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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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1 hour ago, Spiderella2 said:

It’s actually not that bad. I had to administer it to patients as a nurse. The radioactive material is placed inside a capsule, so it’s just like swallowing a pill. The greatest hurdle is wrapping your mind around the thought of it. But it’s just like a pill, about the size of a multivitamin. Albeit, depending on the dose, you might have to swallow several capsules, but it goes down easy. 

Hey, over the years I've increased my pill-swallowing skills to 7 or 8 pills at once, including multivitamins and calcium, but none of them are radioactive. 

  • Love 4
7 hours ago, LBS said:

@Bridget  I want to go back to school and have you as my teacher.  

Awwww thanks! You're more than welcome to pop on in anytime!

I try to use pop culture references to get the students' brains thinking about all type of issues and warm up their brains before they break my heart by telling me they didn't do their homework. 

I have all types of screen shots/photos that require the kids to correct grammar (I literally take a photo of my TV with the closed captions on - so easy) to have them think critically and compose a written response about things like social etiquette & the use of cell phones at sporting events. I'll display a photo/image and usually ask something like: "should the crowd be on their phone or should they focus on the game/match they paid to see in person?" It gets them writing and thinking and if that's all they do during my class, I know I did my best. 

I love my knuckleheads, don't get me wrong, but I don't love the ones whose parents "forgot to raise them" and think it's my fault their kid is failing.

For the record: I draw the line with anything from the Kartrashians. They use the word "like" too many times and I just caaaaaan't with that filler word.

Edited by Bridget
Students don't "compost" a written response. Words matter!
  • Love 21
7 minutes ago, Bridget said:

I love you so much for this.  Muchas gracias mi querida!

I need this image printed on the ass of sweatpants as well as on a tote bag, travel coffee mug, t-shirt and made into earrings!


Kail can wear the sweatpants! lol 

West coast in the house. My DVR is set as well. 

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 3
19 hours ago, LBS said:

@Bridget  I want to go back to school and have you as my teacher.  

Right??? School would have been much more interesting if we could use shitty, z-list celebs as examples. 

Next week, Bridget should cover Danielle Staub's (RHNJ) misunderstanding of the plural form of woman. 

Oh Lord, so OT, but I have this friend on SM whose last name ends in an 'S' and she seems to think you make it plural by adding an apostrophe! 

12 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Did anyone watch the Janelle ex’s files special? Super fun memories of when she threw a change jar at Keifer. Also they somehow managed to track down her ex’s for interviews! 

I accidentally recorded it instead of OG (shamefully bought it on Amazon to watch this morning). Oh man, her exes look like a police line up or a an extra special edition of "Intervention: Where Are They Now?" Andrew  looked the worst. I'm so glad he's not in Jace's life. 

  • Love 7
23 hours ago, Bridget said:

It IS pretty scary. I personally blame an addiction to technology, but as a high school English teacher, I make it a point to cover contractions really early on in the semester. I know they're "supposed to know how to use them", but a little review never hurt anyone!

I actually used the photo of UBT with his shirt as a grammar warm up with my students today. 

The students were floored that UBT was so stupid to make such an obvious mistake about his shirt. The kids also had a field day talking crap about Jenelle's tacky ripped jeans that look like bleach was poured on them, along with her tacky purse and ugly ass hat that didn't match her outfit. 

You remind me of a teacher I had in high school. He used music in his class from time to time. I remember one project we were to write down the lyrics of any song along with bringing the record or cassette (showing my age) of the song so the class can read the lyrics as the song is played. We were to dissect the meaning of the song from the writers point of view, discuss each lyric, and come up with our own interpretations of the song. The class favorite was "Hotel California" by The Eagles. The song was only two years old at that time. One of the long-running rumors about that song is that it was written about Camarillo State Hospital, which used to be right on the outskirts of our city. Not true at all. I applaud you for doing what you do for your students. I have long-admired the teaching profession. 

14 hours ago, SPLAIN said:

Or stab himself in the head.

God, I wish that would happen. I need for UBT to be out of those kids' lives. I don't normally wish harm upon people. I usually reserve that kind of hate for molesters, rapists, murderers, etc. I firmly believe he is a child abuser therefore, I have no qualms with wishing harm like that upon him. Jenelle too since she allows it to happen and really, she is not a caring parent. I have such disdain for her. 

  • Love 12
7 hours ago, AmyFarrahFowler said:

Someone on Hatter Nation said David has deleted his instagram and Jenelle's no longer says she's married. I give it until noon when Jenelle posts some lame excuse as to why it happened.

Christmas has come early!  Please let this be true!  

Hey David- I hear Walmart is hiring. 

  • Love 14

I think they’ve posted snapchats showing them together like everything is fine... I know one of these days it’s gonna be the breakup we’ve all been waiting for, but I don’t think it’s today (and I feel really gross that a break up will make me happy, what have I become) tbh, I’m not sure if it’s a typical fight where Jenelle screams it’s over because David left the house without her, or a ploy because there hadn’t been a news story about them in 2 days... over on twitter there was some speculation that things blew up after the ex’s special because of what Jenelle said about kieffer, but that doesn’t make sense to me since David was there the whole time, he heard what she said when they filmed it. I do think it’s funny that it comes out the same day they announce Chelsea and Cole are doing their love story... I bet David is pissed that it wasn’t an option for them.

  • Love 18

God I hope this marriage is over. I'm surprised it's over something on MTV and not Jenelle mysteriously vanishing though. I will say though, I wouldn't want to sit through an hour-long special and listen to Mr. Birdee talk about all the women he dated before me. Granted, I'd just go to a different room and read a book as opposed to breaking up with him and being all dramstical. 

  • Love 18

I didn't see this one posted. Good Lord! Even David's trashy family is feed up with Jenelle's trashiness. Was it someone on here who said that Jenelle is exhausting and at some point the fame, perksaSAvWga.thumb.jpg.8d047b10acf0dc8273b41d53dd4ab4fe.jpg and money aren't enough to make these guys stick around(except UBT who will just snap and kill her).

  • Love 14
4 hours ago, Mkay said:


I was reading this over on reddit... honestly these pictures really prove nothing, but someone mentioned it was similar to the video in the airport where they accused that girl of filming them and she was all confused... in that nothing pictured indicates this woman took pictures... I’m not saying she didn’t, I really have no idea and if she did, as trashy as Jenelle is that’s not right either... but all I’m saying is these pictures just show her trying to get away and also have a child in them which is also very wrong. A child that Jenelle claimed the woman left alone to go take the picture. Thankfully the child’s face isn’t shown, but I doubt that was because Jenelle thought about that. For that matter the woman’s face isn’t shown either so I’m not sure what Jenelle is trying to prove.

Im just tired of Jenelle’s social media justice defender crap (that sounds like a really bad super hero). People are weird and creepy, especially with someone with notoriety like Jenelle, I’m sure all the girls have plenty of stories but they don’t put them on blast, people know with Jenelle if they can get a reaction from her that they can get 15 seconds of net fame, I think it’s dumb, but I don’t think for everyone. Jenelle is so quick to go to social media for every little thing, but cries (her eyes out...apparently) about wanting privacy and nobody to talk about her. 

Normally when the other franchise (ie teen mom og) is on the girls fall into a little obscurity, obviously not completely, but for example for myself when I’m on here I usually look at the forum of the one currently on, because that’s where people are active... I still check the other but not as often because there just simply isn’t as much to talk about. Unrelated but I actually think this could be part of MTV’s strategy of these extra specials with the TM2 girls (ex-files and Chelsea’s love story) it keeps us talking about tm2 when Og is on. It just seems like Jenelle is fighting tooth and nail to stay relevant, literally every 2-3 days there is some new drama.  

My long winded point is, I really don’t believe anything Jenelle says because she has been fighting so hard for attention and has proved time and time again she’s not above fabrication. This woman very well could have gotten in Jenelle’s face; I know I’d love to if I had the chance (but it’s just a dream because I also recognize it would be inappropriate) Jenelle has done a disservice to herself because now people don’t believe her because she has cried wolf so many times.

  • Love 18
30 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

I hope Kaiser asked Santa for socks/shoes because OF COURSE the kiddo is shoeless (at what looks to be) at the airport in one of the photos. He's in a stroller, but at some point the kid has got to walk on the ground/floor in order to go through security and to board the aircraft. Put some shoes on him! 

I'm usually always tun warm, temperature wise, but my feet get cold at night during the "winter" we have in SoCal. I can't sleep with cold feet and I'm an adult. I can't even imagine how all around uncomfortable/miserable poor Kaiser is all of the time when he's with those two losers. 

THAT is one of the 272748585 reasons those two morons piss me off to no avail and should never be allowed to have kids or own any pet with a heartbeat.

  • Love 12

If I have sex with my husband, it’s my business. If I go skydiving with my husband, it’s my business. If I want to s**t on my husband’s hand, it’s all my business,” she told Radar after David Eason changed his Facebook relationship status to “It’s been complicated with Jenelle Evans.” 

Jenelle shits on David's hand?

ETA: added the quote from the Radar article...

Edited by CaliforniaLove
  • Love 17
7 hours ago, CaliforniaLove said:

Seriously, things have changed. I was 10 when "Can't Buy Me Love" came out, and I thought "you shit on my house" was bad...

I think we're about the same age! I'm 37.  I used to love that movie when I was little. I love telling my daughter and niece that Dr. Mcdreamy used to be the dorkiest guy. That could be one of the best glow ups I've ever seen. I can't believe he got so hot! 

But back OT, so Jenelle and UBT are fighting, declaring their breakup on social media, and selling articles to radar? So just another day in there life, huh? I do wish they would break up for real and, preferably, before anyone gets hurt. I know it's only a matter of time before they do call it quits, just hoping the kids don't get caught in the crossfires. 

You know I was thinking, I think I'm more afraid of Jenelle being left alone with the kids than UBT, and that's pretty bad. He does seem to be the only one that takes care of them even if it is half assed. I fear for Kaiser, specifically, when it come to Jenelle. He just looks so much like Nathan, and Jenelle is the type to hurt her kid just to stick it to their father. It's bad when UBT seems like the better parent btw the two of you. Those poor kids.

  • Love 7
On 12/13/2017 at 7:30 AM, AmyFarrahFowler said:

Someone on Hatter Nation said David has deleted his instagram and Jenelle's no longer says she's married. I give it until noon when Jenelle posts some lame excuse as to why it happened.

What is Hatter Nation? Link?

On 12/14/2017 at 7:16 AM, Mkay said:

She sounds like a complete idiot too. Definitely not sticking up for Jenelle (!!!) but UBT talks plenty of shit and stirs up drama with Jenelle’s family and exes too. UBT is just as crazy as Jenelle.

I’m actually surprised they’ve publicly shown how much their marriage sucks so soon. I definitely thought they’d hold back to try and prove us all wrong, at least for awhile longer.

  • Love 8

Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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