean, this looks like a picture they could use in the People magazine article when they announce their conscious coupling.


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