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S02.E06: Two-Ply (or Not Two-Ply)

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Morgan and Shaun's indecision on how to treat a young violinist who visits the ER with an infected finger could affect her future in more ways than one. Meanwhile, Lim, Claire and Park can't figure out if their young patient is really ill or looking for attention.

Airing Nov. 5, 2018

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1 hour ago, tkc said:

Shaun... is right.  ;)

LOL, agreed.

I'm glad that he and Lea actually talked a bit at the end of the episode for a change. I do think, though, if Lea has any further questions regarding Shaun, given all Glassman's going through right now, it might be better for her to just call him instead (she knows where he lives, which surprised me, so I'm assuming she knows his number now, too), or, as she's discovering here, take the time to figure out a way to work with him herself.

(On the note of Glassman, I hope that Debbie will return, 'cause I think he could use somebody like her in his life right now.)

As for the cases...oof. Tough one for Shaun and Morgan tonight. Given how bad the infection was, though, I kind of feel like even if Morgan had listened to Shaun sooner, they still may have ultimately had to do that surgery in the end anyway. This is one of the many reasons I could never be a doctor-so many difficult decisions to make, and you have to be so careful about whatever you choose to do. Really well done scene with Morgan and Jas in that chamber-they played the heartbreak of it all perfectly. And I liked Melendez' talk with her at the end...especially the revelation of that resident he once worked with :D. It'd be kinda neat if Morgan somehow managed to keep in touch with Jas or something. 

Glad that the other case ended on a much less horrific note, at least! What a weird find. Some good scenes between Claire and Park this episode, too, and an interesting way for us to learn more about Park's life. I sympathize with his wanting to keep things to himself-I tend to be the same way much of the time. But I also like the way Claire opens up about herself. She's good at doing it in a way that makes it easy for people to trust and open up to her, too. 

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It's always been under for me; but lately I've come around to over for public restrooms.

Um, Lea already knew what living with Shaun would be like, so why the fuss now?? Ditto for Shaun. It was weird to me to have a scene with Glassman and Lea.

Was this the first time Reznick [that's right; she wasn't grating this week] was overly cautious with a patient? I think she might have lost her hand anyway.

An inhaled lego! Yikes, but I'm also glad it wasn't something more horrible.

So Park is divorced with child(ren?)! Well, they're using the privacy excuse as to why they haven't fleshed him out before, but I like the little bits that we're getting. I think they need to have develop a closer relationship with at least one of the other doctors to help flesh him out.

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Man, Legos are a pain when you accidentally step on them, therefore I totally believe that accidentally swallowing them would mess you up for life!  Glad that were able to help her, at least.  Claire and Park actually make for a good team: his cold, logical, still cop-like approach balances out her more emotional (for a lack of a better word) and understand what the patients are going through approach.  Also fun seeing Jewel Staite, even though I'm always surprised that she doesn't get bigger roles, because I remember Kaylee being a massive fan favorite on Firefly.  Is it just a case of her being almost so good in that role that no one can accept her as anything else?  Is it just the luck of the drawl?  Or is it simply a case of her getting bigger roles in things I just don't watch?  It's always weird how these things can turn out.

Shaun and Reznick's case ended much more tragically though, although at least they did save her life.  But I don't want to imagine how it would feel if suddenly you are no longer able to do what you love anymore.  I don't if doing the surgery earlier would have helped or not, but I can see why Reznick might feel guilt over it.

So, is Glassman now letting his ego possibly push away Debbie?  He is not handling this well at all.

Well, Shaun and Lea as roomies went the way I expected.  Again, Shaun is certainly not blameless as does have issues with compromise and letting minor things go, but as Glassman pretty much said, Lea knew all of this going in, so her being so taken aback over it just makes me want to scratch my head.  It mainly feels like she has come kind of fantastical image of Shaun, and doesn't seem prepared that he's human, who is capable of being annoying and imperfect.  Although, I'm with him on the toilet paper and making sure the remote goes in the right spot, because misplacing that can cause major hardships, dammit!

Park has a child?  Man, he is full of surprises!

I now want a flashback episode of Melendez and Lim as residents together, and seeing all of the bickering, face-offs, and one-ups that no doubt happened back then!

Edited by thuganomics85
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2 minutes ago, thuganomics85 said:

Although, I'm with him on the toilet paper and making sure the remote goes in the right spot, because misplacing that can cause major hardships, dammit!

During that whole scene where Shaun ranted about that, I kept thinking of an episode of "Frasier" where Frasier and Martin were fighting over similar things. Frasier was getting annoyed at Martin not keeping everything in its place, and he told Daphne as much when she returned home from a weekend away. "All our appliances are on an adventure this weekend!" :p. 


I now want a flashback episode of Melendez and Lim as residents together, and seeing all of the bickering, face-offs, and one-ups that no doubt happened back then!

Yes! Make this happen, show! 

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3 hours ago, tkc said:

Shaun... is right.  ;)

Agreed, the cups should go on the right of the plates.

I like the TP to go over the top. I like to smack it just hard enough to unspool the perfect length to toilet paper. It is my gift. I have practiced 3 times a day, 7 days a week for the last 10 years. I would be devastated if I was ever to lose this ability. I could so relate to this episode.

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46 minutes ago, thuganomics85 said:

 Also fun seeing Jewel Staite, even though I'm always surprised that she doesn't get bigger roles, because I remember Kaylee being a massive fan favorite on Firefly.  Is it just a case of her being almost so good in that role that no one can accept her as anything else?  Is it just the luck of the drawl?  Or is it simply a case of her getting bigger roles in things I just don't watch?  It's always weird how these things can turn out.

I think it's more to do with she was a fan favorite on a scifi show that a lot of people didn't watch. I loved Firefly but as with most shows on FOX that I loved, especially during that time period, the ratings and network did not agree with me. She was a regular supporting character on Stargate Atlantis for a while though after that.


Well, Shaun and Lea as roomies went the way I expected.  Again, Shaun is certainly not blameless as does have issues with compromise and letting minor things go, but as Glassman pretty much said, Lea knew all of this going in, so her being so taken aback over it just makes me want to scratch my head.  It mainly feels like she has come kind of fantastical image of Shaun, and doesn't seem prepared that he's human, who is capable of being annoying and imperfect.  Although, I'm with him on the toilet paper and making sure the remote goes in the right spot, because misplacing that can cause major hardships, dammit!

Generally I would kind of disagree because knowing how someone is and living with someone are two totally different things.  I had a friend who is the most thoughtful and nicest person. One time a homeless person asked us for money but none of us had cash on us, he told the guy to hang out. walk to an atm a few blocks away, got some money, and went back to give to the guy. Really one of the best people I know. But we were also roommates for a bit and one of the things that really grated me was that he could not think to change the toilet paper roll when it was out. Like never ever ever. There are a bunch of little things like that about living with someone that we had to figure out. But saying all that, it makes less sense in this case because she's kind of been living with Shaun already so it really shouldn't have been a surprise.

Edited by Dusty
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As soon as they suspected that the violinist had a possibly dangerous infection, shouldn't they have called in an infectious disease specialist, or at least a doctor who was not a surgeon?

I agree with Shaun, toilet paper should go over the top and forward. The only reason to do it the other way is if you have a cat that would unroll it onto the floor.  Lea's solution was fair though.

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Man, I am glad that worked out for Claire.  The whole time I was like "please let her be right, please let her be right."  Claire just needs a win sometimes and I am glad she got one.  She even is managing to dig under the shell of  the inscrutable Park.  I really enjoyed their scenes together. 

Ah, and I see we are getting Resnick: The softening.  It is interesting how Shaun/Resnick contrasted with Park/Claire.  Shaun's insistence on paying attention only to the medicine was the right call in their care, whereas Claire insistence on a more holistic approach showed where relying so much on the technology and medical tests failed their patient.

It took me a minute to recognize Jewel Staite with her much darker hair and rather harder personality this character had.  Of course I know her primarily from Firefly, but she was also really good as a former child star who was struggling as an adult in the criminally underrated L.A. Complex series.

I loved the look on Lim's face as she observed Claire and Melendez in the elevator.  The pursed lips, the barely concealed humor.  I think she is a good addition to the show. I also love hearing about her and Mlendez's past.  Poor Melendez, it has to be infuriating to be in the situation of knowing the person you are competing against (all in your own mind) isn't even trying to be bothered by you and are gong about their business just being excellent. LOL

Still don't like Leah.  I was enjoying the hospital stuff so much, the domestic stuff with Glassman, Shaun and Leah was a bit of an annoyance.  It feels like they are inventing reasons to make her a viable part of the show.

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Eh, not much to write home about this week. I never want to hear about TP again. It was a nice break to have Lea annoyed about Shaun's obsessive tendencies as opposed to gaslighting him the whole episode and leading him on. But as a disabled person who has eagerly hoped friends will "see me differently" on multiple occasions, it pains me that their dynamic is obviously just waiting to see if Lea feels like making a move. Run, Shaun! She doesn't respect you even if she thinks she does.

Wow, I wanted Reznik to be taken down a peg, but that was brutal.

Surprise, surprise, Glassman pushes away someone he cares about. Can they not come up with any other plot for the man? I like how even though he couldn't walk to the stairs, Cafe Lady wanted to bang him after a 10 second kiss. I don't think it's very responsible to try to have sex with someone for the first time right after they get out of the hospital for brain surgery. The man isn't well enough to cook his own meals but you think he can fuck? Ok then.

I liked Melendez's anecdote about Lim.

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To start on the Shaun/Lea stuff, I'm of two minds. On the one hand, I get why it would be frustrating to live with Shaun. I sympathized with Lea, who, to her credit, did try her hardest to accommodate for him and Shaun can be extremely stubborn. The one thing that has been consistent with Shaun this season is him having to learn to be more accommodating to other people. He does have some things to learn for himself, such as letting some things go. 

On the other hand, Lea has been frustrating to watch so far this season and she should have been aware of Shaun's quirks earlier. She's been living with him before this episode so it's not like this was the first week where they were roommates. Plus, totally on Shaun's side about rinsing the coffee cup and putting it in the dishwasher. You can't be too much in a rush to spend 20 seconds rinsing and not leaving it on the counter! 

Wow, Glassman seems to be developing either side effects from his brain surgery, or just isn't handling it well. I felt bad for Debbi, but I presume she'll be back. 

As for the cases, I liked both equally. I think Shaun and Morgan's case was tragic. I can't imagine what their patient was going through with her arm having to be amputated. I think it would have happened, regardless if Morgan had listened to Shaun earlier. They finally give some more layers to Morgan after making her a total villain last season. I think I liked what they did with her this time around. I loved Melendez's talk with her as well. I'd also be down with Melendez/Lim flashbacks.

Claire and Park get a win, which is nice. I liked their case a lot. I liked learning more about Park and I like that the two balanced each other out. 

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Lea/Shaun-living with someone is completely different. I know. I moved in with my best friend of 18 years...let's just say we're no longer friends.  Glassman-he's older & stubborn. And when is the last time he was "serious" with someone? Combine that with him not healthy, yes he's going to keep people at arm's length...at least for now.

The cases-swallowing a Lego, not surprised. Kids swallow the weirdest things. I had a brother, at age of 8, stick a penny up his nose, because his brothers dared him. Not to mention how many ate crayons or glue? Yea, you know you tried it. The hand-that was a difficult one. That is something that spreads quickly, so I feel as though there was no way to have done it all that differently.

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I believe she inhaled the lego (not swallowed), fwiw.

Park having kids surprised me, but then I remembered that he'd called his ex and told her the check was on its way to her already in the previous episode, and I had wondered why he was paying alimony to his ex after she was unfaithful. So now I'm thinking: they dropped that as a clue! They planned it! It wasn't alimony, it was child support! I like that kind of writing.

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How does Dr. Glassman act like a jackass this week?  Pushes away someone who cares about him because his ego is too big to let her see his weakness.  Yep, nothing new to see here.

And oh yes, he told Lea she was annoying him.  Maybe she was, but it was still kind of rude.

By the way, in the opening scene when Lea went back and put the toothbrush in the cup, I thought maybe she was using Shaun's toothbrush just to mess with him.  :)

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5 hours ago, possibilities said:

I believe she inhaled the lego (not swallowed), fwiw.

Park having kids surprised me, but then I remembered that he'd called his ex and told her the check was on its way to her already in the previous episode, and I had wondered why he was paying alimony to his ex after she was unfaithful. So now I'm thinking: they dropped that as a clue! They planned it! It wasn't alimony, it was child support! I like that kind of writing.

Because California is a no fault community property state.  He could be paying maintenance (spousal support) even if she cheated. 

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Hard to believe that Shaun and Morgan were calling the shots in treating the violinist as much as they were. Morgan will be sued. 

I thought Dr Glassman and Debbie’s scenes were icky. Real wife or not, she was so predatory to me, and awfully presumptious. 

I hate Lea. So there. And quit overacting.

Definitely over. Who wants post-toileting hands touching the wall to grope for under?

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10 hours ago, Granny58 said:

who is the actress playing Glassman's love interest?  I can't find the info and her face is so familiar.

From L.A. Law, Sheila Kelly.  She played Gwen Taylor.

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1 hour ago, The Wild Sow said:

Dog, cat, and toddler parents will probably agree that Shaun is  wrong!

No, he doesn't have any of those.  Those who do have those may do it whichever way they prefer, as I said earlier.

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 seems like she was also in a lot of TV movies and I know she was in sisters. If I'm not mistaken she played the sister that was a result of their father's Affair or something. Both she and Sela Ward don't look horrible but you can tell they're on the botox or the fillers or something.  I still don't know how I feel about a relationship between her and Glassman. I don't care what they do with Morgan I just don't like her

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Hm. Some interesting possibilities in this ep.

  • Melendez v Lim for Chief of Surgery. I didn't even realize that was on the table (never pay much attention to the hospital politics) but loved hearing Melendez' anecdote about Lim. 
  • Lim's face in the elevator, cutting her eyes back and forth between Claire and Melendez. HA ha.
  • Leah - "Glassy"?!! really bitch?
  • Claire and Park. Was there some chem there? That could be an interesting swerve from a Melendez/Claire hookup.
  • So glad Claire didn't apologize to Melendez. So, so glad.
  • I don't really mind Richard Schiff playing curmudgeon (being a genuinely good actor helps), but Sheila Kelly is overplaying it.
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So now I'm thinking: they dropped that as a clue!

I assumed he had a child when this happened. Why the surprise? He's no spring chicken and he was previously married. I liked how he stated that others over share and that he likes keeping his private life private. 

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Since I've been fast forwarding Lea/Glassman, I was thrilled when she showed up at his house.

I did enjoy the hospital scenes but this show is never going to change my opinion on Reznik. I just don't believe that Reznik would see the patient's "dreams" and push to save the limb.

Edited by TimetoShine
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Just a quick thought, re: Lea/Shawn and the living arrangements. I've read a lot of comments about how Lea should have known what living with Shawn was like since she's already been living with him so this shouldn't be a surprise. The thing is... she wasn't living with him, that is to say they weren't roommates. She was just crashing at his place for a few days. There is a difference between being roommates and crashing at someone's place.

When you are staying at someone's place for a few days, you follow their rules and you are a guest. When you are a roommate, you compromise, you make rules on how to live in the same living space *together.* So, while, yeah, Lea knows that Shawn has his "quirks," she did expect that there would be some give since they would now be roommates, both paying rent, both living equally together in the same living space. She does consider Shawn a friend and technically understands that he has autism, but clearly she really doesn't understand what autism is and just thinks that he's completely honest, really, really innocent and has a lot of "quirks." Just like Shawn, she's learning a lot.

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11 hours ago, TimetoShine said:

I did enjoy the hospital scenes but this show is never going to change my opinion on Reznik. 

This. I just do not care about Reznik at all. I wish Jared still had his place on the team and Reznik was gone.

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14 hours ago, rubyred said:


  • Claire and Park. Was there some chem there? That could be an interesting swerve from a Melendez/Claire hookup.

It felt to me more of a sibling chemistry. I did like them working together. Very nice contrast and they will learn a lot form each other. Too many people are already "contrasting" Shawn. Claire is too awesome to be "one of many". So I hope it's just a friendly competitive work relationship between Park and Claire.

And not only because I want Claire and Melendez together lol

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Never getting a manicure again!!! (I do like pedicures though ... I tell the tech not to cut anything.)

I love the apartment. Shaun does have to learn how to compromise, but I like that he is self-aware enough to say that he doesn't know if he can.


Man, I am glad that worked out for Claire.  The whole time I was like "please let her be right, please let her be right."  Claire just needs a win sometimes and I am glad she got one. 

Totally. I am always rooting for her.

Edited by MoreCoffeePlease
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3 hours ago, MoreCoffeePlease said:

Never getting a manicure again!!! (I do like pedicures though ... I tell the tech not to cut anything.)....


Mr MML had acute paronychia in his index finger that a hand specialist had to treat, and has never had a manicure in his life. You can also get this condition around and under your toenails so watch out for that pedicure— even pushing back the cuticle w/o cutting can let bacteria in. I obviously am WebMD-board certified ?. 

I don’t see anything in my extensive five minute Google research that links paronychia (Blondie’s diagnosis) to flesh-eating etc etc, but WebMD tells me that a sample of the paronychia pus shpuld be analyzed for zeroing in on bacteria vs fungal. Perhaps that lab testing could have been rushed through so violinist didn’t have to lose her whole arm.

Edited by MakeMeLaugh
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7 hours ago, driver18 said:

Just a quick thought, re: Lea/Shawn and the living arrangements. I've read a lot of comments about how Lea should have known what living with Shawn was like since she's already been living with him so this shouldn't be a surprise. The thing is... she wasn't living with him, that is to say they weren't roommates. She was just crashing at his place for a few days. There is a difference between being roommates and crashing at someone's place.

When you are staying at someone's place for a few days, you follow their rules and you are a guest. When you are a roommate, you compromise, you make rules on how to live in the same living space *together.* So, while, yeah, Lea knows that Shawn has his "quirks," she did expect that there would be some give since they would now be roommates, both paying rent, both living equally together in the same living space. She does consider Shawn a friend and technically understands that he has autism, but clearly she really doesn't understand what autism is and just thinks that he's completely honest, really, really innocent and has a lot of "quirks." Just like Shawn, she's learning a lot.

Spot on. I stayed at a friend's place for a few weeks once, and I definitely felt and behaved more like a guest than a roommate. 

And I love my friend, but I don't think it'd be wise for us to actually live together :p. Living with a friend sounds like fun when you're talking about it, but the reality can sometimes be very different. So I like that the show's allowing Shaun and Lea to realize that fact, and adjust accordingly. 

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9 hours ago, driver18 said:

Just a quick thought, re: Lea/Shawn and the living arrangements. I've read a lot of comments about how Lea should have known what living with Shawn was like since she's already been living with him so this shouldn't be a surprise. The thing is... she wasn't living with him, that is to say they weren't roommates. She was just crashing at his place for a few days. There is a difference between being roommates and crashing at someone's place.

When you are staying at someone's place for a few days, you follow their rules and you are a guest. When you are a roommate, you compromise, you make rules on how to live in the same living space *together.* So, while, yeah, Lea knows that Shawn has his "quirks," she did expect that there would be some give since they would now be roommates, both paying rent, both living equally together in the same living space. She does consider Shawn a friend and technically understands that he has autism, but clearly she really doesn't understand what autism is and just thinks that he's completely honest, really, really innocent and has a lot of "quirks." Just like Shawn, she's learning a lot.

Yeah, I thought of this after I posted my "but she should've already known because she was staying with him thing" when I got to thinking about it. Fairly recently I stayed with my sister for a bit because I had to wait for my place to be ready to move into. I could never be roommates with her but the reasons I could never be roommates with her didn't really bother me while I was staying there because I knew that it was her place, not mine. She's letting me stay there to help me out while I'm in between places.

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On 11/7/2018 at 10:21 AM, MakeMeLaugh said:

Hard to believe that Shaun and Morgan were calling the shots in treating the violinist as much as they were. Morgan will be sued. 

I thought Dr Glassman and Debbie’s scenes were icky. Real wife or not, she was so predatory to me, and awfully presumptious. 

I hate Lea. So there. And quit overacting.

Definitely over. Who wants post-toileting hands touching the wall to grope for under?


22 hours ago, rubyred said:

Hm. Some interesting possibilities in this ep.

  • Melendez v Lim for Chief of Surgery. I didn't even realize that was on the table (never pay much attention to the hospital politics) but loved hearing Melendez' anecdote about Lim. 
  • Lim's face in the elevator, cutting her eyes back and forth between Claire and Melendez. HA ha.
  • Leah - "Glassy"?!! really bitch?
  • Claire and Park. Was there some chem there? That could be an interesting swerve from a Melendez/Claire hookup.
  • So glad Claire didn't apologize to Melendez. So, so glad.
  • I don't really mind Richard Schiff playing curmudgeon (being a genuinely good actor helps), but Sheila Kelly is overplaying it.

Oh thank god I'm not the only one who can't stand Leah. I feel like they've put her in Shaun's world to "mature" him and help him get over his phobia of intimacy that was created after that traumatizing experience as a child. But I just can't stand her. I don't find her believable (maybe it's her acting style) and I rarely enjoy the scenes that she and Shaun have together. Shaun interacts far better with Claire and even Reznik. I'm ready for to leave, this time some place further like, Australia. 

I liked Clair and Park together. Claire's natural empathy is exactly what Park needs to let down some of his police armor now that he's a doctor and not dealing with criminals every day. Don't know if I see anything romantically happening there but I wouldn't hate it if it did.

I too am SO glad Claire didn't apologize either. She has a right to her own thoughts/opinions and choices and she shouldn't apologize for them just because Melendez *may* be the next bigwig. I think he actually respects her more for standing her ground.

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On 11/5/2018 at 10:31 PM, tkc said:

Shaun... is right.  ;)

It drives me bonkers when the toilet paper is over. When it's under, I can do a perfect one-handed rip. It never works when it's over.


On 11/6/2018 at 12:05 AM, Annber03 said:

Glad that the other case ended on a much less horrific note, at least! What a weird find. Some good scenes between Claire and Park this episode, too, and an interesting way for us to learn more about Park's life. I sympathize with his wanting to keep things to himself-I tend to be the same way much of the time.

I liked them together too. At my current job, I'll talk a bit, but nothing too personal. I've been burned in the past.


On 11/6/2018 at 2:15 PM, rmontro said:

How does Dr. Glassman act like a jackass this week?  Pushes away someone who cares about him because his ego is too big to let her see his weakness.  Yep, nothing new to see here.

I thought he was a jackass. Debbie is a perfectly nice woman willing to move slowly in the relationship, and because Glassman is struggling, he just wants to be left alone. He's too embarrassed or whatever. Strikes me as a macho ass.

Edited by AEMom
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1 minute ago, AEMom said:

I liked them together too. At my current job, I'll talk a bit, but nothing to personal. I've been burned inthe past.

Heh, yeah, I get that. It is tough sometimes to know what to share and what to keep to yourself. Trust is definitely key. 


I thought he was a jackass. Debbie is a perfectly nice woman willing to move slowly in the relationship, and because Glassman is struggling, he just wants to be left alone. He's too embarrassed or whatever. Strikes me as a macho ass.

I agree that some of it is a macho attitude, but it's also pride and fear. I remember my dad behaving similarly at times when he was sick. So I can sympathize with Glassman's frustration and embarrassment some. But I do agree that he needs to learn to channel that frustration better. 

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On 11/6/2018 at 9:31 AM, Driad said:

As soon as they suspected that the violinist had a possibly dangerous infection, shouldn't they have called in an infectious disease specialist, or at least a doctor who was not a surgeon?

This. Second-year residents would not have been handling such a complicated case alone, with no supervision or outside consultations. 


On 11/6/2018 at 9:47 AM, DearEvette said:

I loved the look on Lim's face as she observed Claire and Melendez in the elevator.  The pursed lips, the barely concealed humor.  I think she is a good addition to the show. I also love hearing about her and Mlendez's past.  Poor Melendez, it has to be infuriating to be in the situation of knowing the person you are competing against (all in your own mind) isn't even trying to be bothered by you and are gong about their business just being excellent. LOL

Still don't like Leah.  I was enjoying the hospital stuff so much, the domestic stuff with Glassman, Shaun and Leah was a bit of an annoyance.  It feels like they are inventing reasons to make her a viable part of the show.

Agreed. I liked Leah (Lea) better than I have in past episodes, but she still doesn’t do anything for me. 

And Lim had to know she was so much smarter than her peers to be so aloof. Residents are always comparing themselves to one another, even if they aren’t really competing. 

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52 minutes ago, dreadfulLeigh said:

So, is Glassman paying Leah to “watch” Shaun? Because when tf did they ever meet?

They met when Glassman barged into her apartment trying to find Shaun after they had a fight or something last season.  She did call him Glassy to Shaun on their road trip, but hell no to her saying it to his face.  


I really loved the ep though.  Great interactions most of the way around.  

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45 minutes ago, AEMom said:

It drives me bonkers when the toilet paper is over. When it's under, I can do a perfect one-handed rip. It never works when it's over.


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Over? Under? I don’t care as long as it gets changed when it runs out! I put a new roll on the sink when I saw the current roll was almost out. My husband started using the new roll on the sink rather than finishing the old one and changing it.

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If I see a t.p. roll that's under, (ie: at family's house) I sometimes "fix it" to over, assuming someone put it there "wrong".  

I don't like Leah and probably won't until she kind of stops toying with Shaun. It goes back to my feeling that men and women can't be just friends. The female will be the friend and the man will always hope to have sex at some point. YMMV. I also will never buy Shaun wanting to live with anyone , never mind being excited about it. They also seemed to shift Leah's character from a free artsy spirit to a neat, tidy, compromising person. NOPE!

Glassman probably shouldn't date now. 

I'll probably only follow this show now for Claire, Melendez, Park & Lim. They're most intriguing for me, are single & ready to mingle, they're creative surgeons, and dammit they drink BEER! Bring it!

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9 hours ago, topanga said:
On 11/6/2018 at 9:31 AM, Driad said:

As soon as they suspected that the violinist had a possibly dangerous infection, shouldn't they have called in an infectious disease specialist, or at least a doctor who was not a surgeon?

This. Second-year residents would not have been handling such a complicated case alone, with no supervision or outside consultations. 


Thank you! That really took me out of the story. No way in hell they would have been making those calls on their own!

Lea can leave anytime. Irritating girl, although I don't think she realized how difficult it would be to actually live with Shaun. I give her some slack there, but can do without the story.

Over. Over over. None of my cats ever played the TP game. I think they were too smart.

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Here's my theory about The Problem with Lea. Lea is not a character, she's a trope. So when writers write for her, she  has no basis in actual human behavior. That's why she'll say things like "Glassy" and the writers think she's being adorable and quirky, but any reasonably intelligent HUMAN-based character would never say something like that. She's a Manic Pixie Dream Girl who's so bought into her Manic Pixie Dream Girl-ness that she thinks that doing that makes her extra cute.

It's not cute. It's not hot. It does not deepen her characterization, because she has no foundation as a character.  There's no depth there to mine. And as such she's a catastrophic foil for a character like Shaun. Shaun has unimaginable depth. Like, it's literally mind-boggling to realize how layered he is. Lea is One-Ply.

Ironically, on the other hand, you have Morgan, whose characterization is admittedly pretty paper-thin but we've seen this character before, in god knows how many hospital dramas. The hyper-competitive medical resident who's not there to make friends. Unfortunately for Morgan, her previous episodes have made her so unlikeable I couldn't muster much sympathy for her big dramatic self-revelation this episode. They waited one episode too many to show her human side, and now I don't care. But I do still buy her as a character.

Lea is not a character, she's a paper doll, a pet that the writers project their MPDG fantasies on to. 

She's not my type.

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7 hours ago, Ms Lark said:

Over. Over over. None of my cats ever played the TP game. I think they were too smart.

None of my cats have ever touched the toilet paper in our bathroom, either, which is kind of surprising. Anytime they sneak in there, they're more interested in climbing into the cabinet under the sink. Occasionally they'll jump in the tub (when it's free of water, that is :p) or up onto the toilet seat, too. 

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My cat hasn't figured out the tp is a cool toy either lol he prefers hair ties and safety rings from bottles/containers

I've been putting my rolls under forever cause it's easier to just yank and rip like that. People who say that "under" makes the paper touch the wall... paper touches the wall in both cases, that's why you fold the piece you tore off outwards ;)

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