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S13 E13: Game Day

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18 minutes ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Even in wide/group shots, I could usually spot Malena because my eye is always drawn to whoever is out of sync or making mistakes. Every time I realized jt was Malena again, I was like GIRL, get it together! I should not be noticing you this often for that reason!

Or this late in TC. :-/

Edited by go4luca
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Just now, go4luca said:

Or this late in TC. :-/

Exactly. In the first half of the season, all the TCCs are still learning the routines so making mistakes in rehearsals is more common. But by the second half of training camp when they’re really polishing the choreography, I shouldn’t keep noticing girls because they’re making mistakes. Even in the long distance shots on the field, I often noticed Malena for that reason. You can’t stick out like that in weeks 8-10. 

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33 minutes ago, Lunacat said:

Oh man, totally cried for Brennan and Madeline. 


How are cuts usually handled on the last night?  I can’t remember and can’t find my Apple TV remote to watch any prior seasons. It seems cruel to have those last cuts have to leave on their own. 

Do you have an iPhone or iPad?  You can download the Apple TV remote app then you can use your device as the remote :).

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32 minutes ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Exactly. In the first half of the season, all the TCCs are still learning the routines so making mistakes in rehearsals is more common. But by the second half of training camp when they’re really polishing the choreography, I shouldn’t keep noticing girls because they’re making mistakes. Even in the long distance shots on the field, I often noticed Malena for that reason. You can’t stick out like that in weeks 8-10. 

Yes, the only mistakes at that point should relate to lines or formations, not the steps.  I honestly don't know if Malena is capable of picking up and retaining choreography quickly enough. Prep classes might help because you are learning a new dance each class, but the next issue is being able to remember them long term. I would advise her to take a bunch of prep classes, know the choreo perfectly by the end of each class, take video for reference, then every week see if she can still do all the dances she has learned so far with no mistakes. Until she can, she is not ready to try out again.

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10 hours ago, bombast said:

Mothers and fathers, don’t let your daughters quit their jobs to become cheerleaders.


Brilliant! <—- sorry, I thought I was writing a DCC bio and thus needed an exclamation point to punctuate every idea. 

This has all the makings of a country song title. Granted, I don’t know shit about country music, but I literally read it in my head to a melody. 


And, because I have the words for myself AND Victoria, I took a stab at it. (If I were a DCC or Teen Mom, I guess I’d film myself singing it while driving and then post it to Instagram (also while driving), but I’m not and I don’t, so you’ll have to just make up your own cliché of a country tune to hear it to. 

(DISCLAIMER: just like in all Law and Order episodes, the events and characters in this self-indulgent li’l country ballad ditty are totes fictional)


Don’t Let Your Daughters Grow Up to be Cheerleaders (inspired by @bombast)


She sat, stunned, mascara coating her face

For 18 years, she’d prepped for this place

A spot is yours, just fill out the form:

They’d promised her

Wouldn’t matter if she danced in everyone else’s space

Wouldn’t matter if she couldn’t get that waist

Blond hair, histrionically all over the place: she was a beautiful storm:

They’d promised of her


Mothers and fathers, don’t let your daughters limit their dreams to being cheerleaders 


She sat, not wanting to hear all the lead-up that would end with a “but”

Ten weeks of trying, don’t tell her she’s cut

A spot could be yours, but the job’s got to go

She thought they’d promised her

She’d spent a year on a lesser team, benched on her butt

Being a World Class DCC, she’d flip the script, —redemption; show them—; she knew in her gut

Now, at least she’d beat ‘em to the punch: No, ma’am, NO NO NO NO

Not what they’d promised her


Mothers and fathers, don’t let your daughters give up their jobs to be cheerleaders 


Four years, three full summers, heck, she’d devoted her adult life

Watched each friend advance a real career, grow up, become a mom, a boss, a wife

But she had a goal she’d set out to reach:

Though no one promised her

Inspirational! to fight and fight on through all of the strife

To achieve yes ma’ams and no pay, fit the mold, fit the shorts, maybe go under the knife

But giving up so much to wear so little: the lessons were rife; PERSISTENCE is the key, she now could teach

Because she’d promised herself


Mothers and fathers, don’t let your daughters waste their entire 20s to try to be underpaid, underdressed, autotronic walkdancing Madonna/whore dichotomies


Mothers and fathers, don’t let your daughters grow up to be cheerleaders

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Watching Malena get eliminated was excruciatingly uncomfortable. I felt bad for her, in general, because clearly she just had a full blown meltdown. But, I can't get over how ridiculous it was that she was still there. When she made it clear that she was willing to quit her job for this, they should've let her go no matter how beautiful and sweet she is. It was so obvious from the beginning that, at least this year [though I suspect in general], her memory issues weren't a "I'll get it over time" situation. She just has a bad memory. And they knew already that she was benched on her last team for not being able to ever get the dances down. If I found out that a potential girl was a cheerleader in looks only and not in practice in her previous squad, because she couldn't remember choreography, when she can't remember it in my training camp either, I'd of looked at that more seriously than Kelli and Judy did.


Also, am I crazy or is Taylor too tall for this uniform? It looks sort of awkward on her. 

Edited by poppysand
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19 hours ago, PBSLover said:

Whoever you are that pounced on Brennan when the squad was announced, I just love you.

Ashlee being at the end of the kickline: it’s big deal. She has beautiful kicks, looks great in the uniform and is adorable. I’m really happy she made the squad.


I thought I recognized the booty as Kash, but apparently it was Lauren!

Edited by Opine
Wrong butt
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Lilly cut...ridiculous! Her first time in the office and she gets cut without any prior feedback. Lilly if you’re looking at this...DONT GO BACK! You deserve better. 

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4 minutes ago, Dex said:

Lilly cut...ridiculous! Her first time in the office and she gets cut without any prior feedback. Lilly if you’re looking at this...DONT GO BACK! You deserve better. 

She may have gotten feedback from Kelli without being called into the office. There are other ways to let girls know how they are doing or telling them they have something they need to work on without calling them into the office.

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2 hours ago, Lunacat said:

Oh man, totally cried for Brennan and Madeline. 


How are cuts usually handled on the last night?  I can’t remember and can’t find my Apple TV remote to watch any prior seasons. It seems cruel to have those last cuts have to leave on their own. 

Usually they cut one girl after the first practice of the episode then the next day they usually cut the last one then announce the squad !! Darn to cut both right when the Episode started was crazy 

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1 hour ago, Opine said:

I thought I recognized the booty as Kash.

Slo mo revealed it was Lauren plus she confirmed - she had  a great post re Brennan today and apologized for tackling her after the announcement.

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I'm angry for Lily. That was such bs! It was almost like they needed to cut one more girl, so they just picked her out of the group. Poor girl. 

Oh Malena...I like you, but honey, the "no, no, no," the leg shaking.... I understand her frustration because I truly believe that she was invested at 110% but that was uncomfortable to watch. In general, I just hate that they kept her and Lily only to cut them on the last night. It's cruel IMO, especially when you have someone like Malena who has shown the same issues for week after week. 

Poor Jalyn..her eye looked awful! I can't imagine how much worse she was making it by piling on the eye make-up, but props to her for pushing through. 

I know that Amy hasn't been focused on as much, but I would have liked to see her get a goodbye too. She's one of only three senior vets. I think they could have spared 30 seconds for her after giving Lacey and Kashara their segments. 

Glad to see that Briana finally got some airtime.

Love Ashley! Love Bridget!

I'll never be a huge Brennan fan, but it's nice to see her finally make it. It's always heartwarming to see people achieve their dreams. 

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Not a huge Charlotte fan, but loved the hair and outfit!  (but, guhurl, eat a burger)

No one has commented about Kash's weirdness in her clip.  She almost acted like she didn't want to retire, but was being forced to?  Was I imaging that? 

While I don't hate VK, I certainly hate how she usurped the season.  But I think it's going to be like childbirth, we'll forget how horrible it was now that it is done, and we will look forward to our new baby (next season).

I think Ashlee is a future point.  She was an amazing performer by the end.

Malena, I think, is just unbalanced.  She went from 0 to batshit crazy in the early episode when she admitted that she never performed as a NYJ.  Then that cut.  I think she is well-spoken, well-dressed, football knowledgeable and a head job.  Many of you have suggested professional help, and I agree.  She is a great dancer, but she will never be able to deliver what the DCC needs unless she fixes that problem.

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18 hours ago, ReneeK said:

Eh, I don’t really care about that and I’m black.  I like for them to pick the ladies who are doing the best without regard for their color.  Yuko is not that great.... I feel like she’s been kept on as the token Asian girl.  I hope that they didn’t keep Malena for so long bc she’s black.  I really don’t think she was strong at all and she was a bit weird actually.  She often looked uncomfortably sweaty and didn’t look entertaining (lacking smiles.) 

I didn’t notice Gina’s kick but noticed Lacey was avoiding hitting her nose ?

100% agree with you. Thank you for saying that!! I was going to and then was too lazy, saw your comment, and made myself sit up to type. It has to be about who the best and also who tries out in the first place, not about skin color. I also thought that they were maybe keeping Marlena so long because she was black- it crossed my mind more than once. I thought Marlena was missing some marbles. She didn’t seem the most mentally stable, and someone a few threads ago said she had crazy eyes, which I agree with. 

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If the other episodes were as good as this last one, this season would be still be just above mediocre. 

Briana is one of my favorites. She looks great this year. 

A bunch of people here post about Maddie being thick. I did not notice that on the screen today, but it is obvious Tasha has been eating pizza and ice cream.....too much of it.

Charlotte announcing the team did not bother me. I was OK with it. It was nice to see Kelli and Judy get emotional at points in this episode.

No, Kashara....you flip your hair so perfect and express yourself in such an original way, seeing you go is a tragedy, but I am happy you have other goals.

Lacey's kicks.....shock and awe!!

I saw Kristin in the stands during F&F....she did NOT look happy. If you have been cut and attend F&F,  be a good sport about it.

Malena and Lily's cuts should have been gone into with some more insight. I just wish Malena did not ugly cry like Niagara Falls...seeing her melt down was super uncomfortable to watch. Not as bad as Vivian's poem, but close.

Overall, I give this season a 4.5 out of a scale from 1 to 10. Meh.

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16 minutes ago, Jess14 said:

I know that Amy hasn't been focused on as much, but I would have liked to see her get a goodbye too. She's one of only three senior vets. I think they could have spared 30 seconds for her after giving Lacey and Kashara their segments. 

Amy and Tasha were the only two who were featured in the “Catching Up with the Veterans” segments and I got the feeling they featured as a way to persuade them to stay another year. I definitely could see Kelli and Judy wanting them to be the leaders for the 2019 season, even if neither ended up being point and this was their subliminal way of trying to flatter them to stick with the squad for one more year. 

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Charlotte’s speech was so contrived, but I guess that is a given. Did anyone think her eyes looked strange? I know she has blue eyes, but I thought that they looked like they had some kind of film over them, almost like colored contacts. They were also quite glassy, and very reptilian in shape and how they were stretched out across her face. Honestly I could not stop starring and hard to rewind it a couple times. They looked so, so odd. I don’t remember that from her before, and I don’t think it was eye make up ,because she has always worn that. I was passively watching the episode and it caught my attention abruptly. 

Also, I thought that it was SUPER lame to have the last song be God is a Woman by Ariana Grande. Again, so contrived to try show that they support women, etc. It was such a literal interpretation and I found it silly. Actions speak louder than words. Very much had PR all over it.

I thought Malena’s reaction was.... not that of a mentally sound person who was devastated. It was way, way more than that. Red flag is an understatement. I could only picture her if her boyfriend dumped her and her begging and interrupting and shaking like that. 

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Malena has been desperately trying to keep the crazy under wraps all season, and it just burst forth like a tsunami. How do you come back after that?

I'm bummed the season is over. I just love everything about this show and these women. I never even watch football, but something about TC and DCC fascinates me. I don't even know anybody else who watches this show, but it's got to be one of the most posted about shows on this forum. Nice to know I'm not alone.

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55 minutes ago, Jess14 said:

much, but I would have liked to see her get a goodbye too. She's

Has Amy said she is retiring? And did she announce it by the time this was filmed?


55 minutes ago, Opine said:

No one has commented about Kash's weirdness in her clip.  She almost acted like she didn't want to retire, but was being forced to?  Was I imaging that? 

I thought Kashara seemed hesitant and was watching her words moreso than normal. It was something about the way she said her talent could be better used elsewhere. It was an awkward pause. 

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1 hour ago, Dccfanatic said:

100% agree with you. Thank you for saying that!! I was going to and then was too lazy, saw your comment, and made myself sit up to type. It has to be about who the best and also who tries out in the first place, not about skin color. I also thought that they were maybe keeping Marlena so long because she was black- it crossed my mind more than once. I thought Marlena was missing some marbles. She didn’t seem the most mentally stable, and someone a few threads ago said she had crazy eyes, which I agree with. 

Representation matters. I don’t disagree that they shouldn’t just be randomly taking women because they are black, but you absolutely will not convince me that only 2 of the NINE HUNDRED ;-) women that tried out were black women that could dance.


also, I do think they kept malena because she is their ideal black woman. Super hot, well spoken, can talk about football. She was basically the total dcc package plus being non-white. There is no other reason to give her so many chances. 

1 hour ago, tinabee1967 said:

I saw Kristin in the stands during F&F....she did NOT look happy. If you have been cut and attend F&F,  be a good sport about it.

I don’t know, I think she looked like she always did. Half asleep and slightly bored. I think that’s just how she looks, and is the reason I think she will never make the team. 

Edited by WinkyFace
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Hi Everyone!  Longtime lurker here.  Finally decided to join in.  Love reading all of your posts!  This was quite the season!  Not my favorite by a long shot.  Like many of you, too much time spent on one person, and not enough on the other rookies.   Anyway, looking forward to joining in your discussions.  You’re a great group!  ?

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57 minutes ago, Loves2Dance said:

Has Amy said she is retiring? And did she announce it by the time this was filmed?

I didn't word that correctly. I meant goodbye as in the season is over and she may not be back -  basically that she should've gotten a little segment as well, kind of like how Kashara got one last year. I just feel like she gets treated like the red headed step child of the upper vets (see sqaud photo), and I find it annoying since there are literally only 3 girls who have 4 years or more on the team.

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I agree, Tuxcat. She was extremely emotionally vulnerable at that moment. She even tried to reel it in and apologized for being unprofessional. People react to stress and bad news in different ways; it's pretty offensive to label them as mentally ill because they cried and expressed their feelings in a way some other people wouldn't. 

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1. My heart goes out to Lilly. She sure seemed blindsided and being cut on the last night is always hard. 


2. From day 1 Taylor reminded me SO MUCH of Chelsea for some reason...but maybe a sweeter, more humble version? Only time will tell.


3. I’ve never been a Brennan fan (still don’t think she’s a great fit for the team but whatever), but I am really really happy for her. She seems to be sweet, humble, hardworking, and a good teammate. Only thing she’s missing is the “face”, but no one is perfect! She deserves her spot.


4. Uhhh...Malena girl...you good?? As some others have mentioned, I noticed a glimpse of her crazy when she pretty much lost her shit earlier this season when she was called out for being benched on the NYJ. I thought maybe that was just a sensitive topic for her. I thought wrong. She almost seems...entitled and desperate at the same time?? I’m not sure. In any case, professional help might be the move hunny, and I don’t mean to sound mean or petty, but in seriousness...seems like a way bigger issue than DCC.  

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The last 2 cuts were brutal. That has to be a horrible feeling - being pulled off the field and driven in a golf cart down a creepy, empty corridor to a make shift office. So much time to worry and freak out.

Watching Malena become unhinged - ugh. So uncomfortable. I always thought there was something off with her. She reminds me of Reese Witherspoon in that movie...Election? Way too high strung but smiley.

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36 minutes ago, Katekate said:

She reminds me of Reese Witherspoon in that movie...Election? Way too high strung but smiley.

Tracy Flick!!!!

I hate Reese Witherspoon but man, she was fantastic in that role.

Edited by PBSLover
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8 minutes ago, PBSLover said:

I hate Reese Witherspoon but man, she was fantastic in that role.

I don’t think I’ve watched her adult films but didn’t mind her when she played Dani in The Man in the Moon.

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2 hours ago, Tuxcat said:

I am surprised at some of the comments regarding Malena's reaction. I could see myself having a mini temper tantrum too and I don't think that means I am crazy. Well maybe...

Seriously. This girl went through auditions and training camp with the Jets. Made the team after much hard work, only to be the first ever woman benched. Dedicated the entire next year to a new goal. Wanted to prove to herself and others that she could do it. She relocated.  She lived and breathed dance. She worked extremely hard. She quit her job. Kelli encouraged her every week and gave Malena every reason to believe that she was going to achieve this goal. Kelli and Judy pulled her along all season and then make her the very last cut. I mean they even chose to cut Lily before her. 

The girl was used. I am sure somewhere deep down she knew she should have been cut a long time ago. How does someone rationalize that? You assume K and J are going to keep you for the long haul. They pulled a rug, an hour before announcing the team,  and she lost it. I would too.

I don’t really feel sorry for Malena. She got benched from the freaking Jets and she decided to go for DCC without prep classes AND going for another ‘lesser’ team? I’m sorry buy she’s delusional. She could have tried for another Dallas team and go to every single prep class if she was really serious about it.

I’m sad to see Lacey and Kashara go. At least this rookie class looks promising.

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11 hours ago, methadonna said:


Brilliant! <—- sorry, I thought I was writing a DCC bio and thus needed an exclamation point to punctuate every idea. 

This has all the makings of a country song title. Granted, I don’t know shit about country music, but I literally read it in my head to a melody. 


And, because I have the words for myself AND Victoria, I took a stab at it. (If I were a DCC or Teen Mom, I guess I’d film myself singing it while driving and then post it to Instagram (also while driving), but I’m not and I don’t, so you’ll have to just make up your own cliché of a country tune to hear it to. 

(DISCLAIMER: just like in all Law and Order episodes, the events and characters in this self-indulgent li’l country ballad ditty are totes fictional)


Don’t Let Your Daughters Grow Up to be Cheerleaders (inspired by @bombast)


She sat, stunned, mascara coating her face

For 18 years, she’d prepped for this place

A spot is yours, just fill out the form:

They’d promised her

Wouldn’t matter if she danced in everyone else’s space

Wouldn’t matter if she couldn’t get that waist

Blond hair, histrionically all over the place: she was a beautiful storm:

They’d promised of her


Mothers and fathers, don’t let your daughters limit their dreams to being cheerleaders 


She sat, not wanting to hear all the lead-up that would end with a “but”

Ten weeks of trying, don’t tell her she’s cut

A spot could be yours, but the job’s got to go

She thought they’d promised her

She’d spent a year on a lesser team, benched on her butt

Being a World Class DCC, she’d flip the script, —redemption; show them—; she knew in her gut

Now, at least she’d beat ‘em to the punch: No, ma’am, NO NO NO NO

Not what they’d promised her


Mothers and fathers, don’t let your daughters give up their jobs to be cheerleaders 


Four years, three full summers, heck, she’d devoted her adult life

Watched each friend advance a real career, grow up, become a mom, a boss, a wife

But she had a goal she’d set out to reach:

Though no one promised her

Inspirational! to fight and fight on through all of the strife

To achieve yes ma’ams and no pay, fit the mold, fit the shorts, maybe go under the knife

But giving up so much to wear so little: the lessons were rife; PERSISTENCE is the key, she now could teach

Because she’d promised herself


Mothers and fathers, don’t let your daughters waste their entire 20s to try to be underpaid, underdressed, autotronic walkdancing Madonna/whore dichotomies


Mothers and fathers, don’t let your daughters grow up to be cheerleaders

Love it!! I’m dancing. ?

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9 hours ago, Jess14 said:


I know that Amy hasn't been focused on as much, but I would have liked to see her get a goodbye too. She's one of only three senior vets. I think they could have spared 30 seconds for her after giving Lacey and Kashara their segments.

They had that huge clip in the other episode about her studio.  That was awesome advertising for her.  I don't know if she was given a choice but I'd take that over a goodbye clip any day :) 

FYI- Jess clarified end of season, not retirement for Amy.

Edited by Mardo2044
Clarify not retire
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9 hours ago, Opine said:

No one has commented about Kash's weirdness in her clip.  She almost acted like she didn't want to retire, but was being forced to?  Was I imaging that? 

I got the same read on it.  Lots of talk that she was last vet called up for training camp due to weight at beginning of season.  I've noticed her struggling with it on and off.  Pure speculation on my part, but they might have nicely hinted to retire with grace or she just knows too hard for herself to maybe keep that up another year. 

Edited by Mardo2044
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Poor Malena--she doesn't have the "nerves of steel" needed to be a dancer.   As spoken by Harry Chapin in "Mr. Tanner"--

"Full time consideration of another endeavor might be in order."

I hope she is okay and can move on.  Amy seemed to and she seemed similar to Malena.  But she did go on to make another team.

Also would like to fix my "complaint" about Charlotte introducing the team.  It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.  But I agree the girls probably knew they were it.  It must be terrible to see one of them leave and not come back.

Kelli was rocking it in the looks department this year.

Loved that guy in the out take of the group photo that came up and sprayed Lacey's hair.

Edited by parrotfeathers
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7 hours ago, go4luca said:

Just did a re-watch.  I hope Ashlee stays for a few years.  Girl has serious rock star potential.

I hope so too. We finally were gifted the opportunity to see other TCs and she stood out in such a great way. She is amazing given the lack of professional training. Amazing!

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I don’t know what we may have happened off screen, but Lily being cut on the last day with zero prior office visits is an indictment of how poorly this season was managed. I don’t know if it was the VK and Dayton legacy stuff, disagreement about the 36 girl rule, or just incompetence. They really let things spiral out of control this season. 

Malena’s reaction reminded me of a mother about to be told that her son was killed in combat. She knew it was coming, but wanted to wish it all away. I don’t think that should be held next year if she tries out, at least based on what we were shown. She should’ve been cut a long time ago, especially after they found out she quit her job. I know it may be unprofessional, not any more unprofessional than completely sucking at your job, which K & J did this year. I hope they have a bounce back year after all this legacy crap is behind them. 

Since I’m already in a salty mood this morning, Charlotte rubs me the wrong way. I have no reason to dislike her, but I do. 

I was happy for Brennan. I really didn’t have strong opinions of her, but it was nice to see her perseverance pay off. 

Finally, Lacey and Kashara retiring leaves some big shoes to fill. Kashara brought a unique personality compared to the rest of the squad. Lacey is on my DCC Mt. Rushmore, at least based on the seasons I’ve seen.

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10 hours ago, WinkyFace said:

Representation matters. I don’t disagree that they shouldn’t just be randomly taking women because they are black, but you absolutely will not convince me that only 2 of the NINE HUNDRED ;-) women that tried out were black women that could dance.

It's believable when you realize the majority of black women who can dance are TOO SMART to fall for all the "it's such an honour/privilege to be a DCC" (while working your butt off for peanuts) crap. ? They're off pursuing better opportunities. But, seriously, it may be bad memory on my part, but I don't remember seeing a whole lot of black women in the day 1 try outs.

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Lily may have been told off camera she had issues she need to work on. I remember reading on the DCC Facebook page that Kelli did want to take Lily and Malena, but Charlotte said no. Remember Charlotte has a lot more say so in who makes the team. She can overrule Kelli at a drop of a hat.

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11 minutes ago, hannahbanana said:

It's believable when you realize the majority of black women who can dance are TOO SMART to fall for all the "it's such an honour/privilege to be a DCC" (while working your butt off for peanuts) crap. ? They're off pursuing better opportunities. But, seriously, it may be bad memory on my part, but I don't remember seeing a whole lot of black women in the day 1 try outs.

Ok, good point!! :-D

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13 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

She may have gotten feedback from Kelli without being called into the office. There are other ways to let girls know how they are doing or telling them they have something they need to work on without calling them into the office.

Melissa has stated that in TC you want to get noticed...even if it is for a correction because that means they are watching you.  The next time they notice you, the correction should be fixed!  The forms too are from all of the coaches and assistant coaches who help out in practice.  I never noticed her in the episodes until the end, but that could be because of the fast pacing of the awful edits this year. 

2 hours ago, Mardo2044 said:

I got the same read on it.  Lots of talk that she was last vet called up for training camp due to weight at beginning of season.  I've noticed her struggling with it on and off.  Pure speculation on my part, but they might have nicely hinted to retire with grace or she just knows too hard for herself to maybe keep that up another year. 

Kash seemed really sad at the end, just thinking about retirement.  She shouldn’t retire unless she wants too, not because someone tells her you’ve reached all the success you can in the DCC, so time to retire.  If she loves dancing, then stay and enjoy being a DCC, no matter if someone else is picked for PB. 

I would love to know if there is a specific order of names when calling them into TC.  I thought it was odd but maybe they were saving the best for last?  Lol

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9 hours ago, DCC830 said:

From day 1 Taylor reminded me SO MUCH of Chelsea for some reason...

She gets a lot of air time it seems, and she is even starting to look like Chelsea......in my opinion. :(

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21 minutes ago, Jazzmom said:

Kash seemed really sad at the end, just thinking about retirement.  

I would love to know if there is a specific order of names when calling them into TC.  I thought it was odd but maybe they were saving the best for last?  Lol

Kash reminded me of someone who was told to retire, not because they wanted to.

Insiders confirmed to us that she was called last as a warning for her weight. She was visibly crying when she was called. 

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21 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

True, but she may have told to work on things without going to the office. I do not think they let her think she was doing well without any hints to work on certain things before calling her into the office.

IDK — Tara also made a point of saying on camera in the office during her cut that she had been receiving positive feedback.  And we know K was not forthcoming with VK. It

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I felt so sad watching Malena break down, but I get it.  I cannot imagine what a pot boiler this is and for ten weeks, especially for such young women.  I remember not getting an amazing job I had made it through several interviews for, I was devastated and cried my face off (with a 6 pack of wine coolers!). I cannot imagine being in a program for TEN weeks for something this monumental --and being cut at the very last minute though.  Heartbreaking for Malena and Lily (her cut made no sense to me). 

Anyway, sad that Lacey (PERFECTION) and Kashara are retiring next year.  The two of them are just so fun to watch. As I have seen mentioned on here, I think it's interesting that almost half of the team this year is rookies.  I think being a DCC has lost its shine judging by how things have been going, especially this past season with the Victoria debacle but especially the Tara cut (I could see retiring after 4, 5 years like Lacey and Kashara though). My twin 13 year olds watch this show with us and used to like Kelli but now refer to her as 'The Kraken'. And this is not meant to be mean, but I wish Kraken would choose some lower heeled shoes.  It's painful to watch her forward stomping across the dance floor at the end of each show (this is how I would also walk in heels so I choose not to wear them). 

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10 minutes ago, Loves2Dance said:

Kash reminded me of someone who was told to retire, not because they wanted to.

Insiders confirmed to us that she was called last as a warning for her weight. She was visibly crying when she was called. 

Her extra weight is obvious. She’s not big, she’s not large, she’s not fat, she’s lucky how she carries it, and she has lots of other positives that enables them to let it slide. But that can’t happen forever.

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RE Malena---I don't think the girl is crazy because of how she reacted. Mental illnesses should not be labeled for the heck of it. But I do think she was used for the show and I think Kelli and Judy did her a great disservice to cut her at the end. Sure, she experienced training camp but the chances of her coming back and making it are slim. Slimmer than Lily for sure.

I never saw the Taylor J=Chelsea until she put on the uniform and now I can't unsee that. 

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10 hours ago, Law Mom said:

I agree, Tuxcat. She was extremely emotionally vulnerable at that moment. She even tried to reel it in and apologized for being unprofessional. People react to stress and bad news in different ways; it's pretty offensive to label them as mentally ill because they cried and expressed their feelings in a way some other people wouldn't. 

@Law Mom , I so echo this. I really would hate for any of us here to fall into stereotypes relating to mental health. That stigma is unhealthy for everyone. Especially since the medical world is proving more and more how it is a genetic and/or, biological medical health. The word mental does not mean its a deficit in a person's character. I can relate to that feeling of being blindsided, even if its obvious to everyone else.  I bet she was mortified watching that play out and wishing she could have reeled in her shock and disappointment. It was a true disbelief moment and yes it was awkward to watch and painful to see...  K&J, stop doing this to girls. It is unprofessional actually and deters the teams focus for performance. What's wrong with forming the team earlier and giving us the inside view of game day performances.

Remember how the whole show started with her saying "the never before seen inside look at..." what happened to that. All we see is an inside look at staged cuts.....BORING! They set these girls up to be devastated and why the hell can't they have tissues. They know these girls will cry...WTH

Ugh..sorry rant over...thanks @LAW MOM

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