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19 Things I Hate About You: How the Duggars Infuriate

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I finally made myself watch the Duggar's Mission Trip on utube. I've heard by you guys how all they do is paint nails, paint faces, and hand out candy. It's true! And they gave that emaciated toothless man a christian tract! A tract! What good is THAT going to be for him? And the Duggars shop for the poor people at Walmart. Why not shop for nutritious ingredients like beans,veggies, rice and meats at the local open market they showed? Why not support the local shopkeepers and farmers instead of buying the CHEAPEST food you can find at Walmart?

But the most horrendous, horrific thing I saw was MECHELLE constantly handing out posters of her huge family, pointing out herself in the picture! Please, Michelle; the world does Not revolve around you!

  • Love 19

The Duggars belief that they and others like them are 'building God's army'.  In the news today, ISIS is doing the same thing:  From AOL news article on ISIS attempting to spread their ways through a baby boom. Part of the article reads below and sounds similar to the Duggar baby boom plan of building God's army, except the toy gun part, although the Duggar boys do play with toy guns a lot.


How to raise a “jihadi baby” has also been a key feature of ISIS publications, with one article, “Sister’s Role in Jihad,” underscoring that the “most important” role a female can play within the caliphate is to indoctrinate her offspring as early as possible. Mothers should encourage boys to play with toy guns and steer clear of TV, as it “mostly teaches shamelessness, anarchy and random violence.”

  • Love 7

The Duggars belief that they and others like them are 'building God's army'.  In the news today, ISIS is doing the same thing:  From AOL news article on ISIS attempting to spread their ways through a baby boom. Part of the article reads below and sounds similar to the Duggar baby boom plan of building God's army, except the toy gun part, although the Duggar boys do play with toy guns a lot.


How to raise a “jihadi baby” has also been a key feature of ISIS publications, with one article, “Sister’s Role in Jihad,” underscoring that the “most important” role a female can play within the caliphate is to indoctrinate her offspring as early as possible. Mothers should encourage boys to play with toy guns and steer clear of TV, as it “mostly teaches shamelessness, anarchy and random violence.”

God help us all.

  • Love 5

...and, reportedly during the civil rights marches Stokely Carmichael said that "the position of women in SNCC is prone." It seems to be a sad fact of human nature that the more oppressed a group feels by the status quo, the more they cling like grim death to the right to oppress their women.

Edited by Julia
  • Love 9

...and, reportedly during the civil rights marches Stokely Carmichael said that "the position of women in SNCC is prone." It seems to be a sad fact of human nature that the more oppressed a group feels by the status quo, the more they cling like grim death to the right to oppress their women.

You gotta feel on top of somebody. It's nature. Can only be overcome by thought and will power, I think. And, as we know, the Duggars have neither of these items, at least any that they're interested in utilizing.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 4

Yes, and despite all her constant rhetoric about 'leaving it up to God' she certainly has tried to maintain a death grip on her attention-seeking constantly pregnant / nursing status.

"Leaving it up to God" has a special place in my heart as the very first thing that ever pissed me off about the Duggars, and it was during the 14 Kids and Pregnant Again special. Obsessively charting your cycle (and encouraging your kids to do the same) so that you know the second you are able to get pregnant (and be touched by your husband again, you filthy beast) is the opposite of leaving it up to God, you famewhores.

  • Love 24

"Leaving it up to God" has a special place in my heart as the very first thing that ever pissed me off about the Duggars, and it was during the 14 Kids and Pregnant Again special. Obsessively charting your cycle (and encouraging your kids to do the same) so that you know the second you are able to get pregnant (and be touched by your husband again, you filthy beast) is the opposite of leaving it up to God, you famewhores.

Say it like it is Aja.  Your paragraph sure starts my day off right.  What happened to my coffee and why is my keyboard wet?

  • Love 6


This video.  I know it has been around for a while but it really infuriates.  From the nail and face painting, to MEchelle constantly handing out glossy photos of the family and being sure to point out which one she is, to going to take a gift of food to a family of 14.  Do they not even realize that when they go to the store to buy food for their family, they have multiple carts full?  The amount they brought for that family was disgusting.  All the while, I am sure they were encouraging them to keep trying for more blessings. 


The constant talking about going to spread the gospel by making people watch idiotic skits and then giving them a little bag as a gift (containing ramen noodles and a sucker- or something like that).  I'm sorry, but these trips are just disgusting.  Take the money you spend on the damn flights and give the people food.  Leave it up to Josh to "spread" the gospel.  


I find a deep sense of disrespect in everything they do in El Salvador. 

Edited by truthtalk2014
  • Love 16


This video.  I know it has been around for a while but it really infuriates.  From the nail and face painting, to MEchelle constantly handing out glossy photos of the family and being sure to point out which one she is, to going to take a gift of food to a family of 14.  Do they not even realize that when they go to the store to buy food for their family, they have multiple carts full?  The amount they brought for that family was disgusting.  All the while, I am sure they were encouraging them to keep trying for more blessings. 


The constant talking about going to spread the gospel by making people watch idiotic skits and then giving them a little bag as a gift (containing ramen noodles and a sucker- or something like that).  I'm sorry, but these trips are just disgusting.  Take the money you spend on the damn flights and give the people food.  Leave it up to Josh to "spread" the gospel.  


I find a deep sense of disrespect in everything they do in El Salvador. 


Wow. I've never seen that before. Talk about changing the world one manicure at a time.  *eyeroll*

Edited by Guest

The Duggars thinking that whatever they do will magically be forgiven and they will all waltz into heaven because they love Jesus. They don't love Jesus they love the thought of being forgiven.  They love thinking that everyone is a sinner and deserves hell but if you believe you are forgiven than you are.  I'd like to think that a God is a lot smarter than taking their get out of jail free card and would detest hanging with the Duggars for all of eternity.   I also believe that a God would have more morals than to send people to hell for all of eternity simply for not trying to pass off a get out of jail free card.

  • Love 15

The Duggars thinking that whatever they do will magically be forgiven and they will all waltz into heaven because they love Jesus. They don't love Jesus they love the thought of being forgiven.  They love thinking that everyone is a sinner and deserves hell but if you believe you are forgiven than you are.  I'd like to think that a God is a lot smarter than taking their get out of jail free card and would detest hanging with the Duggars for all of eternity.   I also believe that a God would have more morals than to send people to hell for all of eternity simply for not trying to pass off a get out of jail free card.

Yup, I agree. The get out of hell free card seems to be the only card the Duggars have in their deck.

  • Love 9

Yup, I agree. The get out of hell free card seems to be the only card the Duggars have in their deck.

Well said.

It bothers me greatly when, in the mission footage, the Duggar introduces 'a local' - how absolutely elitist and impersonal. Yet I'm supposed to be awed by their 'presenting the gospel'? I hate it that those like the Duggars have made "Christian" synonymous with being pious, judgemental, Self righteous, and clueless about actual morality.

That they are and they think that everyone must be as clueless as they are.

  • Love 3

Yup, I agree. The get out of hell free card seems to be the only card the Duggars have in their deck.

I'm going to jump in here to say very well said, too ! What a great line ! I'm going to use this IRL but will give you credit, GeeGolly   ;)


It's just weird and sad and nearly inexplicable how true your observation is - the whole family seems unnaturally, unhealthily obsessed with sin, Hell, death, punishment, fear, retribution, and on and on. What a horrifying way to live !!! 


It must be absolutely exhausting to walk around all day thinking "She's going to Hell and he's going to hell..." 


Can't they just enjoy a nice day or a happy moment or occasion without bringing the threat of Hellfire and brimstone into it ? For example, today here in SomePityCity is just gorgeous - the perfect fall day - and I'm happy as a clam to be able to go out in the sunshine with my dog and run around in circles like a goofball. At no point will I be thinking "Wow, I hope all the sinners are enjoying this because they're all doomed to Hell !"


There just seems to be NOTHING that isn't tainted by their religion of fear, vengeance, and punishment. The Duggars, to me, seem both malignantly narcissistic in their constant judgement of others, but also so joyless and bland that I wonder if they have any personalities at all beyond their embrace of the monster that is Gothardism. 

  • Love 24

It's just weird and sad and nearly inexplicable how true your observation is - the whole family seems unnaturally, unhealthily obsessed with sin, Hell, death, punishment, fear, retribution, and on and on. What a horrifying way to live !!! 

As someone who studied early American Lit, you just succinctly and perfectly described the Puritans. This was the exact mindset in mid 1600s New England. And look what that got them...witch hunts (which were a cover for land grabs, but I digress). "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God," indeed. (Although to be fair to Jonathan Edwards, he wasn't as bad as that one well-known fiery sermon.) It was as exhausting for the Puritans to look for a devil behind every tree (or in every neighbor) as it is for the Duggars. You just cannot grow, spiritually or emotionally, in such parameters.
  • Love 12

I'm going to jump in here to say very well said, too ! What a great line ! I'm going to use this IRL but will give you credit, GeeGolly   ;)


It's just weird and sad and nearly inexplicable how true your observation is - the whole family seems unnaturally, unhealthily obsessed with sin, Hell, death, punishment, fear, retribution, and on and on. What a horrifying way to live !!! 


It must be absolutely exhausting to walk around all day thinking "She's going to Hell and he's going to hell..." 


Can't they just enjoy a nice day or a happy moment or occasion without bringing the threat of Hellfire and brimstone into it ? For example, today here in SomePityCity is just gorgeous - the perfect fall day - and I'm happy as a clam to be able to go out in the sunshine with my dog and run around in circles like a goofball. At no point will I be thinking "Wow, I hope all the sinners are enjoying this because they're all doomed to Hell !"


There just seems to be NOTHING that isn't tainted by their religion of fear, vengeance, and punishment. The Duggars, to me, seem both malignantly narcissistic in their constant judgement of others, but also so joyless and bland that I wonder if they have any personalities at all beyond their embrace of the monster that is Gothardism. 


Great post. And malignant narcissism is a phrase that will definitely reverberate in my thinking re the Duggars... 

  • Love 5

I'm not sure how I wandered into this topic and ended up reading 50-plus pages of this thread. I've never actually watched 19 Million Kids and Counting, but I have a friend (a normal, completely sane friend) who loves the show and admires Michelle. And of course the recent scandals have me curious.

So, after reading this thread, I've decided the Duggars are total fruitcakes, and I also need about a gallon of brain bleach after watching the putt putt video.

I find their fashion sense appalling, and more disturbingly, their parenting skills beyond appalling. And don't get me started on the all J names.

But I now have the urge to watch a few episodes, in part to see for myself how awful they are, and in part to determine my friend's sanity level and possibly stage an intervention.

So, which season (see what I did there, i purposed to use new words I learned on this thread) should I start with to get the maximum effect in the shortest time?

  • Love 12

Start from the beginning (14 Kids and Pregnant Again) and watch all the old specials. You have to see them before they were polluted with fame. They purposed to use tons of Gothardspeak, something they've dialed back on over the past few years. Michelle's mullet was in full flower, her makeup resembled a clown, and THE CLOTHES! They were at the height of their Little House obsession, complete with pantaloons on poor Joy. 


Now knowing that was filmed not long after Smuggar molested his sisters will make it just that much more creepy.

  • Love 12

Ah yes, On The Road with 15 Children and a Molester! Smuggles turned 18 while they were on the road, IIRC. He was about a month away from meeting his next victim...err...future wife when that one was filmed! 


Watching those old specials knowing what we know now is pretty vomit-inducing, but must be done to understand just how sick and twisted these people were back then to even entertain the idea that being filmed was ever a GOOD thing!

  • Love 4


Ah yes, On The Road with 15 Children and a Molester! Smuggles turned 18 while they were on the road, IIRC. He was about a month away from meeting his next victim...err...future wife when that one was filmed!

I was actually referring to the 17kac episodes with Josh hooking up with Anna. "Let's make sure Josh stays pure in the car, tee hee!".


This video.  I know it has been around for a while but it really infuriates.  From the nail and face painting, to MEchelle constantly handing out glossy photos of the family and being sure to point out which one she is, to going to take a gift of food to a family of 14.  Do they not even realize that when they go to the store to buy food for their family, they have multiple carts full?  The amount they brought for that family was disgusting.  All the while, I am sure they were encouraging them to keep trying for more blessings. 


The constant talking about going to spread the gospel by making people watch idiotic skits and then giving them a little bag as a gift (containing ramen noodles and a sucker- or something like that).  I'm sorry, but these trips are just disgusting.  Take the money you spend on the damn flights and give the people food.  Leave it up to Josh to "spread" the gospel.  


I find a deep sense of disrespect in everything they do in El Salvador. 

Thank you for posting this, I hadn't seen it.  It IS infuriating and makes me feel positively stabby.  Face painting?  Really?  Doing nails?  FFS


But I had to wonder what was in the packages involved as they were 'giving gifts to the girls'?  Home pregnancy tests and sharable calendars?  This entire family is so clueless and vapid it stuns me.  I never watched the show but became obsessed after the scandals broke. 


And another thing, and I know it's been said before, but their constant use of disposable EVERYTHING is appalling.  Here at Chez Henri we're careful to generate as little rubbish as possible.  These Duggar idiots seem intent on filling the landfill. 


They sicken me.  OK, rant over.  And thanks to the mods and contributors for a really excellent site to snark, point and laugh, and bitch. 

  • Love 11

And another thing, and I know it's been said before, but their constant use of disposable EVERYTHING is appalling.  Here at Chez Henri we're careful to generate as little rubbish as possible.  These Duggar idiots seem intent on filling the landfill. 


They sicken me.  OK, rant over.  And thanks to the mods and contributors for a really excellent site to snark, point and laugh, and bitch. 


Well the landfill is right next door or across the street, isn't it?  That said I totally agree with you. I stopped even buying paper towels years ago because I'd rather wash re-usable napkins, and it's kind of amazing how many people are shocked. "You don't have PAPER TOWELS?!?"  It's already appalling how much "space" the Duggars take up (both on the earth and in my mind!), but when they get into using everything disposable it really bugs me.

  • Love 7

Well the landfill is right next door or across the street, isn't it?  That said I totally agree with you. I stopped even buying paper towels years ago because I'd rather wash re-usable napkins, and it's kind of amazing how many people are shocked. "You don't have PAPER TOWELS?!?"  It's already appalling how much "space" the Duggars take up (both on the earth and in my mind!), but when they get into using everything disposable it really bugs me.


I do the same, Nik. I've been using cloth table napkins for several years and last year I found a seller on Etsy who makes the best "unpaper towels" from white birdseye cotton. Think old-timey cloth diapers. I asked to have them made in double-thickness, and have YET to find a household job they can't tackle. HIGHLY recommend them. Plus it's so nice to be scrubbing away and not have the towel come aparts in shreds. Or fill up a trash can. This birdseye cotton is tough! I bought a dozen for the bath, a dozen for the kitchen and keep a dozen in reserve, but I know the two sets that I've opened will last a LONG time. I also bought 40 cotton "rounds" - about 2 inches in diameter - that I use in place of cotton balls or puffs. Again it's so nice to hold something substantial in your hand, and not be contributing to landfills at the same time.

  • Love 8

After watching the special, I couldn't hep but notice how many of them refer to the babies as"kids".Don't know why it bugs me like it does but it does.

Most times MeChelle refers to children annoys me. I have the impression from the few episodes that I've seen that she doesn't really use the word 'child'. Instead they're 'babies' or 'blessings', as if she can't quite bring herself to say 'children'.

Edited by Obsidian
  • Love 2

Most times MeChelle refers to children annoys me. I have the impression from the few episodes that I've seen that she doesn't really use the word 'child'. Instead they're 'babies' or 'blessings', as if she can't quite bring herself to say 'children'.

Same deal for other things as well - she's just not able to form the words in her brain and get them out of her mouth, which is why "underwear" went straight into the Bin of Sinful Words, to be replaced by the more Godly "Underthings". Which sounds like something you'd be attacked by in a YA novel about sea monsters or something. 


Oh, Michelle, you ridiculous, ridiculous woman...

  • Love 9

I'm surprised she just doesn't call them "unmentionables" and have done with it!

I'm surprised she just doesn't call underwear "unmentionables" and have done with it!

Yes! 'Unmentionables' could become a trademarked Duggarese word, along with phrases involving the word 'heart' (lay it on my heart, encourage your little heart, etc) and could be multipurpose. Underwear, bared knees and shoulders (and worse), children over 6 months, any emotion or availability other than joyful and sweet...

  • Love 2

One of my bigger Duggar pet peeve is the idea the poor younger kids will suffer without TLC. One day the gravy train will stop dead on the tracks. The fame game will be over and JB and Michelle along with Jill/Derick, Josh/Anna, Jessa/Ben, and yes even JD will be hurting because daddy set them up with houses, planes, Gothard approved careers, and the ole look at me I am a special little snowflake attitude where people kiss my hand and tell me how wonderful totally amazing blessed of a human being I am. The sad fact is none of them are ready for the cruel world especially now since the scandals have hit the fan and turn into a major blaze even TLC cannot put out.


Of course, I can picture the sad sob stories JB, Michelle and the married couples with kids will come up with. They would expect fans to come in and save them by giving them love offerings. There are millions of people around the world working hard trying to keep food on the table, a roof over their heads, and have a happy, healthy life without expecting someone to help them.


The younger kids are being abused at the hands of their parents by not teaching them how to be self reliant, but let the universe believe the kids will be worse off if the show goes off the air and the fame goes away. The sad fact is their will be a third generation of Duggars with their hands out expecting things to be given to them without working because of their grandparents and parents greediness and selflessness. I can hear millions of our country's ancestors rolling over in their graves over this.

One of my bigger Duggar pet peeve is the idea the poor younger kids will suffer without TLC. One day the gravy train will stop dead on the tracks. The fame game will be over and JB and Michelle along with Jill/Derick, Josh/Anna, Jessa/Ben, and yes even JD will be hurting because daddy set them up with houses, planes, Gothard approved careers, and the ole look at me I am a special little snowflake attitude where people kiss my hand and tell me how wonderful totally amazing blessed of a human being I am. The sad fact is none of them are ready for the cruel world especially now since the scandals have hit the fan and turn into a major blaze even TLC cannot put out.


Of course, I can picture the sad sob stories JB, Michelle and the married couples with kids will come up with. They would expect fans to come in and save them by giving them love offerings. There are millions of people around the world working hard trying to keep food on the table, a roof over their heads, and have a happy, healthy life without expecting someone to help them.


The younger kids are being abused at the hands of their parents by not teaching them how to be self reliant, but let the universe believe the kids will be worse off if the show goes off the air and the fame goes away. The sad fact is their will be a third generation of Duggars with their hands out expecting things to be given to them without working because of their grandparents and parents greediness and selflessness. I can hear millions of our country's ancestors rolling over in their graves over this.


And the longer it is before self-reliance is forced on them -- and it will be -- the harder it'll be for them to buck up and learn it. And they'll have to learn it.


I feel as if I've learned from my life and lives of those around me that when some hard-to-adjust-to thing is in the offing, delaying it only makes matters worse. Deepens the rut people are in and makes it harder to cope in the end.

  • Love 7

Why did some dumb magazine refer to Jana, Jinger, Mechelle and Guinn as Jessa's midwives? Aside from Jana's two month stint as a doula in training, none of them has had a drop of medical training. I think that they endangered Jessa's life by not having a trained medical professional there. Was Boob too cheap to pay for even a lay midwife?

  • Love 4

Crazy thought here, bear with me now.... but how about why didn't Bin pay for a lay midwife? Ya know, since it's his wife and baby..

It's funny how Bin is so completely useless nobody on here even considers him a head of household. It's all "I wonder why Boob doesn't have Jessa on his insurance" or "Boob was too cheap to let Jessa deliver in a hospital." Bin is such a non-factor in his own life, lol.

  • Love 14

Is there ever a quiet moment in that dirty messy house? It would drive me insane.


Small wonder Jilly Muffin can't stand being alone with her hubby. She's used to mayhem


I expect the house has some pretty substantial echoes too, given that it's just a few humongous rooms. I doubt that that main room ever actually sounds -- or feels -- like part of a home. It must either feel like an emptied-out high school gym after the big game is over, when there are only a few people in it, and like an auditorium packed with antsy middleschoolers when it has a crowd.

  • Love 9

I expect the house has some pretty substantial echoes too, given

I expect the house has some pretty substantial echoes too, given that it's just a few humongous rooms. I doubt that that main room ever actually sounds -- or feels -- like part of a home. It must either feel like an emptied-out high school gym after the big game is over, when there are only a few people in it, and like an auditorium packed with antsy middleschoolers when it has a crowd.

More like a stinky gym locker room--you know its likely got the pong of foot and ass and unwashed Howlers and Josie drooling all over everything..

I guess they never heard the old adage about cleanliness being next to godliness..

Edited by Arwen Evenstar
  • Love 8

More like a stinky gym locker room--you know its likely got the pong of foot and ass and unwashed Howlers and Josie drooling all over everything..

I guess they never heard the old adage about cleanliness being next to godliness..


Yeah, I can see that.  I was trying to just think about the sound! ....

  • Love 1

More like a stinky gym locker room--you know its likely got the pong of foot and ass and unwashed Howlers and Josie drooling all over everything..

I guess they never heard the old adage about cleanliness being next to godliness..

One thing that irks me is they allow the kids to put their nasty shoes all over the furniture. I feel like I need a hazmat suit just watching their germ-ridden house. I'm sure Josie wipes her drool and snot all over the furniture too.

I'm sure if you ran a black light all over the house (Jim Bob and Mullet's room) you'd find a lot of mystery stains.

Blech. They really are the barefoot and backyard hillbillies.

  • Love 8

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