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S09.E05: Turkish Delights

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You know, lately, nothing grinds my gears on all these shows (and IRL) like the divorced people who can't even get a grip on their own life, acting like the know-it-alls on their newfound glorious phase of life. Ditched the husband, got healthy, became an independent woman and got more fit than ever in their 40s. I mean...good for you? I guess the rest of us married losers who stay home with our kids and don't spend hours at the gym and getting fillers and facials, having a stick of asparagus for lunch with our gal pals- we'll take our our notebooks to jot down ideas how to "succeed at life." Give me an f'n break! Oh, and your kids are not okay. If I saw my daughter hug my friend goodbye while rolling here eyes well into the back of her head a-la Milania, i would chew her out at least once we got to the car. 

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1 hour ago, lezlers said:

Melissa really is damned if she does, damned if she doesn't.   Teresa spends the last episode telling Melissa to "fix it," meaning, tell Joe to see his father more.  Melissa says she wants to stay out of it and that's not good enough.  So Melissa tells Joe what Teresa said.  Now Teresa is mad that Melissa told him?  Come on, now.   Melissa TOLD Teresa that Joe would blow up and that's why she didn't want to tell him.  Teresa insists she talk to him anyway.  She does and Joe, predictably, blows up.  And it's somehow Melissa's fault?  We all know Teresa hates Melissa and has always hated Melissa.  SHE wants to be the only Gorga woman.   So she's going to look for any excuse to blame Melissa for anything she can.   She's so transparent it's infuriating.   And Dolores, the mindless foot solider, can't see beyond her own blind allegiance to even consider Melissa's position in all of this.  Also, the irony of Teresa and Dolores, one who's husband called her a cunt on national television and sent her to prison and the other who cheated on her non-stop and didn't even tell her he was disbarred, lecturing Melissa on controlling her husband is NOT lost on me.  That one was REALLY rich. 


Delores can walk her fat ass of my TV screen.  She, like Danielle, brings nothing to the show.

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1 hour ago, esco1822 said:

Well, because the real problem is that Joe isn't spending enough time with Teresa, at her house. No way she would allow her father to stay at MELISSA'S house. God forbid Melissa was a better cook, caretaker, etc. Tre's head would spin off her body and out into orbit. I think a lot of us give Joe a hard time about his "work" but really, I can't fault him for wanting to spend time with his wife and kids. Especially knowing how much it hurt him not to have his dad at his games, I think it's sweet he doesn't want to miss all of his kids' life events. 

I don't think Teresa is making it about spending time with her, I think Teresa genuinely wants her brother to help take care and spend time with their father more but I also think Teresa is falling into her bad habits of instead of making this between her and her brother and holding him accountable, she's trying to give him an accuse by blaming Melissa for Joe not having time to spend with their father. It's like an itch with her that she just needs to scratch - but I don't think it takes away from the point she's making and one that even her father is saying - Joe barely sees or talks to him. When confronted, Joe didn't deny the lack of time he spends with his father, he constantly used the excuse that he was busy working all of the time. If he's using a lot of downtime for his family, that's great...but spending time with his father doesn't have to be separate from that. When he went out with his dad, didn't he have some of his kids with him? I can't remember but I feel like there was more than just him and his father together in that scene we saw. The reality is that Joe can take his father out and include him in more of his family outings (dinner, kids' life events) rather than see his father as a completely separate entity that he doesn't have enough hours in the day for. They're both wrong here. I think Melissa should take some heat for not shutting it down when each side brings it up to her and then going back and forth sharing their messages to one another. But for the most part, Melissa has the short end of the stick here, being involved in a matter that she shouldn't be involved him and that's both Joe and Teresa's fault.

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9 hours ago, Hockey Addict said:

Why were the kids eating while the supposedly lovely Turkish spread was being prepared? Before the others got there?

It looked like chicken fingers and fries.  I noticed that too and got a chuckle.

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ok now I have a point of reference for Jennifer's house -... Micheal Jordan's custom house that is for sale  (9 beds 19 baths 32,683 sqft) is going for $14,855,000. Granted North Chicago isn't NJ but it nice to know a plastic surgeon can bring in the $$ like Air Jordan.

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17 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

Jackie may be my favorite housewife ever.  I wonder how long it will take her to disappoint me.

That's how I'm feeling as well. Almost every time I've really gravitated towards a new wife, I've been disappointed. 

2 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

Fixed it for ya



Dead. I am dead. 

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back to Nonno , and his grumpy look, ... I was scrolling though the pix that had Joe from my earlier post and I found one of his-Nonno's mother... Nonno's face, disposition, stare, etc comes from her... ( link)...

Tre better watch out ! :)

Edited by sATL
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Joe Go basically said he learned by example. He grew up with a dad who worked all the time..."Teresa idolizes dad for what he did for us. So why's she on my case?!" He wants to do for his kids what his dad did for them-- presumably be a provider. Maybe Gorgas left their parents back in Italy or they passed away young and they had time to build the American dream. Now it's new murky territory to navigate so who knows? I see both sides of it but Teresa seriously reaped rewards of her parents when they were alive and able bodied. Her mom was behind the cook books that brought in $. So now it is what it is.

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I think Marge Sr. looks better after the face lift, but it could have been better. I don't think the surgeon tightened her enough - nor does it look like it was done symmetrically. 

Maybe she should go to Jennifer's husband!!! 



I’ve also never heard of falafel balls that included meat but that might be a regional dish. 

They weren't falafel, they were kibbeh balls.  Basically it is a pressed mixture of lamb and bulgar wheat formed around a looser ground lamb and pine nuts mixture.  They are delicious.  And nothing like falafel.  

Let's give credit where credit is due: Kathy did a much better job with her Lebanese spread during her goddess party than Jennifer did with her Turkish party. Both in presentation and explanation of the food.  And mini-marinated mozzarella?  Why not serve actual middle eastern cheeses? 

Jackie is going to eat Tre up and spit her out.  Seriously.  Tre doesn't know what's coming.  She clearly has a zero interest in bullshit.  And she's a lawyer.  Tre is dead in the water.

Is anybody else starting to resent the whole old school family shit?  I don't know why but I find it so offensive.  Like people who don't prescribe to the Teresa family value du jour are somehow lacking in sophistication and intelligence.  What's even more offensive is that it is being spouted from a woman who went to prison and whose husband is sitting in the clinker as i type.  

And what is crazy is that i get what Tre is saying.  How Melissa presents the discussion to Joe will impact how he responds.  But Tre can't say that.  And Melissa wouldn't do iy differently anyway.

It's like Dr. V said. They want to be in conflict with each other.  

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2 hours ago, BrindaWalsh said:

Is anybody else starting to resent the whole old school family shit?  I don't know why but I find it so offensive.  Like people who don't prescribe to the Teresa family value du jour are somehow lacking in sophistication and intelligence.  What's even more offensive is that it is being spouted from a woman who went to prison and whose husband is sitting in the clinker as i type.  

And the woman doing the spouting has repeatedly proved herself to have the iq of mashed turnip and morals to match. Hell yes, I'm sick of it. And hearing Melissa's oft promoted 'We are Italians from Jersey' speech? Makes her sound like she's cosigning. Or explaining away the toxic family dynamic she's married into.


Who is supporting Teresa and 4 children in the style to which they're continue to become accustomed? There has been no discernable change to how they live and it must cost a BOMB. I wonder if Joe Gorga pitches in financially, to keep up appearances or due to family pressure from the font of toxicity, his father. Or if Teresa has expected him to and he has refused. That'd account for some of the venom. 

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8 hours ago, queenjen said:


Who is supporting Teresa and 4 children in the style to which they're continue to become accustomed? There has been no discernable change to how they live and it must cost a BOMB. I wonder if Joe Gorga pitches in financially, to keep up appearances or due to family pressure from the font of toxicity, his father. Or if Teresa has expected him to and he has refused. That'd account for some of the venom. 

For years Teresa has supported the family through her Bravo paycheck plus whatever side gigs she still has going. It's a fiction that no one can mention that there is significant money because they are housewives. When she was in jail, they were paid for the special series they did.

I find the idea of Joe Gorga being so busy ridiculous because the Gorga family is also being supported by Melissa's paycheck from Bravo and whatever other promotional side gigs she gets. All of those appearances and posts on instagram add up. I don't think Joe Gorga has any income coming in that would support their lifestyle.

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3 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

As obnoxious as most of the children on this show can be (reserving judgment on Jackie's), I'm impressed they all got along so well.  It just reinforces my long-held belief that children act better when not in the presence of their parents.

Especially these parents.

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20 hours ago, BrindaWalsh said:


Let's give credit where credit is due: Kathy did a much better job with her Lebanese spread during her goddess party than Jennifer did with her Turkish party. Both in presentation and explanation of the food.  And mini-marinated mozzarella?  Why not serve actual middle eastern cheeses? 

Jackie is going to eat Tre up and spit her out.  Seriously.  Tre doesn't know what's coming.  She clearly has a zero interest in bullshit.  And she's a lawyer.  Tre is dead in the water.


She is? I thought Jackie was a writer/mommy blogger.

Kathy's spread was amazing.

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On 12/7/2018 at 12:12 PM, Hockey Addict said:

Surprised that the kids were not eating what everyone else was. Even as a little Hockey Addict I was expected to wait until everyone got there and the same food.

Apparently the adults' food wasn't high enough in calories, carbs, and fat, so they had to throw the chicken fingers, fries, and copious amounts of ketchup at them. 

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9 hours ago, LilaFowler said:


In any case I wouldn't get too excited about Scary Mommy taking Teresa down. Teresa is like Bethenny in NY and Vicki in OC: people who go against the queen never last. She'll either bend the knee or be gone.

Which is really stupid of Bravo - they should realize that the shows get more interesting when the 'queen bee' is legitimately challenged.

Which is why I liked the Manzos.  Caroline would not drink the 'poor Teresa' Kool-Aid and, while her kids were a bit bratty and immature, they were delightfully bitchy the way they mocked Teresa and Joe (and praised Melissa and Kathy in Teresa's presence which really fired up her petty jealousy)

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On ‎12‎/‎8‎/‎2018 at 8:06 AM, amarante said:

For years Teresa has supported the family through her Bravo paycheck plus whatever side gigs she still has going. It's a fiction that no one can mention that there is significant money because they are housewives. When she was in jail, they were paid for the special series they did.

I find the idea of Joe Gorga being so busy ridiculous because the Gorga family is also being supported by Melissa's paycheck from Bravo and whatever other promotional side gigs she gets. All of those appearances and posts on instagram add up. I don't think Joe Gorga has any income coming in that would support their lifestyle.

I don't think having income coming in from other sources means someone can't be busy at their primary job.   He owns his business.   That didn't change because Melissa got a side hustle going.   I roll my eyes at Teresa's guilt trip anyway since it seems pretty clear Nonno wasn't around for Joe when he was growing up and seems to be a bit of a toxic jackass to him now, anyway. I just don't think Joe has the emotional intelligence to articulate that so he just talks about being too busy all the time.  Maybe if Nonno wants Joe to babysit him, he can not be a dick to him whenever he DOES come around.   

21 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

As obnoxious as most of the children on this show can be (reserving judgment on Jackie's), I'm impressed they all got along so well.  It just reinforces my long-held belief that children act better when not in the presence of their parents.

Lord of the Flies says otherwise.

:D  I kid!  I kid!

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Just catching up on the season, so here's my take:

Tre and Melissa - same old same old, rinse and repeat. Sister in laws who don't get long does not make for a multi season storyline. That said, Tre has a valid beef with her brother, not her sister in law. Old school traditions or not,  Melissa cannot be expected to control her husband's emotions and actions. But in typical "all for drama" Tre mode, she goes after Melissa in a public way in an inarticulate manner. She has a valid argument that she can't even express. Do I think it was shitty to take a vacation on the year anniversary of when your mom's passing, especially if you r dad is struggling? Yep. But I have no insight into their dynamic, so I'm not goin to judge. 

The new girl, I forget her name and her ugly McMansion, no words. Her taste is in her mouth obv. Bigger isn't always better. But she is gold. She makes everyone else seem almost humble. 

Liking Delores and Marge, but please shut up about Frank and Frank Jr. WE don't care and it's weird. 

I hope Jackie takes them all down verbally. 

Edited by poeticlicensed
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On 12/8/2018 at 8:47 PM, LilaFowler said:


In any case I wouldn't get too excited about Scary Mommy taking Teresa down. Teresa is like Bethenny in NY and Vicki in OC: people who go against the queen never last. She'll either bend the knee or be gone.

You may be right.  But there's a difference here.  They finally have a group of housewives that work without teresa.  No other group was strong enough to carry it before.  Bravo and Tre both needed each other to make this show work.  I know it's early but if things keep going the way they are now, by the end of the season, Bravo won't need Tre anymore.  

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58 minutes ago, BrindaWalsh said:

You may be right.  But there's a difference here.  They finally have a group of housewives that work without teresa.  No other group was strong enough to carry it before.  Bravo and Tre both needed each other to make this show work.  I know it's early but if things keep going the way they are now, by the end of the season, Bravo won't need Tre anymore.  

Yeah, they tried this with Kathy and Jacqueline and it didn't work. What are they going to do, build the show around Melissa? LMAO. Tre's life is too interesting with Joe being released next year and probably being deported. She isn't going anywhere.

ETA: I don't really agree with your assessment of the other shows either, that they don't work without Bethenny and Vicki. I think they could simply because the other cast members appear to only tolerate them and would probably be happy to film without them (Vicki) and because they've left before and it's been okay (Bethenny). But they are OG and Top Dog and Bravo/Andy won't get rid of them. If Tre, Vicki and Bethenny leave their respective shows it will be because they want to. Same with NeNe in ATL. There will always, always be a spot for her on the show if she wants it doesn't matter what the others want.

Edited by LilaFowler
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On 12/5/2018 at 9:46 PM, FairyDusted said:

Wait a minute did Melania call her cousin a bitch?

She sure did.  

On 12/7/2018 at 12:45 AM, Iguessnot said:

I'm sure the "falafel balls" were a dish called kibbeh. 

I love kibbeh!  That whole spread was catered from a restaurant with exception of maybe the fish.  Cooked it herself, my ass.  That house is sooooo bad.  That "proposal room"?  Talk about tacky.  They're like low-rent Debrows. 

Jackie is my new favorite.  

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Jackie is going to eat Tre up and spit her out.  Seriously.  Tre doesn't know what's coming. 

Yaaass, and I am Here.For.It.


Is anybody else starting to resent the whole old school family shit?  I don't know why but I find it so offensive.  Like people who don't prescribe to the Teresa family value du jour are somehow lacking in sophistication and intelligence.  What's even more offensive is that it is being spouted from a woman who went to prison and whose husband is sitting in the clinker as i type.  

...and whose grandmother sent her daughter away for others to raise, and whose father hasn't talked to his sister in years because of a dispute over a couple hundred bucks. The "we're the fambly-est fambly that ever fambly-ed" declarations have always been a fucking joke.

Teresa had to leave Jennifer's because Milania was meeting a friend? Riiight...more like Milania heard Teresa starting to yell, and knew she had to usher her hosebeast mother out of there before she broke another law.

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On 12/9/2018 at 3:09 AM, Kiki777 said:

Which is really stupid of Bravo - they should realize that the shows get more interesting when the 'queen bee' is legitimately challenged.

Which is why I liked the Manzos.  Caroline would not drink the 'poor Teresa' Kool-Aid and, while her kids were a bit bratty and immature, they were delightfully bitchy the way they mocked Teresa and Joe (and praised Melissa and Kathy in Teresa's presence which really fired up her petty jealousy)

I hate that these shows have queen bees and I do like when they are taken down of their pedestal.


You and I will have to disagree about the Manzos. They were just as awful as Teresa.

I found them extremely sanctimonious. The whole family save the father were just as bitchy, just as hypocritical as Teresa.

As for  Manzo's smug insufferable kids, bratty and immature doesn't look good on adults. It wasn't cute and one knew that they thought they were.

I got to the point of fast forwarding anything they were in.  I would not watch that stupid family show they had afterwards. I hope they never come back. 

I'm glad they are gone.

Edited by Giselle
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On 12/6/2018 at 6:03 PM, KungFuBunny said:

When they showed one of the basement bathrooms - didn't it look janky?

Yes.  There appeared to be at least a couple of bathrooms down there that were each approximately the size of a bathroom stall.  I guess whatever gets you to that "16" count, lady...


On 12/6/2018 at 1:58 PM, LibertarianSlut said:

'm one of the few that's not offended by Jen.  She reminds me 1.) of Larsa from Real Housewives of Miami, for the seven or eight souls who watched it; and 2.) of someone who grew up poor, but is now filthy rich.  She hasn't really learned how to adjust yet, so she is excited and bordering closely on braggadocious.

I find Jennifer quite annoying and actively dislike her, but I do see your point.  I also do think Teresa is right (*as a pig whooshes overhead*) that Jennifer's humor can be misunderstood at times.  I do like that Jennifer at least seems somewhat able to laugh at her own absurdity -- like during the trampoline class, or when Margaret made the retort about Jen's house being next to the cemetery (if I recall, rather than getting upset, Jennifer seemed to laugh good-naturedly at that).  I also thought, in the Oklahoma scene where Margaret was up on stage thanking her friend and Jennifer blurted out the "16 bathrooms" line, she really did seem to be making a joke at her own expense.  Again, don't get it twisted: I do not like her.  But I do think at least a tiny sliver of the reason other castmembers don't like her is because of humor that gets misinterpreted. 

On 12/6/2018 at 3:01 AM, sATL said:

any man that is coming to take that screaming 5 yr old in marriage and off her hands - I would meet at the driveway.  That girl gets way to excited when the doorbell rings..

Ha, to be fair, my 4-year-old does that too-- not every time the doorbell rings, but when she knows fun people are coming over.  If she were waiting for a bunch of kids to come over for a bouncy-house-and-cotton-candy party, she'd definitely be hyped up.  (To be clear, though, there are tons of other reasons to hate on Jennifer and her spawn!)

Edited by ladle
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On 12/7/2018 at 2:55 PM, ghoulina said:
On 12/6/2018 at 9:44 PM, RedheadZombie said:

Jackie may be my favorite housewife ever.  I wonder how long it will take her to disappoint me.

That's how I'm feeling as well. Almost every time I've really gravitated towards a new wife, I've been disappointed. 

I don't know why I'm not as wild about her as everyone else seems to be.  "On paper" she's great: willing to stand up to Tre?  Check!  seemingly well-mannered, yet able to have a good time?  Check!  Somewhat intelligent (There's a low bar on this show, but still...)?  Check!  ... Yet I somehow haven't really warmed to her.  I suppose the cheese stands alone.   

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On 12/7/2018 at 11:37 AM, Giselle said:


Delores can walk her fat ass of my TV screen.  She, like Danielle, brings nothing to the show.

And her deep fried face.  Other than Melissa and Margaret, who is remotely aspirational on this show?  Jennifer is a basic plain girl trying to live the glamorous life and failing, Tre is a dimwitted, three toed sloth troglodyte felon,  Danielle is a fucking possessed ghoul, and Jackie is ok, but no great shakes.  Blonde hair isn’t her friend, either.  

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On 12/6/2018 at 4:48 PM, Baltimore Betty said:

Turkish girl's furniture is just, just, ummm, it's, well I will just say it, French whore house -esq. 

When your house is that big furniture will look tiny and lost, she really should have hired an interior designer to help her make sense out of those rooms, pushing identical white tacky sofa's (ala Liberace) and chairs up against the white walls and throwing a white baby grand in the mix is not a welcoming look.  And yes, I totally believe she went to China for that cheap looking crap, lord knows what is really in that diamond tuck upholstery.

For the record, I had a service hall in my house, it ran from the kitchen to behind the dining room to the foyer...so there Turkish girl, so there!

Yeah, late to the party on this, but Jennifer's house and "decor" is horrible. Superman's Fortress of Solitude is warmer. Not a single rug, picture or painting on the walls, not even accessories like candles, knick knacks, or books (not that Jennifer reads) on the tables or shelves. I got cold just watching it. And those cabinets in the kitchen looked cheap.These Jersey ladies should take a page from Lisa Vanderpump, who manages to make her home look lavish/over the top, but still feel warm and homey. Now that I think about it, I'm hard pressed to think of anyone's home I like on these shows besides Lisa's. . . YMMV.

ETA: okay, maybe Luann's Sag Harbor home and Bethenny's various homes.

Edited by candle96
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20 hours ago, candle96 said:

Yeah, late to the party on this, but Jennifer's house and "decor" is horrible. Superman's Fortress of Solitude is warmer. Not a single rug, picture or painting on the walls, not even accessories like candles, knick knacks, or books (not that Jennifer reads) on the tables or shelves. I got cold just watching it. And those cabinets in the kitchen looked cheap.These Jersey ladies should take a page from Lisa Vanderpump, who manages to make her home look lavish/over the top, but still feel warm and homey. Now that I think about it, I'm hard pressed to think of anyone's home I like on these shows besides Lisa's. . . YMMV.

ETA: okay, maybe Luann's Sag Harbor home and Bethenny's various homes.

That wackaloon Yolanda on RHoBH...  I would have bought that house furnishings included if I had a few millions to spare.

I loved that house!

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8 minutes ago, Giselle said:

That wackaloon Yolanda on RHoBH...  I would have bought that house furnishings included if I had a few millions to spare.

I loved that house!

I loved her fridge, but would have ended up hating it when I saw all the work and cleaning involved to keep it looking good. 

I did covet that lemon tree. Umm...fresh lemons and plenty of them. I’d be like Shannon and have a bowl of 9 of them lol. 

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19 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

I loved her fridge, but would have ended up hating it when I saw all the work and cleaning involved to keep it looking good. 

I did covet that lemon tree. Umm...fresh lemons and plenty of them. I’d be like Shannon and have a bowl of 9 of them lol. 

If I was that rich I'd have lots of help to keep it looking good. 

I loved the the final truth when Yoyo was pulling out the fake fruit and fake veggies out of that famous fridge.

She had a covetable tiny orchard of trees going up the hill along the side of the house. I would have loved that.

Every house I ever lived had lemon trees, if they didn't Mama planted some. Now I've got two prolific lemon trees but different varieties and a tangerine tree. I just wish I had the space for a grapefruit tree.

I make lemoncello, preserved lemons, lemon curd & marmalade and they stuff for gifts and my pantry.

Edited by Giselle
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On 12/18/2018 at 6:46 PM, candle96 said:

And those cabinets in the kitchen looked cheap.These Jersey ladies should take a page from Lisa Vanderpump, who manages to make her home look lavish/over the top, but still feel warm and homey. Now that I think about it, I'm hard pressed to think of anyone's home I like on these shows besides Lisa's. . . YMMV.

ETA: okay, maybe Luann's Sag Harbor home and Bethenny's various hom


11 hours ago, Giselle said:
11 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

I loved her fridge, but would have ended up hating it when I saw all the work and cleaning involved to keep it looking good. 

I did covet that lemon tree. Umm...fresh lemons and plenty of them. I’d be like Shannon and have a bowl of 9 of them lol. 

If I was that rich I'd have lots of help to keep it looking good. 

I loved the the final truth when Yoyo was pulling out the fake fruit and fake veggies out of that famous fridge.

She had a covetable tiny orchard of trees going up the hill along the side of the house. I would have loved that.

Every house I ever lived had lemon trees, if they didn't Mama planted some. Now I've got two prolific lemon trees but different varieties and a tangerine tree. I just wish I had the space for a grapefruit tree.

I make lemoncello,

Wasn't that  Danny DeVito's excuse for drunk driving?

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1 hour ago, walnutqueen said:

I'd fall off the wagon to drink with Clooney.

Preferably on the Amalfi Coast.

But if you drank it’s him at hi home on Lake Como you might get an invite to pass out at his place. Either is good though and he probably knows where the good Limoncello is. Cheers to drinking with George. Can we do a foursome? (No sex involved) I find Danny hysterical. 

Edited by Mindthinkr
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I have to tell you there is something I saw that I  enjoyed more than anything on NJ since the table flip. And that, was every single last one of these bitches GREEN with envy walking into Jennifer's mansion. Their faces! I LOVED IT. Jennifer can totally stay.  NJ has needed an injection of a girl with money, the house, and an interesting lifestyle. Jennifer brings it and I dont care if she spoils her kids I want to see it ! 

Flove Jackie too. Get Tre, girl!!! Get it! 

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